Bonus hole? That’s just stupid. If your doctor ever uses that term, find another doctor.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife of 30 plus years went to the Gyno Dr. her "plan" moved her to, as her original Dr. retired due to the idiocy here in NJ regarding anything to have to do with the medical profession. When she arrived, they told her to wear a mask in the office, even after the planned-demic was officially over. She said no, and continued.

The office required a form to fill out. It was a generalized health form asking you if you were sick, do you have your jabs, are you currently on any medications, etc. Two questions stopped her in her tracks:

1. Were you born a female or male?

2. Do you identify as gender queer?

I mean, you're at a gynecologist office, and you're asking someone if they were born female or male? Is this question really necessary ? How many trannies are out there visiting their gyno? is there a rash outbreak of trannies running to a gyno to lay on a table and have them say....

"Uh, there's nothing here to inspect, dude ......"

Gender queer ? She didn't even know what they hell this means, and neither do I !!

She found a new gyno, and never would return to that office.

These doctors are out of freaking control. When I read footnotes that Doctors in NYC were pushing the jabs, and contractors who were supposed to be paid a few dollars per person jabbed wound up taking thousands of dollars per person jabbed in "re-negotiated contracts", you know why they are all falling in lockstep to this bullshit. So much money they just can't resist going along with this eternal lying

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Nice to hear about somebody who didn't cave to their doctor. Many find their doctor’s conduct objectionable, but they won't replace him/her for various reasons, mainly IMHO having to do with convenience- their doctor is the only one that knows their issues… they had a hard time finding specialist in the area they need… it’s the doctor their insurance company picked… so on and so forth. These are decisions each individual has to make for themselves. I'm not going to second guess.

I will say, I replaced one of my own doctors for a lot less justification than what you described, T.

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I agree EI. For myself, it's not only about whom I go to, but it's mainly about how I can be my own personal advocate when it comes to my health.

Part of my personal "great awakening" started in the mid 1990's. WIfe and I had our first dog die within days after being vaccinated for Rabies booster, which was advised to us by our veterinarian, whom we had implicit trust in. The 3 poochies killed a groundhog at grandma's house, and they told us to rush our dogs in to be "boosted" against rabies. Little did I know at the time, groundhogs rarely, if ever, have rabies. I didn't know, and again, this was a trust issue.

All 3 dogs went immediately lame in the same leg they were all "boosted" in. Two recovered, the 3rd did not. Following the leg amputation, she was euthanized in our backyard by the same vet technicians. They botched the process, and my dog freaked out, trying to escape us in our own backyard. I can honestly say I have never sobbed as much as I did that day, watching my first dog I ever owned, suffer as they made her do during that last few minutes of her life. To this day, I've still harbored guilt over her passing, and I'll probably never forget it.

Now today, part of my awakening is the process of discovering what causes my ailments. I'm 56, and over the last few years I've discovered more about my own personal health, than in the previous 50. I now realize, though trial and error, that the majority of my personal health issues are food intake related. By individualizing my problems, and removing targeted food items, I've realized that it's what I was consuming which was causing most of my problems, as they've subsided, or are gone completely since eliminating that food from my diet.

For example: Cheese

Since I eliminated cheese from my diet (besides the occasional slice or two of pizza), I no longer have any prostate related issues. All signs of discomfort are gone. Most urgent urination issues are gone. Granted, if I have a few beers, I have to pee, but otherwise, no drugs, no surgeries, and no symptoms anymore, where previously, I was dealing with them.

Next ; Peanut Butter

Digestive problems gone. I will NEVER, EVER take a single bite of any type of peanut butter produced commercially. Hydrogenated oils are now out of my wheelhouse, and my digestive tract has never been better.

So my story is simple. You need to figure out what's bothering you, and it's usually something that you eat almost daily, which turns out to be the culprit. I've told this to many people, and it's helped out quite a few who take the time to religiously follow through.

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Illegal in IL not to have rabies shots yearly. Our vet told us it's been over 100 years since a dog bite gave anyone rabies on the USA. Even she didn't agree.

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Food is the key I believe. In the process of adjusting my diet and I feel so much better.

