My Politics Aside, Sunday Script Comment; BTW Awesome Memes Today!

There will always come a time that we should acknowledge a family member or a friends need for our kindness and support. It’s sometimes hard to imagine but even the people we think are the most happy and stable can be carrying a weight that is invisible to most all of the people around them. On the outside they are smiling, everything seems fine, but on the inside they’re hurting. I’m sure if we look inside ourselves there are many unresolved issues, maybe a judgement we placed on someone, or a person we refused forgiveness. Personally in the past there are a few people I had sat in judgement of when they most certainly needed a kind word, or understanding. There are times where people may need correction but more often than not people don’t need our judgement they need our support. Kindness or kind words are healing to people, it can be a medicine that we all have and should give many times more than we do. If we had the cure for what ails someone you know you would’nt withhold it from them. Kindness costs us nothing, and if we could sometimes put ourselves into another’s shoes we would be much more likely to hand out healing words.

I have a 2nd cousin that was raised by my aunt and uncle. They lived across the street from me growing up, we were very close in age, and for years best friends. In later years Peter got wrapped up into very heavy drug use. My uncle who outlived my mother’s sister loved Peter unconditionally, Peter was his grandson but was really like his actual son. My uncle worked very hard his whole life, sometimes 3 jobs, and was always pretty well off. Over a period of years Peter spent down all of my uncles money, well over a million dollars until they were living in a crappy motel in Walpole Ma.. Eventually my wife and I picked my Uncle up and took him in. He was too many times left at the motel hungry. Eventually we ended up, along with my sister, getting him into a nice assisted living facility right in my town. Although he fought it at first, he ended up fitting in and made lots of friends, he was a very active man. My sister and I had to kick in a little money each month to keep my uncle there. Of coarse over time that little amount kept growing.

Years and years later my uncle passed away he died broke and I held onto much resentment for my cousin Peter.

More years went by and when there was a death in my family I would see Peter, say hello, but I held that anger inside of me.

Over time probably from his very hard living Peter’s body began breaking down. I know he struggled between sobriety and drug use. I decided I would call him to see how he was doing. He answered the phone with a very weak voice and we had a long talk. He several times broke down weeping over what he had done to his grandfather and all of us that had to pick up the pieces, he apologized to me over and over. I told Peter that Uncle Roly loved him with all his heart and he only wanted to stay and live with him. At that point in Uncle Roly’s life he didn’t give a damn about the money or where they lived or anything else. As bad as things were he just wanted to be with you. He knew you did your best to stay with him and provide the best you could. I told Peter if we couldn’t do what we did God would not have given us the responsibility, we were fine with it.

About a week later Peter called me and thanked me for calling him. He said that I called at a time when he was really at a low point, that he struggles with depression and had many thoughts of ending his life. He said your phone call made me think different. I speak with Peter from time to time, he is sober, has a job and lives with a couple, that the wife was friends with Peter years ago, I consider her an angel. I’m glad I had called Peter that day and that we still speak.

Isn’t it something that a phone call and some kindness can make such a huge difference in a life. It can be as simple as saying, things are going to be ok, things will work out, God has you in the palm of his hand, or just I love you.

Sometimes we have to let go of our anger and resentment and show some kindness. Life is very short.

I apologize for such a long comment. Happy Sunday too you all! J.Goodrich

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We are here in a twinkle of celestial time and we can't figure out how not to kill each other.

We have become insensitive to the great harm created around the world. Kindness is not in the vocabulary. If we don't respect the sovereignty of nations and decide to change it's leadership, we are the criminals. Giving Ukraine NATO status with atomic weapons on their soil is an affront to Russia. Israel is surrounded by Muslim groups that want to kill all Israelites. The weapons of war will someday resolve all the problems by eradicating life on earth. Sad commentary on man's existence.

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I appreciate you telling this story. We all have lived with or known Peters in our lives. It was great that when the time was right you could call him and make such a difference. So many people are not reachable and so many die without being able to change. The drugs have been such a scourge on our country.

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Thanks Robbie.he was always a decent person he just got addicted to some bad drugs and couldn’t stop, they take control of you. My brother died from what started as pain killers for his back. Peter drives for a company today bringing veterans mostly, to the hospital for appointments.

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And you shall be repaid. This was beautiful!

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Thank you Barbara, I only hope Peter stays clean and has a lot of time left to father his two boys, they are older now but have maybe been exposed to some of the worst of this whole story.

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Wow James! I wasn’t in church today, but what you said reminded me of sermons that have molded my life. No apologies for the “long post” it was needed in my life and probably others.

“God has given us the ministry or service of reconciliation.” That not only includes reconciling the vertical relationship with God but also the horizontal relationship with our family, friends, and neighbors. Making America Great Again has to do more with individuals and our nation reconciling to God, than economics and the other issues we face. Get the relationship with God right, everything else falls in place.

