Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have said this before and will continue to repeat it. Although we don’t (as a community) know each other in person, the substack community has truly been a beacon for me. I “see” a number of you on other substacks. I am conscious when a regular stops posting for a while and you are in my thoughts and missed. This community has made my life more endurable. Thanks to all even when we annoy one another. : )

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We are sorta like wartime “Pen Pals” trying to survive and avoid the bullets that keep coming!!

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Wartime 🖊 pen pals is a great visual. True.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Who could have imagined the modern type of war we are in? Yes, Biblical if one wants to see it! Some movies & books for told of it to some extent! But still, living it for most of us is just too weird to imagine in our best (or worst) imaginations!

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Sharon, could not agree more. We reference it the twilight zone. Who could guess.?

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Yep. That series was often the most bizarre & horrific but fun to watch. Who would have thought it could be real one day!

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Totally agree!

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Love that! That’s another great thing from the past - Pen Pals

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Thank you Dr. Linda for expressing so well your feelings about this substack community. My same sentiments exactly. How nice it is to find some respite from alienation of family and friends.

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I agree. I feel like I've made friends here and have prayed for people who I don't see posting for a while or who seemed to be in especially difficult situations.

I must say, I feel like I'm in great company because I've seen so many positive, encouraging messages and much, much helpful info.

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Me too! I have been sick with 'rona. After a week, my muscles began seizing up. This reaction has happened after an illness in the past, especially if I become dehydrated. I have CREST syndrome, and I have always just attributed the after-illness muscle "burn" to that. But no doctor has ever been able to tell me what is actually going on. I am 13 days out from day 1 of illness. My doctor basically believes this is what I get for not being vaccinated. I'm basically talking the I Recover protocol, am eating and drinking now, and have my taste and smell back. But my burning muscles make any kind of exercise painful and short-lived. Has anyone else experienced this muscle burn phenomenon after illness? Does anyone have suggestions?

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Yes. First of all, you have what I had it’s just Covid or the Flu as I like to call it. I don’t have Crest syndrome but I did have a lot of pain in my calves so did my 2 boys and hubby about 2 days into being sick. I ate bananas for potassium. It took about 8 days for that weird muscle ache to diminish. It does pass. I too lost taste and smell for about 7 days. I retrained my smell and taste with strong spices and citrus. Your doctor is an asshole for making you believe that somehow it’s because you didn’t get VAXED. That’s a lie and you know it! Give yourself 21 days to recover by day 16 you will be up and about. Don’t take plaxlovid or any other concoction or potions. Use Vicks, a cool air mist vaporizer, Tylenol and Motrin , ice packs, heating pad for achy muscles, drink lots of cool water, lemon and honey from your area and rest, sleep slightly elevated if you can, starve a fever feed a cold. Eat the BRAT diet when tolerated. There is a stomach flu with this variant. I also took a probiotic and vitamins. So pace yourself. You got this. Trust your natural God given immunity to help you through it and it will repay you 10 fold. Feel better!

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Great comment. I'm just going to add my standard remedies: Elderberry syrup, oil of oregano, Cold FX if you can get it in your country. If you can't get Cold FX, I think it's an herbal, ginseng based cold preventive so look for something similar.

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Additionally, Covid in 2020 left my legs with a type of neurological need to spasm or ache. All above I use plus Magnesium. (Drink- Calm or supplement). Best of luc.

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All of the above sounds terrific with deep tissue massage 🧚🏼‍♂️

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You've received so much love. I shall add one more thing---WATER---stay hydrated.

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The muscle pain is normal under the circumstances, but I’d like to encourage you to look at magnesium deficiency as a possible cause. If not magnesium, then some deficiency is usually a cause and that’d be the first place I’d look for a solution.

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Sounds like a good place to start.

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Just because a doctor hasn't confirmed it doesn't mean that the burn isn't related to CREST. I'm not sure if you've sought out different opinions (sounds like you have). If so, I'd try to find a good alternate medicine person for opinion. I don't say necessarily naturopath because there are herbalists, nutritionists, ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine experts etc out there who may not necessarily fall into that category. It's a struggle, I know: my best suggestion is ask God for help.

I'm glad you got your taste & smell back. You seem to be recovering well and will now have natural immunity. I wouldn't worry about the not being vaccinated: my 4x vaxxed neighbours (husband & wife) both had covid recently while her also vaxxed 90 yr old mother did not - they all live together.

