With all of the negative things happening in the world today, sometimes we need to put things into perspective. There are definite benefits to putting devices down and spend a few minutes looking at nature and its beauty. They say even watching a sunrise has over ten benefits to your health. It can improve mood, inspire awe even reduce inflammation. When sunlight stimulates the retinas in your eyes it produces serotonin the bodies feel-good chemical. Lack of sunlight can contribute to depression. Vitamin D is also important in the production and release. About 50-90 percent of vitamin D is absorbed through the skin via exposure to sunlight. When witnessing a breathtaking sunrise they say it reduces inflammation, promotes a healthy circadian rhythm, reduces stress, takes time away from devices, they say it even helps to lose weight. Sometimes people, like me, need to be reminded of all the beauty that’s around us every day. I hope you all can take some time today for yourselves and enjoy what’s right in front of us.
Absolutely agree! Excellent advice! Sunrise pics are easier to get for old folks who are early to bed and early to rise. This one is from the back of our old houseboat.
I know, right? For 8 years, nearly every weekend, we sat up top with our coffee and watched the most magnificent show unfold, tracking the sunrise from summer solstice to winter, left to right and then slowly tracking back. I have so many pics, each more spectacular than the others. And, not to put too fine a point on it but imagine millions of sunrises and no two exactly alike. Ever. Only God could do that.
Agree.. That is the bright side of life. The dark side is eclipsing the bright side. WHO intends to control humanities health with the upcoming May vote on transferring medical crisis decisions to WHO. Washington is embracing it 100%. A political statement is "Jo and Ho must Go"!
The Japanese people had a massive protest against this initiative, but US mass media ignored the event! All is silent in the US. Sad. Where is Tucker?
Funny, not, but all important things are happening around us that we are aware of, or told to us months ago, now crickets. Same here Castro jr, was supposedly answering in an investigation regarding interference from China in our country. We have not heard a word about the results. As usual, we are just to make sure our taxes are paid by April 30th, nothing else should concern us. That man/it makes the majority of us Canadians sick. Praying he will be gone soon!
North Carolina banned the jab.....Hopefully this will open minds...and we can pray that other states will do the same. Keep contacting your representatives...tell them you are watching them...perhaps they will wake up. Forget the MSM...it is bought and paid for.
North Carolina University is involved in this unwarranted research. It is disgusting hat American money is supporting commercial ventures which have no merit.
Okay, yet another reason why citizen taxpayers need to stop paying taxes until they can assign their tax dollars to spending they are willing to pay for. The Revolution started with a refusal to pay tax on tea. Well, it’s past time for another revolution.
Gee, NC banned the jab? And this is the state from which the original transmuted Sars virus came via Dr. Barik who modified it enough to call it his own and had it patented.
What is going on in our government is totally illegal. We need Constitutional lawyers that can hold our representative's noses to the grindstone...and let them know that taxpayer monies should not be paying for one third of the UN's budget. It is a foreign interest and taxpayer money should not be used to support it. One of the senators here in Utah wants to get us out of the UN. No foreign organization can take precedence over our Constitution...and all those dealing with these foreign organizations are traitors.
Thank you James, I am in total agreement with you. Nothing prettier and better than Gods' green earth, the sun moon and the stars. When I was a kid, loved to lay on the grass and look up at the clouds and see all different shapes, that I made up in my mind. Be still like water, I say, get into your inner self and the turnaround is amazing. I adore Drs. Malone funnies, but oh so true. Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday. Cheers from a sunny gorgeous day!
Sunday funnies make my day!!! I look so forward to them, it’s like getting together with friends. I’ve been so down lately I wanted to post something a bit upbeat. Sometimes I forget.
You are not the only one James, to get down. These days it is so easy to do. My dear mother now in heaven used to tell me as a young girl, if you have your health, you have your wealth, all else is what you make of it! I agree Dr, Malone and his lovely wife Jill, make us all smile, as there is not much to smile about, the wars etc. are very depressing, not to say what the evil ones, regardless of party politicians are doing to us. It is in God's hands. God Bless, in Serbian it is Gospodi Pomiluj!
Your mother was a very wise woman. Like so many posts I could have gone totally negative but was reading about ways to feel better and came across the sunrise perspective. Thought it would be better for Sunday.
