While sheep shit is alliterative - which I always appreciate,
It lacks the emotive power of that initial ‘B’
Bull shit is just more visceral than {sigh} sheep shit
Now, I’ll admit I’m prolly biased:
The family farm in upstate NY raised bovine (where mom was born&raised and I was born )
The ranch I worked on in WA was bovine, Herefords (side note: only time "cows" ever scared me was there when a pair of brangus cows (preternaturally mean) decided that no fence was high enough for them to not stomp me into the bedding - fortunately, the fence WAS higher than their ability to surmount and I’m gladly here to lord it over them that bovine brains just ain’t all that large - also I’spect they’ve been dead these many decades).
I'll give you "emotive power" with that B, more like a harsh cough than a sneeze S. I think I get scared, alot of rapid palpitations anyway, at least once every spring, when we quick slip in to band, no squeeze chute, before mom can catch on.
Yes, tube-like pellets, same as goats, deer. Timed-release fertilizer pellets. Squash, pumpkin, zuccini -3 lost from windblown cover. Awful on USPS, yes next year, but if you think still enough frost free this year, will resend different method. 3 days work?
Funny thing, you are correct, and I remember a story from my mist hidden past, perhaps from Reader’s Digest:
Harry Truman (not the one who died in the throes of Mount St Helens, tha other one with the big bombs and the Buck stopper) was giving a tour of the family farm when one of the touring ladies complained to Bess that Harry really enjoyed saying "manure." Bess calmed her by explaining how long it took her to get him to say "manure."
As I remember Pres. Truman had a very earthy way of expressing himself which always made me smile. I mean really, anyone who would poop a nuke on Nippon didn't really have to bother with tact.
A little off-topic, but I wanted to get back to you on the whole house emergency propane fueled generator project. We've been living in our house for 36 years and used to be able to find contractors for various projects; large and small. Since about Y2K, it's been increasingly difficult to find anyone for general carpentry, small construction, etc. to return calls, show up, perform to standards. I do our own small electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc, repairs and, but do have a reasonable plumber for the "in the wall" stuff and a roofer friend who is 1000% for the over three decades I've know him and his father.
That being said, I had a premonition that if we dropped the $30K and did it, had the "end of times" scenario and pressed the button, the whole rig would just sit there like FJB and if I called, it would be, "That voice mailbox has not been set up" or some such. We bailed and are going to rely on Boy Scoutery and the Jarheads', "Improvise, adapt, overcome".
This is the same for all links. Anything after the first ? is used by the owner to track what vehicle viewers used [what works to get viewers] - pop-up; email; other website and so forth.
06/16/24: Thanks for the tip! I've often wondered why they often run to the end of the earth and back. And why a question mark exists when it's obvious that Robinson made an emphatic statement, not posed a (wuss) question.
“Give someone a reason to look up to you”, perfect. Happy Fathers Day!!!
It feels as though we are always being tested. Most every day we are faced with difficulties that can sometimes never go away. Difficult people, difficult people at work, a difficult spouse, a problem child. We may not be able to control the difficulties, but what we can control is how we respond to them. As you see I am and will always be a work in progress. Certainly not everything goes our way in life. Instead of trying to change the circumstances maybe I should change. They say God only gives you what you’re able to handle and this is another test that has been placed in front of me, maybe because I need it.
Sometimes we get into arguments over and over again, and even if we know we’re right, we knowingly let the other person win, have the last word, or change ourselves, this is a test of faith that we have passed. Many say that you immediately are rewarded with growth but that because of this you will be blessed with successes in other areas of your life.
You would think that after 40 years of running a construction company I would have faced nearly every adversity there is with people, customers, officials, designs, classes, tests, but obviously I have not, God is never done testing us. Just when you think you have reached the top of the hill you can clearly see there are more hills to climb.
Many times I feel that I give up my peace too easily. No one can take the peace from me, I have to give it away. Giving up my joy is a choice that I make, the decision is mine. There are subjects that will always create controversy, we have a choice, do we want to be right or do we want peace. I am constantly asking for help in trying to make the right decision. Hoping but not sure that in some way I’ll be able to accept all of the difficulties that are ahead. Hope you all find some peace today, happy Sunday. J.Goodrich
I hope you do too James! Yesterday it dawned on me, that I think we are all experiencing/living a biblical time in history. Somehow, some way we will get through it and hopefully come out the other side better than before
Your thoughts reminded me of the serenity prayer. Dennis Prager says happiness is not earned, it is a choice. I wish both those things came naturally to me. Still a work in progress . . .
