Speaking of electric cars, wait until you read the following: a typical ev battery weighs approximately 1,000 lbs & is about the size of a car trunk. It contains 25 lbs. of lithium, 60 lbs. of nickel, 44 lbs. of maganese, 30 lbs of cobalt, 200 lbs of copper & 400 lbs. of aluminum, steel, & plastic. It contains over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells. Most of these materials are derived from mining operations. To manufacture each ev battery, the following material must be processed: 25,000 ibs. of brine for the lithium, 30,000 lbs. of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 lbs.of ore for the nickel, & 25,000 lbs. of ore for copper. All told, suppliers must dig up 500,000 lbs. of the earth's crust for just one battery. This information is taken from an American Thinker's article by Kent Moss on 9/25/2022. Now contemplate this...https://needtoknow.news/2023/06/china-is-throwing-away-fields-of-electric-cars/
All to keep the earth's temp 1/2 ° cooler... ala todays comic. The hurricane season is here so watch their path predictions and consider they are using climate models which early on are all over the place. But they can predict the temp a century from now? Don't think so
'They' can/do manipulate the weather to some degree utilizing satellites, ground radar-type systems and their chem dumps. CA earlier this year is a good example of what they can do.
Of course they do not expect viewers will question its assumptions, wonder why so many EV buses and cars are catching fire around the globe or care that rare earth minerals are just that – rare.
NHTSA reportedly had to redesign their equipment for crash testing to accommodate the mass of EVs. So combine the increase in mass with the above and the move towards autopilot driving technology and the apparent lessening of the average IQ in America...what could possibly go wrong? These fanatics are putting the cart before the horse in pushing EVs without thinking things through in the midterm and long-term. I think a disaster is slowly unfolding, courtesy of emotion and ignorance over deep thinking.
I'll add that I recently read that the mean annual income for blacks is roughly $20K less than that of white supremacists, yet advertising for all manner of EVs is done on TV primarily by blacks. I guess they are running out of other folks to hire for advertising..
TV advertising is blatant "politically correct" pandering. Down with political correctness! If actors and actresses were randomly selected, we would see about the same percentage of Black talent as are represented in the general population (about 13% last I heard). Obviously the entire situation of casting for commercials is utterly fake. Whom do they think they are fooling by having maybe a third or half(?) of TV commercials' actors being Blacks? THAT is about as RACIST as you can get! If I were a Black, I would be highly insulted. And in the meantime, Asians are being heavily discriminated against!
And, BTW, "Blacks" are almost all brown! How many truly "black-skinned" humans are there? Not very darn many!
And the big reason that they catch on fire is water is just as good a conductor of errant mega volts of electricity as metals. Gold being the finest of conductors. As well it should be.
Tesla has the lead on flooded cars that catch on fire. Kinda funny about that really.
You really hit the target on all these issues. The one I especially like this morning is the graph showing the way in which government preaches "we reduced inflation" even though it is almost 3 times higher now than it was 3 years ago.
And Biden's go-along tweet said "We're giving families breathing room", as if prices are actually coming down instead of increasing slightly less quickly.
If we have a government where the winners of elections are picked by a group of unelected thugs, an executive branch that is payed by foreign countries that allows that foreign country to set our policy, a legislative branch that passes and allows mandates that they are exempt from, a justice branch that distributes sentence based on who the defendant is, an entire government that does insider trading to enrich themselves on the backs of tax payers with massive bills, an executive branch that is allowed to jail its political opponents, a president that tramples our bill of rights daily, and not last but a legislature so corrupt itself it can’t impeach anyone because they are up to their crooked necks in corruption themselves, so then what is the difference between Biden, Putin, or Xi Jinping? Putin and Xi Jinping are intelligent competent nationalists. J.Goodrich
SCOTUS has done more harm to the nation's civil liberties, moral character and State rights than any other branch, either on its own or by its leniency through Chevron Deference.
Absolutely. The agencies are the new Lawmakers and in bed with the corporations, supporting their profits instead of serving the American People. Pure Fascism.
Our government has gone over completely to serving Special Interests, including foreign countries that have declared War on us!
Except for Trump, who was a complete accident because of Hillary's narcissistic overconfidence (and an accident that They won't allow to be repeated), virtually all politicians are Selected by the Powers That Be, not elected by The People.
If RFK, Jr. could get elected, I believe that he really understands the Deep State and would give them "a run for their money", but he probably doesn't have a chance. The "PTB" will never allow it.