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Just heartbreaking to read the story of your dog and what he went through needlessly. We are never giving our dog a rabies shot again. We will only do a titer test and we will do that with some of the other animal vaccines as well.

And as far as the changes in what you eat - FOOD IS MEDICINE so we are very aware of what to and what not to eat. Good for you making those critical food changes. We must advocate for ourselves and for our pets! Big Harma sucks!

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T., I read your comment with heartbreak, I am so sorry. I dragged my 12 year old Akita/shepherd mix through thousands of dollars of Big Pharma "cures" which made her suffer and quickened her death, the guilt haunts me 8 years later and I still cry sometimes about it. All of our beloved pups had cancer and/or died of it. and cancer is the number one killer of dogs, it turns out. Rabies vaxxes are required by law here in Virginia and I just had my 12 1/2 year old girl vaccinated for the nth time. I hated it, and I have refused the other routine vaccines for several years. But Big Pharma makes its big bucks, so it will all keep going on and on.

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Hi Diane,

My loss of my Rita changed our lives forever. That experience, which was so horrific at the time, was one that opened our eyes to the Blind Faith we both followed for years before. We always completely trusted our vets and doctors, and the experience with Rita completely altered that.

Rita, IMO showed us the way to be skeptical of "professionals" of any type, and I'm sure that if / when I ever see her again, on the other side, she will be okay with it, as she knows that without actually having to live through that experience, we would have still been on that path of blind faith, and ultimately harmed by not thinking critically about everything. Rita's death served as the tipping point in our lives. Period.

Find another veterinarian. My vet won't vaccinate older dogs, unless the customer demands it. She believes that initial vaccines do their job, but repeated applications significantly increases the probability that they will develop disease from the shots themselves. It took us forever to find the right veterinarian. They're out there, but trial and error, or word of mouth is your best bet.

Townships don't scrutinize dog licensing applications the way you would think. They just process, and move to the next payment. We just stopped registering our pups and are extremely careful about their exposure to the public. There are other ways to go about the township requirements, which are all money grabs anyway. A good veterinarian will provide you with exemptions as well. The other ways, I won't discuss on a public board.

FWIW, our pets are vaccinated when we save them at the adoption agencies, before we ever get them. They're never done again for the rest of their natural lives, as I don't want to live through that ever again.

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Same with me, with my dearly beloved Rose. It still kills me since she trusted me so completely and I listened to the "experts" and caused her so much unnecessary suffering. After that I started refusing treatments, read everything I could before a vet visit, and have been very skeptical of everything any vet suggests. I tr to practice homeopathy for myself and my pooches. I know it sounds crazy, and I certainly love the people in my life, but I have experienced the most intense emotion for my pups.

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We are what we eat. Even using healing modalities that really work, we will limp along sick anyway when we don't change our bad diets. It can be so simple.

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My husband replaced his doctor (CDC shill ) when he told my husband if he gets Covid he will put him in the hospital. Oh hell no you won’t! We are both unjabbed and had Ivermectin just in case but we never needed it and breezed through Covid.

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A good friend 74 year old whos husband (84) has a repaired, or replaced heart valve, still sees his cardiac dr a couple times a year. To this very day, the bastard tries to convince him to get the death jab, even though every single time theyve gone to see him, they decline with full conviction and authoritive tone.

Why in the world, after all this time, would a. Cardiac Dr still try to coerce him to take a jab for a virus which is long gone out of the population?

Only one answer:


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Never see Dr's. My husband has to. I eat right Exercise and stay healthy. I'm very fortunate. Came from a Socialized country.

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Many doctors obviously have checked their brains 🧠 at the door in their haste to worship at the altar of WOKE.

Run, don’t walk, away from Big Medical, Big Pharma, Big Insurance including Medicare, Big government alphabet agencies, and etc. Find an independent direct primary care provider and take care of your own health. Resources include AAPS (https://aapsonline.org), DPC Mapper (https://mapper.dpcfrontier.com), and FLCCC (https://covid19criticalcare.com).

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Walking away from all prescribed drugs could be a mistake. Anti biotics, while over prescribed, save lives. My main contempt lies In the continued lie that the Civid bacteria came from a marketplace. Not a lab that moved location in December of 2019.

