Apr 7·edited Apr 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a carpenter, it wasn’t so long ago, I began to wonder how many of these jobs I have left in me. As my days that remain here grow shorter the value I place on them grows greater. It pushed a new perspective in me to not waste my days. In a way it has made me try to be more productive and look at every moment as valuable. If we look at every day as a gift given to us, and there is a set number of them, shouldn’t we insist to our selves that we make each day as meaningful as we can? Imagine every morning before you woke a bank deposited 86,400 dollars into your account for you to spend however you wanted. At the end of each day the bank would withdraw whatever money that was left unspent. That gift given to you was gone. You certainly would make sure you spent every dollar possible because money has value. 86,400 is the number of seconds in each day. Shouldn’t we look at this time as the most valuable asset in our lives? Once the day is gone we will never get that time back. I’ve made it a goal, to the best of my ability, to make this gift of each day productive, and use my time to be a positive influence to the people around me. In the end I don’t want to look back and think I wasted time. I hope you all have a valuable Sunday. J.Goodrich

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Spring is the time for renewal. Our time on earth is just a twinkle of celestial time and the goal should be to respect mother earth and not destroy this beautiful green blue planet that is unique. We have forgotten what is truly important in life and self gratification has become dominate. Sad. The Covid con should be the wake up call. Stop the endless wars now before we erase all living things from the earth.

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Thomas it’s shocking how the medical establishment has so turned against the citizen. Thank you for showing and teaching me from your personal and professional expertise.

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Thank you! You have made my day! I just pray that common sense and rational thought return to humanity!

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Absolutely agree James. I also keep busy each day, and don't like to waste any daylight! I have taken care of other's first, and now as I approach another seventy-something birthday next month, I intend to take care of me. I anxiously await for our summer months here in Colorado, so I can tend to outside plants, landscaping and fun time with my Grand daughters! Enjoy your Sunday too!

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my wife said the chestool I made would be handy in a garden, (see above post to James)

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Thanks Patricia, I hope spring comes soon in Colorado for you.

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Thank you!

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James, thank-you for sharing, that was really nicely articulated! I'd say beautifully but you are a dude and I don't want to be mushy. Your artistic talents in your carpentry are evident in your writing.

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Thank You Rebecca!! Time certainly goes by….

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom”has been a favorite but often forgotten verse to me. I was happy to see your perspective as well.

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Perfect saying I’ve never heard that before. Thank You Rebecca!!

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Psalm 90:12, I figured you were familiar with the beautiful allegory you described.

God bless the moments in your day.

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Thanks James, totally agree. I don't know whether anyone has heard this, but to me it makes perfect sense, love it. Here it goes, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present, that is why we call it a gift! The late, wonderful Joan Rivers said that little poem on one of her many visits to Toronto, many years ago. Have the best blessed Sunday! Cheers.

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Thank You Donna, hope you had a great Sunday. I love that saying, thanks for sharing it!!!

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You are most welcome, James. I so adored Joan Rivers, am happy she shared it with us. Enjoy the rest of the evening. All the best.

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James, I remember the early days of your posts when we had a few "words". You have evolved into a first rate writer and philosopher to boot! I feel privileged to witness this event!

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I remember those days DD!!! I’m sure I deserved some correcting. Not sure about the writer philosopher part but I do appreciate and enjoy all of you, thanks DD!!! Have a great day…

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I concur !


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Hey James, I still do a little carpentry (learned from my dad when I was a kid)

I built a lightweight "chestool" that has two adjustable legs, and small plywood plate, padded, that I can rest my chest on, while bent over, working on some damn thing near the floor, AND still use both hands. If I could post a pic, I would, some of us old farts can use a little support....

My back no longer allows me to bend over, on the floor, without putting a hand down to hold fat me up.

Age and treachery can always conquer youth and skill.

Keep on swinging!