Take a look at this 25 minute video. The professor talks 1st about monkey pox but speaks about covid as well. I think his info is accurate; I say that going by what I've seen on Canadian gov websites. Kitco is a financial info/news site.


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Excellent video. Thank you.

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Thank you! Excellent video!

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Have you ever read the Medical Medium - Anthony Williams? His first book deals with protocols for chronic conditions. He also has some YouTube videos.

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I'll check it out! Thanks!

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IoNovo molecular oral iodine spray will deactivate the virus and feed your thyroid. I don't know what Crest Syndrome is, but I would bet that you are iodine deficient because over half the population is. I drink a full glass of water when I get pulled muscles and they dissipate very fast.


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I have one additional tip. Vitamin D has been shown through research to affect so many parts of our body including our ability to fight off covid. Take a look at this article:

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

found at this link:


There's a lot of research on vitamin D, Brett Weinstein has a video with 2 scientists that says almost the same as the article I've quoted plus they give some great anecdotes. It's about 2 hours and you can see it here:


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Great videos. Important to get a baseline blood test each year to check your levels. I overdid D3 and ended up with kidney stones so had to take a lower amount since I’m not deficient.

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I have been taking d3, k2, zinc, nac, c, etc. like it is my job since this info on effects of lack of d3 came out. Still am! As well as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Thanks!

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Sorry if this was the wrong place to post this.

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I’m fortunate because I never got Covid. I traveled all through the lockdown period. I did get both shots and a booster when they came out.

Have I been around people with Covid-YUP! my roommate on a cruise and a Lady that I help out a lot as she has MS.

I’m starting to think it’s just luck at this point.

The only thing I do that’s different is I have been eating vegan/vegetarian since 1973 . Been one for about 50 years.

Other than that, I’m just like everybody else.

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I have been vegetarian for 50 years too and am on no medications. I've had no covid shots, don't wears masks and mix freely with others. I am slim and fit and healthy. I've never believed any of the propaganda about Covid and wholeheartedly support and share Roberts protocols.

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That makes two of us. I couldn’t travel without the basic two shots.

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Indeed! Folks posting on substacks who have differing opinions mostly agree to disagree, politely and maturely, sometimes with amazing humor, which is so refreshing after the slamming and targeting on FB and the other places.

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Right! The name-calling is so juvenile - not helpful to the situation.

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Major Ditto! So glad to have Dr Malone and Dr Jill and all of you! Look forth to every publication and all the reactions!

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Dr Linda, I feel the same way you describe in words. And Dr. Malone, thank you and Jill for your courage and love for humanity. Most of the science goes over my head when others try and explain, but you, along with Dr. Jessica Rose are my favorite teachers!!! Peace.

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Feel the same!! Lot’s of love from Austria ☀️🌻

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Yes, it’s been a godsend being among this group. Honestly, it’s what helps get me through these trying times. Thanks to you and everyone else here, too! 💕

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Love this comment Dr. Linda. You speak collectively for the individual. It is my community of information and likeminded.

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I will second that Dr. Linda !!

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the encouragement, Dr. Malone. I felt alone for awhile, but now I know there are thousands, if not millions, of intelligent people who are in this with me. Today my husband and I will have the privilege of meeting Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Been, and perhaps others. I'm very excited to meet these heroes!

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Living in Queensland, Australia, I was starved of any real conversation from alternative viewpoints. Most of my country went into lockdowns and the fear people experienced was palpable. Smart, kind, compassionate family and friends thought I was the crazy one. Robert and the online communities I've discovered have been a great help to me.

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The Four Horseman are:

Medical Mafia, Political Left, Military Mafia (CIA and M/I Complex) and the Globalists.

They are all in alignment that they can improve on humanity's destiny!

The question is who brought them all into alignment?

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There are many antichrists Rose. The shock will subside. There is only One that is infallible. Obviously it isn't the pope.

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Rose, it simply that in the perfect garden of Eden, it was the snake, that conquered and divided. He was seeking power. Our world today is disrupted by the same. The desire to divide and therefore the evil have more or All power.

No, I don’t believe he Wins. But it’s ugly in the interim.

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Thank God I am a serbian Orthodox Christian, no where in our Holy Liturgy is the pope mentioned, therefore I have no idea what he is about. God Bless. Our belief is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

“that they can improve on humanity's destiny”. That’s the LIE they tell us! It’s really all about them and keeping or obtaining money, power and control of everyone else!

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Have you seen the Dutch documentaries titled “ Fall of the Cabal” it is an extraordinary piece of work that explains very clearly the HOW, WHY and WHO.

