It’s impossible not to think of all that is wrapped up inside the skin of a human being and not conclude that we’ve been manipulated by a much bigger miraculous outside force. Many of these same traits have been put into animals of all shapes and sizes. I’ve been thinking about a humans will to live, and not just live but live your fullest life. If a boulder was falling from the sky you would run out of the way so not to be killed or harmed. Animals have instincts to run or hide from hunters or people in general. Even a mosquito tries to avoid being swatted. When I see Ukrainians migrate away from the United States War against Russia I can only think of the death and destruction governments inflict on people. People by the millions try to avoid death by government because of their will to live. Try thinking about a government that wants to enslave its people or a government that forces experimental injections on its population. Could a governments actions drive a person to suicide? We know the answer is absolutely YES. In that same breath think of a government thats not coercive and makes the peoples life easier, more productive and more lucrative, wouldn’t this surely show a big drop in suicide and extend life’s expectancy. Think about a government that promotes suicide and at the same time creates tyranny. Now, finally, go into the voting booth and make your choice. J.Goodrich

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James, in moments of despair, like when Mike Johnson betrayed us all, I come to the conclusion that voting is no longer a viable weapon against government corruption. I’ve watched Congress interview hundreds of bureaucrats who actually run this monstrosity, and be unable to get documents, straight answers, or truth from them. Congress when not corrupt itself is powerless. The founding fathers never could have imagined this. A civil war must be waged. We the People against our government. Not a war with guns but with the one thing that enables our government: our tax money. I have seriously considered firing the first salvo by refusing to pay my 2023 taxes. What can they do? Lock up an old woman with not long to live anyhow? Yes. They can and my attorney says they would. What they can’t do is lock us all up. If just 100 million of us simultaneously refused to pay our taxes until we were given the right to assign our tax dollars for or not for every spending proposal, the resulting government correction would be nothing less that nuclear. Corruption would plummet and accountability would suddenly become the norm. Not even the so called evils of a direct democracy could be any worse than what we have now. If elected officials won’t or can’t change this nosedive into tyranny, individuals must. Who is with me?

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God bless you Barbara Lee. Money seems to be the root of all in governments evils….

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It’s the love of money…

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Great ideas, Barbara!

DE-FUNDING the UNCONSTITUTIONAL federal bureaucracy will work - IF enough of the PRIVATE SECTOR taxpayers come together.

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Well, that’s two (me and you). If I were younger I’d form an organization, publish on X and get a boycott federal income tax 2024 started!! I wish somebody would take up this cause because I’m in if a sufficient number are.

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After the blatant corruption I have watched our so-called government inflict on "we the people" the last 7+ years, the low life planners and instigators of the destruction of America will use the failure to pay taxes as another "emergency" to destroy more rights and justify more tyranny.

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Few people today are aware that the "personal" income tax instituted in 1913 by the Democrat President - Woodrow Wilson - and his majority in the House and Senate sold the idea to the American 'masses' with the "TAX THE RICH" ploy still used by the Demo-COMMIES TODAY.

Initially, the personal income tax rate for the VAST majority was something around 1%. But that was just the FLOOR - which during the 1940s reached 90% under FDR.

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Understood it was “guaranteed” to not exceed 7% when passed

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That is something the states could do and hopefully they will.

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You mean 'state' income tax or federal?

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Withhold money. Texas has one of the worlds largest economies. Bet it could impose a big hurt on the fed, particularly if other states joined

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Dr Nash, are you suggesting that a state , let’s say mine- Kentucky - could pass a law that said citizen taxpayers must assign their tax dollars to every spending proposal OR we, the state of Kentucky, is not turning over our taxpayers money to you?

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Economics not my field. But I know the Constitution has granted a lot of power to the states that, for whatever reason, they seem loathe to use. And it is axiomatic that the USG has greatly exceeded the powers granted it by the Constitution. So I believe there is a remedy there if the states are willing to fight for it. The income (direct) tax was actually forbidden in the Constitution very likely because the Founders recognized the danger of allowing the fed to put its grubby fingers in the citizens pockets. Took a committed progressive to overturn that wise decision.

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Barbara, Taxes or no taxes, they don't miss a beat...they just print more on demand...

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That has almost run its course. Eventually there is a complete financial collapse which by all indications is closer than we think

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Your right , if people didn't pay the taxes, which are being sent to other countries; or wasted! The government would learn the Power of the People! Its totally a 'run-a-way' out of control government at the moment.

