The next president of the United States has a Herculean task. Not only must he or she restore the economy, reduce the national debt, export 8.5 million illegals, clean up homeless encampments and provide affordable housing, destroy the deep state by firing most hostile and dangerous bureaucrats, cure chronic disease by reforming the FDA and CDC, clawback American land from foreign people and corporations for small farms and farmers, make our power grid resilient and our homes self sustaining in a disaster, restore and reinforce our constitutional rights especially freedom of speech, religion, bodily integrity, movement and the pursuit of happiness, he must some how inspire a revival of righteousness. As John Adams said so presciently, “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the governance of any other.” In the light of this and current events, I ask all who are as worried as I am to pray unceasingly for America.

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My prayers regarding this is that he picks the perfect vice president to carry on his mission.

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Agreed! There’s no way all the damage can be undone, but something’s gotta give and I pray our next President and VP can at least make a positive dent in all the destruction upon us and our Country.

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How about one of his sons for vice president?

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Yeah, no.

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That 8.5 million number grates a bit because I was hearing we had 11 million toodling around our landscape before the operators behind the demented toadstool stole the election

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If I could edit I would add 8.5 + 11 = 19.5 million who have to go home, but Substack doesn’t allow edits which makes me nervous ha ha

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You can edit. Those 3 buttons at the right of the screen

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18


Edit: I meant "Yes"

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Dr Nash, I’m not sure why but I tried and the three button on the right give me three choices: share, hide or delete. What am I doing wrong?

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Nothing. These substacks act differently with every platform and device. And they change. Mine used to have a box marked…edit. Then it disappeared and the dots showed up and-it took me days (weeks.) to realize what they did. So sorry my suggestion a flop. But I appreciated your post as it was anyway. Thanks

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You’re a darling!

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Way higher number than that, but I digress

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T., we all do!!!

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Some of the Mexican guys I know are better contributors to society than my blonde haired, blue eyed brother. I'd trade him in a heartbeat; at least the Mexican guys can drive a nail.

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Unless they stopped breeding or stopped invading our country, the number is actually 30-50 million.

"In 2005, two Bear Stearns analysts, Robert Justich and Betty Ng, warned clients that there was 'significant evidence' that the census undercounted the illegal immigrant population by at least half.They estimated the number at closer to 20 million—and they were advising clients about something important: their money. Justich and Ng discounted the census data because it relied on illegal aliens answering surveys."

--Robert Justich and Betty Ng, “The Underground Labor Force Is Rising to the Surface,” Bear Stearns Asset Management, January 3, 2005,

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No argument from me.

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Just reporting the facts which came from Anne Coulter's "Adios America" before she went nuts, proving that even a broken clock can be right 2X/day.

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Great book. Only one I have of hers. She also warned us about 'justice' Roberts.

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She used to be good, and frequently correct, but something happened a number of years ago and she went off the rez.

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Gotta be. I know many illegals, many of whom lie low and only travel within certain circles. Now I am seeing Muslims in Indiana. We don't even have Jews here. Okay, a very few, but I can see the homogeneity changing. I suppose we are on the way between Chicago and Detroit. Or should I say Chicago and Dearborn.

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Barbara your bucket list for the next pres is impressive. I would, however, removed clean up homeless encampments and provide affordable housing, and our homes self sustaining in a disaster. The states and the people have to be responsible for a few things in a federalist republic. I’d add limiting all FBI authority to federal crimes perpetrated by the Feds, and eliminate its contact with state/local authorities, eliminate the DOE, the EPA and many other institution and give back ‘federal lands’ to any state that requests them, outside of Reservations (and that too needs to be addressed) and perhaps the Grand Canyon.

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You add some that I also thought of but then my list was already SO long I was afraid people would lose interest and miss the punchline. It’s the righteousness, my friend. A moral and religious people don’t need taking care of on a personal level. They do that for themselves AND for their less fortunate neighbors because they live in communities that are bound by social norms and beliefs that modern society has to a shocking extent forgotten.