James, I have learned from bitter experience that when I find myself getting angry and reacting in anger, even if I’m right, I’m wrong. I’ve started running for a closet to lock myself in until I can face whatever with truth AND equanimity! That actually seems to help everyone 😂 here’s Dr McCollugh on the topic. https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/drama-seeking?r=gbeaz&utm_medium=ios
Barbra Lee, I have the same thoughts, sometimes I let myself get overwhelmed with what I see as a part of what is destroying our country. I have to realize no argument here will change them, it just takes away my precious time and happiness. It honestly goes nowhere but to a bad place.
Oh shoot, I'm no good at links, but please listen to a 30 minute talk from Charles Eisen stein. "Message for Tumultuous Times" Just out on his SS. I think you'll be uplifted and some new things to incorporate. I thought it was an Enlightened point of view.
Waking up the masses from the Covid sleep is a challenge! It is an uphill battle when the mass media is controlled! I see some light at the end of the tunnel! Keep up the good fight for the truth! Enjoy Father’s Day the best you can!
Dr Malone, I consider my subscription to your newsletter to be some of the beast spent money of my life. Thank you for all that you do and may God protect and guide you.
Keeping on thread, and to the tune of these funnies, the Commander in Chief often appears to have not a problem, what so ever, with constipation..
more funnies not so funny-
...I’ve developed a sympathetic view of how come people in earlier eras resorted to burning witches. They are obdurate public nuisances. Their “magic” lately is the ability to provoke a mass formation psychosis, an actual “threat to our democracy” or, more precisely, to our republic. Maddow, the proudly out-front lesbian non-breeder is living proof that renouncing motherhood is a predictor of Cluster-B personality disorder — the condition that defines the “progressive” Wokery of these times.." along with a Ed Dowd quote--
Steve Kirsch recently had a debate with a no-virus fellow. My conclusion at the end of it: who benefits from the "no virus" viewpoint? Fauci et al.
Even though "other people" (explicit chaos agents - or just innocents who fall for it) champion this belief, if there is a 30-40% uptake among the rebel scum (us), the conclusion among many of the no-virus believers will be, virus "gain of function" research can't possibly exist - since there are no viruses - and therefore Fauci et al are innocent of, say, developing a gp120-enhanced virus bioweapon that has brain-fogged the world.
And this will greatly reduce pressure to - say - put them on trial for democide. Because - "no viruses."
Happy Father’s Day Dr Malone and all you father’s out there in the Malone world. There are a lot of good funnies. I liked “The First Amendment has its limits “ is a great one. Then there is the Rand Paul quote which is sooo true. Along with that is the Taco Bell funny. My friend was telling me on Friday that she took her grandson to Taco Bell to buy dinner. For three people it cost her $50. Terrible!
I love the child walking in daddy’s shoes. I have pictures of several of my children walking in Daddy’s shoes. I have to say I am so thankful for my daddy. He was my hero. He was kind and gentle, a hard worker, a good husband( he loved my mother), a spiritual man, a man of integrity. I miss him everyday. I was a daddy’s girl. I’m thankful for my husband who became the father of my older 4 children from another marriage. They love him and call him dad. We also have 2 children together. Family is everything . Cherish it. Have a great day!
Clark Kent was Superman. It was the glasses that threw me off. And now.... Rishi Sunak is Mr. WEF. I should've known when I saw him advocating for CBDCs a few years ago:
When his name came up for the top spot taking the place of the shortest-termed PM in UK history, I researched him and his wife. These installations have been going on for quite some time in the western nations. Liz Truss on the other hand was given the Trump treatment.
Happy Father’s Day Dr. Malone! Loved today’s funnies - can’t pick a Fav but the one with the two kinds of people sure resonated! Lol 🤣 looking forward to the Movie. Safe Travels! Also, Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there!
Happy Father’s Day Dr Malone! Hated today’s funnies 🤥 JK - too true to be anything but depressing EXCEPT for the one that suggests that we were created for and are ruled by the PLANTS. Yep! That was really funny. LOL Safe travels! Stay out of piles of BS to avoid being composed by some renegade plant out there.
Then, the new bird flu - Shelley and I found info re the planning which we will share for you in the Comments tomorrow.
So many favs:
When to plant a garden (or even just a pot)
Plants farming us.
Paul re inflation
Milie - Fight for freedom (its reported winter is coming on and the folks the Gov is no longer supporting are getting restive).
and more
Thank you ever so much for the itinerary. We'll look forward to all you share with us. As always bon voyage, much success and many pleasures! We will be looking forward to your safe return!
Lord knows the Leftists are not only trying to kill us off but they are so dreary as they do it .
