Thanks for that Max Blumenthal clip, which is particularly informative regarding where the swamp creatures go between friendly administrations. A lot of great work is done by the Gray Zone.
Yes and not only that particular part of the audit, but also the part about the Pentagon’s $4.5 million contract with a company called “Atlantic Diving Supply” to provide Ukraine with unspecified explosives equipment. This is a notoriously corrupt company that Thom Tillis, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, previously lambasted for its “history of fraud.” " And add to that the Intercept report by Scahill on the Nord Stream expedition-- "The German reports identified a 50-foot sailboat, the Andromeda, rented in the Baltic Sea port town of Warnemünde by a company registered in Poland and owned by two Ukrainians. According to the reports, a team of six people, at least some of whom allegedly used fake passports, left a slew of evidence onboard, including explosive residue. Ukraine vehemently denied it had any involvement in the attacks. "
Very glad Max is safe! Your chicken experience is one of the many reasons my husband won't let me have any. While I would probably not become as attached as I was to our almost 17 year old feline Sadie we lost last week (less than 48 hours after returning from a trip), I still form strong animal attachments.
I'm guessing someone has already told you about Emmanuel the emu. I think it was Toby Rogers who posted an Instagram video. (I don't do Instagram!) He is hilarious and I'm betting Max has just as much of a personality. What's the latest on Ivory's eye recovery?
Birdingmom - I’m so sorry about Sadie. We too lost our sweet feline, Echo two weeks ago. She was 11. She gave us such joy for the short time we were blessed with her love. 🙏😘❤️
Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss too, Laura. The worst days of my life are when I have to say goodbye - for now. But at the Great Restoration, they will all be there because nothing is lost, as John Eldredge is fond of saying. It's just such a long wait! The worst part is our 3 other cats are almost that age and one is in early stages of kidney failure, so we have entered that dreaded time. Hang onto the soul anchor of hope. 😿🙏❤️
Yes. That dreaded time is heavy on the heart. Our other three are younger so we have some time before we get to that stage.
What is so strange is that it was her liver. By the time she showed symptoms, it was a week before we had to ease her suffering and say goodbye. Our friends dog has liver issues too and she is only 7. So far, she is hanging on.
Can’t help but wonder since we live 60 miles from the East Palestine trail derailment. 😢
Yes, liver issues seem unusual in cats and are often associated with hyperthyroidism. I've had 6 hyperthyroid cats - first 4 "on my own" cats in a row. After #s 3 and 4, started researching nutrition b/c no vet could tell me if there was a food connection. (Because they don't have any nutrition training just like physicians!) I found it on - Dr. Lisa Pierson's site. Pet food companies use soy fillers which mess with a cat's thyroid gland. Of course there are environmental factors too. But we started making our own cat food 12 years ago hoping to buy more time. The recipe is on her site.
We lost our favorite black cat 3 years ago to lymphoma and he was hyperthyroid. We were given 3 weeks and we had almost 3 months. His brother is also hyperthyroid and the one in early stage renal failure. Lisa Pierson used to do consults for kidney cats but is no longer doing that so I've been struggling to find a recipe he will eat. We're on our 3rd variation now and he still prefers the original food. I'm fearing the next bloodwork will show we'll have to start subcutaneous fluids, which I hate doing. Sadie had x-rays in Feb 2022 for spine issues and it showed then there was chest congestion. She'd been on daily enalapril for months lately, but when we got home, I saw her breathing was quite labored. Our pet caretaker had noticed but didn't know if it was normal. 🙄 Another cat's face was swollen with one eye shut and so by morning, I was calling the vet trying to get both in. Our vet did x-rays on Sadie which showed her lungs were full of fluid. She didn't want me to take her home. I needed time to say goodbye, so we spent the rest of the day, night and morning together - with her eating anything she wanted to! - and said goodbye that afternoon. She was our son's first cat he chose when he was 11, so he came also. He's not a very emotional guy, which meant I cried more when I saw his tears.
I suppose it matters which direction you live from the E. Palestine spill. Our country is going down, being destroyed by those in power.