Spot on James. Thank you again. Our Orthodox Easter is coming up May5th this year, as per Julian Calendar. I love that special day, look forward to it as always, the church is full of people. The little ones all get a little basket with colored Easter eggs, chocolates and other goodies. Watching them happy and excited makes us adults smile, think back to our childhood, the good old days as I say. Cheers all.
Of course I am not a Physician but have been reading Dr Nehl’s book ‘The Indoctrinated Mind’ slowly and he claims that vitamin D3 deficiency exacerbated Covid-19 and sufficient vitamin D3 would have prevented it. Age was supposed to be the problem, but at a healthy 69 my Covid was like a bad flu, so I’m guessing my vitamin D3 levels were not too bad. Aside from supplements I did work outside three seasons for about my last twenty years or so prior to that.
Like you Scott, I'm also not a doctor(engineer). . . but just think what COULD have happened if instead of pushing a vaccine our eminent Federal Health System and MSM mouthpieces had together supplied and propagandized extra high levels of Vitamin D3, C, K2, and zinc with discounts on Z stack supplements!
Interesting fallout, but I was taking everything in z-stack except quercetin, so I started. My wife, who also is a retired geologist, actually a hydrogeologist while I did energy, had started taking z-stack along with other supplements. One day she found her eyelashes that had been absent for a while started growing again! You need to find Dr Michael Nihls youtube or other interviews. It turns out an even more sinister motive might have been behind the VAX. BTW we lost a good one with Dr Zelenko… a really wonderful man!
whoa?@! I had never heard of that before-- thinning eyelashes?! man. It is REALLY neat that they started regenerating. You gotta' believe that something there was missing in her "needed" minerals / elements . . .
I don't know either, but a lot of geology is careful observation and you first record everything mentally and take notes about the important stuff and to create memory joggers. You might think tracking is a lost art, but when you are doing field geology far from help keeping track of what kind of poop is on the trail, disturbances in the natural environment, and tracks whether they be animal, human, or vehicle is important. A big pile of really fresh bear poop (generally filled with remnants of whatever berry it has been eating) means you are at the end of the traverse, at least for now, for example. Having worked in this highly observational field for forty plus years she rarely misses anything including eyelashes or lack there of. That stated I Imagine you are right that the Z-Stack eliminated some deficiency.
Indeed. For those periods of my younger life when I clung to an exercise regime, I viewed it as necessary drudgery to be engaged in a few times per week. Now in my late 50s I feel myself getting edgy if I don't take my daily 2.5 mile walk or 12 mile bike ride. I always feel better about things at the end than the beginning.
We have three resident black bears; Diesel, Bosco and Boo-Boo. Diesel is about the size of a Volkswagen and we can almost hear the ground shake when he saunters down the drive on his way over to our neighbor's apricot tree. Other than that, it's mostly does and a couple of fawns in the springtime and sometimes a handsome young buck. No elk at our place, but occasionally a small herd in the valley. We also have about 3 dozen wild turkeys who think they own the place. Sometimes have to nudge them aside to get down the deck stairs. Got a blue heron we call Ichabod who fishes in the creek. Some juvenile delinquent raccoons and, when we had dogs, porcupines and skunks.
It's true, I had a Dobie who wasn't clipped and he looked and acted like Pluto and was the skunk & porcupine magnet. My wife had a fully dressed out female who was the canine equivalent of Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffanys". When they passed, it's been only cats and we prefer it that way: they're clean, they purr, they're cuddle muffins and very low maintenance.
I was happy that the forecasted rain did not materialize but the sun made an appearance instead. It made putting in election campaign signs more pleasant.
Agree! So many so spot on! Spent time with vaxxed family this weekend who are totally uninformed about the vax dangers. They actually made it known they have had 3 jabs and that they are just fine. No point in arguing with them - just believing all the propaganda about safe and effective. Can you say sheeple???? 🐑🐑
"When our politicians make their political decisions based on who's given the most money, we don't have a political system, we have an auction."
In the last month, I've been invited to two events with my US rep, one of these with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, one solo; and another separate event with Rep. Thomas Massie (solo). This is not because there's anything special about me, but rather, because I've had a history of activity in recent years, much more so before I quit my job over COVID nonsense.
