May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I encourage readers here to familiarize yourself with the work being done by James Lindsay. He has a substack here called New Discourse and his podcast is named the same. I highly recommend the episode The Queer Gnostic Cult from Apr 3. It is long but thats what is going on. You can also check out this 30 minute speech he gave recently at the EU.


There are a lot of moving parts here, it is complicated, but he has it dissected so it can make sense to you and me.

This is larger and more important than I ever understood.

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This video is absolutely worth watching or listening to.

I met James recently at a meeting - he is amazing.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It answers so many questions, like a black hole, you can not see it, but you see it effecting everything around, he puts the light on that black hole, that invisible force we can feel but can not see.

And if anyone is interested in public speaking in general, this is how you do it.

Thank you for promoting him, I really hope people take heed.

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For more history on this cult I recommend The Transsexual Empire by Janice Raymond (1979). It's free on her webpage, along with other papers. https://janiceraymond.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/The%20Transsexual%20Empire.pdf

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Wow, in the introduction she writes this:

"Transsexualism remains, as in 1979, largely a male phe­ nomenon. Female-to-constructed-male transsexuals are rela­ tively rare. For example, of the transsexual surgeries cur­ rently performed at the University of Minnesota’s Program in Human Sexuality, the second U.S. institution to perform the surgery, 85 percent are male to female."

Today, isn't that basically the opposite? 80% are female to male?

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I believe most of that 80% is probably teen girls. I’ll bet if we look at adults it’s still mostly men.

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That sounds right. I heard filmmaker Simon Esler talking about his doc, "Cut, Daughters of the West" in an interview and thats where I first heard the 80/20 ratio which amazed me because we mostly hear about men competing in women's sports, breast feeding and using female bathrooms.

Its almost like this is happening on purpose, to hide the fact from the rest of the country teen age girls are getting X2 mastectomy and hysterectomies.

What I haven't been able to understand until now is how kids are being convinced of this and that is what James Lindsay reveals in The Queer Gnostic Cult.

There is a lot going on here, way more than I realized.

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Stephen Coughlin at “Unconstrained Analytics” also nails it in depth. Often speaks with Lindsay.


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One of THE best short and concise explanations I have ever heard. I was a PoliSci/PubAdm major, a great job by Lindsay.

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We knew everything was backwards and upside down. James did a great job explaining why. Thanks for sharing.

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Great video of James Lindsay. Just took the my mongrels for a walk and listened for a second time. Explains alot, wish he had a way to fight it.

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I just watched it. Deep!

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Frank Wright has some stunning research into the trans movement too.

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Too common of a name, can you give me a lead?

I have a 10 year old and this crazy blasphemous nonsense is something I need to understand STAT.

I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

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He is on Substack. I am not very good at posting links. He has a wonderful but horrifying three part series carefully researched with the whole movement moving towards transhumanism. The utterly separated nature of its beginnings are just appalling.

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Thats the lead I needed! Thank you!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve said it for years. Stop calling it climate anything and call it what it is POLUTION!

If you don’t want me to use plastic stop selling it. And don’t even get me started on recycle THEATER it brings up too many mask memories.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pollution is real and a very big problem that needs solutions. RFK speaks about this. Climate change is just a means to an end ie world domination by those who won’t have to live by the rules that enslave you and me. And should be vigorously opposed.

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Corporations did not want public attention to past pollution issues that had real human victims who developed real diseases from toxins they absorbed. George HW Bush demonstrated that Green "leaders" could be bribed with political power, in handily defeating Michael Dukakis. Gov Dukakis ran on a platform of identifying and cleaning up local toxics spills. V-P Bush ran on a platform of spreading fear that there was an "ozone hole" in the atmosphere and that reformulating the refrigerants used in air conditioning machines might eliminate the danger of more ozone holes...but had to be done responsibly to prevent causing global warming.

The Antarctic Ozone Hole was discovered during Operation Deep Freeze in the 1950s, when a science camp was built by the US Navy at the South Pole. Temperatures aloft in midwinter there become cold enough to freeze carbon dioxide, and we've known for years that ozone reacts with sand at those temperatures to form blue crystals. Organic chemists use this trick in the lab to store and weigh out ozone before adding it to organic substances that are to be ozonized. What very likely causes the Ozone Hole is that airborne dust formed by the many thousands of meteors that burn up in the upper atmosphere daily, drops into the pool of supercold air above Antarctica and crystallizes with the ozone, tying all of it up as crystals. When spring sunlight begins warming the South Polar Region in September, the crystals evaporate and the ozone hole fills back in.

