Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A team of federal investigators was planning to fly to Pennsylvania in the aftermath. But plans hit a snag as they moved to board the plane. The jet bridge had a 5 degree decline, and so the investigators balked at the entrance thereon.

Word is they're still stuck, paralyzed with fright, at the gate lobby.

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Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "enshitification" of the Secret Service is a slippery slope.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

On that subject, and following up on discussion this week, I note this:

It is a typical dynamic in developing organizations; that those sharing common, broad goals will still have intra-group differences over the best means to achieve such. And this factionalism has already surfaced within the World Enshittification Forum.

Some favor a deliberate, measured approach over time. Others insist on a more aggressive timetable. An example of the latter faction is "EXecutives in League to Abolish eXcellence," often referred to informally by its quasi acronym.

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Indeed, EXLAX leads to enshitification and everyone involved covering their asses,

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Sneak preview of the upcoming Democratic Convention in Chicago:


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Yep, launching decrepit cars off a cliff, sounds about right. Keeping with the "enshitification" theme, it's gonna be a shit-show.

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My prediction is that on the day before it starts, 08/18/24, they discover at the last minute (if they're even paying any attention to logistics) that various things that had to be done were assumed to have been done when in fact they hadn't. Chaos ensues. And Day One guaranteed is going to be The Bronx Burning Down in the 1970s all over again. Which would be fitting for the New American (Multi-Racial) KKK Convention Oh I can't wait.

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Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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Not to mention that the planes aren't flying due to the CrowdStrike glitch. Hmmmm....

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It’s so crazy. Hardly anyone I’ve spoken to even knew this happened.

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…I’d like to ‘like’ this, but I’ve lost that ability…again.

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See if your app needs updating then turn device off then on. I’ve found that to be my issue at times

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I’m not on an app… laptop.

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I'm on a laptop, too, and my ability to 'like' has been gone for a while now.

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07/21/24: Progress commenced when Joe B. himself arrived to swiftly lead them up the airplane steps. And a good thing too --- there was a ton of incriminating evidence at the attempted assassination site that they miraculously were able to seize and destroy.

Dumpy Cheatle's weekly expedition to Saks Fifth Avenue, meanwhile, escaped notice.

Isn't it AMAZING how many Rhonna McDaniel clones --- fat, puffy, useless bureaucrats squandering campaign funds on garbage --- are out there?!

[Cheatle is the current Secret Service head (in title only). R.M. was the RNC executive who spent tons of cash in six years while losing three consecutive elections; Trump wisely dumped her earlier this year. Imagine what a snooze bomb the effervescent and moving RNC convention w/have been with her continuing to run things.]

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Perfectly said!

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Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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this is going to follow them for quite a while LOL

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If that SS director doesn’t resign I hope she is fired and escorted out the door on Monday. What a POS!

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Sequel is coming! The Protected cartoon reminds me of KH now running for President. If the women shown was dark they would yell racist!

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Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How do you do it? Honestly the best collection yet.

I have a,few ideas of my own re the recent assassination attempt. First, it would send a powerful message if the Republican party hired private security to protect Pres. Trump. It would tell the nation they they no longer trust the SS's ability/willingness to protect their POTUS candidate.

Secondly, if/when Trump wins the office, he should rightly assume that wether his life was endangered by a SS loyal to a treasonous cabal (deep state?) or now so irrecovetly incompetent as to make any difference irrelevant and respond accordingly. Begin by hiring a core of reliable former agents who left service in disgust during or prior to the #44 occupancy. Then fire all the questionable agents he can and transfer the others to locations so unpleasant as to encourage resignation as an option. He can then use those former agents to rebuild a competent SS once again faithful to our Republic.

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Agree! One of the best collections so far.

Unfortunately, our world now is so ripe for ripost, caricature, lampoon, sarcasm, and satire (and, yes, I grabbed an online thesaurus to help me find a few of the synonyms here).

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I thought the thesaurus was extinct. Ahh, the days when thesauruses roamed the world.

You could add "snark" to your list.