So, un-elected and un-accountable federal EMPLOYEES at the US Agency for INTERNATIONAL Development, shelled out 4.5 BILLION US TAX PAYER money to "Pay off Ukraine's 'sovereign' debt" - that is "Owned by the CFR member LARRY FINK - via (his) CFR SPONSORED "global investment firm BlackRock"!!!!!!!!
Anyone see or comprehend the ABSURDITY of this cozy arrangement for the FLEECING of US TAXPAYER MONEY by unscrupulous scoundrels?
Turns out, the USAID - is a so-called "independent" agency, created in 1961, by JFK Himself, and as of 2016 stats, has 10,235 federal employees; annual budget of some 27.2 BILLION dollars; salary average
around SIX figures; and is headed by none other than Samantha Power - who (formerly) was citizen of the world - Barrack Obama's Ambassador to the UN ( during which time (she) UNMASKED over 300
American citizens associated in ANY way with Donald Trump -during the FAKE Russia/Trump hoax ginned up by Hillary Clinton, the US "justice" department, FBI - and FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
WHAT A COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right Tom! JFK told us that it was up to us to make the world a better place in his inaugural speech where he said "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." It is my least favorite inaugural speeches - "WE" are the country and at that point in time "WE" were not asking anything of our "country" except to stay out of wars. "In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course." Thanks a lot JFK, put it on us. And then he gave us the Peace Corps.
USAID is really a shell company operating off of tax $$s that establishes NGOs, which are not supposed to be part of it, but they are run by it. It's been laundering billions annually overseas for decades. It funds the NGOs that bring millions of illegals to our southern border.
I voted for JFK - (back then, my knowledge - or interest - in politics was sadly lacking, but now with over a half century of intense study of politics, economics and history have opened my eyes WIDE with a combination of disbelief, rage, and flat-out ALARM at what has happened from WITHIN to a nation I hardly recognize ).
The depth, breadth and height of ABSOLUTE corruption THROUGHOUT virtually EVERY US institution extant is breathtaking!
And, Michael, get THIS: JFK did what even the ultra-liberal FDR would not - that being to codify and make legal the formation of US federal EMPLOYEE UNIONS!!!!! FDR said it would be dangerous and totally improper for union factions to form WITHIN the federal government.
Its amazing that this nation hasn't crashed and burned decades ago - but, then THAT is EXACTLY what "American" (along with INTERNATIONAL) Socialists, Communists, Fascists (and, one could say, MAOISTS) are in a coordinated FULL-COURT-PRESS to spark as we speak! Definitely a Desmet "Mass-formation" phenomenon that appears to be accelerating... nihilism on the march!
I believe it will truly take a MIRACLE to save the United States (as we knew it), from TOTAL collapse - as has happened to virtually ALL previous so-called "Super Powers".
USAID also funded a global hunt for dangerous viruses (the "PREDICT" collaborative research agreement) by the same gang that collaborated with the Chinese to discover SARS-like bat coronaviruses and later do gain-of-function work on them.
By the way, can you guess how many hits you get when you search the emails on Hunter's laptop ( ) using "USAID" as your search term?
Remember all of the Congress members against the Iraq war, against the Patriot Act and the TSA that stole passengers crochet needles and toenail clippers? Yeah, me neither. They all very well know what the agencies they created do with their appropriations.
If you had made hard copy print outs of the list from "A" to "Z" of the Councilor Foreign Relations members roster from 2107 to 2019 (that included background information), you will find names of BOTH (D) and (R) CFR members in the House and Senate and - such as Amy Klobuchar and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Today, names ONLY - but the list of US Corporation "SPONSORS" of the CFR is truly DISGUSTING!
It is indeed. CFR founded 1921; Bilderberg founded `1954; and with the Bretton Woods System and IMF they were set but Nixon was pegged a protectionist which was a disaster for the IMF so the Trilateral Commission was founded 1973. There have been die-hard globalist for so long, it's hard to imagine. That's why I use the term 'financial founding families'.
So happens that Nixon (aside from being "president") was also a CFR member - like SO MANY past US presidents were -as well as VP's...Biden is a CFR member as is Susan Rice, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell), George Soros, all (3) Clintons, Michael Bloomberg - so MANY GENERATIONS of so-called "elite" having NO qualms about selling out and JOINING the long sought goal of one-world TRANSNATIONAL "governance".
