It was great to see JK Rowling's quote from Twitter. I had heard she was under attack for her comments. I think she summarized the situation very well.

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She speaks truth, therefore the wokesters attack her. She actually seems to enjoy pointing out truth which gets a ton of hateful responses.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Before Billy Joel became an indoctrinated, leftist scumbag who gleefully praised a Governor who sentenced 20,000 New Yorkers to death with his sadistic mandate orders, he wrote a magnificently crafted song "She's always a woman"


I loved that song for most of my life, but I cannot listen to anything by BJ ever again, and it saddens me so. These leftists ruin everything they touch.

IMO, a woman is the most beautiful being on this planet, albeit at the same time, will drive anyone bat-chit crazy who loves them.

But that's just me

Edited for grammar (so not to piss off the grammar police) 8-)

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I agree completely.

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I understand but I never liked Billy Joel since I first heard Piano Man on the radio. I changed the station before the song was half over, adios amigo.

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Recently I read that Americans who are 'allergic to gluten' go to Europe and eat bread there, from the bakery, and... no allergy. I wonder if the American 'gluten' are all the chemicals added to the sponge like white things sold as bread? Been baking my own since I am here in the States because my stomach cannot digest these chemical sponges. (Saw a clip from a man who washed his car with a slice)

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"Food for thought"

Buy local from a farmer. For one you're putting the murderous corporate conglomerates out of business, for another you're feeding yourself and your families actual food rather than poison, and third you're keeping that farmer in business, and that farmer is your lifeline. Even better support your farmer while starting your own garden.

Wake Up American Your Food Is Banned In 30 Countries:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/ToxicAmericanFoodIngredientsBannedIn30Countries.pdf [pdf]

Due to pandemic, the FDA allows 2% of the content of all processed food products to be anything the companies want so long as it's "safe" meaning so long as there is not evidence of...

https://tritorch.com/degradation/FDAAllows2PercentOfIngredientsToBeReplacedWithAnythingMay2020.pdf [pdf]

And here is a whole archive about how companies, "due to inflation", are removing the last vestiges of nutrition and replacing it with chemicals:


The FDA might as well stand for the "Food and Death Administration". Disease and death are their primary goals. Everything is inverted in these last days.

The FDA Wants You Sick & Dying: Six US "Food" Products Compared With Their UK Counterparts: https://bitchute.com/video/yp3MPIrtRn2r [11:10mins]

Meet the Horror of the McDonalds Burger that's Lived Unscathed for 20 Years (MD Doesn't Sell Food) https://bitchute.com/video/wMh3CjmL4TCD [3:03mins]

Some Ladies Find a Bunch of Drugs In Energy Drinks Red Bull & Celsius: https://bitchute.com/video/GqYraNoRh9Cq [46seconds]

Globalists Destroying World Food Supply - Bugs & Maggots Lead the Charge Using Kids As Vehicles: https://bitchute.com/video/HsCMCcI2svu3 [3:40mins]

Here's some good news after all of that

Momma Cat Only Accepts Food in a Bag So She Can Carry it to Her Baby: https://bitchute.com/video/Bgn4YL0ZBY9k [1:47mins]

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absolutely ! growing what I can and getting eggs from a local farmer. Recently read that American eggs cannot be sold in the UK because they are all washed LOL. And taking my own strong, reusable (store bought and home made) bags to the store! Haven't eaten out but twice last year, both times on invitation. Most restaurants sell crap! Even a poor cook can do better. I agree MD sells poison rather than food. Love the cat xxx

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"Have you ever heard the saying that you should never eat anything you can't pronounce? Well, let's consider adding dimethylpolysiloxane to that list. Dimethylpolysiloxane is commonly used in fast food as an anti-foaming agent that helps reduce oil splatters during the frying process. This helps minimize oil burns on fast food employees, which is a good thing. However, it's also a chemical compound known as silicone and can be often found in skincare products, shampoos, cosmetics, and even kid's Silly Putty (via Treehugger). So should we be eating it?"

Read More: https://www.thedailymeal.com/1224525/questionable-ingredients-hiding-in-your-fast-food/

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No we should NOT be eating anything other than what God provided. At least not if you want to be healthy!

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Yes, the FDA continues to allow chemicals in processed foods; fruits & veggies are sprayed with chemicals, & I believe this is "their" way to rid the USA of people!

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Even if that isn’t their objective , their total corruption and dereliction of duty SHOULD result in defunding and dismantling. Wipe the slate clean and start over with scientists who are unimpeachable and prevented by law from colluding with any commercial agency or interests.

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Of all the links you sent I picked only the "... Horror of the McDonalds Burger " to watch.

Holy Crapp.

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Read the labels on thr packaging of nearly all bread, cookies, or other baked goods in Anerican supermarkets, with few exceptions. Then look up thr chemical additives allowed. I wont eat anything with aluminum sulfates, polyethlyene glycol, or any other toxic shit " GRAS "that this idiotic country allows, and consumes, when I see it listed within.