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I had to put "snark" in park because the list was getting too long, but it did belong.

https://www.thesaurus.com - Thesaurusosaurus electronicus: Not extinct, just succinct, dipped in bits instead of ink.

Just so you know, Swabbie Robbie, I was there when paper thesauruses roamed the earth, and it was gloriasasaurus!

OK, OK, I'm done, as I've always been prone to pun (and rhyme).

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Get thee to a punnery. A paper thesaurus is more than a match for a paper tiger, at least in airy diction, and in my suspicion, in Erudition.

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Big E, don't apologize. I'm also to puns, rhymes and alliteration.

I went to The Half Price Bookstore and purchased AN OLD HUGE UNABRIDGED WEBSTER'S


We just can't believe the new corrupted online definitions.

That way, I can speak about the original definition of many of our words that are being changed as we speak.

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Good idea, i think I will go buy a few copies for future reference.

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I still use a good old fashioned one and a dictionary (they weigh a ton but love them). The nice thing about the paper kind is you always learn stuff going through the pages

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I concur and also have several dictionaries and two thesauruses. Some dictionaries printed in the 60's, one from the 70's. One dictionary is an unabridged reprint of a 18th century publication which is useful when reading old documents.

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You’re lucky you have some old ones. Mine are packed at the moment but I’m guessing mine are from the 90’s. Not sure what happened to my older ones

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07/21/24: Highly recommended: "Mind The Gaffe, The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English," by Larry Trask [1944-2004]; Penguin Group (2002 paperback). Buy the actual book (English edition; AVOID the American edition)... Mr. Trask's robust and resilient sense of humor will win you over.

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Gonna check it out! Thx!

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--- Sneak preview of the upcoming Election with Democrats on the pitch!


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That sounds like a very good idea. There's probably a very good crop of recently discharged Special Ops guys to choose from. Guys who weren't on board with DEI, transgender policy, or forced "vaccination." Guys who take the US Constitution seriously, and aren't too keen on handing the national reins over to Klaus and Tedros.

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Sneak preview of the upcoming Democratic Convention in Chicago:


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Remember Ernie Kovac's The Nairobi Trio? Imagine it composed of crime boss Don Joe, Hillary the hag and Commie Kammy. Can't you see that mask imploding?

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07/21/24: The incompetents one by one should be transferred to the Monica Lewinsky Emeritus Chair at the Pentagon, and forced to wear blue dresses to work..

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That should do it.

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One hitch: What if none of them resign and we end up with 380 men in Monica Lewinsky dresses filling out forms for weapons to be abandoned to the Taliban?

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If chinese made uzi imitations maybe not so bad. If they are as effective as chinese made humane mouse traps we will see a big decrease in the taliban

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Sneak preview of the upcoming Democratic Convention in Chicago:


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--- Sneak preview of the upcoming Election with Democrats on the pitch!


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I actually suggested a similar move to RFK jr when the White house finally decided to give him SS service. I said that the gov should just give him a voucher for Secret Service as his were doing a fine job and could be trusted. Vouchers for Secret Service would circumvent the "there's a shortage" excuse. Vouchers for Secret Service and Vouchers for education; getting service that one can trust! (I am a "Trumpster," but my hubby is for Kennedy. Regardless of my not being for Kennedy, I expect that all candidates should have the same--GOOD AND GENUINE-- protection and opportunity.)

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Yep!!! That's called "cleaning house"!!! Vacuum up all the crap, throw out all the trash, sweep all the cobwebs, mop, wipe and disinfect the floors and walls, shampoo the carpets and don't let anyone in with dirty shoes on!!

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I absolutely agree with you on this Michael. In my opinion, this was ONE of THE most serious crimes EVER committed. (that is when you consider what the wef who and un as well as "others" have planned for the world. An unprecedented level of "proper crime fighting" and apprehension of THE REAL perpetrators of this horror is essential. In my opinion this is a turning point of the whole world as we knew it and WE built it.

