Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, the Bank bought those treasuries while the White House was telling them that inflation was transitory. The Bank bought that hook, line & as of Friday, sinker!

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great comment. Silicon Valley Bank as a victim of White House propaganda. What a metaphor!

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We're all victims of White House propaganda, while only about half of us are aware.

Silly Cone Valley has been in bed with this administration since before it came power and is largely responsible for providing that power. That they are now potentially getting burned by this relationship is the purest Karmic justice one could hope for.

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Read the creature of "Jekyll Island" by G E Griffin. It is an exhaustive look at banking practices and the banksters behind the creation of the Federal Reserve and a look at how banking really works. After the '08 scambankdemic, and getting totally screwed by BofA, I took my money out of banks permanently. Small credit unions are safer than banks, but (once things get dire enough) cash will be banned and all your assets will be owned by those holding the note.

I was in the Army, in Korea, when the WON was recalled by the government and replaced (for a time) by the dollar. All military activity was halted, every soldier prevented from leaving the base, while Koreans were tossing the WON, that they had been saving for years (avoiding the exorbitant taxes charged in those days), over and through the fence, pleading with us to help them exchange it, since we had no limit on how many WON we could turn in for dollars, (though taking much more than the last paycheck worth would have been a major issue) while Koreans were allowed only a modest $200 to trade in.

I was in Mexico when the peso dropped it's value by 85%, and in Guatemala when they devalued the Quetzal by doubling the cost of bus fare (which was how everyone got around).

When the banksters are seeing a bit too much independence in a population, they have all the reins in their hands. Plus they have the CIA/US Guvmint to teach the rebellious liberty loving populace to be quiet and take it, or else.

This SVB disaster is the latest instance where the holders of the fiat currency have created a "Come-to-Jesus" moment. They are thrilled to finally have maneuvered us in to this moment in time.

If you are unaware, there is a connection to the creation of the Federal Reserve (a privately owned and run bank) and the initiation of "income tax", acts which occurred one after the other. Income tax pays a tad of the interest owed by the dollar wielding public for the money, which was created out of thin air and "loaned" to the US. We are 'allowed' to utilize this paper for all debts, "public and private."

There is a reason why you cannot deface paper money: It's because it isn't yours. It can be recalled by the Fed at ANY time. Like tomorrow.

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It is the Clown College in DC that doesn't give a damn about economics and how you build true wealth through hard work and inventiveness. They just print money and siphon it off into their own persoanl accounts. Check out all the millionaires in DC that keep getting re-elected because of the political money that they acquire and in turn return the favors to speciel interests. Big Pharma is on top of the list.! You can't get a face to face with most Congressman unless you have a bag of money.! Time to reduce DC to bare bones.

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Or ashes (meteor strike, misdirected HAARP flame thrower, somebody flicking the last of a cigarette onto the desiccated white house lawn...)

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

This bank failure is the result of younger people whose grades on standardized tests and entry into prestigious schools like Harvard and Stanford gave them reason to think they were always the smartest people in the room. Same with SBF. Same with Enron.

They are the same sort of people telling us, as long as there are lenders willing to lend to our country, the USA can continue to borrow w/o fear. https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2023/02/21/if_you_seek_a_balanced_budget_youre_missing_the_point_882628.html

For that matter, it's the same geniuses who are lending us the money. Usually other people's money.

Anything that can't go on forever at some point has to stop. As it did w/ SVB. As it will with our country if we continue the path we're on. When that happens, there's going to be a lot of suffering. Ask Greece how they were flimflammed into borrowing money they couldn't repay, and how they eventually paid a bitter price.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A company I once worked for doing project work spent considerable effort doing a "lessons learned" workshop at the end of each project. Basically, if we were doing it over again, how would we do it differently?

A seasoned guy once commented to me, there were seldom any new lessons learned. There were just new people learning the same old lessons.

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The bank was

Not a victim...their greed and arrogance and use of accounting tricks concealed their stupidity until it was too late

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There used to be a maximum 'loaning-against-assets' for banks of 9-1. A bank was permitted to loan 9 times it's actual assets, if the loan fit a profile that would reasonably assure a 'liquid' asset should the loan default.

The fed lifted those caps a few years back and banks in the system (all lending institutions are forced into the Fed, since they trade in the Fed owned paper called cash) can loan as much as the Fed will allow them. Including loans for non-traditional purchases like $45,000 'economy' cars. Since new cars can be shut off remotely, even pull over to the side of the road, lock you out, refuse to operate the radio etc..