Financial GLOBALIST families might also be used to describe (them), or just plain and simple TRAITORS all.
Here is a video clip of Biden and Mueller during a Senate hearing on DOJ counterterrorism efforts. Biden says here that the Patriot Act was his invention from 1994 and it did not pass then because the right-wing were worried about it.
This video is on a substack I follow because the owner keeps finding the 'goods' and 'receipts' on the gov's malfeasance. You may find the entire article a great read!
Just got home from the WW2 Wright Museum in Wolfboro N.H.. Great take on a 4th of July weekend with a good friend that is somewhat a historian. Such a different time then, compared to such a different country now. People from all backgrounds then, banded together to fight for the cause. With this rudderless American hating, divisive government we are existing under today we sadly could never succeed in the same manner. Happy 4th of July everyone.
James, When I read "they banned together" I had a reaction concerning the fate of the black and Native people. That banning together really didn't go so well, did it?
Actually a large portion of the museum was showing the way the country did come together. I read Joe Lewis donated two large boxing purses to the navy and the army. He also volunteered to the army like tens of thousands of black people did. Children enlisted and fought, women took over manufacturing and America became a powerhouse do you not agree with that?
Yes, and such a small story of how the people of color were treated. I remember my mother being appalled, later in life; when in her young adulthood working at a bullet factory, the mantra was "kill a Jap" every time they made a bullet. I forgot to mention the Tuskegee "Study". Wow, forty years worth. Sorry if I am a downer, but this shit comes to mind...
OBECALP I maybe should have used band together. Not even in the revolutionary war were people so determined to help the cause. It’s probably why we won and have never actually won a war since because of division. By the way your right banded together is correct.
Excellent! Had my own chicken story from yesterday. 1 chicken got out while i went into the chicken yard yesterday. I couldn't catch her to put her back in the pin. Off to other things and I didn't get back till after dark. I looked all over for her in the yard and woods w flashlight - no chicken. Went out to check on the flock this morning and somehow she had got back into the pen, I suppose she was panicked around bed time yesterday and somehow managed to get over the fence and back into the pen.
On to the Max Blumenthal video. ...I went to a townhall meeting w/my congress critter this past Thursday. I had previously sent a email to the State Dept and both of my representatives about journalist Gonzalo Lira, a YouTube journalist ,and U.S. citizen, who has been detained by the Ukraine security services. I received NO reply from any of the above.
So I confronted my rep. about it. I also asked other questions about the State Dept/Victoria Nuland involvement in the Maidan Revolution in Kiev in 2014. He knew nothing about that.And he's on the appropriation comittee. I've since been trying to educate him on the history and current situation thru one of his staff who gave me her business card w/email. I sent the Blumenthal video to her.
So I guess what I'm trying to get at is to educate your representatives if you get the chance. They are still stuck on the fake Main Stream Media and even though they are in DC, even they are low info!
I also sent this one yesterday with Col. Douglas Mcgregor:
Good for you.. we have to shake off the illusion that all our experts and specialists know more than us... the majority of government agencies,our medical doctors and our health agencies responses during the covid debacle being a perfect example.
Thank you so much for the farm stories and especially Max’s life story, I'm looking forward to knowing how Max progresses. I'm looking at your present life on the farm and thinking to myself that would be one nice place to be in my retirement, but of course I haven't given any thought to the amount of work you must be putting into the place.
You are an incredibly good writer and I’m aware that you must have a mountain of issues to contend with at the moment. Please don’t let me hold you back Mate!
My eldest at 5 or 6 watched a weasel kill 11 of his beloved Indian Runner ducks. Climbed right up their backs, nearly decapitated them, and went on the next.
And then there was my bright idea of planting alfalfa and mammoth red clover throughout an orchard and its lanes. Fix nitrogen, natural fertilizer. Right. There's a reason for orchard grass. Every rodent loves apple bark and roots. Compound that with the sweet clover and delicious alfalfa tap roots, and I still can't get rid of them all. Ground squirrels, pocket gophers, mice,-- voles--they esp went to town this last winter. There was 2-4 feet of snow cover for over 4 months, and there was no end to their girdling---well up mature trees.
