I was always skeptical of McCarthy, but I never thought Johnson would be a traitor like this. He has given no reasonable explanation as to why he is pushing this so I can only assume he has bought and paid for and we need to get rid of them go Marjorie Taylor Green.!!

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I’m pissed at Johnson as well. But if they throw out Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries will become speaker. I hate to say this cause this is decades of republican history, we are stuck with him until or if we can win the majority again. Sad but true… If the democrats take control of the house they will jam every communist policy and money grab through like we’ve never before seen. Things can get worse.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And the majority of the "republicans", will go along with it.

Two wings, same bird, IMO

Maybe a handful of Patriots? Enough to count on one hand ?

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think it’s time for a real third party. I almost wish if Trump wins he immediately declares himself as the leader of the New America First Party. If only he could get a majority of support it would immediately kill the RINO’s off.

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James, from your lips to God's ears!

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I couldn’t agree more and I like that name for a party, too. We are way overdue for a new party.

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And how many of those are veterans?

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Currently, there are 82 Members in the U.S. House of Representatives who are veterans. 63 are Republicans. There are 17 in the Senate. 10 Republicans and 7 Dems. Nearly half of the veterans caucus (47) served a deployment in a combat zone. Texas’ delegation includes 10 veterans, the most of any state.

The number of veterans in Congress has declined almost steadily since the mid-1970s, as the military shifted from an end strength of largely drafted individuals to an all-volunteer force.

In 1973, nearly three in every four members of Congress had some type of military service. In 2023, it’ll be about one in every six members who have military experience.


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On YouTube, I caught a 4/18 committee exchange between Senator Tom Cotton and Army Sec'y Christine Wormuth. It's telling about the state of things, as are the previous exchanges between these two.

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I bought Cotton's book Sacred Duty in 2019. Interesting man, I believe is a young WEF global leader. I tried to watch a hearing the other day on line but I can't stomach when the Dems open their mouths so I just quit watching. Cruz, Cotton, Hawley and Paul are all masters at polite interrogation techniques. I caught one with a gal from the State Dept who could not have been more clueless and hapless.

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Ron Johnson, Chip Roy, maybe Jim Jordan.

How many are veterans who have been bought off ?

How about good old one eye, Dan (the commie) Crenshaw ? How about Caged McCain ?

Although I believe all politicians should serve their country in some way, just the same as I believe all police officers should own and live in the town they serve, I do not believe it's a carte blanche response to being a true patriot, or not.

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All I know is once our congress boasted a pretty heavy vet population and certainly did not involve itself in such overtly anti-US sentiment

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I agree. If you have a stake in the game, you're less likely to be bought out. I do agree with you the people we elect would be better than those who didn't serve. Look at Bernie Sanders. He's never even had a real job, never mind served any military service. The consummate politician has sucked the teat of the government tax payer for all of his adult life. And where does that get us ?

We know where that gets us.

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Vets are people -- I'm not a Vet. I do honor them, had 2 ancestors in the Revolutionary War, and my best friend died in Vietnam. See our #1 on Amazon book "Invisible Treason." https://www.johntrudel.com

With that said, some of our WORST traitors were (and are) Vets. Kerry. McCain.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not to mention the threat of Jeffries if Nov gives no one 270 and the House decides.

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Exactly! I have wondered if that is why several Republicans are retiring now.

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I believe this is just another example of the dangers of an entrenched government bureaucracy (which would include all those known&unknown 3-letter agencies) as well as electeds not held in check by term limits (I also think term limits for government employees is a good, or at least not a bad, idea). Speaker Johnson is in his 4th term, a youngster, a novice by some standards. We all to well know some who’ve practically been born in our legislatures - state&national. When people have an expectation of remaining in an office, whether "public" or private, it changes their behaviors.

Circling back (<- isn’t that a fun phrase?), perhaps that was why Jesus only spent three years in his "public" ministry cause any less might’a been less effective and anymore would have changed the nature of his ministry. You could see this in the response of the crowds welcoming him into Jerusalem at the start of his final Passover week. Not meaning to lapse into sermonizing, all we ever hear re: term limits is that they’re bad cause good people’s contributions are cut short, somebody new would have to learn the ropes, etc. Well, maybe, for once, we ought’a have a discussion about why it’s bad NOT to have term limits. You’ve got gubas like 💩 💩 head in the WH who boast about never having "worked" in their life and others who don’t make similar dementia brain addled confessions who none-the-less have never "worked" a day in their lives, having left the nest of their parents into the comfy confines of "higher" education and then into government "service." This needs to stop. When being a politician is considered a "profession" and worthy of adulation, I suspect that’ll be the day when a nation finds itself trillions of dollars in debt.