If it ain't paid for, you do not own it.

The part that makes me furious is that the banks will blame sucker investors, who will blame the (repeatedly unemployed from the banksters greedy policies) people of the world (who are buried, head-first, into the sand, up to their ankles) will not have the courage to go out, alone or enmasse, even to protest.

They'll be sitting around the TV, waiting for an 'update'. Too many people are killing time, watching TV, playing videos games, staring at tic-tok, 'watching' porn, getting drunk. They're not just unprepared for what's coming, they're unwilling to be prepared.

Terrified, they don't realize that an amazing turn of events, spoken of in detail throughout that amazing novel, the Bible, is just around the corner.

I am an old man now, excited that my journey in this tired old body is 'almost over'. I'm lucky, I'm as prepared as I can be (absent the details), whereas the global masses are planning to 'elect the right guy' "next time."

Does it not occur to them that the façade has been dashed to the ground, the perpetrators are no longer concerned about what you think. We're at the point where the cat is toying with the mouse.

But the Lion is about to end that cat's existence.

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I learned today that 10% of their loans were to VC backed companies where the founders fought dilution so the risk was managed by issuing warrants with full knowledge many loans would default, however, the few that worked with warrants would make the debt loan business of the bank very profitable. Then 2022 happened and the IPO market dried up, VC financed companies contracted in value even though the founders fought

Like hell to deny it. Then firms

Learned at the end of 2022 their firms were

Worth less than 75% than 2021 and all hell broke loose

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It gets worse, Mr Gordon.

The other 90% of the loans were usually made to VC-backed tech company employees for California mortgages and car loans. So as the VC-backed firms stop paying workers, the workers get behind on their car and house payments, at least until California unemployment kicks in for awhile until they find another job.

Bank management misled itself by imagining that data could replace energy, a common belief among the sheeple being led by the radicals to slaughter. So outlawing gas stoves, fireplaces, charcoal grills, and any other off-grid means of warming a home or preparing food, seemed harmless to them, as did those Executive Orders that started the cost escalation by prohibiting much new oil drilling.

In a currency inflation, raising interest rates removes the incentive to print more money, stopping the currency inflation. We don't have a currency inflation. We have rising real costs caused by the radicals' zero-carbon policy. Nobody sane tried to survive without fire in the past, because it was expensive as hell to do it. And the radicals just took over and forced us to follow their overpriced policy. So no amount of interest-rate hikes will stop costs from increasing. Instead, they add to the costs already imposed by the radicals' zero-carbon obsession.

Since SVB management saw the radicals' policies as harmless, they weren't true victims of radical propaganda from the Biden White House. They were proponents of that propaganda before Mr Biden was selected on Jan 6, 2021 to be President. They truly guessed that an interest rate shock would scare every Republican in Texas back to work depleting the oil supply while some alchemical magic created the perfect battery to replace it...and oil prices would magically drop, interest rates would fall again, and the whole episode would be a mere hiccup in the long march to Radical Utopia.

Instead, rising interest rates drove costs up, but diminished the resale value of any bond that paid a near-zero rate. So the cost of new wind farms and solar installations just got prohibitive, because the price of energy has to rise in order to pay the interest on the construction loans that build them. Meanwhile SVB's low-interest bond holdings lost resale value and must be discounted in calculating the bank's ability to sell them quickly and obtain cash.

In short, SVB management earned the poverty they are about to experience. They are victims of their own radical arrogance. They helped to bring on the disaster that crushed their asset value down to what it is actually worth. Now that costs are up, the only way to work them down again starts by abandoning the entire radical agenda and getting the energy business back in production. The SVB management created their own poverty by supporting that radical agenda.

This trend will continue until all the "woke" radical corporate managers realize that their ideas are wrong. They will either learn new policies that work in the real world, or else they will fail as SVB did.

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I remember that GE (I think it was, maybe Westinghouse) had a diorama sort of display at Dizzyland back in the late 60's about the "Amazing-all-electric-home" of the future. As a kid I remember thinking that it was crazy, to depend on a single provider for all your power. And I was 10 years old. 10 for crying out loud.

What are people today smoking? How did we ALL become so ignorant and trusting of the one entity that history has clearly demonstrated should never be trusted?

Government: Always the problem to the solution.

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They really are dumber than I thought.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Real fear of our bureaucrat's record of ignoring the obvious, might be warranted. SVB, FTX, Madoff, Enron, Covid relief fraud, Trillion's to lose an unnecessary war, funding gain of function, 0% interest for too long …the list appears infinite and too painful to accept.

