It’s hard for me to accept living under constant lies from our government. We deserve better.

#Suborn; to bribe or otherwise induce someone to commit an unlawful act such as perjury: He was accused of conspiring to suborn witnesses.

#Under American federal law, title 18 U.S.C. 1622, provides: Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years.

#Alvin Bragg, Mathew Colangelo and all of the people involved, including the people at their White House meetings should face charges of suborning perjury for knowingly allowing and inducing Michael Cohen onto the stand and lie in efforts to put Donald Trump in jail.

#Furthermore Michael Cohen should have been immediately handcuffed and thrown back in jail for again committing perjury and admitting to grand larceny on the stand.

#The Judge in this case, Juan Merchan, should lose his judgeship and immediately be disbarred for allowing these now known lies to be used to prosecute an innocent man.

#Merchan’s daughter Loren Merchan has raised over 93 million dollars, from this trial, for democRATS while the dishonest judge Merchan put a gag order on Trump blocking his God given 1st amendment rights from speaking out about this whole corrupt prosecution or be thrown in jail. This money should be taken from Merchans daughter Loren and used to pay Trumps legal fees. This entire case is riddled with conflicts of interest and is completely 1000% election tampering. Fake news CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, ACLU, etc. where are you? Or as we all know your all into these Soviet style show trials and the persecutions of innocent people. If the media would just do their dam job, America would have a much better chance of surviving.

Hope you all enjoy your freedom today, given to you by a veteran!! J.Goodrich

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I repeat,since we no longer have a free press all their prerogatives should be denied them until they prove they even know what the truth is..is

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Bingo. Time to get a Nation in major Denial on board and into the REALITY ZONE!

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Yes, G. Edward Griffin!

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May 26·edited May 27

As a younger man, I'd have never thought a 600-page book on the history of the Federal Reserve could be interesting and accessible. Some books I have to push through, others pull me through. "The Creature from Jekyll Island" is excellent. And if you want to save time and boil it down to a little over an hour, Griffin's 1+ hr lecture from 1994, summarizing the giant scam that is the Federal Reserve, is prescient and fascinating.


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Shorter work, prescient, excellent also:

Currency Wars. The making of the next Global Crisis. James Rickards. 2011, 2012.

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Had to look him up as name was a little familiar! Per the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association - a visiting lecturer at Northwestern and the School of Advanced International Studies, has delivered papers on risk at Singularity University, the Applied Physics Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory and has written numerous articles on risk management. He is an advisor on capital markets to the Director of National Intelligence and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Rickards holds an LL.M. (Taxation) from the NYU School of Law; a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School; an M.A. in economics from SAIS and a B.A. from Johns Hopkins.

I wonder why the DNI and the SOD need a capital market advisor?

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I had made mention to DD of the fact that our family history has 2 Gens of deceased men in the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in MPLS/St. Paul . I have 3 older brothers that can be placed there., and have asked to be done so to honor and join the Elders. I do not qualify.

But my youngest spent 4 yrs on CNV 75 Trumann in the Atlantic. So he qualifies as a 4 Gens.

candidate. He is 29. Just finished his Yellow Ribbon Scholarship @ Reed in Portland.

My grand father Charles served in the Spanish American War. So he qualified for Fort Snelling very early as a National Cemetery. As a side note, they are running out of room.

To make the point about wars being non-sense....this can be clearest illustration. Sigh....

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Already posted this once this week, but it sums up war succinctly:

The tragedy of war is that the young men and women die fighting each other in distant lands - rather than their real enemies and criminals back home in their capitals. —Edward Abbey

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Agreed and etched on the granite in my brain thanks to 9/11 major Phys-ops actions.

The most covered up crime against Americans...on American soil,

Till Wuhan came along and quadrupled the death tolls and climbing.

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How do we feel with the demented crime boss at 1600 using this day to celebrate the martyrdom a degenerate criminal whose demise resulted in his coreligionists setting the Republic on fire?

