Hope there is success for the injured to be compensated. It’s disgraceful these companies can get away with knowingly harming people and families and not have to compensate them. These benefits afforded to these companies itself in my eyes are crimes and should be stopped. J.Goodrich

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If the "ALL" Vaccine programs have been such a stellar success.

Why does it continue to be protected from vial to grave, death/injury/ unconditional liability?

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Yesterday David Linthorne posted a link to Daniel Horowitz from Conservative Review, showing deaths and injuries from the vaccine. Right after the vaccine began it jumped to over a thousand deaths or injuries per day on the VAERS. After that they passed the mandates. How is the government not liable for this????

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I guess we have to keep in mind that in theory the government acts on our behalf. If its found derelict we, the people, will have to pay for its damages. All the more reason it needs to be taken in hand. They haven't been true to their charge.

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If trump were still rightfully president,you can bet your butt the censorship industrial complex would be screaming twenty four/ seven. They only do when they can throw out the "Trumps fault for his super duper vaccine roll out plan

" , that they hated. Now they will blame him, and it's like Biden never existed.

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What would one think if the adverse event percent of total jabs was purposefully screwed by over reporting the number of jabs by say, 10 to 20%?


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I believe this. There's no way 92% of Americans took the shots. I've suspected this for a while.

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Do you trust that the "secret sauce" was really in every one of the vials?

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I have had my doubts.

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I don't think 92% of the population took the jab. I think they are reporting numbers like this to psychologically manage people into thinking,, 'I might as well, everybody else is.'

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The Day that 1986 unavoidably unsafe, became the Orwell novel 1984 in real time and space.

Product liability was shot in the back and murdered. Live on Cspan house votes.

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Do you remember when they had that vote? Was it recent? I have been trying to figure out who is voting for the continuation of those jabs.

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BAYH-DOLE ACT should be rescinded; and those in Congress need to give up any stock in pharmaceutical companies. Somehow they think 'blind holdings' make them inculpable in the process of corruption.

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It looks as though the government has figured out how to acknowledge vaccine injury and use an excise tax to provide/improve compensation, whilst bypassing a lot of uncomfortable issues:

US Expert Panel to Meet to Determine Which Adverse Events COVID-19 Vaccines Cause


NOTE: The above article is paywalled. You may be able to get by the paywall using https://12ft.io/.

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Adverse reaction percents are BASED ON the number of jabs given. What do we have here???

CDC says 92.1% of people over the age of six months have been jabbed. David Lazer, a professor at Northeastern University, has released a report that indicates that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inflated their Covid-19 vaccine uptick. Lazer believes it is more like 75%. Lazer believes that vaccines are an answer to control the spread of Covid, but the CDC is rigging the numbers to sell the allusion that more people are ‘protected’ than they actually are. We’re basically saying the population is significantly less protected than what the CDC is saying. It’s barely budged. It’s not like we’re converting all these vaccine resistant people from October 2021. If you weren’t vaccinated in October or November of 2021, you’re not vaccinated now. I don’t think we can say COVID is quite in the rearview mirror, because it’s still killing a lot of people every day, just much more quietly.

USA Facts – a non-for-profit that compiles a variety of stats – recently updated their vaccine uptick records for the first time since August of last year last week, and reporting that 81% of the population got at least one shot. USA Facts reportedly pulls data from multiple sources to come to their conclusion. This number, while higher, is more in line with Lazer’s estimates.


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Be interested in knowing just who it is killing. Big med has already knocked off most of those who survived the wave of alpha by gross malpractice and bad advice and the bug is now so attenuated it is no more than a common cold. Too many folks putting totally fictitious numbers out there

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That Lazer guy is paranoid. He thinks jabs are important because herd immunity isn't real.

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My grandkids are never taking another vaccine, unless they clean them up.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

I don't mind the paywalls if the article is worth paying for. It is the article's ADS --- created by maniacal lunatics --- that instantly destroy the website reception that I have learned the hard way to avoid at all costs.

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The 'experts,' are who?

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Experts from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and funded by the CDC and HHS. Do you feel warm and fuzzy?

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Official pronouncement of the Fauci-NY Post marriage (today 05/26/23): Story headline, "The mRNA Revolution --- Propelled by the speed --- AND SUCCESS [my caps] --- of COVID vaccines, a new generation of preventative meds could soon target everything..." Not if the 48.2 million Americans and estimated two-three billion "vaccinated" people CURRENTLY ON DEATH ROW perish before Pfizer-Merck-Moderna can "develop" new POISONS.

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Tragically, SUCCESS to these pharmacological psychopaths is measured in Dollars Earned rather than Lives Saved.

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AND they can blackmail the world. If we try to bring them to justice, they can shut down or drastically reduce the supply of legitimate, effective medical drugs (having built up a war chest, they'll be able to do this. However, their Achilles Heel is that their only "allies" will be the ones they corrupt who can be financially bribed. And as we all well know, that circle of bribe-takers will expand drastically when word spreads that the dough is there; Pfizer et al simply won't have enough to go around).