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Don’t leave out $100 billion a year in Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

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Growing up on a lake resort in N Minn as a child we had a pet crow named Charlie for probably four yrs. He fell from his nest tree and was abandoned. But we rescued him off the forest floor before predator's got him. Especially Great horned owls! He would land on my mothers shoulder and softly mumble a squawk. He'd land near most anyone but always quick to exit if you came to close. My mom taught him to say hello but it took years to do this. We had a minnow house on the resort for the fishing crowd that rented cabins. When the old wood screen door slammed on the minnow house in the morning Charlie had first dibs on dead ones. He would crow hop all around you till he got a dead minnow or two. We had large fish fries on Friday eves in our fireplace park. One eve the crow landed on the picnic table as folks laughed at the sight. My father grabbed the crow and dipped his beak in a shot glass of Bourbon. Did not take long for the crow to exhibit a drunk behavior. His fear of hands now gone we passed him around to those that never held a crow.

But Sat/Sun Charlie had a different tune with a hangover that lasted a few days. No more picnic table visits after that. And one day he was gone. We think he found a wife in a far away nest.

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I love this story.

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You know you live closer to heaven when that wretched sound of an old screen door hinged with a 2 ft spring slams it's mighty slam....And your Raven appears from the skies.

All true...what fun memories.

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Two comments here

First, my family had a parakeet w/ full reign of the house. One nite landed on the rim of a highball glass, slipped and went to the bottom. Promptly proved no shape to flyand finished the nite in the drunk tank (cage).

I attended a psychology course taught by a T.A. who informed us that animals were not capable of rational behavior but ran purely on instinct alone. Have not been a big fan of that branch of learning since.

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When my boys were very young they would climb in their beds at night and our parakeet would land on the foot of one bed, hop up my covered boys body and give him a peck on the mouth then fly over to the foot of the other bed and do the same to my other son.

We lost him when we were moving. We forgot to cage him as we moved boxes outside into the van.

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They are amazing birds. Once our boxer plopped his head on the table and the bird marched up him( the dog's eyes nearly crossed), grabbed hold of a whisker and worked it over for a few seconds and then turned around and marched off leaving one very stunned boxer in his wake.

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We too had a crow at the lake (Fishtrap lake) It would hang out and watch us as we watched it.

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WOW been there too. My in-laws had a lake home on lake Alexander from 1952 till 2012

The resort I grew up on was Hanging Kettle lake resort just south of Aitkin. We had pet raccoons when the mom was hit via car. They stayed till my dad picked them up and got a cage like place for them. The first spring summer fall was fine. But by the time the next early summer bloomed these two were nocturnal hellish marauders . One night one of our guests left his car window down. In the morning he came to the office and asked my mom to come take a look.

You would never believe what two juvenile racoons can do to cloth car seats in one night.

I was there as a witness. My Mom did the command of GO GET YOUR FATHER! I found em both down in their favorite hollowed out tree far from the car. My dad came with the 12 gauge double 00 buck. No more nocturnal pets allowed

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Great story! And how cool!

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Yes! When 2 or more are gathered. Hey, I only know certain messages. The Power of god is with us as ONE IN DC.

They know this. Do not fear god. Be gods! United America. 👍🇺🇸

Use your power to overthrow any govt against the American people causing us to suffer not prosper. But you have to get there by every way

Possible. Now. They want the messenger destroyed in that jab. It was dead aborted babies. . It was HIV, It was cancer. Satan is cancer. It was FAUCI AND WHAT IS FAUCI’s homeland? His TM is HIV; The FEDS, IRS is same, Zelenskyy, SOROS , all these people have several things in common with HRC, Nuland, BiBi, Trudeau, with exceptions being The assonated Kennedys, the agony the WORLD mourned EVEN MORE than Diana, the UK’s hearts bled, touching the Queen, as she wasn’t loved in that way.

Can you even IMAGINE THAT?

So, Trump is running. Do know he will be battling everything they throw at him from all over the world. Another 4 of battles.

DeSantis should run for POTUS, Trump as a FIGHTING VP , OMG!!! DeSantis getting all laws changed for the people. What a fire! 🔥🔥🧩🇺🇸

The entire WEF wants all of us gone. Wake up.

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One thing is,becoming quite clear--going woke is very, very bad for business. Those MBAs the woke unis are turning out do not seem yet to comprehend this simple fact

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Going WOKE was never, never, never about doing business better. It was and is the Trojan Horse.

