Poli-tics 😂 I’ll remember that one. Reminds me of this gem:

“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reasons.”

—Mark Twain

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You beat me to it!!!

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Ha ha, yes that was my favorite one today!

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If only it were "integrity" that has fallen from the FBI logo.

Bravery? In using SWAT teams to arrest old men and parents who would have turned themselves in if asked? Fidelity? To the Constitution? And the people of the United States?

The FBI needs to be cleansed of all those who've turned it into the America Stasi. Are there no FBI agents who understand how this has destroyed the reputation of the agency and the trust Americans once had in it?

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The evolution of the f.b.i. has fascinated me for years. My dad was a cop, a detective and one day driving thru town he mentioned he saw agents he knew. I asked him to point them out and he said that was actually illegal as their identity was secret. Thought of that during the patty hearst flapdoodle and the very public f.b.i. spokesperson/agent who dominated the news for a while. Since then agents cannot seem to get enough public exposure. Seems about that same time that reports of really bad screwups by them became commonplace. Also, used to be you had to be an attorney or an accountant to become an agent and now would guess a diversity degree is the ticket.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

FBI Blunders

1. Wen Ho Lee (Accused spy, falsely said by FBI to have failed polygraph)

2. Richard Jewell (falsely accused of bombing Atlanta Olympics)

3. Tsaernev Brothers* (Boston Marathon Bombers – Russia warned FBI that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a follower of Islamic extremism)

4. Anthrax Case (FBI falsely accused Steven Hatfill of having sent anthrax through the mail)

5. Stoneman Douglas high school shooter (FBI failed to act on a tip that he had made threats to shoot up a school)

6. Orlando night club shooter (FBI investigated man who eventually shot 50 people to death, but could find no reason to keep him under suspicion)

7. Ruby Ridge (FBI sniper killed mother holding child, then FBI attempted cover-up)

8. Withholding evidence leading to wrongful conviction of four men, three of whom were sentenced to death (To protect mob informant Whitey Bulger. Two of the men died in prison before the FBI’s misconduct was remedied by a court).

9. Esteban Santiago (killed five people in a 2017 attack at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, had been investigated and ruled not a security threat by FBI)

10. Zacarias Moussaoui (FBI headquarters blocked agents who wanted to investigate Moussaoui, a conspirator in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center)

11. 1993 World Trade Center bombing (FBI had advance knowledge of bombing, and bungled a plan to substitute harmless powder for explosives)

12. Surveilled and falsely accused journalist of collaborating with terrorists (James Rosen had obtained information from a government contractor on North Korea’s intent to do nuclear and ballistic missile tests)

13. Raid on Branch Davidian compound in Waco (FBI killed dozens of men, women, and children. Destroyed evidence immediately afterward by bulldozing the site, and lost evidence collected by others.)

14. January 6th “Insurrection” (FBI Failed to arrest some individuals inciting the public to enter the capitol, and other individuals in the capitol during Jan 6 "insurrection", all captured on video)

15. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping (FBI funded and encouraged a conspiracy to kidnap and kill the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer)

16. Considered planting child porn on a person’s computer (Sharyl Atkisson testified before a congressional committee that, after she wrote about Benghazi and Fast and Furious, a federal agent told her the FBI planned to infect her husband’s computer with child porn. Testimony in an unrelated court case revealed the FBI had actually done that to someone else.)

17. College gymnast molester Larry Nassar (FBI officials made false statements and failed to conduct a thorough investigation of abuser of dozens of college gymnasts)

*FBI first denied they had contacted Tsaernav, but admitted it when Tsaernav’s mother told about her son being interviewed by FBI.

What good are they? When there's talk about doing away with the FBI, there's always someone who pushes back- "You can't do that. Who would do law enforcement?"

Can anyone name any actual crimes the FBI has solved in recent memory?

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I started the above list a few years ago, and have added to it several times. The FBI gives me new material to work with so fast I can't keep up.

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Not complete without Fred Hampton

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Cannot really blame them for Waco. A.t.f could have arrested that guy any time he was strolling thru Waco but wanted a BIG raid to push up their numbers as time was approaching for fed distribution of the money they extort, er., tax us for. They blew it and then the f.b.i. iced the cake

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Don't want to quibble, Dr. Nash. Yes the ATF badly botched the raid, which, as you say, was a publicity stunt to justify more $ from Congress. After the ATF failure, the FBI took over of the scene.

The unnecessary loss of life is entirely on the FBI.

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And really a good argument for consolidating our law and intelligence agencies and eliminate all this competition for funding

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My dad was NYPD DI, wasn't too fond of the feds lol.

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This was Wichita Falls circa 1948. He was actually trained in their program for police officers. Long before the weaver (?) stance they train with now. Said he had to qualify shooting with either hand from every position you could imagine. Finished up by qualifying with the venerable tommy gun.

