Feb 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


...is it Peter Whoretez?

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Dr. Malone did you ever work with Hortez , if so did he seem like he was off his rocker?

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"Did we just become best friends?" 🤣

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During WWII, Japan sent incindiary balloons over the Northwest coast of America causing forest fires.

The US flew the spy plane Black Bird over Russia that Gary Powers bailed out of. He was captured and traded back. US flew DC3 spy planes out of Osaka, Japan penatrating Russian air space and they were shot down. Now then, does anyone think that this was just a weather ballon that escaped Chinese air space? If they didn't want to cause an international issue, all they would have to do is detonate the ballon on their own before it left China space. Testing the resolve and smarts of the DC clown crowd. They won!

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After the first balloon report noted the military had been monitoring it, I concluded that it was planned by the CCP and our military/intel. Our Gov used it as a psy-op to distract, sow discourse and division, monitor media compliance and population reaction for those still Gov faithful, and as proof to the CCP it would not interfere as it traversed our airspace over military sites. I could be mistaken but I do not believe the CCP needs a spy balloon. It can get whatever info they want using their satellites. Because I do not trust the CCP, in addition I add a possible dry run for an EMP.

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May be right. The manipulation of the truth just marches on and on.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023


if they really wanted to do something over air space they could have simply rented a private plane, etc

the visible part of it was intentional

and deep in the sneaky hovels, with clean desks behind which people with seemingly intelligent eyes plot and carry out harm of others, the Creator is fully watching, aware and orchestrating every last thing

those that trust the Orchestrator are in very good hands indeed, while those who reject the Orchestrator, receive the full measure of what they sow

maybe the most damaging part of all this 3 year intentional harm is to create a "they are evil" attitude that dampens seeing "I didn't do that horrible stuff, but am myself evil enough to need a Savior"

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Roger That.

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Pentagon top floor is working with the CCP. Prime example - General I'll-call-my-CCP-counterpart Milley.

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The balloons in WW2 also carried explosives. There's a monument in Oregon:

Mitchell Monument

In Memory Of:

Elsie Mitchell Age 26

Dick Patzke Age 14

Jay Gifford Age 13

Edward Engen Age 13

Joan Patzke Age 13

Sherman Shoemaker Age 11

Who Died Here

May 5, 1945


Japanese Bomb Explosion

Only Place On The American Continent Where Death Resulted From Enemy Action During WW II

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A huge piece of history I did not know and I even lived in Oregon twice totalling 13 years.

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We drove past it long ago. Turned around and came back. Juicy tidbit to recall!

Still there? I'll check.

Ps. yup it still is funded and active!

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Francis Gary Powers plane was a U-2, not an SR71 Blackbird.

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You are right! Thanks!

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What’s amazing to me is America blows 1.9 trillion tax dollars in defense spending and China can have a balloon travel from Alaska to the Atlantic Ocean with no interference. WTF.

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Balloon latest: “The nature of the debris is still being assessed. But recovery options will seek to recover all debris and any material of intelligence value,” the defense official said. “And we’ll make sure that we’re working closely with the FBI on the chain of custody as we do so.” Yes, be sure to include the FBI which monitors what? What the CIA is suppose to monitor?

This is fun. Our Gov is churning its fiction so much it’s turning into lard and no one is going to buy it. Now they are saying it happened 3 times under Trump (anonymous sources). The CCP/PLA doesn’t need spy balloons to spy on anyone. It sees all and knows all. This whole thing is a farce, a distraction, total bull and 5th generation warfare by our military. Even right-leaning websites are going along with it. Are we mad?

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I’ve thought since a while back that the fbi is the memory hole in 1984. What goes in will never come out unless they go after someone. Mostly people that don’t bend to the information they hold over your head. If you do what they want it stays in the hole.

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Excellent thought. For an agencies that was never approved by Congress they sure get their way with their illegal "everything is classified" or it's "an open case under investigation" bs when pressed in congressional hearings.

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One more thing, you are right the fbi is a rogue group put together with no constitutional restraints, because the founders never envisioned it. So they have an open canvas to do what they will.

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It’s congress that shall make no laws restricting our constitutional rights. The fbi should be disbanded.

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Disbanded because it was never directly established under law by Congress. The fact that it has been a rogue agency is quite understandable given it accounts to know one. Joke that Congress thinks is has any weight on the matter.

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Is interesting to note they are the creation of T. Roosevelt, a PROGRESSIVE and his AG Bonaparte. And no Congress was not involved.