If we are gonna be destroyed I would prefer to keep it as light hearted as possible. Thanks Malone. By the way where do we stand on carbon tax on individuals does anyone know where that lunacy stands?
Happy Fathers’ Day, Maloneans,
When life throws you Bullshit, let it AGE a while, and THEN plant a garden (fresh bullshit can burn, aged bullshit is mellow and it hardly stinks).
Yeah, I like saying “bullshit.” 😊
Find myself saying it often
We are surrounded by it. All the media and politicians talking out of their asses.
Oh, bullshit, you prolly have the mouth of an angel 😂
A fallen one
Which could be rectified by resurrection...
There's all kinds of angels...
You and a million others! Lol
Just look what you started! Thanks for not say horse shit!
Well, what can I say, from a little fertilizer doth great things grow 😆
Ah shit!🐸🥂
Sheep shit better, and rolls off the tongue, little packets of shite that literally roll.
33 F. this a.m., pockets of frost everywhere. Glad corcubits and tomatoes were covered.
I’ll disagree
While sheep shit is alliterative - which I always appreciate,
It lacks the emotive power of that initial ‘B’
Bull shit is just more visceral than {sigh} sheep shit
Now, I’ll admit I’m prolly biased:
The family farm in upstate NY raised bovine (where mom was born&raised and I was born )
The ranch I worked on in WA was bovine, Herefords (side note: only time "cows" ever scared me was there when a pair of brangus cows (preternaturally mean) decided that no fence was high enough for them to not stomp me into the bedding - fortunately, the fence WAS higher than their ability to surmount and I’m gladly here to lord it over them that bovine brains just ain’t all that large - also I’spect they’ve been dead these many decades).
I'll give you "emotive power" with that B, more like a harsh cough than a sneeze S. I think I get scared, alot of rapid palpitations anyway, at least once every spring, when we quick slip in to band, no squeeze chute, before mom can catch on.
Is not sheep shit little pellets? 79 F this am. 60% humidity, wind 15. What are corcubits?
Can I plant the seeds next year? Still not here.
Yes, tube-like pellets, same as goats, deer. Timed-release fertilizer pellets. Squash, pumpkin, zuccini -3 lost from windblown cover. Awful on USPS, yes next year, but if you think still enough frost free this year, will resend different method. 3 days work?
Ah, squash/zuccine! Let's give it a try this year. I have room. Check my addy just in case.
Sometimes there's only one word that's fit for purpose.
In your next heated argument, try shouting "Manure!" Though substantially the same, it just doesn't work.
Funny thing, you are correct, and I remember a story from my mist hidden past, perhaps from Reader’s Digest:
Harry Truman (not the one who died in the throes of Mount St Helens, tha other one with the big bombs and the Buck stopper) was giving a tour of the family farm when one of the touring ladies complained to Bess that Harry really enjoyed saying "manure." Bess calmed her by explaining how long it took her to get him to say "manure."
As I remember Pres. Truman had a very earthy way of expressing himself which always made me smile. I mean really, anyone who would poop a nuke on Nippon didn't really have to bother with tact.
That is one way of phrasing it 😆 {I like it, poop a nuke}
Yeah, you need the final dental fricative "T!"
And that hard emotive ‘B’ that gives it a certain punch
Yep, just like Bang!
This will make you smile even if you've already seen it.
Ya’know, I knew what to expect…
…but still I laughed.
It did!
Great one PB.
A little off-topic, but I wanted to get back to you on the whole house emergency propane fueled generator project. We've been living in our house for 36 years and used to be able to find contractors for various projects; large and small. Since about Y2K, it's been increasingly difficult to find anyone for general carpentry, small construction, etc. to return calls, show up, perform to standards. I do our own small electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc, repairs and, but do have a reasonable plumber for the "in the wall" stuff and a roofer friend who is 1000% for the over three decades I've know him and his father.
That being said, I had a premonition that if we dropped the $30K and did it, had the "end of times" scenario and pressed the button, the whole rig would just sit there like FJB and if I called, it would be, "That voice mailbox has not been set up" or some such. We bailed and are going to rely on Boy Scoutery and the Jarheads', "Improvise, adapt, overcome".
Yeah but (to the tune of the "Colonel Bogey March")
"Horseshit, it makes the grass grow green,
Horseshit, it makes the cows give cream,
Horseshit, it smells like bullshit,
But it's horseshit, horseshit, horseSHIT!
Reminds me of a joke about a young debutante who just completed finishing school, but I'll leave that for another time.
Well, it's really horse manure I'll have you know. How come no one uses bull crap anymore?