This country is already lost. The only recourse will be for independent Teams to go deal with The True Perpetrators of this current mess: the WEF, UN, WHO, Bill Gates, the Foundations, the British Royals. Time for Tribunals!
Hi Ana, I think people are scared to stand up, and more than that things have not got bad enough, but I believe they will. It’s really a sin that we will have to see things get really bad to get change.
Can’t resist a more serious comment. Both inflation charts are misleading because they plot increases, which are going up and down. But all the increases will decrease the value of the dollar in a monotonc fashion as long as the individual inflation increases are above zero. A real chart would plot the numer of dollars at time t that are equal to one dollar at time t0, which would always go up for years (or months) that had non-negative inflation.
I agree that the term ‘cis’ is derogatory. It also ignores scientific fact, just as so many terms do these days. But when we ban words we do not like, we are just as bad as the people who ban us.
The First Amendment must protect free speech for all -- including and especially those whose speech we dislike. To be clear, speech that is already illegal (e.g., incitement to riot or commit violence; pornography) must be disallowed.
Let’s avoid banning speech and flocking to a “safe spaces” mentality — for all sides. Instead, let’s return to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me” principles (even though name-calling and labeling certainly DO hurt). My Mom used to say “consider the source and ignore it.” Easy to say, difficult to do, but good advice nonetheless.
More unsolicited advice from my corner of the Internetsky:
* Turn off hurtful mainstream and social media. Fear of missing out isn’t a good excuse to let trolls into your life.
* Ignore and tune out people who say mean things.
* Find new friends with whom you can speak freely.
* Speak up and stand for honest principles, facts, and personal integrity.
* Don’t be afraid to challenge bad ideas with logic, humor, and respect.
* Do not resort to name calling; it’s beneath you.
Only the 'left' is banning words as it makes up new ones the dictionary business is all too happy to add as English terms of everyday use. The courts say nothing when these non-words are required to be utilized under city or state law. I do not live anywhere close to where this make-believe world exists (thankfully). But if I did, I would call it out for what it is, a concerted effort that's been afoot for decades to use, in this case, language to change our very real existence into a make-believe wonderland of nonsense meant to destroy society. I can't believe we have let is get this far.
Big E, I especially resonate with the last "Do not resort to name calling" I think it always is a reflection of a weak and mean person who is not aware of the ego running their mouth.
My humor gene is shrinking! Too many of the cartoons are speaking the truth! Don’t forget Schiff loves vaccines and California mandates their babies get 25 by the time they are 6 months old. Physicians who don’t comply are censured! Isn’t the medical police state wonderful! RFK Jr is being media censured because he wants the truth to be known about autism! Free speech has been replaced with paid speech.
Speaking of punishment takes me to a,subject I have mentioned before--deterrence. Punishments today obviously are much too mild, criminal and civil, to deter crime. It is long past time for a reassessment of our penalties for unlawful behavior.
If McNut was a serious Speaker he would not have stopped with removing Shifty from the Intel Committee, he would removed him from the Judiciary Committee too. Nan had no problem at all keeping GOP members off of committees, even without reason.
"Politics is the degenerate son of an illustrious father: Statesmanship." -Socrates.
Nothing changes. And in case you are wondering, no, the Nazi's did not lose the war, the Germans did. The Nazi's are still trying to kill the rest of humanity, 'to save the planet'.
Yeah. Save it entirely for themselves. Before we burn through all their precious oil.
The "REAL" inflation rate is at about 12% and not 4% as the government tells us.
They have changed the models and data inputs on how inflation is actually calculated. Use the same models and data that they did in the 1970's and the numbers are quite different. We are being scammed.
They are fleecing us and hiding it.
Inflation is a cancer and 4% inflation is AWFUL.
In Econ we were taught lies that we needed inflation for wage growth. In a Fiat currency that is true but what they don't tell you is that wage growth Never keeps up with inflation.
A few days back I was wandering around Reddit and saw a post upset at the current price of a Chalupa. ($4.79). The post fondly remembered when the Chalupa was only $2.25 -- in 2010.
M2 in April 2010: 8,535 billion
M2 in April 2023: 20,673 billion
This is an increase of 240%, meaning that the $2.25 Chalupa from 2010 should be..........$5.40
The Increase in the M2 like this has never been seen before in the world. The only thing that has prevented the 240% increase (as you noted the outlandish M2 expansion. This M2 expansion does not include our estimated $500-$600 Trillion debt obligations)) is our "World Currency Reserve Status". Our "Reserve Currency Status" is quickly eroding. in about 60 days BRICS (plus other countries) are meeting to begin a different currency to compete with the Dollar. The Chinese Yuan is already being used by Saudi Arabia to trade oil and by so many other countries. The Last 10 years has seen the Central Banks around the world buying massive amounts of Gold...It's a different story why the gold price remains low.
