The Portland one is so true and so painful. Even just a decade ago it was an amazing city, now it's circling the drain along with the rest of the west coast.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So true! We spent ten years researching all corners of the country and found our haven in the Portland, Oregon area. That research took us to green country from San Diego about 15 years ago. Then @#it happened and we had to leave our beloved Oregon in 2021 for Idaho.

Now the left is trying to do the same to Idaho. No safe havens will remain unless everyone whose brain 🧠 isn’t washed wakes up and helps people like Drs. Malone do some heavy lifting.

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We simply are too mobile maybe. We moved to Houston in 1969. The place had its own ambiance, captured in some of Larry McMurtry's early books. Then the auto industry went bust in the '70s and a migration from Detriot hit the place and started a downhill slide that has not stopped to this day.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

Refugees from NO after Katrina hastened the demise of Houston.

We sold our house there in Jan and moved to central TX to an obscure town nobody has heard of. Even people born in TX don't know where our town is.

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Yeah, crime went up something like 16% within weeks of their arrival. We were working in the med center then but had already moved out 45 miles south of there. Now retired and moved nearly 300 miles west of there. Absence makes the heart grow no fonder.

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If you want to keep it that way don’t tell anybody where it is

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So sad. Change is inevitable, but does BAD change have to be? I’m so sad for all the places ruined by discovery!

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The more closely we look, the more we see that what the Marxists (what most call Liberals is not liberal, but Marxist) own they turn to shit. My wife just commented this afternoon that she saw reports of large number of 'youth' riots in Chicago city. They are doing their best to foment disorder in the U.S., and doing a damn good job at it. I think we should prepare for hard times.

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Many quotes attributed to Lenin explain all this, and you’re right: Hard times ahead.

“Give Me One Generation Of Your Children And I’ll Transform Your Country” by By Karen Schoen | December 15th, 2018 lays it all out 😞 : https://newswithviews.com/give-me-one-generation-of-your-children-and-ill-transform-your-country/

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Flew into Seattle about six years back to see the sights then head over to Coeur d'Alene to visit my brother. Even then, the tent cities were all over the place, the park near the fish market. Can't imagine what it looks like now.

Once out of the urban area's though, it was still fantastic. Even Coeur d'Alene was a nice place.

Since then though, my brother has packed up and moved on from Idaho. Said there's just too much craziness coming in, even in state.

I have zero desire to see the west coast these days...about the same on the eastern seaboard for NY or DC.

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I completely understand. The coasts have been destroyed. Some of the most beautiful parts of American have been trashed. And for nothing! None of this had to happen. We struggle with the loss of our wonderful country every day, having been born at a time when freedom meant something and we appreciated it. Along with respect, law and order, hard work, good values!

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Common theme here is all these places are democratically run

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My youngest son spent 4 yrs in the USN on board a A/C carrier in the Atlantic.

He was awarded a yellow ribbon scholarship to Reed in Portland. Now living there 2yrs in. This has changed him more than the Navy experience ever did. I'm feeling a disconnect.

Sigh.....and I don't like it much. Maybe it's college, maybe a lot of small things adding up.

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Reed has long been super liberal. Probably worse now....

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"Sigh?" Are you a millennial or younger?

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Hahaha....Nah, the sigh is just my way of expressing or empathizing the road we're on in one word. One can also sigh and shake ones head in total disgust. The sigh is just an exhale relief.

As is Sigh.....What's next? Sigh...Screw them all! Sigh...That's sad but so GD true!

At 70. You are permitted to "sigh" all you want. Beats the funk out of yelling! Glad you asked.

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A quick visit to a Portland mall with my sons from Hood River ended with me asking them (having just had a body wave at a hairdressers) if my hair looked that bad that people were staring at me. One said don't turn around, they are looking at the gal behind us -she has bright pink hair that looks like it blew up on her head. This was 1981. I lived in Salem, just south of there, where the state capitol is, from 2007 - 2017. It was big on celebrating Cinco De Mayo, had homeless people on the streets (counties had responsibility for their health care) but rarely was traffic blocked like it was periodically in Portland. Cretins in Portland have been closing main thoroughfares for at least a decade. Expecting air travelers to show at the Salem shuttle for pickup was iffy. Shuttles were regularly blocked along with the rest of the traffic heading south. One of my sons was killed during a fight between rival Mexican gangs. The shooter, who had just been released from a 7 year prison sentence, wounded three others, all white bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time. I did not even know Salem had a Mexican gang problem as we live outside of the city. The district attorney said they are responsible for almost 90% of the crime in the county and the newspaper won’t talk about it.

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I’m sorry to hear you lost your son Shelley.

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That is so sad. Can't imagine such a loss. I was in Portland and Salem some 20 years ago and thought I had never seen a more beautiful area to live in.

