I believe God has a plan for each of us. And through God’s grace Donald Trump was spared for our country. Feeling sad for the person who was killed and those injured and their families. And sad for the hateful rhetoric and falsehoods from so-called “leaders” we’ve heard for the past 8 years.

God bless and restore America and God save President Trump.

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Yes.. and anytime we spot a man with a rifle climbing a building and belly crawling a roof, it is the time to confront, disarm and detain; save someone other than yourself and You will be eternally rewarded and most pleased.

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Basic question: Where was the SS drone surveillance of the event area? We have all kinds of sophisticated drones including assassination drones. Beginning to look like a Oswoldian game plan where they suck a surrogate into acting out and cover tracks by assissinating the shooter.

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Better yet..

DEI in action !

More women = gooder !


Firearm in, firearm out, firearm in, firearm out. Fix hair, firearm out. Fix glasses, firearm in wrong holster. Fix blazer, spin head around for 8 millionth time, firearm out. Grab handle of moving SUV, spin head around.

Incompetence hired at the expense of Trump.

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Absolutely correct

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if you are fatter than your client, if you are shorter than your client, then you are just another d.i.e. hire.

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wow didn't notice that secret service agent fumbling around with her gun before, holy cow, that is freaky incompetence right there.

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Until a reasonable and worthy explanation is offered, all questions are relevant.

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Was it intentional incompetence? Very concerning however you look at what transpired.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Don't you worry, John. Obummer came out with his scripted statement how we need civility and bla, bla, bla. Ignore all the end of democracy, Trump's white supremacy, Hitler fandom, etc, Obummer spewed for the last 5 years. He didnt mean it

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And that's the way it is. The Fem Fatal S.S. Chiefs said, “no changes.”

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Christian Prophesied in Precise Detail 3 MONTHS AGO Trump Would Get Shot in Ear

A new video going viral on X shows a Christian prophet precisely describing the assassination attempt against Trump.

The video that surfaced on X was originally uploaded on YouTube three months ago and was titled “3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES.”

In the video, a Christian prophet named Brandon Biggs described a vision he was given by God that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump’s life.

Biggs, at the 11-minute mark of the video, shared, ” I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head it busted his eardrum.”


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I watched two videos of Christian pastors discussing prior and the then upcoming eclipse. I don't remember either including Trump in the video. They were similar nature, taking about the towns that would be passed over and what that meant. Both were lengthy and I did not watch either to the end.

Would be nice to have the YouTube link to this 3 month old video.

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Biggs, at the 11-minute mark of the video, shared, ” I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head it busted his eardrum.”

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Thank you Mr. Guy!

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Yes, Amen.

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There are many millions who have been praying for, who continue to pray for him and there is much power in that united prayer.

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I used to believe in conspiracy theories until sometime in early 2020 when they all started to come true!

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Much is being uncovered....that was supposed to remain hidden in secrecy.

Be very grateful of the awakening and how it must be revealed for our future.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

The timing of this attempt is just too good for Democrats and the Deep State to be some random Antifa member from Pittsburgh or Slippery Rock getting a wild hair… and deciding on his own to take out President Trump by himself. Imagine a disheartened MAGA base caused by an assassination in the middle of a Trump Rally and the chaos at the Republican National Convention had it been successful. This would have thrown the Republican Party into chaos much like the Democrat Party since the Debate!

… Hmmmm

I have experienced far too many coincidences like the Trumpian gesture of turning his head saving the day to not believe in Divine intervention BTW!

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Well ok anyway....you known the thing.....(Haha) Words like Devine intervention are just an old expression and another way of wording up "AMAZING LUCK" for DJT.

Jezus, how does it seem possible that everyday in the hunts for New World Order,

All that is in evidence is bucket loads of DISORDER! Subliminal bombarded much?

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Whoze Youz, Youz need Z wash.

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Democrats are the funding for Antifa. So....

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I suspect it’s even worse than just the DNC because of the magnitude of that funding. I’m told Soros interests hire the otherwise unemployable majors when they graduate. No positive proof, but I used to live near a student neighborhood and that’s where the Antifa are. And, by the way, Soros’ spawn Alex was one of the first to threaten President Trump and should be charged!