( I breathe enough nanoparticle aluminum from my daily chemtrail intake, thank you ! )

And you wonder why there are so many obese humans stomping around? Read the labels, folks

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Did you know that fast food chains add a rubber softener to their bread so it never goes stale? No waste! Maximum profit! We are a chemical society and the FDA is all for it! They take their orders from the industries they are suppose to control! RNA injections are their finest work!

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haha ! so I was right, it does taste like rubber ! OMG and it stinks ! I baked yesterday and the smell of fresh bread is so different from the 'bread' aisle in a store! OF course these letter words are all bound hand and foot to the BIG (fill in) who pays them!

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Made a mistake a few years back an ordered an egg McMuffin at McD because I was in a hurry! Gagged on it and it went in the garbage!

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they should be forced to call it what it is. A noneggnonmuffin

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I have to say I have eaten LOTS of Egg McMuffins.

But, last week I had a choice of a Wendy's bacon / egg Muffin thingee or the std Mac treat. I chose Wendy's and found a much better breakfast sandwich. Their fried tatters were just great too.-- still $9 though!

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Walking down any isle in the grocery store does smell like chemicals! We need changes in food manufacturing, but that won't happen because that would "cost more money" to make sure food(s) are healthy foods! Yes, grow your own, make & bake your own foods, & read ingredient labels !

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

I don't believe it's possible to have 'grocery' stores without processing that is unhealthy. The foods would be on the shelf for too long and the constant cleanup would take most of the store out of commission. Neighborhood produce markets, butcher shops and the like are much more likely to be beneficial.

If we survive the next few troubles, metropolitan cities are likely to start getting much smaller and rural areas will probably begin to resemble smaller suburbs of today.

People, as we know them, just can't survive very well in that kind of congestion.

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True, processed foods are on shelfs for long periods of time; it would be nice to see more local Mom & Pop stores, especially butcher shops that are local. In my small city, we had two Mom / Pop stores, with local produce, but, over time, those shops were sold & the larger store chains have taken over. We have Farmer's Markets now that sell local produce beginning the end of May through October. But, our growing season in Colorado is short, so I'm sure some of the early produce sold may be grown in greenhouse environments. I am planning to invest in a greenhouse for myself & daughter, as she is interested in growing her own produce, & has a lot of lovely seedlings that are almost ready to transplant outdoors, after our freeze warning passes, sometime in May I hope!

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I recall a baker telling me about bidding on buns for McDonalds. He looked at their recipe and said “I can’t put this much sugar in this dough!” McDonald’s said “If you don’t, we will find someone who will”. It’s all about addiction and the easy mark most consumers are.

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again. . . Holy Crapp.

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ADA is used as a dough conditioner in fast food to help improve the consistency of the bread, but it's also a chemical found in yoga mats and shoe rubber.


Do you remember the infamous "yoga mat chemical" scandal regarding Subway sandwiches back in 2014? It all started when popular food blogger Vani Hari, aka FoodBabe, blasted a petition all over the internet for Subway to remove azodicarbonamide (ADA) from their sandwich bread. 

ADA is used as a dough conditioner in fast food to help improve the consistency of the bread, but it's also a chemical found in yoga mats and shoe rubber. It's been banned in the U.K., the European Union, and Australia, due to potential health risks, including causing respiratory illness when inhaled and links to cancer in studies involving rats. 

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Only in America!

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Just because it has many uses shouldn't be schocking. It sounds weird, but many things have multiple uses. I'm not familiar with this stuff or how much of it is used so don't want to appear to be supporting it in particular, but did want to mention that there are some occasions where the odd chemical/substance can be used for good in more than one product.

Many times, the competitor to a product will spring stories similar to this in order to damage their competition. Or sometimes there are people who jump to conclusions and spread the alarm - that the sky is falling.

Without more info, I don't see the harm as presented.

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The question becomes who do you trust in the end...It would appear best to avoid this chemical. You may choose for yourself.

Dangers associated with azodicarbonamide(ADA) include :

Easily ignited and burns rapidly.

Produces carbon monoxide and nitrogen during thermal decomposition.

Sensitive to temperatures exceeding 122°F.

May cause skin sensitization and respiratory symptoms.

Air & Water Reactions:

Highly flammable. Water insoluble. Dust may form an explosive mixture in air.

The FDA considers it safe for consumption, but some studies have raised concerns...



"Nearly 500 foods found on grocery store shelves in the United States, including many foods labeled as "healthy," contain a potentially hazardous industrial plastics chemical, according to a report issued Thursday by a health research and advocacy group."

First Aid

EYES: First check the victim for contact lenses and remove if present. Flush victim's eyes with water or normal saline solution for 20 to 30 minutes while simultaneously calling a hospital or poison control center. Do not put any ointments, oils, or medication in the victim's eyes without specific instructions from a physician. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim after flushing eyes to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop.

SKIN: IMMEDIATELY flood affected skin with water while removing and isolating all contaminated clothing. Gently wash all affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water. If symptoms such as redness or irritation develop, IMMEDIATELY call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital for treatment.