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Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like the cartoon about lifestyle changes versus taking a pill. In the US we have had 30 years of consumer advertising of prescription drugs with the message taking RX drugs is a happy experience and good for you. I recall overhearing a pharmaceutical salesman tell a physician that it is in his best interest to write a prescription for his new patient even if she or he really doesn’t need it because it validates the patient decision to see the physician and it will help build his practice.! Consumer advertising was allowed by the FDA in the early 1990s when a new nondrowsy antihistamine came on the market and the drug manufacturer convinced the FDA that it was a lifesaving drug. It turns out that Seldane was just the opposite and was destroying heart function, and 1000’s and 1000’s of Americans died because of the drug and the drug had to be removed from the marketplace. Unfortunately, the die was cast and now big Pharma spends $6 billion a year convincing American Public that drugs give you happiness! The end result is at the mass media will not bite the hand that feeds them and tell the American public the great harm that has been created by the misuse of drugs in United States. The latest push for weight loss via drug intervention is just coming to fruition. We don’t know the end result.

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Definitely agree with you Thomas. I have noticed more advertisements for big pharma, & some ads have turned into “broadway show stoppers” or musicals now! Obviously, this is their (big pharma’s) end game to have the nation on pills for one reason or another, just to put money back into pharma’s deep pockets, & keep people under control!

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I always love the warnings printed under the ads which amount to "do not take if.... stop if ... death may occur.... death is normal.

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Those ads always made me not want to take anything but the one that makes me laugh is when they say if you’re allergic not to take it. Well jeez, how ya gonna know?! However, they didn’t give warnings for the jab.

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Amen to that! One reason I refused to get any jabs for CV-19! Too many unknowns as to what was in each jab!

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Exactly! When the advertisement begins the lengthy document detailing the “alleged side effects”, I always mute the ad! Take this pill & don’t “worry ‘bout it”!

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07/21/24: And the newspapers (print/on line), if possible, now unanimously avoid stating the cause of death in their obituaries (editor, quite aware of how much pharma ad $$ his media conglomerate gets: "Oh. Pfizer got another one... Barney, remember to x that out in the obit. There is NO cause of death").

Remember how this once used to be amusing?

The late great Mike Royko told the story about a murdered Chicago politician; the cops DIDN'T want to find out who did it: "Dingbat Oberta was found with a bullet in his head and a can of aspirins in his pocket. The coroner held up the aspirins and said, 'He died of a headache' "

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There isn't enough money in medications that make people WELL. You've got to have ongoing illness that requires lifetime medications. That's the business model for Pharma.

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Instead of 'happy' I would say 'healthy'. Some people want to live forever and believe meds. can do the job!

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Sneak preview of the upcoming Election with Democrats on the pitch!


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Good morning fellow Malonites!

Yes, it does seem like the crazy 🤪 clowns 🤡 have taken over, but if we continue to PRAY, 🙏 PRAY 🙏 PRAY 🙏 we will WIN 🏆 WIN 🏆 WIN 🏆!

They will be defeated if we stay united.

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Agree! 🙏🙏💯🇺🇸🥇

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My favorite today is the one about baptizing in schools!

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🤡 The meme about clowns in the palace brought to mind this video from Christmas 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T02Kl8-Hmx4

🥚I sent the "Farm Fresh Eggs" picture as a reminder to my local egg supplier about how much I appreciate the eggs we buy from her. Unfortunately, her hens have slowed down production due to day after day of 100+ degree heat, so I'm waiting patiently for my next pickup -- and no, I'm not eggsaggerating: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F837f707d-4cdd-4fd4-9b01-18a642a3d9c7_954x866.png

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lol You’re on a roll today Big E!

