There are so many influences that drive a person. Who we choose as friends and how we treat people in many ways will reflect where we end up in life. We can always improve but when we’re short, snide or worse with someone, I know with myself, I think, I could have handled that better. If inside you know something doesn’t feel right, whether it’s a person you are friends with or how you treat someone we should always listen to that voice and do what is right.

Growing up as a teenager and into my early twenties many of my friends were still doing the same bad things. I had gone to college and not long after I started my business. There came a time where I had to decide live in the past stagnant, or get away from the past and grow. I know I didn’t want another year to go by and stay in that same place. Sometimes it’s better to do the right thing, even if it means being alone. If you stay with the wrong people the right people will never come into your life, I decided to move on.

I heard a sound bite of Trump the other day where he said in reference to himself “to whom much is given, much will be required” Luke 12:48? I believe to acquire much and to move forward in life you have to obey that voice inside that guides you. “A faithful and wise manager was found to be properly handling giving out his masters possessions of food and other allowances at the proper time”. “When the master returned home and finds how well his possessions were handled, he puts the wise servant in charge of all of his possessions.” (Also Luke)

In many ways I think our country is where it is because time after time people have stopped listening to that voice that’s shouting this is wrong. Years of not listening, not obeying, absorbing the lefts lies, have ended with America in a very bad place. This is how people are destroyed or negative movements and countries get completely out of control. Let’s hope this November reflects how people have started paying attention to their inner voice and our country may begin its path back towards God. J.Goodrich

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When a boy, a pocket knife in your pocket was the norm. We used it as a tool, not a weapon. Today kids are tossed in the slammer for mere possession and sadly that today is probably a good thing. But what does that say about what has happened to us, our culture. We have regressed to caveman status? If so, why?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I bought my 1st pocket knife at my grade school book and supplies store I was a cub scout then. I have actually carried a pocket knife all my life including all the schools I attended. Never cut anyone with it but myself. I sure was death on opening cardboard boxes and packages, though. My best friend went to a small town school in a farming based area. He and his friends would bring rifles to school to go hunting after school. No one ever thought of using it on another person. Times sure have changed.

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we had rifles in the back rack of many trucks at our school.

Hell, VA Tech had a ROTC program, where students kept their rifles in their dorm rooms, and damn, no shootings.

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In Switzerland, every able-bodied male is a member of the Swiss Army Reserve. As such, they are required to keep their service assault rifle at home with ammunition. Ironically, there is very little firearms crimes in Switzerland. Years ago, there was a book titled, "More Guns, Less Crime", by John Lott. Perhaps it is not the guns that are the problem.

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John Lott's writing is excellent and he is a dear.

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I get Lotts emailed newsletter, I send him a few bucks when I can.

https://crimepreventionresearchcenter.nationbuilder.com/ he is also on X

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No SSRIs either!

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Don't you wonder if the kid who shot Trump was on them?!

They burned him; we'll never know. . .

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All the signs point to YES and the fact they destroyed the evidence says YES, YES, and YES again.

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Evidence suggests the "kid" was just a patsy, like Oswald. Yeah, they plugged Oswald, too. Same playbook. Likely same players.

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exactly, I notice how that the girls the democrat vermin have induced into insanity, are now taking testosterone, and the ssris, and shooting up schools.

The girls did not do that before trans perversions.

Only boys on ssri's were shooting up schools.

Another cesspool the rabid democrat vermin have created, wherever they infest.

Ooohh oooohhh, new theory, almost funny but eerily true.

recent data shows that fluoride in the water makes people stupid,

This is why so many city dwellers keep voting democrat.

With the bottle water craze, of the past 20 years, a whole generation of sane kids has grown up, without the fluoride, and are moving away from the rabid democrats.,

Or, its the brain worms dying from lack of fluoride (see also RFK)

either way, optimism.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Yes, I grew up the same way. To this day I still always have my pocket knife and a way to make a fire in my pocket. Seems to me that's part of being responsible for your own survival.

As to the memes: There were several that hit home for me, but the ones that really nailed it for me are JP's video and Elon's blurb at the end. These leftys (and let's not be calling them liberals because that is a terribly deceptive use of the word) are way the hell out of control.