Happy to hear that all you need to do is stretch some chickewire across the bottom of the tractor coop. The chickens will still be able to "free range" thru the chicken wire. I'm not certain if you'll keep out the black snakes but they only suck eggs so at least you'll have the chickens.
German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte (now deceased, as tends to happen prematurely to some whistleblowers) wrote a confessional book (English title - Presstitutes Embedded In The Pay Of The CIA) in which he revealed how the CIA, more than a decade ago, indicated they wanted to start a war with Russia. They handed pre-written stories to journalists to publish under the journalists' names, of course. Trump was a wrench in their bulldozer/plans... but it does seem that more and more of the public are looking at our 3-letter agency leadership with a jaundiced eye, thank goodness. MSM still largely controlled, but.. we have great independent papers, writers, and journalists springing up in response (thank YOU, Dr. Malone!!).
I’ve always believed Ukraine is just a massive $$$ laundering operation, cover up of Biden family crimes and US Gov funded bio weapons labs‼️
If only the Putin crime family would play properly!
Thanks for that Max Blumenthal clip, which is particularly informative regarding where the swamp creatures go between friendly administrations. A lot of great work is done by the Gray Zone.
That was incredible! I was impressed with how passionate that guy is with trying to bring an end to that madness.
Yes and not only that particular part of the audit, but also the part about the Pentagon’s $4.5 million contract with a company called “Atlantic Diving Supply” to provide Ukraine with unspecified explosives equipment. This is a notoriously corrupt company that Thom Tillis, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, previously lambasted for its “history of fraud.” " And add to that the Intercept report by Scahill on the Nord Stream expedition-- "The German reports identified a 50-foot sailboat, the Andromeda, rented in the Baltic Sea port town of Warnemünde by a company registered in Poland and owned by two Ukrainians. According to the reports, a team of six people, at least some of whom allegedly used fake passports, left a slew of evidence onboard, including explosive residue. Ukraine vehemently denied it had any involvement in the attacks. "
Read this if you missed it:
What will it take to wake the zombies? I shudder to think.
But then I remind myself that God is in charge. Do not live in fear.
Robert and Jill - I’m sorry about your sweet chicken. So happy to hear that Max is ok. What a sweet, beautiful, amazing creature.
Happy 4th of July. God bless you.
May God bless us all!
Oh my goodness, Robert Malone, what WOULD we do without your sense of humor? If we can’t laugh at the absurdity of it all we are truly doomed.
He's not bad is he
Ditto and absurdity indeed.
Very glad Max is safe! Your chicken experience is one of the many reasons my husband won't let me have any. While I would probably not become as attached as I was to our almost 17 year old feline Sadie we lost last week (less than 48 hours after returning from a trip), I still form strong animal attachments.
I'm guessing someone has already told you about Emmanuel the emu. I think it was Toby Rogers who posted an Instagram video. (I don't do Instagram!) He is hilarious and I'm betting Max has just as much of a personality. What's the latest on Ivory's eye recovery?
Birdingmom - I’m so sorry about Sadie. We too lost our sweet feline, Echo two weeks ago. She was 11. She gave us such joy for the short time we were blessed with her love. 🙏😘❤️
Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss too, Laura. The worst days of my life are when I have to say goodbye - for now. But at the Great Restoration, they will all be there because nothing is lost, as John Eldredge is fond of saying. It's just such a long wait! The worst part is our 3 other cats are almost that age and one is in early stages of kidney failure, so we have entered that dreaded time. Hang onto the soul anchor of hope. 😿🙏❤️
Yes. That dreaded time is heavy on the heart. Our other three are younger so we have some time before we get to that stage.
What is so strange is that it was her liver. By the time she showed symptoms, it was a week before we had to ease her suffering and say goodbye. Our friends dog has liver issues too and she is only 7. So far, she is hanging on.