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As they are finding out---painfully.

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They are not going to suffer any pain. We are....

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

By the way the upper executives of SVB sold off their stocks weeks ago...

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Interesting, isn’t that....strange little detail.

In my tracking and following $$$$ of certain players in the private equity space....I have noted a curious trend these past few years.

Big players are “retiring” or leaving large well established private equity entities and setting up their own boutique private equity companies....

For example, one is going into the business of digital assets. The other is building his new private equity firm to buy traditional companies in the private sector to digitize their endeavors....education, cars, some healthcare....

It is almost as if they know what is coming.....hmmmm.

And why retire from the big houses now? They clearly are not looking at spending more time with their families, yada, yada, yada.....

Looks much more like a strategic move to position themselves for the coming surveillance state. And to distance themselves from the potential implosion of the market.

“Build Back Better”...(or maybe just different and better for them) when the system on which they have made their millions collapses.

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When it comes to the expression "The have's and have not's", It's always been more about the direct information shared in secret at the top. They know a good time for a domino disaster when they have built one. Too big too FAIL....too big too JAIL! THE Secret Sauce.

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From the Form 4 I saw for the CEO, it looked like he converted some options and still wound up with a LOT of shares at the beginning of the end.

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The executives also wrote themselves substantial bonuses the day before the bank was forced to close. Aside from selling millions in stocks. How completely dishonorable these charlatans are. I honestly think insider trading charges should be brought against them. But of course the are supposed woke Biden supporters so I’m sure they will be bailed out with a nice profit with our money.

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The ceo sold 3.5 million in stock 2 weeks ahead of closing. He knew they were going under and took the money.

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Yes, that's the transaction I was referring to. He converted some options that were expiring soon. It would have been foolish to just let them expire.

But the optics were definitely NOT good, considering what was going on.

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Prosecutions? Nah!

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This graceless administration that made the financial environment for SVB to fail had not even a dime for the poor people of Palestine Ohio. Now their going to expect the poor deplorable people of Palestine Ohio, the people they hate, bail out SVB. Tell me, why should we? We are only good to bail out their friends and brainwash our children against us.

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When it comes to the expression "The have's and have not's", It's always been more about the direct information shared in secret at the top. They know a good time for a domino disaster when they have built one. Too big too FAIL....too big too JAIL! THE Secret Sauce.

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Here is a thought...

Get several million people to donate $100 to a reliable tax attorney / law firm. Same several million people file tax returns and refuse to pay until and unless some problems start getting solved and certain persons get locked up. Use the $100 donations from the several million to defend those in the pool from the IRS. Let the bank fail or we don't pay.

Let this bank fail. The faster we get the pain over with the better. Many things I have read about the Great Depression indicate if government had stayed out of the financial issues the recovery would have been faster. Getting the same vibe in this case. Yes I know normal folk can get steam rollered and the side effects are bad. At this point the sorting function of the plandemic, Ukraine, elections, etc., has awakened all those that choose to be awake.

Those that have not prepared are in for a rougher road than the rest of us. Take care of your family, help your neighbors, keep your local politicians honest, get some God in your life and pray for the salvation of our Republic.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

NOW will the medical freedom movement figure out that this is about soooo much more than flying around the globe and holding conferences about the vaccine?

I get it, I do....the lie about the toxic jab is not to be tolerated....but it becomes moot if we are so busy on that front that we let them overhaul the financial system while they have you distracted.

And once the tools and mechanisms are in place to surveil and control....you can be made to comply.

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"TIMING IS EVERTHING" ! Is it not? ....Sigh......And this "TIME" is no different than the rest.

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Funny….just used that line in talking to my husband about this latest apologist association with Trump printed in Malone’s substack. People need to remember the left vs. right lens is worth nothing in discerning the truth at this point. Distraction, after distraction.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Related Tweet [not mine]:


Three things are needed to facilitate the rollout of the CBDC system.

1) Make holding money in banks feel completely unsafe.

2) Destroy competitors or make them unattractive as viable alternatives (bitcoin, etc)

3) Economic collapse then tie welfare to CBDC.

All are in play.

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In addition, the SVB failure was a positive for current tech companies. It’s fairly expensive for Big Tech to be buying out the smaller competitors when they become popular. It’s much easier to remove their funding up front. No more competitors when the Go To bank has failed.

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Absolutely agree, where welfare may include Universal Basic Income.

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U.S. Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC have revealed the plan in a joint statement.

“Today we are taking decisive actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence in our banking system,” the statement read.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, after conferring with the president and regulators, has authorized the plan that “fully protects all depositors.”


