Thanks for making me LOL.

I was appalled hearing this story on the news last night. Why aren't AGs and DOJ protecting their people from mRNA jabs and the deceptive practices and monopoly of Big Pharma's collusion, antitrust and racketeering with the FDA, NIH, CMS and CDC? Especially the quip by Klobuchar saying it's a "monopoly gone wild"..."Tennessee’s attorney general Jonathan Skrmetti has also told news outlets that he would be looking into the situation. “There are no allegations at this time of any misconduct, but as the attorney general it’s my job to ensure that the consumer protection laws and antitrust laws in Tennessee are being honored,” he told the Associated Press.....Several lawmakers have also brought Ticketmaster’s practices into question. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has since called the company “the story of a monopoly gone wild” and said that the Senate would be hosting a bipartisan hearing on the issue. ....Nevada’s attorney general office also tweeted that it had received complaints about the ticket sales. “We are investigating the company for alleged deceptive or unfair trade practices,” the statement reads....The Department of Justice also announced its own investigation on Friday, focused on whether the corporation has abused its power over the live music industry."


There's more outcry, rage and media coverage over people who couldn't get a ticket to a concert while people are still being mandated to get jabbed and countless are suffering life altering side effects. We really are living amongst the brainwashed in 1984

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The vaccine generation must have their circuses while our Rome is burning away

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Exactly! All part of the ruse...

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Sadly, they don’t understand the our Rome is their Rome as well. Fools

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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I agree that some degree of decentralization should be part of the target. What I'm unclear about is the degree to which decentralization alone can keep greedy sociopaths and psychopaths from dominating the leadership positions in government (as they seem to be doing now). I think it's those all-too-human characteristics in certain people that are the basic cause of government corruption

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I think the damage was done when we let lawyers into the legislatures. Lawyers obfuscate to the point that only other lawyers can even attempt to understand what they say which is why they should not write our laws. That kind of amibiguity leaves it open for the sociopaths and psychopaths to move in

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What lawyers, and especially defense lawyers, are trained to do is unquestioningly accept the positions that their clients take and then cleverly construct a strategy for defending that position. And who are the "clients" of legislators today? The big-money boys who fund and support their reelection, NOT the voting electorate.

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So keep them out of legislation. Every time I'm told "sometimes you need a lawyer" I point out that usually it is to counter the problem created by other lawyers.

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and why are all the lawyers liberals? It is said that Plato taught communism/marxism was the highest form of government. I believe we should all focus on ultra-localisation and ultra-decentralization of everything. Including our money. We need blockchain local currencies. Make communities great again.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

It all begins at individual choices of submitting to God or themselves. The rest is just choosing the flavorings.

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God gave us the ability to choose and create new systems. Lip service honors no God. Doing something honors God most

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yes, thank you. WE have croney capitalism that has choked the life out of our economy for 2 generations. The millenials and GenX need to realize we don't need socialism............ we need protected capitalism. Mergers and acquisitions should be illegal, Large Corporations should be outlawed. Make small business great again.

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Yes. Basically, it's a never-ending game of "Look over there!" which, ironically, is a pain in the neck only to those of us who do not have our heads on permanent swivel.

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Always love starting my day off with a smile. The video of herding cats was priceless. Thank you Robert and Jill. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving and always.

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Thank you, Drs. Malone!

These would be funny if they weren't so much like real life 😢. But humor 🤣 is the best medicine 💊fur sure (cat reference 😾).

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Fun. I just love that EDS advert.

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The Feline ones you do with some regularity have a special place for our family as Cat lovers.

Our last cat (Moses, funny but true) lived to be 21, and yet did not master the science on vehicle county road velocity. But that sweet old boy had the greatest adventures a cat could have with us.

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These funnies remind me of the TV series hogans heroes

It was hilariously funny

It wasn’t until I realized what it was based on that it wasn’t funny anymore

I am overwhelmed by the fact that people who are family that are intelligent just disregard what I say like I’m stupid

To compare information I’ve sent them to the series doctor science

I am sad that people don’t even want to consider what’s being said

God help us all

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Gentle and caring conversations with family can work. Stop when you start to feel hesitancy, start on another day. I've been showing my research and explaining my thinking to my brother for many years. Just this year he said "hmmmmmmmmmm, you may be on to something." Keep at it my friend!