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Absolutely. Boston Tea Party revisited. Our voices are without representation.

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The problem is we could absolutely never get 100 million people to refuse to pay taxes...mainly due to the fear factor of what they would do to SOME of us as a lesson. Our government has become a behemoth that is mostly out of control no matter what we do or who we elect.

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I feel sure that the little band of patriots that looked at the British was fearful too. And it was a relatively small number of the population that started the drive toward independence. I wonder what would happen if I posted a #Boycott taxes 2024 on X what would happen?

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Never underestimate the armed citizen. Between us all we have hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition. The only question is, can we grow enough hemp for rope to go along with our guns?

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Keep seeing pathetic voter participation and have to wonder just which segment of our populations apathy is represented in those numbers. Conservatives, progressives or just don’t give a tinkers dam

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Readers only participate.

On a fishing trip last week:

NO one reads.

Ages of others: 35, 65, and 60-- the 35'er reads NOTHING, the 60 guy reads only about his interests in photography, the 65'er listens to BBC occasionally and believes he sees an un biased take on the news, reads NOTHING.

Of these, I believe only one will vote-- BBC guy.

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Super blue state here with VERY low participation in the primary. My impression is nonparticipants assume the outcome is a forgone conclusion that they accept.

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My very bright accountant and her college educated assistant (both conservatives) did not know who RFK Is, nor who Javier Milleau is NOR what Mike Johnson just did with the budget. They don’t read (bad) and they don’t watch BBC or any MSM (good). They don’t know anything!!

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They sound like the typical American citizen, (good for government), (bad for America). Sad…

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The Decay is rampant.

A Dumbing of America has been some folks New Frontier.

Looks like a good percentage got an incomplete... or an F- grade report card.

Either way.......Sigh......

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All got participation trophies.

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A percentage may just be disgusted and walked away.

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Not a good idea but one applauded by the progressives I am sure.

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Anyone know the % of INDEPENDENT voting public?

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Probably changes by the minute

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No doubt, but in aggregate % as opposed to Dems and R voters?

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???. As I have heard numbers tossed around the Rs and Ds each roughly equal and the rest generally classed Is. That is probabley horsewhallop.

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Just checked with GOOGLE ( for what THAT is worth).

As of 2022: 43% of voters identified as INDEPENDENT.

....27% as Democrats

....27% as Republicans.

I hope TRUMP is AWARE of this.

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You succinctly made the obvious point that it is not only Biden that doesn't have a brain. Half the population doesn't even have the instincts of animals.

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Great point Shelley!!!

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Until we get off the SSRI horse, and understand the root causes of suicide and learn how to reverse them nothing will change. Answer is not drugs . Most without brains have succumbed to the controlled mass media.

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Your opinion on my theory, please.

SSRIs have a warming that a small percentage of the users may experience suicidal ideation. With perhaps millions taking these, I suspect that thousand may experience this adverse reaction.

Out of those thousands, a tiny few may become homicidal (same suicidal coin, flip side)

And until recently, only boys shooting up schools and other places, who are all on SSRIs.

Very recently, a little rabid democrat witch (girl) went on a shooting spree. Another was caught.

The common denominator, SSRIs and testosterone.

The perverted demented women who are taking testosterone, and SSRIs, now seem to be a dangerously violent as the boys.

So, my theory, SSRIs caused many of the boys to shoot up the schools, and now that democrat vermin are pushing testosterone on their mentally ill girls, on SSRIs, we will see a lot more rabid democrat females shooting up schools.

What do you think? (I saw the RPh)

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The warning on the SSRI’s was penned by the drug company. They will underplay the great harm. They prevent mainstream media from discussing the issue. Bad for business! You may be right about girls on testosterone!

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I was trying to figure out what was different, since we now have girls shooting up schools

I worked pysch for years (RN) and we were on the lookout for affect changes in folks on SSRIs

Testosterone is good stuff as long as it is not used for evil.

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You’re right Thomas, the medical establishment killed my brother as well. They can’t help but mess with people and have no idea or plan for the end result of what they’re doing. I was thinking of Mathew Perna, who plead guilty to bogus Jan. 6th charges and then the government threatened to raise them to terrorist type charges and Mathew committed suicide. Just a couple days ago I heard of another nearly exact case.