Can’t help but wonder since we live 60 miles from the East Palestine trail derailment. 😢
Yes, liver issues seem unusual in cats and are often associated with hyperthyroidism. I've had 6 hyperthyroid cats - first 4 "on my own" cats in a row. After #s 3 and 4, started researching nutrition b/c no vet could tell me if there was a food connection. (Because they don't have any nutrition training just like physicians!) I found it on - Dr. Lisa Pierson's site. Pet food companies use soy fillers which mess with a cat's thyroid gland. Of course there are environmental factors too. But we started making our own cat food 12 years ago hoping to buy more time. The recipe is on her site.
We lost our favorite black cat 3 years ago to lymphoma and he was hyperthyroid. We were given 3 weeks and we had almost 3 months. His brother is also hyperthyroid and the one in early stage renal failure. Lisa Pierson used to do consults for kidney cats but is no longer doing that so I've been struggling to find a recipe he will eat. We're on our 3rd variation now and he still prefers the original food. I'm fearing the next bloodwork will show we'll have to start subcutaneous fluids, which I hate doing. Sadie had x-rays in Feb 2022 for spine issues and it showed then there was chest congestion. She'd been on daily enalapril for months lately, but when we got home, I saw her breathing was quite labored. Our pet caretaker had noticed but didn't know if it was normal. 🙄 Another cat's face was swollen with one eye shut and so by morning, I was calling the vet trying to get both in. Our vet did x-rays on Sadie which showed her lungs were full of fluid. She didn't want me to take her home. I needed time to say goodbye, so we spent the rest of the day, night and morning together - with her eating anything she wanted to! - and said goodbye that afternoon. She was our son's first cat he chose when he was 11, so he came also. He's not a very emotional guy, which meant I cried more when I saw his tears.
I suppose it matters which direction you live from the E. Palestine spill. Our country is going down, being destroyed by those in power.
Birdingmom - your cats are blessed to have you as their Mom. Such labors of love.
Must have been so hard to watch your son’s grief. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you for the link. 🙏😘❤️
Wait just a damn minute!!!
So, un-elected and un-accountable federal EMPLOYEES at the US Agency for INTERNATIONAL Development, shelled out 4.5 BILLION US TAX PAYER money to "Pay off Ukraine's 'sovereign' debt" - that is "Owned by the CFR member LARRY FINK - via (his) CFR SPONSORED "global investment firm BlackRock"!!!!!!!!
Anyone see or comprehend the ABSURDITY of this cozy arrangement for the FLEECING of US TAXPAYER MONEY by unscrupulous scoundrels?
Turns out, the USAID - is a so-called "independent" agency, created in 1961, by JFK Himself, and as of 2016 stats, has 10,235 federal employees; annual budget of some 27.2 BILLION dollars; salary average
around SIX figures; and is headed by none other than Samantha Power - who (formerly) was citizen of the world - Barrack Obama's Ambassador to the UN ( during which time (she) UNMASKED over 300
American citizens associated in ANY way with Donald Trump -during the FAKE Russia/Trump hoax ginned up by Hillary Clinton, the US "justice" department, FBI - and FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
WHAT A COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right Tom! JFK told us that it was up to us to make the world a better place in his inaugural speech where he said "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." It is my least favorite inaugural speeches - "WE" are the country and at that point in time "WE" were not asking anything of our "country" except to stay out of wars. "In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course." Thanks a lot JFK, put it on us. And then he gave us the Peace Corps.
USAID is really a shell company operating off of tax $$s that establishes NGOs, which are not supposed to be part of it, but they are run by it. It's been laundering billions annually overseas for decades. It funds the NGOs that bring millions of illegals to our southern border.
Spot-on, Shelley!
I voted for JFK - (back then, my knowledge - or interest - in politics was sadly lacking, but now with over a half century of intense study of politics, economics and history have opened my eyes WIDE with a combination of disbelief, rage, and flat-out ALARM at what has happened from WITHIN to a nation I hardly recognize ).
The depth, breadth and height of ABSOLUTE corruption THROUGHOUT virtually EVERY US institution extant is breathtaking!
J.f.k. also sent the first draftees to s.e. asia which is one of my main gripes but far from the only one.