INHALATION: IMMEDIATELY leave the contaminated area; take deep breaths of fresh air. If symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or burning in the mouth, throat, or chest) develop, call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital. Provide proper respiratory protection to rescuers entering an unknown atmosphere. Whenever possible, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be used; if not available, use a level of protection greater than or equal to that advised under Protective Clothing.

INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If the victim is conscious and not convulsing, give 1 or 2 glasses of water to dilute the chemical and IMMEDIATELY call a hospital or poison control center. Be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital if advised by a physician. If the victim is convulsing or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth, ensure that the victim's airway is open and lay the victim on his/her side with the head lower than the body. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim to a hospital. (NTP, 1992)

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Sorry, too much - didn't read.

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The links are there so one can read them on a rainy day if they choose too. Takes about 5 minutes to read. When is the last time you read a book?

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I happened to watch only one of the many videos Tri Torch offered above:


It PROVES your statement! Unreal to watch.

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I started baking my own bread in 2009. I figured out how to convert my recipe to sour dough shortly after that. Then I began experimenting with making my own flour from whole wheat berries rather than using store bought which even if you're buying whole wheat flour isn't really made from the "whole" wheat berry. I now make my bread from a 50/50 mix of unbleached white A/P flour and flour I grind myself from organic Einkorn wheat.

I used to need Rolaids or Tums on a daily basis because I was always bloated or having heartburn. Whether this was actually a gluten allergy or not I couldn't say, but I rarely have any gut discomfort anymore if I'm eating this bread several times a week.

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it might not be the only reason, but it certainly was part of it. So glad you found out, and glad you enjoy the smell of freshly baked bread too !

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

There are people who genetically carry a gene that COULD predispose them to active celiac disease, which is an autoimmune condition. Sometimes you can have this gene but it never gets expressed. It can be triggered by certain body or even emotional traumas (childbirth, surgery, to name two) or it may never be triggered at all. My mother, as it ended up, had two of these genes (one from each parent), and her celiac disease was triggered by a hysterectomy when she was 46 back in 1967. Doctors knew little to nothing about celiac disease then, and my 125 lb. mother stopped absorbing nutrients in her food and almost died. She got down to 89 lbs. and was fortunate enough to finally find a doctor who knew what to test her for. She stopped eating all gluten and gained back her lost weight. Any infinitesimal amount of gluten in something would make her violently sick for a couple of days, but for the rest of her life she avoided gluten and she lived until 95 and was very healthy!

So for some people, this is a very serious disease and the symptoms can be cured quite simply by not eating gluten from wheat/rye/barley. Such people would not do any better with European wheat, either.

Unfortunately, being "gluten free" seemed to become somewhat faddish at some point, I'm not sure quite when it was or why it happened, but gluten phobia and gluten free foods proliferated. I think some people believed it was a magic weight loss method (it's not). All the gluten free foods suddenly out there was a good thing for those with true celiac disease because there were finally many food choices that hadn't been there before, and food labels became more reliable and it was easier to avoid gluten.

It's hard to know what is going on now, because the original "celiac disease" has been expanded into "gluten sensitivity" and people don't understand the dangers celiacs could face by accidentally eating gluten. I don't know if the incidence of sensitivity to gluten has actually increased or whether a lot of bad additives in food have made people think (wrongly) they are allergic or sensitive to gluten. It's hard to know what is going on, but it could be careless or bad science.

When my mother was diagnosed with celiac disease doctors told her the incidence was about 1 in 10,000 people, and they didn't think her 4 children would have a problem. Also at that time, they didn't gave the genetic testing yet for it. As it turned out, two of us children did get symptoms and the other two did not, although all four of us had the predisposing gene. Now I've read that doctors have claimed the incidence is 1 in 33 for celiac disease or perhaps that is celiac + the sensitivity. But like you mentioned, 4 or 5 decades ago there weren't all the terrible additives in food and I suspect that has something to do with it.

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It is my understanding that America still allows Bromine in their flour. Iodine was replaced by Bromine in the 70s. Bromine is in our cars and clothes so it is all around us and it is an iodine blocker. I have always wondered if this contributes to the gluten allergies or if there is one. Iodine was introduced to salt in the 1880s in Europe and the 1920s in America as the first dietary supplement. Europe and Canada banned bromine in flour in 1999, but America still allows it. I guess some bureaucrats are in the Bromine business? Or it’s one more way to make us more vulnerable. Judy reading “World Without Cancer” G. Edward Griffin. This was written in 1972, 22 years before he wrote “Creature From Jekyll Island”. The story of B17/Laetrile/Amygdalin/Apricot Seeds will be of value to every person on the planet. Apparently no radiologist or oncologist recommends Chemo and radiation to family and friends nor will they take this orthodox treatment themselves. Over 90% will recommend Laetrile with and 80-86% success in reducing or eliminating malignant cancer cells.

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there is plenty of non-bromine flour available. It is on the package, and you would think, it is a good thing. White lily and other very largely bought flours still advertise it. I think it is added for the whitening power, and people around here (GA) want very white everything.