Loving your posts and this family- from New Zealand 🇳🇿

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Thank you. I need to watch. Hang in there! We gotta remain positive despite it all!!!

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I think I would prefer to open the question up to: Who OR WHAT brought them all into alignment. Could it have been the attractiveness of an ideology? The consequences of capitalism run amok? The "persuasiveness" of big-money influence and/or intimidation? Some combination of these?

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Who or what is an excellent way to look at things. As a musician, I listen by what a great mentor of mine said,"it's not WHO wrote the music, it's WHAT wrote the music." A person is an expression and an instrument for what they think about. We attract to ourselves what we process, hence the tuning fork principle or laws of attraction and sympathetic resonance. So the overall situation we are now in is a variation on a very old theme. Humans get lost and departed because of false identity giving rise to egotism which can escalate into heavy greed to the point where people think they can be gods without the humility to think there is an Ultimate Origin of Life that created Natural laws. This is written in various ways in all the spiritual scriptures. On with the Battle of Life everyone!

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Bottom line we need God back in our lives.

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The common thread is the global debt crisis and what it means for all the oligarchs and ultra rich leaders and their families.

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The global debt crisis is a symptom as well. There are and have been many possible responses to it. The one that has been chosen is diabolical. I say that because there are only lies in it, no truth and there is a complete disregard for who or what dies.

I don't mean to be preachy but the 7 deadly sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Think of that list in relation to the crisis we're finding ourselves in including the global debt crisis.

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All enabled by central banking and fiat currency ("Federal" Reserve Notes") with every dollar of it willed into existence as debt of the people. The greatest financial fraud in history.

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Please don't blame capitalism. What would you prefer, socialism?

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What we have right now is not really capitalism, at least not in the sense of free markets. Our gov's pick winners and losers with subsidies to a fair extent. Then there's the privatized profits but socialized losses. Not to mention cronyism.

But you're right, capitalism any day over the alternatives. Capitalism as defined by Milton Freidman especially.

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Milton Friedman was a teacher in the true sense. His Free to Choose series is available on YouTube. Sometimes when I need a dose of reality I will watch him or Thomas Sowell.

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LOL - sounds like the same issue with "Recession." - are we in one? Depends on who defines it...

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Not capitalism per se, but "capitalism run amok". For example, in my opinion Citizens United opened the door to unfettered big-money influence. Any system, including socialism, needs regulations that put a damper on the human propensity for greed. Capitalism just happens to be the system that we have, and therefore the one that has run amok in these ways.

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Naomi , I feel this is end stage capitalism. Mom and pop businesses are getting harder to run due to cost , they sell out to a corporation then a bigger corporation buys it! It’s happening everywhere. Small businesses are what American was built on. Greed and avarice has taken over unfortunately. I do believe this this can lead to socialism if we are not careful as a society.

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Under true free market capitalism, greed is self limiting due to competition. I’m 67 and I’m not sure true FMC has existed in my lifetime. “Crony” capitalism, or oligarchy, is what I’ve seen and these are not capitalism.

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We are witnessing some of that competition now. Big Tech made a coordinated decision to clamp down on free speech. That gave rise to alternate forms of communication including Substack. The competition element is still there even if somewhat restricted.

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We are on the path to socialism now. It terrifies me.

I think it can be turned around with the right government and policies in place. There is a deep yearning in many people to be their own boss and have their own business.

Inflation is poison to small business especially restaurants.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

How does the saying go? "Socialism is Communisms front porch"... something like that.

I don't think any "right" government or policies can correct this. Government IS the problem. At best, you have to assume that the politicians and bureaucrats are as human as the rest of us, and more than prone to mistakes and human frailties - such as hubris.

You or I make a mistake or act on a misconception, we don't wield enough authority for it to cause much damage to those around us. But the ill advised actions of politicians or bureaucrats can have huge and wide ranging deleterious effects. And, if you think beyond their actions being attributable to honest mistakes, and start considering the adage about absolute power and corruption, you can see that much of what government does now is with malicious intent.

No, I want a weak government that provides just the barest of structural frameworks for the society to operate within, and let We the People sort the rest out amongst ourselves.

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You've said it as well as it could be said.

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Unfortunately due to overhead costs , which include malpractice insurance, rent , computer charting, phone and computer lines, medical equipment, employees salaries , medical insurance, taxes ( including small business tax), medical license and CME requirements ect… many physicians are hospital based employees and not self employed anymore. That employment model comes with plenty of rules and regulations. Hospital system are getting purchased by larger system. Healthcare will become impersonal.