And, Michael, get THIS: JFK did what even the ultra-liberal FDR would not - that being to codify and make legal the formation of US federal EMPLOYEE UNIONS!!!!! FDR said it would be dangerous and totally improper for union factions to form WITHIN the federal government.
Its amazing that this nation hasn't crashed and burned decades ago - but, then THAT is EXACTLY what "American" (along with INTERNATIONAL) Socialists, Communists, Fascists (and, one could say, MAOISTS) are in a coordinated FULL-COURT-PRESS to spark as we speak! Definitely a Desmet "Mass-formation" phenomenon that appears to be accelerating... nihilism on the march!
I believe it will truly take a MIRACLE to save the United States (as we knew it), from TOTAL collapse - as has happened to virtually ALL previous so-called "Super Powers".
As I said, lots of reasons and do not want that family anywhere near that oval office again
The person from "that family" may well become the Socialists, er, "Democrats" choice (to) front for them in 2024.
USAID also funded a global hunt for dangerous viruses (the "PREDICT" collaborative research agreement) by the same gang that collaborated with the Chinese to discover SARS-like bat coronaviruses and later do gain-of-function work on them.
By the way, can you guess how many hits you get when you search the emails on Hunter's laptop ( ) using "USAID" as your search term?
WOW! Thanks for sending the link.
Maybe Reagan was right when he said "But I ask you, are not the aliens among us right now"?
Remember all of the Congress members against the Iraq war, against the Patriot Act and the TSA that stole passengers crochet needles and toenail clippers? Yeah, me neither. They all very well know what the agencies they created do with their appropriations.
If you had made hard copy print outs of the list from "A" to "Z" of the Councilor Foreign Relations members roster from 2107 to 2019 (that included background information), you will find names of BOTH (D) and (R) CFR members in the House and Senate and - such as Amy Klobuchar and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Today, names ONLY - but the list of US Corporation "SPONSORS" of the CFR is truly DISGUSTING!
It is indeed. CFR founded 1921; Bilderberg founded `1954; and with the Bretton Woods System and IMF they were set but Nixon was pegged a protectionist which was a disaster for the IMF so the Trilateral Commission was founded 1973. There have been die-hard globalist for so long, it's hard to imagine. That's why I use the term 'financial founding families'.
So happens that Nixon (aside from being "president") was also a CFR member - like SO MANY past US presidents were -as well as VP's...Biden is a CFR member as is Susan Rice, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell), George Soros, all (3) Clintons, Michael Bloomberg - so MANY GENERATIONS of so-called "elite" having NO qualms about selling out and JOINING the long sought goal of one-world TRANSNATIONAL "governance".
Financial GLOBALIST families might also be used to describe (them), or just plain and simple TRAITORS all.
Here is a video clip of Biden and Mueller during a Senate hearing on DOJ counterterrorism efforts. Biden says here that the Patriot Act was his invention from 1994 and it did not pass then because the right-wing were worried about it.
This video is on a substack I follow because the owner keeps finding the 'goods' and 'receipts' on the gov's malfeasance. You may find the entire article a great read!
"Chickens, as long as they aren’t stressed for space are gentle creatures."
Same goes for humans, mostly.
Just got home from the WW2 Wright Museum in Wolfboro N.H.. Great take on a 4th of July weekend with a good friend that is somewhat a historian. Such a different time then, compared to such a different country now. People from all backgrounds then, banded together to fight for the cause. With this rudderless American hating, divisive government we are existing under today we sadly could never succeed in the same manner. Happy 4th of July everyone.
James, When I read "they banned together" I had a reaction concerning the fate of the black and Native people. That banning together really didn't go so well, did it?
Actually a large portion of the museum was showing the way the country did come together. I read Joe Lewis donated two large boxing purses to the navy and the army. He also volunteered to the army like tens of thousands of black people did. Children enlisted and fought, women took over manufacturing and America became a powerhouse do you not agree with that?
Yes, and such a small story of how the people of color were treated. I remember my mother being appalled, later in life; when in her young adulthood working at a bullet factory, the mantra was "kill a Jap" every time they made a bullet. I forgot to mention the Tuskegee "Study". Wow, forty years worth. Sorry if I am a downer, but this shit comes to mind...