Rep. Massie came in from out of state. Charged a reasonable event fee. Was one of the nicest, most genuine, funniest people one could hope to meet, and was perfectly happy to spend a few minutes talking to me with undivided attention.
For a 3/25 event I had accepted an invitation with a $500 event fee to gather with my rep and Scalise. $500 was for the bare, non-VIP entry. I came in at the non-VIP hour, they began speaking almost immediately, and shortly after wrapping up Q&A, they were both gone.
A few days ago, I declined another invite from my rep's staff. I explained politely that if after 4 years of activity, I've made no progress from all my letters and phone calls; if no one but one staffer can put a name with my face; if after $3000++ dollars in cumulative donations I'm still a plebe; if I don't even merit a hello and a handshake; then they can remove my name from their systematic e-mail regime of invitation and follow-up, as well as their postal list. I'm done.
So many politicians use us, take our contributions, and then spit us out or ignore us when we ask them to protect our freedom and tax money. And the best ones rarely get elected because of all the money behind the ones who are not even second best.
I still think my rep is a fine and talented woman, and I think her star is on the rise (along with her event fees). They move in a world of high intensity and high corruption, and it takes a special person not to be affected by that. I hope she can hang on to her obvious charm and decency, and not forget about the little people or the big issues that are politically dangerous to confront.
We have some good ones in Idaho, local legislature and local government. But even so, most of the offices are filled with corruption especially in my legislative district. We’re working to get a new batch that we hope will be less corruptible, like your rep. If they win, and all others in the Idaho Freedom Caucus are retained, we have a chance to clean house.
The key is to get to know these folks in person — before they hit the big time — and to stay in touch with them. The ones who give you their phone #s and answer your calls and emails without begging for money each time are the keepers.
And I am so sick and tired of all the TEXTS asking for money! I donate what I can, directly to the candidate of my choice. When I’m done, I’m done. Leave me alone! Anyone else?
Yes me! I want to know why I have to pay tons of taxes and THEN rebuy the governance I want! What’s up with asking me to contribute to passing a certain bill, or fighting for some issue. I already paid for them to get to Congress and then for them to get a salary and health benefits etc. why do I have to buy my constitutional rights over and over again!!!! I’ll say it again: stop paying taxes until we can assign them for or not for every damn spending proposal. That and only that will fix Washington DC
Barbara, you're absolutely right. I'm deluged with texts.
I learned how to change a setting on my phone to screen out unknown senders. I get a small fraction of the pings I would otherwise get, and this helps a lot during this political silly season.
And having had a close call with a fraudster at least once, and now wondering how many times over the years I've made a donation just on someone's say-so about who they're collecting for; I'm now very careful about texts and phone calls. If I decide to donate, I go straight to a candidate's verifiable website. No links.
Should be immediate. I can see mine split out between "known senders" and "all messages." Only known senders produce a ping. I just go back and clean out the garbage texts every couple of days.
I always appreciate the Friday and Sunday funnies and all the love and care you two put into assembling them for us. I hope you enjoy assembling as much as we enjoy disassembling — kind of like the Thanksgiving meal that takes forever to shop for, prepare, and clean up but only a few minutes to consume.
Another highlight of the Friday and Sunday funnies is reading the comments from your smart, witty, intelligent, compassionate subscribers.
Thank you, fellow readers, for supporting the Malones and the rest of us.
Wishing everyone a happy Sunday. Keep sharing the truth with those who haven’t discovered it yet.
What a glorious Lord's day! Praying for ALL who are in harm's way and suffering. Praying that in the midst of the chaos of the Middle East people will call out to God and He will show them who He is as the risen Messiah. Open the eyes of the blind, Lord... that they would see You. Praying the Lord's Shalom.
I started counting the ones I relate to and ran out of numbers. Speaking of "fan fiction" I had another go-around with S. Latypova by saying "I wouldn't watch or listen to her if you paid me", replying to Steve K's announcement of her on his "show". "Not friendly" applies. Have a beautiful Sunday, spring has been here for two days and then by Thurs. back to a high of 40's!