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I’m so sorry James to hear about the loss of your brother. I too lost my father to drugs that were supposed to be safe but also included suicide warnings on the packaging. It was heartbreaking! And the Matthew Perna and the newest suicide of a J6er is also heartbreaking. The EVIL is mind boggling!!! 👿👿👿

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Thank you Jennifer, it is complete evil for the American government to drive good people to suicide. My brother was 48 years old when he passed away. 16 years have gone by, it’s hard to believe.

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So so awful James! All so unnecessary and so wrong! Sadly EVIL abounds! But God! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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“It” will not let “Me” like Your Comment/Statement/Post; however, I do. In the uk, “They” call Me the Crazy American. Let’s Rock and Roll, Ed

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I love you Ed in a non sexual way!!!!

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It’s actually “For Humor” Me (57) and and My 17 Year Old Best Friend went and Jammed for Elderly Neighbors…Yes, I listen to Mattias Desmet, Ph.D. and His teachings. Very Best My Friend, Ed

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Morning Jim, Some coffee works wonders to open things up.

With a little luck....with a little luck....with a little luck we'll get our nation back!

With a little bit of bloomin LUCK!

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🧐 "luck?" "Luck⁉️" I’m gonna play Satan’s Advocate here (seems appropriate as I was granted the right to "practice" law back in my misspent youth) and oppose your desire that we find us in the lucky position of "getting our country back." I don’t know, some mysterious force will bestow upon us the ability to roll back 150 years of ever encroaching death by a gazillion bureaucrats, the selfish manifestation of man in the halls of our highest offices, that those who’ve received largesse from "the government" for having done naught. Luck requires some opportune alignment of the stars, 3rd moons in the house of ???; the same belief that "government" funds magically appear in bank accounts and not from the forced sacrifice of fellow citizens.

What I’m getting at with my over the top comparisons is that if we’re relying on "luck" to get our nation back, well, luck is gonna leave us politically, socially, manifestly adrift. It wasn’t "luck" that freed us from the tyranny of England, it wasn’t "luck" when we survived England’s taking a 2nd bite of that apple 40 years later, it wasn’t "luck" that mended the rift caused by democrats 40 years after that. And it won’t be "luck" that will mend the rift, the rupture being created now - by democrats, the Democrat party, again.

Like the first two instances, there will be bloodshed: by constitutional patriots, by those attempting to defang the constitution. I do not believe this’ll arise as an un-"civil war" as those who advocate one way or the other are not separated along definable fronts - neither geographic or demographic. Although, to be sure, outside of a "civil war," I’m not sure there is a way for us to get our country back.

Me, I’m leaning on God, the triune God, doing as he did being involved in the creation and preservation of this land for "Americans" much as He set aside and preserved the land we now call Israel. Without some outside event arising that shakes America to her knees, even close to the point of no return (which we are on a glide path to already), there will be no impetus to the necessary changes. Failure, of course, means the end of America, the ideals that we’ve seen spring up, and too often fade, around our world.

There is one possibility, more mythical than any chance of happening, America could be a Phoenix, from the ashes of destruction a renewed sense of liberty could arise by those tired of chains&tyranny, again. However, this is no longer the 17th, 18th centuries and the lopsided nature of military power between government and those governed make this extremely unlikely.

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Um...Randall is just playing off the words of an old song...

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We agnostics have to depend on crossed fingers but…. Same sentiment.

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Good on ye Mate!

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

Call it luck or sense of smell.

No way they remember where the hell they bury them all! Hahhaha

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Everything has it's own spin on what they deem as luck.

The gambler hopes his financial future depends on luck, not research.

The drunk places his next drink on it.

The blind squirrel as well knows eventually he will find a nut.

I personally do not live my life by placing greater things in the category of luck.

Perhaps it more working smarter and harder to avoid the bad luck.

And yup the humor of luck is a movie hit from days gone by, but still rings today.

The wonderful, Free-Spirited song from the Classic Movie, "My Fair Lady"

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James, for and from a historical perspective of the human condition, an astounding and BIG time eye-opening new book "THE END OF EVERYTHING" by Victor Davis Hanson ( Basic Books) - will change the world-view of ANYONE who actually reads this astonishing trip through history.

Trepidation of OUR future in the 21st century cannot be ignored as Davis expounds on the fact that history REPEATS itself.

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the leftist vermin in Canada are already driving their citizens to suicide, assisted by the state, of course.