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Every valley, in any direction outside of Salem, is a scene one imagines in a fairy tale. The Hood River valley is a stretch of real estate too beautiful to capture with a camera. The only thing that ruins God's creation is the human.

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Man is the most invasive, non-native, un-concerned, species on the planet.

I have entrusted you with much. Even more is expected.

Signed, Mother Nature.

Dr. David Martin

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Absolutely. Now I see they have added a Preschool for All tax in Portland. Want to start the brainwashing extra early …

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When my granddaughter turned on the TV a couple days ago, she started watching Sesame Street on PBS. This show prominently focused/featured a MAN with long dark hair and a full beard & mustache, dressed in a woman's pink sweater and a skirt, performing teenage-girl mannerisms and manners of speech, all throughout the show. It's not that we watched that program (gross!); we flipped through the channels a couple of times and happened to come across that program again. It is gross for adults to push their personal-sexual-preferences-identification-agenda onto young children. I hardly ever turn on my TV, so I was shocked!

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We all need to speak out about transgenders advancing over the top negative stereotypes of women and girls. Like all we are is hair, makeup and clothes. Imagine if someone straight dressed up as a gay male and did the stereotypical limp wrist and feminine mannerisms? Or if someone dressed up as a black man and sang “mamie”? Oh wait- that’s called “blackface” and is shunned because it advances negative stereotypes of black Americans.

Instead of blackface, this is what I call femface and they should be shamed for it.

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Sesame Street has gone tranny? I am disheartened to hear this.

It is a relief that my children grew up before the mental illness of sexual dysphoria became widespread. We lived in a isolated forest area with no phone or television when my kids were born. I promised to get them Sesame Street as soon as tv reception was available.

It was a great day in our home when they could finally watch Sesame Street. I had no qualms about the content.

I’m so concerned for the children of today.

Parents, MUST choose carefully what is allowed in their homes 😨

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I forgot to mention that there was a man sitting in a chair while the trans touched him in the face, head, neck, etc. It was the grooming part that I found to be gross. There were no hairdresser or makeup artist tools involved, in case people are wondering.

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If the brakes aren’t put on the wave of ANGRY gender benders, we as a society are doomed.

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Dems in MO's legislature have authored a bill to day the same here.

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I think there are enough sane legislators to stop that, but the fact that it even gets introduced is worrisome.

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It is easy to tell just by reading a bill which party wrote it. You are right. It isn't going anywhere but she kept her creds. That's all either party can do when they are in the minority.

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Like him or not, I’m voting for Trump, maybe he can stop this at least for awhile. The dead from the neck up POTUS that’s there now has all but thrown us all under the bus.

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Just like Vancouver. Particularly the past few years it's been on a rapid downhill slide. So sad.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I look forward to the Sunday Strip Robert W Malone MD.

Thank you.

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It's past mid April here in Colorado I just turned 63 this year so I have memories of better times. . .the trees are finally starting to bud. . .while there is breath in my body there is hope in my heart . . .

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“While there is breath in my body, there is hope in my heart.”

Thank you for that. At times, this morning being one of those times, at 68, I feel my hope drying up and blowing away in a cold cold wind...

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I'm another 10 years older, and still hold hope - because I won't give up on our country, inspired by God. The odds become lower as time goes on, and even I, who who tends to be a pessimist, didn't think that 2+ years could create the destruction to our country. In reflection, it's been in the making since I was first in college (mid-late 60's). As example, my first English Lit. course was taught by the university SDS sponsor; this in a relatively small Midwest public university. The trend has been going on since Woodrow Wilson.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The parents of transgender children become invisible. It's called "being transparent."

- Ned B.

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Maybe WERE transparent in their child’s upbringing?

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Wow! Your apology says it all - we are in a very dark world! But you sure help brighten it Doc! God bless you! Stay sane - we need you out here! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Seeing these once beautiful states be destroyed makes me think of the contrast of Governor Ronald Reagan and Governor Gavin Newsom. What a free fall of competence and character. Also was thinking of sending my federal income tax payment on Tuesday directly to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s personal offshore account and cut out the middleman.

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Maybe we all should stop paying taxes, I don’t see any benefits by paying them.

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Plus 10 % for the BIG GUY.

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I'm foggy today or something. I don't understand the one about the bird saying to turn the picture upside down. ??

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Me neither but then maybe the clue was “don’t trust” and then we followed the directions and got ... nothing! The eagle when flipped was our Lord Jesus. That was an upper!

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It was a GOTCHA kind of gag. See if you followed the mastery of Jill and Roberts trickery

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I appreciated that one too. ☺️

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I think you got it.

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I'm too old to stand on my head to figure it out.

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Mike - I don’t either.

I did see the one with the other bird though.