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Right on, Pat. When I was a callow youth, I had a cousin who was a Bon Vivant! The little guy (all 5' of him when he pomped up his hair & wore the shoe lifts) had many choice phrases one of which I have adopted for us on the downhill slopes to over the hill. we're an exclusive group. Olde Pharte's! No honorary titles. To join one must be over 60 & for each succeeding 10 years, one may add 'scrambled eggs' to one's ballcap!

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Olde Phartes indeed.

I prefer to be known as identifying as exhaling anally.

my pronouns




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we who enjoy our humor in a Jugular, or varicose vein! If I was clever, or computer savvy I would post an emoji with that cheezy toothy grin! yup!

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After all this time, I am STILL trying to learn my way around & the Windows 7convertedtoten DellBelle is dying. The Olde Pharte’s Club: An EXCLUSIVE group for which there are NO HONORARY titles. One must EARN them by attaining 60 years on Planet Earth. AND once one has achieved an additional ten years in the group, one may add MORE Gold “Scrambled Eggs” to the brim of ones ‘ ballcap! Enjoy

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Pat I always love your posts. Keep on being honest, thanks for that!!!

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thanks, after posting my opinion for a couple of decades, I noticed I was a lot more harsh than before,

I blame myself, for not being able to tolerate the rabid cult the left has become,

Its kind of like a betrayal. I used to the "liberal".

Still am, just cant tell anymore.

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I think people should be honest, and people should give space to allow it. That’s what freedom of speech is all about. If you don’t like it change the channel or sub stack. We’re not all here to appease everyone’s feelings!! Believe me I can be very harsh also. Sometimes I like to put uplifting posts to make people think to appreciate things also.

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Like Dr Peterson says, you have to be able to talk, freely, to even be able to think.

Yet we have so many brain dead lemmings that want to stop free speech, for various "good" reasons, and they all turn into death and tyranny, every time.

I have a question, I want to tell the good doctor my theory on why nosocomial infections keep rising (hospital derived). DO I just send him a direct text, from here?? Still fairly clueless with online communication details.

We are going to get rain for a few days here, so I will be trying to hook up my gfci breaker for the pool heater I picked up, cheap. Paid a sons friend to crawl under the house dragging the number 6 wires, took us forever to get a hole drilled thru the concrete foundation, whew.

Thank god my dad taught me how to do this stuff.

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I’m probably not the person to ask either but try that. The email is in his sub stack somewhere accessible

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There is a way to get his email but try rwmalone@gmail.com

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I believe you can email him directly, I’ll try to find it and forward it to you here

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You are sooo right. I was a carpenter/builder and have kept busy with little construction projects up until my 85th year. Sold the pickup and bought a scooter that goes 4MPH. Take trips of 6-8 miles, talking with people and getting a little exercise at the local gym. Life is goot.

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I can only hope I get to that point Robert!!!

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I am very happy to note that our Drs. Malone make every 86k seconds count. They are a great example. Now, if I could just muster . . . I did just finish the 2012-2022 election results for MI for JBS, Got one pasture dragged yesterday and mowed the yard. Need to drag the other two before attaching the dressing mower. Putting off on the income tax . . .

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Shelley, it’s funny you should say that, I was thinking of the Malones among other people here when I wrote this. I’ve always admired people that stay so busy and we all see that they have no wasted time. I only hope enough sleep is considered time well spent for them as well.

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This is beautiful James

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Thank you Melanie!!!

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Just one more of the wisdoms which only come with age. The challenge lies in having enough time left to make the best use of those wisdoms. But it's fun to try.

Youth truly is wasted on the young, as is this expression.

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Amen, Senior Afuera !

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James, your post reminded me of a story called Don't Lose Your Marbles told by John Maxwell.


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I read that story just the other day Ana. Great analogy of valuing how you spend your time. As many of us (all of us) get older we should pay attention to time!!!

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Great advice mate, well done.

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Hear hear!

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Jeeze. All I did was ask for change of a dollar.

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The latest Whisper:

There are many blood disorders from shedding but transfection requires rolling up your sleeve.


