I escaped from Chicago to the Colorado Rockies 36 years ago to get away from Communists and Colorado was pretty Red then. Now it's mauve, but the part where we reside, particularly our little corner of Heaven, is Red.
We're in an obscure, secluded valley on the Western Slope. Reading through some of your comments, we are on the exact same page, chapter and verse, on the issues.
Oh yeah, Michelle Malkin who is a real firecracker. Saw that some years ago and burned it to DVD. Don't hear much from her, but I'm sure she's still getting after it.
On one hand, too bad, but on the other hand, she made a major contribution and deserves to be out of the public eye and to enjoy the best private life she can.
Patriot4Trump, in view of how both the rats ЁЯРА ЁЯРА and the RINOS are feverishly working to set traps for Trump to make sure he can't fulfill his promises, should we be successful in getting him elected.
WE NEED TO BE GATHERING all of the AVAILABLE TOOLS to keep them from passing (buried in the current bills being pushed) TRAPS AGAINST OUR AMERICA ЁЯЗ║ЁЯЗ╕ FIRST AGENDA!!!!
Co going thru what Illinois has foreverтАжpolitics dominated by one city. Chicago for them, Denver for Co has Sarah Hoyt complained about until she finally bailed
I escaped from Chicago to the Colorado Rockies 36 years ago to get away from Communists and Colorado was pretty Red then. Now it's mauve, but the part where we reside, particularly our little corner of Heaven, is Red.
Where is your little corner of Colorado Heaven? We're in Weld County (Windsor) but even in our red county, blue is creeping in ...
We're in an obscure, secluded valley on the Western Slope. Reading through some of your comments, we are on the exact same page, chapter and verse, on the issues.
Oh yeah, Michelle Malkin who is a real firecracker. Saw that some years ago and burned it to DVD. Don't hear much from her, but I'm sure she's still getting after it.
Afraid she finally called it quits. Miss her too
On one hand, too bad, but on the other hand, she made a major contribution and deserves to be out of the public eye and to enjoy the best private life she can.
Oh yes. Few have endured the grief she has had to. She definitely has earned a rest
I'm sure we'll see her at the barricades, if and when.
I spend approx. 1200 hours/year reading and researching books and online and my long time faves are https://patriotpost.us/ (since 1999 when they were a listserv, https://www.americanthinker.com/ also for a long time. More recently https://thenewamerican.com/ and https://federalobserver.com/. For climate it's https://wattsupwiththat.com/ and https://www.climatedepot.com/ and one never knows what rabbit hole one will end up in when following links in articles. Thank you for the more local resources which I will check out.
All her speeches were firey. Really admire that lady
Patriot4Trump, I am wondering ЁЯдФ if you have and if you can share with me a list of the CONSPIRACY THEORIES that were proven to not be CONSPIRACIES?
Patriot4Trump, in view of how both the rats ЁЯРА ЁЯРА and the RINOS are feverishly working to set traps for Trump to make sure he can't fulfill his promises, should we be successful in getting him elected.
WE NEED TO BE GATHERING all of the AVAILABLE TOOLS to keep them from passing (buried in the current bills being pushed) TRAPS AGAINST OUR AMERICA ЁЯЗ║ЁЯЗ╕ FIRST AGENDA!!!!
Lots of hardheads in Colorado, not so many in the Col Spr vicinity.
Co going thru what Illinois has foreverтАжpolitics dominated by one city. Chicago for them, Denver for Co has Sarah Hoyt complained about until she finally bailed