Because the acronym would be BC...
Happy Father’s Day and safe travels Dr. Malone! Thanks again for your courage and tenacity in speaking the truth!
Agreed! And this is highly recommended: https://www.emerald.tv/p/substack-has-gone-woke?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=263063&post_id=143917196&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=10j5hz&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
"Who did Substack hire to “organize” their platform: Michelle Obama?" That's my favorite part of her post! She is one smart cookie, Emerald.
This is all that is needed to see the post -
This is the same for all links. Anything after the first ? is used by the owner to track what vehicle viewers used [what works to get viewers] - pop-up; email; other website and so forth.
06/16/24: Thanks for the tip! I've often wondered why they often run to the end of the earth and back. And why a question mark exists when it's obvious that Robinson made an emphatic statement, not posed a (wuss) question.
Ditto for the previous comment. I tried clicking on 'like' but it wouldn't work!
So many are saying that. It happened to me just once a few weeks ago, and it was just for one person?? I was liking the comment.
Been happening to me for over a week now. Device doesn’t matter.
Substack has coding problems then.
“Give someone a reason to look up to you”, perfect. Happy Fathers Day!!!
It feels as though we are always being tested. Most every day we are faced with difficulties that can sometimes never go away. Difficult people, difficult people at work, a difficult spouse, a problem child. We may not be able to control the difficulties, but what we can control is how we respond to them. As you see I am and will always be a work in progress. Certainly not everything goes our way in life. Instead of trying to change the circumstances maybe I should change. They say God only gives you what you’re able to handle and this is another test that has been placed in front of me, maybe because I need it.
Sometimes we get into arguments over and over again, and even if we know we’re right, we knowingly let the other person win, have the last word, or change ourselves, this is a test of faith that we have passed. Many say that you immediately are rewarded with growth but that because of this you will be blessed with successes in other areas of your life.
You would think that after 40 years of running a construction company I would have faced nearly every adversity there is with people, customers, officials, designs, classes, tests, but obviously I have not, God is never done testing us. Just when you think you have reached the top of the hill you can clearly see there are more hills to climb.
Many times I feel that I give up my peace too easily. No one can take the peace from me, I have to give it away. Giving up my joy is a choice that I make, the decision is mine. There are subjects that will always create controversy, we have a choice, do we want to be right or do we want peace. I am constantly asking for help in trying to make the right decision. Hoping but not sure that in some way I’ll be able to accept all of the difficulties that are ahead. Hope you all find some peace today, happy Sunday. J.Goodrich
I hope you do too James! Yesterday it dawned on me, that I think we are all experiencing/living a biblical time in history. Somehow, some way we will get through it and hopefully come out the other side better than before
Thanks Cheryl, I think your right. We should all try to see the positives of that. What a great time to be alive!!!
You’re Welcome! It doesn’t feel Great, but I think in the end Good will prevail. God or some higher power is definitely testing humankind.
Thanks Jennifer!
Your thoughts reminded me of the serenity prayer. Dennis Prager says happiness is not earned, it is a choice. I wish both those things came naturally to me. Still a work in progress . . .
James, I have learned from bitter experience that when I find myself getting angry and reacting in anger, even if I’m right, I’m wrong. I’ve started running for a closet to lock myself in until I can face whatever with truth AND equanimity! That actually seems to help everyone 😂 here’s Dr McCollugh on the topic. https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/drama-seeking?r=gbeaz&utm_medium=ios
Barbra Lee, I have the same thoughts, sometimes I let myself get overwhelmed with what I see as a part of what is destroying our country. I have to realize no argument here will change them, it just takes away my precious time and happiness. It honestly goes nowhere but to a bad place.
Did you know that you are a philosopher James? And darn good at expressing. Thanks for the introspection and don't try too hard, just let it rip.
Thanks DD, I’m honestly trying to fix myself and be a better person, for me it’s a struggle and I don’t know how the story ends…
Oh shoot, I'm no good at links, but please listen to a 30 minute talk from Charles Eisen stein. "Message for Tumultuous Times" Just out on his SS. I think you'll be uplifted and some new things to incorporate. I thought it was an Enlightened point of view.
Waking up the masses from the Covid sleep is a challenge! It is an uphill battle when the mass media is controlled! I see some light at the end of the tunnel! Keep up the good fight for the truth! Enjoy Father’s Day the best you can!
I live in Florida and STILL see people with masks on! Probably educated in public schools.
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers here on Ol’ Doc Malone’s page! Hope yall are living free today.