The few farmers I have known personally, all have their own animals to eat, they do not eat their commercially raised animals. That tells something. I am not surprised docs don't use their own products either. It is always strange to read an oncologist dying from cancer (last year, 68 years old), a heart doc dying from heart problems (one last year, one 3 years ago) Lots of other therapies available, and some recommend a 'do not treat' approach, for quite some cancers seem to go in remission by themselves. After all, if they kill you they die too!

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I also stopped eating processed bread, & tried the switch to gluten free; gluten free is still packed with starch as a binder, but over a few months, I stopped eating gluten free because of so much starch. My daughter started making her own bread, & uses King Arthur flour, & the flavor is better, & homemade is also much better. I used Cassava flour when I bake (which is not very often), & I like Cassava for baking.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

I have celiac disease and cannot eat gluten products because of the intestinal damage it can do. Some celiacs get violently sick from eating gluten (my mother did, and so does my adult son), but for some reason I can actually get away with eating it occasionally. Mostly I just don't ever eat it, though, because I feel so much better not eating any of that stuff. However, what I have found out is that I actually get far worse stomach and intestinal issues from the gluten free baked goods, and it's precisely because of all the starches they have to use (tapioca starch, potato starch, and lots of other strange additives).

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I was eating some of the gluten-free breads, but also realized the added starchy flours - rice, potato, tapioca starches- are just as bad as flour. So, I have been cutting back & weaning myself from those items. It's hard to cut out so much of the foods I used to eat growing up in the sixties, but I can't take the gas pains from starchy foods anymore. I've even stopped eating veggies, especially since most are sprayed with chemicals.

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thanks for the tip ! I have never used cassava. Usually I mix whole white with yeast, then add whole grain, spelt, rye or another flour. Next order will be cassava !

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Oh, you are welcome! I get it at Natural Grocers, & keep it in the fridge.

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If my impressions are correct, we now have seed developed to resist plant predation fertilizer developed to enhance this iteration of seed and harvesting to speed up availability. They spray the crop with discounts to speed drying. All told nothing to promote good health of consumers. One has to suspect one needs to exercise great care in flours one buys to bake with. Promoting good health of consumers seems likely to have been ignored in the shuffle.

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you can only do your best. nothing is 'clean' anymore. Trying to find the best flour, but even then you can not do more. It would be real hard to find natural seeds, sow your own, harvest, grind.... it has been done before, but it would take a whole family to do this. YouTube has several vlogs of Azeri people doing this, but even they have to buy olive and cooking oil, some herbs and spices etc. At least my bread hasn't got all the chemicals added to the commercial breads.

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You are correct, I have been in Portugal and Spain for the last 15 days and you will not see mass produced bread like in the US.

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Do you have an easy recipe that doesn’t need to be kneaded for a long time or much counter space to do so? Besides homemade beer bread, I haven’t made bread since home-ec in the 70’s! I also find I have less tummy issues with homemade bread or real sourdough bread

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I have been baking my own bread for years in Europe, and then started again here in the US around 2006. I have 2 bowls and put a bottom of hand temperature water in it, add a table spoon of yeast, let it sit for about 15 minutes (bubbles appear) then add white whole flour and work it in, adding more water and flour of choice till the dough feels like a 'baby bum', soft but sturdy. Cover lightly with a towel and let sit for about an hour, till the dough has risen (finger test - if the dough does not jump back right away after gently pushing with finger, it has risen enough). I weigh somewhere about a pound clumps, knead them lightly and form them into little breads. Set them on a cookie sheet, I use baking paper on it, and let rise in the oven for another hour or more, then start the oven to 380 degrees for 42 minutes. Quite some waiting time, but less than half an hour work. I have only the width of my cutlery drawers to work on.

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I forgot to mention it needs a sniff of salt - and lately I also add about a spoonful of coconut oil, which makes the bread softer and less crumbling. This makes for 12 one pound breads, I keep one aside and freeze the other 11

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Good to know. Wow! That’s a lot bread! I’d have to gift some lol I don’t think my freezer is big enough.

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I sometimes have to eat from the freezer for a few days to make space LOL. Thankfully I got a dog who helps. Eating, that is !

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Thanks! So you just eyeball the amount of flour you pour in the bowl?

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mostly yes, you will feel from the softness of the dough, and when the yeast has had it, the new added flour won't stick anymore. That means you can stop. I usually use a 5 pound bag of flour and 1 or 2 small ones of 1 pound, plus about a quart and a half or so of hand temperature water. this makes about 12 pounds size breads. If the dough is too dry it won't rise well, careful if you want to use rye, that is dryer and way harder to rise. Spelt rises very well. Oatmeal makes somewhat dryer and crumblier bread.

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Great, thanks so much. Very appreciated!😊

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The type of yeast is the difference...

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Tyranny from the Left, Tyranny from the Right.