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If I have bacterial pneumonia and my immune system is tanking, then give me the antibiotic to keep me alive. Short of that, antibiotics will kill all your good gut flora. Seventy percent of your immune system is in your gut.

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Sheer madness! At a doctor’s visit a while back I had a questionnaire asking my sexual preference and it gave me about 6 or 7 choices! I don’t understand half of them! THE INMATES ARE RUNNING THE ASYLUM!!!! 🤯🤬🤯🤬

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Good grief! If I ever come across that, I will walk out!

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Good doctors are all planning their retirement. I've got less than 5 years left in the tank, unless things change radically back to good sense, good medicine, and recognizing mental illness as such.

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We have some excellent Dr.s in Scottsdale.

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There are some excellent doctors out there, allopathic AND naturopathic as well. Please don't give up.

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Indeed. The pharmaceutical industry has a big hand in training them! I call it the pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex now.

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One must take a practical look and pharma. Good and bad. Many illness are no longer a death sentence because drugs save the patient. COVID vaccine was ordered by the govt. Pfizer would not insure it because they told the government they needed years to test it properly. Politicians pushed them and didn't care. I believe the vaccine saved lives of elderly, especially those with health issues. It should never have been mandated. That was politicians.

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deletedJul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023
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We're 77 and 80. We have many friends in their 90s who had the vaccine and had no side effects. Infact none of our friends suffered any. My husband breaths at 25%, had Covid, Fully recovered in 5 days. Everyone was demanding something anything to stop the deaths. Our Govt. Obeyed. However everyone working in the pharmaceutical industry knew the vaccine was not properly tested.

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Margaret, I urge you to watch The Highwire (https://thehighwire.com/) and almost anything published by Children’s Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/).

Sasha Latypova revealed a great deal about the Dept of Defense’s involvement (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/interview-for-the-epoch-times-american?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2).

The Epoch Times is one of the few news organizations that published early (https://www.theepochtimes.com/). And, of course, Dr. Malone as well as The FLCCC (https://covid19criticalcare.com/).

Also, some books: The Real Anthony Fauci (https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08XQYGC68), Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/store/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/), and “Cause Unknown” (https://www.amazon.com/Cause-Epidemic-Sudden-Childrens-Defense/dp/1510776397)

The real story is very different, but one few who follow mainstream media or the information from government agencies will have heard.

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See a good homeopath to unwind and neutralize the overuse of antibiotics and vaxes (and get well all around!). Yes, it DOES work, which is why pharma as actively tried to stamp out homeopathy in the U.S. since the turn of the 20th century. The last of 22 Homeopathic Medical Colleges shuttered their doors in 1952, thanks to the evil of John D. Rockefeller. I thank God for the gradual resurgence of homeopathy in the U.S. in the 1980s. The TRUTH always rises to the surface.

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I highly recommend that you find a good homeopath -- there are many in CA and very good ones. Make that your first line of defense for your health care. It really does work. People are stunned when they experience it for themselves. The best time to get medical attention is after a car accident but for organic issues, see a homeopath. Even after that car accident, you'll heal quicker with homeopathic remedies. Go now, before the whisper of an adverse symptom gets worse.

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It's highly offensive. Why are the woke waging war on women? I'll be so happy when we bulldoze their bull**** out of our way.

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It serves several purposes. If one wants it to go the way of the toilet flush you push back and get called several names that are no longer offensive because of over-use. It is degrading to everyone which was the underlying intent. It is also a distraction.

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Well at 9 my only granddaughter decided she was a boy. School changed her name without permission. Parents still fighting back. She is 11 now. Psychologist just advised male hormone therapy. No!

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It is a sad time in history, when fellow human beings punish the innocent and others applaud, aid and abet. A very sad situation indeed.

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This will go away. I know of one girl transitioned in early teen years with surgery that cannot be undone. She is suing the Dr.s and hospital.

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Agree. We fought hard for what we have accomplished!

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And review your meds

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I have never had a doctor since I escaped parental control in the mid 60s. I never take reductionist formulations. I use natural health and healing. I never get sick. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

In keeping with the funnies format I should've said though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Don Gallo/Fauci...

