Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spent a good part of yesterday reading the Marxification of Education by James Lindsay.

You guys, this is very real and it is right on the surface. Please pay attention.

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US Education ended when one room schoolhouses died and 'consolidation' dissolved small into big factory schools in the 50s and 50s. Time to abolish public education [privatize all of them], create complete school choice and get rid of Carter's education department.

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Just recently finished reading Alex Jones' The Great Reset and the War for the World, and never had made the connection with Carter before (I was 6 when Reagan was elected).... Per Jones, Carter was the first US politician invited onto the Trilateral Commission (formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Brzezinski, a technocracy enthusiast), which aimed to create a "New International Economic Order." Brzezinski was a friend to the leaders of the CCP until he died, and was a national security advisor in the Carter Administration. The Trilateral Commission appears to have passed the globalist baton to the World Economic Forum.

Thanks! I always get great book & media recommendations from you all!

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I.e., carter's wasted bribe to the n.e.a. He went down in flames after just 1 term. Cannot say I missed him

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My Friend called Me insane when I said, “If You bring a Child into this World, You should be personally responsible for Such completely”. Not Me (Happy to Help). School taxes for What? Idiots teaching Crap? Uhhh…Reading, Writing and Arithmetic = Dead. Ed

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

That's probably a great account of the destruction of our education system in particular. However Diana West's "The Red Thread" chronicles the communist infiltration and takeover of EVERY cultural institution in Amerika INCLUDING government. Well worth a good read......

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I will check it out, thank you. I'm giving myself a master's in this, raising children in this era is a minefield.

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May the Force be with you! This all begins @ home with parenting skills.

I raised 3 terrific kids. I'm a Happy Guy, My three would testify to it!

My nick name is FAJA. Make a onehellova funny personal vehicle plate.

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I believe the root reason there is the concept of "miracles" in human theology and mythology is simply derived from watching a baby being born. Most especially if it yours.

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Amen brother!! talk about the moment that child takes it's first breath, as the absolute beginning as a new Social life creation for all involved for decades and generations.

The tap roots grow and life thrives within the body and the soul. This is Genesis of the home.

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I totally agree! Had the privileged of observing twice - simply amazing!

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Could not agree more regarding the raising of children nowadays. It is horrifying to think what swill these munchkins are fed culturally. Parents' jobs, if they want to do it right, are so much harder now. I feel for them.

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I have her book but have not read it yet. Also have her Death of the Grownup.

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She wrote that? Thats why she sounds familiar. Alright, I have to get both. The infantilization of society is a key component to all of this.

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A necessary component of our enslavement. A population conditioned to self reliance is completely incompatable with our controllers plans.

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Welcome to the enlightened neighborhood...

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Or the Dumbing of America, shoe lace tying and proper gum chewing manners editions.

Chapters one thru five offer picture illustrative techniques. Just for the fun.

#ISUFFERFROMCOMICRELIEF Maybe.....how much does pay attention gonna cost me?

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Breaking science news: FDA approves cigarettes for children as 4 month long study finds *zero* cancer risk from smoking!


Thank you for the laughs, doc : )

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Thalidomide would be approved for morning sickness under the current regime.

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Just saw on the news China and Russia is sending war ships to Alaska. As Joe Biden and his henchmen continue to pile up indictments on his political opponent, one has to wonder the future effects of this total outrageous destruction of centuries of etiquette between the two parties. The sinister breakdown of these norms are a direct cause of Biden’s corruption. Corruption breeds instability as we have seen since his sons hard work and Joes acceptance of tens of millions of dollars in BRIBES. The surrender of Afghanistan, his bowing to China policy, holding the billion dollars until Ukraine officials fired the man prosecuting Burisma which his son extorted 10 million dollars from and was receiving 1 million per year, taking 3.5 million from the ex mayor of Moscows wife to keep her company off a list of companies that America was sanctioning, and most frightening is the continued escalation of his proxy war with Russia to hide his and other politicians corruption while thousands die, are maned, or lose their homes. True war pigs through and through. Anyone can pick a fight with someone, as a bully child does on a schoolyard, but the outcome of the fight is always unknown. This is where this corrupt bankrupt administration has taken us. On every front we are constantly in unknown territory with unknown outcomes. J.Goodrich

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Granholm, Biden Energy Secretary, consulted with CCP officials for hours previous to the most massive SPR (crude oil) release the US has known. China bought a good portion of the SPR released oil.