The language of political ideology lacks the precision of, say, mathematics. I find I have to keep reverting back to reading the definitions of fascism, communism, socialism. And even when I do, not surprisingly, I find that different resources vary in their definitions. For instance, I recall Dinesh D'Souza arguing that Hitler's Nazism was a left wing ideology. From the "Right" I hear the term "communist" thrown around as a descriptor even when the subject at hand is not mentioned in the Manifesto. It all just becomes Tyranny Soup.

I understand the need for a kind of insult shorthand. In the heat of verbal jousting and soundbites, there's not the time to burrow down into political philosophy and distinctions. The cartoons depicting globalism as a hybrid of fascism and marxism, traditionally considered antithetical to each other, ring true to me. Global elites and other students of evil have history to draw from, incorporating what works best in the effort to bring about hell on earth.

The Elites. For years I thought they were merely in the business of gathering annually to congratulate each other on the cut of their suits. Now I see that a handful of tyrants want to rule every aspect of our lives, to the extent that we'll be permitted to continue living. Left, right, or hybrid of the two, they piss me off.

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“Elites” is a synonym for sociopaths

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Rich sociopaths… which should make us think deeply about how capitalism has gone awry.

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I agree titles of political ideology encumbers both parties here in America. But doesn’t one of these “groups” seem to be persecuting their political opponents in many ways for protected constitutional rights. Are we supposed to ignore 1500 Americans being tortured in gulags in Washington DC and say well it’s all one big bowl of tyrannical soup. Maybe some think that’s acceptable like people that allow their children to have their genitals cut off by funny the same “group” that’s jailing their political opponents. A Polyandry approach to the obvious will just kick the tyrannical can down this road again. We must be vigilant in removing all who use their political power as a weapon against the citizen. I don’t agree it’s coming from both sides because I have eyes and ears and I witness what this democrat party has been doing for 60 plus years. Ignoring it has got us here.

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Rather than get tripped up over the nuanced differences between nazism, communism, dictator, etc, let’s just call them “anti individual liberty tyrants”.

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It's important to maintain the identification of who or what you need to fight. Those nuances are important as are their names, too.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

We fought a two-front war in WWII. There were nuanced differences between nazism and the Japanese dictator but to the US, they were the enemy. I don’t think people cared about the details.

One reason your point is important may be so society can see the slow erosion of liberty in their daily lives through unconstitutional policy, but I would suggest we have lost so much of our Constitution so far that society doesn’t want to grasp it or they would have stood up against it when it happened. Consider how much liberty we gave away for COVID.

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From what I remember years after that war, the people still did care about the details. They had many nicknames for individuals and teams.

The erosion of liberty did occur slowly and subversively. Their tools and methods were used in colleges and universities to first weaken academics who would become teachers and then others who would become social and political leaders.

Society may yet still want to grasp it, but it must be made aware of what, why and HOW it has been led to where it is now.

For that, it's imperative that 'society' wake the heII up. Once it does awaken, it will need a full set of tools. Those that have been codified in the Constitution in order to identify the myriad threats and certainly to name them.

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This “One World” has been in the making for more than 100 years and really kicked into major organization with the Federal Reserve and the cartels of banking, corporations and Pharmaceuticals. The more we allow ourselves to be put into pens, the easier it will be for “THEM” to get their control. Few bureaucrats actually care about the people and the liberty we imagine for ourselves. They are part of the cartel.

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And to add comment on just how quickly subtle distinctions in political ideology become drawn battle lines, it's worth recalling that:

- After the overthrow of the Czar in 1917, factions within the so-called "Left" waged war with each other within Russia for control.

- Lenin's would-be assassin Fanny Kaplan was a socialist.

- The distinctions between Stalin's and Trotsky's paradigms ended up with the assassination of the latter by the former.


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They've taken care of the difference in precision between the language of political ideology and mathematics. Have you heard the idea that "5 times less" of something is a positive value? Even the language of math has been corrupted in it's everyday use.

Between that change and the mishmash of what is now accepted as American English, it's a wonder there's any communication happening at all. (I'd bet there are similar modifications to other major languages as well.)

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You're right. Winston Smith learned the hard way that 2 + 2 = 5. And the global elites seem to think "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was full of great ideas.

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There were an interesting pair of articles on Instapundit re US literacy. Said it headed for ithe crapper starting, interestingly, around 1848.

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Rambler, maybe 🤔 we're progressing into becoming total idiots?!?!

I remember when I started teaching, I witnessed the older teachers saying: these kids are not as smart as previous generations.

I think everyone seems to think that they're smarter than the current generation 🤔.

Does everyone have that feeling of superiority or are we all becoming more and more inferior?

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Do not mean to be meanto teachers, lord knows the job you have is a beast. The articles I referred to pointed out that prior to 1850 most of us were educated in 1 room schools by teachers often with little more than elementary education themselves. Then around 1850 professional educators came on the scene. And their training ultimately dictated by fiats from wilson and dewey pushing progressive doctrine. Mentioned a quote from de Tocqueville who claimed to see a US farmer resting under a tree reading….Descartes. So no, not increasing stupidity but a generational mental atrophy induced merely by underuse of mental facalties.