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Amen !

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And as you are leaving the office refer to them as an Anus holes.

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"Bonus hole". I would think remarkably offensive to women. That bit of anatomy is quite an amazing construction - fit for purpose.

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Well "men" couldn't get pregnant without one. (Sarcasm)

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Oh dear, LOL.

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Anyone who asks about my "bonus hole" will find themself trying very hard not to die.

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Nooo, it's not stupid but funny, grotesque but depicts stupidity of woke-ism.

What about a basic hole in this whole-trans-business?

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Like I say time and time again, those responsible for this kind of bs are not intelligent.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone, if there was any way to shoulder some of the burden that you both have born in the early part of this ordeal, I know that we all wish we could have shouldered it. You might mention to St Peter at the pearly gates that you would like a little extra gold on your wing tips. I feel sure he will accommodate. Regarding the WSJ article of exoneration, I feel disgust like I would if a prostitute tried to preach the gospel of Christ to me with her John’s following her like bees to honey. It’s over for me. I will never believe them again. I will listen to first person accounts like I do here with you, Russell Brand, Robert F Kennedy, Donald Trump, etc etc. but as “news“ organizations go, it’s all Bud Lite for me!

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My sentiment exactly. The House is burning. It finally burns down. During the ash cleanup entities like WSJ opine about it how it happened.

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But why did they break the cocaine story? Why not just keep it a secret? Seems like it would have been easy. What was the purpose of having the media headline the story for 3 days and keep the pundits trolling it for.... who knows how long? Everything they do is part of a strategy, a plan. If there’s an accident or a leak, it is severely punished so that it doesn’t happen again. My theory is this is part of the deliberate plan on the Left to take Biden down, and out(for 2024).

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I believe it to be one of the many distractions to keep people from seeing some other ghastly thing coming our way.

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Yes, another distraction.

Look Balloon !

And if you want to know who's falling for it, simply go to your local grocery store, and look around. The mindless zombies of the propaganda machine are there, easily identified by gloves / and or masks.

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Mostly masks here still...

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NYC, Philly, LA, Chicago ?

Not surprised.

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Columbia Marylsnd

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I'm in Chicago. No masks.

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I agree. We see the distractions constantly now but to be a distraction it must not be harmful to them. The distraction can’t be worse than the thing(s) they are trying to distract us from, especially in the short run.

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To your point - no one cares that Hunter is an addict.

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We should to the point that the brat violated fed law when buying a gun after having been certified. an addict. Should have been charged, prosecuted and punished as a felon and that included as part of his permanent record.

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And his widowed sister-in-law, who he was banging, threw it into a dumpster near a school. She should be too.

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And the gov does not care Hunter is an addict that purchases a gun. Justice denied.

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Actually I find humour in Bidens speech against sending his kids to school with black kids. Black Mamas saying "thank you God".

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Agree. Since Benghazi, I've referred to that as the But Look Over Here! No, Here! strategy.

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I would not doubt that they already have chosen the date to oust the old pedo .. this is just using the buildup as an added bonus distraction from the ongoing communist roll out.

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I don't care. Ww have more serious issues. Like fentanyl deaths and kids shooting each other.

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They have much more on Biden than a small bag of cocaine..

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Yes of course they do, but how much of it exposes them? I expect a lot of it. The Biden crime family never operated in a vacuum. I suspect they are most worried about the potential for a circular firing squad. This is why Jeffrey Epstein was murdered in jail. The exposure of their true crimes could become a runaway pandemic. This is why censorship is so important to them. “Disinformation” is their sacred word.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

"to avoid offending trans or non binary people"-- wait a minute, what about offending all the rest of us. That is so awful. No, you can't make it up.

And we have men so self absorbed, so twisted, they are directly feeding infants some unknown fluid from their body. And that is celebrated.

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Yes. Try to take that one in. Insane!

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I thought they were trans. Have womens bodies, only way to give birth and breast milk comes in naturally after delivery..

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pity the writers at Babylon Bee. "Bonus Hole" is exactly like something they'd come up with. And we'd all laugh at the stupidity. Right up until...

The current establishment is so anti-female its shocking. They just repeatedly devalue women, and nobody on the "left" says boo. Its just mind boggling.