Full Testimony: https://youtu.be/s9aknAZEvXY

Genome Heritage of David Merrill: https://youtu.be/gFuFX3zY8Sg

Observations about Shedding Adverse Effects: https://youtu.be/c_UzTY8cH7A

Study more on www.savingtosuitorsclub.net - my virtual consulate.

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Thank you James.

Wonderful to know there are people, such as yourself, out there on this crazy rotating orb we call home.

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Thank you T same back at you. So many great people right here on Dr. Malones sub stack!!! So glad I found this place, it feels like home.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay, first let me apologize for the rant I’m about to unleash. Where to begin! The FDA retracts its (false) statements about Ivermectin. Why? Because they would have to admit that they knew of a safe treatment for the USA funded Covid 19 and emergency use authorization would have been impossible and the wealth transfer from us, the taxpayers, to these money grubbing genocidal pharmaceutical companies never would have occurred. Fast forward, Covid 2024 has a nasty sequella : months and months of breathlessness, dizziness and a host of other debilitating symptoms. How do I know? I’ve joined the hordes of people seeing GPs and emergency rooms and getting the “you’ve got Covid” diagnosis and NO Treatment. My last two visits I asked for a prescription for ivermectin and said I would like to follow the FLCCC protocol for long Covid. The ER denied saying it doesn’t work. My GP said no because Kentucky has stripped doctors who do of their medical license. I simply don’t believe my doctor is anything but a clerk for the insurance company which is basically controlled by pharmaceutical companies. I managed to get all the ivermectin I need from Tennessee and the rest is basically over the counter. I’m a little better but very bitter that my health is being sacrificed on the alter of corporate greed. I’m old so who cares but I took a young mother to her doctor suffering from all my symptoms plus about 6 more. She is sick!! The GD doctor knows what’s wrong. Everyone in the community has had it. He said her tests were normal and take a vitamin. They simply WILL NOT treat this because they are threatened and they are cowards! Defund the FDA. Defund the NIAID and NIH. Jail anyone who stood and still stands in the way of truth in medical information and God Bless Drs Malone and the FLCCC and all the other brave souls who spoke up. And God help the rest of us.

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The medical schools are more interested in their products ability to correctly fill out demographic questionnaires from the census bureau than to be able to take a medical history. Expect worse to come

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If "We" are serious about making real (positive) change to the ENTIRE US federal government - which has (IS) absolutely corrupt and rotten to its core, a LOUD, CONTINUOUS hew and cry to DE-FUND, DE-FUND, DE-FUND is our only non-kinetic way to get the politico's attention - and also telling them via telephone, email and snail mail with voice, text and written note to the effect of - NOT voting for them EVER if they will not stop the obscene spending and borrowing.

The REAL trick will be to assemble a CONGRESS that actually ADHERES to the Document they all SWEAR to uphold! NO MORE OMNIBUS spending bills - (or) "Continuing Resolutions" EVER! That means EVERY spending item MUST be debated and either passed or NOT via an UP or DOWN VOICE VOTE - with all Yea's and nay's - BY NAME recorded for PUBLIC viewing.

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I would like to go you one better. Make it required for citizen taxpayers to assign their tax dollars for (or NOT for) every spending proposal every year with every tax return!! Budgets would shrink or swell based on what citizens were willing to put their money toward AND based on the agency performance. The whiplash these bureaucrats would get from actually being held accountable would be like a breath of fresh air in diseased dungeon.

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YES! And another thing, some may recall that the outrageous use of so-called "EARMARKS" tacked on to EVERY spending bill was (supposedly) discontinued several years ago.

THAT lasted for about a day and a half!