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"Hakeem" Jeffries IS a stone-cold COMMUNIST.

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a Catch 22.

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Exactly! As much as I’d like to see him gone, we will be worse off at this point and if more leave the house(?) like Ken Buck, we’re really in trouble. MTG says his actions have dramatically changed recently, so something is going on with him. My guess is he’s been threatened &/or paid off.

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He's a human. By definition, he's flawed. He did something that would cause him extreme embarrassment, and the Deep State knows about it. And he knows they know, b/c they threatened him with it.

I am incensed that Johnson and a bunch of other Repubs voted to allow the government to spy on Americans w/o a warrant. They say it's for national security. National security, but it's too much trouble to get a warrant?

The government may not be able to use the ill-gotten gains from warrantless spying in a court proceeding. They don't have to. If they have the hidden dirt on a person, he/she will do anything they want.


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Yes they will. :-(

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I agree.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A few days ago I watched another masterful presentation by UK MP Andrew Bridgen to a mostly empty parliamentary chamber. The subject was excess deaths, jabs, the need to investigate, etc. This parallels Gerard Rennick in Australia. Ron Johnson and few others here. It's just another set of indications that most in these purportedly representative bodies are answering first to powers directing or limiting them from above rather than grassroots constituencies "below" them. Perhaps there is more constituent hope in establishing lines of communication with state governments.

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Don't bet on it. State and local officials have bought the woke agenda, have been bought off or both. They are selling us out as fast as they can with no remorse whatsoever.

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Indeed, Soros's people are everywhere.

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For sure in the Blue states!

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Unfortunately, I thought Johnson was a traitor even before he was put into place.

Why ?

Didn't a bunch of democrats vote for him? Doesn't that indicate something ?

When something is true, in our society, such as

putting guns into the hands of all citizens reduces, or eliminates crime all together.

Well, on the left, they say, like governor Turd Breath Murphy of NJ, that "we're gonna have bedlam in the streets, all the OK Corral shootouts from an ordinary traffic argument will ensue", and yet what happened since nearly 500,000 now carry ?

How about NJ being toted as one of the safest states in America ?

Oh yeah, Turd Breath and his AG took credit for this, and not the simple fact that perpetrators are now thinking twice before committing personal crimes against people, because they don't know who's carrying and who's not.

I saw Johnson as a POS RINO from the first moment he opened his pickle breath mouth, but that's just me.

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The trouble I had was I'd never even heard of the guy until somebody nominated him for the speakership.

Getting into another chaotic mess like we had last October is NOT what we need right before this election. AND, God forbid we end up with Jefferies as speaker. So I'm hoping MTG will cool her jets until we can get a more stable majority in the house in Nov. If we fail at that, we're screwed anyway.

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Or blackmailed by the intelligence community. They actually control everything.

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Speaking of getting rid of them, those here from NY will appreciate today's substack article from Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox....https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/vote-them-all-out?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Shes amazing. I've read her stuff before

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Americans are some of the most generous people in the world. It’s been bred into us to be strong, free, independent, self sufficient people. On Dr. Malones sub stack we’ve all got to know each other to some degree. You probably see me as a staunch hard nosed conservative that may expect too much from others. I may not have a lot to give to people financially, but some of the most memorable times in my life have been helping people where I can. One night at 11PM while I was plowing a parking lot a man was walking around his car looking for something. Eventually he was in my way, so I stopped and asked him what’s up. He said he was cleaning the snow off his car and his wedding ring flew off his finger into the snow. He was recently married and the ring hadn’t been sized to his finger yet. So I got out, grabbed a shovel and began taking shovel fulls of snow from where he thought his ring fell, went under the building and threw the snow against a stone wall hoping the ring would show itself. Almost an hour went by. Nick said to forget it a few times but I was determined to find his wedding ring. I took another shovel full threw it against the wall and heard the ring hit the stone. I looked down and there was Nick’s ring. I handed the ring to Nick, and he was thrilled to have it back in now what was 5 inches of snow. I can’t tell you what a rush of endorphins I got from finding his ring. It helped me get through a long 30 hour snowstorm and much more. For century’s America has been a sanction for people fleeing persecution. The stronger America remains the longer we will be able to be that shining city on the hill, able to accept reel refugees. But in order to continue helping the down trodden people of this world we have to stay strong and united physically and financially. This open border policy is going to destroy what is one of the last sanctuaries of freedom on this planet. By continuing this open border policy we are killing our ability to help the people that truly need help. J.Goodrich

