I may live in a clown world, but I'm really not adhering to anything the clowns are demanding we do.

I stopped watching tv, for the most part back in 2020. This would be any propaganda based spew.

I still watched the old TV shows: Gunsmoke, Rawhide, Have gun, will travel, etc, but for the most part, sitting in front of that box of lies, really doesn't do much for me anymore. I'd rather be outside being chemtrailed and working on the car, truck or yard. Much more enjoyable doing so.

Trust in any "public" or governmental entity is at a level of "null" for me, and this includes (especially) anything medical related. About 25 years ago I watched my dog perish within minutes of being vaccinated against rabies that my vet demanded she be "boosted" again, after killing a groundhog, even though she was vaccinated already, just a few months prior. The term "vaccinosis" came into my world, and we've been hesitant, or refusing completely since. My wife and I, living through that process of watching my beloved dog suffer and die, even though we spent thousands trying to save her, was enough to permanently change our attitudes against anything being "jabbed" into our bodies.

Blessed are you, Dr. Malone, who provides us an outlet to the insanity pervasiveness we are encapsulated in.

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For me it is 33 years since I watched more than a couple of TV shows a year (on someone elses TV). Cut the cord of degraded TV entertainment long ago. Just use the TV for DVDs now.

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Oh that is just so awful to hear! Iā€™m so sorry for you! We have a new eight-month-old puppy and we are being extremely cautious about vaccines for her and will do titer testing instead of boosters. We have very very little trust as well in any authorities! God bless Drs. Malone for all they do for humanity! šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»

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I also stopped watching the MSM channels.

But with most later model tv's you can now use it as a damn big computer monitor. With a later model tv and wifi you can bluetooth a mouse and keyboard.

There is a lot of info on Rumble and even YouTube where you can get real news and talk shows. I watch daily---The Duran, WarRoom, George Galloway/The Mother Of All Talk Shows. These three I highly recommend. There are lots more.

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May 14, 2023Ā·edited May 14, 2023

Thank you. In all tragedies, negativity, or adversity, there will always be some postivity, or lesson learned by the experience. The old adage "what doesn't kill you...makes you stronger" comes to mind.

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Love the fact that Jill includes the Feline persuasion in nearly every Cartoon delightful episode.

But the meat off the bone the Fido security systems. A+

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My favorite too but the Trojan horse sends a strong message

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Absolute spot on todays strip. Love Biden laundering his bribe money. Itā€™s solidifying the way thoughts in the brain work. I subscribed to Drs. Malones sub stack to get like minded information from like minded people, which was unavailable on mainstream media. Before there was a feeling of hopelessness which created anxiety watching our employees, the government, devalue all of us American citizens. When reading these posts, writing comments and reading the great subscribers comments it brings a sense of calm to me. Knowing there is a consensus of people out there that think similar. When I was younger I always believed if there was a freedom ending push by the government, a group of Americans would rise up and crush the communists. I have come to believe there is no political party willing to do what it takes to fix this. Itā€™s up to we the people to put the American house back on its foundation. It is up to us to take a role, follow through and fix this mess, we are the last line of defense. J.Goodrich

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Take a supporting "Role", writing a new and improved "Script", setting up the grander "Stage"! This is exactly the greatest of theater we must impose and shove right back down their throats. As much of this pHARMA .GOV theater has revealed itself as a lousy "Play".

Make all Moms proud each and every day. They got you to this planet. Trusting to carry on.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your Bella will have to meet our Bella. Sheā€™s a Walker Coonhound, and sheā€™s our security system. That and my CZ 75B.

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So will our Bella. But her bark makes her sound like a 130 pound Mastiff. Thatā€™s usually enough to chase off anyone trying to get in our place.

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When will we return to normalcy and the social nightmares end?

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When we've had enough and demand it.

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Personally, I don't expect any sort of widespread normalcy again in my lifetime. We're doing our best to maintain a sense of family normalcy and small community normalcy. Nonetheless, I continue to train my thinking to avoid the paralysis of emotional overreaction should conditions become harsh. I do count us as among the lucky. We live in a one-stoplight town of less than 7,000 in one corner of a beautiful valley in Utah.

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Very fortunate! The corrupt blue cities are loosing population and you may get two stoplights!

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The problem with those migrants is they bring their stupid voting habits with them. Have read glowing articles how these allegedly disgusted folks are espousing conservative values but have watched the west coast lefties drought here by Abbott turn the I35 corridor from solid red to purple in 2 yrs. and he has made a $1/2 billion bribe to cisco finish the conversion

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One will never know if that is a fallacy given the vote counters declare winners and use migration as the reason for the shift.

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There can only be 2 reasons for hordes of invaders we have endured for many decades now--cheap labor and shifting voter demographics deemed favorable by the same crowd seeking cheap labor

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Social nightmares are their shinny ball, to distract and disrupt. The malfeasance manifested decades ago when we still had somewhat of a chance to combat it, perhaps during the Clinton regime. Now with no way to vote out the Uniparty, kill off the deep state we need a miracle and I donā€™t think we are it, but we can pray to the Almighty to intervene.

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One to two million in Washington DC will make change. As they continue to kill off the middle class things will continue to get worse. It hasnā€™t got bad enough yet but itā€™s coming. People will have no choice but to demonstrate soon.

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I have this feeling that those that are part of the take down, either wittingly or not, only demonstrate when told. People in cities and close by suburban areas are caught and unaware or trapped. The middle class that lives further out and in real rural areas are the ones who see from 'their distance' what is really going on but understand that their resistance through demonstrations will never be recognized. There is no audience and no media coverage. Of course, I am speaking from my vantage point.