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Earmarks are a way for elected officials to grab federal dollars for their state so those dollars won’t go to someone else’s state. I kid you not! Idaho Republican Congressman Mike Simpson stated such (I paraphrased a little) in a recent newsletter: https://simpson.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=FCGMECFJUY7CWEFZNHLM4H6BCM

He said, and I quote:

“Through this year's appropriations process, I was proud to secure over $70 million in Fiscal Year 2024 Community Project Funding (CPF) for Idaho. Despite claims that CPF projects are "wasteful earmarks," Community Project Funding gives me the opportunity to bring Idaho tax dollars back home for Idaho priorities instead of going to blue states like California or New York.”


Simpson has a point, but the philosophy of “I must get the cookie first so the ‘bad guys’ can’t get it” is a disgusting waste of everyone’s tax dollars. Let’s cut out all earmarks and then no one’s tax money is first sent to the feds before it goes back to local communities with gobs of chunks removed and lots of strings attached.

Also, please don’t assume that a certain political party letter after a candidate’s name means anything. Many candidates affiliate with a certain party just to get your vote. For example, philosophical Democrats often identify as Republicans in mostly red states. Then after they win elections as “Republicans,” they vote with Democrats and turn the red states purple then blue. (Too bad philosophical Republicans don’t use this strategy in blue states in order to turn them purple and then red. Hmmm, what a concept! But lying about one’s true intentions isn’t a good look in MY book.)

Voters must do their own research, meet candidates in person, ask hard questions, and vote in the PRIMARY elections. In some states, like Idaho, the primary elections determine the outcome of the general. Sitting out primaries just hands the office to the “other” party.

🚫 Will Idaho primary voters will be smart enough to see that earmarks are a way to buy votes? Mike Simpson is being challenged by a more fiscally conservative candidate, Scott Cleveland (https://clevelandforcongress.org/). We’ll see if they notice.

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson: Open The Books Rankings - Transparency F (https://www.openthebooks.com/assets/1/6/TransparencyScorecard_FINAL.pdf , page 6) | Where’s the Pork Top 50 (https://www.openthebooks.com/assets/1/6/Wheres_the_Pork_Report_v6.pdf , page 38)

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Just about everything in West Virginia is named after New Deal Democrat Senator Robert Byrd terms - 1958-2006. Byrd served four terms as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Within two years of his chairmanship, Byrd surpassed his announced five-year goal of making sure more than $1 billion in Federal funds was sent back to West Virginia. More than 50 buildings built with funds from US taxpayers are named for either Byrd or his wife, Erma Ora Byrd. The Robert C. Byrd Highway, some of you might know as "Corridor H" of the Appalachian Development Highway System, dubbed "West Virginia's road to nowhere" after it received a $9.5 million earmark in the $410 billion Omnibus Appropriations Act. Byrd was names "King of Pork" by the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Citizens Against Government Waste[ and "Prince of Pork" from other taxpayer groups.

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Reminds me of Sen. Bob Kerr (Kerr-McGee energy co.) from Okla. He sat on an energy committee and had first hand info where hydro electric dams would be built and other such interesting tidbits leading to the convenient land purchases for his company.

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I wish there were house and senate "ass-hole" committees. Just think of the tidbits that would lead to.

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😡Just goes to show, corruption never ends. On the other hand, West Virginia now has a record number (82) of politicians -- past, present, and presumably future -- who have signed on to the medical liberty pledge here: https://mlpledge.org/members/?filter=true&state=west-virginia

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Thanks for that Big E. US House = 1 in WV, and FL and 2 in AZ. US Senate = 1 in OK.

That's why working on local/state elected officials provides results. My state only has 2 in the state house and 1 in the senate. I will contact JBS and ask if they are promoting this or even know about it.

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Great you bringing up Robert Byrd, Shelly...he was a loathsome parasite.

BTW, re: my original post today about DE-FUNDING our rotten bureaucracy, I hope you will forward it to your As a Mom group. I truly believe it will be the 'mom's' more than the dads that can - if they choose to - right our Ship of State from its radical LEFTWARD tilt (that is about to CAPSIZE), and steer America in the RIGHT course back to liberty and freedom for individuals and nuclear families of all denominations.

