The last meme, I don’t pay attention to politics, like so many, is reality.

Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, ENVY, and pride.

I’ve been on a bit of a ride these past several days. A few weeks back I, like most of us, read the tribute to Dr. Malone by Dr. Mattias Desmet. I read all the comments and I was taken back by some of the subscribers posts. As you had spoke of Dr. Malone, sea lioning seemed to be a fitting term. I have seen this myself very recently, but it felt like it went beyond that.

I saw your homestead post and how absolutely beautiful Jill and yourself have made your property. I think I’d like to be reincarnated into one of your animals or pets. There’s not one ounce of me that sees anything except a great example of what hard work, determination and dedication, can achieve. You both have earned it and deserve it.

Names don’t matter so much to me (well maybe Jim) but what I witnessed in some of those posts was pure envy, and that set me on a path to the seven deadly sins, envy being the obvious from some subscribers. It seems many of these sins connect to one another.

A great connected example is the sin of arrogance. Imagine the arrogance of a man that after all of you and Jill’s back breaking work, you were forced by a tyrant to give a section of your farm, to someone that didn’t earn it or didn’t compensate you for it. Or what if an arrogant tyrannical man said your equity there had exceeded the amount of what he decided anyone deserves therefore we are taking it. How arrogant can a person be to think that it’s right to limit a persons success or the amount of money they have earned. How about a tyrant that takes earnings from one persons hard work and illegally pays a wealthy family’s son or daughters college tuition off. Can I mention, no one paid my college tuition. These examples of taking someone’s success or their hard earned pay and giving it to what they think is righteous or good is PURE socialism and is a big part of the out of control tyrannical arrogance we’re fighting against. It’s a big part of what is wrong with America. Socialism always fails.

Arrogant synonyms; haughty, conceited, egotistic, full of oneself, thinking you’re superior, sound familiar Jim. Here’s a word that must have slipped by your obvious superior education and your self proclaimed intellective mind, humility, maybe learn it and try it some time. J.Goodrich

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There are some people who are really invested in continuing to slander and cause division. They can be vicious, dangerous and unrelenting. The energy that it takes to keep up the lies and smut is going to backfire on their mental and physical health as well as their Spiritual well being. It is a natural Law. Try not to get caught up in the forces they project James, it can eat you up. I know you know this.

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Thanks DD I needed that!!!

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Thoughts become things.

Choose the good ones.

DD have you noticed how "Blue" the skies have been lately?

Last year we had to deal with the upper level gray smoke from western fires.

The air is so fresh and clean. The smoke like the Pandemic has receded and moot.

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Where you live, maybe.

Not here.

For 3 days now, It smells like pine burning, and although the last several days have been quite pleasant, I do not believe in a moment that they are finished spraying us like bugs.

Enjoying every minute I can while they're in their temporary recess over top of us.


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Last summer was most notable, void of the Bluest skies, turned a gray often brown tint to the entire atmosphere 24 hrs. This crap from the canada and NW coast fires got lofted into the upper jet stream and seemed endless.

This year it just is back to our days of recollections of clear clean air. So far. Sunsets were very weird to view. Worse with sun glasses on.

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I have to continually tell myself “ I do not want to be like them” so I don’t think like “them”. These types are spiritually ill IMO. Don’t give up and stand strong 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯

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Thank you Teresa!! I really don’t dwell on things here it’s nice to comment it off my chest though. It gives me a subject people may be interested in.

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I feel your pain brother. You are never alone here! We all have our breaking points and need to vent. I cry a lot lol ♥️🙏🏻

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Hahahahah! you don't "dwell" on things! Good one!

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Teresa, such a good comment to remember: “I do not want to be like them”.

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Thank you Barbara!

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True words James

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Thank You Melanie!!!

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James, I left that Desmet post early. I found no reason to hangout in such an intense environment. There are no winners :) "The men with the muck-rakes are often indispensable to the well-being of society; but only if they know when to stop raking the muck, and to look upward to the celestial crown of worthy endeavor."

— T. Roosevelt, (quoted) The Quad-City Times (Davenport, IA), 15 Apr. 1906

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I like that, certainly many don’t know when and where to stop.

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ENVY is the basis of all forms of socialism and communism; and ENVY is also a big part of what is wrong with the Homo-Sapiens species.