Dr Malone, I consider my subscription to your newsletter to be some of the beast spent money of my life. Thank you for all that you do and may God protect and guide you.
LOL 'Beast' should be BEST.
If we utilized the bullshit congress hands out we would be overgrown in weeds.
Keeping on thread, and to the tune of these funnies, the Commander in Chief often appears to have not a problem, what so ever, with constipation..
more funnies not so funny-
...I’ve developed a sympathetic view of how come people in earlier eras resorted to burning witches. They are obdurate public nuisances. Their “magic” lately is the ability to provoke a mass formation psychosis, an actual “threat to our democracy” or, more precisely, to our republic. Maddow, the proudly out-front lesbian non-breeder is living proof that renouncing motherhood is a predictor of Cluster-B personality disorder — the condition that defines the “progressive” Wokery of these times.." along with a Ed Dowd quote--
Good one!
You are so funny!
Thanks. If we lose our sense if humor these days we are goners
Steve Kirsch recently had a debate with a no-virus fellow. My conclusion at the end of it: who benefits from the "no virus" viewpoint? Fauci et al.
Even though "other people" (explicit chaos agents - or just innocents who fall for it) champion this belief, if there is a 30-40% uptake among the rebel scum (us), the conclusion among many of the no-virus believers will be, virus "gain of function" research can't possibly exist - since there are no viruses - and therefore Fauci et al are innocent of, say, developing a gp120-enhanced virus bioweapon that has brain-fogged the world.
And this will greatly reduce pressure to - say - put them on trial for democide. Because - "no viruses."
By the way I loved your interview with Del - your very best yet IMHO and excited to hear there is another one in the can! Can’t wait! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Happy Father’s Day Dr Malone and all you father’s out there in the Malone world. There are a lot of good funnies. I liked “The First Amendment has its limits “ is a great one. Then there is the Rand Paul quote which is sooo true. Along with that is the Taco Bell funny. My friend was telling me on Friday that she took her grandson to Taco Bell to buy dinner. For three people it cost her $50. Terrible!
I love the child walking in daddy’s shoes. I have pictures of several of my children walking in Daddy’s shoes. I have to say I am so thankful for my daddy. He was my hero. He was kind and gentle, a hard worker, a good husband( he loved my mother), a spiritual man, a man of integrity. I miss him everyday. I was a daddy’s girl. I’m thankful for my husband who became the father of my older 4 children from another marriage. They love him and call him dad. We also have 2 children together. Family is everything . Cherish it. Have a great day!
Clark Kent was Superman. It was the glasses that threw me off. And now.... Rishi Sunak is Mr. WEF. I should've known when I saw him advocating for CBDCs a few years ago:
When his name came up for the top spot taking the place of the shortest-termed PM in UK history, I researched him and his wife. These installations have been going on for quite some time in the western nations. Liz Truss on the other hand was given the Trump treatment.
Yea! Ability to erase a person's source of income if they DO NOT COMPLY! A modern version of an indentured servant for life.
Happy Father’s Day to the fathers who are more than the biological, but also great dads.
Yeah, had a great step dad
Me too. Great dad and step-dad.
Happy Father’s Day Dr. Malone! Loved today’s funnies - can’t pick a Fav but the one with the two kinds of people sure resonated! Lol 🤣 looking forward to the Movie. Safe Travels! Also, Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there!
Happy Father’s Day Dr Malone! Hated today’s funnies 🤥 JK - too true to be anything but depressing EXCEPT for the one that suggests that we were created for and are ruled by the PLANTS. Yep! That was really funny. LOL Safe travels! Stay out of piles of BS to avoid being composed by some renegade plant out there.
Hee PAUSE ⏸️ Hee!
Sometimes I think that we may in fact be tadpoles!
First - Happy Father's Day Dr R !
Then, the new bird flu - Shelley and I found info re the planning which we will share for you in the Comments tomorrow.
So many favs:
When to plant a garden (or even just a pot)
Plants farming us.
Paul re inflation
Milie - Fight for freedom (its reported winter is coming on and the folks the Gov is no longer supporting are getting restive).
and more
Thank you ever so much for the itinerary. We'll look forward to all you share with us. As always bon voyage, much success and many pleasures! We will be looking forward to your safe return!
Happy Fathers Day to all our fathers here.
Extra Bestest ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Refreshing to read humor and substantive stuff
Keep it going
Lord knows the Leftists are not only trying to kill us off but they are so dreary as they do it .
If we are gonna be destroyed I would prefer to keep it as light hearted as possible. Thanks Malone. By the way where do we stand on carbon tax on individuals does anyone know where that lunacy stands?