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Rambler, I was merely saying that in my experience, I have witnessed several generations saying the same thing. I've also read about other generations before us saying the same thing.

Many countries have made incredible gains in IQ scores during the 20th century, averaging 3 points per decade. Studies from out of Europe have shown a reversal of this trend. Such declinesare not universal, and researchers remain unsure of what is causing them.

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Aren't IQ tests based on the average knowledge of the local area in which the tests are given?

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Ana IQ scores are so subjective. People were raising holy hell about how the black folk making lower scores proved the tests inherently racist so…made them easier. So yes scores will be higher. But my point was intelligence has to be used or it atrophies. Our foreparents used theirs more extensively. Look at the reading matter a century ago. It kept the mind sharp. Today we do little to really challenge our minds so not surprising they grow stagnant. Few authors today write in the complex sentencing of a James Fenimore Cooper. In fact doubt few could even diagram a sentence. See my point?

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I have long thought of 'intelligence' as a finite natural resource. There are many more of each older generation living and the younger ones are just SOL.

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FYI, James: the INITIALS "NAZI" = the "National Socialist German Workers" - A LEFT WING LABOR party, who called themselves "NATIONAL SOCIALISTS" in short form.

socialism, communism, fascism and Maoism* are ALL LEFT WING TOTALITARIAN POLITICAL entities. There is NO SUCH THING as "right" wing totalitarian societal mechanisms.

* "Chairman Mao (and) Ho Chi Minh became radicalized communists as "students" in FRANCE.

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Indeed. It has always puzzled me how some people have come to the conclusion that fascism comes from some right wing ideology when it is quite obviously top down gov't or dictatorial control just like communism or socialism. They are all left wing ideologies with the same end result but subtle differences in how they are implemented.

The one thing they do have in common though is, they tend to be deadly.

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Absolutely! the answer to your "puzzlement", OG., From the TOP, it IS at root the entire "American" academy (STARTING with "teachers' colleges); then from K-12 - and in so-called "higher-learning - ALL the way to the top PHD's and Masters (in Marxism) who after half-dozen GENERATIONS of spoon-fed Communist gobbledegook and DEI/ESG/WOKE "Oppressor v. Oppressed" Marxist clap-trap full-court-press INDOCTRINATION, what remains of our "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787, is all but KAPUT; and I have serious doubts our Ship of State will regain its vertical balance because of the EXTREME LEFTWARD TILT!

I firmly believe that unless PUBLIC "education" is not freed from the suffocating teachers UNIONS - NEA and AFT - and "TENURE" OUTLAWED in colleges, N-O-T-H-I-N-G will EVER change - "education wise".

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OMG... Don't even get me started on public sector unions.

Even FDR was smart enough to know they were a bad idea. That's about all I give him credit for though.

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Yes, amazingly FDR passed on the absurd notion of federal EMPLOYEES unionizing; and it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy who opened the can of union worms, that in 2023 numbers 1,032,000...and growing. Quite a voting block!

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For the longest time, fascism was defined as 'far right'. That and other 'definitions' made me wonder - just who is writing this stuff?

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Who is "writing" this stuff? Why, the Socialists, Communists and Fascists. Who ELSE?

It was none other that JOSEPH STALIN who began referring to Adolph Hitler and the National Socialist "party" as "right wing" - dutifully picked up by the New York Times and the Communist Party U.S.A. and spread throughout the USA to THIS DAY, by truly IGNORANT human beings who parrot the socialist/communist/fascist party line- and have NO IDEA exactly WHAT "NAZI" actually refers too.

BTW, it was V. I. Lenin who coined the term: "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics" - not the "Union of Soviet Communist Republics" because communist use SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST as INTERCHANGEABLE terms - meaning the SAME DAMN thing!

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

It takes a brave person to make Boeing and airplane jokes in the middle of an international trip. But since we're going there....

Duct tape is indeed a wonder of modern engineering. Also, if there are any metallic grinding noises coming from an engine before takeoff, squirting a little WD-40 into the intake often hushes that right up.

Yay Airbus.

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I love that you support my two favorite tools: Duck/Duct Tape (https://www.duckbrand.com/) and WD-40 (https://www.wd40.com/).

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I've often looked at duct tape and wondered if there might be a connection between its development and the linens used in mummification.

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Indeed. Modern Egyptologists speculate that the term "duct tape" might be a corruption of the ancient "Tut tape."

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:) Evidently most of the modern Egyptologists don't work with air ducts.

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But even they must know that sheet metal is so much easier to work with than chiseled stone.