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She was a Biden shoe-in. Granholm, born in Canada. She approved millions in tax $s to turn MI green. Over 434 funded projects only 2.3% met projections. Worked with BHO to craft bailout for GM and Chrysler in 2009. Vocal advocate for renewable energy and investments in clean energy to accelerate economic growth. Her dept oversees the US nuclear weapons complex. She wants wind turbines and solar panels on federal lands. Her focus is to meet Biden’s promise to have all Fed vehicles electric. No conflicts of interest here.. On board of Proterra, Inc., an electric vehicle manufacture, investments in First Solar and Duke Energy. Hubby teaches leadership, gender and organizational culture at Berkley. She was confirmed 64/35

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Also planning 1/2 million acre wind farm off the coast of Galveston island. Not going down well with the locals. Been suggested our land commissioner refuse the fed rights to run cable from the farm to mainland. May get interesting

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There may be some hope, in that one study shows since 2021, offshore wind costs have increased 57% and many have been cancelled.

However the story, several days ago from an Oilprice.com article, maybe bogus in my opinion. Oilprice.com was often called an oil industry shill back before 2010, Not anymore, it's point of view has completely changed. In the article is "A financial crisis is unfolding in the offshore wind power industry. The ultra-efficient and reliable form of clean energy production ..."

Ultra-efficient, reliable??? That's on par with calling the vax safe and effective. You never know when you'll have electricity, no reliability what so ever. Efficient-that's why it costs 5 to 10x natural gas, and for only a fraction of the electricity delivered per capex dollar spent.


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My Lovely Bride works for a latge corporation that has a focus on “new energy”. She was happy as heck to get out of the wind farm division. T dinner one night, she called it “stupid”. Ed

Edit - I am sometimes not an idiot. Two of my ideas are being considered. I’m like…I want money for that…🏴‍☠️…getting it through Her compensation…Ha!!! I have a third but the technology is not there yet.

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Qualifications--where she's been, her competence and understanding of energy and electricity. Academic, industry, work history. Not where she wants to go.....would be surprised if she knows the difference between energy delivered and name plate capacity. But not surprised if she is a hydrogen fan. I was surprised to learn your other points--thanks, back to fencing.

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Granholm, as Energy Secretary, had the position's qualification level about same as Hunter and Burisma. She was MI governor previous. Look at the graph in above referenced article for SPR levels following her consultations...yea, it's real.

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And the demented one is refusing to replenish

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BlackRock (BR) Affairs as of 2021

In the last 16 years it has hired 84 government officials from around the world.

It now owns at least 5% of every company traded in the S&P 500.

The Federal Reserve Bank hired BR to advise it and buy bonds and funds on its behalf during pandemic

It plans to stop investing in any company that has 25% of its revenues from coal operations.

It’s the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels.

It has $19 billion in Exxon stock and large investment in Chevron, Conoco Philip and BP.

It’s in talks to buy a $10 billion stake in Saudi’s Aramco pipeline.

In 2019 it closed a $4 billion deal for a 40% stake in pipelines of ADNOC Oil in the UAE.

In 2019 it opened an office in Saudi Arabia (calling it Davos in the desert) after Jamal Khashoggi was murdered.

It's starting a mutual fund business in China with China Construction Bank - second largest bank in the world.

Biden White House and BR Connections

Mike Donilon: Sr Advisor to the President; his brother Thomas is the Chairman of BR Investment Institute and was National Security Advisor to Obama

*Brian Deese: Director Economic Council; BR Global Head of Sustainable Investing

Adewale Adeyemo: Deputy Secretary Treasury Dept.; President of the Obama Foundation. Was Sr. International Economic Adviser for Obama. Chief of staff for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Senior advisor at BR

*Michael Pyle: K Harris’ Chief Economic Advisor; BR Global Chief Investment Strategies

*Admin says Deese and Pyle will recuse themselves from any issues related to BR. With $8 trillion in investments everything is related to BR.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

Dr Malone's 2 previous interview articles were just too depressing to comment. Easier to think it was just Larry Fink, Klaus, others pushing for control. Makes more sense they were pushed. Get back to work and off this foolish keyboard.

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Christmas was easier when i believed in Santa Claus!

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Hmm. Are we sure China bought it or perhaps it was gifted?

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Well, they certainly bought him.