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Agree completely.

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I think Galileo may have been the first recorded conspiracy theorist with his theory of helioconcentrism, but he was disabused of that nonsense when he was informed that if he didn't recant he was going to be the main course at the upcoming Vatican BBQ.

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One of a couple of examples I use to demonstrate that science has nothing to do with consensus. The other, more recent, is the Australian Doctor ( don’t have his name close), who contended that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria, until he was proven right and the drug companies lost a whole category of patents!

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I think it was Gen. George Patton who said, "If everyone agrees, nobody is thinking".

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Patton was an interesting guy, although most of my exposure was the movie. His thoughts about reincarnation certainly made one wonder. I have personally experienced wierd coincidences that defy explanation. For example I live along a trail pioneered by my 5x great grandfather, although I had no realization that was the case when I bought the place. I guess my message is the importance of an open mind and continuing to take on new information.

My wife, also a scientist, and I once team taught a scientific methodology class at a local college as she had to be away a couple of weeks in the middle of the semester. I doubt either of us used the term consensus once during the semester. Then a couple of decades later journalists tried to persuade us all how important consensus is in the sciences when an open mind and a willingness to change it are basic to the sciences.

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They're coming for all of us.....Donald Trump is just standing in their way.....

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

If he had happened to be standing two inches further to his right yesterday, that gap he was filling on our behalf would be empty today. Thank God he is alive and well, albeit shaken up with the reality of the risk he faces. Trump has some seriously good angels working with him.

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Jul 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is inconceivable that the shooter was only one and 1/2 football fields away on a rooftop, and that rooftop was not secured. Bonjovani who is an ex Secret Service agent has been calling for the removal of the woman who runs the Secret Service for dereliction of duty in protecting Donald Trump,

prior to this event.. the immediate release of the location of all those shot or killed by the shooter should be done now! This is to confirm that it was a lone gunman attempt and not a repeat Oswald con job! What away to wake up to my birthday on Bastille day! Maybe it’s an omen that we need to repeat what happened in France to correct the corruption! I pray for President Trump, and for all those who have been put in harms way by the evil humans that are trying to destroy our country!

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COVID taught us that "they" could cook up a GoF virus, leak it, destroy the lives of countless skeptics to cover their tracks, bend all the major institutions of western civilization to their will, deprive millions of medicines that work while forcing on millions "medicines" that harm/destroy, watch as excess mortality spikes and fertility drops around the country and the world..... and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

The southern border teaches us that "they" can welcome invading millions, give them our money and put them up in luxury hotels, erect camps and infrastructure in Panama to facilitate the human flow, passively watch as spikes in crime sweep across urban areas of the country, call the skeptical bigots for noticing.... and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

The George Floyd riots taught us that "they" could turn a mostly blind eye to "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" destroying sections of urban areas around the country, only later to see "them" hyperventilating when FBI assets (Ray Epps) stoked chaos and broken windows at the Capitol...... and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

The Ukraine situation taught us that "they" could see warring parties on the cusp of a peace deal, send in Boris Johnson to sink it, see hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians slaughter each other...... and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

The Maui Conflagration taught us that "they" could abandon their own citizens in favor of Ukraine, watch elites suspiciously scoop up the prime real estate of those left ruined and homeless, send in old Joe weeks later so he could nod off during the ceremonies........ and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

The Afghanistan situation taught us that "they" could allow 13 servicemen to be killed and dozens injured, leave behind American citizens and billions in military equipment, heap humiliation and disgrace upon our heads....... and congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

So let's not be surprised when, in this current situation, "they" congratulate themselves on what a great job they did.

We're in an era when "truth" is established by state assertion, all evidence to the contrary. "They" have nukes and F-15s, and as far as they're concerned, that's all that really matters.

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And 'they' seem to know or think that their base is big enough, stupid enough, and with no convictions of its own such that it will continue to be deceived even in the face of the realities you pointed out.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

To make armies of brainless zombies, "they" rely on their MSM subsidiaries and academia.