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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

the total federal debt is about 32 trillion dollars, or about 96,000$ per person in the US. The total US debt, federal, state, local government, personal and corporate is about 96 trillion, or about 290,000$ per person. We are broke folks. Because a family of 4 owes about 1,163,000$. How many families of 4 can cover that. And our debt is going exponential. The last balanced budget was Clinton. Since then with each president the debt has been higher than the previous president. Our so-called conservative trump had as much debt in 4 years as Obama had in 8 years, and Biden is set to beat trump, then whoever is president in 2024 will beat Biden. It doesn't matter which party is in office, the debt will go up until finally we can't pay it or until the dollar is worth about the same as a toilet tissue.

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For Trump and on didn't the debt escalate in part on paying for Covid measures?

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I don't think the major problem is an inability to pay interest on the outstanding debt. We have a sovereign fiat money system that floats on the international money exchanges. The Fed can create money at will. All obligations denominated in dollars are guaranteed to be payable. But as you say, the question is what that will do to inflation and the economy. And the other big problem facing the dollar is its position as the world's reserve currency, which seems to be eroding fast.

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And how many times did the real Boss Dick Cheney announce repeatedly on TV and in White house press releases that "DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER"!! ( Dozens the correct answer)

And that is a true statement of fact. They do not matter to guys JUST LIKE Dick Cheney.

The American People are on every hook as "THOSE MOST ABLE TO PAY"! Fullstop....Argh.....

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Deficits DO NOT matter when that is convenient for the big-money boys. Likewise, deficits DO matter when it is convenient for the big-money boys. So ... don't get comfortable with either position as it will drive you crazy. Which is also the plan.

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True nuff. I just recall Dicky boy always on the one spectrum of Do Not!

Coulda been all the bias news blips on THE NATIONAL DEBT! It was long ago now.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved the video! Very helpful SVB bank analysis. Virtue signaling comic was priceless. Thank you for brightening our day!

P.S. Just distributed an email sharing your article about exiting the WHO (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/withdraw-us-from-the-who-now), signed the petition (https://stopvaxpassports.org/take-action-withdraw-us-from-the-w-h-o-now/), and used your sample letter to write my Senator and Congressman.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone I have been following the Twitter Files investigation but I did NoT see a clip by Rep Nancy Mace from South Carolina excoriating the former Twitter executives until a friend IN CHINA sent it to me!! Rep Mace names you for one as being censored and she NAILS them to the wall because she is vaccine injured!!! Someone needs to find this and make it go viral!!!

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The modern, fractional reserve banking system is intrinsically a confidence game. If enough people lose confidence in it, the whole thing will collapse.

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Exactly. It's psychosis all the way down!


Mass Money Psychosis has “experts” thinking that you can shut down the economy for months (or years) at a time, print trillions of dollars for unproductive uses (test and trace, anybody?), give government unprecedented power over your day-to-day life, prioritize fake ESG scores and diversity over actual productivity — then dodge reality when it comes crashing into the conversation. It doesn’t work that way, and a whole lot of people are going to find that out very quickly.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

BTW, the SVB stock traded at $750/share in October, 2021 and breached 100 last week. SVB executives all dumped the stock in 2022. Cramer of CNBC was a 2022 bull on the stock. What does that tell you?

Meanwhile, Tech start-ups are repriced 50-80% down from 2021 craziness and to avoid dilution, their bank loans are being called as the collateral is worth much less.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Is Silicon Valley Bank too big to fail?”

Many things are not as they appear, especially in this Age of the Absurd. Remember, the Feds forced the major banks to take money and then invented a new consumer protection agency not regulated by Congress to throttle all smaller banks - there was a reason. Now the Feds (the NWO) want to do away with the PRIVATE banking industry. Why? To make all monies PUBLIC. They are pushing hard for Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC. What happened to SVB was intentional. It was planned. Private money is not safe in private banks. To protect everyone’s private money the U.S. must rely on CBDC. There you have it. Fishy is as fishy does.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

See previous comment about the movie "Rollover." Didn't mean it to be so timely LOL.

Robert, if you ever want to know what animals are thinking, please see the work of my friend Sandra Mendelson (https://www.smendelson.com/) - she's talked with my cats and helped me understand them so much better. The crows that visit the woman are part of her soul group, with the end goal of helping humans understand that ALL sentient beings have feelings and a purpose here.

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Thanks for the contact, Laura. This is right up my alley (so to speak).

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