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Eliminate dhs. We needed another “intelligence” agency like we needed a pimple n our collective butt. Should have fixed the ones we had, not create another failure and given the power to step on our corns all the others lacked

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Root cause is the fact the vast majority of Americans have permitted themselves to be gas lite by the manipulative special interests who control the Congressional legislative branch of the United States for way to long! The Covid con was the crowning glory of this effort since WWII. Epic moments in my view: The Great Society, Affordable Healthcare: Safe and Effective Experimental Injections with RNA. Can anyone add to the list?

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Barbara Lee, Preachin' to the choir, darlin'.

Om Shanti

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And he must do all those things in a swamp filled with enemies.

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Well said. I am and will

continue praying for our beloved nation.

Sometimes I long for the day when rulers would simply send common criminals to Australia and wash their hands of them. I mean, poor Australia and the Aboriginal people but you have to admit it was pretty


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Such optimism! 😆 the next president of the US will be the 1st to be able to rub 2 sticks together, that makes a fire... after the EMPs...

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praying here. End time stuff

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And do it all in 4-8 years! Yikes!!

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The Left destroys everything it touches by trying to make it better.

When, dear God, will they work on themselves???

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

I think the real magic trick is that they destroy everything they touch while successfully convincing the world that they are making it better. I wonder if/when "philanthropist" Bill Gates' approval rating will drop below 50%, if it hasn't already. And if that were to happen, would we even know in the current MSM landscape?

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All the censorship is only gonna get worse. Tucker had an interesting interview with Mike Benz other day on Rumble.

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That interview must be spread widely and deeply; it defines the formula the left domestically and internationally uses to project “malinformaion” and “misinformation”= propaganda.

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Dr. Malone posted it yesterday for us to watch.

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Everyone i talk to wishes they could be the one to throw the switch when the time for payment came about.

Heck, I'd pay $20.


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We call him Billy (from the) Gates (of hell).

Flash a few billion around and suddenly you get to call shots at WHO, among others. YOU get a billion (and I call the shots), YOU get 4 million (and I call the shots)… LITERAL and figurative SHOTS…

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Ukraine…seem to be getting back all that bribe money they gave the first (criminal) family.

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With interest and 10% for the Big Guy

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Whatdaya bet they


shooting till they get back every penny.

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And then some.

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Senility - it giveth and it taketh; it giveth the resident in the WH a legitimate claim, it taketh from the Nation he swore to protect.

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Tho senile, Doth thou thinketh an illegitimate claim of being in the WH?

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His fingers were crossed.

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End Communism now.

By any means necessary.

And don’t stop until they are all gone.

It’s the only way my friends.

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We need to first approve a definition then properly identify and remove them. It would help if authorities would remember the fed law against membership in the communist party is still in force

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CA got rid of its law about commies teaching in its schools a long time ago.

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But the fed law still on the books

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There are some doozies here. Biden and the remote😂. The guy wanting peer reviewed studies yet getting vaxed in the parking lot. I have a friend. Very “smart” , graduated HS as Valedictorian of his class. Is 7’ tall, played in the NBA, worked for ConocoPhillips oil company in Houston. Got the jab in a parking lot.

We have a gun problem. This is insanity at its best.

I guess I’m backwards and oppressed and I like it. I’ll take a baby and a farm anytime.

Biden not guilty yet still President. He is an embarrassment to our country. Yet Kamala isn’t any better and who would she put as her VP? Newsom? Heaven help us.

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Heaven help us is right! I forgot she could pick her VP! They need to impeach both of them! Then we’d temporarily would have Mike Johnson

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Well, since we've impeached Mayorkas in the House, it should also set precedence for impeaching the "BORDER CZAR!"

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That not to mention, she’s actually said things that was inciting violence!

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Yes, plus ➕️ she raised bail money 💰 for the BLM!!

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They were installed under the guise of inaccountability.

By putting a braindead dolt in a position of power, the folks behind the scenes are exempted from culpability, as the dolt will be blamed for all the intentional wrong doing, but then not punished because of a failed comprehension of what they did, or age, or senility, or just plain stupidity, such as Kameltoe Harris.

