Feb 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our son went to a conservative Christian college but Covid hit and that comic with all the hetero-privilege parroting absolutely sounds exactly like him now, which tells me his MSM consumption has effectively brainwashed him, like out of the Dr Who episode where everyone wearing AirPods laughs at exactly the same time and repeats mantras from the cyberman’s daily digital download .

I’m finding my searches on DuckDuckGo and Brave are not much different from Google, at least regarding supplements and health topics. It’s getting harder to find information on Vitamin D levels, and other health related questions.

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I can so relate to your first paragraph and to the second.

Brave search is now absolutely geared to liberal bias in a way it didn't used to be.

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Oh no! - Then now what...?

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Try Yandex

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Feb 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am beginning to understand the catastrophic effect of constant social media and MSM propaganda on the minds of all of us. And our children/grandchildren are most vulnerable. The dam is irreparably broken. Those of us who see through the fog must be ever more determined to shine the light. It won't be easy. It is our final challenge.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I haven't had the tv on since Fox eliminated Tucker. I haven't missed it one bit. I much prefer to read books & am very selective with my reading material. I also do not have an iphone. Keep an old-fashioned flip phone in my purse for emergencies. It is always in the "off" position. I also do not text. I believe these measures have helped me to retain not only my sanity, but my ability to filter out utter nonsense.

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Debra, you sound like a person on top of your game, it takes a lot of discipline to do what your doing. I too quit fox after they set him free.

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Well Debra. . . "THIS is my world" : Jesse Watters is a blast. and the FIVE are great, too-- on Fox. We still watch Fox but granted, it gets to be too much to constantly be reminded how broken our world of "decency" in America has become. I often just turn it off and start reading one of about 5 books I have running. . .

Still, Fox in many cases has missed the big picture of de-population. . .

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Fox was very much my world too, especially Mark Levin. However, like you, I am usually reading more than one book at a time (my "upstairs" book, & my "downstairs" book, so really do not miss tv. Beautiful music also feeds my soul, so usually have something playing in the background. One of my all-time favorites is Beegie Adair, who we sadly lost 2-years ago, at the age of 84. I believe I have every cd that she ever made. For those who love piano music, you will not find a more soothing or talented artist. My dogs, my books, & my music have always been my salvation.

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Hmmm. Never heard of BAdair. . . got it on now though in the background. . . soothing elevator music. Still, with my concentration level, I doubt I could have it one while reading. . . but. . . THANKS!

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You are a shining example! Thanks!

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When my 12 year old grandson visited at Christmas, he brought his VR headset with him. Horrible! I seldom see him, as his mother left our son when Christopher was only 8 months old. She is a liberal who has allowed no input from our son and has made it difficult for him to see his two children. I fear for them. I can only pray.

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Prayer is your best choice anyway, and your most powerful option. A good friend told me once when I was going through a trial: “trust the Lord Nancy. It’s your only option and it’s the best one.”

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Nancy, that's definitely right. It would be nice to be able to have fruitful conversations, though. These children have had at least one covid jab. My son also got one because he didn't think the mother would let him see his children otherwise.

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I know your pain. We have one child whose entire family is multiple vaxxed. Trusting God; that’s what we can do.

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send them books from CS Lewis ("Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe" is something that is amazing and they don't realize (until later perhaps) that it is about Our Lord, but the LESSONS are taught and remembered. Brave Books are also good but mom might catch on sooner that they are Christian. I have the same issue with my eldest child who is a Biden/AOC follower :'(

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I watched a Remnant video last night titled Who’s Lying Now. It showed a video clip of C.S. Lewis lamenting the Catholic Church’s Vatican II reform in the 60s. He immediately knew what was happening and where it would lead. We all know now – One World Order. He knew that God would be denied, he saw it coming.

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Try Yandex as your search engine. It is what I use all of the time now.

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Thanks. I've been using Freespoke search.

I just did a test search on freespoke vs Yandex.

Looks like Yandex results were less biased. I will now be using Yandex.

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Using Yandex now! Thank you!

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Thanks for that, I've never heard of them. Been using Brave for a while now and getting frustrated with how skewed their search results have been during the past couple years.