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True Tritorch , so true .

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While this quote sits well with me, be careful quoting Edward Abbey: while "The Monkey Wrench Gang" is firmly rooted in my memory, it also was read when I was very young & very impressionable; it’s on my todo list to reread and, yes, I’m fully prepared for my head to explode this time around 🤣

There was a follow up to TMWG, I think, but I have no solid memories about.

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Calculating medical bills was one of my favorites. How many of you had to help your children with Common Core Math. So ridiculous. In the 60’s they started something called new math. I remember my parent thought it was ridiculous as well.

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What an all American family history of heroes Randall!!! I hope you and your family can rest this weekend and appreciate all your family has done for all of us. Thank You Randall!!!!

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Thank you sir! Aye Aye!

Steady as she goes Captain James.

Expect smooth sailing....till it ain't.

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Thank You Randall!!

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and thank YOU also James for YOUR service to America.

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Pretty Red I didn’t serve but my father was a WW2 vet, and my older brother also served, unfortunately both are deceased. This is an SS dagger my father sent home from Germany 1945. I know these things can be controversial but they exist and was taken from a dead Nazi soldier… please tell me if In any way it is offensive it’s a part of an evil history that happened but I do understand believe me!!!


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holy cow. that IS cool.

This is simply reality; impossible to be offensive for rational thinkers.

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James, the picture is a piece of history that is always interesting to me. I would tho, do some kind of ceremony or ritual to cleanse and heal whatever energy is in the molecules of the dagger. This is one of the contributions we can make to balance out the horrors of war. Let me know if you would like some ideas for this...

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DD, this is an interesting story. My father had saved coffee cans full of Penny’s which I still have somewhere. In one of the cans there was a Nazi lapel pin I will post after. Again it was taken off of a soldier I assume was dead by my father. BTW, this was a very common occurrence by both armies then. In todays army it is not supposed to happen though it still does. I have a great customer that I have done work for, for decades he is like a father to me, he and his family are Jewish. So I have this pin, which has a picture of a house in the middle of it with a red roof. The pin was so well made the red roof looks like a ruby or at least a stone, but it is some sort of paint. I began researching what the pin was given to this soldier for, which is very interesting to me. My nephew who was intrigued by this pin as well helped me look it up of coarse on the internet and one description said it was given to teachers that taught German children how to be good citizens for the Nazi party. I’m assuming that my father killed this Nazi that taught kids how to be good Nazi”s which I know this may sound crazy but thinking my father killing a Nazi that coerced kids to hate Jewish people in a strange way made me ha,,,, well let’s say gave me an ok feeling. So I had spoke to a few people had even called a local radio talk show and mentioned the pin and took note of the reactions I got by people about it. I mentioned the pin to the Jewish customer I have and his face changed and he got somber. He didn’t make a long speech but he said that pin was probably produced in a forced labor camp that my ancestors were put in as slaves, which gave me another completely different thought about this simple lapel pin. So to make a long story longer this is why I worry about offending someone with this dagger. These stories DD makes me think a lot about this, Dr. Malones sub stack. When you post or read peoples comments it always opens other peoples expertise or ideas and before you know it you DD have altered my mind🙂. Enjoy your freedom while we have it, as they say it certainly didn’t come free, at least for my father and your uncle!!!! https://share.icloud.com/photos/0bbq-YAdaO1lKjmH4fPOgUl0g

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Hi Randall, today was a subtle, anguished day for me. I'm not totally sure why, except the energy of war and the constant death over the centuries weighs on me. I had an uncle who was on a battleship called "The Hornet" I believe, and as my mother said "He was shell shocked" So sad, a raging alcoholic who died in his chair surrounded by empty beer cans and his elderly sick sister dead too. What a sad shock for my mother. I was lucky, she talked about it and didn't pretend it didn't happen. Sorry to ramble on...