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Actually have an f.b.i.story of my own. Going home from Norman OK to OKC on the bus saw lots of policr activity on I35. Got home and into grubbies and answered door to rather nondescript guy who flashed very descript f.b.i. creds. Sitting in a chair said was there about a local bank robbery. Asked where. He did not know where. Hum. Asked had I seen anyone suspicious looking. No--discription? Looking at me he said suspect was a tall,slender guy wearing light co!ored pants and shirt. Huh. I am 6'2" ", weighed then 150lbs and was wearing cut-off wheat jeans and white tee. As I had not done a sartorial check in a mirror truthfully answered--no. When he left the street resembled a Elmore Leonard quote i.e. filled with men wearing cheap grey suits. It later turned out the perp was a short chubby guy with a goatee. That was my intro to f.b.i. interrogation technique.

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I wonder why they were picking on you given you were no match for the real perp. Perhaps you are an attention grabber through no fault of your own. Why is it that fbi want to own every crime committed. Why pay police, hwy patrol, sheriffs, etc when the fbi always steps in? Anymore I think most police and possibly sheriffs answer to the fbi because the fed is constantly granting them $$$, equipment, access to databases, etc.

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The bank was only 6 blocks or less from our home which is why they were canvassing the hood. He simply described me to me to prompt another description had I actually seen anyone. And this was early 60s when bank robbery fairly rare and all those fall under their jurisdiction---then and now.

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That may have been a Donald Westlake quote. My memory is dangerous with names

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Dr.Nash, I am just glad to hear that they could spare a few moments from tormenting/wiretapping "subversives" ... like Dr. King.

Although it sounds as though they may have been trolling for more whilst in your living room

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Integrity was the first to fall from view. Not unlike the rotting framework of any building uncared for, the others have already succumbed to the rot. They're only a shell that is left behind.

In order to repair the building, ALL the rot MUST be cut out and replaced. Otherwise the building will fall and be consumed by the weeds and bacteria, leaving only a skeleton that will also disintegrate into the past.

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My thoughts exactly!!!

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Yuval Harari is a Jew. For him to espouse the end of free will strikes me as the ultimate irony. An entire World War was fought to give people like him freedom from tyranny and his people a destiny of their choosing. To have him work to end that has got to be an evil like no other. Not even Hitler rose to such heights.

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That's what we have been told anyway and it's written in stone, WWII was fought for man's freedom not like WWI or any military conflict since. Both resulted in rearranging the chess board - redrawing the global map. The others, well, America just stretching her muscle as the military called for more freedom-saving action abroad - the defense industry needed work.

Over 100 years and we are still at it.

Wilson: WWI


Eisenhower: Korea nation building

Kennedy: Cuba, Vietnam

Johnson: Dominican Republic, Vietnam

Nixon: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

Reagan: Grenada, Nicaragua

Bush41: Panama and Desert Storm

Clinton: Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Serbia,

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq

Obama: Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya

Biden: Ukraine

Barbara Lee, don't lift too many covers because you will find the top players are all Jewish.

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You left out Trump. Oh, right, he didn’t start any wars and wants to dismantle the military industrial complex (along with Robert Kennedy Jr). No wonder he is SO demonized.

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Korea problematic. Do not like to think of the entire peninsula under control of that family ruling the northern roost today. Our losses would not have been so hi but for some really stupid leadership resulting from purge of competent combat leaders that seems to have happened after every major engagement by our military

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We gave NK the perfect scapegoat for the paranoia these past 70 years, used as a weapon against its people for total control. I think the military and its spy unit were just looking for something to do. What that region would have looked like otherwise is unknown, but it is possible it all would be in a like position today.

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Suspect folks living in s. Korea might disagree. Also Truman had actually disbanded the oss and only reactivated it renamed the cia after the n.koreans invasion and realizing we had virtually no intelligence assets aimed at any of the commies ( wonder why?).

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Disagree with the UN authorizing troops to support SK during Truman's time or Eisenhower's nation-building exercise when the fiasco was all over? I didn't mention the war during Truman.

Your assessment about the situation is correct. Truman was trusting those under him and I'm not so sure he ever understood the nuances of the cold war that FDR helped birth.

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Seems like today's theme ... OSS disbanded? A primary reason, "Wild Bill" not trusted by JEH

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Seems to me we have greatness and evil within every 'tribe.' None have a corner on the market.

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Even jews can be sociopaths.

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Bilderbergs, Rothchilds, and so on

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Yuval Harari is an angry atheist. If you want to call him a Hebrew, fine…but he’s not ‘Jewish’. To be ‘Jewish’ requires faith.