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Over a hundred years ago the term Liberal was a term of derision for those who saw the Constitution being trampled by those in power. Jay Nock “We cannot help remembering that this WWI was a liberal’s war, a liberal’s peace, and that the present state of things is the consummation of a fairly long, fairly extensive, and extremely costly experiment with liberalism in political power.” He wrote Memoirs of a Superfluous Man, and Our Enemy the State.

It was not liberal values, but state actions supposedly supporting those values that were despised.

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They are liberal with other folks money....to a fault.

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Lefty's ? How about we start calling them what they (undisguised) really are: Communists.

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I would have absolutely no problem with that.

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I have noticed that DT is starting to call out Marxists, Socialists and Communists

who ARE the so-called "Left".

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I prefer the term rabid rodents. You can work with commies, they are not perverted, insane, rabid rodents, like the democrats are.

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SAY - WHAT? " Work with communists? " in the USA, the Democrats have been over run by COMMUNISTS - and too many so-called "Republicans as well.

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Rabid, the leftist and democrat vermin are rabid. It explains how easy it is to spread their disease.

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Liberalism = progressivism = fascism = Marxism = socialism = communism = Maoism = absolute tyranny here we come!

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My husband still carries a pocket knife. Uses it all the time.

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"... deceptive use of the word... AMEN!!

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My father gave me a pocket knife when I was eight or nine. I carried one every day of my life until about the time they made them illegal on planes. Usually a Swiss Army knife. A great tool.

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My husband lost many a pocket knife at airports b/c carrying his knife was like carrying his wallet. And yet...remember those big knitting needle like things that some women would use to keep their hair up? Not a weapon?

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I lost two of my favorite Swiss Army knives. It took two to get it through my head to stop carrying them! One I’d had for about twenty years. Actually bought in Switzerland while in Germany. I really hate the govt and its stupid unnecessary ideas. I still don’t believe the TSA has saved anybody from anything.

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We don't have governments since a long time, we have ***regimes*** all over the world with "mis-leaders" appointed by the invisible cabal.

The once "neutral" Switzerland has joined the "hodge-podge", one more police state, I know it.

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I remember years ago when Rush first started describing our administration as a “regime”. He was blasted by the MSM for using this disgusting term. He had a typical good time with that one

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So frustrating! and AMEN re: did it save anyone? Who has ever died/been killed by a pocket knife? Maybe in the middle of nowhere where one might bleed to death????, but in a crowd of people! Good Grief!

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I knit and never had a problem bringing knitting needles and knitting on a plane. TSA did want to take my Leatherman, which I always carry but forgot to take out of my purse, but I mailed it back to myself. They had a stand you could do that. Still have that Leatherman.

I thought the whole time how utterly stupid this all is. Give me a steel knitting needle and .........just stupidity. It is all about control and making people sheeple - not about safety. Not about safety at all

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When they Outlaw Knives....Only Outlaws will have Knives.

I don't think this applies to Kitchen Cutlery...

but who knows anymore....Anyway....JRB.....zzz

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because rabid democrat vermin need more cesspool to take advantage of

if the crisis does not happen on its own. these rodents will create them

that's why

well, and the fluoride in the water that made city dwellers stupid for 3 generations, and the brain worms, there's that

I suspect the bottled water craze, of the past 20 years, may be helping this next generation ;-} https://www.theupandup.us/p/gen-z-teens-conservative-shift-gallup-data

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Youth Sign up for conceal and carry permit in that expensive NIKE school backpack?

Kidding maybe....then maybe not. R

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The dumbing down is the reason, as per ***frankfurt school***, the ultimate tool to achieve the present craziness and primitive brutality. Civic education has been erased.

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To know that inner voice isn't an overnight deal. The ego has a loud voice and a lot of people think that is the "inner voice". To know the difference requires inner silence and letting go of beliefs that stand in the way. There is no malice, only equanimity and love; just my take, James

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That inner voice, is natural knowing and we all have it. If you morally lie to someone, you start to erode their ability to trust their instincts. The foundation of our ability to survive requires our trust in our own instincts. We must listen to the people on the ground in these situations, places where alleged crimes or claims of hardship are occurring. We know that the MSM and the bureaucrats will gaslight anyone that doesn’t support the narrative that they want us to believe. Elon has preserved the ability of X to allow us to communicate with one another so we know and in regards to the Covid pandemic, the restrictions to keep us “safe” and the release of the mRNA, we all know now that we have been lied too. We knew it then and trusted our instincts, we need to trust them now and always.

