Another good but sobering Sunday Strip. A little levity and snark is much needed these days.

I want that Mrs. Doubt Pfizer T shirt.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Majority of Americans are in a state of mass confusion that was expertly delivered by the government thru mass psychosis! Time to reverse the paradigm! Legislation to limit authority of CDC must be approved by enough congressman to stop going down the wrong road in medicine!

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Not a single story in main stream media about the breaking down of our flag at that rally on our Veterans Day weekend, is just mind blowing 🤯!

IMHO, if the ill-eagles can be bussed and flown all over our country, these people breaking our flags, should be shipped 🚢 the "L" out of our USA 🇺🇸

I'm sorry, but I want to know, WHEN will We The People start to DEMAND that this CRAZINESS 🤪 STOPS ✋️ 🙄

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I do not proclaim to have a viable or just answer to your profound question.

Though as shown in today’s Sunday Strip of the Meme: There are two parties now: Traitors & Patriots.

IMHO I suggest Traitors (honestly traitors are Treasonist). They need to be dealt with as such. Until that True Awakening is realized the ILK of the treasonist evil continues.

I am grateful to Robert Malone MD to share the Truth through the memes on Friday’s & Sunday’s!

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Just a reminder, was that not the same we blamed the German People for the Nonchalant attitude against Nazis? The only thing I see today all around us, is from the more acceptable News (you know who they are) reporting it is happening all over Europa, maybe to feel more comfortable about that we are not the only ones, and it is alright to tear the American Flag down on Veterans Day, watching to see that the police are standing by, not preventing them, means to me it is acceptable, after all the Radicals have the Right Away in all aspects in all what I have seen and wondering what is wrong with the people are we not loud enough or silently agreeing, and giving them more power every day, it is becoming a increasingly event which we are getting use too and I do believe that is what they all want us to be NONCHALANT!

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A friend emailed me this example of what has become acceptable on the Left and you are correct, it is allowed without consequence. I'll note that this does not happen from the 'other' side.


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When I think of the non-violent J6 patriots being punished in political custody, watching Benny's video makes my blood pressure rise.

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The mendacity of mainstream media should to my eyes be the first target of a takedown. I cannot build or even maintain community with anyone whose news sources are the MSM. We exist in different universes of knowledge and reality. I can’t bridge that gap, so the first thing I ask a person when the conversation heads in the direction of current events is, “Where do you get your news?” 99% of the time, I politely end the chit chat right there ... because what’s the point?

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Usually one comment from someone tells me where they get their news from. That news is ubiquitous 24/7 and no one has to go look for it.

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As a befuddled Joe Biden wanders across the world stage, his new title is "The Meander in Chief."

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Thank you for staying in the race to save humanity and reminding us to remain positive during this time of mass formation. Mrs Doubt Pfizer is a good one.

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I keep asking myself why do people pay attention to the MSM anymore and then a few minutes ago I read a clear explanation in American Thinker. Now my question is - do we have enough free thinkers to fight this? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/11/why_we_are_sleepwalking_into_tyranny.html

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Free thinkers hell! How many people today are required to think. Rote memorization has replaced actual critical thinking at all levels of education. Machines calculate how to make change. Every level of the work environment standardized to make workers automatons. And yes the msm is aimed at those empty shells offered as an audience. And the progressives are not giving up. Texas legislature passed a law banning the teaching that 1619 b.s. in schools and the taxpayer funded Texas school board assoc has a law firm teaching teachers how to violate the law. It is getting deep out there

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It has been a slow slide for sure. I see it as a tightly woven tapestry that has had the threads pulled out one by one, so no one noticed. Until the day comes when it falls apart. My fear is that we are just about there. 😔

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Free thinkers versus the state of human decay, known as ignorance is bliss thanks to many like the early propaganda/ indoctrination expert Goebbels. Me thinks we are outnumbered.

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Well Shelley I have often opined that while stupidity is excusable, ignorance is not. However,the other side of that coin is that while stupidity is pretty permanent, ignorance can be cured.