Love the broken rib photo shopped away. It's reminiscent of an experimental toxic drug for a pandemic that never was and that drug's efficacy and safety is so bad that we put it on our children's vax schedule.
With all of the negative things happening in the world today, sometimes we need to put things into perspective. There are definite benefits to putting devices down and spend a few minutes looking at nature and its beauty. They say even watching a sunrise has over ten benefits to your health. It can improve mood, inspire awe even reduce inflammation. When sunlight stimulates the retinas in your eyes it produces serotonin the bodies feel-good chemical. Lack of sunlight can contribute to depression. Vitamin D is also important in the production and release. About 50-90 percent of vitamin D is absorbed through the skin via exposure to sunlight. When witnessing a breathtaking sunrise they say it reduces inflammation, promotes a healthy circadian rhythm, reduces stress, takes time away from devices, they say it even helps to lose weight. Sometimes people, like me, need to be reminded of all the beauty that’s around us every day. I hope you all can take some time today for yourselves and enjoy what’s right in front of us.
Absolutely agree! Excellent advice! Sunrise pics are easier to get for old folks who are early to bed and early to rise. This one is from the back of our old houseboat.
That is gorgeous Meemanator. With something so beautiful how could you possibly think there is no God????
I know, right? For 8 years, nearly every weekend, we sat up top with our coffee and watched the most magnificent show unfold, tracking the sunrise from summer solstice to winter, left to right and then slowly tracking back. I have so many pics, each more spectacular than the others. And, not to put too fine a point on it but imagine millions of sunrises and no two exactly alike. Ever. Only God could do that.
Not too shabby, but might you not find Heaven an anti-climax?
I don't think the human brain can begin to imagine heaven. 😂
Agree.. That is the bright side of life. The dark side is eclipsing the bright side. WHO intends to control humanities health with the upcoming May vote on transferring medical crisis decisions to WHO. Washington is embracing it 100%. A political statement is "Jo and Ho must Go"!
The Japanese people had a massive protest against this initiative, but US mass media ignored the event! All is silent in the US. Sad. Where is Tucker?
Funny, not, but all important things are happening around us that we are aware of, or told to us months ago, now crickets. Same here Castro jr, was supposedly answering in an investigation regarding interference from China in our country. We have not heard a word about the results. As usual, we are just to make sure our taxes are paid by April 30th, nothing else should concern us. That man/it makes the majority of us Canadians sick. Praying he will be gone soon!
North Carolina banned the jab.....Hopefully this will open minds...and we can pray that other states will do the same. Keep contacting your representatives...tell them you are watching them...perhaps they will wake up. Forget the MSM...it is bought and paid for.
Interesting when the North Carolina University works in concert with NAIAD and the Barda. Correct?
North Carolina University is involved in this unwarranted research. It is disgusting hat American money is supporting commercial ventures which have no merit.
The Universities love the research $$$$ coming from NIH and it's branches. My Alma Mater UIC just honored Dr. Fauci for his career at NAIAD. :(
Okay, yet another reason why citizen taxpayers need to stop paying taxes until they can assign their tax dollars to spending they are willing to pay for. The Revolution started with a refusal to pay tax on tea. Well, it’s past time for another revolution.
Gee, NC banned the jab? And this is the state from which the original transmuted Sars virus came via Dr. Barik who modified it enough to call it his own and had it patented.
At least it is doing something to Ban the Jab...its a step in the right direction.. Hopefully it will encourage others into doing the same.
What is going on in our government is totally illegal. We need Constitutional lawyers that can hold our representative's noses to the grindstone...and let them know that taxpayer monies should not be paying for one third of the UN's budget. It is a foreign interest and taxpayer money should not be used to support it. One of the senators here in Utah wants to get us out of the UN. No foreign organization can take precedence over our Constitution...and all those dealing with these foreign organizations are traitors.
"Washington is embracing it (WHO treaty) 100%" Rand Paul and a team of Republicans are NOT !!
Dr Malone, love your funnies!
They are not running the clown college!
Thank you James, I am in total agreement with you. Nothing prettier and better than Gods' green earth, the sun moon and the stars. When I was a kid, loved to lay on the grass and look up at the clouds and see all different shapes, that I made up in my mind. Be still like water, I say, get into your inner self and the turnaround is amazing. I adore Drs. Malone funnies, but oh so true. Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday. Cheers from a sunny gorgeous day!