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One can face all the pushes and pulls in the world, from any and every thing - but it comes down to the individual's own core system of values. Standing on that base, one is responsible for one's own choices without blame or scapegoating.

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I agree. And it's that core set of values that can make one susceptible to certain pushes and pulls. I suspect the values that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab hold, for example, are different than the values you and I use for guidance.

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Media Mafia.

Big Tech Mafia.

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I believe the 4 Horseman added 3 more. Big Tech / Social Media, The Academies woke corporations.

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They are the tools of the puppet masters.

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This may be analogous to an alternating current. The corporations and the academics are probably the puppet masters.

Although, on second thought, the corporations and academics are likely the 2nd level of the bureaucracy that begins with the World Economic Forum and directs Big Tech and all of the Media.

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WEF has an educational program which puts them in first place. Everything is flowing from WEF!

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The Tao is fate. Other civilizations have faced disaster (Atlantis comes to mind) and have disappeared. If it is meant to be, it is meant to be.

As Solomon said, Life sucks and then you die.

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Not disco sucks and then you die? Just kidding, disco is cool

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The Tao is "the way," "the path." As in one reaps what one sews.

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It is important to choose wisely; but the fate of Betsie ten Boom is a reminder that we are never in charge of our destiny.

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I don't believe any of these Four Horsemen give one little damn about improving humanity's destiny. They ALL are in it for wealth and POWER. Follow the money.

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Negative Aliens. They were expelled from Earth and our Solar System in 2021. The problem that we have now is that few people in the Cabal still believe that they can continue without them. They cannot. If you want to learn more about it, read Elena Danaan's books or watch her free videos on youtube. Also Michaeal Salla and Alex Collier.

BRAVE - Elena Danaan. To the men and women of the Earth Alliance, from Earth and outer space, fighting for our freedom. https://youtu.be/P7XaIyGObw0

Elena Danaan Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAemtt2ylQPayduR5W9ENHQ/videos

Elena Danaan website : https://www.elenadanaan.org/

Dr. Michael Salla https://exopolitics.org/

Alex Collier : https://www.alexcollier.org/

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I got called a sheep earlier this week. For being anticovid vax. I just about fell over. After regaining composure I asked who are my big mindless flock and who is our shepherd? Cuzzzz I can easily name yours and I know where he is herding you. Do you?

Be a watchman on the wall. The wolves are out and hungry. Worldly and spiritually.

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Thank you for the comment on how we are not alone.....we have you and many others who are your friends and colleagues that we can keep in touch with online. I feel like I know you all personally and that has been my saving grace. I live alone and most of my friends and all my family set me adrift when I didn't get vaccinated.

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I'm sorry! You are not alone. Keep connecting with like-minded others and see if you can meet up. We have a new friend we met in Texas while vacationing because of a Substack connection. Now we email encouragement and links to each other.

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Susiequeie, this has been my experience as well. You are not alone. I too live alone and I am so grateful for the Substack community. Because of my own experience with “friends”, I NOW know how to be a better friend. Those disheartening experiences because I did not get the poison, have truly been a gift. As sappy as that sounds, it’s true. No matter If I don’t see eye to eye with others, I now listen more and ask questions and every time I do, it has been a positive experience. I realized in myself that when I would engage, I was using up my energy to try and wake them up, rather than coming from a place of curiosity about what, why and how they were coming to their own conclusions/understandings. This helped take away the heaviness from my heart and now I focus on observing my own reactions and resistance to others when I don’t agree. I still fall off the wagon at times and have to stop myself from rolling my eyes, but the friction is farther and fewer in between . Cheers to Dr Malone and a great community!

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Love that. Well stated. My path as well.

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People are so wrapped up in themselves now, best that they have set adrift with there version of reality, better for you to not have to be brow beaten with their opinion, peer reviewed studies by the drug companies making the shot. I have always been told by my ancestors, that the older you get, the more like yourself you become. The friends and family that are gone, were always going to be small is my point and Being in touch with a man of science and humility like Bob Malone is a far richer connection in this life. Kindred Spirits we are

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very hard in NY (or visiting my hometown of Santa Barbara, like you) to find a clan that will even listen to an alternative - yet truthful! - narrative. Spending time in VA at my son’s new college feels SO entirely different. I can see why you and Jill love it there, Dr. Malone! Blessings to you both always 🙏🏻

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jill and Robert. As I mentioned to you both last night while attending the JBS Leadership conference, the highlight of my 63 years (so far) was spending time speaking with you both. You are humble, courageous patriots for whom I am forever grateful - I’m sure as are my fellow substack followers. You said they now number more than CNN’s. Wow! How awesome is that! Carry on soldiers. The world needs you. Safe travels to you both and may God bless.

