Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the trip down memory lane with that Thomas Dolby video. It registers very differently now some 35+ years later, the siren is a Chinese spy scientist. Hillary's beating the 'enemy within' 'projection-drum' full-tilt and Congress tells us to prepare for cyber-warfare that could destroy the nation's entire power grid. Never liked Charles, btw... cold and pompous @ss. Ever since the interview when he and his finance, Diana, were asked if they were 'in love', she says 'Of course..', he replies, “Whatever ‘in love’ means.” Jerk.

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“Whatever ‘in love’ means.”

"Depends on what the meaning of is is"

Birds of a feather do flock together.

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Dodos. Birds that should be extinct

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I'm told the left wing and the right thing belong to the same bird.

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Watched a Documentary reporting Diana to have found a note in Charles pocket meant for Camilla saying, "He wished he was a tampon so he could be inside all the time." Will NEVER forget anything that creepy. Can't imagine being Diana and living with that kind of @ss after finding that kind of filth towards the 3rd member of the marriage.

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Yikes! Coulda warned us mate!

I can't unread that ya know!

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I remember that LDT… tell me if I am wrong , but he was with Camilla before and during his marriage. Lady Diana got “used” to have kids. When she realized this , the emotional pain was very difficult to deal with(obviously).

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My comments were not meant to be an insult to her, just an observation of the apparent reality of the situation. Yes, that was her primary function... to provide an heir and a spare. As was Katherine's.

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Kathrine seems to have made peace with it.

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I would nominate some other Dolby songs: "One of Our Submarines" is a sort of political commentary, with the phrase "bye, bye Empire, bye bye," being very apt with the passing of the Queen. His "Airhead" while being rather misogynistic, could be repurposed today to depict many of those who rule over us, of whatever sex.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

'Innocent' in the beginning, yes... and probably did try to make it work for quite a while. Later, from the outside, it looked like she was just trying to survive psychologically...using her well-deserved popularity as both a sense of identity and an insurance mechanism for her own safety...and of course raise her boys with love that, obviously, was stifled in the rest of the firm. This is my retrospective look, only based on what the American public was fed.

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There are so many news stories about the death of the Queen and the crowning of a King.

It's fascinating to observe a country with a Royal Family.

We have no concept of that in America.

The closest we come to having a royal family is Burger King and Dairy Queen

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ll take a Whopper and a Blizzard any day over the Monarchy, with due respect. 🍔🍦

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

Hi Renee Marie, I liked your response to my comment so much that I used it to extend my comedy skit. You can see the video here: https://vimeo.com/750209170/f879e18250

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Well bless you! Lol! Are you laughing at me or with me? 🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣 Good job getting the truth out there Ned! People NEED to know about the Monarchy of Fast Food! It does exist.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

Laughing with you, Renee Marie, you are my comedy collaborator on this one.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whaaa.......Wait !!! You mean the Clintons don't qualify?

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I would say Kennedy’s

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If the new king gets his way, we here in America will once again be subservient to the tyranny of the royals.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

We have our own political dynasties - Roosevelts; Bushes; Clintons; Obamas... "Royalty" without the classy trappings.

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Regarding Newsome's EV mandate, I must quote Ayn Rand: "You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."

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They do pretty well at ignoring reality.

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Do you mean they ignore reality pretty well or they do pretty well by ignoring reality?

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Healio, a Big Pharma house organ reports 7.5 million children on a global basis lost a parent because of Covid. No comment on how many could have avoided death with early treatment that worked. No comment of how many died because of the WRONG treatment. No comment about how many died because of the injection that reprograms cellular function and they can't predict the harm that it will cause. All we know is Pfizer study documented over 1000 different Adverse events including 38 deaths and that was OK? We don't know what they hid from the study to make us believe it was 95% efficient. A BIG Lie! Has had no positive impact, and even Fauce and Biden who got all four shots? got Covid.

The March goes on to sell the fear and the concept that you will be safe if you get the annual mandated flu/covid mRNA injection. What Gall! People still will embrace this medical criminal treatment! Why? Did the Queen and Prince Philips death been hastened by the injections? Will we ever know?

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I don’t believe Fauci or Biden ever took the real shot, knowing what was in it, why would they?

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Helio …. Chock full of medical propaganda .

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Doctor Malone.

In your Friday funnies I noticed a dig at Trump where-in you alluded to Desantis running for presy.

As screwed up as this country is, it's going to take more than one term to turn it around.

With Desantis as VP, our chances of having two more terms to stamp out this Communist menace would seem more than likely.

The number one reason the left hates Trump so completely is because they know that they have nothing even comparable for a candidate.

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It was not a dig. It was a observation. I think that many people are getting a bit edgy, understandably so.

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I didn't see and I won't bother to check it. yeah. I am not edgy about it. I am of the opinion that Trump should not run .. for not political reasons.. like his family health and safety. but I am getting old (er) and feel my aches and pains more. When the time comes.. and confluence of facts and people line up meantime I need to go out fetch food. :)

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Something I saw (GWP) indicated Trump would have to move out of Florida to have DeSantis as a running mate. Can't have both from the same state. So, that can be a keep a watch on.