If only a few of these suicidal folks felt like taking some rodents with them.

Might solve a lot more problems than it causes.

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There are now states in America allowing assisted suicide as well. It won’t be long and it will be federalized…

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I have 2 comments:

1. On the POTUS debate, I believe there should be urine drug testing immediately before the debate begins. Please let me know your opinions.

2. I recently had an Uber driver transport me. Being 71 I was curious what this young man was doing with his life. He said he was working 3 jobs, 1st to pay his expensive rent in Asheville North Carolina, and, 2nd to save to continue his education as an Electrical Engineer in Victoria BC. He stated he was worried he might not find a job in EE, even though he stated he's a straight-A student. I asked why. He stated AI would replace him, w/the AI directing a machine to do his EE work.

I was amazed at this! A straight-A EE student, who has mastered Maxwell's theories as well as many others, being replaced by an AI computer directing machinery.

So, I'm not sure if I've missed previous discussions on AI & the white-collar jobs AI will replace, but any chance we can look at this? And, the impacts AI will have on our global societies? The feces is about to hit the fan! Maybe, Elon Musk's plan to inhabit Mars may be nothing more than an exercise in maintaining a class of intellectually superior mentalist before this human talent is forever lost to a future Terminator?

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To me this smacks of the Globalists plans. AI with robots and obedient transhumans as needed.

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May 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good Morning! Surely appropriate lot today. Guess I'll have to go with the handsome horse helping deliver the Orcs an announcement.

At least there seems to be a mix of interesting doings afoot

Helicopter with Iranian President has hard landing. Bad weather.

Milei upsets Spain and Europe with soeech including 'Opening the door to socialism is inviting death.' He surely speaks his mind.

Gates has financed development of a vaccine to deal with cow farts.

Off topic:

Fallout was top notch - Thank You!

Any foals to speak of?

Any chance of sharing the second part of your Fed interview?

Wishing you a good day and even better week!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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There are some great funnies here but they all make me sad because they are all true. The video was funny. I love my country. I love all that she stands for. I love the Constitution. I love the Founding Fathers. I love the spiritual man that George Washington was. I love Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence . I love the courage of Abraham Lincoln. I loved the fact that JFK was trying to drain the swamp before he was assassinated . We have had some great men lead our country and we have had some evil men lead our country. What we as citizens can do is uphold the Constitution and make sure those people that we vote for are willing to fight to uphold our Constitution.

Have a great Sunday.

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Amen, great post! 🥂

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Great collection today! If I only had a brain, I could figure all this out.


Great video takeoff from Wizard of Oz, a movie I saw a zillion times during my 1950s childhood (almost as many times as The Sound of Music). Watching ""Wizard" at a neighbor's house was the first time I saw color on a televison (first and last part of the movie is black & white, the Oz section is brilliant Technicolor). Yes, I'm THAT OLD.

More about the Wizard of Oz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_of_Oz

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I am sure the woke folk would like to see the white chess pieces colored red.

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Or black on black pieces, that would be particularly perplexing on a 3D board Lol🥂🐸

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May 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, in 1962 George J and clan erupted across our tellies, in PRIMETIME!, giving us a glimpse of the future: flying cars that fit in attaché cases, lunar resorts, automated machinery operated at the touch of a button - and Rosie, the robot housekeeper. Not an unhoused person to be seen, no hunger (and no morbidly obese 🤣) and kids still WENT to school. Government, conspicuous in its absence, must be some hidden benevolent god since the world of the Jetsons, even in our early 1960s, had no houses of worship in which a person of faith might find an assemblage of like minded

In the 60 years hence, we discovered we’re not alone in the universe (maybe just galaxy), our "neighbors" are all sorts of strange, yet curiously bipedal, creatures mostly hominid in form - We also seem to be at war with most of them, at least at one time or other. Closer to home, well, actually here@home, we’re interestingly a mix of those being starved by their governments and those so well fed that "gigantus buttus" has its own demographic in the clothing industry. We’re still going to school, except when we don’t or can’t, higher education usually means just that except for when it really means hardly education; housing repeats the axiom that what was old is new again as home ownership rates have fallen below 50% again due to the same problems as before - hyper immigration and economic challenges. And, when the aforementioned homeowner has saved enough to afford a vacation, or the future payments thereof, upon their return they may have to contend with the nascent 1st world problem of attempting to evict a 3rd world squatter - a newly protected species according to some reports.