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I think we may have arrived at the “charity begins at home” stage of our development

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Counterpoint: we’ve ALWAYS been in the "charity begins at home" era (and thru too much of history, "stays at home). As a Christian, it heartens me that, in addition to the whole repent-atonement message and eventual crucifixion/resurrection for MY sinful life, the main message of Jesus was shifting the focus from self (and sometimes family) was the whole "do unto others" paradigm. Throughout the whole Roman persecution trials these nascent "little Christs" were known for their good works TO/FOR others, often people they never before.

Don’t get me started how far we’ve strayed from that commandment. Don’t get started how far I’VE strayed from that commandment

Circling back to JG’s comment, we’re fairly community focused in/at my house of worship (CHURCH is the people) and a number of years ago, less than ten, we had a community service afternoon after service. In that same week, or at least how I remember it, I was in wallyworld and happened across a young boy (5yo 🤷‍♀️) who was separated from mom. Yeah, the lad was distressed/distraught. Back then I could kneel, mostly, and did so and calmed the child down - and we then walked (yes, hand in hand) up to customer service where they made a store wide PA announcement (attention shoppers, blue light special of little lost boy …). It irked me as I left the store a bit later why helping the child gave me a better warm-fuzzy than the "acts of service" did earlier (one of which was helping an old man, yes, older than me, who couldn’t do for hisself any more - at least in the way necessary that day).

Anyway, good on you JG helping the likewise distressed/distraught man with the lost ring. 🤔 seems to me there is an equivalent parable(s) in the Gospels about finding that which is lost…

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Your comments were about helping those you happened to be in close proximity to and that's personal. Micheal was talking about the USG funding the world using tax money from people here who could have used it for personal efforts to help those in need. While I certainly applaud personal efforts to help those in need this stealing from citizens to invest in owning other countries has been going on for decades. Pull this up on the internet as a download and take a read: Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391

The IMF established by the Brentwood agreement was the master plan for funding a takeover of the world. Look it up.

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Hmm, I don’t recall reading what you’re talking about, I was JG’s tale helping the young fella find a lost ring.

Guess I’ll have go back after my erg/exercise session to see what I missed

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Look at the USAID Expenditures to see what I am referring to

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Thank you SR Miller!!

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I was able to do much the same with an elderly cleaning lady’s engagement ring diamond lost while on the job long ago. She had not been dealt the best cards in many aspects of her life, but was deserving of better and it was great to contribute a little joy.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

What you did for him was really awesome, and that's they type of person you really are.

On a rare occasion, I see something that really inspires me:

Talk about generous ? How about Tony and his food cart ? His new home ? His resurgence into society, no longer living in a van ?


That's an inspiring video if I ever saw how American's a really good people, deep down inside

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I did see that story you sent. I wish I had the dough to help people like that. One thing for sure, I wouldn’t force them to take experimental chemicals or try to kill off 85% of the population with all the riches I made, that’s for sure. For me it can only be little things that help, time or labor.

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James to me anything done, helped with from the bottom of your heart and soul is worth more than any billionaire's money. Theirs is just that, money no feelings. A wonderful story you shared. God Bless.

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Thank you Donna!!

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What a great and inspiring story, James. I've had a few of those myself and the effect is uplifting and does last awhile!

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DD, i think finding Nicks ring that night in the snowstorm lifted me for a good week. I’ve helped people with much more hard work and effort but there was something about finding his wedding ring in that storm that I’ll never forget, honestly I’m not sure what it was.

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I love this story, James. Thanks very much for sharing it. Knowing how many of us here love & appreciate this country & do not wish to see it destroyed or even "fundamentally changed", i thought I'd share a story that I read today. It came from "The American Patriot's Almanac", a book I've had & treasured since I treated myself to it, about 14-years ago. It is about the Marquis de Lafayette, who after sailing here from France in 1777, at the age of nineteen, joined the American Revolution. He became particularly close to George Washington & spent time with the troops at Valley Forge.during the winter of 1777/1778. After the war, Lafayette sailed back to France, returning to America twice. On his 2nd visit in 1824, when he was 66 y/o, at a reception, a elder soldier approached him & asked if he remembered him. He then recounted the story of how, as a young soldier, he was on sentry duty at Valley Forge. He was wearing scanty clothing & was clearly suffering from the bitter cold. Lafayette told the soldier to go to his tent & retrieve his blanket, while Lafayette stood as sentry in his absence. When the soldier returned with the blanket, Lafayette took his sword & cut the blanket in half. He gave half to the soldier & kept the other half for himself. More than four decades later, this now elderly soldier recounted the events of that encounter & experience to Layfayette & let him know that he had saved his life. He had his half of the blanket with him. It is these kinds of stories that remind me of the sacrifices that were made on our behalf. Younger generations need to hear them often. Perhaps this Patriot's Almanac would make a good birthday or Christmas gift. It is filled with stories such as this one.