"Hiding in plain sight"

Did the DOJ just not confirm this?

Biden not held to account from his aged status?

They are telling you what you see is irrelevant, and your "feelings" or empathy will be used against you.

Conservatives are kind hearted people, and these subhuman parasites weaponized it against us.

Time to shell up, Ninja Turtles

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We’ve all seen American icons pass. Time marches on and for so many time is not on their side. These days when we loose a true American patriot I worry who will possibly fill those big American made shoes? RIP T K


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Raise a red solo cup in his honor🥂 Toby

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Yes RIP Brother Toby Keith.

His life touched millions, therefore his time to return to his maker had come.

He's up there hanging with Elvis's band, singing songs, and drinking a few

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Hey James, I apologize for just getting back with you on this thread. I had church and then went out for lunch with some of our friends 🧡 for lunch.

I wanted to also chime in on yesterday being the 3rd anniversary of the passing 😢 of RUSH Limbaugh.

I wonder what he would say about our current predicament!!!

Now I'm watching 👀 Ben Bergquam's show Law & Border!!!

It will make your blood boil!!!

As I watch it, I had a thought of what's happening in and to New York--- People are fleeing from our Financial Capitol and it is being populated by NON-CITIZENS!!!!






THERE WILL BE NO "TO DO LIST" for Trump if we're successful in BEATING the CHEATING MACHINE, because WE WON'T HAVE A COUNTRY!!!

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You’re completely right Ana. I’m pretty sure you live in Texas? which certainly has its border problems but generally its a free state and you have a governor that’s at least trying to stop the invasion. This problem is throughout the entire country. 14 bus loads were just dropped off at the holiday inn in my town. Honestly we already have a problem with it. Most of these liberal politicians are saying how lucky we are and my taxes are going up 20% to 12000–/year. 1000/month. I don’t think I can afford to stay here any longer, I’m being driven out of my family home. Almost 40 years of business down the drain. The government has lost it and I really don’t know without them caring about the complete destruction of America on their watch what we can do. Try to prepare as best you can for some very rough times coming.

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Love it, LOVE IT! Love the American People, love the British People and Love my beloved Aussies. It is so refreshing for those of us who "delve daily into the "EVIL" to hear an enthusiastic singer sing about love of Man, Love of Country. Thank you James.

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Thank you Les, hope all is well.

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Thank you for sharing this clip!

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deletedFeb 18·edited Feb 22
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They were certainly the greatest generation. I look back now and honestly wonder how my father did it with all us kids.

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Did not listen to experts

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They did it because they had to, were determined to, and didnt experience the generational downfall of the MSM promoting fear of everything the last 40 years has endured

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I believe they did it because they knew what was waiting if they didn't. They had what it took to do so and weren't looking for instant gratification, so they took the time to invest in it. They also knew how to judge others without feeling the need to talk about it with everyone.

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I think by that time in the history of societialized human existence, there was a general guideline which would produce a good human example from scratch. I've seen enough videos exposing childrens unbiased viewpoints, clearly telling the tale that the Rockefeller design for obedience has continued its metamorphosis into the degradation you see today in our society.

Those who do not believe that our negative social issues are being intentionally cultivated should simply look to the Amish, Menonite, and other sects which have kept themselves out of the horrors of public education and MSM indoctrination has resulted in.

Or, a quick internet search with Joe Biteme Biden drooling over WAP queen Cardie B, shoukd be enough.

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Right on T!

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Thank you for providing this link.

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" I want peer reviewed articles ' ( that guy lives next door to me !!! )

This made me smile. In Canada, we have a fondness for truckers. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/fk-around-find-out-truckers-warn-loads-nyc-will-be-rejected-starting-monday

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Good on Them! I have great respect for Truckers! Thanks for sharing.

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Drs Malone, regarding sea lioning, I don’t carry the same burden you do. I’m the water boy at the back of the hall. You’re the knights Templar at the front of the fight. But I think maybe you can use an old but effective weapon. Ignore them. I call it iglooing the ignorant. There is nothing quite as disempowering as a deafening silence.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Barbara Lee:

When I get a potential customer contacting me, who immediately shows that they will not cooperate with my requirements I've developed over the last 20 years in business, I immediately stop communicating, and block them from communicating further.