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Get healthy, eat organics if possible, best if you can grow your own food. Sometimes that isn't possible. Exercise and sleep well. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger MD, PhD as well as others are reporting that they are coming at us again in 2025 and 2028. The WHO and WEF want to speed the process. I was so disappointed that Gina Raimondo Secretary of Commerce of USA & John F. Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America USA

Bill Keating Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 9th District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA

Daniel Meuser Congressman from Pennsylvania (R), 9th District, U.S. House of Representatives, USA

Madeleine Dean Congresswoman from Pennsylvania (D), 4th District,

U.S. House of Representatives, USA

Ted Lieu Congressman from California (D), 33rd District, U.S.

House of Representatives, USA

Ann Wagner Congresswoman from Missouri (R), 2nd District, USA

Christopher A. Coons Senator from Delaware (D), USA USA

Darrell Issa Congressman from California (R), 50th District, USA

Dean Phillips Congressman from Minnesota (D), 3rd District, USA

Debra Fischer Senator from Nebraska (R), USA

Eric Holcomb Governor of Indiana, USA

Gregory W. Meeks Congressman from New York (D), 6th District, USA

John W. Hickenlooper Senator from Colorado (D), USA

Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland, USA USA

Michael McCaul Congressman from Texas (R), 10th District, USA

Pat Toomey Senator from Pennsylvania (R), USA

Patrick J. Leahy Senator from Vermont (D), USA

Robert Menendez Senator from New Jersey (D), USA

Roger F. Wicker Senator from Mississippi (R), USA

Seth Moulton Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 6th District,

Sheldon Whitehouse Senator from Rhode Island (D), USA USA

Ted Deutch Congressman from Florida (D), 22nd District, USA USA

Francis Suarez Mayor of Miami, USA USA

Al Gore Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001);

Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment

Management, US https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_AM22_List_of_confirmed_PFs.pdf I also saw Kyrsten Sinema and Maria Salazar on stage on WEF sucking up to the the WEF people. On our dime.

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Ann Wagner is a dimwit who is afraid of her Dem constituents. The rest on your list have already made it apparent whose side they are on.

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Once again, Dr. Malone, you're at the forefront!

How about class-action suits against all the employers who ordered vaccine mandates?

And then, since the House of Representatives is now Republican, impeachment against the Supreme Court Justices who supported Biden's mandates? (I don't like either establishment party, but we gotta' go with what we can get.)

And impeachment against Biden, not only for for China and Ukraine and Hunter, but also for the mandates?

We have the data--the Pfizer clinical report cited 1223 deaths, which should have stopped the vaccines. And then there are all the "excess" insurance deaths, the children's deaths, and the witnessed deaths.

There is enough evidence for the suits and impeachments.

I've never been a fan of litigation and witch hunts, but the time has come to use the tools we have.

Go, lawyers, go!!!

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I wondered at the time why all these employers were leaving themselves wide open for lawsuits. The government made them do their dirty work and now they're going to pay.

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As I commented earlier lawyers wrote these shield for pharma. They obviously (deliberately?) left the docs who give them and entities who mandate them vulnerable to being thrown under bus after bus after....

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The Nazi Germany Covid meme. Saved it for future reference.

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Moments ago I just donated $100. to the Malone Institute .org.

I just voted a message of remarkable confidence and reassurance with my credit card.

That my support for you means as much to me. Today is a very good day in America! USA#1

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One more thing...About the Nazi comparison. You're right, Dr. Malone, about Hannah Arendt. "Eichmann in Jerusalem" is terrifying reading. And there are all too many historical examples of mob behavior, going with the crowd not just because of the fear but also for the psychological high.

Your courage inspires all of us in your tribe.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great as usual! Have a superb weekend!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The comment about Oscar Schindler reduced me to tears. Schindler was a common man with uncommon courage like, may I humbly say our Dr Malone, and unlike the other f***ing 90 % of us. It shames me! And then, I am with Russel Brand. A new kind of party is needed. Let’s call it the ACE party for Anti Centralized Establishment. And I know what it’s central platform should be and I think that this alone would right the ship of state and do away with most corruption. Just this: give citizen taxpayers the duty to assign their (and only their ) tax dollars to every spending proposal by line item every year when they turn in their taxes. It’s our government and our money and we should be the ones deciding what governance we want to pay for. I would not fund a war in Ukraine and I would fund a war on homeless drug addicts as long and NO longer than it proved effective. Testimonies required for those whose lives were recovered and made healthy! I would NOT fund abortion and I would fund support for people facing unwanted pregnancy including adoption options. I would NOT fund the NIAID until and unless there was huge nonpartisan oversight and I would do it annually based on their performance otherwise I’d withdraw my funding. Everyone could support the initiatives they believe in and are willing to pay for and budgets and power would then literally reflect the will of the people. All the people. Not even elected officials would have more power than we collectively. If Someone got behind this, they would probably have everyone’s vote. Well ... not everyone. The rich, powerful , manipulative “philanthropist “ like Soros and Gate would be then confined to the hell on anonymity and powerlessness where they belong!