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Demoralization of our population seems to now be coming at us from every direction. It’s as old as time itself that what you allow your young to be taught, will reap what is sown. Now we see clearly the produce that decades of teaching the hatred of oneself and one’s country creates. As time continues to slip by the doubters or self indulged ignorant will soon have no choice but to take notice. This complete lack of engaged participation in guarding our way of life will either come to an end or our society as we know it. I have witnessed many who normally go lockstep with this once fantom radical left Marxist movement, begin to open their eyes and minds to notice finally what they have been helping to produce. There’s been a definite shift in awareness because now the once agreeable blind are forced to pay for their choice and it has a wretched bitter taste. I do see a light where many locksteppers are beginning to join with the working middle class. It’s somewhat frustrating for the door has always been open with welcoming arms. Yes, please come in we welcome you, we beg you to enter with us!!!! We need each other now!!!! We have always needed each other!!! I pray all of us together can steer this nation back to calming seas. These times are much worse and Trump is no R. Reagan but it reminds me of the Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan race. Let’s hope for a similar outcome. Happy Sunday!! J.Goodrich


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Apathy James is sad to say a common component of the human condition and one which Ben Franklin recognized and warned about when he said we had a Republic but….

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Yes and it’s taken 250 years to find out if we will be able to keep it, if it’s not lost already…

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James, I think that maybe the enemy 🤔 has found our Achilles heel and have been actively trying to tear down the moral structure and fabric of our society 🤔

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You’re completely right Ana. They use the system that we respect and fight for against us. It’s done completely intentionally and is diabolical. When you oppose what they are doing, they place you in a category of racist, anti trans, or anti whatever. Many have learned to ignore their BS, so I think now they have turned on each other.

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James, that us exactly why I'm so upset 😡 😤 😭!

They use our constitution against us and we don't have a mechanism to save ourselves in our constitution when we're in this predicament!

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Micheal and James: YES to you both!

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

The only way back, is to move forward in repentance before God. To return or create a Europe or America worth having, we start by being actual and devoted followers of Jesus. He said, “ I AM the way the truth and the life. No one comes to Father except through Me.” We cannot have the blessings of God.. without Him. Peace, Dr. Malone. 🙏

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Appreciate the cartoons great sharing material

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So do we!

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Robert - your speech at the MEGA conference in Romania was epic and absolutely right on target. Fascism is exactly what we face, and atheism is a big part of the overall plan of these one world people. We are truly engaged in a good vs evil, God vs Satan struggle. We remember well your call for medical freedom, when you came to your hometown and inspired us. I run into people all the time who remember your speeches. It’s been fascinating to see you morph from scientist, doctor, and mRNA Covid vaccine opponent into a prominent opponent of the evil New World Order. Keep up the good work! Hope we can say hello to you and Jill at the meeting this week in Palm Springs.

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Apr 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mel K & Cristian Terhes MEP | The World is Watching Agenda 2030 | 11-26-23


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I know someone, who thought she had a gluten intolerance, then she was tempted and tried some genuine Indian nan bread and found it didn’t cause any gastric distress at all. A little research showed that real nan is only made with a specialized imported Indian flour and Glyphosate ( as in Roundup weed killer) is banned for curing wheat in India, unlike North America where they spray it on just before harvest and some makes it into flour.

My family name comes from an old Gaelic lowlands Clan from Galloway. I have been appalled with Scotland’s new hate speech legislation brought to you by the same nation that spawned the Scottish Enlightenment. I have had my doubts about J K Rowling, but her stand on this truly stupid legislation that literally criminalizes what a Scot can say in the privacy of his or her own home has caused me to reevaluate. I had a friend in Edinburgh (now long passed), a very Scottish Veterinarian who never hesitated to speak his mind and sometimes proposed veterinary solutions to human problems that were sometimes a little strange, but he was fundamentally a good man. He would be appalled at being convicted for his honest opinions openly stated!

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

I've never met a Scot that hesitated to speak freely. It seems to be a genetic trait (wink). This whole idea, (the new legislation) brought to Scotland by some who aren't native, isn't just ridiculous, it's totally destructive to what makes Scotland - Scotland.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

I understand the law’s Architect, First Minister Humza Yousaf (hmmm doesn’t sound Scottish) is at the top of the list for complaints for a tirade of complaining there are too many “white” or in other words native Scots politicians in a nation that is still over 90 percent natives. Since Scotland has so many performance Festivals attracting quite a lot of tourism it strikes me that this law is highly restrictive to comedians who might hesitate to perform.

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04/28/24: Good luck gagging THEM. Scotland's going to need ten more prisons, each the size of France.

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Disappointing to see JK Rowling's out right dismissal of the Bible and the Creator 'we are not the creatures either porn or the Bible tell you we are'. Her good vs evil storytelling is is nothing new. I pray the scales would fall from her eyes and she would know the true God and then write something deep and profound. Something worth reading.

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I agree with JK Rowling - except we are the women of the Bible. But the unsaved don't understand what that is.

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Eve was not just God’s afterthought, but I would not expect Rowling to promote a robust view of God’s creation of woman. Glad she is against castration and gender blocking drugs however.

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Thanks for some great cartoons! Rowling was so right about women are women; and men are men; and medical manipulation can't change things. There is a difference...and men should not compete in women's sports.

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I agree, but prefer to say that men should not compete against women in sports. From what I've seen, there doesn't appear to be any sport that is strictly for women.