In the past, I would speak freely, interact with their arrogance, explaining why I was asking, what I was asking. They would escalate it to the point where they would verbally assault me in an email, hiding behind their keyboards, which would never happen in a face to face consultation.

Name calling, accusing me of false advertising ( I have never advertised), and it would go nowhere but south.

Terrible to ask a person who wanted a quote from me for their name, address, and phone number.

Oh, I'm such a tyrant ! Sure am !

Yes. Ignoring it works best.

Dont feed the troll

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Let’s start a new meme: iglooing for sea lioning. 😊

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How very true: “The Black hole of No Accountability “ And how about that: Egypt building a wall to keep invaders out! Dad felt strong: ‘Fences make good neighbors’

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There is a history as to why Egypt will not allow Palestinians in its country - they learned from history which is something western nations don’t do because they would rather perpetuate the bad history of the past because they fomented it to start with.

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Great comics this morning. I especially appreciate the one of the girl catching the ball. I was such a tomboy as a child and even hated wearing dresses. But I was all girl and felt strong and capable. Being who I was in today’s world, they would have destroyed me.

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Scary, huh? I was a little like you. Today, they would try to brainwash you into having surgery to change body parts!

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Hello from a PA farm boy in Germany. One quick comment on the shopping done by Carlson in Russia. We have had those shopping carts in Germany for at least 20 years. The other comment is that it's not really an "apples to apples" comparison. The average wage in Moscow is less than 1,000 USD. Here in Germany, my take-home as a mechanic is €1,300. Groceries five years ago when the kids still lived at home were around €100 per week. Now that the kids are off on their own, it costs almost the same. What Tucker neglected to do in his "shopping trip," was to ask a Russian what the costs for groceries were two or three years ago. I am willing to bet that the answer would not fit the narrative.

We, in the West, have a Fiat money problem, combined with the siphoning off of taxpayer's funds to finance not only a "green agenda," but also to other black hole projects compounded by the financing of the military industrial complex. Keynesian Economics is the ruination of any economy. Ludwig Van Mises wrote about it in detail. One last thing is that the only thing that can save America, is to return it to the Constitutional Republic the Founders intended, if that is even possible at this point.

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There are very few world currencies, seashells to dollars, that are not fiat. The big takeaway, imo, for Tucker's piece is that fighting a war and being the economic, sanctioned pariah of the west does not seem to have affected the Russian economy much.

The food prices in Germany you state show runaway food inflation. I suspect it has alot has to do with the net zero campaign of the German greens and the de-industrialization of Germany over the last 4 or 5 years.

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Correct. The take away was that there are no shortages of goods in the store, but I am still wondering about the inflation. Crikey, we had empty shelves in Germany with the whole Plandemic, the big picture is made up of a mosaic of things from the perspective of the people on street, working every day to pay the bills. It's not a pretty picture.

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If you adhere to Mise's definition of inflation-excess dollars-then it's hard for me to say much about inflation in Russia, for there is no info I know that gets at Russian printing. I suspect little, especially in comparison to the no holds barred debt of Congress and the astronomic printing of the Fed in the US. And we haven't even spoke of QE.

Same back home in US of folks trying to make ends meet. We are frugal in my house, growing most of our food, wood heat, repair what we can, but this inflation here is tough. The rate of inflation may be easing somewhat (hard to say how long) but the price increases themselves seem permanent. I think 30% or more since the end of the plandemic, especially in those items most needed for day to day life. Try this link for a talk on US inflation--


It becomes obvious the CPI has become so squeezed, manipulated and contorted it has no relation to the economic reality of most people today.

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I understand that Russia has been stocking up on gold for over a decade. Not sure what good it will do them if no one else cares about gold but the marketeers selling it.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 19

About the same amount of time since they realized it is stupid for them to own T-bills. Ditto the Chinese. Ditto the Brics.

And I hate playing devils advocate for crooks.

