I appreciate your inclusion of the “First they create the problem” meme. I think one of the reasons my spidey senses were immediately triggered by the COVID propaganda is because I was already acutely aware of the mass-scale fraud that had been perpetrated for decades via the food pyramid, the low-fat lie, the pushing of carbs, and the demonization of healthy fats like coconut oil thanks to the collusion between the “food” industry and the government/FDA.

Everything most of us have been taught about diet and nutrition from birth is not only fallacious but actively contributes to the diseases of Western civilization, from heart disease to cancer to strokes. The only difference between the Industrial Food–Media–Medical Complex’s problem–reaction–solution scam and the one executed by the perpetrators of the COVIDcrisis is the profits, health problems, and democide have been accelerated so dramatically that we can actually observe the effects in real-time rather than them being extended invisibly over decades.

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I have been particularly incensed over the demonization of eggs for many decades, well aware it is (was) an inexpensive food that had literally all the needed goodies (essential amino acids, vitamins, and yes, cholesterol) for a balanced food source. And this inexpensive food was denied to those who could most benefit from it by that pyramid.

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Doctor Nash, it's even worse than you think.

I had been buying my chicken feed from tractor supply to save a couple dollars. In October our chickens abruptly stopped laying. They usually slow down a bit due to the shortening of the day but they've never ever stopped or even produced so minimally that we would get zero eggs per day. I went to the store and asked if anyone else had had this issue. Remarkably the women told me she's had hundreds of complaints and believed it may be the feed. I went back to Agway an began buying the most expensive feed "egg layer+" added a light (never had to do that before) to see if we could jump start them and bingo within a month they were producing like they always had. Good girls!

So after some further investigation we've learned that the producers of the feed indeed made changes to it. I don't think the timing of these changes is insignificant. The change or changes perfectly coincided with the normal slowing of egg production for homesteader types like us.

Did they really think we wouldn't notice?


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I'd heard about this but didn't know anyone who'd experienced it personally—another terrifying example of them attempting to orchestrate a food shortage (https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/who-is-behind-the-great-food-reset).

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Well now you do my friend.

I'm ready for my ten seconds of fame and would be happy to testify for your next substack deep dive into slow creeping global take over of the agriculture industry. 😉😂😂😂

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😆 I had already saved your comment and the article you shared to a folder for a future essay, but it might take a few years given I already have several trazillion articles in the cue and keep adding more every day ;-)

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Well, that'll give me something to live for than won't it?

I'm 60 now and in remarkable shape given the abuse I've perpetrated upon myself. So don't wait to long, I wanna look good for my cameo....😎

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True, yet it’s getting very very suspicious.

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Actually there may be more to that than you think. We have a finicky eating cat that is our "canary in the coal mine". When this china flu nonsense began we started having a really hard time feeding that silly cat. We suspect content/proportion changes and have definitely seen changes in consistency. Still going on.

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I'm not surprised. When I was in Iraq 2010 my dog Sam was murdered by the dog food my wife was unwittingly feeding him.

She never told me he'd gotten sick out died at the recommendation of the liaison First Shirt. I didn't find out until I got home.

We aren't imagineering things.

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By the recommendation of my vet & others I used to feed the very expensive Science Diet until the second of my young dogs suddenly developed pancreatic cancer! 🤔

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😿 We used Science Diet years ago and stopped when they changed the formula.

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Oh my Lord. What are you feeding you dog now?

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I'm sorry about your dog. Damnit!

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You see those videos of soldiers coming home to thier families and animals going crazy with joy because they thought you abandoned them or worse and I was looking forward to that reunion and it really sucked to be informed he was gone...

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Thank you! It really broke my heart to lose them, especially the first who was my baby and about to turn one year old. We had no idea she was ill, it happened suddenly. The only health issue I noticed was that she was a picky eater.

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We're experiencing the same with our three gatos and the Fancy Feast cans they used to love. We just chalked it up to cats being finicky, and really the struggle has been just finding the food (and paying for it -- almost double now from pre-COVID prices). Lots of it just ends up in the garbage.

Reading this though makes me wonder...

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We have been using grain-free cat food for years, specifically Purina One and I & Love & You (note that you do need to gradually transition them from their former food to avoid digestive issues: https://www.purina.com/articles/cat/feeding/changing-cat-food). I think the more restricted ingredients make it harder for them to mask suspicious additives. That said, the cost has nearly doubled over the past year, so they are quite pricey (especially when you have a dozen kitties like we do!), but we’d rather go deeper into debt if it means our cats will live healthier, happier, longer lives 😸

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Margaret, Purina is behind the chicken feed marketed as Dumor it Dumar brand sold by tractor supply.... So if be careful with anything Purina. We fed our cats and dogs Taste of the Wild.... No problems this far...

