Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many good ones here, I absolutely could NOT pick a favorite. I don’t know how you two do this week after week (twice a week!), but so grateful that you do. Sardonic, ironic humor full of truth and a few roaring lions. 🦁 🦁 🦁

Don’t stop exposing the insanity 🤪 until sanity 😌 returns (You’ll stay busy for a LONG while)!

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Misdirection abounds. Key players in this crisis are DOD/CIA and Big Pharma. Their goals are intertwined. The risk of destroying humanity grows each day that we don't expose the planners and their motives.

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All true. Key players have been exposed, but so many are not looking 👀 — or are looking elsewhere as this Substack illustrates. I know several people who simply refuse to hear 🙉, see 🙈, or talk 🙊 about the truth that’s all around them.

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Hello from Germany. My wife told me years ago that there is truth in every joke.

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And a joke in every truth :-)

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Well said Big E!!!!

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No masks, no mRNA, no Trust. We need to spend more time watching who’s counting votes.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

Counting alone does not guarantee legitimate election results; it addresses the “Garbage Out” side of the equation. We need to also focus on the “Garbage In” side of the equation by eliminating electronic voting procedures.

France does the whole nationwide election process in one day, via paper ballots and hand-counting, with no evidence or claim of fraud from any side.

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It’s so hard to watch the majority of politicians in this government rape the country and its citizens, then lie about manufactured crisis after crisis to hide their treason. It really shows how deep this country truly was, to have decade after decade of traitors robbing the country that paid for them and their families and we still are surviving. We truly are surviving on our history.


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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone was on the War Room from CPAC yesterday when it was announced that the son of Fauci's replacement is serving on a Congressional Subcommittee Exposing Chinese Infiltration.

One just can't make this stuff up!

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Listening now thanks

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Malone, A bit of a non sequiter, but can we stop maligning Vanguard? They are a predominantly passive index manager. They offer a low cost option (to invest in broad stock markets) to regular working people (and wealthy people too!). They rarely actively push for corporate actions, because they are investing in a broad number of indices mostly managed by other parties. I think you would find Vanguard founder John Bogle’s short book, ENOUGH to dovetail nicely with your views. They also just pulled out of the ESG investing alliance because they “don’t play the political game.”


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They have too much control and power for any profit driven enterprise. It’s like saying surveillance is ok since I’m not doing anything wrong.

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Their clients (investors in their mutual funds) own the business...ie their clients are their shareholders. It's similar to what we used to call a co-op. May I suggest we do a little more research before we start painting with such a broad brush?

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“A good man is a dangerous man who has it completely under control”. I would like to add “and to a man whose moral inclinations approach the highest and best. I had to have a valve replaced in November. At 74 that’s not nothing. When I saw my doctor for my follow up, I said, “You’re a dangerous man.” He was startled. “Who drives a forklift thru one side of a chest to get to the other, opens up the heart, fixes it, and does it three times a day. Who does that?? But a very good but very dangerous man.”! And the he laughed real hard and then hugged me and I thanked him for choosing to do what he does.

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Dr Malone fits in that catagory too!

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just FYI, Dr Paul Alexander is hysterically libeling you on twitter. @PAlexanderPhD

Looks like deflection due to Hancock files.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so disappointed in Dr. Alexander. Because of comments he recently made on his Substack, I canceled automatic renewal of my subscription and stopped receiving his Substack articles. Is he unhinged?

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I am on the verge of canceling as well! He is claiming that Dr. Malone threatened him and his family! It’s very hard to imagine that could be true.

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Sadly, it sounds like things are escalating ~ 🤦‍♀️. Is this on Twitter, his Substack, or both?

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I don’t do Twitter, but it is heating up on Substack for sure.

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Dr. Alexander has been writing articles for Brownstone since the fall of 2021, usually on masking and school closures. I'm not on twitter but understand that he was brought on board the Trump admin in 2020.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I am so disappointed with all this infighting. I don’t know what to make of it all. What are the Hancock files?

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Hancock was the 'Health' overseer in the UK. Resigned when he failed to social distance and wear a mask when seeing his 'girl friend'. He's married. A gal on his team disclosed archived message between him and others in the government. In one, Hancock suggested making mutant virus to scare the people.

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Thank you!

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Of all the great Sunday strips this one is the best. I gave up trying to inform people to release them from their stupor, but their stupor is quite frequently only an act. It is the new American art form, feigned ignorance. They are not Sheeple, they are sycophants. They lick the boot every day, and no lie is so bold faced that it cannot be told, nor any treachery too vile, think MK Ultra. So be prepared be aware.

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I tend to agree with this. Perhaps the most important character traits lost over many decades now, are honesty and personal accountability. They are foundational values, and when they disappear, all bets are off as to the viability of the American experiment.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My favorite this time is “The Good Man” (and woman for that matter)

Off topic: Spent time Fri & Sat watching CPAC presentations

Was glad to learn our Veritas hero WILL be carrying on.

Good to see you with your group. IMO you and Joshua were solid. Jackson growls a lot, but I’m not convinced he approaches you or Joshua. Hoping they have or will be inviting really insightful folks for their panel.

Interested to hear Mark Levin is continuing to championing his Convention of States (just wish he’d also deal with Covid - he did have a fright recently with a vax like reaction and was growling it might be the vax - and globalism. But I do recognize the Constitution is his beat).

Was VERY interested in Gordon Chang’s contribution to thinking relating to matters related to your last post. He noted that regardless of the role of the lab development - When the Chinese learned some of their people were infected, they immediately took steps to send sickened subjects around the world to spread it. IMO that should be much easier to confirm. I was surprised at what a strong speaker he turned out to be.

You great folks are so appreciated and that you are sharing with us is ever helpful. Hope you will be having a chance to charge your batteries so to speak and further your podcasting ideas. Not to mention enjoy your new equine additions. Very Bestest!

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I’m amazed that JP kept his YouTube channel throughout the last three years. Does satire evade the AI censors or has he got very good lawyers?

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All of this is so hot ❤️

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great post to start the day. Thank you, Drs. Malone.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lovely to see you at CPAC yesterday!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was so ready for a few memes and you two certainly delivered! BTW, I am glad you had the time at CPAC to talk with Veronika of The New American. Including the 5GW onslaught and one’s ability to use it right back was terrific. As a JBS member, I am alerted to its interviews! The interview posted on its website says Please follow Dr. Malone on Twitter and Substack

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another well selected group to see humor in reality. Glad to see the CPAC results on shot uptake as well. I hope you came away from CPAC with some positive vibes and a way forward towards more action and less rhetoric. We here all know the Malones are in the action group!!! Thanks again :))

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Hope I haven’t sinned reading these, but now I’m off to Latin Mass just incase. Har har, good ones

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Bergoglio is watching you.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WWIII meme 😹😿

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