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Yes - He was pointing out that if we trust what everyone says - they are lying...and only one is TRUTH - when you turn the other picture over...you see JESUS - He is the only TRUTH - if you don't know Him - get to know HIM - all this deception is a spiritual battle raging..note the hate directed at the CHRITIANS only - when a trans shooter is the victim and little Christian children are the haters...? see the wicked evil - no - it points you to the TRUTH - evil doesn't fear Muslims - or Hindu or other religions...NOPE - only THE ONE TRUE GOD. Know HIM.

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Dr. Malone did apologize, said that’s the best he could do.

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The picture is missing a message written upside down in the lower left corner that reads "made you flip your phone"

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love it, all my exes changed their sexes!

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

Yes! I still believe…now more than ever. <3 Love the ‘wind chimes’. Just think, if the WEF (and all the other globalists) have their way, we’ll have gone from a closet-marxist, to a 'carnival-barker’ narcissist, to a sexual predator sock-puppet, to a ‘slick, used-car salesman-style, LIAR’ (and prima-donna) who presided over the destruction of the once 'golden-state' of California, as President. Had enough, yet?

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We too are refugees from Portland.

It was once a beautiful city. Now it is the World HQ for a terrorist organization. Antifa. During the Biden riots, Portland was burned for 100 nights with ZERO CONSEQUENCES.


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We are refugees from Minnesota which I call ground zero for the riots because the first one started there and was allowed to go on for days with no stopping while even the mayor of Minneapolis cried on tv. We lived 20 miles away and could see the smoke from the fires and we also had a curfew. Now they’ve put into law abortions up to birth and it’s an evil place to be. That’s plain murder.

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Portland is so sad. The pic reminded me of the old song:

“Put another log on the fire....”

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Portland is dead, don’t go there.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hopefully I've gotten the message right - 1) In a nation decided 2) the big eyed kitten. Went from here to the Midwestern Doctor's SS for today. That and your military share last night. The world's taken a dark path. Hopin' things start looking more possible soon. I can identify with that kitten.

On the other hand the trip over to You Tube took me the super positive experience I so appreciate. A song you referred us to so very long ago. My "cheer me upper"! Prine and DeMint's In Spite of Ourselves! Thank you again and again for sharin' it with us.

Good travels and positives - particularly Weds. Will be watchin' if I can find it.

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Love the EV meme. How is it in America we have a corrupt, witless, lifelong politician telling us what kind of car we must drive. I once thought we had a free market system. Are we to follow our leader right off the EV cliff like a bunch of lemmings?

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This is how we seek sanity and decency in an insane world. If you want to know someone's mind, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"For whatever reason" There is probably a good reason, for as much time as you invest in these difficult themes, perhaps a thorough cleanse is warranted. Inside and out. Sunshine to you, it's snowing in Mn. after record breaking temps. for two days. I'm gonna self-medicate soon...

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Woke me up when the nightmare 😱 is over -- PLEASE 🙏

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I must say the citizen's response to the Budweiser ads was perfect! Since these evil globalists only understand money, I'm hoping if we keep hitting them where it hurts they will back off and we can at least keep them under control until we can arrest them. Money certainly worked with Trudeau. The minute droves of Canadians started draining their bank accounts because he started freezing them, he sure did a quick 180 degree turn!

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Being a St. Louis area resident for most of my life, the sale and subsequent Eurozation (my term) of A/B was disappointing, and continues to be. The latest woke agenda will probably have a significant effect on sales. Just prior to this, Yuengling entered our market, and it is a reasonably-priced and better-tasting beer. The market will tell us, but I suspect that A/B has entered a zone from which they will not recover (at least to its earlier status). The King of Beers has no clothes!!

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I tend to agree with you. I just had a look at the price of PayPal shares, another company that ran afoul of conservatives a while ago. It never has recovered. After watching A/B it will be interesting to see which other corporations dare to follow suit to get a few points. How many will it take before the corporate world finally understands: GO WOKE, GO BROKE.

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I recall the PayPal position a few years ago. I dropped it, and haven't regretted it. It's an interesting concept to consider: A/B at least thinks that promoting 'wokeism' will increase beer business more than the loss from traditional beer consumers. Or, maybe they don't care? If people rolled over in graves, Gussie Busch would be twirling.

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Budweiser’s VP of marketing that said who needs the current BL drinkers apologized today. I guess telling her to stick her bud light right up her as- put a little upper management pressure on her woke ass.

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Sort of an apology.

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Just heard it on the news earlier. Didn’t actually see it. Either way it’s the power of the consumer.

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That's for sure; but, at this point A/B seems think that they don't really need to make a full-throated apology.

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Seems they’re paying the price. I really wish these companies, schools, etc would just stick to their business. I know it’s pushed on them but sell beer and leave the BS out.

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Look at what has happened to Canada this is a wake up call, if they continue on this path it will be called Chanada before long

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