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Whoa this seems to be a theme today. Not just a tinkling bell but a fog horn!


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Do you know that if we all followed the golden rule, we will all prosper? Uncanny but true. The golden rule results in fairness and the rule of law. England rose to its zenith by implementing laws applicable to all. Other European countries without the equality of law for all were still poor and suffering.

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Very well said James! Being on TEAM GOD and TEAM TRUTH should put all of us on the common sense path that prayerfully will lead us back to an America that our Founders envisioned. The evil chaos that surrounds us now must be defeated! More God for sure! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I agree in principle with your last paragraph mate, but it is truly heart breaking for me to have to say, "I am terrified, that even if Donald Trump wins the election, the damage "they" have done, and the various prosseses "they" have put in place, will make it ni on impossible for Donald Trump to rule the USA as he (and we) would choose. What a terrible TERRIBLE state of affairs. God bless America and its people.

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hey james, if you are on X, and willing, would you friend me, or whatever its called. I suspect X has shadow banned me, I cannot "imagine" why.

I am the only @PatOrsban on X. If yes, I can make a comment on one of your threads, and send a direct message to see if you see the posted reply. If no, that's cool too.

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Unfortunately Pat I am not on X. This is just about the only social media I do. Sorry, I’m sure someone else will…

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I just checked with a fellow poster (had to figure out how to find followies and followers) and at least sometimes my posts are seen.

in the meantime, a nice Trump joke

I was walking down the sidewalk of a strip mall near my house,

when I noticed we had a new bookstore. A Muslim bookstore.

I went in to check it out. There was a lot of neat shit in there,

some things I had never seen before.

However, the fellow behind the counter could tell I was not a

regular customer. Might have been the Make America Great cap.

So he walks up to me and says, "what do you want"? He was not

friendly at all.

I thought, damn buddy, then said, "I am looking for a book, I think

it was written by Donald Trump. Something about illegal aliens and

Muslim immigrants".

He glared at me, and said "FUCK YOU, GET OUT"!

I said, "hey, that's it, do you have it in paperback"?

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thanks anyway, still checking on that, I stopped getting spam from the "girls" a few days ago, so I think I am shadow banned, cant imagine why......

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Excellent James.

THIS may ring a bell for you as your words above are amazingly similar to what I have read so far in this book:


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Thank you Red I’ve never heard of that book but it sounds very interesting. So many people seem to be coerced away from what is right. All people naturally long to be free.

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Always remember there are ONLY two forms of coercion. One is FORCE, the other FRAUD.

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I agree all people yearn to be free, with their inner voice. But the loud noises outside have masked that inner voice. And that loud noise is getting louder!

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The light of those who have awakened will not be extinguish. You are light. Keep shining your “little” light. 😇

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Splendid/magnifique !!, the human values are inside - understanding - compassion - love - the silent features that make for a better and safer world.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love your material DOC. Keep writing and I will keep subscribing.

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I’m a very happy subscriber! Wouldn’t miss these wise stacks for anything! God bless the Malones! #TEAM MALONE 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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I will second that.

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Ditto for me too! Luv it all!

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Wise stacks! Love that!

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My view: If Donald Trump is not elected, our country will self imploded and the survivors will have to rebuild.

The following is from Edwin's substack. He does a book review worth the read.

Ned Ryun has written a new book, American Leviathan, and I was fortunate to get my hands on an advance copy.

If you don’t know Ned, he’s the founder of American Majority and Voter Gravity, grassroots organizations that specialize in fighting the culture war at the local level and electing America First conservatives. On cable news channels and in his writing, he’s an eloquent defender of the Constitution, limited government, and the American Republic as the Founding Fathers intended. I highly recommend that you read American Leviathan and share it with friends — especially friends who struggle to see clearly the stakes of the ideological war now raging.