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No it's fine to "Ramble"...it's a fitting word to describe the minds perpetual ways of dealing with days gone by and images of things you just can't un-see. We all do it. It comes and goes. It's not a waste of time. I've been bathed in war stories too most of my life. People will make poor habit choices unknowingly they become vices. (it's more like VISES! hah)

We can view those lives as examples of how to redirect our own existence. My Mom said often with some humble pie that "some folks come into our life to show us what to do well,

while some others show us an abusive road to hell". WW2 was hard on the men who were shipped off to strange lands with war torn images. Some took the lives of total strangers.

And for what possible reasons?? They came back to the home theater they left, a total changed person. Their roles in life and the scripts all re-written again by forces unfamiliar.

They found ways and a wretched purpose in life was to numb the brain and the pain.

So as we share some thoughts. My theater and family cast of characters was horribly similar to your story chapter. Think about the millions that shared the same systemic family fates.

Thanks for the Rambling. Rain on the way again this am. The farmers fields need H2o .

I'm gonna ramble on, now's the time, the time is now to sing my song.

Robert Plant Led Zepplin

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Stairway To Heaven, I can hear that song now.

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One of the finest ballads written.

Rock Gods they were.

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As an addendum, the wives are also invited to be buried along with the husbands.

Increasingly when I visit, (so easy to do for me as the gates are never really closed)

And freeway access is quite accommodating and simple.

I notice the areas that were once green grass, have the whiteness of headstone names and dates.

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DemocRATS is brilliant! We don’t have a news media we have a propaganda cabal which appears to obtain all its talking points from 51 former spooks who may just be cover for the thousands of bureaucrats/spooks still employed. “Too big to rig” is what we need in 2024.

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I go a step further and call them DEMONRATS!!! 👿👿👿

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So many great points here James~ you are 💯% SPOT ON! This sham show trial is ABSURD and all involved know it but of course they must stick to one goal ~ stop another Trump presidency! The tables need to turn on all these bad actors who have broken the law in numerous ways! And of course our complicit media is playing their important role in this clown show! God help us all! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🤯🤬

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Picky ,picky, picky. >>> But SO TRUE!

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I guess, when they find Trump guilty on Tuesday based on more proven lies by a convicted perjurer and judge the corrupted judge Merchan sentences Trump to 196 years realization sets in that that’s todays American justice system at work.

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And insult to injury, evidently the sockpuppet is planning to deliver a speech when the verdict is delivered. Do hope this sorry facade of a President will be delivered to the trash heap of history in Nov.

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He would disgrace the smelliest dumpster.

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May 27·edited May 27

James, Perhaps you could read my response to randall a little farther down, you will be able to relate. Damn hard day on a subtle level for me. The energy permeated everything I did.

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Blind DEI Pilots:

Passengers on a small plane are waiting for the flight to leave. They're getting a little impatient, but the airport staff assures them the pilots will be there soon, and then the flight can take off.

Finally the entrance opens, and two men dressed in Pilots' uniforms walk up the aisle. Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a white cane.

Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit, the door closes, and the engines start up. The passengers begin glancing nervously around, searching for some sign that this is just a little practical joke. None is forthcoming.

The plane moves faster and faster down the runway, and the people sitting in the window seats realize they're headed straight for the water at the edge of the airport territory. As it begins to look as though the plane will plow into the water, panicked screams fill the cabin.

At that moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air. The passengers relax and laugh a little sheepishly, and soon all retreat into their magazines, secure in the knowledge that the plane really is in good hands.

Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the pilot turns to the co-pilot and says, "You know, Jim one of these days, they're gonna scream too late and we're all gonna die."

-Author Unknown

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Be On Time

A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner. A local politician and member of the congregation was to give a speech at the dinner. He was delayed, so the priest decided to say a few words while they waited.

"I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his employer, screwed over his closest friends, and taken a lot of drugs. I was appalled. But as the days went on I knew that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people."

