Apr 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of mottos to live by, mine is:

"There are two types of people in the world. Avoid them."

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Of course, by definition oneself is included...

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True, but I cover that up via extreme solipsism. Also, I'm dead inside (at least that's what the voice in my head tells me).

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not to many years ago I loved local professional sports. The Patriots, the Bruins, the Red Sox, and the Celtics. To me it was a way to escape from the day to day stresses of work, bills, politics, and on. Then one by one they all caved to political pressures and became another arm of the radical lefts, woke, political propaganda wing. It felt like a nasty divorce. What I watched to relax and free my mind, was now a water boarding torture to watch. Every game it was thrown in my face. So rest in peace Fox News. You have become the new once loved mother in law that no longer wants a relationship with me. There’s other fish in the sea. J.Goodrich

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For Woodrow Wilson, sports was a way to engage men in something other than interfering in the doings of DC. I’m sure he had no idea how prevalent it would become. He’d love that its society-embedded platforms are used for gov’s propaganda. TV airwaves have always sold stuff, both from commercials and program messaging. As for mother-in-law Fox, I believe there was a time, for the monthly price of cable, you received commercial free viewing - raunchy comedians, and movies. Now, it’s just like TV. They are both the sea. But we have lakes and ponds now when we go online. We just need to be selective.

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I was a big Bruins fan. This morning my wife told me they are playing game 7 of the playoffs I didn’t know and don’t care. About a year ago the Bruins had a BLM leader at center ice that completely supported a cop killer and the Bruins said they were behind her all the way. They reprimanded their goal tender for wearing a Boston police shirt. All sports teams have become radicalized and I can’t support a team that is ok with killing cops or anyone for that matter. Fox is just another to fall. I watched and love Maria Bartiromo this morning. All I could think is it’s a matter of time before Paul Ryan shows her the door. She’s probably the only one left with an honest character.

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Here is a tidbit on MB. Spent hours a year ago or more going through the WEF global leaders. I found its site that had three tabs at the top sort of by how long they had been involved. Found hers under the first tab. I kept its pic of her, but obviously can’t post it here.

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That’s surprising, she was tearing Biden and the crime family up this morning. It may have been yesterdays show.

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Not everyone that got a start (funding and prestige) under the WEF umbrella stayed on that trajectory? Vivek Ramaswamy, who just joined the Republican presidential field, had his education funded by the WEF. He has been trying really hard to get the WEF to remove his picture because he says he never joined their ranks.

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When cable t.v. first came out it was all commercial free I seem to remember. That was its gig selling point. Could neither afford it nor particularly wanted it back then.

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I remember going to the drug store with my father to test TV bulbs and get new ones. We had three TVs in the house. I rarely watched except for horse and dog programs. When much older, I would sometimes catch Buckley’s Firing Line on the weekend but rarely turned on the TV until my little boys were old enough to watch Sesame Street. Hubby had it on the whole time he was home. When living in OR our TV only got 2 ½ channels! My father came to visit and to my dismay bought ‘us’ a roof antenna. After our move to KS, cable became available. No wasn’t an option. About a year later we went our separate ways. I went 25 years without a TV until Glenn Beck got his program on Fox then his own program on his own channel. I disconnected from it all a year ago because Glenn was long gone from cable and I was DVRing Tucker shows for later viewing but never viewing them. I guess he was never saying anything I did no already know.

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I tried to get the sports channels eliminated from my cable. I couldn’t get them removed.

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Not being a sports fan myself, but having grown up in and around Boston I'll never forget how batshit crazy and obsessive sports fans there are. So for you to say this really means something. I'm sorry that it's come to this.

Remember in '85 when the Pats won the championship getting into the superbowl? The fans rioted in celebration, tearing down the goal post and driving up Rt. 1 with it and taking down the powerlines. Now *that's* dedication. Won't see that ever again.

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I remember. That’s the year the Chicago Bears killed them in the Super Bowl 46-10😊.

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Yes, I remember. I even watched that game, probably the only football game I ever have end-to-end. And Boston fans, always the hopeful yet assaulted by reality beamed, "Well, at least they weren't shut out."

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The Bears had McMann and the Fridge

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And McMann was a loudmouth punk who was always getting fined by the league for breaking every rule imaginable.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When you can't tell the difference between JP or the Babylon Bee and NY Times Headlines

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JP doesn’t sound like a satirist anymore.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely one of his best. LOL funny while painfully true.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I said I would NEVER vote for a Democrat again ever! And then along comes RFK Jr. However, he isn’t a Democrat. He’s an ACE ie Anti Centralized Establishment which includes government, media and business. If the Democrats don’t primary him, I HOPE he leaves and starts a new party! And I hope Trump joins it!