How did we get to this point in time, when American leaders broadly repudiate the principles behind the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, and an unaccountable, unconstitutional bureaucracy rules over the American people? How is it that both major political parties routinely ignore the will of voters and seem beholden to the administrative state? Why do prominent politicians — from Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney to Kamala Harris and Barack Obama — express an almost religious devotion to expansive government when our country was founded upon an inherent distrust of government power and a commitment to see such power forever chained? Why have the most prestigious news organs rejected free speech, embraced censorship, and become little more than propagandistic parrots for the State? It’s a long story, but it’s a story that must be understood in order for the American people to see with clear eyes what they’re actually fighting.

In American Leviathan, Ryun succeeds by making what is complicated quite comprehensible. He takes a century and a half of mostly forgotten history and political debate and boils down all the sordidness into a digestible, if unpleasant, meal. He traces the origin of the administrative state to a group of American intellectuals who were fascinated with Hegel’s philosophical defense of authoritarianism and the absolute power of the Prussian king. He pinpoints the rise of the Uniparty in the overlapping policy preferences of leading Republicans, Democrats, and socialists at the beginning of the twentieth century. He recounts how progressive Republicans, such as Robert La Follette and Teddy Roosevelt, advocated for radical expansion of government and rejection of long-respected constitutional constraints that mirrored many of the wishes of progressive Democrats, such as Woodrow Wilson and The New Republic founder Herbert Croly. Together, these various thought leaders (at times hostile to one another as they advanced similar goals) initiated what Ryun calls a “Progressive Statist movement” demanding a fundamental transformation of the American system of government and the elevation of the State at the expense of Americans’ individual liberties.

Ryun defines the administrative state, the national security state, and the Deep State as distinct entities reflecting varying degrees of power, privilege, secretiveness, and incompetence, but he recognizes all of these unelected factions as parts of the same beast: the Leviathan. With that appellation, he refers to the political treatise Leviathan, from seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, whose inclination toward a strong, centralized government emerged during the chaos of the English Civil Wars. In the Old Testament, Leviathan is a sea serpent and demon associated with the sin of envy. The monster eats the souls of those who are damned because they remain too attached to the material world to reach God’s realm and receive His grace. Although the biblical Leviathan epitomizes chaos, Hobbes used the idea of a terrifying creature composed of myriad souls as a metaphor for an all-powerful State constantly shaping citizens and feeding from their individual energies. The frontispiece to Hobbes’s Leviathan shows a monarch clutching the symbols of earthly power in one hand and spiritual power in the other. The monarch’s body is formed from hundreds of faceless individuals who, through their actions to support the king, embody the State. At the top of the illustration is a Latin quote describing Leviathan from the Book of Job: “There is no power on earth to be compared to him.” It is in this sense that Ryun describes the American Leviathan.

Although Hobbes saw the Leviathan as a necessary force for taming violent chaos, Ryun recognizes it for what it actually is: an uncontrollable, ever-growing, and ravenous beast that devours any prospect for representative democracy or individual liberty. Interestingly, just as Hobbes saw the Leviathan State as the union of the secular and spiritual worlds, Ryun sees the American Leviathan as a usurper claiming dominion over both worlds, too. He takes great pains to show how Progressive Statists depend upon a rejection of God, so that they can claim His powers as their own. In the same way that the theological Leviathan represents the deadly sin of envy, the American Leviathan is envious of all forms of power outside its own. Ultimately, to choose the unelected administrative state over the constitutional republic and the protection of Americans’ natural rights is to worship government above all else. The American Leviathan is an obscene and false god.

In his deftly written and often moving defense of the American Republic as founded, Ryun makes a compelling case for why Americans must slay the Leviathan that has co-opted their form of government and stolen so many of their individual liberties. He describes Woodrow Wilson’s disdain for popular sovereignty as the unofficial credo of this un-American and unelected “blob,” in which bureaucrats operate with scant oversight. He excoriates Progressive Statists’ naïve belief in the perfectibility of human nature and their dangerous faith in a ruling class entrusted with limitless power. He explains why the Leviathan’s attacks on natural rights can succeed only by rewriting both the Constitution and the story of America’s founding. He diagrams how the rise of an all-powerful bureaucracy is meant to replace private property and personal freedoms with concerns for “social justice” while turning the State into a quasi-divine entity capable of offering spiritual salvation. He proves that today’s “ruling elites” see representative democracy as “not just an inconvenience, but even more so an enemy and danger to the state.” He shows through countless examples that the vast bureaucracy is antithetical to the Constitution’s separation of powers. And he warns that those who have an “unshakeable faith” in the State’s “non-negotiable standards of right and wrong” will not hesitate to eliminate those Americans who oppose it.