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The gals on AAM already agree with you 100% Tom. We had the Tea Party during O to right the ship but even with new Rs in their with the gavel nothing changed. It is being run from outside the country, has been for a very long time. Our voices don't count.

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So it appears that Robert gave W. Virgnia the byrd, even after he's passed ?

Are there statues as well ? Way better than those pesky Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln fellas. Maybe George Floyd's statue can be next to Byrds in some state capitol somewhere.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Universities, grade and high schools, hospitals, bridges, you name it. Leaving a legacy. New Dealers were very adepts at spending citizen's income tax. He became an apologetic ex-KKK member when it got in the way of his running for the US House in 1952.

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P. J. O’Rourke wrote of this in his wonderful book Parliament of Whores, 1992, chapter title Would you kill your mother to pave I-95? The federal budget.

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Also an omnibus bill with more than one item on it is an automatic NO from me. Just give taxpayers a chance and in one year, ONE FUNDING CYCLE, we can fix most of what’s wrong.

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How? Easy… defund 90% of them. Pay down the national debt with the unused funds. Bring the military home. Sell Bill Gates farm land to small family farmers. Put everyone receiving government funds to work. No job too small. Library greeters. Street sweeper. Housed homeless guarding small stores. Clean up our food. Build homes. Make every dwelling solar and water independent. Organize on small community level. Every city create “bergs” of several blocks. Create community gardens, elder guardians ie young who check on the sick and elderly in their berg, security patrols. I would gladly donate my tax dollars to these activities!!

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I was wondering if the "long covid" affects are the reason for my grand kids, son-in-law, & my daughter, continually being sick? They all got covid last November , Thanksgiving day, & my daughter had to rush her family to the ER. The ER docs didn't try to prescribe any medication, & said they didn't need a vaxx- especially since 3 of them already tested "positive" for cv19. Now, since last November, '23, one by one, they get sore throats, bad coughing, congestion, & sometimes a low fever. I thought maybe since my oldest Grand daughter began Pre-K, it was the "pass-the-illness-around" kind of virus. But, could the long covid virus continually get passed back & forth? It's been almost 5 months of them getting sick over & over again!

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Did something change in their environment? Though it could still be COVID, it sounds like what my son went through when he was a little guy and kept getting what you’re describing…like a never ending cold. Turned out it was allergies and asthma that flared due to us moving to an older home, and mold/dust were the culprits.

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That's what I thought- allergies could be the problem. But, when the oldest Grand daughter gets sick, then her sister gets it; then Dad, & Mom gets sick. It's a domino effect, & they all suffer, get better for a week or two, then it starts all over again.

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That sounds more like a respiratory illness. So sorry they’re going through that! It’s miserable to be sick all the time. ❤️

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Oh, thank you, it has been a long winter, & we're all hoping for sunny, warm days so we can be outside & soak up sun rays! I thought about them having respiratory illness as well, but my daughter did take her daughter's to the doctor, but all they did was recommend to let the virus run the course. Over the counter meds are not safe- in my opinion- the ingredients are full of non-healthy ingredients, alcohol being one, propylene glycol! Enjoy your beautiful day!

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

I'm no doctor and I can't prove anything I'm gonna' say here, but, I started taking quercetin, a couple thousand IUs of vitamin D3 and some zinc every day back in Feb. of 2021. I have had nothing ever since. No colds, no flu and no covid. Yeah, it's just anecdotal I guess, but it seems to be working for me. Many thanks to my family country doctor and Dr. Zelenko (may he RIP) for recommending this back when anything but a vax was being canceled by the lefty gov't and big pharma.

I hope this might be of some help to you and yours.

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If you keep getting sick, and you're not jabbed by the Fauci vial, then you need to look into your digestive tract health. There are studies, specifically a doctor who was at the 4 hour Ron Johnson covid senate meeting with Dr. Malone and friends, who studied the issues plaguing people who were jabbed, and unjabbed, and found that it is in their digestive tract that they were missing a type of good bacterium, that was causing them to repetitively get sick.