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That would make an excellent meme! I think maybe the cure rate, in time to make a difference, might be pretty low. Thinking Germany . . .

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Re: "that 1619 b.s."

Slavery predates prostitution.

"Against the Grain" James C Scot

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That's their mo Micheal. Always finding a way to cheat. Pathetic!

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Meemanator, THANK 😊 you for the link to American Thinker!!! I absolutely 💯 LOVE ♥️ that publication.

This article was right on target bullseye 🎯 on the topic that we were having in another Patriot group!!!

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There is no downside to spreading the word in as many places as possible. 👍

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You got that right ✅️.

It absolutely 💯 strengthens our position and resolve to beat the algorithms!


Share it as many times as we can!!!

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The vote is one thing but now, because they know how to cheat, we need thousands of volunteer poll watchers. No more shutting down for the night because a toilet is leaking!

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True, however, there are elections that are won by only 15% or 20% of the registered voters voting 🗳!!!!!

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I think it is a combination of things but one big factor is people giving up believing it's a waste of time because of the massive cheating. They did this in Georgia - broadcasting that Conservatives should protest by not voting - wonder where that strategy came from? 🙄

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Excellent article. AT is a daily go to for me. In MD our new Gov passes out goodies several times a week and encouraging "life is good's daily. However, once in a while amusing things beyond his control pop out. In Tea Party - Obama days a Group supporting illegal aliens received a mansion and major funding. They had a clear path to the WH. Between the state and welcoming administration's they've fared very well. However, they recently evidently traveled a bridge too far. They loudly came out in support of Hamas. Now a bunch of people have their piaw. That provides a touch of grim humor here.

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Seems to me that all that is just glitter, as shiney as it is, cannot hold up to pure gold. One is a lie, the other is truth.

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Let's hope that will be how many see it.

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Its reader's comments were right on the money also.

AT also did an article last month on Israel's failure to learn their lessons.


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Another point on article! The details of history matter though the devil is almost always in the details. This is a centuries old war that goes so deep there may never be a solution. But it is now being used as a plan b to carry on what the plandemic did not achieve. Why do Americans have to be at war with each other over this? Well, because the great and mighty 'they' need us to be at war with each other. The what is just a means to an end.

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As I read in another's substack, "Did they really spend all that time in journalism school just to be a stenographer for the authorities?"

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I guess they spent a lot of money to get a degree from a school that taught them how to be stenographers instead of journalists.

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I'm Mrs Doubt-Phyzer too!!!

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Here too! Happy to be UNJABBED!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Absolutely 💯.

I THANK Our Heavenly Father for answering my prayers and for directing my steps to see through the propaganda!

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Amen! ✝️💜🛐

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I strongly suggest that when the police arrest a protester who has crossed the line of civil ie legal behavior, they offer them a free one way ticket to Gaza and encourage them to help Hamas or arrest. A reality check is in order for many of these brainwashed individuals.

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Yes, reality checks should be issued.

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I 💯 percent AGREE on the PATRIOTS vs the TRAITORS!!!

Good vs Evil.

Common Sense vs Crazy.

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I saw this video last week and with all the negative things happening I hope this gives you some inspiration. I know it inspired me. https://youtu.be/BL22U0J_oCc?si=TG8HJ1_ugP2E6F_4

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Thanks James, I too saw that That guy was lucky the real American man had his anger under control, or else a slap upside the head would be fine with me. The nerve of some, the throwing them on the ground. I just want to add, about ten years ago hubby and I just got into the car in a plaza, a woman, not a white Canadian was gathering all her garbage that was in her Van, throwing it all on the ground right in the Plaza. Hubby was livid, rolled down the window, she was close to where we parked, told her not nicely, pick that up and throw it in the garbage a few feet away or back in your car, you are not living in India where you come from. Respect Canada or go the .... back. We sat and watched as she picked it all up and put it in the trash bin. Funny she kept looking back at hubby a few times, as she was throwing it. We waited until she drove off and onto the street. Don't know if she was from India, but judging by what she wore and skin color, many are here. If that was a man, he would have got a harsher tone. The nerve of some. Cheers all.