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Unknown, unwelcomed, and uncalled for. MSM won't report so the country sleeps...

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Sadly, it’s even worse. It’s Biden/Obama and always has been. Unless Obama is completely exposed as the communist he is and is politically neutralized we are in deep trouble.

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When 1/2 of voting age brats (and you know,who you are) say they prefer socialism they probably would not care. Consider that 18 yt olds cannot buy guns (Colo.anyway), cannot buy alcohol but can vote and it becomes obvious that there is a serious disconnect between what is good for Gen. Bullmoose and what is good for the USA

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I believe it is china AND russia both. Like that songtitle....together again.

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Whaddya expect, James...Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., is a LONG TIME member of the CFR; and NO doubt is just carrying out ORDERS from the (36) members of the CFR Board of Directors - which includes Tom Brokaw and Fareed Zakaria.

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Cfr is the most dangerous organization ever conceived by politicians. I hope when it all goes down, we know their names.

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As of now, the CFR website - and list of CFR members names from "A" to "Z" can still be seen at their web site- although greatly abbreviated from previous rosters with also listed some extend info on each...also a wiki search if still available spotlight many of the (CFR) luminaries.

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RFK jr. Warned that when the party in the Whitehouse finds itself unpopular, war can often be the choice.

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Home or abroad? I wonder which US presidents he was referring to. Certainly LBJ - it backfired. Wars after that were planned regardless of pres favorability.

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Communism was an excuse. However bombing Iraq certainly took some watchful eyes off George Bush. Obviously they dont care about killing millions including our own.

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I thought 9/11 did that. Not sure who was watching Bush 43 but the usual eyes that see darkness in all GOP presidents. He lost any support I had for him for the Iraq decision. It is never a wise idea for a pres to make broad and sweeping policy without the public’s support. He did just that – a policy making every country a 'democracy' through force is its own war against humanity.

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Lots of folks seem to forget that saddam had planned the assassination of his daddy which may have played a role in his iraq adventure.

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That would be personal, if true. We put Saddam in to keep Iran down and the Sunnis and Shites from.killing each other. He did that. No one has the right to mass murder civilians,.destroy a country,.and send Americans to die or come back without limbs. 9/11 was majority Saudi terrorists, including Bin Laden. Only planes flying on 9/12 flew the BinLaden family out of the country.

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In whose roll? Saddam or Bush?

I did not know about that assassination or anything about Iraq prior to our invasion.

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Very sobering humor this week. All our problems come from too much trust of those in power and not enough attention to the obvious but slow erosion of our liberties. Sports, entertainment, anti-social media, drugs, legalized gambling have become the “opiate of the masses”. Along with large amounts of propaganda.

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Bread and circus. See it daily.

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If you are schooled in statistical analysis, and are told that voting counts for Biden at the end of the voting day were epizootic and consistently that way between Democratic states reporting and counties, you know darn well that there were not 81 million votes for Biden, who never campaigned as a normal politician!

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You also got an idea all was not right in Denmark (an aphorism derived from Hamlet?) when votes actually started to disappear from the tallies.

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I love everything Dr Malone does. But the only thing funny today was the car license plate. The rest had me alternately crying or panicking. Not his fault. Keep up the good fight Drs. Keep it up!!

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I thought Grandmas Bar hysterical .

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I like most of your stuff, Doc, but this is too much of a stretch. We paid Chinah to release that virus we helped create, at the time, to facilitate mail in voting in the states that stole the election. Think about what the deep state has done since the removal of PDT. We have a war, we've laundered a hundred billion dollars, we almost have a world war, we have fifty percent of the nation that still pays attention to their television living in fear of a virus or the orange man, we have uncovered the most corrupt regime in history, and haven't marched on Washington, armed, yet. The war wouldn't have happened, putin and trump would be figuring out how to be allies, the stupid virus wouldn't have been heard from for years,yet. No, this was a rush to counter the orange man,because he was poised to expose all the corruption of the last three, or four administrations. The cia. The fbi. They thought they had Hitlery locked. It was an utter panic the day she lost. Hence the stolen 2018 midterms, all those close races barely eecked out in favor of democrats. Then 2020, facilitated by a virus bought and paid for with American lives, and American hardware. Do you think Afghanistan was a mistake? No. It wasn't. It was the payoff. Because Chinah really doesn't care what the world thinks of them. So to be blamed for this virus, by helping American destroy their own country? No, you have to explain what Nanzi and Obeyme were doing in wuhan, at that lab. My theory doesn't require many people involved to create the conspiracy. Think about it.