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We'll have to look into that, thanks! They do get some dry food as well, though lately they've settled with a Fancy Fest dry as well.

Never even considered the gradual vs. sudden change in diets. Now that you say it, it makes perfect sense.

12 cats...yikes!

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Err! I’ve been a bit concerned this would become an issue since many of the globalist types are anti pets (really anti anything that would compete for the resources they want to control)! We feed our 6 dogs (yeah we’re basically a “rescue farm “) Diamond Naturals lamb & rice topped with one of can of Purina One split between them and for the last month they have all been extremely flatulent & I am still trying to identify why! Anyone else have pet food issues?

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My friend feeds his dog a raw food diet like he would get if he were a wild animal and has had great results. Down side is it's really expensive and laborious from acquisition to storing to preparation it's a full part-time job.

I've been considering trying "ruff greens"... Glenn Beck promotes it. It's supposed to proved the live nutrients lacking in shelf dog food.

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Our breeder recommends nothing else. She shows her giant schnauzers world wide and is internationally a winner and judge. The problem came when my pup insisted on burying the bones in the garden and neurotically kept moving them ( the instinct to have it In emergency). Then, poor Tessa, would diligently place a bone in a corner on the heart pine floors and imitate burying it with her nose. A mime, kind of. She’d continue until she was satisfied. That’s it! No raw meat in the corners of the home. We switched to organic Signature. She still died pancreatic cancer, a tragedy, at 10.

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I'm still working at 67, in large part to feed my dogs a raw diet (Darwin's). 😂

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I have had dogs over the years who always struggled with skin problems (allergies said the vet). We have tried everything they suggested, from medications, expensive shampoos, food supplements, to expensive brands of dog foods and still no relief. The two old sweeties developed painful bad hips and we had to put them down. So I did some research before buying a new puppy--a Shetland Sheepdog, and made sure that we could see adults from the lineage that didn’t have skin problems and started him on a simple raw diet. Went pretty well until I became overwhelmed with three toddlers and the lovely chaos children bring.😅.

Then switched the dog to “high quality” simple ingredient dry foods and skin problems arose . Scaly skin with scabs. He hasn’t lost hair to the extent that our other dogs had but I didn’t know what to do. Then I decided to feed him healthy sides and meat that I get on sale. Along with raw chicken thigh bones that I freeze for him. I feed them frozen and he loves to chew them. For sides He gets a variety of brown rice, potatoes-sweet or white with vegetables and for breakfast these side ingredients are served with a fried egg and yogurt and for dinner he gets whatever cooked meat (as the main ingredient) and his skin cleared up like a dream! And now he finishes his food as soon as I give it to him--he used to be “a grazer” just eating a little all day (probably only ate it because I gave him no other options).

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We were feeding Mr. Socks a duck/tuna combo that magically changed and had chicken as 2 nd ingredient. Another company had already turned him off chicken and turkey. Think probably more chicken than duck and the tuna down to a sniff test. And it was not cheap.

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Off Grid with Doug and Stacy covered the chicken feed debacle on their YT channel because of so many people writing them about it. My chickens are free range and mostly feed themselves (easier to do in the south) but we do offer them an organic egg layer in their coop that they consume at a very slow rate.

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Our chickens are free range to but in Masskachusetts there aren't many bugs for them to eat in the winter...

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“Masskachusetts” 😂 love it! I love to listen to the awakened “New Englanders” rag on the covidians & their corrupt politicians! 😄

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Another state that demonstrates having a GOP Gov. does not equate to greater Liberty

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The left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird.

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So in case anyone is still following this egg-cellent news feed- Jessica Rose just posted this about 🥚 🥚: https://open.substack.com/pub/jessicar/p/so-thats-why-eggs-are-so-deviled?r=17l25o&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post.

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https://www.theblaze.com/news/egg-farm-fire-prices-chicken-killed. Third-biggest egg farm in US catches fire, 21 fire departments respond to huge blaze that likely killed thousands of chickens

So many coincidences!

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Yes it’s terrible

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Ya lots of coincidences.

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Oh, no! That's terrible.

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We feed the Dumor and Producers Pride, and my girls stopped laying in October too, but they were DEFINITELY molting and we didn’t stop feeding them those brands and they are back to laying 10 - 13 weeks later, just like happens when they molt normally. I’m not sure I can positively connect those dots but I don’t for one minute think it couldn’t be happening to others. I dunno. We free range and provide scratch and feed. I think I’m gonna check the chicken forums.