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It came about under Truman. His thought the should be another agency like the CIA that could provided the president with newspaper headings and write-ups of the happenings within the country to keep him abreast of things. It is my understanding that he asked for it to be placed under the DOJ who in turn got Congress to increase the DOJ's funding so it could support this 'new endeavor". Ergo, not a legal agency. I read this all some place when the Russia hoax was in full swing.

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the did envision it, very much so,

wrote an entire Constitution to try to avoid such organizations ever happening

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maybe something like ".... given a strong delusion..." is written somewhere? maybe that might fit some of this?

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China claimed ownership! They are testing the clown college in DC!

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I should ask my Senator to find out what toxins the military ask China to drop on our fly-over states, you know the ones that vote red like mine.

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We have too many hands in the 1.9 that take their share . In China they would cut off the hand. Clown college in DC!

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The 2004 novel, "The Cloud Atlas" by Liam Callanan, (not to be confused with "Cloud Atlas") is set in Alaska and deals with Japanese balloon bombs during WWII. If anyone wants a book recommendation...

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I know people that lived there as children before it became a State in 1959. I just looked this up - Alaska was known as Seward's Folly after he arranged for its $7.2 million, or 2 cents per acre purchase from Russia in 1867. Basically our territory during WWII but so few lived there then.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Thomas; No Kidding! Not enough people (including me) know enough about the history of war, let alone balloons.

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"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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Yep! That what we are subject too, and 99% of the population doesn’t have a clue!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The largest balloon of the whole Sunday Strip has the initials Dr.PH and has a BA from Yale University.

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I want to know which one of "our fearless leaders" who led us into this ugly Vaxx dilemma actually have taken the Vaxx themselves and given it to their children. This will tell us who are the innocent sheep and who are the intentional wolves. At this point, if they know whether each of us is Vaxxed, can we know if they are???

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What? You want to know the personal vaccine status of others?. Shame on you. Ha, ha. I believe that those in Congress and the Court system were exempted from the gov mandate. No one who posed on TV was given a real 'vaccine'.

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I'm concerned the folks in the senate, house, and the 'admin might not be up on their vaccinations. Humbly suggest they each are publicly approached for a blood draw, where vaccination-specific factors are looked for. Then a randomly chosen vial (true publically-available) from CVS/Walgreens/etc may be used for a public viewed vaccination booster injection. This way the whole world gains confidence that these trustworthy public servants are covered by the safe and effective products, and can rest more easily that those trusted and in governance have received the actual product that the public gets.

Except those public servants that are not pushing the vaccine. To those politicians, they have to live onwards without the safe and effective protection offered by the products.

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Would be great to see the rush to line up and the pushing and shoving to be first! Oh, but wait. I believe the JJ jab was not renewed by the FDA so sorry won't happen.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

I figure give the Pfizer as it's been proven to be very safe and effective, and so those who push these should be ensured they are getting a typical public batch - in full observation and video recorded, and without planning. If planned, 'would be concerned someone would sneak a vial of saline in, and they would receive less protection.

Those street-interviews would be a good place to simply walk these elites to a nearby drug store to receive their population-approved injections.

It's because the elites are doing such a good protective job that the masses will take comfort of knowing they themselves are protected. Get those video's out!

So many of these interviews are so hostile in nature, why not simply allow a full public scrutinized booster vax happen to the level of surety that the antivaxers can confirm it really happened, even with their own people doing the qa/qc? This would help bring some real harmony and acceptance. Same thing with laboratory based vax proof, allow the anti-crowd to pick their labs and tests, and by all means keep the boosters coming.

Ensuring the higher ups get exactly what the public receives is the best way to ensure the highest levels receive full protection.

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Thought this was appropriate for the 'Sunday Strip.'

Another installment from ChatGPT A.I.

Write a short essay in the style of Shakespeare about Dr. Peter Hotez from the article 'Deeply Terrible Medical Advice From Deep In The Heart Of Texas'

"Verily, in this fair land of Texas doth dwell A scourge, a plague, a malady most fell, A purveyor of health, who doth advise In ways both false and dangerous to lives.

His counsel, steeped in ignorance and pride, Doth lead the trusting down a path of woe, And his wise words, a herald of the tide Of pain and suffering, doth cause to grow.

Yet still he speaks, and many do believe In his misled teachings, free from doubt, And thus, in health, they oft do grieve, And suffer greatly, for his wisdom's aught.