Just keep the competition even. When they declare chess a sport, then I'll think about it. But I'm afraid the women would probably have the advantage after they practice. /wink

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"Have you ever considered going to prison?" Cracked me up. People seem to be surprised at your appreciation for Michael Steele... Now I will need to find out why. Love the looks you and Jill give each other while you dance, pure love and admiration. (X)

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I've revered women all my 78 years of life. I open doors, used to light cigarettes when I knew women who smoked, walk on the curb side and even, literally, threw down a coat for one to prance across a puddle (I love watching them prance, especially in stilettos).

I consider women to be G-d's art, love everything about them, even the things I hate, and would put myself between she whom I love, honor and cherish and any threat.

I only hope that one day they get to be truly equal so we have a fighting chance in the constant struggle between the Venusians and the Martians.

"Without a homemaker, there is no home.

Without a home, there is no marriage.

Without a marriage, there are no morals.

Without morals, there can be no civilization."

--Col. Jeff Cooper

“Women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men; they are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges that which is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”

-- William Golding

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Off Topic

I don't know if this impacts anyone else - but substack seems to have modified its Comment format. I agree that I am not seeing as well as I had been. However my view now perceives the print as tiny and very light. When I offer comment it spreads out so I can't edit effectively. To see comments I have to enlarge and Rock back and forth line to line. I appreciatec the comments here and learn from many.

I'll be doing my best but do hope for another format iteration that will be more user friendly.

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Interesting observation...Edit your copy in email then copy and paste to this section.

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I recommend writing all of it on Word; black-light the text, then cut/paste. Strange things happen when one is in the middle of a thought and the box suddenly goes away and it's Three Stooges Time trying to find it. There. Made it through this one without that happening.

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Great suggestion! I used to draft in my WordPerfect cut and paste. My computer and Hotspot have become a maddening nightmare to use. Sticks me into my Galaxy. I've never been able to deal with Word. Leaves me with a note taking app. It's bulging at the seams. You're right I need to figure out how to better cope

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Hey, at least you have a good sense of humor about it!

Fortunately, I'm such a Neanderthal, the Neanderthals themselves are the first to laugh at me when I'm screaming (as usual) that something (anything) went wrong...

Hotspot and Galaxy I know nothing about and will fight to the death to avoid finding out.

My credo was reinforced last year when a failed conversion to Word 11 cost me $1,000 (went to a good cause; my computer technician's STILL trying to catch us $-wise after a heart attack TEN years ago).

I'm still staggered at how incompetent W11 was. NOTHING works on it.

In case I need a reminder, it's still installed in Computer #2, which now is mainly used for kitten videos and a live cam of Ogunquit Beach, Maine.

I still laugh when I recall the story about the old wizened NYC mafia guy who got frustrated and SHOT his computer...

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

What cooked the Microsoft goose for my mind, which was already rotting IMO, was when Gates went up to Office 7 and enough people weren't buying it. They fixed it so 6 users couldn't read 7 docs AND 7 users couldn't read or convert 6 docs. That went on 6 to 9 mos before Gates relented with a conversion capacity.

My hostility boiled over and I've never come up with a sufficient incentive to try and overcome it.

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Bezos is unspeakable. Hope springs eternal that his "helicopter wife" is as competent as the one that Kobe Bryant hired.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Just picked up your email answer. I do have 2 email sources on each of my phones. Substack originates in one. Trying the other is worth a try. THANKS!

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I've noticed the same thing, but attributed it to the Chrome browser I use. When I start to make a wordy comment, I'll do like John and Don mentioned, and switch to a different editor and then copy the comment from there back to here.

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I think I'm using a Brave browser on my Galaxy. My computer/Hotspot have been making use a touchy nightmare. Have a note taker on my phone but it's bulging. Avoid MS apps like a plague. Your suggestions are top flight for creation. Still a big challenge to read others offerings tho.

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Is your Galaxy a phone, tablet or laptop? I believe the Brave browser might also block some of the formatting instructions coming from SubStack. I, too dislike MS apps and have switched to Linux for regular use. There are plenty of text editors in any platform now. TOO MANY, actually, but many that are quite good.

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The 2 of them are phones. 2020 and 2022 versions. I have a now dodgy WordPerfecf on my computer. My computer issues are with the operating system trying to log in. My Verizon wireless hotspot takes 5 to 6 logins or more to get onto the internet and it cuts me off at will including in the middle of transactions. I did try Linux early when there was going to be a WordPerfect option. That was never successful. In the meantime the local available Linux support evaporated. At this point I haven't the tech savvy to make the gap.

I comment on GETTR and Epoch Times. The pathology resides with Substack. Likely their solution to additional authors and users without upgrading/expanding the capacities.

So - the message is cope or be gone.

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I'd get too much of a headache trying to do this on a phone. My eyes wouldn't be able to take it. I was going to recommend a text editor, but I know next to nothing about Android apps for that.

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I have progressive glasses that help for this. Your suggestion for a text editor should be a good clue as to what to look for and should help! Disappearing comments are hughly frustrating! Thank you!

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