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What an amazing and uplifting story. You care about your fellow human beings. Lovely to see people truly care scout others. I agree with your statement, that by continuing this open border and letting in masses of invetted people, we lose our ability to help those truly in need. Praying daily for an end to all of this.

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Bless you. Never give up. This is who we are.

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JGoodrich, this is the best best story of my day, probably my week, and oh my God thank you for posting this!

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Thank You Fred. I don’t no why I got such a good feeling finding that ring. It still feels good, but thanks!!!

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I was really offended by our representatives carrying the Ukrainian flag!!!

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They carry the flag of where they're being paid from.

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Much rumbling now about passing a rule - no foreign flags in the chamber. Evidently some already thought that rules existed!

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Been carrying a white flag for some time now

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Here in Canada the law was, if you want to fly a foreign flag from you house, porch you can as long as the Canadian flag is flown as well, or you were ticketed. Now that was some years back, with castro jr, who knows. Soccer games are popular and many in my neighborhood are Italian descent, so whenever there are special games neighbors have both flags flying. I was disgusted what your politicians did with the Ukrainian flag, but then hey we had a real Nazi in our Parliament, getting a standing ovation while all our politicians, regardless of party, clapped like seals.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's a wild world. Transcript from the cat video should be played for all school boards. Excellent Fallout episode this week (with some wise looking equine oversight on tractor training) and the farm reminds us we all need to get grounded. Thank you!!!!!!!

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The woman dressed as a cat says it all so perfectly.

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Bet she gets accused of being catty.

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I bet you're watching Batman and Robin TV reruns from the late 1960's with Catwoman Ertha Kit, Julie Newmar, or Lee Meriweather

Julie was smoking hot....

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I’ll see you cats lata…

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoy commenting here, but I’m noticing a concerning development that increasingly manifests itself as I proofread my typed text before or shortly after hitting enter. That is, I’m hearing my words played back in my head with a Brooklyn accent.

I followed the science, and the geography, and neither led me to a rational explanation for this development. I’m southern Anglo-Irish for goodness’ sake, and this should not be happening. It makes no sense.*

When I told my wife about it, she helpfully suggested that maybe I should consult with someone. I somewhat insensitively answered her question with the question, “Whaddya think I’m nuts or somethin’? Fuhgeddaboudit.” And then I was immediately struck by the horror of what I had just said.

In a panic, I tried binge-watching old episodes of Hee-Haw for several hours, and that seems to have helped some. And I’ve gone on a strict diet of buttered cornbread, collard greens, and sweet tea. I’m wondering if I should take up a wholesome new hobby, like bass fishing or rodeo clown classes at the community college, that might snap me back into the right frame of mind. But I just don’t know.

Am I making something out of nothing, or should I really be worried? If I see any signs that I’m starting to talk with my hands, I think I’ll follow my wife’s advice.

*Everything written after 2nd paragraph is fictional.

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Stop reciting old TV programs


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T, whatever you do, don't let the theme song from Petticoat Junction get in your head.

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That, Get SMART, and Green Acres.

Newest mind grab ?


Oh, I'm doomed !

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Beverly Hillbillies, they headed to the hills. Loved that show.

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Yep... That can be a problem.

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Whats happening to you happened to Florida decades ago

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Green Acres is the place to be . .

You're find James. I would be worried though if you had said you were reading all of our comments and Dr. Malone's articles using a Brooklyn accent. That would definitively require expert help.

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James, can’t wait to hear the rest!

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How interesting James! A Brooklyn accent isn't easy for anyone not studying for an acting job. Keep us posted!

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For a tutorial, there is always the movie, "My Cousin Vinny" (one of my all-time favorites).

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Now I know why my head hurts!

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Absolutely 💯 % Thomas!

Excedrin doesn't help and Calgon won't take me away!!!?!?!

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Haha !

Dating yourself there, my lovely Ana....