YES! I touch on this now and then. Here's what I wrote in Feb 2022:
"In addition, thanks to the Petrodollar, we’re able to ‘export’ some of our inflation to other countries, who need to hold US dollars to buy oil. (Just imagine being one of those suckers being forced to hold a devaluing currency just because you want to buy stuff with it!!!) This, along with some good old-fashioned juking the stats, is why the rate of monetary inflation rarely matches the ‘end’ rate of price inflation."
Look what "they" did to cnn. We obviously are not going to be allowed free access to actual news regarding anything of potential political import. The major networks had been subverted as far back as the vietnam war if not earlier
Speaking of electric cars, wait until you read the following: a typical ev battery weighs approximately 1,000 lbs & is about the size of a car trunk. It contains 25 lbs. of lithium, 60 lbs. of nickel, 44 lbs. of maganese, 30 lbs of cobalt, 200 lbs of copper & 400 lbs. of aluminum, steel, & plastic. It contains over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells. Most of these materials are derived from mining operations. To manufacture each ev battery, the following material must be processed: 25,000 ibs. of brine for the lithium, 30,000 lbs. of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 lbs.of ore for the nickel, & 25,000 lbs. of ore for copper. All told, suppliers must dig up 500,000 lbs. of the earth's crust for just one battery. This information is taken from an American Thinker's article by Kent Moss on 9/25/2022. Now contemplate this...https://needtoknow.news/2023/06/china-is-throwing-away-fields-of-electric-cars/
All to keep the earth's temp 1/2 ° cooler... ala todays comic. The hurricane season is here so watch their path predictions and consider they are using climate models which early on are all over the place. But they can predict the temp a century from now? Don't think so
“they” cannot even predict the weather tomorrow. Another “job” you can continue being wrong 95% of the time (see US politicians). Ed
'They' can/do manipulate the weather to some degree utilizing satellites, ground radar-type systems and their chem dumps. CA earlier this year is a good example of what they can do.
I received an EV - hybrid - combustion comparison in an email yesterday, claiming EVs as less dangerous to the climate. Life Cycle Emissions: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/life-cycle-emissions-evs-vs-combustion-engine-vehicles/
Of course they do not expect viewers will question its assumptions, wonder why so many EV buses and cars are catching fire around the globe or care that rare earth minerals are just that – rare.
All that cobalt and lithium is no doubt going to put a huge damper on total carbon emissions per vehicle. (womp womp)
NHTSA reportedly had to redesign their equipment for crash testing to accommodate the mass of EVs. So combine the increase in mass with the above and the move towards autopilot driving technology and the apparent lessening of the average IQ in America...what could possibly go wrong? These fanatics are putting the cart before the horse in pushing EVs without thinking things through in the midterm and long-term. I think a disaster is slowly unfolding, courtesy of emotion and ignorance over deep thinking.
I'll add that I recently read that the mean annual income for blacks is roughly $20K less than that of white supremacists, yet advertising for all manner of EVs is done on TV primarily by blacks. I guess they are running out of other folks to hire for advertising..
TV advertising is blatant "politically correct" pandering. Down with political correctness! If actors and actresses were randomly selected, we would see about the same percentage of Black talent as are represented in the general population (about 13% last I heard). Obviously the entire situation of casting for commercials is utterly fake. Whom do they think they are fooling by having maybe a third or half(?) of TV commercials' actors being Blacks? THAT is about as RACIST as you can get! If I were a Black, I would be highly insulted. And in the meantime, Asians are being heavily discriminated against!
And, BTW, "Blacks" are almost all brown! How many truly "black-skinned" humans are there? Not very darn many!
And the big reason that they catch on fire is water is just as good a conductor of errant mega volts of electricity as metals. Gold being the finest of conductors. As well it should be.
Tesla has the lead on flooded cars that catch on fire. Kinda funny about that really.
Hilarious and sad, all at the same time
I absolutely love the Friday & Sunday funnies‼️Their truth speaks volumes.
You really hit the target on all these issues. The one I especially like this morning is the graph showing the way in which government preaches "we reduced inflation" even though it is almost 3 times higher now than it was 3 years ago.