Sunday funnies make my day!!! I look so forward to them, it’s like getting together with friends. I’ve been so down lately I wanted to post something a bit upbeat. Sometimes I forget.
You are not the only one James, to get down. These days it is so easy to do. My dear mother now in heaven used to tell me as a young girl, if you have your health, you have your wealth, all else is what you make of it! I agree Dr, Malone and his lovely wife Jill, make us all smile, as there is not much to smile about, the wars etc. are very depressing, not to say what the evil ones, regardless of party politicians are doing to us. It is in God's hands. God Bless, in Serbian it is Gospodi Pomiluj!
Your mother was a very wise woman. Like so many posts I could have gone totally negative but was reading about ways to feel better and came across the sunrise perspective. Thought it would be better for Sunday.
Spot on James. Thank you again. Our Orthodox Easter is coming up May5th this year, as per Julian Calendar. I love that special day, look forward to it as always, the church is full of people. The little ones all get a little basket with colored Easter eggs, chocolates and other goodies. Watching them happy and excited makes us adults smile, think back to our childhood, the good old days as I say. Cheers all.
Your mother sounds like my Bubeh.
In Yiddish we'd say "Baruch Hashem!"
In Serbian Baba is grandmother. Close isn't it.
Close enough, my great-grandparents came from Odessa, Kiev and Poland around the turn of the 19th/20th centuries. You also use the term, Babushka?
Morning Jim, Mega BlueSky Sunday in my neck o the woods.
Nest birds building places for new arrivals.. None- crossed borders illegally either.
Of course I am not a Physician but have been reading Dr Nehl’s book ‘The Indoctrinated Mind’ slowly and he claims that vitamin D3 deficiency exacerbated Covid-19 and sufficient vitamin D3 would have prevented it. Age was supposed to be the problem, but at a healthy 69 my Covid was like a bad flu, so I’m guessing my vitamin D3 levels were not too bad. Aside from supplements I did work outside three seasons for about my last twenty years or so prior to that.
Like you Scott, I'm also not a doctor(engineer). . . but just think what COULD have happened if instead of pushing a vaccine our eminent Federal Health System and MSM mouthpieces had together supplied and propagandized extra high levels of Vitamin D3, C, K2, and zinc with discounts on Z stack supplements!
2020-2021 would have been a non-event.
Hey, just sayin'.
Interesting fallout, but I was taking everything in z-stack except quercetin, so I started. My wife, who also is a retired geologist, actually a hydrogeologist while I did energy, had started taking z-stack along with other supplements. One day she found her eyelashes that had been absent for a while started growing again! You need to find Dr Michael Nihls youtube or other interviews. It turns out an even more sinister motive might have been behind the VAX. BTW we lost a good one with Dr Zelenko… a really wonderful man!
Ok— my
eyelashes “eye-asses as my
kiddos used to call them) have become skimpy. To which supplement does your wife attribute their return?
I've heard castor oil - my drug store sells a castor oil and meringa concoction for eye lash growth $17.), how about taking keratin?
whoa?@! I had never heard of that before-- thinning eyelashes?! man. It is REALLY neat that they started regenerating. You gotta' believe that something there was missing in her "needed" minerals / elements . . .
I don't know either, but a lot of geology is careful observation and you first record everything mentally and take notes about the important stuff and to create memory joggers. You might think tracking is a lost art, but when you are doing field geology far from help keeping track of what kind of poop is on the trail, disturbances in the natural environment, and tracks whether they be animal, human, or vehicle is important. A big pile of really fresh bear poop (generally filled with remnants of whatever berry it has been eating) means you are at the end of the traverse, at least for now, for example. Having worked in this highly observational field for forty plus years she rarely misses anything including eyelashes or lack there of. That stated I Imagine you are right that the Z-Stack eliminated some deficiency.
Indeed. For those periods of my younger life when I clung to an exercise regime, I viewed it as necessary drudgery to be engaged in a few times per week. Now in my late 50s I feel myself getting edgy if I don't take my daily 2.5 mile walk or 12 mile bike ride. I always feel better about things at the end than the beginning.