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He's where the democrats use to be. I think he'll cause the party to split.

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Where was that? Segregation? Wilson? The new deal? The war on poverty?? They have amassed quite a list.

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And all of the wars until the two Bushs.

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I was thinking of RFK, but you have made your point well.

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I certainly hope so. The more chaos the better.

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I think you may have snuck a serious one in there. It was a pleasure to meet you in Boston at the RFKJR event. I hope you recovered well from the line of people who wanted to meet you, whom you graciously received and of whom I was a part before lunch.

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Overfed Hummingbirds and Tracy as well as "That's a load of crap" got me going this morning. The others are important for a variety of reasons too, I just needed the lightening up...

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I surely needed that. Especially the school bus and the pregnant men train! I don't know how you keep from total despair Dr's Malone. I think I drank too much Kool-aid this week. GOD BLESS YA'LL from Texas. My favorite movie of all time: Fight Club. Because it embodies the outrage that I feel with this consumerist perverted society.

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Great lot today! For favs will start with JFK Jr. Lately he’s beginning to sound like he’s learning more about the true nature of the opposition. From there love the humming birds who look rather suspiciously like emus. And last but not least fav is Lord Acton.

A Bit Off Topic:

I’ve been aware of the Heritage Foundation, but was not up on their last couple years. Last night l watched JJs ETv interview with Kevin Roberts, the newish head re: A Roadmap to Defeating the Deep State and Winning the New Cold War with Communist China. He was pretty impressive. Had no idea they were so front and center involved with Congress. He said they are reminding the Congressional folks they are working with that their investigations need to have outcomes. That they are offering legislation to consider based on the findings. So perhaps we can take some heart in hearing there are folks pushing this further (enhancing backbones) Kevin Roberts: A Roadmap to Defeating the Deep State and Winning the New Cold War with Communist China. The next surprise they have/are developing a transition plan (assuming a Repub wins the Presidency in 2024) for that President. I do have to wonder if ‘the new President’ can be counted on to welcome it? Would surely be interested in some of the details.

The best news from our standpoint perhaps is their plans do include seeing the Administrative State receives their just rewards!

Have a super week with many positives and many worthy directions! If there is any way to listen to/view the Weds presentations (timely or after) it would be great to learn about.

Safe travels. Very Bestest and then some!

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Hey Jean, those humming birds are young wild turkeys. I know because I've had them on my property - well not those particular ones! Heritage has a history, a long one. It invented what became the MA healthcare debacle and then Obamacare. It birthed Paul Ryan. It stalled Jim Demint's hunt for true conservatives for Congress. During the decade I supported them with a monthly donation I never knew who their major donors were, and still don't. I stopped in 2016. Think tanks are always started and funded by those with an agenda and lots of $. I strongly believe its eventual shift to Kevin Roberts was caused from many small donors finding some other place to put their $s. Hopefully the 'new' Heritage will spend less time looking for compromises with the Libs.

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Kevin Roberts is a Texan. If I heard him right, he was heading up a higher learning operation (he founded?). He seems a pretty persuasive type. He alluded to changes in staffing. The encouraging thing, from my standpoint, was he indicated they were pursuing issues I do feel need to be pursued. He indicated they were working to get similar smaller institutions involved as well. If they are in fact involving themselves with the hearings and crafting legislation - myself I would like to be reassured their efforts are in fact in keeping with what we'd hope for. Epoch Times was offering a $1/mo for 3 mos trial. If they still are you might appreciate the interview too.

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I just hope they were not involved in last years bipartisan House bill that would have given the golden keys to the media although it was suppose to curtail Big Tech. I am all for giving them a second chance but they should be watched a bit... Can't take Epoch up on the huge discount because I've been a full subscriber for some years now.

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Excellent line up doc. JP should have Tucker on!

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I read either on Taibbi and Kirn (Racket) or the Free Press that Tucker is still under contract, so he can’t have his show right now. —Not sure how long that lasts. I guess they’re basically paying him to keep his mouth shut. But I don’t think he can get out of the contract easily. Does anyone know?

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Outstanding as usual

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JP puts it straight! The agenda of this regime has been obvious: power to censor all that do not agree with the narrative of the left; and of course: money! Tucker chose to ask the questions no one had the balls to ask, & when the entire truth comes out about all the lies this regime keeps telling us, the left looses! The Truth Will Set Us Free, Amen!

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He also exposed some very clear lies by the January 6 committee. Once we saw why Senator Hawley was running, and the offices from a different building that were toured by a family the day before— not some insurrectionist group planning an attack, it became clear that the committee chose to lie. These were not actions that had anything to do with people, smashing windows, etc. They were clearly directed at certain senators, and anyone who had access to the entire tape, knew the truth.