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Start page is another good search engine alternative!

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Thanks, Pinebeetle. I will keep that in mind.

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Gracias, Amiga !

I'll check it out, as DDG is just goog with a funny name

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Not quite that bad, but seems same algorithms. Truly frightening is the folks, family included, that have such Absolute Trust in Gaggle.

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I guess critical thinking is a dying trait of Americanism, intentionally developed this way by acedemia and the MSM

If a person can't see that the results are skewed in one direction, then it's fair to assume they look at all of life this way.

"I read it on the internet, therefore it must be true."

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Is that the one Dr. Malone mentioned? I also need an internet connection other than Firefox and my default Microsoft. Firefox either won’t let me get to specific websites and if it does it gives error messages part way through videos and won’t play them. I have to switch to Microsoft. I have VPN service but think that should not matter, although it does to Truth Social which won’t let me on its network.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Debra Nolasco.

Can I say that your recommendation to look at Yandex.com was one of the best bits of advice I've come across in quite a while?

So far, seems to be quite a non biased search engine.

I'm extremely grateful.

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You are most welcome. It took me a while to find one that was (from what I can tell) non-biased & did not exclude things that other search engines would prefer you not see. It is a Russian-based search engine.

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You Pootin sympathizer !

Haha, yeah. Seems to just give non taylored results..

Im sure over time Billy Gates of Hell will try buying it up as well.

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I'll check it out, thank you!

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I'm so sorry. He is another casualty of the disastrous plandemic response.

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our daughter is in AF intelligence. It is more like DEI intelligence, 46 yrs old and an MSM zombie. I simply cannot speak with her about anything of reality in this world today.

Just this last year I read, again, 1984. My example of my own daughter here, no understatement at all, is POIGNANT.

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try "startpage" .... I saw Dr Malone mention this in one of his posts and have been using it a lot recently. YES, DuckDuckGo did sell out like 6 months ago

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Thank you! I will check it out. Dr Malone mentioned at the end “ Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine” which is why I made the comment.

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I agree! Not finding these search engines any better! Just tried Free Spoke and the results were alarming!!

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I also don't see much difference between the search engines - any of them.

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Maybe that could be an article so we can find data reality-based unbiased information

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Not sure if "they" would allow even that. I'm guessing all these search engines are bemusedly allowed to show their "alternative" info only to a certain degree., with the obligatory pat on the head. I have my doubts about how much control there is, or is not, at this point. I fear the balance tilts towards the total control side of things.

For instance, is Tucker a controlled CIA agent? His father was in the CIA. The apple doesn't fall far... see H. Biden.

Obama's other name is Soetoro, if anyone is up on that info, along with the Bushes (no, not the shrubbery.) What's happening now has been in the works for a VERY long time.

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Wow, that section about Peter Marks is crazy! I've often thought about the stupidity of people who said they would never take "Trump's vaccine," but then turned around and not only took it, but mandated it, once the senile one was installed in the White House. Maybe if Marks would resign, all the celebrities who have pledged to leave the country would also follow through with their promises.

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Please leave and good riddance. Be sure and take a like minded friend!

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It’s quite amazing the origins of words, where they come from, and what they mean. Liberal derives from liber which means free. Communist derives from commun which means shared or common. The amazing thing to me is how liberals have been transformed into communists. I can almost understand the leaders of this new communist party here in America wanting total control over all once free people for they will gain the riches of the productive system capitalism has built over 250 years. It’s the people that follow I can’t understand. If we allow these communists to take over America there will be no one left to fix the devastation these totalitarian communist governments have left behind in their wake. We all must have determination greater than theirs. We have to persevere and succeed. As long as God has given me a breathe I will never stop my effort to leave future generations free, we shouldn’t except anything less. A continuation to your toast Dr. Malone to you and all the people that fight for our freedoms. J.Goodrich

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Amen James....and often when you examine the root word of these confusing complex ones,

the Hamster on the wheel says, Wow....would you look at that....who knew?

That Quick TC vid of the Moscow 70 yr old Train Station was mind blowing.

Talk about old world Craftsmanship. Yee Haw....

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Mr. James, maybe taking out meritocracy & God in our country has something to do with it?