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately started his speech.

"I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived, In fact, I had the honor of being the first one to go to him in confession."

-Author Unknown

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I hope the Priest hammered him with 1000 Our Fathers, and 1000 Hail Mary's.


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"AI" has his back. (He started his career as a programmer)

function atone(prayer, repeat) {

for (let i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {


console.log(); } }


atone( "Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with thee;

blessed art thou amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death. Amen." , 1000);

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Wow....there's a futuristic way of putting it all in order. (A+)

Science Tech and the Holy Spirit.

A match made in Heaven.

Siri....don't forget to put extra in the collection basket.

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Siri is Iris spelled backward.

Your EyePhone is watching you...

https://bitchute.com/video/5echnDnSrQCA [42seconds]

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Nice...that's your JEDI training revealed!

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or to say at least 100 rosaries!

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What may not be so funny is when they start storing crash carts in the cockpits to treat the heart attacks brought on by the mandated jabs

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Yeah, it'll come to that in this clown world. Your comment reminded me of this joke for some reason:

Teacher: Sir, why doctors wear a mask when they do an operation?

Student: For safety. If the patient dies, others can't find out who did the operation.

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May 26·edited May 26

The carts were considered to be too large for the cockpit, so they made room in the food / drink prep areas. (/wink)

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I landed once in Cincinnati Ohio in a thunder storm thru flashes of lightning and pouring rain. Coming in faster and harder and very "sideways" before banging onto the tarmac and watching all the heads in front of me whiplash to and fro violently in unison. On the way out the cabin door the co-pilot was stand in the bulkhead. As we exited slowly out I caught his eye and asked him, How close to spinout or donuts in the rain were we? His reply was closer than I have ever been. But that's what makes air travel exciting! ( I like adrenaline too)

Yes...good....on we go! Wonka

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Leave a man on a plane and he flies for a day.

Throw a man off a plane and he flies for the rest of his life.

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Some have golden parachutes.

As a matter of fact that GD number grows larger every day. Hahaha

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No military service but when that door came off that alaska airline, i would have been running for the door. Golden Parachute!!! I packed both,Main and Reserve. Ed

Edit - My Lovely Bride as well. Would rig Her First. (She has a 737 jump, We’ll be alright)

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I have done this with my oldest daughter a few times from small aircraft with no doors.

I guess it's safer not to have a door attached as you venture off into free fall. Hahaha

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Or if time had nearly expired, grabbed her tightly and went off and out into the wild blue yonder sweetly and heroically together for the most exciting ride of your lives. Hahaha

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Exactly!!! Business Plan - 43 recreational fatalities worldwide in 5.27 million skydives. You wanna drive a car?🤣🏴‍☠️🔥? Ed

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Was once on a large plane from KCI to DFW and then a puddle jumper to Jackson, MS for a casual dinner in a board room to discuss contract terms with half a dozen small telcos.

Massive thunder storm over Jackson rocking that little plane for almost an hour as we circled. We hit the tarmac once and bounce back into the sky. A guy across the isle, a pilot, said were okay given we've emptied the tanks by now. We finally landed with only two small bounces. One thing to keep in mind - the person in the cockpit wants to live too [unless it Malaysia airlines flight 370].

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The Amusement park rides we had @ the fair grounds never had anything similar to that!

Flew from Norfolk to Pitts one late eve on a small, few passenger commuter. The pilots were younger and had a ton of fun banking the storm heads like an Alpine skier. Did you know that lightning is bright red from a modern aircraft window? Mind blowing. When we landed in Pitts and began to debark the plane, I told the pilot that I'd give him $200. if we could go back and do that all over again. THAT, was a plane ride I would love to do again. Him too.

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Randall, you like living on the edge. Not me. A flight from KCI to Omaha on a small commuter took off the runway sideways and struggled to gain altitude due to the wind conditions. At least the landing was normal. Oh, and before we took off one of the crew came back and rearranged who was sitting where in the 12 seats.