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The prerequisite to what you say is they attend public school for 18 years to be brainwashed and learn nothing usable to make them functioning adults. Then, they are subject to the MSM and corrupt academia.

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Every publicly-owned media company, large or small, worldwide, has three top investors: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. They are used as the mouth pieces for the one world government that is already in place and calling all the shots.

Note: They are Too Big To Fail

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Amen and succinctly stated!

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Bongino used to work for Secret Service

Trump should hire him privately as the DEI Secret Service is now a joke

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Dr Malone is friends with the head of the protection operation protecting RFK Jr. They appear to be doing a good job. I wish they were protecting DJT too. Our gov should be paying for their services for both candidates.

In the meantime the SS could do a rif.

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Go fund me...I'd like to start an account for a guillotine.

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Please, there must be a line missing after 'protecting Donald Trump.' and before 'prior to this event..' could someone find it to help follow the train of thought? Thank you

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Some SS agents were circulating a petition raising questions about their management a few weeks ago. The head SS person is a DEI gal Biden brought in. https://justthenews.com/government/security/congress-launches-insta..

Remember with the GOP softball team was attacked by a loon Dem supporter with a gun and the FBI labeled the incident Suicide by a Cop.

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It’s impossible for me to think of anyone who could actually vote for this. Just look at what this evil murderous government has done to us over the past 3 and 1/2 years. They have reduced us to living under a mafia that everyday robs us, coerces us, injects us with experimental chemicals, jails us, surveils us, continues wars with no end, tries to remove our candidate from the ballot, tries to imprison him, now has tried to assassinate him. How much more of this bullshit will it take for these fucking democrats to say I just can’t vote for these tyrants to murder any more of my fellow citizens. What is mentally wrong with people that will vote for these third world creating murderers. Please answer me what will it take. J.Goodrich

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I don’t know James. This morning, I wake up to an FB response about Trump my Brother made and I’m just sick. It was like it was cut and pasted right from CNN or MSNBC right down to Trump being Hitler! There are way too many TDS people out there. I feel sad, My Moms wishes were for her kids not to be at odds with each other, but I just can’t have him in my life, if he thinks like that. I’m ashamed to be related to him. They’ve done this to divide us and doing a darn good job and it kills me to give in but at same time, we must have boundaries. Ok sorry, I’m ranting

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Cheryl, I have two brothers like that. It breaks my heart!

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I’m so sorry! :-(

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Cheryl you’re not ranting. My sister was an original developer of TDS. She hates Trump with a passion. She says she hates Biden also so she won’t vote for president. Sometimes she Goes off and I listen and sometimes I go off an she’ll listen. I try not to bring it up. I think like you, enough is enough. It’s time to start disconnecting from many of these people, I can’t justify people that take a part or are complicit in this.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Thanks James. I am glad I am not alone in this feeling. It makes me sad, though, on many levels ‘cause it’s not normally my character to feel this way about other people. On a funnier note, I’m so glad I’m the only sibling with any brains and common sense! Lol Thanks Mom and Dad! 😛 My sister, btw, isn’t much better but she doesn’t say stuff like my brother

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Youre not alone.

When you get sued, and spend 5 days, and $16,500.00 in court, defending yourself against lies by your brother, that you stole your mother's money while she was alive, and in court your lawyer proves that your brother actually stole your mother's money, give me a call.

Both I and my wife were both sued, and dragged into court, for the exact same charges, and found innocent both times.

Yeah, family. You can choose your friends...

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Money, some have it, some don't. The Greedy want theirs and everyone else's. Family be damned.

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Wow T, that’s awful but I have heard similar stories from other people I know with their siblings. I have had my fair share of court, but never with a sibling and pray I never do. So sorry!

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My brother took me to court. 5 days including the Judges non gender reveal.

Wifes brother took her to court, same deal, different mother and brother.

Lawyer made about $37,000 on both our cases, won both, got the bills for both, never recovered a dime.

When the patriarch, or matriarch passes, in some families, demons reveal themselves

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I’m a firm believer though, certain people cannot live and function in a free society. They believe they are tolerant but they actually have little or no tolerance. In a truly free society people should just live and speak their mind of coarse without threatening people.