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Where are all the women's lib groups ?

Haha, been bought off by the elites, keeping their mouths shut like good little paid off weasels

(My apologies to weasels, as they're really just cute, furry little creatures of god with real purpose, unlike Bill Gates, Fauci, Klaus and the rest of the clown circus)

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Advocates for women are currently being attacked as Terfs. Trans exclusive radical feminist to you.

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Add surgically underpinned remodeledl females and you have surfs and terfs.

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David, when I read your post I couldn't help thinking about Donald saying "grab em by the pussy" and so many other derogatory things like "if she wasn't my daughter, I'd date her". Where is the right's indignation?

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Donald Trump was a spoiled brat rich kid. He thinks its manly to talk that way. As one of many who nailed Monica Lewinsky to a wall, I can assure you Bill Clinton similar. Men are men. Party does not change that. I look at who is the best candidate to put the USA on the right track. If one goes back in history many of our Prrsidents were guilty of adultery.

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Well I voted for Obama, so I'm not sure I can "speak for the right."

But I am old enough to remember when the left didn't like it when women were denigrated.

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Except for the sniffer in the WH.

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I thought you said no-one cares about the Hunter issue?

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Ah good one! I needed a laugh. D D - you are one sharpy!

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I voted straight Democrat most of my life. Including Obama. Do not care for far Right or Left. However Dems have gone bat sh..t crazy.

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Sounds to me like tranis engaged in their version of penis envy

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One side. If a man has that part removed I judge him serious about being female.

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Back to the middlecages when women were meant for the kitchen and giving birth. Actually that's what my Dad told me in 1962. Why waste money sending a girl to college?

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WSJ video was interesting and informative. But I disagree with a couple of WSJ's points.

They blur what's really happening by saying social media companies were censoring unpopular opinions, and they were censoring conservative opinions. The totalitarians love for what they're doing to be obscured by making it sound like merely a political disagreement. Actually, social media was censoring opinions DISAGREEING WITH THE GOVERNMENT. It's really just that simple.

Let's not fall into the trap of talking about it as if it's anything more or less than that.

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Here is Plaintiff Aaron Kheriaty’s article on the MO/Biden Ruling.


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Off Topic, but an important awaking by the movie called Silence of Freedom that explores the sex slave crisis! It topped the Indian Jones movie in revenue! Ask your self why it took 5 years after production to get approval to be shown in theaters! It is being nominated for the best movie of the year! It is also sending a clear message that not enough is being done to stop children from being kidnapped by pedophiles. It is an emotionally draining movie! Our open border between the US and Mexico is compounding the issue! Go see it and get angry!

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It's SOUND of Freedom.

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I think maybe Silence of Freedom will be a movie about how we were gas lite and censored to not be able to speak the truth about the Covid con!

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In one of my posts yesterday I called it that also but caught it before hitting post!

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There already is a movie out, called “freedom of silence” which is about the lack of religious freedom in the United States in 2030. Maybe Sound of Freedom will wake up the silent majority that has endured the manufactured turmoil of the last few years.

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YES!! Sound of Freedom is a must see film and should get people really angry about the border mess and the attempt by the some of the "powers" to normalize pedophilia. There are so many important angles in this film and really is a call to action. And the next chapter of this film is in the making as is a documentary about that entire operation. Thank you for bringing this up.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Thanks for the update! My gut is we have pedophiles in Hollywood and DC that wishes this topic is not discussed. Epstein’s Blackbook is being locked up for what reason?

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Thank you for the correction!

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I have huge respect for the men and women working to end this. If I see the film I will fall into a deep hole of depression. The Dancing Boys of Afghanastan, a BBC doc, stays with me. Children so innocent and without anyway to protect themselves should not have to live in that Hell.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great collection this morning! Thank you. And it’s about time, WSJ!!!!!!!

As for yet another insult thrown upon the female anatomy, that one doesn’t even come close to the CDC’s guidance for natal male “chest feeders.” IMO, that one cannot be topped. 🤯 It is ALL beyond madness.