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Yes I do enjoy a bit of risk.

But you are here to tell the tale. Fun to remember. Tell your grand kids one day.

The next trip more than likely will be text book uneventful.

You are under a greater risk of injury on the highway from inattentive motorists than from an aircraft incidence. Every time the carpet is grubby on a Boeing plane it makes national news. Something is up with that Company. Maybe a daily drug testing might make for better team focus. Then again it might cause depression and make it all worse. Who knows

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What is up with them is dei hiring/promotion by them and the manufacturer of their fuselages.

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Got me thinking. Back in the day most commercial pilots came from the military where training was…severe…and often the conditions when they had to fly even more so. I do wonder about today tho.

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Yeah; when you hear reports about DIE policies being used to fill pilot schools, ATC classes, UCLA med school where ½ are unqualified (how many opportunities are the DIE students given to "pass," etc. this may be an over-top-reaction to news of late but I wonder, how many have to die in the name of equality, equity, or any other -‘ity’ of the week before meritocracy is once again deemed acceptable (or will it be too late by then)?

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Yes. That an the Vax issues.

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The Movie Top Gun had some impacts on those new candidates for F16 wanna beez.

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Once met an Air Force F15 jockey. Had the Tom Cruz arrogance down pat.

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or, maybe T Cruz did a pretty good job of arrogance impersonation.

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That was a great ending!

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And Joe whips the team and drives the stagecoach over the cliff........

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When I die, I hope that I will pass in peace and asleep like Dad did. Not panicked and yelling like the passengers in his plane.

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That's racist, differently-abled shaming and accurate. /sarc

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May all remember our veterans this Memorial Day, for without them we would already be where our Gov sociopaths are wanting us to be.

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This! Remembering that Memorial Day is to remember the blood that bought our Freedoms.

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May 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So a couple thoughts, or more:

- I have neither a home mortgage nor an educational loan and there was no government largesse in the retirement of either. I think that makes me FREE, in today’s climate how many think that makes me privileged?

- The problem with sowing seeds of Division&Hate is that they almost always fall on fertile soil; for truth to flourish, hearts must be cleared, cultivated, fertilized before seeds of truth can be successfully sown - then comes the labor of identifying and removing weeds, more cultivation; Division&Hate require no effort at all, Truth is labor intensive.

- Imagine, if you will, a world in which you need identification to enter a democrat convention - but noID to vote (for one).

- Circle of Diversity ≠ Circle of LIFE

- The only relevant Rainbow is the one that came with a Promise of Life.

- Pandering for votes with stored oil&gas is like trading morals&ethics for instant gratification - in the end you’ll have neither.

- In the pantheon of great minds, Thomas Sowell is; and

MEMORIAL DAY! 🫡 🙏 ‘nuff said

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What do you think about this horses intelligence? https://www.facebook.com/share/r/43rRNmZoHt5JcVZC/?mibextid=0VwfS7

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What a cutie and her too.

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Done it again. Really great crop today. Cannot pick a fave…that good.

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CIA = Communists In America ... FBI = Friends of Biden, Inc.

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FDA=federal doctors assoc., EPA = envirofreaks protection assoc.

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Meanwhile, in Canada. Rebel News. https://youtu.be/KRRF8eCbbFY?si=7yGzG8VT_2QHYnay

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Gee, I think I had been doing addition wrong all these years. I now understand why my hernia surgery which took an hour cost $29,000

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I can understand the panic about brain eating worms, RFKJr and another four reported over the weekend from eating undercooked bear meat ( ursine tartare, anyone ), but does anyone really believe there’s anything to worry about re: those residing in the White House?

