
A note (which has now been placed in the website version): this quote is evidently not from Voltaire. The “fact-checkers” are attributing the quote to “white nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom”, (who they also point out was convicted of child porn) but the truth is - this is not his quote either. What he said in a 1993 broadcast was:

”To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”

So, let again review:

Who are we not allowed to criticize? Those who rule over us. The implication that a government is “ruling” over us - is not well tolerated. Hence, the electric fence around this topic. Proving that this phrase- whoever did or didn’t first say it, made the "fact-checkers” behave exactly in the fashion that one would expect. Someone, probably our government, paid money for the major fact-checkers, such as Reuters, to attack this silly meme.

The question is, why? Even though it is clear that Kevin Strom did not say that quote, but something similar THIRTY years ago, it was in the ruling classes’ interest to attribute it to him. To dirty the idea that there is a ruling class. To attach that idea to white nationalism and child porn, which are horrible things. Because that is how our government plays the propaganda game. By linking a public uprising to topics that are illegal or unpalatable. Never forget - Fifth-gen warfare is a dirty war that our government has been using for a long time.

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The frustration is when will half of this country realize they are being psychologically manipulated to hate each other by our own government? (Or those who rule over us.)

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This book addresses your concern in detail and suggests a remedy/plan of action to counter the manipulations. It is a well organized and referenced treatise. One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda by Michelle Stiles

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Each of the halves of the one war party compromise roughly 25 % of total pops, and believe themselves to be 100% of total pops, rather than the tango actual of 1/4 each divided on purpose to play the prisoners dilemma on the actual 50% majority of disenfranchised citizens who don't even bother because we all know this entire house of cards is made of corrupt shit.

Add a no confidence choice and automatically count all taxpayers as voting no unless they show up in person to say yes at the booth and see what happens in US politics.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have you noticed that Gate’s Microsoft discourages and warns you not to open a site that is critical to injections? The thought police are controlled by the master manipulators who have a preplanned agenda for Power and Profit! There. Is an alignment of goal’s between Darpa, Big Pharma, Gates and WEF. RNA injections have just begun without guard rails! The great harm done and will be done is ignored.

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Read an article yesterday on Microsoft's plans for Win 11/12. Searches via their Bing/chat app. Review of your Word dx with enhancements. All one could ask to keep your psyche in line. But for WordPerfect and all my none MS apps consideration of upgrading would be a flat NO. On the other hand escaping from any version Big Tech's heavy hands is a major challenge!

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It certainly is a challenge. I have boxes that are still running Windows 2000, WinXP, and Win7. I started using Linux (Debian) few years ago and I am still examining the options for virtual machines to run Windows applications with Linux. I hope to never have to use another MS OS.

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Power to you! I got Linux when WordPerfect for Linux came out. Unfortunately Corel was never able to get it right. I'm tight on WP. Never able to find it's equal. I actively dislike Word.

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Yesterday I posted that when you confront the med estab. is a goog time to invoke the Moscow Rules. Think that also applies anytime you see "fact checker" because you have certainly entered unfriendly territory.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unless one stores ancient copies of every person's 'would be quotes', an actual source may be wrongly attributed. On another substack, they poke fun at the questionable number of quotes being attributed to Voltaire!

We are at that fulcrum in our society where truth is greatly in question - too many half-truths and out right falsehoods. We all must be fact-checkers now.

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This isn’t about ‘fact checkers’, but I think it very pertinent. Thoughts? https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/03/no-forgiveness-for-pandemic-sins-until-the-guilty-repent/

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I was not going to read further when Christianity Today was immediately mentioned. It is a progressive org that spews falsehood. Its understanding of repent is woefully inadequate and not one soul gets save that way.

The article is right on point. There is zero reason to “forgive” those people, because they believe, to this day, that they were justified in their wrongdoing.

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Without repentance, there is no remission of sin.

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'Christianity Today’… is as about as Christian as Osteen is a true Shepherd.

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I hear you. We cannot hold the world to God’s commands, they don’t understand Him. However, there are universal truths that God has placed in our hearts… regardless. The Constitution is an excellent summation of this. That is why the Marxists and the neo-feudalists hate it. Pray for your enemies, pray for your leaders for God to open their eyes, ears and hearts to the message of the Gospel.