America First Republicans, Ryun argues, must reject the legitimacy of the administrative state: “This is The Thing. Nothing else matters.” After a century of concentrated power “in the hands of a credentialed idiocracy who believe they are the final arbiters for government and society,” this is what we know: “The entire premise of the administrative state has been proven a farce.” He concludes that “it is time to declare political war” on the American Leviathan, “to tear it apart piece by piece, and to restore the Republic.” In a final chapter entitled “Slay Leviathan,” Ryun implores: “Break the State.” In that chapter, he describes exactly how President Trump should do so.

I have an expansive collection of writings from the earliest days of the American Republic. I hold them dear because they are a window into some of the greatest minds in human history. I will admit, though, that there is a wary voice in the back of my own mind whispering that there may come a day when the words of the Founders are more important as practical how-to guides than as intellectual heirlooms passed through history. In defending our country from those who wish to destroy it, Ned Ryun’s new book is one of those sources I want within reach. It’s a life-saving axe for those “in case of emergency, break glass” moments. And, I think Ned would agree, it’s time to break the glass.

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Among other things, the State should have no role in "managing" the economy. Not a constitutional power.

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Until the entire premise of Marxism - en toto - is completely extirpated from public discourse and "state" mechanisms; and "elected" Congressional and Senatorial Representatives of "We" the people actually ABIDE by the Constitution AS WRITTEN -as they all "SWEAR" to do, America will continue to devolve into chaos and anarchy.

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Economic Justification for the State


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Johns Hopkins University carried the virus that infected all our century-old universities with German economic philosophy. Wilson cut his teeth there, and his team of scholars "IGR" (Institute for Government Research) were funded by the Carnegie Corporation established in 1916 by Robert S. Brookings (who also founded the Brooking Institute) and directed by William Franklin Willoughby, a graduate of Johns Hopkins University in 1885.

It is still engaged in destruction . . . ergo Covid.

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EXCELLENT, Thomas! I will order Ryun's book.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Peter Thiel nailed it.


Peter Thiel says if the 2024 election is close, Kamala Harris will cheat to STEAL it. He's also joining people like Elon Musk and calling for strict Voter ID, in-person election-day voting, & heavy restrictions on mail-in voting "They will cheat. They will fortify it. They will steal the ballots." "At a minimum, you'd try to run elections the same way you do it in every other Western democracy. You have one day voting. You have practically no absentee ballots... It's not this two-month elongated process.


If only voters and public officials would listen. Do they really want America to be a third world country? (Rhetorical question…)

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I hope they understand that their wealth is at risk. If they are students of history they should know that once the communists take power they take everything. They will take the musks and theils out and shoot them very quickly. Just look at the Russian revolution.

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When your business is profitable because of government contracts and government seed money to start and grow that business, and government power to destroy that business - their wealth is at risk and they will not risk it - it is all pretense.

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The first wave are just useful idiots. They think they are clever and invincible. But they are not. They do not know history. They do not know they are just cannon fodder for the topmost elite, whoever those murky characters may be.

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As long as they can rule it

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I had a very different reaction. The freest and securest election of all time happened in 2020 after a senile old man and his 'thrown to the curb by the people' VP, landed in the WH without nary a scandal or 81k votes. States that knew its results were tainted are in legal battles not for offering alternate delegates. Numerous people will probably go to prison for denying results media outlets are still dealing with a barrage of lawsuits worth hundreds of millions.

Where, may I ask, has Peter Thiel been for almost four years? Just like Zuck's post Murthy v MO statement "What difference does it make at this point" as the ability to steal needed to be stop before the election, not whined about before hand. The is no predictive value to his talk.

