On a completely off topic note, Dr. McCullough pointed to a study yesterday showing igG4 prevalence after a third jab explaining why people are more susceptible to COVID following additional jabs.

My long held observation has been that folks get jabbed and within weeks get sick. My hypothesis has been these folks aren't "catching COVID" at all, rather they're developing the disease within their own bodies. This study seems to prove my theory.

Subject gets mRNA injection.

Subject makes the spike protein the mRNA calls for.

Subjects immune response is igG4 prevalent.

Subjects immune system can't deal with the spike protein their own body is making.

Subject develops COVID symptoms.

Have I got anything wrong there?

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Yup, seeing same thing and if their health was less optimal to begin with, they are developing cancers &/or autoimmune disorders. Most of us (healthy or not) has something within us that’s laying dormant, and just needs a trigger to set it loose.

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I have seen this happen time and time again with people I know. I think your 1000 percent on to it. Why isn’t the cdc?

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Ugh ☠️

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Great ones today. Hard to pick a fav but have to say the water tower one really made me lol.

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Had to go back and look at that one, I was half asleep when reading it. At first couldn’t see the forest…..

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Sometimes I’m slow-witted. My town’s water tower says P.W.S.D. 7 – Public Water Supply District 7. Today, Monday, I thought about the closest town in the neighboring state. It has a water tower with its town’s name Louisburg. At this late date, I don’t even know what prompted that revelation except perhaps I was in need of a distraction? Perhaps it is this phenomenon which generated “the better late than never” saying, but I don't think so.

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I can't wait until the Davos crowd tries to force the United States hunting public we have to live in 15 minute cities and eat bugs!

They will be finished up in a day (I avoided being descriptive here) Hahahaha! (Vincent Price laughter).

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Unfortunately, they have already, subtly, started.

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Awesome memes today!!! From knowing how people died 10000 years ago up to the presidential debate behind bars, brilliant. The piling of lies on the American people, is a system built to inevitably collapse. Like all socialist/communist attempts, the liberal panacea society built on lies will fail as well. The only successful societies are built on hard excruciating work not myths. Bringing the lies to the surface is hard excruciating work also, so thank you Dr Malone for your hard work, the lies are collapsing around them.

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I might even support both those jokers running if I can be promised cage fights instead of debates!

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One over pushed the poison the other forced it. What a team...

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Curious you should highlight Robert Downey Jr. As the example of how to handle an attack interview.

Have you seen the clip of Mr. Downey with Colbert discussing eating bug protein where Colbert asks "are you trying to get me to eat dirt" and Downey replies "I wouldn't play you bro" accompanied by a very sinister look about him? Here's 👇 the clip Dr. Malone.


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Watch this. Anyone successful in Hollywood makes me shake in my boots.


Steve - The last line in your video with Downey was the best. 😂

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Laura, I'm so much like Mike apart from his success and financial portfolio of course. Physically, I've broken my back twice. I recovered the first break and I served in Iraq where I suffered the second injury which included my neck which is now fused c5,6,7. I have pushed through these injuries though and am getting back in shape.

I'd been sober for 26 years and relapsed on pain medications and back and forth between alcohol.. I was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I was Spiritually bankrupt again. God brought me back to AA and AA brought me back to God. I've always seen evil. I'm two years into this current recovery and I've see very clearly what's going on.

Thank you for this content. It confirms my gut suspicions.

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Keeping you in thought and prayer, Steve. God bless you.

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Just got a text from a friend that another AA member has suffered a coincidence... I've no idea his status at this moment. His name is Ron. And they have no idea why he's had this coincidence but they know for sure it wasn't the vaccine.

I feel like I'm in an Outer Limits episode!

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Clown World, Twilight Zone. You name it.

Some people will never awaken from their slumber even when someone close to them dies suddenly.

Prayers for Ron.

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Cognitive dissonance. They can't accept that they were lied to. It challenges their core belief systems and they just can't face that everything they knows is wrong. They also feel guilt for perhaps pushing others to take this poison so they bare some responsibility to their family and friends for getting them to take it. Then there's the abuse they perpetrated on those of us who tried to tell them the truth.

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Thank you btw.. And to you as well but I'm not good at praying... Really don't know how...

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There is no right or wrong way dear Steve. Prayer is just about having an honest conversation with God.

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (‭‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬‬:‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

I will also pray that you will come to know Jesus as your savior. 🙏🙏🙏

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jU6MUiQAQ8 Here is the first class he had in 2015.