You don't have to be jabbed to have this probiotic depleted from your intestinal tract, either. Chlorinated water, age, alcohol, etc. All of these things deplete this necessary bacterium which allows proper immune system response.

I've been taking it (probiotic) for years, even before I heard her explain what was happening with people who keep getting sick from covid, or any other cold and flu.

Pretty sure her name was Hazen, but my memory isn't pulling it straight , right now. Her few minutes were extremely enlightening, as well as all the other speakers that day with Ron Johnson.

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My grand daughters keep getting ill- with cold-like symptoms- runny nose, slight sore throat, & tired. Kids keep passing this around at school, & they get better, then one kid gets sick again & then my grand daughter gets sick again, & it affects my daughter's family all over again.

I do believe my problems may stem from a poor, or bad bacterium. My daughter has researched this problem, & I feel I need to get that checked. But, I'm due for my colonoscopy again & hope that will help me figure my situation out. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.

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My 7 month old grandson got what the doctor claimed was RSV a couple of weeks ago. A fever, runny nose, not his usual self but still not all that bad. He was over it in 2 days, no meds needed.

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To add salt to the wound, I asked my doctor for a drug to take with me when I go on vacation to Portugal & Spain later this month just in case I get Covid, he prescribed Plaxovd, I just found out it doesn’t work on Covid and it’s made by Pfizer. I’m taking in back to Safeway to see if they will refund my money. What bullshirt!!

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I misspelled the name of the drug, it's spelled Paxlovid. Don't buy it, and if your doctor prescribes it, by all means enlighten him.

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Western medicine is still based on a Newtonian, not quantum model (Hint - particles require medicinal particles).

This scientific lapse dovetails with the more grave philosophical one: Western medicine doesn’t teach - or rely - on the certainty that we have souls and the body is a Spiritual instrument.

A Fourth Step Promise in AA is: “when the Spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.” The Fourth and Fifth Steps is when alcoholics and other addicts get off psych meds.

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That's interesting. The mind and emotions can and do reek havoc on the body.

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I refuse to waste my time/money on docs who can't/won't face the reality of vax injury/death. There IS help online! I just purchased liquid ivermectin online from tractorsupply.com No prescription needed and cheapest I've found. Thanks to Cowboy Logic on RAV!

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Liquid? Which brand, Quest? All I have ever seen are paste in a tube.

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I bought the pills without a prescription on Reliable pharmacy.com when covid hit. T

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I used Brave search engine

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I will try that because 'startpage' I changed to about a month ago does not provide the links that even Duck Duck Go did.

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Try Jeffersequine.com. They offer several brands of 1.87% Ivermectin (Zimecterin, Iver Care, Bimectin, Jeffers brand is the least expensive). All are paste types with the weight marks. Be sure to get just ivermectin without combinations with other wormers.

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I will check them out because my horses only like the ones with apple flavor. Thanks for the tip. Been buying wormers for decades.

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Ivermax 1% by Aspen

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Appears to be either an injectable or pour on for cattle and swine. I have horses.

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Yes, at 10 mg/ml, just add your dose to a liquid and drink.

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Perfectly said! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Barbara Lee, my PCP is somewhat of a friend. He pushed the mRNA shot on me. We had a couple long discussions about the adverse reactions. At the time he was in the army reserves and I sent him the hearing with marine doctor whistle blowers showing all of the soldiers injured by the shot. Of course from what I heard doctors make 500/shot they inject. At a point I asked him for prescriptions for ivermectin hydroxychloroquine and a Z pack which he gave me. CVS gave me the hydroxy and the Z pack but would not fill the ivermectin. I did take some of the hydroxychloroquine and got better in about a week. My wife who was forced by her work to take 3 shots was sick for more than 6 months, she wouldn’t take the hydroxy. Our government has been engulfed by fascism. They have used their coercive power to take control of the entire medical establishment but also business after business have succumbed to government coercion. It seems a lot of this began when Obama took over health care with the affordable care act. Government wedged themselves right in between doctor and patient. At the time Barney Frank (hard to say this) was my rep and I had visions of having to beg him to allow my wife or myself permission to get a life saving procedure. What have we become? I hope your feeling better Barbara Lee. I’ve said prayers for you.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck as a 64 yr old I would send every extra dollar to help get these messages out. I am profoundly appreciative (words can't describe) for every hour of hard core research and investigative persistence Dr. Malone and team put into voicing truths to Americans and the world around us. Prayerfully and continually in gratitude.