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Iā€™m not sure who could organize such a protest, also peoples credit cards still have a little room left and or they havenā€™t been shut off yet. Iā€™ve said things havenā€™t got bad enough yet but it will, and when over one million show up in DC the media and the political crooks will have to take notice. Peoples children starving will produce a natural protest, I think this will eventually come.

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I remember the videos of those in Australia and in Europe who were out in the streets in force... They were all beat back. We had over one million in DC about 2 and a half years ago. They are still be rounded up today and persecuted. I don't see a peaceful revolution in the future but another pandemic that stops all travel and movement and this time through force. The civilian army that Obama always talked about ā€œWe cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.ā€ Most western nations were in lock-step with this and most have already installed theirs.

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That has been suggested. I'd favor a herd of hippos. Take a really big boat to beat them

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My English shepherd is in the same collie family as your Aussie and has the same dislike for strangers. I'll be getting another one if she leaves me. She's ten.

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Oh and p.s. She has this same look, though she's sable. Deceptively sweet.

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Bella's granddam had english shepherd in her. One of our treasured dogs.

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Maggie is really smart. If I don't let anyone in the house or try to hold her back, she acts like a vicious dog. She watches how I interact with them. If I let them in and just tell her to be good, she's ok. Until they leave where she barks at them again quite scarily to let them know she's been watching them the whole time. Before I had dogs that probably would have gone off happily with a burglar (I think) so she was a bit of getting used to--but I am alone some of the time off the grid in Michigan Upper Peninsula. This dog will defend me. And of course, she's a herder, so she tended to nip running little kids around which didn't set really well with their mothers. But she's mellowed and I really love these breeds.

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Had a boxer like that--sorta. No agro to folks at the door if we were there. Absolutely loved meeting Halloween guests. Heard was not so friendly if we were not at home. Was the same way with our car. Leave him in it and he raised cain at anyone who came near it. But if we were there he was fine. Loved to play with guys cleaning back window (obviously a few decades ago).

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I had a white English Shepard when I was a little girl. Her name was Lady. She directed me away from the canal.

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Great line up today doc! My home security would sell me out for a slice of bacon...so I had to pay for an alternative system! Happy Motherā€™s Day to Jill!

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One piece of good news (I hope). My state Sen. 's bill to outlaw wholesale child mutilation by the medical profession was finally passed by the House and hopefully Abbott will not do something stupid. I had been disappointed in her as she is an e.r. doc and was very silent during the china flu debacle but this appears to be a good bill--depending on amendments, exceptions, etc (and Abbott)..

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I gotta admit that it took me awhile to get behind the Strip after reading once again the "Love Story". I laughed the most at the security system. The pic of Bella is a hoot!

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Happy Motherā€™s Day Jill. šŸ˜˜ā¤ļø

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Happy Mother's Day ā™” Happy Loving Husband's Day ā™” A beautiful day to all. The Garden cat wins. Then the guard dogs. Bella's teeth are photoshopped? The CBDC and the trogen horse are downright scary!

Have a beautiful warm sunlit day!

Bestest Always

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With that many K9 noses and eyeballs and Fido senses, 2 sound the alarm bark. Which is a bit different than the Oh...it's only you and did you bring home dog treats bark? The third bark is the business bark. Not to be confused with any portions of the other bark styles nor volume.

It simply means so you didn't take much of a notice in Team Lite-weight.

Howdy....I'm Team Heavy weight. I've not had my run yet today....How bout YOU?

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Outstanding and I especially love the security system of Bella šŸ˜‚

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You know, I value your articles so much! We all learn so much from you. I understand that you and Jill work together on this Substack. But, after reading the story of you two lovebirds yesterday, I would really love to get one article only written by her!! Meeting her in person was very precious! Also to see you two together was heartwarming... So, Jill, I hope you do us the pleasure! Happy Sunday!


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That was a beautiful love letter and journey they are making with one another. Itā€™s heart-warming and inspiring. Not because many of us who have never had that, will have it but that itā€™s possible. But one thing that struck me is that they worked for it. Worked. There was nothing passive about their choice and commitment to one another. Itā€™s a beautiful life and gorgeous depiction of the natural topography and history of their surroundings. Happy Motherā€™s Day, Jill!

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We have the King Charles twins. They alert us to every lizard, large predatory bird, or visitor. I am always obviously armed. So in our little waterfront plot, pretty sure we've let the bad guys know who not to mess with. At least the bad guys that don't work for the government.

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Ditto we have a "MONTY" !! Amazing 27 lb ballistic missile and gentle kind luv bug. I'm sold!

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Because of You All and the stories from My Friends, I am seriously considering re-entry into human medicine. Not bragging; but, Damn good at orthopedics and neurophysiology. Need an orthopedic examination in Spanish? Ed

Edit - I have to find the right doctor that I trustā€¦completely. Can you do a Q-angle on a knee? Ha!

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Go for it. If youā€™d like contributing that way, pursue it. All we have is time and choices on how to spend up that time.

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Thank You. The challenge is mental and psychological. I did 17 years of some pretty ā€œroughā€ stuff. It left scars on my brain, heart and soul; but, I Dang sure did help ā€œpeopleā€. Highest High and lowest low. Ed

Best Friendā€¦Funny = Double board certified. fellowship trained,said, ā€œDonā€™t do it. Stick to Dogs and photography. You did your timeā€.

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