And finally, what started this whole exercise: Rosie the servile housekeeper - except when she wasn’t. More’n’more of our manufacturing base is being taken over by "robots" that were programmed by highly paid white collar drudges who are now on the cusp of being replaced by AI software robots that can code, write, create better than their now useless masters - except when they can’t or won’t, much like a university student in the 1960s watching The Jetsons taking a "bad trip." Yes, not only to androids dream of electric sheep, they can hallucinate.

Remember, next weekend is Memorial Day during which we pay homage to 🤔- this year, if you live in California or New York, I suspect returning to an unoccupied home will make this a worthy Memorial Day.

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May 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, Wow, WOW! If I only had a brain. Beautifully done!

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Thanks I always look forward to seeing the Friday and Sunday Funnies, and they definitely help in the important task of maintaining a sense of humor. It's a sad commentary that the humor of the greatly enjoyed strips comes more from the truthful depiction of what's occurring than from just "humor" (it's kind of hard to explain what I mean but I hope that makes sense). In reply to the Washington quote above, I'd like to add one from Edward Abbey: "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government". Thanks for all you do!

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At church ⛪️ today we covered the role of government & the writing of Samuel Rutherford: Lex Rex.

We must remember that our RIGHTS COME FROM GOD & NOT BY our government! PERIOD ‼️ END OF STORY!!


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But govs can take them away. That is the message to remember when he gov speaks

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First sign of a tyrannical gov. We had our first sign a long time ago.

The Federalist finally managed to get redacted docs regarding Biden's EO that all gov agencies must interfere with the next election by finding and assisting voters.


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Violates article 1 section 4of the Constitution….as did the civil rights laws

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Rambler, true if We The PeopleTM allow it to happen by electing Godless people.

We have to remember that once these Godless people are in control of our government they're granted THE FULL POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT!

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Quite right, we need

The pastors, priests, rabbis to pound that point but also to make the

Point to VOTE for President Trump

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May 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish I had a brain…these were so funny mine all blew out my ears!

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"Government is an essential part of human society and without it we would all die."

In the 1840s, Henry David Thoreau built his own rustic lodging near Walden Pond in Massachusetts for $28.12 1/2, and lived there for a couple of years, sustained by his own labor and productivity. The experience was chronicled in his famous book, "Walden."

He died in his 40s from TB. But I envy the freedoms he knew. These days, it seems everything requires the state's blessings; applications, titles, licensing, registration, permits, etc.

On the other hand, if he had only let government intervene in his life, he'd now be 207 years old. Gone too soon.

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Given whats pouring over our border we may all have the opportunity to emulate Thoreau and play host to TB that is now largely drug resistant.

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Rambler, I am horrified!

I had not read about TB being largely drug resistant!!!

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My Aunt Angie had TB as a kid and I believe was put in a home for a stint. I’ve renovated a few old Victorian homes that had TB outside porches attached to a bedroom. I guess today I may start building Covid/TB Porches attached to bedroom. The more things change the more they stay the same….

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They call this progress?!?! 😔

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Yeah. The TB bug is closely related to fungi and the very devil to treat. The treatment, at least back in the day I am familiar with, took pretty much a year to complete. Unfortunately the vast majority of infections occurred in the low socioeconomic population and there treatment encountered resistance, either thru ignorance or other reasons. Anyway, for what ever reason, sufficient numbers refused to take the full course of treatment and drug resistant strains emerged. Obviously they have a survival advantage and are (have?) become the dominant strain.

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"Manhattan court hires Disney Artists to draw Michael Cohen"!

All good ....but this was my Fav.

And stacks the courtroom with an entire cast of deranged aging Walt Disney Characters to boot.

No clearer an explanation presents itself to the demise of Law/Order/and Justice in the USA.

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Law and order. The law is owned by lawyers and they do pretty much what ever they want with it. Have made it into a game in which only they can play. The rest of us are pieces to be played in their game.

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Also, George Washingtons admonition about "Free People" being Armed and Disciplined (and) have Sufficient Arms and Ammunition to Maintain a Status of INDEPENDENCE - from governments that have gone rogue (and) irredeemably corrupt is advice (if) ignored will absolutely end the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787.

The Demo-COMMIES and RepublicanRATS want "we the People" totally UNARMED and subservient.

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"If I Only Had A Brain" is a work of pure GENIUS!

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