OBECALP I maybe should have used band together. Not even in the revolutionary war were people so determined to help the cause. It’s probably why we won and have never actually won a war since because of division. By the way your right banded together is correct.
Excellent! Had my own chicken story from yesterday. 1 chicken got out while i went into the chicken yard yesterday. I couldn't catch her to put her back in the pin. Off to other things and I didn't get back till after dark. I looked all over for her in the yard and woods w flashlight - no chicken. Went out to check on the flock this morning and somehow she had got back into the pen, I suppose she was panicked around bed time yesterday and somehow managed to get over the fence and back into the pen.
On to the Max Blumenthal video. ...I went to a townhall meeting w/my congress critter this past Thursday. I had previously sent a email to the State Dept and both of my representatives about journalist Gonzalo Lira, a YouTube journalist ,and U.S. citizen, who has been detained by the Ukraine security services. I received NO reply from any of the above.
So I confronted my rep. about it. I also asked other questions about the State Dept/Victoria Nuland involvement in the Maidan Revolution in Kiev in 2014. He knew nothing about that.And he's on the appropriation comittee. I've since been trying to educate him on the history and current situation thru one of his staff who gave me her business card w/email. I sent the Blumenthal video to her.
So I guess what I'm trying to get at is to educate your representatives if you get the chance. They are still stuck on the fake Main Stream Media and even though they are in DC, even they are low info!
I also sent this one yesterday with Col. Douglas Mcgregor:
Good for you.. we have to shake off the illusion that all our experts and specialists know more than us... the majority of government agencies,our medical doctors and our health agencies responses during the covid debacle being a perfect example.
Yes: RFK Jr. emphasizes how unbelievably uninformed our elected congress people are.
Hello Dr. Malone,
Thank you so much for the farm stories and especially Max’s life story, I'm looking forward to knowing how Max progresses. I'm looking at your present life on the farm and thinking to myself that would be one nice place to be in my retirement, but of course I haven't given any thought to the amount of work you must be putting into the place.
You are an incredibly good writer and I’m aware that you must have a mountain of issues to contend with at the moment. Please don’t let me hold you back Mate!
Regards from Brisbane Australia
Hmmmmm.....Why is it that at the bottom of every stinking pile of endless questions lie the same names such as Blackrock, Alphabet, etc.?
My eldest at 5 or 6 watched a weasel kill 11 of his beloved Indian Runner ducks. Climbed right up their backs, nearly decapitated them, and went on the next.
And then there was my bright idea of planting alfalfa and mammoth red clover throughout an orchard and its lanes. Fix nitrogen, natural fertilizer. Right. There's a reason for orchard grass. Every rodent loves apple bark and roots. Compound that with the sweet clover and delicious alfalfa tap roots, and I still can't get rid of them all. Ground squirrels, pocket gophers, mice,-- voles--they esp went to town this last winter. There was 2-4 feet of snow cover for over 4 months, and there was no end to their girdling---well up mature trees.
Emu: Viva Max!
Max's is a peacock Mate
Happy to hear that all you need to do is stretch some chickewire across the bottom of the tractor coop. The chickens will still be able to "free range" thru the chicken wire. I'm not certain if you'll keep out the black snakes but they only suck eggs so at least you'll have the chickens.
Get a Great Pyrenees guard dog.
German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte (now deceased, as tends to happen prematurely to some whistleblowers) wrote a confessional book (English title - Presstitutes Embedded In The Pay Of The CIA) in which he revealed how the CIA, more than a decade ago, indicated they wanted to start a war with Russia. They handed pre-written stories to journalists to publish under the journalists' names, of course. Trump was a wrench in their bulldozer/plans... but it does seem that more and more of the public are looking at our 3-letter agency leadership with a jaundiced eye, thank goodness. MSM still largely controlled, but.. we have great independent papers, writers, and journalists springing up in response (thank YOU, Dr. Malone!!).
Another grand STACK of no Waffling on only the best will do!
Cheers to the well lived life!
Minus a chicken or two. (no worries we'll make more eggs)