Colorado Rockies ain't too shabby this time of year either.
Beautiful Nealstar. I’m sure you see some big wildlife walking through that valley???!!!!
We have three resident black bears; Diesel, Bosco and Boo-Boo. Diesel is about the size of a Volkswagen and we can almost hear the ground shake when he saunters down the drive on his way over to our neighbor's apricot tree. Other than that, it's mostly does and a couple of fawns in the springtime and sometimes a handsome young buck. No elk at our place, but occasionally a small herd in the valley. We also have about 3 dozen wild turkeys who think they own the place. Sometimes have to nudge them aside to get down the deck stairs. Got a blue heron we call Ichabod who fishes in the creek. Some juvenile delinquent raccoons and, when we had dogs, porcupines and skunks.
ha! ". . . and when we had dogs. . .|"
great words.
It's true, I had a Dobie who wasn't clipped and he looked and acted like Pluto and was the skunk & porcupine magnet. My wife had a fully dressed out female who was the canine equivalent of Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffanys". When they passed, it's been only cats and we prefer it that way: they're clean, they purr, they're cuddle muffins and very low maintenance.
Funny, we also no longer have a dog. Loved em, but cats we found are easier to manage. So, missy-hissy(female) and buddy boy camp out here. . .
Weird though: She has a bad attitude sometimes, he(runt) is a lover not a fighter.
There's a guy on Substack -- "Bad Cattitude" I think of her every time I see his moniker.
Maybe. But I just like it.
Beauful! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻♥️💯
I was happy that the forecasted rain did not materialize but the sun made an appearance instead. It made putting in election campaign signs more pleasant.
The Truth! Sunlight affects the body and the mood.. Bathed in the warmth of the sun for 50 minutes today and it was glorious.
This is without doubt the best collection of memes ever assembled. Bravo!
Agree! So many so spot on! Spent time with vaxxed family this weekend who are totally uninformed about the vax dangers. They actually made it known they have had 3 jabs and that they are just fine. No point in arguing with them - just believing all the propaganda about safe and effective. Can you say sheeple???? 🐑🐑
"When our politicians make their political decisions based on who's given the most money, we don't have a political system, we have an auction."
In the last month, I've been invited to two events with my US rep, one of these with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, one solo; and another separate event with Rep. Thomas Massie (solo). This is not because there's anything special about me, but rather, because I've had a history of activity in recent years, much more so before I quit my job over COVID nonsense.
Rep. Massie came in from out of state. Charged a reasonable event fee. Was one of the nicest, most genuine, funniest people one could hope to meet, and was perfectly happy to spend a few minutes talking to me with undivided attention.
For a 3/25 event I had accepted an invitation with a $500 event fee to gather with my rep and Scalise. $500 was for the bare, non-VIP entry. I came in at the non-VIP hour, they began speaking almost immediately, and shortly after wrapping up Q&A, they were both gone.
A few days ago, I declined another invite from my rep's staff. I explained politely that if after 4 years of activity, I've made no progress from all my letters and phone calls; if no one but one staffer can put a name with my face; if after $3000++ dollars in cumulative donations I'm still a plebe; if I don't even merit a hello and a handshake; then they can remove my name from their systematic e-mail regime of invitation and follow-up, as well as their postal list. I'm done.
Understand. Above and beyond your call of duty. What shortsighted people we elect.
So many politicians use us, take our contributions, and then spit us out or ignore us when we ask them to protect our freedom and tax money. And the best ones rarely get elected because of all the money behind the ones who are not even second best.
I still think my rep is a fine and talented woman, and I think her star is on the rise (along with her event fees). They move in a world of high intensity and high corruption, and it takes a special person not to be affected by that. I hope she can hang on to her obvious charm and decency, and not forget about the little people or the big issues that are politically dangerous to confront.
We have some good ones in Idaho, local legislature and local government. But even so, most of the offices are filled with corruption especially in my legislative district. We’re working to get a new batch that we hope will be less corruptible, like your rep. If they win, and all others in the Idaho Freedom Caucus are retained, we have a chance to clean house.