I enjoyed that so....

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I've listened to over 1/2 of "House Oversight Committee Hearing on ‘Academic Malpractice’ in Scientific Journals." So far, it's corroborating my long-standing view that Congressional hearings are just opportunities for legislators to pretend they care about the peace and prosperity of the people and their posterity, with no intention of doing one thing different.

I am more certain by the day that it's up to us (with God's help) to stop or postpone the tyranny. And I was 95% certain of that 4 years ago. Praying for all of us.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

As a former semi academic contributor to peer reviewed publications the process has, in some cases, devolved into sending publications out to friends to check spelling and grammar. Certain maps are particularly difficult to review. I once came up with a methodology between equivalent state agencies for map review of state and Federal cooperatively funded mapping projects, but was totally ignored in favor of doing nothing.

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Yeah, the degree to which their troubling silence and destructive/counter-productive decisions so characterize their "service" to us makes it hard to avoid the conclusion that the whole lot of them is focused on nothing but control and money (from bribes and legal insider trading), or JUST money. And these will get a relatively harmless politician blackmailed in a heart beat. Next thing you know, the Deep State has all the control.

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"Pier" review, Scott ?

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Oops, not a big fan of spell checkers! Thanks.

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My P/T job is @ WestMarine... WE do " pier" review ( will delete above )

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No problem. Once upon a time I had access to a couple of editors, but when they left somebody decided the money was better spent elsewhere and editors weren’t necessary. Then I relied on a spouse, who has a similar education and is probably a better editor, but she is retired too, so I don’t want to bother her. I’ve gotten pretty good at editing myself, but occasionally a spell checker decides it knows better than me and I miss it. I am a flat water paddler so I am a big advocate of pier review too and sometimes doing shoreline review is important too.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cat woman is spot on.

I loved the Fallout. The powers to be have plans to control all of the money and how you spend it. If you get out of line you don’t get “ your” money. Sooo wrong. Make sure you have cash on hand for emergencies.

Love the farm clip and the explanation of the danger of a PTO. I remember my dad cautioning me about a PTO.

Yes gain of function is a bio- weapon.

Have a great day. We have sunshine and the weather is warming up. We have blossoms on our peach tree. Yay

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm just gonna go right to the Fallout episode. I haven't had enough to think. Without the time and effort you ( Jill, Jan, and everyone behind the scene) put forward for these shows and everything else you do, my life wouldn't be as full, informed, or solid. Thank you all and the comments from everyone too.

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love love love the video!

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What concerns me most are the fat cats in Congress.

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"When they say 'Gain of Function' it means they're making a f**king bioweapon."

I mentioned previously that, in February, I had copies of RFK Jr's "The Wuhan Cover-up" delivered to my rep and senators. My big mistake may have been that I didn't call the local senate offices to confirm that they are, you know, occupied by staff. So for all I know the books are still leaned up against the doors out in the hallway.

My smaller mistake may have been an omission. I should have grafted on pop-up features so that when they came to the pages describing the Global Virome Project and other such depraved and suicidal programs, they'd be startled by a 3D message reading "Stop funding this crap."

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Sent a note saying a donation check inside maybe?

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And building on your good idea, I could write on the note "Must read book in its entirety before cashing donation check. Any such cashing prior to full reading will be subject to censure in the applicable chamber of Congress." Rules are rules, and they understand that.

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The new CEO of NPR states out loud “After 7 years of working with these brilliant folks, I’ve come to believe they are on to something…seeking the truth and convincing others of the truth might not be the right place to start”. Who are these brilliant folks she speaks of? “In fact our reference for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done”. What things does she think need done? She “we acknowledge there are many different truths”, Truth is the goal not a predetermined point of view from those in power. This woman is the worst possible choice to lead a public funded news source and that is why she was chosen since she has no problem with promoting the truth shethey believes in and restricting the truth that might discredit herthey’s approved truth.

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Let’s defund it.

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I always liked Cat woman as a woman. Embarrassment seems to be in short supply from men who dress like women, put lipstick on the pig, and claim competing against women is fair. I’m not a woman but know one when I see one.

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And if you were Joe Biteme Biden, you would know a child when you sniffed the head of one.

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Made me laugh, I’ll try not to cry later.

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How can this perversion not be seen and addressed? Oh, I know-silly question.

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Coffee and the Sunday Funnies. What better way to start off the day? As always, the Fallout episode is so worthwhile. Appreciate all the comments from our “regulars”, too. Largest group of like minded folks I hang with!

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