ENVY is also the cause of ALL war...of acquiring property - LAND - that others own or occupy either by FORCE or FRAUD, the only two forms of coercion.

Darwin's "theory" obviously does NOT apply to the "human" animal.

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And then there is the religious definition to the meaning of the word "Pride".

Yeah.....now we have pride month, pride power, pride awareness week.....Sigh......

Envy is often blended with pride. That's a bad mojo concoction to project on others

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Thank you for that Tom, I agree with you 100%. Sometimes on a smaller scale it’s good to think of these things. I always thought pride was a good thing until I started reading about it. I would always walk in the house with my shoes on and my wife the nurse would get mad. I would brush off her anger and say it’s my house too. I didn’t realize it’s in a way a pride thing and I kept doing it anyways. Sometimes small changes can make people around you think twice about doing something that aggravates you. So anyways from now on I’m taking my shoes off. I wonder if she’ll notice???

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Unless you take on the role of 24/7 head housekeeper and keep the vacuum cleaner next to the TV and easy chair to remind you to use it daily. Hahaha

I do it once a week. Always amazed to see funky junk in the catch can.

I think our nylon carpet is shedding? Hahaha

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I could get one of those vacuums that strap on your back👍.

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Yeah but dancing to the music with it on is such a pain.

The cord keeps getting caught on everything. Haha

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Absolutely she’ ll notice! And probably do some reciprocal act for you!

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You bet she'll notice! It is a custom to take off your shoes before entering a dwelling, to not bring in the material world outside. Your home is a sacred space.

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Well I’m not saying anything, I should have stopped a long time ago when she first said it bothered her, my bad. Life’s a learning experience. For me it seems it will never end!!!

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

If you're lucky, the learning will never end! Right up to my mothers last breath, she was learning and softening her view of life. The last thing she said to me was, "I love you" ( p.s. My mother had been a raging alcoholic). Raging is too strong a word, angry for sure.

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Your a special person for being there DD. It’s a nice way to remember your mom. She was lucky to have you.

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James, your eloquence and intelligence continue to stun.

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Thanks so much Big E, your compliment means a lot to me!!!!

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Well deserved! This Substack seems to attract some most excellent people.

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And your one of them Big E!!!!

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James, there you go again, posting MY thoughts!

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Thanks Barbara, wouldn’t it be nice if someday we were all able to meet, well it’s nice to think about!!

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That’s a great idea, James. For those who like to travel, you could schedule a meet-up at Dr. Malone’s next national or international summit. Wear a name tag with your “Who is Robert Malone” Substack handle.

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You never cease to amaze me. I love how you're now parsing your paragraphs, making my old eyes easier to read. Little things like hitting the enter button, makes a simple mind like mine, so happy !

Bravo ! Well said.


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I’ve received complaints, so now I hit the return button probably in the incorrect places 😁

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So, Jim is back?..... What a loser.

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Yes oldguy52, he’s back, adding nothing but insults as always.

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You show that you are devastated. Sorry I hurt you so bad. The truth hurts, don't it?

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You’re a riot!! My comment was written long before your insults so don’t give yourself so much perverted credit. Your sick. Typical leftist leach. You’re the devastated one. People like you could never hurt me you just confirm what a taker you are. You take and add nothing, then you have to turn to insults because that’s all you got, envy and arrogance. You just take and destroy. You make posting on this sub stack not worth it, so in a way you do devastate, Congratulations.

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When a person resorts to name calling as you are doing, that is a sign that you have lost the logical debate and your mind can't handle it so the only thing left for you is to use the reptilian part of your brain and lash out like a child.

Here's some advice. Turn off your computer and go outside into beautiful nature and try to cleanse you mind of your deep seated, self destructing hatred.

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The older I get (especially with democrats still coontrolling large parts of the USA) the more I understand why roosters wake up screaming.

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Because in the democrats new reality those roosters are supposed to be laying eggs

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Cue the trans hens!

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I am waiting for the hens to start identifying as foxes, see how that works

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Bout like rinos identifying as conservatives.

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good story,

when my son was 13 (he got real smart about then) we were talking about RINOs.

When I explained these were elected democrat rodents that pretended to be repubs, he said, and I quote,

"are you saying they are the elephants ass?"

I was so proud!

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Hey , I thought that was my line.....Hahahha

Thinking alike can get you out of trouble!