And Biden's go-along tweet said "We're giving families breathing room", as if prices are actually coming down instead of increasing slightly less quickly.
Schiff’s punishment?? Are you f**ing kidding me??
There's no F**ing punishment going on here!
If there were there'd be rioting in the streets.
Mostly peaceful, no doubt.
Very peaceful. Like Antifa.
If we have a government where the winners of elections are picked by a group of unelected thugs, an executive branch that is payed by foreign countries that allows that foreign country to set our policy, a legislative branch that passes and allows mandates that they are exempt from, a justice branch that distributes sentence based on who the defendant is, an entire government that does insider trading to enrich themselves on the backs of tax payers with massive bills, an executive branch that is allowed to jail its political opponents, a president that tramples our bill of rights daily, and not last but a legislature so corrupt itself it can’t impeach anyone because they are up to their crooked necks in corruption themselves, so then what is the difference between Biden, Putin, or Xi Jinping? Putin and Xi Jinping are intelligent competent nationalists. J.Goodrich
And a judiciary writing laws willy-nilly.
SCOTUS has done more harm to the nation's civil liberties, moral character and State rights than any other branch, either on its own or by its leniency through Chevron Deference.
The deference certainly gives power to agencies that to my mind if not outright anti Constitutional run counter to its intent
Absolutely. The agencies are the new Lawmakers and in bed with the corporations, supporting their profits instead of serving the American People. Pure Fascism.
Not to mention...'Executive Mandates'. Which circumvent the Constitution in so many means and ways.
Don't care which party - abolish Executive Mandates.
But...like term limits for House and Senate...think it will ever happen?
Our government has gone over completely to serving Special Interests, including foreign countries that have declared War on us!
Except for Trump, who was a complete accident because of Hillary's narcissistic overconfidence (and an accident that They won't allow to be repeated), virtually all politicians are Selected by the Powers That Be, not elected by The People.
If RFK, Jr. could get elected, I believe that he really understands the Deep State and would give them "a run for their money", but he probably doesn't have a chance. The "PTB" will never allow it.
This country is already lost. The only recourse will be for independent Teams to go deal with The True Perpetrators of this current mess: the WEF, UN, WHO, Bill Gates, the Foundations, the British Royals. Time for Tribunals!
Hi Ana, I think people are scared to stand up, and more than that things have not got bad enough, but I believe they will. It’s really a sin that we will have to see things get really bad to get change.
It is scary because the frog gets boiled in the end.
Thanks for the funnies.
Can’t resist a more serious comment. Both inflation charts are misleading because they plot increases, which are going up and down. But all the increases will decrease the value of the dollar in a monotonc fashion as long as the individual inflation increases are above zero. A real chart would plot the numer of dollars at time t that are equal to one dollar at time t0, which would always go up for years (or months) that had non-negative inflation.
I agree that the term ‘cis’ is derogatory. It also ignores scientific fact, just as so many terms do these days. But when we ban words we do not like, we are just as bad as the people who ban us.
The First Amendment must protect free speech for all -- including and especially those whose speech we dislike. To be clear, speech that is already illegal (e.g., incitement to riot or commit violence; pornography) must be disallowed.
Let’s avoid banning speech and flocking to a “safe spaces” mentality — for all sides. Instead, let’s return to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me” principles (even though name-calling and labeling certainly DO hurt). My Mom used to say “consider the source and ignore it.” Easy to say, difficult to do, but good advice nonetheless.
More unsolicited advice from my corner of the Internetsky:
* Turn off hurtful mainstream and social media. Fear of missing out isn’t a good excuse to let trolls into your life.
* Ignore and tune out people who say mean things.
* Find new friends with whom you can speak freely.
* Speak up and stand for honest principles, facts, and personal integrity.
* Don’t be afraid to challenge bad ideas with logic, humor, and respect.
* Do not resort to name calling; it’s beneath you.
Only the 'left' is banning words as it makes up new ones the dictionary business is all too happy to add as English terms of everyday use. The courts say nothing when these non-words are required to be utilized under city or state law. I do not live anywhere close to where this make-believe world exists (thankfully). But if I did, I would call it out for what it is, a concerted effort that's been afoot for decades to use, in this case, language to change our very real existence into a make-believe wonderland of nonsense meant to destroy society. I can't believe we have let is get this far.
I believe I read that Twitter is planning to ban ‘cis’ though I could be wrong.