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

you are kind. this has always been the case. i’m the stupid one, for 30 years. i’m done.

i get cursed at and conversations are so stressful my body aches before and after. im always the kind one. i’ve never tolerated verbal abuse whether subtle or direct

It’s just too hurtful and the recovery time gets longer as I get older.

But I remind myself that we are all God’s children and everyone is trying to find a way to live

thank you though for the encouragement. I feel like I have a family here.

off to hear a good sermon. God is not scratching his head trying to figure this out.

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Prayers to ya! 🙏 I have a similar family only they don’t curse at me but somehow being the youngest is equated with being the Stupid One! Well…I am smarter and the strongest! So poohy on my siblings! Lol

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Thank You😌

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You’re Welcome

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Had an uncle while in USAAF was a guest of the Germans who would probably agree with your 3rd sentence.

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Actually an interesting story of his capture. Bailed out over Austria and holed up in a,"deserted" villa. Took turns guarding but finally conked out and woke up to a bunch of rifle barrels. Were later told they had found one of Hitler's summer residences.

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Great little ditties. You can always count on cartoonish humor to point your directional compass.

I feel we are still in jeopardy, listing to starboard...but the sails are plump and whispering to sail on.

A destination requires an even greater plan when you reach the shores. Are we preparing for it?

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I don't like the first image as it is an insult to people who work in fast-food places. Unlike the people who work at social media giants, people who work in fast-food places actually work for a living.

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They have to endure serving persons who work for social media giants

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Cat Herder: anyone trying to lead the GOP.

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Fox's takeaway from these elections was not, "our message was indistinguishable from 1980. There is a woke, trans and covid authoritarianism taking over America and we need to call it out clearly and fight."

Instead: You need to cheat too.

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Rinos in full agreement or may never regain full control of their party (whichever one they cleave to at the time)

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They might learn a thing or two about how to represent their country from Italy's new PM sticking it to the hypocritical Macron:-


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I agree! She is amazing!

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In the 'In This House We Believe' comic, substituting the word Pharma with the word Mafia will crystalize the meaning more concisely.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Hi Dr. Malone. Have you heard, and if so, what is your reaction to, the DOD involvement theory being advanced by some and supported by Mike Yeadon and Dr. Peter McCullough summarized as follows:

November 14, 2022 from Dr. Peter McCullough: FDA cannot and will not stop COVID-19 vaccines. It’s a military operation. So we will have to stand up ourselves to the military and executive branch. It’s their baby.


November 14, 2022 from Mike Yeadon:

Dear all,


We’re barking up the wrong tree, it seems, in trying to hold the medicines regulators to account. Turns out the whole thing is a US military operation & they alone make all the decisions, legally (because US law has been steadily amended over many years to make this absurd & offensive reality be legal).

This is dramatic new information. It’s clearly hopeless to batter FDA in the hope they’ll confess that they criminally authorised unsuitable treatments, because it appears they had no role (other than theatre) in these injections ending up in 5+ billion humans.

There’s nothing to prevent this cycle repeating, because as I understand it, the trigger is nothing more complex than the HHS Secretary deciding there’s a public health crisis and that prototypical agents X, Y & Z “may be effective”.

It doesn’t sound like there’s a more refined test or standard that HHS sec must use & no one to whom their decisions are referred.

To invent an absurd setting, the mass media could pump out information about a new public health threat that “may be treated” by “Blue Juice”, made in billion dose quantities by FakePharma Inc.

unknown to anyone outside the fraud, Blue Juice contains slow-acting cyanide.

HHS sec determines that there’s a PH crisis, casts around to see prototype “Blue Juice”, decides that this “might be effective” & authorises DOD to distribute said treatment.

Though deaths follow many injections, media & medical professionals simply repeat that it’s “Safe & effective”. HHS sec gets no contrary information that the “Blue Juice” is lethal & doesn’t rescind their order.

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Let's be clear, though. For whatever reason, the FDA and its sister regulating agencies failed to do their assigned jobs.

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the perfect engine of mass genocide the world has ever seen

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That herding cats ad was always one of my favorites! LOL

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Joyous Sunday. Peace to all.

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Dr. Malone, will your book be available on Audible? My failing eyesight has forced me to switch to listening to books.

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It's somehow not really funny any more. I use to laugh and remember these pics, but now I don't watch them. Man I dunno, reality has catched up I guess. It might have gotten ahead. The one with McDonalds hiring twitter layoffs is quite funny, but it's real, and btw. they are competing with facebook people from Sucks failed Meta. Are we going to see Sam Bankfraud teaming up with Hunter Biden?

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