Bush's theatrics were wildly popular with the corporate elite, who wanted past toxics issues to vanish from public awareness as they exported industrial jobs and related pollution to Communist China, where the Communist Party can simply command people to breathe toxic air and keep quiet about their pollution-induced ailments.

Michigan Democrats administered the coup de grace by enacting a massive tax subsidy for Hollywood filmmakers to come to Michigan and film, then built a studio complex atop a toxics spill at a former General Motors truck factory in Pontiac. Under terms of the Superfund Act, tenants who rented the studios to make a movie, took on the legal liability to pay for eventual spill cleanup. Once all of the Big Five Hollywood studios had stepped in that money trap, that was the last time a film ("Erin Brockovich") got made about local pollution that got people sick.

In short, we've substituted an imaginary global crisis for awareness of many local pollution problems.

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For a thoroughgoing deconstruction of climate-change alarmism, you might like this post in The Menelaus Gambit: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/climate-change-alarmists-ignore-how

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? Pollution is pollution. It doesn't affect the climate. How are you connecting the two?

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The climate is fine, the environment is not. Pollution is the problem, not CO2, which is all the climate doomers care about, because that limits YOU!

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The insane "climate doomers" are pathetically ignorant. They want to eliminate carbon — that means eliminating LIFE— which is what the psycho Transhumanist Globalists want.

We need MORE carbon dioxide, not less! More CO2= green, thriving planet. And thriving Humanity!

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There have been several people I know, all who like to travel for fun, onboard with the green agenda. I finally asked one when she was going to stop burning aircraft and other fuel in order to travel just for fun. She stared at me, at first not understanding my point. I then suggested every adult get issued just enough gas ration cards to get to work and to get to the grocery store or doctor, or in my case the farm feed store. She didn't like that idea.

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Just out of curiosity, does that person talk to you anymore?

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Your question has been on my mind and I was wondering why you thought someone might quit talking to me over this question. She understood my dry humor. My suggestion was meant to spotlight how much we believe change can be made through government policy and how much can be made by individual choices. In my mind both are needed but there seems to be an absence these days in all areas of our lives on how personal choices affect our environment. I don't always take actions according to my beliefs (I'm sometimes a bit of a hypocrite) and that makes it important to remind myself what I can do to support the stands I take.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

I asked because cutting off all communication was a common occurrence during the pandemic when the efficacy and safety of the "vaccines" was brought up. Family members stopped speaking to other family members. And so on. In today's world, disagreements over strongly held beliefs seem to be more of a trigger than in the past. Just wondering if the same is leaking over to climate change.

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Good point. I did have some stop talking to me over both covid and "trans," but I haven't had anyone shut down (yet) communication over the climate.

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Happy Sunday Drs Malone,

Very sobering topic. Giving our sovereignty over to the corrupt leaders of a global charade by 2030 sounds like fiction. If we don't fix vote counting it will become reality.

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Voices and Votes Will. Not. Fix. This.

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Voting will not. Fixing how we count votes could and should.

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Paxton changed a very old TX opinion last year. The public can now view cast vote records. There is no personal data on them but they can be used to confirm reported results. I tried to get my county's CVRs early last year for M Lindell but a statute some years back block them for 22 months before being trashed. I wonder why all the states seemed to have taken the only means available (precinct level electronic CVRs.) to verify counted votes off the table, other that counting each ballot still available after the fact.

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‘‘I don’t care who does the electing as long as I get to do the nominating" -- William "Boss" Tweed, corrupt NYC politician (who eventually died in jail).

I believe candidates for important offices are vetted ahead of time and only given the money and other support needed for election if they pass the test.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

Of course you meant fix "fake vote" counting!

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AMEN! ESG Is FAKE. The INVASION at our Southern Border IS Real. We The People Need to Stand Up and Take Back OUR Nation.

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All these states sending national guard. What are they going to do, hand the invaders target credit cards and a 6-pack of bud light?

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Target is getting bomb threats now from those right wing extremists... wait, what was that? Oh, its the trans community making the threats. Forget about it.


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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

I've said it before and I'll say it again, in spite of it being terribly "politically incorrect": get the military down there and just start shooting them (in the legs)! We are being literally INVADED, and that is what our military is SUPPOSED to do— defend us! After the first few casualties, the illegals are certain to give up and leave. Then "toss them back" (the injured) and let the Mexican government pay for their medical care. Problem solved.

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Actually my reading of the Constitution says the states could legally do that if declared it an invasion. But they will not

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Nothing but babysit while waiting transportation to the nearest welcome center. Govs like their folks to think they are "doing something". Other Govs like to further the cause by having NG assist at the border and then pay others to disperse the invaders deeper into the country. Don't hold them in-state waiting for a Trump to get elected to deport them all.