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My brother said he won't vote for Trump or Biden. He probably won't vote, but I see that as a good thing.

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Agreed, best these idiots not vote if they are that stupid. Well that’s better than my Brother. He loves Gavin Newsom and thinks he’s the best since baked bread! That should tell ya something LOL

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I grew up with 2 brothers and a sister with a very conservative, Republican family. I have ended up being the only one of us four who is conservative. One of my brothers is so incredibly brainwashed by Democrat-leftie media talking points I can hardly believe it. There is no getting through to him.

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It is so frustrating! I am more forgiving with my sister as I truly feel she is cognitively impaired after 2 heart attacks and she’s never been all there to begin with. I am the baby of the family and she was the problem child. After JFK, my parents voted both parties but mostly Republican and I have followed the same path - Have voted on policies over personality.

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Cheryl, you aren't ranting! Many of us are experiencing what you are experiencing.

I'm not trying to get sympathy. I have a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter and several grandchildren with whom I no longer speak to or speak.

I got some consolation from the article "The Shot Heard Around The World" 🌎 that Doctor Malone shared today.

If you haven't read it, I hope that you do read it and that it also helps you.

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Thank you Ana, I know you are not trying to get sympathy nor am I. It’s just sad and lonely at times in these situations. I mentioned awhile back how my Daughter didn’t talk to me for quite some time because I am pro-life now where I was Pro Choice in my youth and she hates Trump but I don’t think she has TDS - she’s a little more open minded than my siblings. My family is small, thank goodness - less to be alienated from, but the feeling is the same. I did read Dr. Malones article. I also just received my pre-ordered copy of Unhuman this past week, so have not had a chance to start it yet. I thank God every day, I have this group here and a couple of others to get me through these difficult times especially now that I am living in a State with no friends and my husband 2300 miles away (not so bad really lol but some days get to ya).

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You just wrote what I've been thinking and feeling for a long time. I just don't understand how people can vote for such evil... I just don't get it!

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Mass Formation at it's finest, James.

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You are dealing with 30 plus years of the deliberate process of mind weapondry, chemical weapondry, and political indoctrination. Look at this mentally unstable human trash, whos parents gave her plenty of money, but zero integrity, or human decency. These people will be the first to perish, when the shit hits the proverbial fan


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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

The "By any means necessary" gang just shifted to plan "C" now that plans "A" (Lawfare) and "B" (attempted assassination) didn't work. I'm afraid it's going to get nasty.

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And if C doesn't work, there are 23 more letters.

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You know your alphabet. I'll bet you did not attend public schools.

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If they did, then they would know the Kardashians ass and breast cup sizes, by heart.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Worse, they would all have dyed black hair, horrendously ugly makeup and eyebrows, and be working to have the biggest booty on the block.

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I just sent this to my four teen-aged children:

To my children,

We, as a country, literally dodged a bullet yesterday.

President Trump is alive today because a bullet missed its mark by just one inch. As your father, with the benefit of 64 years on this earth living in the greatest nation the world has ever known, I want to give you some context for what happened yesterday.

The progressive liberal democrats are intent on staying in power forever. In an effort to take out President Trump, they have used every trick in the book to eliminate him from being elected, including charging him with all sorts of made-up crimes so that he has been tied up in court and cannot campaign for the presidency. More recently, they have sought to reduce his secret service detail so that he would be at greater risk of assassination. The democrats have sought to create the impression in the country that the re-election of President Trump would be an “existential risk” for the country. This makes radicals in their party act out as we saw yesterday. The same sort of rhetoric prompted a crazed democrat to shoot a republican congressman several years ago.

As you think about how you will vote in November, just be aware that the democrat party wants to win forever, and they really want to begin a dictatorship where they don’t even have to hold elections. They have put forward legislation that would give illegal aliens the right to vote. This is their endgame and is the reason that they have allowed 25,000,000 people to walk across our southern border right into our country.