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We've all long been stating what Peter Thiel said (yes, he stated all this too little too late). But people seem to listen to those more famous, even if they are late to the party. And sometimes, like many Democrats, they don't realize they too have been the target of lies and brainwashing.

So we have to take the wins where we can and hope the citizens will be guarding the ballot boxes carefully, that anyone who can will sign up as poll workers and poll watchers, that voters will STUDY the ISSUES (not the media's perceptions thereof or make it about personality), and they VOTE smarter this time.

If legal voters don't register and vote in massive numbers (preferably in person and on election day), they won't be able to overcome what the other side has planned. Apathy is NOT an option now! People make the specious argument that their vote doesn't count. Well, it certainly won't count if they don't participate!

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I also can always tell when they use fake dinosaurs in movies. I thought it was outrageous that those obviously real velociraptors were killed in the making of Jurassic Park. What is this? Must they be cute and cuddly to earn our human compassion? I used to admire Steven Spielberg, but I can no longer countenance his support for Kamala or his abuse of our Cretaceous friends.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are running out of time to stop the steal of another election. The Eric W. interview was great at times and way over my head most of the time. The desperation of those in power is evident but too many are still spellbound refusing to get in the life boat.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Weinstein interview was BRILLIANT. I have rarely observed such a smart man speak. Shook a lot of cobwebs from my brain.

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His brother Bret is another very smart and persuasive individual.

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Thiel & Musk have the money to engage in the lawyering necessary to fortify elections. Not seeing much evidence of this, but I hope it's going on behind the scenes. Govt certainly won't do it.

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I keep hoping Thiel or Musk create an algorithm that can track voting irregularities- like registered voters v. actual cumber of votes, districts where abnormal amounts of drop in ballots, number of ballots versus number of residents, voting patterns in the districts 4 years ago, 8 years ago, versus this year, etc…

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There is a company that uses a program to digest voter registration data real time with constant real time authentication including addresses, deaths, moving, etc. This is one of the ways to cheat. Stuff the voter rolls right before, send ballot to specific addresses then after the election dump the excess data.

The outfit's name is not coming to mind right now.

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Talk is not valuable, only action taken in time is.

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My dad served in the Army in the Korean War and in the Air Force in the Vietnam war fighting against communism—I served in the Army in the Pacific, against communist Korea and China. My dad died in 2007, but for years he told us kids that things were changing in our nation. Several years before he died I asked him if I could have his ribbons and medals. He looked surprised that I would ask that question, but I was proud of his service. He told me he threw them in a creek a few years earlier, and did not tell me why. I believe my dad saw the communist rise and trend in America and questioned his service in Korea and Vietnam as futile.

I served during peace time and only for three years active duty., but was proud of my service to our nation, and was willing to deploy if needed. I told my son I would not throw my ribbons and medals in the creek but would pass them on to him.

I am losing hope in America, because it seems wickedness is triumphing, but I’m not going to give up for my children and grandchildren’s sake. This is not the America I grew up in, nor is it the America of our founding fathers, and I know that as a Christian, a veteran, and Patriot of the true ideal of America, will put a target on my back. I’ve said it so many times in my posts, that the only hope I have is Christ, because this life is temporary but eternity is forever. May God’s will be done for America, for he is righteous, just, gracious, and merciful—I trust Him, even as America is being judged and reaping what it has sown. Because of this, I am reflecting upon my own life, and wanting to know if I have been faithful to him and will I remain faithful to him. I know I am his and he is mine, but I want to live my life giving him glory, not a life that does not reflect his glory—I have a lot to reflect on and pray about.

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I’m a Jew. I served three years in the army. Couldn’t agree with you any more

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Thank you and your father for your service to our country. We still need you. We must speak truthfully and call out the lies. Our children and grandchildren deserve better.

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I will second that!

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thanks for being the Love that is YOU.

. . . "Love Without End", Glenda Green.

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We are construction volunteers for churches and have been traveling for 17 years. South Dakota is our legal residence. Every election cycle we are required to request an absentee ballot. We must provide a photocopy of our photo ID and sign our request.

The information is checked and our ballots are mailed to us at the appropriate time. After we fill it out, we again have to sign it.