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Thank You ComeQuicklyLord, much appreciated! My cousin was like a brother growing up. In my mind I had a hard time not being mad. My sister was able to deal with these issues better than I. I honestly, have forgiven Peter. Of course I’m older and wiser knowing how short our life is here. I have next to no space in my heart left to hate anyone, especially someone that was like a brother. I’ve been thinking a lot about my uncle Roly lately.

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James, when I read "I have next to no space in my heart to hate anyone" Oh, how I wish that were true for more people, the need to have war would all but disappear. I think you have reached a place of power. True power.

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DD I’m a work I progress, as you know, especially politically. I’m still human but I’m trying… I think the older I get that space in my heart gets smaller. There are ways to look at my cousins addictions. I think back to when I was a kid and for a long time now I question the way drugs swept through my town, the state etc. I couldn’t imagine growing up with the stuff around today, these poor kids don’t have a chance. If I grew up today I could easily be an addict, it’s very hard and very sad these powerful addictive drugs that run through our towns.

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Thanks for sharing. God Bless you 🙏🏻

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James, Gets me to thinking if there is anyone I need to call...

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Funny DD, me too!!

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Anger festers and grows but forgiveness is freeing of one’s soul. You are a good man James.

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Thank you Melanie!!

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Timing is everything JG!

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You put justified feelings aside and reached out... making a difference in his life. God Bless you for your kindness.

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Thank you Jennifer!!

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No need to apologize. Sometimes we could all use a reminder about showing some kindness even when we may be feeling resentment.

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James you are a damn fine human being.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Insanity. Delusion. Lack of self-awareness. There are so many examples to choose from. But I must say I am left momentarily speechless when Harris, et al, warn that Trump will jail his political opponents. Unreal.

Steve Bannon

Roger Stone

Peter Navarro

And all the others suffering legal persecution for resisting the COVID democide, woke progressivism, and the NWO.

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You of all people, James, must know the modus operandi of the Communist mind is to accuse others of exactly what they are doing.

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Yes. But sometimes the flagrancy alone astonishes.

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I believe Rush was the first to call it a mental disease - which in the US can be traced to both parents and the American academy.

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Leftys do so love to project.

What is really astounding is they don't think we can see it.

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There is no logic and it makes my head spin. Maybe this is what they mean by PsyWar?

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Oct 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am in awe of the series of videos of which this GOT is the latest I have seen. I wonder how they do it.

All the cartoons are great. I was really taken by the "A beautiful Mind" reference of Harris showing that Trump is unstable. Maybe she should stick to venn diagrams.

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Here's a little nursery rhyme about reason and treason:

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

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I also wanted to share that the Amazon smart fridge is disconcerting. We took a few days a couple of weeks ago to go to Tucson to play golf and just hang out. On that Saturday night, I received a text from my Samsung refrigerator telling me that the door was open. I shot a text to our dog sitter who was kind of freaked out that the fridge told on her. We have only that smart device and we have turned off most of the features, like the microphone and other typically spying apps. However, each time there is a software update the apps return. The only thing I like about this device is the clock resets itself when the power goes out since it is connected to our secure wifi. Some will think your meme is funny but I think it spot on.

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We too have “smart” appliances too (came with the house). We have disabled all their brains so that even their clocks don’t know what time it is. One exception: To preserve the heat pump in a cold winter climate, we must use the smart thermostat — which ironically gets its outside temperature data from who-knows-where; the reading never seems accurate.

I recommend disconnecting — as much as possible — from smart everything and start using our own brains. We use flip phones, gave up smart watches, and disconnected our smart-feature appliances as mentioned above. We’re stuck with that stupid smart thermostat and a smart meter, neither of which we have by choice. Sadly, I found out today that smart TVs are tracking us too.

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I just found out yesterday that our local electric company swapped out our analog meter for a smart meter over a month ago. Now we have to pay them to come back and swap it back and then pay for meter reading. It ticks me off that they can do things like this without our consent. I have been trying to figure out why I started developing headaches and nausea. Hmmmm. First signs of EMF overload.

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Same here. Our house came with Smart stuff and all are turned off but the thermostat.

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And a great advantage is fewer EMF's.! I already commented on the changes I have made, some of which are less "convenient".

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Going to ruffle a few feathers when I post these on Instagram

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I already shared them (as always) on Facebook, and I really doughnut care anymore. 😁 This and the Friday Funnies are just about all I post there anymore. 🖕You Zuckerficker.

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Yes. Sunday Funnies and my coffee. Thanks Drs Malone for an excellent crop of funnies today, as usual.

I watched the livestream of the Ocala Florida Summit yesterday. Very enjoyable and your talk was very good, Dr Malone. I enjoyed all the talks.

I hope you and Jill had a successful show with your beautiful horses!