So, why do I write this to you on the morning after President Trump was shot in the ear by a sniper? I want you to be aware of how great our country is, but also how fragile our system is right now. If that bullet had been one inch to the right, you could well live out the rest of your lives in a political system run by the liberal progressive democrat party that would rapidly become a socialist dictatorship. Your world would be very different and your opportunities in life would be greatly diminished.

I’ve been around for a long time. I just want to give you the benefit of my accumulated knowledge about our great and unique system of governance. As you know, I believe strongly in citizen participation and have never missed a chance to vote. I hope you will do the same. Your vote this November is crucial. Never fall into the belief that voting or jury duty is not important. Please, take your citizen responsibilities seriously and be aware that our entire American experiment in democracy was spared yesterday by no more than an inch.

Love, Dad

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

D.P. I would add a couple more points. These actions aren't just from radicals in any party. This is and has been IMO C.I.A. and F.B.I. orchestrated. Listen to what R.F.K. Jr. says about the day his father was assassinated. It wasn't Sirhan, according to what he says. He was there. ( I shouldn't make these statements without proof to back them up.)

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Deplorable Maggot, what a beautiful letter!

I have faith 🙏 ✨️ in the fact that Our Heavenly Father wouldn't have brought us this far to abandon us!

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Beautiful post!!!!

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That was wonderful! Made me cry, but you are right. If not now, I hope they will appreciate this message one day

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You all are missing the "onus" of this so evil attempt on the 45th - 47th President. The vermin hates us all, as rabbi ovadia yosef openly and arrogantly stated: the "goyim" has only one purpose and one only TO SERVE THE JOOOS, LIKE AN EFFENDI. We cannot fight utter evil with tolerance and consideration, and President Trump knows. He is the GREATEST PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. I am saying this as a Swiss citizen.

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Thank 😊 you for chiming in our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP!

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Isn’t it an interesting coincidence that this was allowed to happen before the convention and in Pennsylvania where the GOP apparatchik is fully corrupt and fully committed to Nikki Haley? It’s probably not related but I live in Pennsylvania. The GOP from the state to the very local level, minus a few, are TDS inflicted. I’m not talking about the Republican voters. I am speaking only about the PA GOP committee from the state to the county and the local committees.

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I read a comment speculating that the shooter registered as a republican so he could vote in the primary for Nikki Haley. That got me to thinking - how common is this and what good is a rule/law that prohibits voting in a primary unless you are registered in that party?

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Texas is about to vote for closed primaries. Call it the phelan effect.

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MO legislature elected it officers by blind ballot for the first time. The outcome at the end of the session was telling. Those in charge failed to bring bills on pressing issues to the floor for votes but brought UN supported laws instead.

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Corruption operates best in the dark and the left corrupts every thing it touches. They corrupted both coasts first and now are creeping towards the middle. I blame those lousy gov subsidies as their entry point there.

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We have Republican state senators pushing for ranked choice voting.

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Yes. Our Republican speaker during Covid changed a mail in ballot bill AFTER it had already been through committee as well.

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That’s what Virginia did.

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It is an excellent rule. I've never wanted Ds or even Is that did not have the same values and principles voting for in a GOP primary. They can dilute the votes of those in the party and you end up with the moderate wishy/washy candidate. I wish I keep a link to an article I read that laid it all out.

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Action/reaction - hardly anything that can be created, ruled or put in place that cannot be circumvented. I guess you have to try though.

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It's a well known tactic . It also artificially inflates Republican numbers causing some to skip voting 'because we have a huge lead'

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I have always maintained that the only reason Trump won in 16 was because people were keeping quiet about who they were voting for so the dims didn't know how much to cheat. The polls did not reflect the real numbers. In 2020, they didn't care how much they had to cheat to get the win. So, they pulled out all the stops. Here in Georgia there was a concerted effort to thwart Republican votes by playing the headgame of telling people to stay home in 'defiance'. That worked so well for the dims.

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Agreed! Every single time I hear the "conservative" news people talk about how Trump's numbers are currently far better than Biden I want to slap their heads and kick them in the shins for that exact reason.