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Hello Dr. Nash I found this book and have read it and find myself rereading it as it contains a wealth of well-referenced and presented history and picture of the toxic propaganda to which we have been exposed and by which we have been manipulated. 'One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda by Michelle Stiles'

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But can you find a similar quote from another source? It might not have come from Strom, but one could argue it's a paraphrase of Strom's words, if that's the closest language one can find. Either way though, it was an effective way to discredit this quote. But nonetheless, the sentiment of these words whoever the source is still 100% correct.

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"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" and “white nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom” was convicted of child porn appear to be both true statements. How come only Strom was verified as true by those that rule us? Hmm, is that a rhetorical question?

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I noticed this selective assessment by "those who rule us" as well....what came to mind is "don't shoot the messenger". Whether the comment came from Voltaire or Strom seems to be irrelevant. The observation is valid.

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Seriously what triggered you? Where do you get that I disagree with Dr Malone's assessment? I said the statements were true and said nothing about the sources of those statements. "Whether the comment came from Voltaire or Strom seems to be irrelevant" is implied, because I only talked about the statements and not the sources.

Shouldn't you find it ironic and hypocritical that "those who rule" us are making the judgments about these statements when they apply to "those that rule us". The criticism or pretended fact-checking is simply political bullshit misdirection or simple ad hominem criticism. That is making the sources more important than the statement that was factually correct.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Sorry Mike...you took my comment in an entirely unintended direction. I was agreeing with you and sharing that the thought of the old saw, 'don't shoot the messenger', came to mind. Apparently my wording didn't convey my sentiment. .... I'm way too old to be triggered ;-)

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Marxism really is everywhere. Sure you know David Martin‘s speech at the EU Parliament on SARS history going back to 1965 (https://rumble.com/v2ncp8w-dr-david-e.-martin-phd-covid-summit-european-union-parliament-may-2023.html with transcript).

Ok, I understand that someone wants to kill (part of) humanity. But why? For profit? Who will they make profit of if all die? And how do they want to survive such a pathogen/virus spreading around out of any control after being released and modifying so quickly, plus don’t forget the vaccine shedding... In what parallel world are they living? Is this a Marxism competition, like let’s see who will kill more people? I really don’t get it... I remain believing in nature and spirituality, something that is bigger than these Frankensteins...

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I love This is my Pride Flag! Also the difference of opinion. Thanks for the funnies!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Then after “Animals with Misleading Names,” we can do “Government Agencies and NGO’s with Misleading Names.”

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023

Happy Sunday! May today be a day of blessing as we thank God for His mercy, love, grace and provision. Pray for wisdom, discernment, a tender heart and the ability to see others as God sees them.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Still over the target Robert, appreciate your hard work.

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Yes indeed. I especially liked “ you don’t need 30 rounds to hunt “

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

The 2nd Amendment was written and codified to protect the citizenry from rogue dictatorial deer.

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Nope, just an open mind and an ability to follow the money.

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I think this whole trans movement is part of the effort to remove "toxic masculinity" from our men. I say: "Let men be men!! Let them build bridges, skyscrapers, computers, and let them use guns to protect us!"

Fathers: stay with your children, and teach your boys to be men.

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Couldn’t have said it any better. Thanks Heidi

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always, all on point! My favs The flag I have pride in and the happy animals clapping (poor snake).

Looks like another nice day from here. Have a happy one! Lotsa positive thoughts to you and your flocks :) Bestest + ♡♡

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The funnies this week knock the ball out of the park. As a old maid prude, I laughed so hard at JP Sears’ interview, I fell off my chair. I’m still laughing 😂.

Note about the crocodile meme:

Version 1: Crocodiles do not go in the water it is unsafe for you and we protect our predators with signage (like baby clothes with pride / queer messages)

Version 2: Crocodiles, do not go in the water. People and other eatable life forms, there are predators here that will happily eat you. This sign is free speech information you may chose to use.

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The second amendment👍. Off the beaten path. Our world is an amazing place filled with life, new beginnings, the change of seasons from spring to summer... But as in all of peoples lives there also are things that come to an end. It may be a job, a relationship, a pandemic, or life itself. In my business one of the most important issues when building is scale. Imagine our world as an atom that has a nucleus (the sun) and we are beings standing on an electron (the earth). Could our world be scaled down to an atom flying through this universe on a tail above a large dogs ass? This is a possibility with our time based on the orbit around the nucleus being relative only to us. As to the scale of time, our lives may be as short as the May fly in comparison to other worlds or other atoms. But I digress. One definite accepted theory of science is that energy never dies. It can neither be created nor destroyed. But when a person dies what happens to that persons energy? Our bodies may die but as Einstein said, that means nothing, our consciousness continues to exist. When people on earth, good or bad, get to that point of death, and their is a judgement of one’s life, does one’s life energy propel that soul to the next world? If so should those who have lived a good life be conveyed to heaven, while the energy of the evil propel their soul to hell? These are questions and thoughts you may digest with your breakfast. Hope you all have a productive Sunday and summer. J.Goodrich

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To your exact point James. The spoken word is energy. An energy that never dies. It was God's voice, His spoken words, that brought all things into being. Today we rest and reconnoiter God's Word.

