I have no interest in football. To me, it is a waste of time, but obviously many people love it. Because of my disinterest, I have no clue as to who owns and runs it, and who makes such decisions as playing a second, fake "National Anthem". And who was pushing the players to get dangerous, untested, NOT proven "safe and effective" biowea…
I have no interest in football. To me, it is a waste of time, but obviously many people love it. Because of my disinterest, I have no clue as to who owns and runs it, and who makes such decisions as playing a second, fake "National Anthem". And who was pushing the players to get dangerous, untested, NOT proven "safe and effective" bioweapon shots. Obviously whoever is doing such things is/are Anti-American, Anti-human and member(s) of the Globalist Criminal Cabal working to divide, damage, and kill us. It is a sad commentary on the level of mental acuity and awareness of monumental forces affecting our world, of and by the many fans of the NFL, that they would be so caught up in their sport and its trappings as to be so oblivious to, or just accepting of, such behaviors by the NFL leadership. In effect, the fans are partying "on the deck of the Titanic" as it is going DOWN, along with the ship of America and the freedom and prosperity of humanity in general.
This is but a telling microcosm of the degree to which the Totalitarian Overloards are succeeding in their take-down of our current system to pave the way for their "Great Reset" of a Post-human world. THANK GOD there are so many others who aren't swallowing their deception and ARE pushing back!!!!
I have no interest in football. To me, it is a waste of time, but obviously many people love it. Because of my disinterest, I have no clue as to who owns and runs it, and who makes such decisions as playing a second, fake "National Anthem". And who was pushing the players to get dangerous, untested, NOT proven "safe and effective" bioweapon shots. Obviously whoever is doing such things is/are Anti-American, Anti-human and member(s) of the Globalist Criminal Cabal working to divide, damage, and kill us. It is a sad commentary on the level of mental acuity and awareness of monumental forces affecting our world, of and by the many fans of the NFL, that they would be so caught up in their sport and its trappings as to be so oblivious to, or just accepting of, such behaviors by the NFL leadership. In effect, the fans are partying "on the deck of the Titanic" as it is going DOWN, along with the ship of America and the freedom and prosperity of humanity in general.
This is but a telling microcosm of the degree to which the Totalitarian Overloards are succeeding in their take-down of our current system to pave the way for their "Great Reset" of a Post-human world. THANK GOD there are so many others who aren't swallowing their deception and ARE pushing back!!!!
Beautifully said !
Thank you.
We KNOW what it is: