Just a theory…
Where does the infamous son of a president, who happens to be an addict, get his drugs? When he has the secret service protecting him 24/7? In fact, chances are those officers are even directed to keep him away from trouble. Therefore, Hunter can’t go out on the DC streets to buy or even contact old dealers via a phone. So, where to get a fix? Well, we have all watched enough crime movies to figure this one out.
Here is the thing about addicts. They find each other, and there must be long-time friends and colleagues of Hunter’s in and out of the White House. These people would only be too glad to help out the President’s son.
Put two and two together. It seems to me, no one “leaves” a bag of coke just laying around in the White House (or anywhere). That the location where the coke was found was probably an agreed upon drop off point. Whoever left it there, did so purposefully and that purpose was to supply the “Prodigal Son” with his secret sin. That is, drugs to feed his addiction.
Because who else would need to hide drugs inside the White House?
You can’t make this stuff up…
For those that missed this story, Sky News has a good review.
But this fight isn’t over yet…
Not a funny video today. But the topic is important.
Beyond the point of the video regarding big-tech censorship, the WSJ’s video also shows that 1) the truth is finally emerging in more conservative main-stream media and 2) news sources are finally getting less afraid to criticize the government for their failed COVID public policy responses and draconian censorship operations.
During the COVIDcrisis, I was repeatedly accused of being a mass murderer.
Now the Wall Street Journal has published an op-ed which puts the blame where it belongs.
”Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right.” (WSJ Article)
Bonus hole? That’s just stupid. If your doctor ever uses that term, find another doctor.
Drs Malone, if there was any way to shoulder some of the burden that you both have born in the early part of this ordeal, I know that we all wish we could have shouldered it. You might mention to St Peter at the pearly gates that you would like a little extra gold on your wing tips. I feel sure he will accommodate. Regarding the WSJ article of exoneration, I feel disgust like I would if a prostitute tried to preach the gospel of Christ to me with her John’s following her like bees to honey. It’s over for me. I will never believe them again. I will listen to first person accounts like I do here with you, Russell Brand, Robert F Kennedy, Donald Trump, etc etc. but as “news“ organizations go, it’s all Bud Lite for me!