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In MO, the old guard globalist had almost four years of freedom from Trump and they don't want to give it up. Their true colors are showing and many of those in the state legislature are now running for state wide offices. I'm petrified for what that will bring. Many of the bills they passed earlier are a dead give-a-way for what they have planned. Selling MO water out of state, put schools under the UN derived global Ed system, eliminating property tax where daycare is performed - corporations pushed for this. Those not passed, protecting youth from sex-change drugs/surgeries, parental notification of all student instruction, and so forth.

The current Auditor has been going after the current Treasure and AG with bad reports. It's a nightmare.

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Hard to find a better word to describe what is happening - globally not just locally. Oh, yeah, EVIL

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NJ GOP are identical to yours, and I'll attest to that.

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please, what is TDS inflicted?

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TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Thank you. I don't get on internet as much & fail to know many acronyms.

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How could the Secret Service have failed to secure the nearby roof?

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Unless they didn’t want to secure it? Only 2 options (neither one good) incompetence or compliance.

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They didn’t do such a good job in Dealy Plaza for JFK either. You pay a high price to go up against these ingrained despots.

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JFK, REAGAN & TRUMP all have something in common aside from the "A" word.

ALL THREE are OUTSIDERS that infiltrated the government!

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I believe it was done deliberately you can not tell me the snipers (2) did not see the person, what in the world was there training worth to be called a sniper or was the order to wait and see then react which happened? Besides was the media not encouraging all the time 24/7 reporting on TV how to get rid of President Trump, are we really that naive! Well I am sure they are faking there SYMPATHIES now as soon as I heard Trump was hit I fell on my knees to pray to God, and He was listening, my thanks goes to God !

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If they don't kill Trump now, he'll be an even worse enemy of the deep states of the world now, even IF he loses. Any man whose first instinct after being hit by a bullet is to show an angry face while screaming "FIGHT" either thinks the State was involved or that the media has made such insanity MUCH more probable or BOTH. And he's apparently not going to sit back and do nothing while his youngest son isn't even 20 yet. After all, it's world-wide. Even money can't save you from the madness, now.

Don't know what he can do to turn it around, given how far gone it is, but he sure seems to think he can make a difference somehow. And that bull in a china shop wasn't slowed down at all by that bit of bleeding. I shudder to think what the fools who only know to continue to double-down on nut-job will do in the next few years.

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"All of life's a stage....and we are but Actors in a role"

William Shakespeare

Do your best to play your part. The role you play forever changes with age and wisdom.

Life is good. Find the joys of being happy in it.

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Caveat: age and wisdom are neither synonymous, nor interdependent, and assuming such develops reactive, disparaging thoughts, and feelings

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I agree that the line of sight was too obvious to overlook. The roof was white, drone observation should have been very easy. That being said, all of this has the easily forseen outcome of possible unrest and serves the purpose. I think we may have entered into a ‘radicalized lone wolf’ phase or part 2a of the psychological or war by other means.

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As I pointed out on Dr. Malones other post regarding this, there should have been a cop/SS agent on that roof. We lived in Houston during a POTUS visit to the med center and my wife saw there were rifle packing cops/agents on every rooftop in that center on his route. How real pros do the job

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Indeed. There was a scheduled, yearly, '2nd Amendment rally and talk to your delegate/senator Day' in Richmond Virginia at the beginning of all of this possible ‘color revolution’. They had snippers on every conceivable rooftop and had the area locked down hard. (I watched the whole day online)

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Apparently, it is being said online, right before the shooter began his target practice, a local police officer hear the commotion, climbed the ladder, and found the scum lying on the roof, ready to shoot, and instead of shooting the perp, went back,down the ladder, allowing him to shoot President Trump.

Not verified, but not unbelieveable, neither

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Interesting that when I got up this morning and checked the generic news feed on my phone, I scrolled through the entire two pages of articles, and didn't find a single one reporting on the Trump shooting. Fortunately, that is not my primary news source--it is full of legacy media junk.

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They only regurgitate the news reports that are pre written and approved by the mass media chieftains!

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Turn on any single MSM station, and its simply a carbon copy of any other MSM channel

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Still they are not ‘reporting’.

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Never taught how in "journalism school".