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Though I live in rural Idaho, I so enjoy the pictures of your horses and other animals. Thank you most kindly for sharing. A bright spot in our shaky world.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The reputation of f.d.a. and its cadre of thugs is way beyond being harmed as it is virtually non existent today. There is where a serious build back better is badly needed

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

Those thugs remain with a whole lotta power structure and base that only prayer and fasting, empowering the few with enough righteous motivation can crush! It's egregious the level of corruption and greed controlling the fabric of American unelected leadership.

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The nonexistence referred back to the word…reputation.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: the koolaid cartoon,

I worked with a purple hair flaming democrat nutjob, but, she was a good nurse, and a hard worker.

She told me about the funniest joke I ever heard.

Today, I don't think she would tell it, even if the other leftist vermin allowed her.


Do you know why NO ONE tells jokes about the Jim Jones koolaid massacre?

Punch line is too long.

That alone allowed to think the rabid leftist vermin had a chance to get better.

Then the rodents decided to forbid humor.

Not looking good for the rabid rodents.

Sane folks that keep their humor, always win. Eventually.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Funny how the FDA is worried about their reputation 😂

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OH, my goodness.

I just about died laughing . . . the tall bar chair!

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I did too!

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I think that covid's part was to UNCOVER EVERYTHING that the government has been doing!

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Yes, maybe that was the Providential gift here.

We can only pray that the gift is seen by. . . all.

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Genesis 50:20

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

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"But as for you, you meant evil against me"


Providential gift = God shows the harms being done.

Simple: my hope was that ALL humans, after seeing the exposed wrongs, will acknowledge them-- as wrongs. It is good that those blinded by the brainwashing be able to understand what has been done.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There's always one boorish falcon at the party who refuses to tear his rodent into small pieces first.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: Mask for the eclipse.

I went to the yellow bag store and bought a 10 pack of covid eradication masks and have been handing them out to my closest friends for their eyes during the eclipse. They seem to be the most vulnerable to the hype.

I wonder..........what does that say about me??????HA!

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Well.....it's over. Pretty neat. Up here in North Maine, we saw what appeared to be a solar flare snaking off in the 6:30 area.

\With the exception of the Phish concert a few years ago, I don't think I've seen a bigger bunch of freaks descend on our little town.

GAWD I hope they all leave!

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Poor Rebel News in Canada. The Toronto police just arrested their camerman right out side of city hall.

We sure are living in a nightmare.

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Two years ago , 28 April 2022 , my wife of 64 years , at the age of 86 passed away at 3:30 AM in the hospital . The death certificate reads " cardiac arrest ". I last saw her as the medics wheeled her to the waiting emergency vehicle . The medics cautioned me not to go to the hospital and to check first as the " Emergency Room and ward was crowded . Our youngest son visited her just before closing time at 9 PM . She had not been able to keep food and / or fluids down for 5 days prior to hospitalization . Her physician had prescribed medications . Both she and I had had the specified 3 shot mRNA regimen in 2021 . No autopsy was recommended . The thought remains . TJ Proteau

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Thomas, read “What the Nurses Saw”. An excellent book about what happened in hospitals during COVID.

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Far too many similar stores like yours. The maddening thing is that crimes of this magnitude are rarely admitted much less punished. So sad.