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show me the receipts and I will believe it. Otherwise it is just another theory.

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True, but again, it doesn't require thousands to be in on it. Just a few well placed individuals were able to facilitate the whole crazy escapade. And Chinah being willing to take the fall for it? Whilst watching our own country being destroyed from within? It's like cream cheese icing. Oh yeah and here's 85 billion worth of our hardware, and poppy fields! Like I said, it's simple,involves the least amount of people, and is effective.

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Another truth. The virus certainly served multiple purposes to further the world take-over.

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Totally makes sense. Sad times.

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Wow! Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts asks questions to two Pfizer reps in a Senate hearing on August 3rd. As usual they dance around. But yes, they gave Pfizer employees different jab material.


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They repeatedly and repeatedly refused to answer certain questions and lied when they answered others. Sterling examples, what?

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Babylon Bee has gone from satire to recording people that I have known!

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For almost 250 years we have had a vice president and that person does absolutely nothing. We need change. We need a president of vice and I'm sure Hunter can fill the job.

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In 1993, Dr. Thomas Sowell - in his book "INSIDE American Education", explicitly exposed what the agendas of the (NEA) National Education Association and the (AFT) American Federation of Teachers are; and how the teachers "colleges" churn out generations of brainwashed, dogmatic, illiterate public school teachers; further, Roger Kimball's 1990 book "Tenured Radicals" and 2000 book "The Long March" 'Cultural Revolution of the 1960s' are enlightening reads tracing from where "We" as a nation are NOW originated. And of course the late Andrew Breitbart's "Righteous Indignation" exposes the radicalization of academia up close and personally are great reads - as is Diana West's "America Betrayed" - (and) her Rebuttal book "Defending 'America Betrayed' from "the Book-Burners" (read radical Collective Leftists), SHOULD be REQUIRED reading in EVERY US "college" - as MOST CERTAINLY should all (3) Volumes of ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN's "THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO" and be able to PASS an extensive quiz BEFORE graduation....rather than the "DEI", "ESG" mindless Marxist "social-justice" TRASH spoon-fed to BOTH "public" and private school students... "captives" as Dr, Sowell describes GENERATION'S of students.

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What a great list of books and these authors are meticulous and easy to read. I have American Betrayed but did not know about her “Defending” of it. I don’t have any of Breitbart books. His notion that politics is downstream from culture leaves out the facts these books cover, Marxists intrusion in American institutions and infiltration of Christian churches are what slowly alters culture.

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Let’s add Camille Paglia to the list warning of the brainwashing delusion academics for decades.

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All ever so on point! Guess I'll go with the young woman and her street, et al issues. Our opposition has blaming us for what they are doing down to a fine point.

Finally caught what appeared to be a full video of the AFLL gathering at the Supreme Court. Was good to see some legislators joined you folks. Missed Johnson and Paul, tho Paul seems to have a 1 trick pony in the hunt. You were terrific! Your farm respite shows.

Yes! Your last 2 interviews have been mind stoppers. Can't help thinking tho - there is a Goldfinger and his counsel of 100 advising "This is what we want" Yours to accomplish. We'll have your back. You get to keep your spoils. Now - On with it.

Safe travels! More striking successful talks. We'll be watchin' for any to watches.

Very Best Ever and Always! ♡♡♡

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“Our opposition has blaming us for what they are doing” Those creating all the policies and laws they now call oppressive are blaming us as racist, sexist, extremist, etc. it’s insulting.

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Thank you for my Sunday laugh! Loved Granny in the shower. JFK right on. However i hope RFK Jr. Has excellent security. His message to the populace very true.

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My favorite is the Batman *smack* of the obvious !

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After watching Dr. Malones interview with Sean Spicer, as I recall, it was the "official" word by the CCP (in early 2020) - that the (then) un-named virus ORIGINATED (at) the so-called "WET-MARKET" in WUHAN, China, which was quickly CLOSED DOWN. Not until maybe a YEAR later - was it made known that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was close by - some (8) miles from the Wet-Market.

In the Spicer interview, Dr. Malone suggests the possibility someone INSIDE the Institute may have inadvertently become infected. If that is the case, then a scenario that the 1st WUHAN Virus infectee

might have just stopped by the Wet-Market to shop for dinner on the way home...and in the typical

throng of people inadvertently opened the aerosol floodgates that infected the global population.