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Great story Donna, back in the day people wouldn’t dare do what has become normal behavior. No one has respect for what has cost the people that push the wagon so much. These people need to be taught respect.

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

A broader, humorous look at the extent of what has become normal, by a left leaning comedian.

Edit: Bill Maher, as he shows the audacity of so much of the present day left causes, and their attempted destruction of western civilization. Well done.


This is cross posted on Bannon's gettr account, and the subject of an article on Zero Hedge...funny, but my quick search didn't locate the original on "X"

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I agree with you James, and yet the cigarette butts out the window, let alone the whole astray butts, candy wrappers and beer bottles... At least in small towns we didn't see the heroin needles, but they were sure around. Opium in its pure form was widespread in the Eastern countries and here too. People will always find a way to numb themselves. Sad, but true. This is nothing new, perhaps more in our faces.

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Thank 😊 you my friend!

We need more BOLDNESS!

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"It should be normal." 👍

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Maybe a ‘color revolution’ has come here, perhaps? (or at least that is what they want us to believe) It seems to have been in the works for quite a while. Qatar owns much of London. Turkey is the MB. The pope has made nice with the CCP and the UAE… and he’s removed a conservative Bishop from Texas. He knows the world is shifting away from the West and he looking for a way to have the Vatican survive. I also think the ‘powerful' are fleecing the nation as its ship sinks.

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LDT, sadly 😥 I also agree with your last statement about the powerful FLEECING THE NATION.

However, I pray that there are more of us that WILL NOT ALLOW THIS SHIP TO SINK!!!

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Allegedly, Netanyahu to the jailed Jonathan Pollard in 2002: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

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I think it is up to God. Our nation is too prideful, immoral, bloody and war-like.

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He always keeps a remnant. My focus is standing in that light.

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Of course, but there is no promise to any ‘nation'…He raises them up and tears them down. God is not mocked, we reap what we sow. We have sown death…domestically and internationally, when we should have been preaching Christ.

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Maybe the nation, but I can't believe that about We The People.

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I guess I’d have to know who ‘We the People’ are?

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That would be those of us who care about the preservation of our constitution and our country. 🇺🇸

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

I think most people who value individual rights over majority rules... would like to restore our Republic and reinstate the Constitution. But if we're talking about God's hand of blessing on our future, that is a different matter all together, in my opinion. The church in America is in a shambles... many of our biggest churches preach war and cheap grace.

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saw you at the Florida health, farm and family expo ,. Watched via live stream on my Epoch Times subscription feed . Anyway, it was such a fun and rewarding thing to share with you all on a Saturday way out here in the rural exurban areas.

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Wow! Good stuff today! I saw the video of the Nazis tearing down our flag in Telegram. Truly despicable. We are in the early stages of WW3. History is repeating itself. I pray I’m wrong and this all blows over, but it’s not looking good imo.

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And then, there’s this:

Tucker Interviews Douglass Mackey, who is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. (26 min)


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Americans have been burning and tearing down our flag for decades. That's how they make a 'statement'. It's becoming harder to keep track of the reasons and sometimes even to know what the current reason is. If the flag is their property okay, but usually its the property of someone else and they should be arrested.

I'd like to slash the USG to bits but not the country. My answer to this is to fly our flag, perhaps upside down.

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When people from other nations take down our flag on our soil and replace the US flag with their flag, I take it as an act of war. They do not have the right to plant their flag in my country. I’m becoming less tolerant these days. Maybe it’s my age, now I just want people who dislike our country to get off my lawn.

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Bet you love seeing those “pride” flags” replacing Old Glory in school yards etc.

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It’s very hard watching our nation go to hell in a hand basket. Never thought in my later years of life we’d see so much divisiveness, so much hate. The Marxists are thrilled.

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Shelley, interesting idea: to fly our flag upside down = the dire distress signal. That would make a powerful statement if more people all over the country did so. Apparently many have already begun to, for a variety of reasons, and it is not illegal.

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