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Why are there only 2 doors on a chicken coup?

Because, if it had 4 doors, it would be a sedan.

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Rambler, cute "yolk!"

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I could not find any of the eggs in the coup this am, I think they were mislaid.

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thanks, I was wondering where all these reptilian democrats were coming from

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"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." --Pericles

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Leaping wombats Batman! So 18 yr olds are too stupid to handle their loans, too irresponsible to be allowed alcohol but perfectly ok for voting

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And going to war in Ukraine!!

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Two words would stop them there--selective service.

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...and I demand gender equality in that selective service

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So do I--but only for two genders

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On a related note, here’s a Substack article I hope you all will like: Should We Regulate VICES? Or Should We Treat Vices as TOXINS? (short link): https://tinyurl.com/fa6rjadz

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The bear spray funny made me laugh out loud. Then you had the size of a bison. I live 2 1/2 hours from Yellowstone Park. People are idiots. The ranger’s give you a pamphlet at the gate about staying in your cars and do not try to take a selfing standing by a bison or moose or elk or any wild animals. Every year someone gets gored by a bison or an elk .

The funny where grandma through water at her grandchild was hilarious.

It was an exhausting day yesterday. We had an open house for our son who got married in Seattle in April. The open house turned out lovely but my body feels like I have been hit by a truck. No I don’t have a hang over as I don’t drink alcohol but I am an old mother of young children. He is the last one of six children to get married. Yay! Have a great Sunday! I’m going to soak in the tub for a while.

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Congrats, done, went well, and you're still moving! Have some grape juice while tubbing!

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Thank you! I had some crab grape! Yum!.

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I haven't cackled so hard in a long time. The cow meme was awesome.

I just read in Oregon there is no indecency law. It seems you have to wait for the nude man in your yard where your two year old is playing to do something to your child before the police care.

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And after "they" approve pedophilia there will not be much you can do when he does--legally.

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Portland actually has a nude bike ride event every year. Though maybe not at the peak of Covid due to the forced…

* Masking (nude is nude after all),

* Lockdowns (the chains were busy so weren’t available for the bikes), and

* 6-foot rule (can’t measure you-know-whats from that distance)

We loved living in Oregon before it went stark naked mad 😡

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Inflation really takes a bite out of our wallets. In the late Cretaceous Period, you could get a 3-piece KFT meal for what a 3-piece KFC meal costs today.

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very good discussion on Fallout: What’s in the Newly Adopted Amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations? | FALLOUT. Thanks Dr. Malone! Short link: https://tinyurl.com/2hr48h2j

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Fallout always educates me !!! Really appreciate the effort Dr Malone and Dr Jill and Jan J put into it!!!!!!

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Indeed, Excellent!

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"Ella, what are you doing?"

"I'm using this spray bottle to water the stadium grass. What do you need? I have a lot of ground to cover here."

"Ella, that's astroturf."

"Well just because it came from space DOESN'T mean we should just let it dry up and die."

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Absolutely 💯 %.

We shouldn't only be interested in politics but we must also be fully engaged in it lest we get "The Biden Dance!"

Hee (PAUSE) ⏸️

Hee ‼️

🤣 😜 😳


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Diaper man bad.

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wombats are among my favorite animals. We never missed them on visits to the San Diego Zoo!

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“…I’m not interested in politics…” is so true and I can’t count how many times the ignorant sheep have said it to me and my response is usually, “then you shouldn’t vote”.

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Agreed. If people can’t get themselves to a polling location with a legitimate ID, maybe they SHOULDN’T vote!!

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If that fellow who's doing the bison tagging weighs around 3000 lbs, I don't even wanna know what the bison weighs.

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Oh my, I’m a little embarrassed by the excess of visceral pleasure I got watching grandma throw water in the face of her momentarily indoctrinated grandson. I fantasize doing this almost daily when shopping at Walmart. I’ve started locking my car keys in the truck to prevent my little old lady ass from being arrested by the sheriff in town!

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Now that's what you call "Grandma's baptism into reality." God bless grandmas.

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Thank you James G. I knew you’d understand!

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like the ‘cheese grater tp’.

I think we should draft Thomas Massie for President. Happy Sunday.

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Jun 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some really good ones today! Thanks for this. Have a lovely restful Sunday.

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