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Well said James! We fight on! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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The “turtle” reminds that we voters have a big job ahead rooting out and replacing uniparty pols like mitch. They have to go or at least be neutralized

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My concern is that 'they' know how to cheat and they are so bold now they don't care if they get caught. They just retort - 'whatcha gonna do about it!' I think we need Divine Intervention at this critical stage.

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Do what we can. Comment where folks listen research the ballot and vote as wisely as you can. Am particularly concerned about the states because that is where we can exercise more influence. Whether progressives like it or not, we are a federalist republic and that 10th amendment is just sitting there begging to be used.

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They are strategically coming for the kids. This is not a new tactic. In 2012 I edited and helped Robin Eubanks publish a book she had been writing for 5 years. She was a research attorney for an Atlanta law firm. While doing a deep dive in a law library she came across some very old books that set her on another deep dive and resulted in her book. The plan has been in the works for decades. Educate the children in the way you want the world to go. It has worked because now the school system that teaches the men and women who will be hired to teach are all fully indoctrinated.

I've been speaking, writing, blogging, now substacking, publishing and helping others to get the word out for more than 30 years. It feels something akin to screaming in a vacuum. No one can hear me. So, since I am not a quitter, I have been focused on my grand kids. Raise up the children in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.

Eubank's book - https://www.amazon.com/Credentialed-Destroy-Education-Became-Weapon/dp/1492122831/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SV2ELYH0L4NW&keywords=Credentialed+to+Destroy&qid=1708088273&sprefix=credentialed+to+destroy%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-1

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The progressives have been coming after kids since wilson and dewey. That is one century of parents sitting on their butts and watching it happen. If parents monitored what is happening in schools they could fight it in school board meetings and they could edit what kids learn on a daily basis. Something but not the nothing we have seen for 100 yrs.

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I always see the silver lining though, regardless how bad things seem. I guess that is attributable to my unyielding faith. Some good things did come from the covid lock down madness - for one thing, parents got to see what teachers were actually teaching on the zoom lessons. Then the push back came and exposure. Of course, it took parents standing up and risking being arrested by the Biden KGB. But that served to wake many people up.

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Probably half the country only watches the alphabet TV stations for their news. I have no first-hand knowledge what one might be digesting by doing that, but I assume they are not told many things and some things are spun in negative terms. Consumption of news is one of the mainstays of keeping people in their bubble of compliance.

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"The progressives have been coming after kids since wilson and dewey."

Sure alot of room for discussion on that--especially on a board of, well, not spring chickens. Changes in parental discipline over the last 2 generations aside, it seems one gets more conservative as they age. I recall wondering how my father changed-from a Roosie dem to a Reagan republican before he passed. I was still liberal, Vietnam draft not with standing, and wondered why he shifted. Now here I made the the same shift, though probably harder right, in my old age.

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"According to conventional wisdom, how conservative or liberal someone is would largely be determined by their age.... As of 2023, gender is a better indicator..."

ZH story today.


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Child abuse???

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hX0OqduxFsw (language, heated dialogue)

Note the refrain--"I'll call Child Protective Services"

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Just popped up today: Seattle English students allegedly taught a love for reading and writing is 'white supremacy'.

Tema Okun, a white Oberlin College graduate from North Carolina, has spent the last three decades suggesting that Western civilization and its distinguishing features are racist. According to the greying leftist, objectivity, binary thinking, and individuality are "characteristics of white supremacy culture." Her feverish accusations, first published in 1999, have been reprinted countless times and promoted by once-serious institutions and universities across the country. Maybe a chance that Robin‘s book can confront this.

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deletedFeb 16·edited Feb 16
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Homeschool is the best option but I know that once schools are impacted monetarily by reduced attendance the push to outlaw HS will be put in place. What a mess!

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Books that delve into historical facts (on any subject) and chronicle destructive paths through decades or generations are worth the purchase even if one just skims through them. Protecting good works has become very important and requires a physical book. Know the author through research or recommendation before buying their works. I’ll add that Diane West gets kudos for The Death of the Grownup: How America's Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization and American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character. On education indoctrination - what and why it works is the focus of so many people, like G. Edward Griffin. I will check out R. Eubanks.