Would point out diff between "naming" and "labeling". Many under discussion here self-label themselves.
I’m referring to people who label/name others. Sorry if I was unclear.
Big E, I especially resonate with the last "Do not resort to name calling" I think it always is a reflection of a weak and mean person who is not aware of the ego running their mouth.
Thank you, D.D.! It also shows a person who doesn’t have facts at hand and uses name calling instead.
My humor gene is shrinking! Too many of the cartoons are speaking the truth! Don’t forget Schiff loves vaccines and California mandates their babies get 25 by the time they are 6 months old. Physicians who don’t comply are censured! Isn’t the medical police state wonderful! RFK Jr is being media censured because he wants the truth to be known about autism! Free speech has been replaced with paid speech.
Fervently hoping that there will be a lot stiffer punishment for Schiff. But like with the Biden crime family...ain't holding my breath.
Speaking of punishment takes me to a,subject I have mentioned before--deterrence. Punishments today obviously are much too mild, criminal and civil, to deter crime. It is long past time for a reassessment of our penalties for unlawful behavior.
Singapore style caning would correct the behavior for many.
If McNut was a serious Speaker he would not have stopped with removing Shifty from the Intel Committee, he would removed him from the Judiciary Committee too. Nan had no problem at all keeping GOP members off of committees, even without reason.
"Politics is the degenerate son of an illustrious father: Statesmanship." -Socrates.
Nothing changes. And in case you are wondering, no, the Nazi's did not lose the war, the Germans did. The Nazi's are still trying to kill the rest of humanity, 'to save the planet'.
Yeah. Save it entirely for themselves. Before we burn through all their precious oil.
The "REAL" inflation rate is at about 12% and not 4% as the government tells us.
They have changed the models and data inputs on how inflation is actually calculated. Use the same models and data that they did in the 1970's and the numbers are quite different. We are being scammed.
They are fleecing us and hiding it.
Inflation is a cancer and 4% inflation is AWFUL.
In Econ we were taught lies that we needed inflation for wage growth. In a Fiat currency that is true but what they don't tell you is that wage growth Never keeps up with inflation.
A few days back I was wandering around Reddit and saw a post upset at the current price of a Chalupa. ($4.79). The post fondly remembered when the Chalupa was only $2.25 -- in 2010.
M2 in April 2010: 8,535 billion
M2 in April 2023: 20,673 billion
This is an increase of 240%, meaning that the $2.25 Chalupa from 2010 should be..........$5.40
Excellent analogy.
The Increase in the M2 like this has never been seen before in the world. The only thing that has prevented the 240% increase (as you noted the outlandish M2 expansion. This M2 expansion does not include our estimated $500-$600 Trillion debt obligations)) is our "World Currency Reserve Status". Our "Reserve Currency Status" is quickly eroding. in about 60 days BRICS (plus other countries) are meeting to begin a different currency to compete with the Dollar. The Chinese Yuan is already being used by Saudi Arabia to trade oil and by so many other countries. The Last 10 years has seen the Central Banks around the world buying massive amounts of Gold...It's a different story why the gold price remains low.
YES! I touch on this now and then. Here's what I wrote in Feb 2022:
"In addition, thanks to the Petrodollar, we’re able to ‘export’ some of our inflation to other countries, who need to hold US dollars to buy oil. (Just imagine being one of those suckers being forced to hold a devaluing currency just because you want to buy stuff with it!!!) This, along with some good old-fashioned juking the stats, is why the rate of monetary inflation rarely matches the ‘end’ rate of price inflation."
To a large degree I live under a rock I like it under my rock so thank you for hipping me to the cis maniacs
The pervs sure are a per-cis-tent bunch. Don't realize burning their candle at both ends.
You've outdone yourselves! Well beyond 'On Point'! My favs are the 1st. the Science and the farmers. Great start for our day! Lots to reflect about.
Hope all is going well in your corner of our world. Enjoy the respite. Take great care of yourselves!
You are appreciated and treasured. Bestest +++
Always a great way to start Fridays and Sundays. Today was especially great. Thanks a million and keep 'em coming, Dr. Malone. Happy summer, too.
Murdoch destroying Fox reminds me of the Joker lighting the big pile of money on fire.
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
Look what "they" did to cnn. We obviously are not going to be allowed free access to actual news regarding anything of potential political import. The major networks had been subverted as far back as the vietnam war if not earlier
This just in hours ago. USA sells China the largest Cobalt mine. OH YEAH BABY......