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I do love Russell Brand. I disagree with him on a lot, but he unflinchingly is open to explore and discuss anything. And very articulate. It's good to see some on the left, like he and Maher, waking up and standing up for discourse, alternative points of view and roasting of the establishment on "both sides".

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I've been very excited about the Covid Litigation Conference and the fact it is sold out. Thank you for being part of building the momentum for this part of the battle.

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Stay Healthy and in Tune Robert. America needs the Greatest of Advocators money can not buy!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the comics presented today were spot on. However, the BOOK BANNERS panel about sex education and graphic material literally struck home, as my state — once true-red, now moving tragically deep-blue due to its government, unions, big business, and big pharma decision makers — is flailing to defeat sex/gender ideology. Lots of other free-spending, left-lurching issues as well, but I digress!

Some examples are below for those interested.

—> State Level:

* HB139 School and library protection act: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/H0139/ (still in Education Committee!) - Requires public schools and community libraries to take reasonable steps to restrict children's access to material that is obscene or harmful to minors.

* Julie Yamamoto, Idaho Education Committee, explains why she does not allow pornographic books to be read aloud by those testifying for Idaho HB 139: https://youtu.be/IHq3HziQuiw 

* Idaho School Libraries Promote Radical Sexual Agendas And Pornographic Material: https://idahofreedom.org/idaho-school-libraries-promote-radical-sexual-agendas-and-pornographic-material/

* Detecting Gender Theory in Idaho Schools: https://idahofreedom.org/gt-toolkit/

* The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex: https://idahofreedom.org/the-sex-ed-industrial-complex-summary/

—> Ada County, Idaho

Citizens are attempting to re-establish the library district with a NEW board of directors in order to bring financial transparency and accountability to the public eye and to stop direct access by minors to obscene and sexually explicit material.

* KIVITV News Story: https://www.kivitv.com/news/concerned-citizens-of-meridian-hope-to-recreate-the-library-district-after-creating-petition-to-dissolve-it

* Example of books available to minors (Warning: Very Graphic): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yw65vm0rc5p4u2t/Examples.pdf?dl=0

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another fantastic lineup of truths. The conference is such good news that attorneys are gathering to gain victories in court. Readers may like Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid 2023 substack. Another way to really wake up in the morning !!

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Dr.Malone I couldn’t not say that you and the 200 plus lawyers at the conference in Georgia are saints. People or parents of children that have been injured must have a feeling of abandonment. I’m sure that this conference must give them some comfort that there are caring people that acknowledge their lose. Thank you!!!

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This conference gives us hope. I hope every one of these lawyers gets busy filing actions that bring some positive results. The cartoon about the tik tok hearings is great. That carnival sideshow is so absurd.

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"Bank Meltdown Contagion" with Yellen's got you covered.....

The steel post which the car crashed into is missing a "Fractional Reserve Banking" label.

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In reality it's not left versus right; it's us versus the globalists. The quicker we get this figured out, the better the chance humanity survives the so-called "re-set".

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I have not yet figured out the difference between leftist and globalist since they both seem to be seeking the same ends from the standpoint of one in their crosshairs

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Leftists are globalist’s useful idiots.

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consider how the darkness of the elite globalist psychopaths control both left and right thru divergent festering unresolved manufactured fear...

which the current noteworthy example of festering fear directed toward and darkly playing mostly the left is Trump derangement syndrome...

so this fear is nurtured to fester into anger which is directed to discharge into the target of hate that is the perceived out of control tyrant Trump...

so the left is played to fear the individual authoritarian tyrant such that they will be receptive to the solution of authority which is a dark ideology based on scientism...

so the left tends to be the globalist useful idiot to the degree that they accept sales marketing campaign propaganda as legitimate science...

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The illiberality of Liberal Party leader Trudeau confirms your point. Liberal used to mean "Supporter of Liberty". Real liberals like Queen Victoria, Russian Tsar Aleksandr Ii, and US President Lincoln worked to make people freer. Lincoln and Aleksandr were murdered for their efforts and Queen Victoria lost her husband in an assassination attempt targeting her. It's hard fighting a mob who extort their profits by oppressing those whom they can. We must look behind the label and observe the actions of the wearer, to conclude if the wearer is genuine or counterfeit. Tyranny continues under the false flag of "global security", because there's money in it for the tyrant. Nothing stops free nations from agreeing to honor one another's laws and live in peace. Indeed, a globalist tyranny meant to circumvent democratic safeguards by giving itself powers over sovereign nations, should have been alarming when we first saw it forming. Now that it has caused genuine harm, the tyrannical apparatus must be dismantled so it does not do further harm.

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Tell the attorneys we are rooting for them. They are doing the Lord’s work.

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