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Stalin was not Jewish. A few more (but not all) on that "not Jewish" list are Pol Pot, Mao, Hutu nationalists, Robespierre, Biden, the Dulles brothers, Joseph McCarthy. The list is varied, covers human history and is endless.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

There is a difference between being a Jew and being Jewish.

Hitler was a Jew, from what I understand.

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So is george soros.

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Yeah but Soros is like stage 4 cancer. With an unlimited Credit Card for Doomville.

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Call them Hebrews… being Jewish requires faith.

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Love Rachel Levine masked getting his shot. We are all aware that a “vaccine” rushed to market, not properly tested or studied, will result, to say the least, into adverse reactions. Faulty input will always end with faulty results. A similar idiom is garbage in garbage out. Doesn’t this sum up so much of what we see in America today from the president to the senate, the house, the fbi and example after example. These same principals apply to our children. The eyes and ears are hi ways to our souls and our children are hi functioning sponges. If our children are fed sexualized garbage at school, well that is what you should expect coming out. How we ever got to this point of allowing these loathsome spectacles to accost our children is very confusing to me. I sincerely believe and prey Americans will continue to stand up against this abuse of children and take this garbage to the curb. J.Goodrich

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Precisely why I have argued for many years now against having deviants put in classrooms full of impressionable kids. And judging from the headlines, too many of them simply cannot keep their grubby hands off of their charges.

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This is a long way from the outrage of people about the actions of Elvis and Jerry L Lewis. Generational evolution?

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, the Martin Luther King referenced cartoon hits home for me. I was pretty young then and didn't think much about judging people at all, but thought that one over and realized he was and still is right. Judging people's character and ignoring the superficials like skin color have allowed me to have some amazing and enlightening conversations in my 72 years. After all darker skin than my more or less Celtic hide simply means more of someone's ancestors lived nearer the equator than mine.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yuval Harai was that kid that seemed smart, but had no friends. Never saw a use for them and in turn they never saw a use for him. Still has no friends

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Great round up doc. Just think these memes could get us arrested in Ireland...1984 coming soon to a town near you!

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Yup, poli-tics and the nose that keeps on growing. The people who draw and write these memes will never be out of a job!

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Yuval scares me to death! He has lowered humanity to lab rat status. Cyborgs will rise to dominate and I’m sure Hollywood is working on a sequel to Arnold’s movies!

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Yuval is obviously talking about himself and the other sub-human scum he associates with...

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I actually feel sorry for Harari at this point. He has an ideology that is a complete lie, it is a spiritual prison…one God would have Him be free of.

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I hope he finds that freedom really soon.

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It is the Lord who calls us and opens our eyes and mind. Pray to the Lord that He draw him to Him.

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The school setting of the poli-tics joke reminded me once again: the future belongs to the young. I follow Dr. Malone (and others) on substack because he presents information I believe everyone should be seriously thinking about and discussing. And I very much appreciate the discussion that goes on in these comments.

Now I'm wondering. How would we characterize the age distribution of the participants here? My impression is that there's a disproportionate number of people who have, shall we say, a few miles under our belts. At the same time, what is "our future" learning and discussing while in the US education system? Gender identity. Critical race theory. Garbage.

This mirrors my experience in trying to spread the word about CBDC. I recently asked 6 employees at the headquarters of my two credit unions, including the chief loan officer for commercial loans larger than $1M, if they had heard of CBDC. Not one of them had! All were under 40. I then went to lunch and posed the same question to a 60-something guy in the next booth. He said, "Yes, of course I've heard of CBDC." We had a 45-minute conversation covering many of these critical topics.

In the spirit of "Sunday Strip" I tried to think of something humorous or light-hearted to say about this apparent difference between young and old. I failed.

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I'm so sorry Russ. CBDC is very serious business. Perhaps your CU's hired the wrong people. Given the limitations put on job interviews, it is really hard to ferret out anything useful during the selection process.

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The first meme was edited to suit our current situation based on a famous quip by Dorothy Parker. One of her literary associates challenged anyone to come up with a sentence using the word "horticulture", and Parker immediately replied, "You can take a horticulture, but you can't make her think." Sorry, had to clear that up.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This Yubal Noah is so despicable ignorant delusional animal. He is not human. Evil is around now.

Thank you Dr. Malone! God protect Us!

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Too bad the sub human parasite is protected by all of these bought off useful idiots who are paid to stand guard against him being permanently ivermectin-ed

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That line is as funny as the memes !

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Today’s funnies are excellent!!

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Every one, a gem 💎! Perhaps the best was the skunk 🦨 telling the 99% of us who are not offended by everything to stop catering to the 1% who are.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think this is the best group of memes and the best JP Sears video that I have seen!

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May 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love JP Sears! He is hilarious. James Woods quote made me laugh out loud. The others are sadly, truthfully, funny. Politics😂

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