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She is super intellectual. I met Robin via her blog - Invisible Serfs Collar. I think I had been reading and commenting for a few months when she commented that she had been working on a book for several years but she didn't have a clue what to do with it. After some private communications I volunteered to edit and format her book, and to mentor her in the process of setting up her own account with Amazon's POD publishing division. My POD publishing company was already moving in a different direction and I wanted her to have complete control over her sales. Eubanks is actually her maiden name. She felt the book might be controversial and wanted to protect her husband and daughter.

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Can we pay all our fair share of tax to our state government and let them decide how much of it the federal government gets? Would that fix some of the problem?

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IMO it depends on the State. On the other hand if the big Blue Deep BLUE states keep all of theirs, maybe it could reduce the size of the Fed.

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Being from Minnesota, the land of dim dictator Walz, I'm afraid this might just make it worse. This loser had a 17 BILLION dollar surplus last year, pissed that all away and now wants to raise taxes even higher. I can't imagine what is going through the minds of people who vote for this complete and utter foolishness.

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What the hello happened to MN? In the late nineties, I searched that state for several years for land to raise fish. Seemed like a great place, great conservative, helpful and friendly people. That governor at the time, can see his face, can't remember his name, dems tried to ridicule him, but didn't come close.

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The lutherans imported boatloads of somalis which probably explains a lot of “what happened”.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Indeed! Most of Minnesota is a pretty nice quite conservative place.

Seems like things took a turn for the worse when the 7 county metro (Minneapolis/St. Paul) area with a little boost from the Duluth and Rochester areas grew large enough to out vote all the other 79 more rural and heavily conservative counties in the state. As you may recall MPLS/St. Paul was ground zero for the 2020 summer of love spawned by the George Floyd drug overdose death and there were basically no consequences for anyone who burned down half the city that week. So it's pretty obvious how blue that area has gotten.

Ha ha.... You must be thinking of Jesse Ventura. The leftys hated him on about the same level as leftys hate Donald Trump these days. I liked the guy. He always said what he meant and meant what he said.

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I don't think that would work in NY where I reside. You can't trust them now with state tax revenues. There is already too many Authorities that don't answer to the tax payers. Thruway, Power, Port, Transit.

I figure Hochul is going to be looking for some tax to cover the expense of the Illegals she welcomed with open arms originally. I predict she will raise the sales tax from 8% to 9 or 10. Then they will try to scam us and tell it is only 1 or 2 percent increase when in reality it would be 12.5 or 25 percent increase in the existing 8%. They are already talking about cuts in school aid.

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wait till they try to pass a State Property Tax and add that onto your already high property taxes, This will help pay for all the give away programs and all the property damage done by Illegals! This is happening right now in the February Special Legislative Session in orgun.

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Your state government is no better. it's just a smaller version of the federal government.

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Yep, agree for the most part.

here in MinnEsotah, they are worse than the Feds, if that is possible. . .?!@#

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Then fix it

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I'd love to fix it. How do we convince people to reform our election system. Voter ID, no mail in ballots, vote in person with hand counted paper ballots on "election day" and know the results on election night. Contrary to popular belief among the leftys this ain't racist.

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Classic example is salem orgon

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He is one Elmer Fudd like Tortoise, that never met a Hare he soon despised.

Must kill da Wabbit........

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I've been helping a woman primarying a RINO Republican in our state house. Talking to people while knocking on doors, I find most know little about the people they vote for. They take a short-cut and vote for whoever the Republican is. I can sympathize- I've done that myself.

I tell 'em, you can't use that rule-of-thumb anymore. Be honest with yourself. In a primary election, if you don't really know anything about what the candidates have actually done, vote against the incumbent. I can give plenty of examples as reasons why.

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JBS provides freedom index rating and scorecards on both Congress and state legislatures. For incumbents, finding how they voted is easy. https://thenewamerican.com/freedom-index/

Here is Turtle’s scorecard for each Congress term.

57% Lifetime 50% 118th 60% 17% 41% 48% 77% 70% 85% 43% 46% 66% 53% 67% 106th

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If an incumbent cannot get at least 75% votes right, replace!