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My wife knows our chickens backwards and front. They have never stopped laying even through molting. They slow down but but they've never stopped. This is the first time we've ever had a problem in 15+ years.

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We just had one egg today. I told my husband that we needed to try something different.

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Been following the Weston A Price Foundation for many years- they may not be correct on everything, but I believe most of their health advice generated from Mr. Price & his book - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration are correct. Like raw milk from healthy grass fed animals. Love my raw goats milk & milk products from my lovely Nubians!

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Yes, they’ve been a great resource for decades, and I believe Sally Fallon Morell has been calling out the COVID fraud as well, although I haven’t followed her work closely.

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My mother always said the egg was a perfect food. The sad thing now is that since I had Covid back in Oct of 2020, eggs taste off to me. I can put it in salads , have an egg sandwich and I can eat it. But just a boiled egg. Nope. It tastes funny. Sad thing is I love eggs. I hope someday that will change back.

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How frustrating! I wonder if a spike protein detox (https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/spike-protein-detox-guide) would help with that given the role of the spike protein in COVID.

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I will have to check into that.

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I had a problem with eggs tasting and smelling weird to me for a while, but it’s finally better now after recovering from sinusitis & bronchitis (I regularly used a nebulizer with food grade hydrogen peroxide) and now my sense of smell is better too. A couple of different people I know (& they don’t know each other) have said they lost their taste for beef after having Covid.

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Im not much of a soda drinker but occasionally when I have a headache I drink a coke and take a Tylenol. Takes the headache right away. Im not much of a headache person thank heavens. Coke and Sprite taste rotten. Eggs and Coke and Sprite. Go figure. I drink Dr Pepper instead for my headache.

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This gave me a smile because it reminded me of my grandma’s tried-and-true remedy for migraines: a coke and a Der Wienerschnitzel kraut dog 😆 It was probably the caffeine that did it because that is a horrible combo from a nutritional perspective, although the kraut may have been okay if the probiotics were still alive (doubtful).

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Those two should fit right into the the new world order then aye?😉

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Or duck eggs? Or turkey eggs?

We have ducks and turkeys. I love all these eggs.

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I have never had a duck or a turkey egg.

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They're Grrrrrrreat!

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Have you tried farm fresh free range eggs?

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We have chickens. It doesn’t matter. Store bought or our eggs. They taste funny

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Hmmm.... my smell can back to 80% and taste seems ok.... Took 8 months for me to get any smell back at all...

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I think since I don’t ingest a lot of caffeine if any on a daily basis it works.

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Too many people have chickens, which must be stopped in order to implement their bug eating plan.

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Absolutely, same for me! Red flags started going off early on when my posts on FB about supplements, nutrition, sunlight & exercise to help keep immune systems strong were flagged as misinformation & a warning stating that there was nothing you could supplement with to boost your immune system against sars-CoV-2! Also my posting of studies & PPE professionals stating that the masks wouldn’t stop a respiratory virus. Then I watched dr Mercola &. Eric Nepute get attacked. Never witnessed a coordinated social media attack such as this during any other health crisis before! What an insane & deadly ride we have been forced to witness! Time to dismantle it and any other like it!!!

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A very reputable magazine had an article over a decade ago about the decades-long partnership between General Mills (GM) and Harvard U. Its insights included this tidbit – a recommendation for food consumption with grains as top choice for a new Science building. This was in the 1970s and Senator McGovern’s committee on nutrition adopted & published it. It increased carbs to 55-60% of the diet. The USDA came out with its pyramid in 1992, 11-16 servings of grain products a day! I will also note here that Harvard’s Marketing students assist GM will its advertisements, Business Admin students for advice/assistance on acquisitions, its Law students for, you guessed it, legal issues. Of course, this was all for the teaching benefit of the students.

Since we are no longer an agrarian society, physical output is reduced so food intake must also change but not necessarily which foods healthy balanced nutrition comes from.

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Perfectly said! TRUTH!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Yep, that sounds like a pretty concise summation! 👍

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Once you know the truth, you’re never the same”

No truer words.

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel as though I’ve been in a nightmare for 2 plus years and the people around me are all standing under the sword of Damocles but don’t know or don’t want to know. No matter how I try only a few listen and believe me that the train wreck is coming down the tracks.

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James - I feel like those not yet awakened are living in a completely different world than me. Even some that are mostly awake don’t seem to want to know the entire picture of what yet may be to come. Too scary.

I say, bring it on. It’s the hill I will die on.

Anyone who fell for this scam (like I did) and got the shots should be REALLY pissed off. If they’re not, something is terribly wrong.