Truth be known - They are not insulting us - they are insulting God.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best advice I can give on any health issue is to only go to a doctor as a last resort. There are so many ways to treat health problems besides drugs and surgery, and drugs and surgery should be your very last resort. Also I remind people that during the trump presidency there was censorship of health treatment too, and a cover up of the origin of the virus, plus safety studies of the vaccine were a joke, warp speed was a joke all under trump. There were lies and unnecessary deaths from the very beginning, it didn't just start with Biden. Both trump and Biden were terrible with covid, totally out of their depth. People are still dying from covid treatment and vaccine injuries and the public is just oblivious to this tragedy.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

This advice is part of the "great awakening" we are currently experiencing.

With regards to the "great reset":

Klaus, Bill and all the other demons can all go eat bugs and die !

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off topic, but feel compelled to highly recommend the film Sound of Freedom. A true story, dark subject matter, but well told. Very important and worthwhile.

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Buddy in FLA is going to see it on Monday. There was a 3 day waiting period to get the tickets, as it's only being shown on one day. The tickets sold out so fast, which is the reason for the wait, as everyone was buying them in advance of shows. CNN, in the meanwhile is pushing that the movie is a Q-anon conspiracy theory, basically saying that this issue, isn't really a big issue, but being used for political purposes by the right. Imagine a (Fake) news broadcast channel making light of the horror these children are, and have been living through ? These people who work at these propaganda machines are NOT human.

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There are no political overtones/undertones in the movie. No religion. No politics. No agenda, except saving children. Just the facts. Notions of truth for truth’s sake, honesty, sincerity, earnestness, goodness, and the like are lost on the Left. All they can do is project: if they had made this movie it would have been marinated in Marxist ideology, so they can’t help but think it (a Q-anon message) must be there somewhere. Prisoners of projection. Can’t see past the end of their nose. Frightening and very sad. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jesus Christ.) The opposite is also true: without the truth you cannot be free. Jesus says “Come unto me . . ..”

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I was introduced to Tim Ballard's work in an earlier documentary made about him which was featured on my church's website. It's called Operation Toussaint and was set in Haiti. Very serious stuff. It really showed how inhuman the traffickers can be.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many on the mark today! I acknowledge the disgust the worst generate. So very true - 'This fight isn't over yet...' However, I'm flying with the message of the 4th pig and the (overlords) train that isn't even on the track. The good news is the perverters normalizing is falling apart, good peoples eyes and minds are opening. Reactions and rejections are bubbling up. Better is underway.

Have a great day and week to come folks. We love and appreciate you!

As ever Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Superb collection today, bravo!

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Given some stories about the secret service since clinton on woukd not be surprised if an agent acted as go between for the first brat

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish there were a way to give you five hearts instead of just the one "Like." This post simply nails the current absurd climate in which we're living and give us something to laugh at instead of crying. Thank you!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please check out Gordon Chang commenting about the amount of Chinese coming through our border and their intent

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Taking over the USA from within ?

Haha, no shit. Try getting anyone to even recognize this happening.

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Congress, they know, they all know. It's part of the plan. I suspect that there is gun running also, storing just across the border in MX.

The CIA and FBI have been using the quasi CCP/PLA campus embedded within the MI University system for almost 20 years to construct programs for the US surveillance systems. Heck, the DOD has the CCP/US company Konnech build its voting system for overseas citizens years ago.

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I am witnessing it first hand in Austin, TX and my sister in law has noticed it in Michigan. Absolutely get the feeling they are taking us from within T.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I posted this late last night, but feel it deserves more views.

The piece states that Christians are being attacked relentlessly by the left, and that they may be the best group to fight back. That perhaps the reason they don't is a "bargain they made with the devil", the tax exempt status they get via 501C3 status.


back to haying...

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That is a topic started a few decades ago. I don't believe it's the cause for so many reasons. Just two examples of many - I am visiting Church websites for a project I've been assigned. Under the pictures of clergy and staff are their pronouns. The Catholic Church (not necessarily those in the congregation) is behind the NWO 100%.