But there is no denying gold has been the best investment-greatest return in USD- over the last year or 2. Or the return had one bought gold back 2007-2008. Or when Nixon realized we couldn't pay for the Vietnam war and stay on the gold standard. I believe it was the French that broke the camels back presenting all the French dollars for $35 bullion. Or any item or company that has remained a store of value throughout civilization.

Edit-Had to check--The French were seen as instrumental in starting end of the gold window, but it was the Brits who shut it down. "By summer 1971, international dollar holdings were four times greater than the U.S. gold reserve. Redemptions were accelerating, too, because the world recognized that, at some point, the U.S. gold reserve would be empty and 75% of the international dollar supply would still exist in circulation.

“The last straw,” writes Peter Bernstein, “came during the week of August 9, 1971. In a note of extraordinary irony, the British economic representative [to Washington] came in person to the

Treasury and asked for $3 billion in gold.”6

That’s 2,666 tons of gold – more than a quarter of the entire remaining gold reserve."

HOLY SH*T. Nixon had to jump fast. But so important, imo,it is/was intended to be temporary--Nixon stated:

"Accordingly, I have directed the Secretary of the Treasury to take the action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators...[and] suspend temporarily the convertibility of the American dollar except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States."

It is still a temporary fix, could be stopped by executive order (Trump) with a pen.

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That's interesting. Glenn Beck is still staying gold is the resource to have. Each year I kick myself for not purchasing silver. In the 70s when its value skyrocketed, I thought, I wished I had owned some prior. Been saying that for 50 years and still have little of it. I think it is affected less by the SM and it also has other uses. Maybe this year . . .

Gold and America's trust us with it, and FDR's give it back.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

I read the background on what happened years ago. Nixon’s E.O in 1971 is in the forward of a book, Second edition (2012, original was 1976) Money and the Coming World Order, which contains writing by four people whose backgrounds would make you shudder – Carnegie Teaching Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Fellow, CFR associations – However, their monetary principles appear sound. The forward is written by Lewis E. Lehrman, who at one time had a website titled TheGoldStandardNow.org which now goes to his page. You can see short writeups on his books. I never would have thought they would be against Keynes view and for the restoration of the gold dollar and the international gold standard. Of course this book was written before the digitized printing of money. He says in his forward "The solution is authorized by the US Constitution – Article I, Sections 8 and 10 whereby the control of the supply of dollars is entrusted to the hands of the people. Congress need only mobilize its unique, constitutional power under Article I “to coin money and regulate the value thereof.”

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Filling dental cavities?

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The GREED-MONGERS are pushing this narrative that the buffoon puppet Joe Biden and his fellow mentally challenged bureaucrats (think Defense and Homeland Security) are advancing for their PUPPET MASTERS. Those that desire absolute power to control every aspect of HUMAN LIFE to further their AVARICE DESIRES.

A MAJOR QUESTION still not even scratched upon is the role ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will factor in with their plans of WORLD DOMINANCE.


Call me paranoid. Call me a conspiracy nut. Call me whatever you want. BUT IF YOU TAKE A SOLID LOOK AT WHAT I'VE WRITTEN ABOVE, YOU'LL SEE I'M RIGHT.

President Trump has said it many times. President Trump has warned that the above power structures I've mentioned have been taken over by those seeking WORLD DOMINATION. PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS STATED MANY TIMES IT MAY ALREADY BE TOO LATE TO STOP IT.


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I look forward every week to the memes, thanks Dr. Malone!

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Mission Impossible Tv Series: RWM you are tasked with finding and securing the technology to dissolve and destroy all tactical mis/dis/mal-info that this Government takeover has spread into the mind of every citizens aspect of the insecurity of our National Freedoms and Liberty.

This is your mission RWM. Should you decide to accept it! Good luck.

This tape will self destruct in 60 seconds.

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I am at a loss. Really. They are persecuting Donald Trump and holding the failing Biden up on the pedestal. There is no sense to it. Destroy America just for their own gain, while everyone looks on seeing & knowing what they're doing... for their own selfish gain. Gaining what?


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