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I see friends that don’t want to acknowledge the facts. Even very wealthy smart successful people I know seem to avoid the discussion. I speak to them about every thing else, but for some reason they can’t face the facts that they not only pushed this on their families but fell for the lies 1000 percent. I think a part of growing is to acknowledge your mistakes and try to move forward.

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Pride goeth before a fall.

I never pushed my mistaken beliefs on my family who chose not to get the shots. It was none of my business. Or anyone else’s for that matter. Family members that shunned them REFUSE to wake up even after a relative of an in law died suddenly. Willful blindness. Cognitive dissonance. Pride. Or maybe they are just plain stupid. I’ve given up trying to wake them. I must remain sane to fight in this war.

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My wife is a OR nurse, she was forced to take 3 shots. I worry about her health. She was against the shots but had no choice. I have continued to be engaged with knowing what the latest negatives of the shots are but bite my tongue with her, she’s angry. I’m almost waiting for a horrible adverse side effect.

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I prey that day doesn’t happen…

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James - I will pray for your wife.

Are you familiar with the FLCCC’s protocols for the vaxxed?

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good morning! Love the snarky tone you have in your Substacks lately...

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The blue elephant should be the Uniparty Mascot.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ooh, very dark! But the elephant 🐘 in the room doing unspeakable things, the fact-checking waterfall plungers 💦, and the definition of tinfoil hat ⛑ conspiracy theorists were standouts.

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I immediately recognized the lad in the Video. It was "ME" decades ago! DMO! Cheers!

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It shows us that some catch on quickly and then there's these lyrics from 1968.

"Those were the days my friend we thought they would never end we’d sing and dance forever and a day, we’d live the life we’d choose, we’d fight and never loose, those were the days, oh yes those were the days."

Podcasts, radio, social media... confirm the misery of reality. None actual deal with, solve or provide remedies. We are the frogs that know the water is starting to boil. Jumping ability was not readily passed down through the generation. Like Reagan said - freedom is not passed in the bloodstream.

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Me too but my decoder gadget was sent in the mail by Cheerios who sponsored a kid show on the radio but darn if I can remember what it was.

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Do I need to remind what a radio is? And how folks derived much of their at home entertainment from it?

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Some folks continue to get a lot of good info from radio. Lucky me conservative station of truth seekers.Also keeps me away from TVs 5th Gen psyops. Long-live radio!

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Wasn't that back when kids actually came equipped with their own imagination?

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There were 6 of us. No lack of imagination. “Go outside and play”. Play we did

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Where I was a kid if it wasn't mosquitos it was chiggers. Had an adult stop me in front of where I lived and asked if I had measles. Yeah we did play outside.

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Hi Dr. Nash, I only listen to the radio and now podcasts. Podcasts have opened my world even beyond radio. If we can just secure our 1st amendment it will push the commi’s over the waterfall.

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High tech is great in some respects. But when the power goes out of you don't know the low tech methods of talking care of yourself and your family, your all screwed.

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Nope, I’m with you.

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I think the Ovaltine one was for real. was it not? We had one around the house.

Drink more Ovaltine was the original decoded blip.

It was a darn funny show about life in the 50s.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Big Food = Not our friend.

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Really though, is BIG anything a friend to anyone?

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fact checker

Noun: A breed of parrot commonly found in mass formations.

Synonyms: imbecile, dunce, unlearned, dull minded, gullible

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Godzilla was a swinger!

Who knew???

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOL! Thanks for these chuckles! Much needed...

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Godzilla hummingbirds were the worst. Heaven forbid!

In our times, if you know the truth, you better have your armor on.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That’s funny. Svengoolie was playing a Godzilla movie last night. I know it was probably scheduled ahead of time, but what a coincidence. Godzilla movie: directed evolution in more ways than one.

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Today's theme of gargoyles and the lizard paint a rather bleak picture. I'll never look at a hummingbird quite the same... (ha ha I just read beak instead of bleak)

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Fact checkers citing their opinion as fact"



First they create the problem meme.....🤔

It's no coincidence that Pharma is using the same tactic the politicians have been using for decades to control and manipulate the masses.

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I think the thing I (all of us) ‘take comfort in’ (?) from the posts to the comments to the points made in the comments, is that there are other people in the world who think & feel the same way as I do. Like Margaret, my initial resistance to the jab came from decades of ‘the science’ being flat out wrong about everything. And the comments regarding the tone of today’s comics (dark) and how they bring to mind all those oh-so-true novels we read/dismissed as a child; like Frankenstein.

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There aren't enough people aware that $cience is spelled differently than Science.

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