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deletedJul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023
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I follow three different Christian websites. It is apparent that several mainline denominations are breaking apart at the seams. The non-progressive congregations have pulled away and many are joining them every year. On the other side; the last few decades have seen new non-affiliated churches establish themselves throughout the country teaching a watered-down version of Christ’s love for mankind. These churches are growing their congregations and that does not bode well for the nation. One of my nieces is married to a pastor in CA who has quite a growing flock. Last year my niece sent a video of her oldest, 9, who was in a team dance competition in San Fran. She was given the staring roll. I almost cried watching it and my son was appalled. The team ranged from 9 to 17 and included both sexes. I also listen to numerous ministers on the radio who say the Bibles’ teaching requires the faithful to not only stay the course but to guide their family members and friends to the righteous path by supporting justice under God’s laws. They point to our failure to engage as part of the problem.

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As I'm sure you are aware, a couple websites is not evidence the many Christian congregations (their members) throughout the country can not speak with a unified voice when attacked.

I think I understand where you are coming from, and the article above itself points out several "Christian" congregations that are tough to fathom. I am very disappointed at the direction of the Catholic relief agencies, esp the those dealing with the southern border. I've spoken with many local Amish, Christian, "born again", call it fringe religions, and they have been very skeptical of politics in the past. It seems they may be considering voting this time around. I remain hopeful and think the various children issues and trans crap maybe creating the change.

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My research is not limited to 3 websites. It tells me that not one mainline denomination has stayed true to core Christian teachings. Even what are considered conservative-doctrine churches are failing many of the tests on biblical truths. Why is this? Perhaps because one can always say, that is just your biblical truth or the culture doesn’t accept it. There are more agnostics and atheists than those attending church every Sunday.

But, to your point on Christian congregations speaking with a unified voice against things like children issues and trans stuff; they will and would if their minister, pastor, priest, Rabbi etc discussed those issues and said it was time to get involved. That time was a couple of decades ago. That is the first thing that a country does to control, it gets rid of religion (the thought that something else is your higher power, not the government). The ones fighting now are mainly those who moved here from other countries.

Voting is not the same as being attentive to shifts in the culture and counteracting through discipleship, community involvement, taking a leadership position in society, teaching your children well enough they don’t get swept away. As we saw in 2020 and 2022, voting does not provide actual results and it is a little late to think it ever will.

I’m Catholic and that church was overtaken midway through the last century. Vatican II ushered in its progressive era and it has never retreated. In fact, is doubled down with the installation of Pope (Jesuit) Francis a decade ago, who works for the great Adversary. Its congregation and a few brave Bishops and Cardinals (that Bergoglio hasn’t gotten rid of) are standing their ground. What the hierarchy in the church does is the horror story. After Vatican II kicked in the priest in my parish quit the priesthood in 1970.

If you care to know what the Catholic Church is up to catch one of Michael Matt’s weekly Remnant Videos here: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/6710-inside-the-vatican-pope-francis-bill-clinton-alex-soros/

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I would prefer if we might continue this discussion via personal email, but I guess that would entail broadcasting personal addresses, which I don't want to do.

I do believe the congregations will start going around their pastor/leader if leaders don't pick up on the trans/children issues.

I was raised Roman Catholic, knew several wonderful nuns and priests in 50's/early 60's, but never returned to the faith. But I dislike the way it almost seems vogue with some to bash the Jesuits. There are good and bad pts to the order, I believe their long study places, or placed, them as the most intellectual of the orders. I'm familiar with Franny, inaugurated or ordained, whatever, as the environmental pope. What BS.

As per your statements on voting, what is possibly left other than violence? I am curious what path to overcome this mess you think is worthwhile.

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People have never had to wait for a signal from a faith leader to care enough to be a part of the larger society and speak out to make a difference. They have to live in the world too. But too many 'faith' leaders are allowing trans and others into the congregation without speaking about sin, repentance and redemption. Everyone is welcome because Jesus loves everyone and that's all there is to it.

That is the problem with the Jesuits - they are too intellectual. Booted once from the Church, then a few hundred years later let back in and then left to run the education centers. That's why the Church is what it is today.

I went to an all-girls Catholic high school. Paths are few, avenues are closed - political - media - education. There is nothing left but the citizens to make their case loud and clear to anyone and everyone and not let up. They aren't, not the majority. It's someone else's job.

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