And, just in case Pres 💩 💩 🧠 is reading this: ya gotta have a brain to worry about it getting et’. 😊

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Like most comedians, Bill Maher used to be funny, now he’s just a useful idiot who smokes way too much pot. The interview with Alex Epstein was a bonus and very intelligent, it would be good if Bill interviewed Alex to get further schooling ala Bill Burr’s take down.

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Maher’s main problem is the certainty he affords to his fallacies. Really a one-dimensional person.

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Top Notch selection. Too true. My pick is the last. It brings John Prines last offering to mind. I found it so very sad. Appreciating that it wasn't directed toward veterans per se. And then I found he died from Covid. Melancholy creeps in. On the other hand, the sun is shining and hopefully you very special folks and the rest of us will have a pleasant day for remembering.

With much caring - Very Bestest ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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How about changing ALL of our loans to STUDENT LOANS!?!?!

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Ana, any thoughts about how TLR, the same folks who spent a fortune trying to replace Paxton then another attempting to impeach him, are spending more in an effort to keep phelan and crony rinos in the House blocking conservative legislation? Bet all that money was not in state and buttresses my argument that all such money should be banned from state/local politics.

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I totally agree 👍 however we have a problem getting anyone to bring up any legislation!

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I know and think it odd because it would make campaigning a whole bunch easier. I would like to even ban funds from national party with caveat that money raised in state for national offices stay in the state and none handed to natl. party to be doled out to ???

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Rambler, I have some reservations on that. I don't want to completely limit outside money because I sent some money to Shebaca (spelling?) from Alaska who was running against Murkowski! I also sent some money 💰 for the candidate who was running against Maxine Waters. It's a double-edged sword.

There again they have several ways of hiding their donations 🙄.

All I know is that we do, most definitely, need to fix this situation!!!

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State by state. Only reason you need to send to alaska is that others are. All I know is I am very unhappy at the $1m g.soros is pouring into Texas politics and want it stopped.

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Someone PLEASE explain to me how this donation game works cause I don’t get it. The law says I can’t contribute more than (what is it) $6,500 but Soros can give multi millions????????!!!!! Huh?

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This is not a good time to be in the military. A nephew with 16 years in the Navy was promoted to Commander recently. I hope nothing happens in the next 4 years so he can retire. The Hoover Institution had twenty chiefs of staff and senior advisors to US governors, as well as members of the National Governors Association recently for its annual State and Local Leadership Forum.

Condoleezza Rice is one of their directors and she never waivers off the neocon dictum, telling the attendees that constantly meddling in foreign conflicts is in the US’s best interest - better to support the friendlies now then later when it will be more difficult and expensive. That is the mantra we have lived under for a very long time and it includes over-throwing governments, toppling heads of state and causing regime change leading to the wanted mass migration and chaos.

Service members needs a special day to honor them, but that does not mean we have to honor the reasons their service was 'required'.

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Know this incites but I really believe much wrong with the military in general and the use of it in particular would be fixed by reinstating the draft. Including women and no exceptions. The pols may be a tad less eager to send their own kids into harms way as they would have me in the 60s (I did not let them ala Air Force enlistment but…). And all the wailing about women in combat, well, they are seeing more now than they would with a draft as there would be mote than enough males to do the dirty work. Also, a reconstructed military with the dei panderers expunged would provide the opportunity to reeducate recruits about what this Republic really is about in opposition to all the claptrap they have been fed.

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Wow....the more deeply we expose the Darkness of the A33 holes in America....

The better the humor and subject matters becomes a non-stop Meme Extravaganza.

Hard to pick a fav when the colonoscopy clinics are set with so many amazing choices.

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Don’t have much to say except We must ALL be John Galt, Ragnar Danneskjold, Dagny Taggart, Ellis Wyatt, Midas Mulligan as well as the “Others” in Our Own Way. Ed

Edit - Ayn Rand = Precient. Uhhh….I skipped “The Fountain Head”. My Bad

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“Anthem” is good (and a much shorter read).

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Ed, any Ayn Rand is worth reading. Of course!

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