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Wow James, mighty potent thoughts. You might be interested in reading Dannion Brinkley. His first book is his experience during and after his first death experience. (Not even near-death). I know him personally and he is the real deal. A former mercenary Marine. He has had many experiences that woke him up big time! (no pun on woke intended)

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Thanks DD. I’m sometimes surprised in the lack of interest in a subject like this post of mine. I have thought of this atom theory for decades and always in my own mind could see the comparisons. Also thought of it as super interesting. Maybe it’s the dog butt comment, I don’t know??

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James, I am always surprised too, when I think a comment of mine is interesting... I have been educated and acknowledged by reading "a midwestern doctor. The forgotten side of medicine" You may enjoy the essays, long, but researched and varied in the content.

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I know his ex wife. I met her at a medical hospital in Mexico.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Do you mean Sandy? or Kathryn

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A lot of people believe in a cosmic balance or scale, hoping our good outweighs the bad… but none of us are ‘good enough’. If that were possible, Jesus’ death would have been a horrible mistake…and His resurrection irrelevant.

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I completely agree with you LDT, I sometimes see our solar system as a nucleus that we orbit around and find it interesting to think in scale. What is a 6 foot tall man based on? We may be microscopic in comparison to what’s out there. I do believe in god, I do pray, and see results of my prayers.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The first 5 minutes or so of this episode of the Andrew klavan show from this week, about Disney and Uganda, has me laughing out loud, y’all might like it too


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“Here’s to All the People with Different Opinions” is a much-needed message for all and reminds me of this Thomas Merton quote:

“When I criticize a system, they think I criticize them—and that is of course because they fully accept the system and identify themselves with it.” (h/t Micky Z. @ https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/hello-is-it-meme-youre-looking-for)

Robert, you may want to remove the Voltaire meme as that is being used to smear people who cite it since it appears to originate from White Nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom:



It is still a valid sentiment, but, as usual, the propagandists are coyly conflating it with “anti-semitism” as a way of suppressing criticism of the rulers, just as castigation of George Soros is ludicrously deemed “anti-semitic”—a perfect shield for the philanthropaths.

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Thanks Margaret. I did further research on this topic and then put a comment about this into the website version, as well as put my thoughts as a comment at the top.

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Nice job using this as a teaching moment to take on the fact-chokers!

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I was looking for the Bandaids. Hmmm...wonder if Target has the Rainbow ones?

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Some years ago when I had a CostCo card I wanted the assorted Bandaids in the large plastic container. Could not find it and asked the gal in the pharmacy where it was. She said that it is a 'seasonal' item. I said so which season have my ouches been relegated to. She laughed.

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Bumpersticker seen in my old university city neighborhood: “Bernie can’t be bought by a Billionaire!” My response: “After the second or third place on Lake Champlain Bernie is wholly owned and they aren’t selling!”

A side note: Several decades ago when I was last in Burlington on Lake Champlain I observed the kind of lake bottom plant life that only thrives on abundant nutrients also known as raw sewage. Unless they have done a lot of expensive mitigation recently too many of those lake front mansions have a short pipe directly into the lake!

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Here @ TARGET....We are a proud sponsor of luring the unsuspected into our closets every day.

We never close the doors to opportunity for change! We're just like a Rainbow after the Rain.

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“To attach that idea to white nationalism and child porn, which are horrible things.”

One of those is a horrible thing. The other is PR generated label crafted with the message that it is not ok to be white and not ok to be patriotic. Now they want you to associate “white nationalist” with “white supremacy” or racism (if we even know with that is any more after years of racist everything). And if he was those things, then yes, that is two horrible things.

But the opposite of nationalism is globalism, not “butterflies and rainbows”. And the powers that want to rule the world are surely behind this PR slight of hand. You of all people should know about the dangers of these labels designed to squash debate and control the free thinkers; anti-vaxxer, science-denier, conspiracy theorist, climate denier.

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I noticed I am not allowed to comment on content I have NOT paid to view..

I never paid attention to this, until today.


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