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We are living this new reality now. Moved across the country - virtually sight unseen - to start over amongst a state and people more like-minded. Our children’s future, to think critically that is, depended on it. It’s hard to start over, to leave a lifetime of friends and family behind, but these are desperate times and they call for desperate measures. Amen Dr. Malone.

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You are not alone. Just listened to a YouTube from a HA Peggy Hall: Topic:

Where are people moving and why?

While not an avid listener, the answers were similar. It was a desire to escape a tyrannical state in hopes of settling with like minded citizens as our nation perseveres

To fight socialism/ Marxist/WEF goals.

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Nope, not alone. While I have no children, hubby and I moved from east coast to Texas. Found a small community that we liked, and we are VERY happy. I do miss some conveniences, but I am happy, we are stable, and they seem to like their kids. That is very different from where i come from.

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Reminds me of the people who left England in search of a better life. Oh how history has a way of repeating itself.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

Thank you. Love the Sunday strip.

Got a text last night from an old friend and neighbor. She was devastated. Her husband got a blood clot (PE). They gave him massive doses of Heparin which caused an ulcer they didn't know about to bleed out. After 2 months in the ICU he died.

When she told me about the blood clot I said I bet he's been vaxxed. Yes, vaxxed and boosted. She asked me how I knew.

There are many, many people out there who don't know.

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I have often said that stupidity is excusable, ignorance not so much.

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How very sad. Everyone I care about, save precious few, have been jabbed and I consider every day without the worst of news, an answer to a whispered prayer.

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Me too. A few of my vaxxed friends have even had COVID twice, after they were vaxxed. None of my local friends have been boosted because I have shared all the information I receive. My cousin in NYC is a retired teacher and her teacher acquaintances have all been vaxxed and boosted. Teachers, who ought to know better, are some of the most uninformed and foolish people I have witnessed.

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Unless things have drastically changed in the nearly 60 yrs since I was an undergrad a good many of the folks who went into education were those who could not hack more difficult areas of study. If that has not changed then you have the answer

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You are right. The weakest students went into education and physical ed. Now I suspect they go into gender studies.

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Hopefully that would mean better students taking educ. degrees but sadly not seeing much evidence of that actually happening.

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Thanks for addressing the separation of family and friends. I posted about my experience on yesterday's comments and even that helped me feel so not alone. I cracked up on quite a few funny's today, thanks for all you do!

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Integrity. Truth. Hope... Thank you and Jill for all of these, and thanks to this community of readers. Have a beautiful Sunday.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all the work you do Dr. Malone. I love how you express yourself in words and in speech. I feel you growing all the time. Love the weekly strips too!

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have an amazing family and our relationship is strong. Having lost in 2019 my best friend (of 59 years) and the love of my life, the joy of family is what keeps me sane during times like these. Still, a troubling aspect of our vaccine differences, which are never to be discussed, is my fear for the well being of my two sons and their families, If I thought my perspective would influence theirs, I would take the risk of sharing. But I know that they strongly believe, that because of my loss, I am susceptible to “Misinformation.”

Some of us remember when the Vietnam War caused turmoil which we thought would destroy our Country’s common purpose. But we didn’t face then the obstacles which we face today. We came out of the civic hostility because we had an investigative MSM and those with obscene wealth weren’t around to buy off our political class. As you infer, it is “we the people” who have to determine the present outcome. It will help if Prof. Desmet is right - eventually those who plan total control, overplay their hand. However, it is likely when they fail, the damage will be almost impossible to repair.

Your advice is so true - we are not alone. Thank you for your leadership but also your inspiration that keeps us from giving up! What seems impossible today may turn out to be an opportunity to begin a return to the foundation of what it means to be a Democracy.

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Welcome and good post thanks. I knew we were in big trouble when Queen Nancy appeared in matching blue silk face mask & matching sash. All she needed was a tiara? Then when she entertained her audience (courtiers?) with tales from her childhood sandbox I knew the gig was up.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's been sad to leave friends and family behind and has been a huge test in my commitment to the truth and not living a lie of silence. There's no more middle of the road. Seems to be what the times demand.

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Agree.. sad and hard. Yet true to myself and my family.

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