One HUGE questions is that how is it that in not much over 6 WEEKS time, the WUHAN virus spread to virtually EVERY country on earth?

Also, GREAT 'Toons" today! Just made for laughs, RAGE and tears!

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Exactly. Your last question is spot on. Unless the release was intentional. Which I claim it was. Paid for by Americans, to oust the only president in my lifetime of 68 years to actually do what I would want a president to do. Make Americans first. Can't have that.

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Trump is absolutely correct when he sez "they", i.e., the Collective liberals, progressives, Socialists & Communists - who identify themselves as "Democrats" - REALLY (hate) what Trump stands for (MAGA) even MORE than they HATE Trump. "They" do NOT want America EVER to be 'great again' - or to be #-1 gain - which "they" view as being UNFAIR and UNJUST! No, "they" want America to be NO BETTER than ANY OTHER nation on earth - not by ELEVATING other nations living standards, but by LOWERING American's living standards.

The "American" Collective Left mindset is par-broiled in the MOST radical and extreme form of egalitarianism known, that being ABSOLUTE EQUALITY of OUTCOME in ALL aspects of 'living' on planet earth...for ALL people - from BIRTH to DEATH. Wonderful notion, but ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to achieve - even via the MOST TYRANNICAL police state imaginable - and with DEI, ESG and the infestation of WOKNES ( read absolute MARXISM) into (what remains ) of traditional American culture, IF "they" are not stopped in their tracks, the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 will most likely become a mere memory.

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Thank you and important:

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs should get Nobel Peace Prize – not CIA’s St. Obama

20 minutes of best speech I ever heard: “NATO Enlargement and Russian Resistance”


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It's 45 minutes. But the first 5-10 are lead in. No NPPs for a 45 minute talk that sheds light on the USG's interference in the world over the numerous decades. With St. Obama's Prize they had nothing to vet since he did nothing but hmm.. Egypt, Syria, Libya, ISIS .... I forgot. He got the Prize before all of the little, no red line, skirmishes.

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Every second of his speech is a golden masterpiece -- many little known hard facts. US government has been and is -- a danger to world.

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Sach knows of what he speaks. Over a long course of infiltration, adjustments, expansion, hard money, eager people - but it all started when Jefferson built a navy to protect merchant ships in foreign waters looking for 'trade'. Business has always come first and has extended our 'national security' to mean not only our homeland but the entire world. Now the Ukrainian pawn is providing cover for much of the USG's malfeasance as it drives hard to the one world gov.

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8/7/23: About 100 Marines have been training in Bahrain for specialized defensive teams that would travel briefly with commercial ships through and near the Strait of Hormuz, said a U.S. official speaking on the condition of anonymity. Putting Marines and sailors on civilian tankers is an unprecedented step in the post-World War II era and is meant to show Iran that the U.S. will protect the right of ships to pass through the strait and adjacent waters freely, the official said.

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I just finish watching the last 15 minutes of his speech. Now I know why he wanted Russia to be part of the UN. United Nations... all nations are united. Sustainable Development came into being in he early 1990 because it was a part of Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 30 because they missed the deadline. Well, I am glad because the financial founding families, the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Mellon, Sachs, Lehman and Kuhn Loeb, Warburg, Lazard, and the Israel Moses Seifs, are the very ones that established the UN. Their goal has always been The New World Order that has been pushed and shoved by the World Economic Forum.

Is it not interesting that Jeffrey's last name is Sachs?

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Hi Shelley, I no longer have an interest in communicating with you -- too much anti-Jewish insinuations which I find distasteful and offensive.

But - in case that I misunderstood something, my apology.


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I didn't get that.

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My post was not meant to offend. Stating a fact now-a-days usually leads to some ‘ism’ rebuttal. You are saying that some, many or all of these very old banking families were/are Jewish. That is a new piece of information I did not know yesterday. It doesn’t negate the facts; they were banking families important to the UN establishment.

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Here is a Jan 1958 letter from Eisenhower to Nikolai Bulganin Chairman, Council of Ministers, U.S.S.R. in response to an earlier letter from the Chairman. It is plain from Ike’s letter that USG does not trust the USSR and the USSR does not want to be part of the UN. Not sure back then who should be trusting who. The UN was always going to eventually be the world's government and possibly the USSR sensed that.


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