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I love the picture of Tucker Carlson. I think he is great.

The surgeon funny is hilarious. Kamala measuring for curtains. Heaven help us. She will pick Newsom as VP and Newsom will run for President .

I have no words for a man buying tampons for himself.

Then there is the “person” trying to pick pronouns for his 4 year old students. What????

My granddaughter just had a beautiful baby boy on Valentines Day. What a great present. He Ob dr told her she needed to decide what she was going to do about vaccines for the baby before she goes into the hospital.

She is opting out of vaccines. She didn’t find a pediatrician before she went in the hospital. So talking to the lactating nurse , she told my daughter not to go to pediatric clinics but go to a family practice dr who incorporates natural options. She found one and he came in to talk to them. They really like him.

Babies are the best. Have a great weekend.

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Oh Melanie, such good news on the grandson and the opt-out!

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My birthday too! The nun/nurse who delivered me was also a Valentines B.D. What a great day for you and the baby and mom, so glad to hear of the opt out. Hearts to everyone!

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Happy Birthday DD!

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Happy Birthday DD

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deletedFeb 17
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Thank you for the info. I’ll look it up. I have been reading up on childhood vaccines. My youngest child is 20 and my oldest child is 46. The difference in the vaccine protocols between my oldest and youngest were shocking.

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Robert and Jill, here's hoping we all survive the idiocy of people who are hell bent on destruction of us and our country, by any means ... today's cartoons are fun/funny but .... God help us. Please. My deep gratitude and good wishes to you and all the brave who stand against the lunatics.

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Ah yes! Starting my weekend with the Fabulous Friday Funnies! It is so sad that most of them make me want to cry today. But dry those tears and fight on! We have to believe in the good fight. Thank you Dr Malone and Jill for continuing to keep us motivated. Happy weekend, everyone!

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There was NOTHING funny about these funnies. Peter Marks is still at the FDA and none of the news is good. I just hope at some point we land our Constitutional government on an Elon like drone ship named Of course, I still Love You Drs Malone.

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Yay Friday Funnies!!! Love the surgeon cut! 😂

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Happy Friday Drs Malone!

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Did Marks resign? Safe and effective has been redefined to allow the warp speed push to bring a myriad of RNA injections to market to reprogram cellular function for fun and profit and not good health!

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Marks was front and center testifying for the FDA at the hearing yesterday. He and Jernigan (CDC) appeared all for and the future for vaxing. They aren't done yet, by any means.

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You got that right! They are investing billions and billions in this NEW form of allopathic medicine! They benefit from the lifestyle issues that drive the sick are industry!

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Every one of these is an absolute gem. I could not pick my favorite. But my favorite quote is here:


(Reuters) - A top U.S. health regulator (Dr. Peter Marks) who will help decide the fate of a coronavirus vaccine has vowed to resign if the Trump administration approves a vaccine before it is shown to be safe and effective, Reuters has learned (8/20/2020): https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25H03F/


Oddly, Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D. REMAINS as director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I guess his best Cool-Aid drinking days are still ahead.

P.S. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for the link to the privacy protecting Startpage.com search engine. I'm using it with the privacy protecting Brave browser. This combo works best on a PC, not so well on my iPad.

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Does Startpage work on iPhones?

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Apparently so. I don't have an iPhone, but I used Startpage to ask whether it works on iPhone :-)


* Add Startpage to your home screen in Safari for iOS: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4520979013908-Add-Startpage-to-your-home-screen-in-Safari-for-iOS

* Startpage Search Engine. Search features, adding Startpage to your browser, and more.: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/categories/4481917470356-Startpage-Search-Engine

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife Ms. Choa- works for the CCP in China......

In China, the Chaos are no ordinary family. They run an American shipping company with deep ties to the economic and political elite in China, where most of the company’s business is centered.

Chao and McConnell’s father-in-law, James Chao, also sit on the board of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation which is the largest defense contractor in China.