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The 'Our Father,' is a good one to start out with and you can read it. I am watching a podcast from Father Jeremy Davis on afterlife and he is the only priest that I have ever heard speak about what happens when a person's dies. It starts out literally explaining what happens to your body and soul and the moment of death. He is speaking in an Orthodox Christian church as has people sitting in the pews. Most of people are old, but I think it is good to know these hard things when you are young bc you have more time to think about doing things differently. People ask questions and they are specific in their questions and he is specific in his answers, which is unusal. He tells you where he gets his information (bible) and he tells you when there is speculation and when deliberation is getting used and when the church fathers writings are getting used.

It causes me to have some trembling, but also it makes me a feel just a little better that I ask for mercy. I ask for mercy because I know that I have many faults and do things that are willfully against God's wisdom. Mainly, I stay angry because we have had serious abuse from our government-who we elected? Did we elect or were these people chosen for us?

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There hasn't been a real election in this country in many years. The coup occurred when Kennedy was murdered.

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I watched this and it was worth the watch. Thank you for posting it. It does make me sicke. In the ancient greek culture, pedaphilia was called pederastry and when Greece became Christianized the christians called this 'corruption of children,' and they fought against it and intervened when they could. The evil one was walking in the crowds whispering in ears to to corrupt the souls then and walks in our society now. It is horrible and even in churches, we have dishonor. John Podesta probably goes to mass and then he does what he does.

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"and then he does what he does."


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Laura, I watched almost the whole docu, I'll watch the rest later. Awesome info! Thanks for the link.

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Thank you Laura, I would never have found this information on my own, much appreciated. Knowledge is power and the grassroots are gaining knowledge on a daily basis these days !!!

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Thanks for my Sunday Matinee pick!

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Robert Downey, Jr. and Colbert aren't going to eat that. They just want everybody else to eat it.

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He looks preternaturally young. And does anyone remember this?

"Robert Downey Jr once got so hammered he passed out in the wrong house, alone in an 11-YO's bed, with no clothes on"

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Wow, I'd never heard that..... Is there a link to that event somewhere?

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Just found it thanks... Something very similar happened to me in my younger days...I to awoke in a strange house in a strange room in a strange neighborhood....I didn't get arrested. I bugged out when I came to and walked until I found something I recognized then found my way home.... That incident doesn't make him a bad person it's makes him an alcoholic and a drug addict which I totally identify with. 😉

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

How I wish "The Journal of the Fucking Obvious" was real! If only...

The dogs excited for the tree ahead was too cute!

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"The Journal of the Fucking Obvious" That is my favorite funny of the month! Well, maybe the year!

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We should definitely disseminate JOFO as if it IS real! (Because it IS!)

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Pups in the back saying I gotta go, I gotta go. Are we their yet?

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there yet?

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My three brothers and I (all within 5 years) in the back seat. My parents both had very long arms to address "he's touching me".

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I laugh at those memories now. Two boys 14 months apart in the back seat... You D D are a child at heart!

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A friend quoted Tucker recently, made her howl: "Let's check in with our lizard overlords in Davos, Switzerland." LOL

Your response: "I am the scientist who developed mRNA. If I have high objection to it being used in these experimental covid vaccines, my opinion slaughters yours. Good day."

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“Exsanguinate?” Dr. Malone, you just can’t help it, can you? Sometimes that nerd just comes out. ( that’s a compliment, by the way)

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We lived on a lake in Fla. in the 80s and in summer if walked out onto the dock at night that descriptive was very appropriate. They bled you dry both externally and internally from breathing in the little suckers.

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Hilarious, love the one with the dogs. I also really enjoyed that video lesson on how to deal with a passive aggressive interviewer, brilliant.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr Ma-Lion/ess!! Hahaha Journal of the Fucking Obvious! Sending that one out to the Normies!

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I love that one too!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing the RDJ video!

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Dr. Malone, just wanted to comment on how much I like the Friday/Sunday Funnies (brilliant idea). Humor has always been the best medicine. Also, on the clip, while I admire Downey on the way he handled the idiot reporter (very professional) I wish he also would have thrown the ‘reporter’ under the bus by saying, ‘you have a limited amount of time & yet are wasting it by stuttering thru trying to frame your questions. How much do they pay you?’

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent cartoons!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Detail, Detail.

It's the tree sign for dogs on the plains...right down to the wagging (de) tails.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOL, What a day! I listened to Dr. Robert Malone and Ed Dowd on Twitter space and then I switched to my emails to catch up on comments. I really enjoy reading what everyone has to say. I don't know if you all saw the Rebel news when they tracked down Greta T. and asked her why she faked getting arrested. That was funny, and then there was one they did with Albert B. (the vet & CEO of Pfizer) where they tracked him down and asked him all the questions we would ask. So funny!!! Good will win over evil.

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Again, all winners on target today. I think there has been more effort into figuring out why King Tut died as compared to the DS group... of course we have had 100 years for the former so not holding my breath on the latter...

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