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How about supposedly right wing media celebrating Abbott and Desantis bussing and flying the invasion all across the country? Look at all the sanctuary city mayors complaining about it now, finally sticking it to the liberals!

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Here’s are two Red Pill science questions for the Warmmongers:

What is the Delta between the current Earth temperature and the optimal Earth temperature? Why is that the optimal Earth temperature? Show your work.

Anything else is just highway robbery.

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In my opinion, the correct answer is: Optimal Earth temperature is unknowable. Optimal with respect to ... what?

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Hint: Poor Polar Bear Thingy isn’t a number.

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As they multiply like rabbits...

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As Biden and his administration allows tens of millions of illegals into our first world country, where people have air conditioning, cars, refrigerators, running water, medical, heating systems etc. but come from places that didn’t have these things, did they not think of the additional energy and resources it will take to sustain this increase in people, people that before didn’t use these energies. It’s not only unsustainable financially to the American taxpayer, but it’s a complete disaster for our energy and our environment. Just another deception from our self proclaimed masters. J.Goodrich

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Coward Piven in action. Sink the citizenry.

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Of course the government knows what they are doing. They are stooges for the WEF and are deliberately trying to DESTROY America by any and all means possible!

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You are 1000% correct Faith. The discouraging thing is we hear their plan, they tell us their plan, they are voted into office, and then they follow through on what they said they would do. We leave it up to people that time after time do nothing to fix the problem. It’s not surprising to me the results we see.

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They essentially "vote themselves" into office. We haven't had an honest election in years, at least not since the crooked designed-for-stealing-elections machines were installed.

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That is hefty fallout for sure. Last year it was reported that sick citizens anywhere close to the border in TX could not be admitted to neighboring hospitals because the beds were taken by the invaders.

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People in the city have a problem... and the problem is people in the city.

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Thank you, Drs. Malone for mentioning all the man made catastrophes, including open borders. Your readers might be interested in a recent trip made to the border by two brave legislators from Idaho...

🔥 US Border Report from Sen. Tammy Nichols-District 10. The incredibly brave Nichols, Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, Josh Gibbons and his cousin Daniel went US Southern border town of El Paso, Texas:. They did not see Kamala Harris. DO NOT MISS THESE REPORTS! Photos and videos included.

- Sen Nichols Report: https://mailchi.mp/e02931d2b2a6/nichols-for-idaho-15091290?e=2970fb5f6f

- Rep Gallagher Report (received later, similar in content to Sen Nichols): https://mailchi.mp/dca242e73bef/newsletter-freedom-caucus-is-in-idaho-8863935?e=2d280c340f

Per Sen Nichols: This is truly a humanitarian crisis, which we need to stop. Crime, sex and human trafficking, drugs, fentanyl, indentured servitude, organ harvesting, disease and so forth make this a border crisis for every state. States need to stand for their sovereignty and demand a safe and secure border. This is what saves lives and protects all people.

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These government officials claim they can recognize a humanitarian crisis, yet they all seem to ignore that the crisis is being foisted on their constituents and the officials cry about the awful positions the invaders put themselves into.

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Let the politicians do what their mantra has been for almost two decades - give them all amnesty under O's 'through no fault of my own' I was drug here by the cartels aided by USAID funding and the Catholic Church.

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Yes, exactly! And VP Harris is still looking for root causes.

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Great piece this morning Doc. I’m not sure which is worse, mandating carbon credits or these other offsets. I just read “France bans short distance domestic flight to reduce carbon emissions.” Travelers will be asked to travel via bus or train to reach their destination instead.

Do you know Fred Eshelman? If so, do you think he has a Swiss bank account? Back in late 2014, Forbes estimated that he was worth at least $380 million, the same year he sold his drug development company, Furiex Pharmaceuticals, gaining $270 million himself.

SCOTUS just ruled 9-0 that the IRS can allow agents access to third-party financial records without any notice to the innocent account-holders, provided that the searches are done broadly “in aid of the collection” of another’s unpaid taxes.

Heard McCarthy has caved in on funding Biden’s 30K new IRS agents.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What you write in your first paragraph is exactly what I was referring to in my comment on Fri. I will check out James Lindsay, it helps when you endorse these suggestions too!

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You will not be disappointed, he does a forensic breakdown in the longer piece, its like he came into this room in my brain and got everything back on the bookshelves.

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If we look to the C.E.I, D.E.I, and E.S.G scores that corporations are currently being low key mandated to maintain by way of WEF through banking institutions, I think we'd reveal a sizeable amount of motive and misdeeds by policy makers and their respective backers.