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Dog lover here. Leave it to the dogs - they will figure it all out! A dog for president! (may be not a pitbul)

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a pit yorky perhaps

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Saw Trump working at McDonald’s in Philly via Breitbart! The videos were amazing and his love for people and our country is genuine. One still photo of him at the drive through window was entitled, “This is a Norman Rockwell Picture.” Tis true!

The people picking up food were excited they could meet Trump, and one woman said, “Mr President, please don’t allow America to turn into my native country Brazil.” That is the desire of all legal immigrants—they value our nation, and its founding fathers and documents.

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It was awesome to watch

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I don’t get the redneck video… it appears that all the trailers surround a church. I seldom saw any of the Game of Thrones series (snipets, only), nor did I read the books. Perhaps an explanation from someone?

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You really need to have watched it to catch all the jokes or satire. It’s really very good.

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Must say I've never seen any of the GOT. But having lived in a trailer park in college and taken care of trailer housed cats, there are bemusing scenes. Also like the music.

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As a GOT junkie, King of the Trailer Park is wicked funny! 😎

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Wicked funny is a great way of putting it!

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I tend toward some of the older movies on TMC. Occasionally, I find an older series like ‘Luther' (Idris Elba) engaging.

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🤔 slow start - meaning I was near to ripping out armpit hair about how close to reality some of them panels were to real life; but then

Had an epiphany: don’t have either but WHAT IF my "smart" bathroom scale communicated with my "smart" food storage cooler box? Or my [mandated by the state] "smart" pantry and access was denied if certain data points were outside of "scientifically approved" parameters?

Ever notice how many things the demonratz say that are deemed "racist," mis/dis/mal-information if anyone else says the same or similar. Fer’instance: BET is AOK but WET, if it existed (ahem, anymore 😖)would be 😤

{sigh} anyway, sent the candle-electricity panel on to family; want want WANT the mud mat; and while I’ve never watched GOT, luv the video - makes me long for the days in the TP (tho most of us were college kids 😊, if that matters)

Could be a good week: sun is up, clouds have cleared, the visiting tiny terror cat has mellowed and has been seen nuzzling with my big bushy beast (it’s OK, they’re related 😆), garlic is all planted, 40% of potatoes harvested and maybe half of the leaves are ready for raking.

And I finally put the corner stove to use - yeah, seeing all the katz huddled together in their little parkas (no, not the BigBushyBeast) finally got to my cold cold heart. Besides, frozen Friskies is difficult to remove from the aluminum wrapper.

Blessing y’all

Go Big Red! — big pharm, or big farm can take a hike, tho we need both

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Great stuff today, I think my favorite is the Bernie Sanders meme. However, they are all pretty good as usual. Thanks to the Dr's Malone who continue their unwavering quest to keep us informed, often with a touch of laughter. If we are not laughing we could be crying.

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Like many other Socialist/Communist parasites that infest American politics "Independent" Bernie Sanders (like Joe Biden) has never held a real job in his entire adult 'life'. From Socialist Mayor of Burlington, Vermont - for 3 terms - Sanders (who honeymooned in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics in 1988), began his infestation of the US House of Representatives in 1990 as the ONLY so-called "independent" - and there co-founded the "Congressional Progressive Caucus". Progressive = Socialist/Communist.

Although Sanders votes in lock-step with Democrats, he still identifies himself as an "Independent" which is a total hoot being that from the get-go, Sanders has been TOTALLY "dependent" on TAXPAYER $$$$$$ to subsidize his feckless life. Jerrold Nadler is another such parasite.

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People like Bernie Sanders are no-talent government grifters. They couldn't get a job and keep it anywhere else, least of all in non-government work. I've decided that the incompetent boobs of the world gravitate towards government work. Why doesn't the average voter ever seem to ask how they ALL got so wealthy. They weren't wealthy when they first got there. Their salaries aren't something you could get rich on, especially living in the D.C. and other snobby areas.

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"Look at that idiot putting all of us in danger."

"Because of people like that we'll never be safe."

It's Plato's allegory of the bird cage. His contemporary critics said he was still drunk on the success of the cave allegory, and went to the well one too many times.

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Too much truth! I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to become a Democrat.

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The 'Riddle Me This' Meme was priceless! Sadly, you'll find a lot of people claim we're just not giving up enough of our money and civil liberties so the government can better "protect" people. The reality is this: The government has no incentive, whatsoever, to "provide" protection, because the only way they can claim to provide anything is to, first, steal the money and resources from the masses via coercion.

With no competition and the ability to strip the masses of money and liberty of their choosing, anything they claim to be "protection" or "for the greater good" is a low-quality product with awful service and an unreasonable price tag.

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Had to appreciate the dog biscuit one because I was often guilty of that particular offense. Dogs being dogs they seemed not to really care but would never dare that with our 2 cats. Oh no.

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