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Horrifying to watch but not surprising. The hateful Liberal Left with their media talking heads and online trolls built this. The rhetoric against Trump has been totally outrageous, cruel and untrue, some started by politicians who should know better. People have actually called out loud for Trump's assassination. There is now blood on their hands for this extremism. You are destroying this country, this society and any sense of right and wrong. All to destroy one man. You almost succeeded. But all you did was strengthen his and our resolve. The Dems are the enemy of the people. Game on.

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I call it all MANUFACTURED LIES!!!

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The frustrating part is none of these evil players will be held to account.

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Lucky at golf, family, fame, wealth and friends.

Even more lucky at living the American Dream in his Life.

If there is such an expression as "A chosen one".....It really applies to DJTrump!

I' m thinking election landslide is on deck. Gonna be interesting!

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It might be difficult for them to cheat enough this time. Can't have more votes turn up than there are voters. Though I do believe they are willing to try and then chin out claim - what you gonna do bout it!

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Greater Spotlights on the election counters.

Maybe fear of getting caught and tossed in prison will curtail any abuses.

You know who you are. I wouldn't try it again......prison sucks.....3 hots and 1 filthy cot.

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The problem is desperate people do desperate things and do not consider consequences. In Atlanta Fulton County is already positioning 'observers' who have not been vetted. I have to hope there will be massive rebellion to shutting out citizens to monitor the counters this time.

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Roger that Houston......let the countdown commence.....

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Time for Biden to rethink his GD ersatz new Campaign Slogans Eh????

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Stacy Abrams non-profit members ran the 2022 election. She really did a job on Kemp after he bested her in 2016. He caved to all sorts of her demand, even had the state purchased Dominion voting machines just in time for the 2020 election and because of Covid, all the precincts in Fulton county were under contract for Dominion staff to take over.

Who is going to do anything about it? The SOS, who attends Davos, and whose brother's business is in China?

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What is so frustrating for me is all the irrefutable evidence of fraud. Quite a few things never made it to the MSM headlines - like the video of the boxes and boxes of paper ballots being taken out of a warehouse in the dark of night to a shredding truck. Kemp was certainly compromised - even in early December 20 his daughter's boyfriend was murdered in broad daylight when his car exploded. Pretty clear signal.

Kemp is a wimp for sure but I will say he did help us through covid though so we were not in complete lock down. My son in law went to high school with him and swears he comes from a really good family - which does not change what politics can do to a person.

What I know about Fulton county, for as long as I have lived in Georgia, 37 years now, is that it is a good ole boy, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours cesspool. I have a lot of stories about the corruption in high places, from business to education. But it doesn't matter because there are spots of bright light that make it a place that people choose to come to. Our internet guy is originally from Hungary. He has stories and knows the dirty on Soros. Last time he was here he said he was servicing a new customer who had just moved to Atlanta from a very blue state. As he was leaving he looked at the guy and said, "You say are glad to be here so do not bring your politics here!" He is a very large intimidating man with a thick accent and I am sure that caused a butt pucker moment for the customer.

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And if you're really unlucky, there's a 4th hot that no man should ever have to see, nor hear about.

Personally, never been in jail, so never dated Bubba, even in fantasy. Not my brand of cereal

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It is being discovered now that in 2020 more votes were counted than voters who are registered! They’ll do it again!

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Any means to an end is their motto. Lying, cheating, stealing - then they look at you and deny deny deny - and sue you for even daring to sully their names. Evil is as evil does. 😡

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I am beginning to really believe in widespread EVIL!

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Interestingly I have noticed an uptick in TV personalities and bloggers calling this out, what is happening in real time, as just plain EVIL.

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I think they can. With so many illegals voting and it oddly still being a tight race, I’m not counting on anything! I do think, though people are waking up a bit about all the cheating and fraud that’s been happening.

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God Bless Donald Trump. His courage is for us all. He needs no money. Is it so wrong to love America, our nation.

I am sad for the duality of law and that the casualties noted. Innocent Americans are political prisoners still.

We must vote, and be locally involved. Our voice loud without the drama of a DeNiro, or Madonna. Sad cry for attention.

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