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Do you have FOSR? Find out what it takes to overcome it (FOSR = Fear of Sloped Roofs): Watch (07/20/24 video 1 min 11 sec): https://x.com/Texas_jeep__guy/status/1814629189644931081

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Sure took her long enough to get her gun in her holster too

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God made man

God gave man a place to live;

God gave man a job, a promise and something pleasurable to do in his free time;

God said don’t DO this one thing, man did anyway;

God gave a little more guidance times ten;

Man started catching on, upped Hod’s guidance by another 350’ish;

God saw that it was too complicated, reduced original guidance back to two: LOVE your God, LOVE your neighbor;

Man: ?????;

Man got a fresh start, wrote a CONSTITUTION that fit in a waistcoat pocket, "to form a MORE perfect union";

Man, oh HIM again, forgetting the "more" part began tweaking "perfection," again;

Man’s pocketable guidance morphed into a warehouse and an army of enforcers;

Man created a SPECIAL kind of hell;


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“I got high” on your Sunday Funnies, Drs Malone! Thank you. Thank you.

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Comic relief to be shared

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Re: “Kale is so versatile … “ Oh, my gosh! That could not have come at a better time because I am actively juicing. Ever smelled kale pulp from your juicer? That’s right - horse manure. There are not enough apples, apricots, peaches or grapes to counteract the taste or smell of juiced kale. It is vile.

Trash can!!! Better yet, try to keep it out of your house and refrigerator bin. God did not create a kitchen cleaner strong enough to purge its noxious odor.

Thanks for that funny. It was absolutely perfect! Hugs and kisses, Malones!!!!

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Be careful with kale everyday! I was dehydrating it and eating it everyday and got thallium toxicity! It's the healthiest veggie and takes up more minerals including thallium in the soil in California from the fracking water!

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Same thing with spinach. It’s high in oxylates. It’s best to mix up your greens and not eat just one kind.

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And I love Kale! Even as a kid, I loved all the veggies others hated.

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Been paying a little attention to the notion/reality of Psy-War/Psy-Ops

ALSO watched "The Matrix" the other day and got to thinking 🤔

Wouldn’t it make sense, if the public was catching on to the idea of Psy-War,

The ones running the Psy-War op would send a practitioner of Psy-War to run a Psy-War op on those suspecting the Psi-War by confirming their tin-foil hat fears of being controlled by those running a Psi-War campaign thus elevating the status of the Psy-War revealer thus protecting the Psi-War campaign?

Or, would that in and of itself be Psi-War?

Drs Malone, red pill or blue, be thou Neo or Agent Smith⁉️

In other news, foil wrap has become THE hot commodity this summer.

My head hurts

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black pill

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--- Sneak preview of the upcoming Democratic Convention in Chicago:


--- Sneak preview of the upcoming Election with Democrats on the pitch!


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Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Old Turkish proverb nailed it!🐸🥂

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Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those are some great funnies! Trump electric fence funny had me laughing out loud. Teachers baptizing was so great. Biden as the clown hit my funny bone . On Facebook yesterday card decks for sale with Biden dressed as a court Jester was the joker, Trump was the King Melania was the Queen and Donald Jr was the Jack. I couldn’t resist , I had to buy a deck. You have to know that when I travel I pick up a deck of cards from places I have been too. Easy to fit in a suit case and great pictures.I have a deck from Yellowstone Park, Stone Henge, Troll cards from Norway, Little Mermaid cards from Disneyland, cards from Las Vegas, etc. I couldn’t pass them up.

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Oh and have a great day. We are heading home from a trip to the Mountains. Family reunion fun on the lake getting sunburned(lots of Vitamin D ) Notices that a grizzly bear was on the island. Saw some grizzly bear tracks on the beach, ate some great home cooked meals , played games and watched movies. I bought a paddle board and everyone had a turn on it. Lots of water skiing, tubing, wave surfing, wake boarding and learning to drive use my son in laws new hydro foil surfer. There is nothing better than being surrounded by my family. Now going back home to some peace and quiet.

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Jul 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope many people followed the link to the study re: preborns and their moms eating carrots or kale. I thought at first it was a joke, so I clicked to see if it let me so enlightenment. LOL! The pictures of the preborn babies are priceless! I forwarded it to one of the pro-life groups that I follow and support. Thanks!

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Did you see those cows on sloped roofs? They didn't seem to have a problem.

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It was in our Friday funnies

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