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The big needle!!! In the Air Force had to shower when leaving lab. One day the really heavy metal door slipped off my wet hand, slammed and ALMOST ripped off a toenail. Yeah, big ouch. The boss man sent me to the infirmary where the doc decided to finish what the door started. He injected 1 cc of pain killer between the last 2. joints of a pretty skinny toe. Hurt at least as much as it would if he had simply ripped it off. So I empathize strongly with that cartoon.

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Have vivid toe memories myself. My shod mare stepped on my sneaker clad foot (including big toe) then twisted that hoof sharply to the right. I got carted to the student hospital. Was afraid my toe had been severed. The next morning they ripped the nail off my big toe. I insisted on leaving (no xray). They wrapped the toe in gauze. Several months before I was able to remove it. Toe still less than normal. Wore Boots ever thereafter. Full sympathies with painful toe issues including gout.

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Toes can really hurt big time.

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I can’t count the times over the last 60+ years my horses have stepped on my toes and feet. I hobble around for a few weeks in 2013 after my little rotund mare jumped sideways onto my right foot and powered off of it to get away from a stack of rubber stall mats when leading her out to pasture. Now, a decade later, that foot has swollen again and is making it hard to walk…never went to a doc so don’t know if bones were broken. Same mare slammed my foot the year before when I was picking her hind hoof. My son came out when he saw me sitting on the ground. I handed him the pick and said right hind and he came back out limping. She did the same thing to him.

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I was lucky. Only had one horse and she was respectful generally. Her stepping on my foot was a mistake. My not wearing solid footwear was my mistake.

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I want to be that lucky! My horses do not appear to notice when my feet are in the way and most of the time I don't either. I'm still not wearing the hard stuff in the summer - too hot.

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No horse but a 120lb lab came up for a hug and broke a toe. And set up subcuticle infection that ate the med to treat a gout attack.

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And we survive it all!

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Surely sounds even worse than the door. Extended painful recovery and major inconvenience.

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Rumble NAILED IT! They fear Tucker and RFK Jr. working as a team to tell the public the truth! A dictator doesn't allow descent! RJK Jr. has stated that he has been deplatformed for decades because of his views on vaccinations! The fact that Joe Biden says he will NOT debate means he must win at all costs to keep the deception alive and well! The American Public must not learn the truth and need to be gas lite for another 19 months! The DNC problem is to keep burying the opposition: Tucker, RJK Jr. and President Trump under a manure pile as well as all the other truth seekers who start to get traction! . The globalists all are in this together with Big Pharma. In the meantime, they will just continue to inject our children! Not for good health but to push mRNA injections as the new $$$$$

treatment protocol for disease states. Making sure they are safe and effective is not part of the agenda! The David Samuels extensive interview with RFK Jr. is a eye opener and is an education on political landscape since Ike was President. The last President that spoke out against the military/industrial complex that has sent us down the wrong road in history with the help of J Edgar Hoover and the CIA! Read the book! Secret Life of J Edgar Hoover! You can read Samuel's interview here:


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Is there anyone else that will expose the corrupt policies of Big Pharma that is leading humanity down the path to extinction with the mRNA injections that are destroying lives left and right? They shut down Tucker Carlson because they saw the synergism that was developing between Tucker and RFK Jr. Both want the truth known about the harm being done with mRNA and the vaccines. Nothing else matters in my view but to stop the injections. If RFK Jr. is the only person, then I will vote for him. His past has skeletons, but he has redeemed himself with his Enviromental work and the Children's Defense effort. He speaks the truth on these issues. If we continue to go down this injection path that reprograms cellular function and has not been proven to be safe and effective, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS because humanity will be erradicated over time. President Trump went with the mandates and faded on HCQ and Ivermectin. He took $1 million dollars from Pfizer to get Azar to run the Covid con. He didn't connect the dots that he was being massaged and manipulated. He remains silent on this issue. What makes anyone think he will do a 180? I admire his tenacity, but he has to get past political platitudes and speak the truth on all issues!

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The Big Picture is WAY bigger than Trump: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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He is an impediment that needs to be erased! We are on the path to hell!

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Go to: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/publish/post/118399787

Highlights and comments from the Samuel interview!

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Sensoring speech:

I want freedom of speech, but I sure would like to get rid of the American vulgarities.

Maybe we could at least stop taking the Lord's name in vain and no more F Bombs.

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LOL - so true...we all are definitely for Free Speech...except for the particular things "I" don't like!

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Doc Malone‘s Sunday funnies sums it up, jokes on us.

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