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No doubt about that.

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The climate "agenda" is nothing but Communism being forced on the world. It's high time, well past time, actually, to realize that we are in a war for our very survival.

We need to ignore in the most prejudiced manner possible any government "edicts", "diktats" or "mandates" that they come down. Refuse to comply. When the government goons come to make an example out of any of us, all of us need to push back, physically and forcibly.

An example of this would be a million Patriots in DC to free the political prisoners from Jan 6. Another would be to just stop paying or even filing taxes.

Time to go on offense.

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I agree no more taxes paid until we can assign our tax dollars to the spending bills we back and NOT to those we don’t. It’s that simple AND that hard. If every single taxpayer in the entire country would simultaneously withhold their tax dollars, we could change the whole nature of government in one year. Corruption would all but vaporize. If I were 30 knowing what I do now, this would be my mission!!

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I've had similar ideas myself, Barbara. You owe a reasonable tax amount to fund the legitimate functions of government, and then on the tax form is a list of government programs and the taxpayer then allocates their taxes to the programs they deem worthy. Gives the American people the final and absolute authority over their government. Our "representatives" too often lie about about the programs they'd support and deny support to, in order to get elected, and then renege on their promise. That is not what I call representation.

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It’s not their (representatives) money so it’s hard for them to care. They are manipulated. We could correct much of what is wrong by letting every citizen taxpayer assign their taxes. For example: the FBI is getting off Scott free with criminal behavior because they know they can. But if their budget was in OUR hands about 75% of it would be gone right now and rightfully so. So, I say, if you want a FBI that is using your money to censor your free speech and withhold documents from Congress oversight, fine, you can assign tax dollar to them. But they wouldn’t get a penny of MINE!!

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You've described what it's like being caught in a labor union and forced to pay dues.

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I think it's useful to remember that if CBDC gets implemented this tactic goes away, probably forever. They will just deduct the tax dollars you owe from your central bank account. Without your permission. And that's just the beginning of negative consequences when it comes to CBDC combined with Digital IDs.

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Yep, no CBDC !!

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The problem with: "free the political prisoners from Jan 6" is that the government has all the attack helicopters, tanks, RPGs, etc. Trying to storm the D.C. Gulag would get thousands of people killed. It would be our own Tiananmen Square.

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Ya, all those attack helicopters etc couldn’t defeat the Taliban, or the Vietcong. When people care more about self determination than dying, they make an unstoppable force.

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I've heard from Vietnam vets that we weren't trying to win— that our troops would capture a hill, etc., then their commanders would order them to withdraw and the Vietcong would take it right back again. The Globalists don't care who wins. Winning isn't the point. Making money is. Selling weapons and ammo is. And always wars are for reducing the population of frisky, strong young males who otherwise could become a problem for the criminals running the world. The Vietnam War was started over a false flag incident. It never was about freedom or justice or protecting America. Just more lies by the "Elites".

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Exactly, this is the 21st century, not the 18th, fight with the weapons of the day, information being at the forefront.

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Hold fire until you can see the whites of their eye....

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the commentary associated with the Cow farts and Politicians BS.

And the “alt-right” terrorist ain’t 1/2 bad either. 😀

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How soon We forget that the "charter" for the so-called "United Nations" was ginned up by an obscure U.S. state department EMPLOYEE - Alger Hiss - during WWII; and that Hiss was the 1st Secretary at the 1st "meeting" of the fledgling UN at San Francisco after the war ended; and that Hiss RIGGED the UN "Charter" to give the SOVIETS VETO power OVER the West; and that Hiss was a Card Carrying Communist member and Soviet Agent - who was finally "unmasked" by a fellow "American" Communist - Whittaker Chambers - (former editor of TIME Magazine); and that Hiss was finally convicted and actually spent a few years in a federal prison.

CLEARLY, the "UN" the nomenklatura and apparatchiks don't give a rats hymen about "world peace" (witness their COMPLETE silence on the ongoing murder of civilians and destruction of property in Ukraine; or the ongoing rape, murder and destruction of property in the Sudan - just for openers).

The "UN" is just like any other corrupt organization, in that "they" want TOTAL control and POWER over humankind in order to "save the earth"...in the name of the common good.

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The U.N. is the tool of the Globalsts. Designed to be. It doesn't care about humanity, only about furthering the aims of the Satanic Global Cabal that wants to kill all of us!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the commentary associated with the Cow farts and Politicians BS.

And the “alt-right” terrorist ain’t 1/2 bad either. 😀

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