The key is to get to know these folks in person — before they hit the big time — and to stay in touch with them. The ones who give you their phone #s and answer your calls and emails without begging for money each time are the keepers.
And I am so sick and tired of all the TEXTS asking for money! I donate what I can, directly to the candidate of my choice. When I’m done, I’m done. Leave me alone! Anyone else?
Yes me! I want to know why I have to pay tons of taxes and THEN rebuy the governance I want! What’s up with asking me to contribute to passing a certain bill, or fighting for some issue. I already paid for them to get to Congress and then for them to get a salary and health benefits etc. why do I have to buy my constitutional rights over and over again!!!! I’ll say it again: stop paying taxes until we can assign them for or not for every damn spending proposal. That and only that will fix Washington DC
Yes! I agree.
Barbara, you're absolutely right. I'm deluged with texts.
I learned how to change a setting on my phone to screen out unknown senders. I get a small fraction of the pings I would otherwise get, and this helps a lot during this political silly season.
And having had a close call with a fraudster at least once, and now wondering how many times over the years I've made a donation just on someone's say-so about who they're collecting for; I'm now very careful about texts and phone calls. If I decide to donate, I go straight to a candidate's verifiable website. No links.
Yes, my daughter just showed me how to block the unwanted texts. Have been doing it non stop now for two days. How long does it take to make a dent?
Should be immediate. I can see mine split out between "known senders" and "all messages." Only known senders produce a ping. I just go back and clean out the garbage texts every couple of days.
Yeah it’s like setting off a chain reaction💣
I’d be done too! Totally unacceptable! 🤬🤯
I always appreciate the Friday and Sunday funnies and all the love and care you two put into assembling them for us. I hope you enjoy assembling as much as we enjoy disassembling — kind of like the Thanksgiving meal that takes forever to shop for, prepare, and clean up but only a few minutes to consume.
Another highlight of the Friday and Sunday funnies is reading the comments from your smart, witty, intelligent, compassionate subscribers.
Thank you, fellow readers, for supporting the Malones and the rest of us.
Wishing everyone a happy Sunday. Keep sharing the truth with those who haven’t discovered it yet.
Yes, the comments are a very important part of my reading! I feel like many of you are such kindred spirits !!
Here too! 😘
So happy to be a proud member of the MALONE CLUB!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻😘🤓
What a glorious Lord's day! Praying for ALL who are in harm's way and suffering. Praying that in the midst of the chaos of the Middle East people will call out to God and He will show them who He is as the risen Messiah. Open the eyes of the blind, Lord... that they would see You. Praying the Lord's Shalom.
I stand with you on that! :-)
This morning I realized how much I look forward to your Friday and Sunday humor strips. Thank you. This is a very refreshing humor break.
The one of jughead and jugears feeding iranian terror inc. was on the money..
I started counting the ones I relate to and ran out of numbers. Speaking of "fan fiction" I had another go-around with S. Latypova by saying "I wouldn't watch or listen to her if you paid me", replying to Steve K's announcement of her on his "show". "Not friendly" applies. Have a beautiful Sunday, spring has been here for two days and then by Thurs. back to a high of 40's!
Love the broken rib photo shopped away. It's reminiscent of an experimental toxic drug for a pandemic that never was and that drug's efficacy and safety is so bad that we put it on our children's vax schedule.
The updated twist on the Disney indoctrination cartoon is perfect
04/14/24: "Life's a bitch" and then you D.E.I.
Ha ha Good one!
Brilliant, I sat amazed but giggling at the biggest catastrophe that has been played upon humanity, while reading your Sunday Strip.
The most incredible thing is that some have STILL not realised the truth in it all.
Thankyou Dr Robert Malone.
Oustanding memes, Dr. M!!! Thank you for starting my Sunday with a smile : )
I got a tickle out of the closed captions near the end of Remys' video, "patriotic vowel sounds"!
Dear Doctor Malone, thanks so very much for the funnies.
Thanks for the “Not friendly” meme. My dog and I are laughing our tails off!
🤨 my Katz didn’t get the message - my biggest, a Maine Coon hybrid, will pester you to death, at least until he’s confident you’ve no food.
Got home from church to find him warming his bum on the idling corner gas stove.
Loved the video, new one for me.
sounded like a history lesson actually.