Contrast this to states that mail out unrequested ballots to everyone who has ever lived at the address. I heard one man on the radio say he had received 9 ballots at his apartment. If he had been dishonest he could have voted all 9 of them.

We need to focus our time on cleaning up the voter roles and voter ID (mail in or in person).

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I watched that Eric Weinstein interview some days ago. To have the intellectual heft of the Weinstein brothers more or less on "our side" is an unexpected blessing.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You do seem to have the most appropriate selection of cartoons/memes. Others try to copy, but they do not come close. The Benno Garrison was ridiculously an epic bullseye.


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that clip discribes it exactly. In another Substack, I posted this :when WE talk about immigration, we talk about sporadical, legal immigration. I came here 21 years ago, first on green card and now citizen, paid all the dues and filled out all the forms. That is how it should be in this crowded world. When there were only a few million people, free movement could be let go, but not now. and those that like you say, want immigrants come in droves, confiscate the Vineyard - they are almost all second and third homes and will be plenty for them. In my neighborhood live quite a few former Mexican families, all hard working and not profiting on the tax payers. That are the immigrants you want. It were of course better, if one could ameliorate the situation in their home country, so they could stay there. I left my crowded country because I am a loner and cannot live without the woods.

It is very unfortunate, that a government places illegals over their own citizens. But the same thing is happening in large parts of Europe. The few countries that put a limit, or a ban, on this kind of overwhelming illegal immigration are being scolded - specially Hungary. And Russia recently made temporary immigration easier for those with conservative views. If the language were not so difficult I might even think of it.

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You CAN'T have HIGH PRICES if you don't have ANYTHING or IF YOU'RE


That's THE PLAN!

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Kamala doesn’t realize that her head is about as secure as Marie Antionette.

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There are awards, rewards and trophies for those that participate in the making. Once complete, the useful idiot all disappear.

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Sep 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, Your Sunday Strip is one of the highlights of my week. Your choice or memes and video clips is so intelligent and hilarious. I always share it with others. Thanks!

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The distractions we face have made it difficult to stay on point. Sunspots happen you climate change

alarmists. Injection of foreign proteins into your arms causes your cellular immune system to attack these foreign proteins wherever they turn up in your body. Mother Nature figured this one out and perfected the system over millions of years. We have free speech only if we speak and others can hear it. Stay on point everyone and don't be distracted, especially President Trump.

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Thank you!

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Re: "The 10 Common Logical Fallacies" Yes! Oh so common. Thank you for reminding us all in order to made our reasoning and responses grounded and useful.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Those who know the 10 Logical Fallacies and have the ability to recognize them when they're used have a clear advantage over those who don't.

I'm not so quick to agree that all the fallacies are necessarily fallacies. There IS such a thing as a slippery slope. An example is the initiative beginning a few decades ago that homeless beggars aren't really a societal problem, and definitely not one requiring legal intervention. "Who are they hurting but themselves? They're just living different lifestyles. Who are we to judge?" People who can't care for themselves were freed from asylums. What began as a few squeegee boys has become a plague on our cities. Large areas have become dangerous, violent no-go zones, with discarded hypo needles, urine, and feces on the ground. We're convinced by smooth-talkers to be "tolerant," and don't figure out until a generation or two later the trap we've fallen into.

Similarly, "Because it's always been done this way" is not, by itself, a valid reason to discontinue a cultural norm. It took us tens of thousands of years to climb up out of living in trees and caves. A lot of trial-and-error along the way taught us the value of fathers in families, and not treating children as sexual objects. Yeah, maybe the sky didn't fall when some children participated in drag queen story hour. But we don't learn until a couple of generations later what the dangers are.

The 10 Logical Fallacies, if properly used, can be powerful reasoning tools. But they shouldn't be treated as rules-of-thumb to be blindly followed. They need to be used intelligently.

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As the post indicated we would be in a different place if everyone knew these ten common fallacies.

The Left's advantage comes about because these fallacies are not recognized by those training to listen and not think.

Devise a plan to reduce the population and make people go along with all of the steps to that plan. Each step was/is a slippery slope. Next is assisted suicide for those in need.

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