Report: McConnell’s sister-in-law named to Bank of China board 10 days after Trump election. “Now, the Bank of China is government-run, government-controlled, and is sort of the backbone of the Chinese government’s economic diplomacy around the world. Ten days after Donald Trump is elected, they put Elaine Chao’s sister – Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law – on the board of directors of the fourth largest bank in the world, which is run by the Chinese communist government. It’s a shocking development, and, again, unprecedented in American history that you would have senior political leaders have immediate family members that are sitting on the board of foreign government-owned


Update : Angela Chao, Business Executive and Sister-in-Law of Mitch McConnell, Dead in Mysterious Car Accident at Age 50 - Feb 14 2023.

The Foremost Group and the Chao family have yet to release details regarding the accident, but Kyle Bass, the CIO of Hayman Capital Management, reported, “Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away.”

The Tesla may have been taken over by remote control hacking- a CIA murder device “QNX” able to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations - - . DARPA, the Defense Department research arm, for years had been working on accessing the kill switch or speed dial acceleration by remote control over the now fully computerized motor vehicle industry with hacking technology.

Some speculate that Heche was assassinated via a car hack, in a manner similar to how many suspect that journalist Michael Hastings was murdered in 2013. The implication being that she was murdered due to the general public awareness she might bring to the topic of child sex trafficking – or perhaps that she might publicize her own privileged information during the promotion of the film… As I watched the firemen shove her into the ambulance, I couldn’t help wondering if Anne Heche, like Cathy O'Brien, was born into a high-level Midwestern child sex trafficking ring and that she’d been stalked by these goons her whole life...

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Sure makes you wanna' run out and buy yourself one of those Teslas... Don't it?

Makes me think my 2015 Chevy pickup is the newest vehicle I will ever own for the time I have remaining on this planet.

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Mostly drive my '38 Hudson and '65 Chevy BelAir. I think I'll keep them.

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Indeed! My other 4 cars range in age from 20 to 96 years old.... Not a computer in sight.

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I am hoping my 1998 Silverado 3/4 ton holds up for me!

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I read that bit of news on her death yesterday. No other info. One is free to speculate. Others are free, evidently, to produce warning signals.

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Tesla needs to respond...maybe it is just a lousy car?

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Lot's of lousy helicopters being used around the world, or perhaps their pilots are suicide prone.

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Are you talking about the Marine Helicopter crash in CA.?

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I think not. The one that went down in the Mohave dessert with important bankers from Nigeria I believe it was. The others were overseas and related to folks involved with FTX. Oh, and one of them was a small plane that went head-on in to the side of a mountain.

No one believes that control panels on these aircraft can be manipulated from afar . . .

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Nigeria banker and FTX, interesting. I will have to look for these story.

As for precision flying into a mountains, the same radio-signal override of pilot controls was done in April 1996 to Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's jet, by the lock-on landing radar unit that diverted his jet away from the runway in Dubrovnik, Croatia to crash instead into a mountain. Another friend of the Clintons! More recently, the satellite-link radio-signal technology used to override the cockpit during hijackings was demonstrated with the so-called "disappearance" of Malaysian Air's MH370 in March 2014. Such aircraft-related technologies are by now common knowledge, and therefore what matters more is the political motivation and financial incentive behind the WTC demolition.


Remote Control Boeing


Obviously, it is possible to fly planes by remote control. Unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones, are remotely piloted aircraft with no humans on board.

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The Airbus Helicopters EC-130 crashed at about 10 p.m. on Friday with six people on board, according to the National Transportation Safety Board, which is in charge of the investigation. The crash site was near Halloran Springs in the Mojave Desert, close to California's border with Nevada....

The aircraft did not have a cockpit voice recorder or a flight data recorder and was not required to have them...

Yahoo Finance...

Banking Tycoon Invests in New $500 Million University in Nigeria

“To get the next set of leaders in banking, you need to create the right education for them,” Wigwe said from his office in the 14-story Access Bank headquarters, overlooking the Lagos lagoon.

Access Bank, Nigeria’s biggest lender by assets, confirmed the death of its co-founder and chief executive after a helicopter he was flying in crashed late Friday in the California desert.

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We all do....we should all strive to be more than just curious about living and giving our best to the meaning of the well lived life.

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All good. Especially like Sky Australia and the beeves and solar panels mem.

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