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Thank you for your post. So nice to hear of your 64 years together. That is such a blessing Thomas. I've told my friends that took the jabs and now suspect their choice was wrong, not to think about it. I don't want them worrying about something that cannot be changed. Worry can lead to mentally-induced illness.

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My sympathies. One surely does suspect.

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Thank you Jean . 64 years of life , a wonderful family and many memories does not fade away quickly !!

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Apr 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hmmm. I only liked 17 of your cartoons today. My favorite, if I had had to choose, is ' the boot '.

Last evening I had dinner with a neighbour/ teacher. We got into DEI. I'm not sure she understood or believed my explanation. Thanks for posting FALLOUT so that I can share with others that do not have a subscription to Epoch.

From another truthteller, like you. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-in-the-media/interview-world-war-iii-before-election/

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The Harris and Pete Buttbleep 'toons' spot-on; American youth too.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

"I had way too much to drink and I thought she was a pirate."

I think I saw her modeling at the Buccaneer fashion show celebrating the release of the spring catalog. The ship deck-themed catwalk was covered with noise-canceling foam that clashed with the otherwise chic presentation.

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do you know why pirates LOVE April Fools day so much??

Its the only day they can make people walk the prank.

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English would so dull without its puns and double entendres.

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good lord yes,

and man, I have noticed that almost any other language uses several more words per sentence, to say the same thing, not sure what is up with that

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Paraprosdokians provide humor too and since it is the Sunday strip:

Where there's a will, I want to be in it.

Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

They begin the evening news with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

To steal ideas from someone is plagiarism. To steal from many is called research.

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they look sexy.

Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

A clear conscience is the sign of a bad memory.

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. Nor is there any future in it.

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

I am not arguing with you, I am explaining why you are wrong.

Finally: I'm supposed to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder for me to find one now.

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"Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they look sexy". so true so true

I think I know why. A man can find that one angle in the mirror, that makes him looooook gooood! And we firmly believe that is the angle all you lovelies are looking at.

A women can look in the mirror, see one angle where she does not look perfect, and then knows all the people are looking at her from that angle.

Men and women have the same "dishonesty", looking at themselves. just on opposite sides of that coin.


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I really share that last one

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English has better adjectives?

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no idea, I learned enough Spanish and french in school to pass, now I just mumble in other languages. English too.

My dad, said it real good.

"I can understand any spoken language , except Greek. Try me".

So, someone would rattle off a foreign phrase, dad would think a moment, and say

"hmmm, sounds like Greek to me.

good times

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oops, you replied, bwa hahahah

Do you know what the pirate paid to have his ear pierced???

It was a buccaneer!

Did you hear about the Bluebeard the Pirate, who ship wrecked in the Red Sea???

he got marooned!

Loved telling stupid dad jokes to patients in the recovery area.

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I love stupid Dad jokes! My daughter, who is now a Mom, still tells her "Dad's stupid Dad jokes" to her girls, but they are still too young to understand them. HaHaHa....! My family has a great sense of humor, & at times, sarcastic humor! Laughter is the best medicine 'fer sure!

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Yes, spring has surely arrived. A magnolia tree that I bought in memory of my mother & transplanted last October, is covered with pink buds. In another week or so, it will be in full bloom. Can't wait! When I received it, is was about 6" high. It is now about 9ft tall. Spring also reminds me of a poem I wrote about 37 years ago, on March 31st of that year. I titled it, "The Master Plan"

I sampled life again today,

and claimed it for my own,

and savored every hint of spring

as I walked alone

The last of March,

a sweet embrace

a cool breeze upon my face

and very creature called to me from perch or nest

and all the rest

seemed somehow small amidst it all

And then I knew

as I stood there

a figure clothed in solitaire

that all of this

was meant to share.

As my father used to tell me, "Everyone needs three things in life: someone to love, something to do, & something to look forward to". I hope everyone in this comment section experiences these simple truths. Happy Spring to one & all!

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