Alas, this man, with tongue so slick and sly, Doth lead the masses down a road most wide, A path of darkness, one that doth defy The knowledge of the learned and truth beside.

Yet still, we hope, that one day, we shall see The truth revealed, and this man's error cease, And those who suffer from his counsel free Their souls from pain, and bask in health and peace.

So let us pray, that this malady, so dire, Shall soon be gone, and the light of truth shall rise, And all in Texas shall be free from fire, And live in health, beneath the clear blue skies."

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i'll take a fallible real human being's stuff any day over ai

one is made in God's own image, one is made in man's image

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I wish that was a real card, "You make my heart stop" It would be even more funny if it wasn't so true.

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Why do I want to tie Peter Hotez into a chair and continue to inject him with booster shots. I bet he and his family haven’t received one shot. J.Goodrich

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I'd love to know from an honest, educated perspective(like Dr. Malone), if they believe some starch or sugar(placebo) injections could be prevalent among those who need to keep up appearances but don't want to injure a loved one?

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That has been my thought with all the stories about vaccine-injured not including all the highly reported jabbed pols and family. Given the damage Hunter has done his body by drug and alcohol abuse you would think a clot shot would put him in orbit.

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The video pretty much sums up the medical establishments asinine approach to Covid from the beginning of the fake pandemic.

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What more evidence do we need to shut down the deadly injections?


Will Peter say this is disinformation! Will he say this is just unavoidable collateral damage to save humanity?

Will he be as efficient as Fauci to double speak and say nothing that helps mankind to stay well?

Will he admit he crossed over to the dark side to keep his job?

Who is the person that anointed Peter? Fauci? When do we pull the plug on the CDC and the FDA and start over with objective, independent agencies who are independent of Big Pharma corruption?

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I mean, can you think of anyone better? That is, if Tony “I AM the Science!” Fauci was checking the boxes, is there anyone who better fills the (elfin) shoes of AF?

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The best memes of the week come from Jill Malone! Thank you

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For the past 10 years, when I walk into a store, I always ask, “What do you have not made in China?”

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And the answer is fewer and fewer things.

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I am seriously thinking that the term "vaccine injured" needs to be greatly expanded and vigorously investigated. Took in one of our cats for his annual Thur. and a routine fvrcp jab made him quite ill. Refused food, lethargy and generally an unhappy cat. Still not entirely normal.

A number of you have mentioned how many of your pets have died from cancer. As have several of ours. Just like all those jabs for kids have multiplied like rabbits, so too have the jabs for our pets. Could there be a correlation? We humans are awash in cancer and autoimmune disorders that may very well be caused or at least enhanced by all these jabs we are given. It may be time more effort was spent on treating/avoiding rather than preventing many of these diseases.

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Micheal, I stopped giving my cats shots years ago for the same reason, cancer reports. My cats are house cats with summers in the gazebo for entertainment. No other contact with other animals, what's the point of shots...

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This shot they claim protects from virus carried in on shoes etc. Probably as like!y as being hit by a meteor. Will not repeat. And the law here requires rabies jab. Fines apply if not and vets won't treat.

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Sound familiar?

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The original intentions were good and maybe even honorable. Just in case of some kind of contact, whether from another animal or an insect that carried something.

What has been done since then is nothing less than evil.

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Wow, and Hotez is a candidate to replace Fauci. If we can ever have control of the CDC, you would need to be in charge of it and I’d like Dr. Kulldorff to head the NIH. I can only imagine that both institutions and the FDA are full of fools like Hotez and Fauci- cockroaches! Bring out the king sized can of Raid...

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They might develop resistance and then multiply. A really big shoe maybe?

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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Another great Sunday Strip Doc! Keep ‘em coming~ we need to laugh or….🤣😢

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I firmly believe that there were entire batches of mRNA Moderna and Pfizer shots that were void of the real product. They wanted waves of health complications and deaths from their jabs to occur over an extend time period. They spread their $ gain over time as more boosters are recommended and lessen the bad optics of mass casualties at any given point. Their richer and the WEF gets its depop moving..

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

wait, the people who developed this, rolled it out, ignored data, and continue to push - might somehow not be honest about what actually gets into those vials that aren't monitored or checked?

empty vial management means the products are more toxic than data shows (denominator is smaller than we thought), and is also a great way to manage adverse event rate, are red areas/states receiving different events than blue states and vice versa?

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Well I clicked on the video of Hotez at 16:00 GMT, it went straight to Youtube and before it loaded, the whole thing changed to Neil Oliver's interview with John Campbell. !!!

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