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If I were either of them I would not run.. I mean that.. DeSantis is needed by Fla and US needs Trump to be alive and well and so does his family. and I am not sure he can be fully protected in the current evil environment. I pray for him and family.. as do many people. All other "legalities" like whey would Trump have to move out of Florida? where does it say that in the Constitution? anyway. my power just cycled. yes in my house and I need to get some food I can be ok with. :) right now. yes. All my "computers and phones" just reset. sigh. always something to keep me busy for now reason at all. :) will not be grumpy on Sunday. just glad my computer came back up.. whew :) I will take a look at that.. where does it say that that VP and Potus cannot be from same state is the question.

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I'm taking the word of the Gateway Pundit and Wayne Allen Root that there are regulations in place that set that out. I think Trump said DeSantis would not be his running mate, if he runs. I agree that the Administrative State and others are and will be extremely dangerous to a R President. On the other hand I haven't identified any more potentially effective candidates that are as knowledgeable, strong and determined as these two. Our US is under severe threat. IMO we need Washington Lincoln types to address our threats and with our full support.

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I read the Gateway Pundit too.. I just looked it up and apparently this has already been tried before. and apparently the issue is with the voting and the Electoral college.. so that one of the candidates should vote in another state. This is not in the constitution which describes and sets forth the Standards for Potus and VP. But now days with the left wing voting bloc .. attempting to change voting laws on the Fly.. anything could happen. well I need to figure out why my office just recycled. wow that is really big deal to little ol me. :)

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Best wishes for successful recovery Personally have huge issues when my tech gets afflicted.

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thanks. I unplugged half the stuff in my office at home: apparently I had an old computer strip which caused the short in my phone, and so on. now have re set the whole damn thing.. computer still up and running. I am doing Ok :) thanks.. take care: if worse had come to worse and I used to be a geek, but my cataracts other issue prevent me from finely detailed work now.. my son who is computer coder/architect .. etc would help. I just talked to him about other stuff. he knew about the static electricity build up. sort of fixed, thanks for best wishes. :) and same you. tech afflicted that is a new one on me.

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My problem too. The stable of acceptable candidates rather slim. One possible dark horse could be Noem

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OH I did not see that :) well.. yes I don't condone any digs on Trump. IF HE CHOOSES TO RUN (and I wouldn't if I were he).. or him as one of my woke English professors in the day told me.. wut?).. anyway I need to get some sustenance in me .. raining here appropriately enough for 9/11

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Thanks again for the memes, Dr. M. Let us not forget that 9/11 was just another example of Mass Formation by our media:


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The red, fist-shaking" Biden in hell" photo will make a great lawn sign.

Caption: "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

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if u find a source for this as a lawn sign I will buy

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So-- who would have guessed when us 80s MTV lovers were rocking out to Dolby-- how that video would fit in today-sadly!

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let's hope self-proclaimed Mister "I am Science" gets his own comeuppance.

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I know and oh well. I am not waiting to be accepted. I am still figuring out how to move from this area and be left in peace.. near the water somewhere searching for the perfect seashell while I still have my vision.. and legs left to walk on a beach. Pray every day for that. :) and I am not the least bit worried about the powers that be (human powers that be). Just a closer walk with Thou. and my family.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Wheel of Fortune was great. The “Annie “ funny hit my funny bone. As a singer , we can’t, not sing a song . We read scriptures and if the words of Hansel’s Messiah show up , I can’t help but sing it. My mother sang a good morning song every morning to get us out of bed. This is very obnoxious but when we are playing card games and diamonds are the suit to follow, I chime up with Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend. I can’t help myself. It is in my bones. I have a song for every occasion. I hum along with the music in the stores especially during the Christmas Season. I don’t even realize I am doing it until someone comes up and tells me I have a nice voice. I’m singing quietly . So Annie can’t help herself, I totally understand.

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What is it, exactly, that we're supposed to "never forget" about 9-11?

Is it that Building 7 was controlled demolition?

Is it that the passports of the "hijackers" conveniently survived intact?

That there was no sign of a plane at the Pentagon?


That it became the pretext for an unprecedented security state and unending foreign and domestic war, also begun on a bogus premise?


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Here's a few gems from Prince now King Charles:

"It is baffling, I must say, that in our modern world we have such blind trust in science and technology that we all accept what science tells us about everything - until, that is, it comes to climate science."

"There is no doubt that we live in an age of unprecedented, and sometimes terrifying, technological advance where the speed of advance so often outstrips the necessary ethical considerations."

"It is frightening how dependent on drugs we are all becoming and how easy it is for doctors to prescribe them as the universal panacea for our ills."

"To avert disaster, we have not only to teach men to make things but to teach them to have complete moral control over what they make."

"The whole imposing edifice of modern medicine is like the celebrated tower of Pisa - slightly off balance."

"The less people know about what is really going on, the easier it is to wield power and authority."

"There's nothing like a jolly good disaster to get people to start doing something."

"Something as curious as the monarchy won't survive unless you take account of people's attitudes. After all, if people don't want it, they won't have it."

I humbly suggest that the official title for Charles should be The King of Irony.

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Dr. Malone, if you need a 10 minutes breather, take this video in of Thomas Dolby discussing and showing how he created "Blinded Me with Science" - a very fun video!:


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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Thomas Dolby video. If you do an update, I'm guessing Mikki Willis could be convinced to produce and direct. Casting should be interesting, given the number of good substackers sympathetic to our cause.

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The implications of a man with that much money and power associated with the WEF is overwhelming and frightening. Should be interesting...

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A lot of money and a walking advert in opposition to excessive inbreeding

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