Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That Monty Python clip shows clearly for how long we’ve been sinking into madness. Funny and frightening at the same time!

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My son wanted to be a ghost buster at age 3, next he wanted to be He Man at age 4, followed by many other “characters”. He was an early reader and read encyclopedia by age 6 and learned about all the US Presidents, could name them in order as well as their VPs. At age 8 he said I want to be Thomas Jefferson! Mom, can I go to Mr. Jefferson’s school when I grow up? I said sure you can, but you must do well in school. 10 years later he went to Mr. Jefferson’s school. He is now a very successful, happy man.

Good parents realize plant the seeds of success, water, provide sunshine and freedom to grow, kids figure out they can’t be a 🦕!

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Imagine the child who wants to be a pirate.

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I.e. Zuckerberg??

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I always enjoy your humor and quick wit. Poor Zuckerberg had to create Facebook to find friends

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Technically, DOD created Facebook for Zuckerberg to find friends

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Fortunately I am still a child and still want to be a hermit

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These days, you can choose your isolation gender: hermit or hismit.

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Pirate: gouge his eye out, cut off his leg, give him a pet parrot.

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That was Bill Maher’s—can’t take credit. Though there are numerous other examples that could be cited😱😉

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Being a pirate would be great training to become a politician.

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I want to be a politician. I practice with both of my faces.

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You just have two faces? That may not do.

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I’m a UVA graduate! Please say hello to your Wahoo!!

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I shall! I moved to Cville 12 years ago from southside Va. took a job here. It’s not the same place I remembered. I’m ready to sell and go back home now.

Go Wahoos! 😊

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Cville is infested with progressives now, it is not a desirable place to live anymore.

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Infested is a good word, they’re like a bedbug, everything these Leftist touch turns to sh*t. When I leave I’m going to find the most conservative place in Va. to live out the rest of my life. At least I’ll be able to talk with sane people.

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You got to laugh out loud at the one where the kid identifies as T-Rex 🦖. On a previous post I identified as part pig because I had to have a heart valve replaced. I said my pronouns were now She and Oink. At the suggestion of several other readers who thought maybe my name should be Miss Piggy, I have bowed to the will of Dr Malone’s fabulous readers and have changed my name to Ms Piggy Lee. 🐷

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Love the Mark Twain quote among others. Speaking of this quote, I’ve been wondering what has to take place to make Biden supporters understand that not only he is a sociopathic liar, and has no contrition for his lies, but that America is crumbling under his inept policies. God please help us.


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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

I fear that they already understand and support Biden for exactly those qualities.

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Minnesota has quickly become the laughing stock of the nation. This is a product of the DFL [what we call Democrats here] in all 3 branches [and in every twig and set deep in the roots] of Government.

Keith Ellison leading the way...........as AG and Guv Walz allowing George Floyd and BLM to let Minneapolis burn. Even the lefties in the local media were appalled. And it continues...as they were all re-elected!!!!

It is now against the law to save the life of a baby in a failed abortion. Yes. Abortions are allowed any time. We will pay you to come here to get an abortion.

We will allow you to have a sex change as a youth...without parental consent.

BLM rioters who burned Minneapolis............bailed out immediately, never charged, and now gone to other cities.

Property taxes are on the rise. 70% here....

Rent control in St. Paul.

Cops leaving at a record pace in the Twin Cities. All crime is up.

Green Energy coming...mandated. Brown outs predicted. Read Isaac Orr at AmericanExperiment.org

It goes on and on...........

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The dem party has finally morphed into a dry rot that is eating away at the planks of our ship of state. Time for some rough carpentry.

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Time for a u-haul to head red?

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I agree with Jean. Eventually you will have to move. Minnesota will continue to fall to anarchy. The lefts grip will never allow law and justice to take hold again so that they lose power. It was such a beautiful state!!

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Yes but, move where? Mars?

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No, small countries are easy snacks. You can’t defend your sovereignty against supreme military powers. Texas would be gobbled up and converted via force.

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For a moment there I read 'Regurgitate Everything".

My left brain/right brain/ needed a reboot. OK now.

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I can’t believe I’ve never encountered that Mark Twain quote before.

I would flip it around, though:

“A lie has no defense against the truth determined to be heard.”

And in that vein, Robert, I hope you and everyone here will help with viralizing this collaborative passion project featuring Tess Lawrie’s breathtakingly poignant reading of my poem:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

This was lovingly filmed by Mark Lawrie, the director of my #1 red-pilling video, also a must-watch:

• “A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill” (https://rumble.com/vwfia3-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie-oracle-films.html)

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Margaret Anna Alice, the poem reading and its contents shows how ancient our struggle against reality is, however this struggle will always exist because truth to many is worse than living with the lies.

Tess’s documentary validates that evil uses weak links, cares not for humanity and seeks destruction then power in its many forms. My reactions in 2020, first to the fear porn, then the draconian measures to remove all liberties within the population and the sledge hammer that was the reaction to emerging therapeutics mentioned by doctors. I was watching the Ingraham Angle every week night as she and her selected doctor guests reviewed efficacy results from the formulations given their patients. That was game over for me, I understood what was happening. I was listening to the car radio when the topic of ivermectin was mentioned. As I turned into my driveway I stopped and listened intently. What? That is a deworming product I had been giving to my horses since it came on the market as part of my rotational program. Since then, a friend’s husband and a younger brother of mine, both unvaxed, successfully used it when they had Omicron. I took note when Fauci said the medications being hyped by hustlers (doctors) were dangerous until full-fledged peer review studies were performed (which he knew the Gov would never do), however, his enthusiastic endorsement of Remdisivir as the drug of choice was never under a full-fledged peer review study. The wreckage that ensued from the successful manipulation as seen in this video will be part of the history of our enslavement.

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Omg, so powerful. Chills. This needs to be shared everywhere!

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This was very powerful!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember in 4th grade that most of the girls played horses. The actually pretended that they were in a herd of horses. I was a little judgey and thought it was stupid and went back to 4 square and tether ball. How would they turn these girls into horses?

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At least horses can get ivermectin.

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Ha! You're on FIRE today!

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I romped around on my hands and knees as a child with mom saying quit that you will ruin your knees. When I hit about 8 I would just lay in bed with a shoe string running up from my toes as reins. When I was 12 I got my first real horse! Yup, I cannot place a knee on the ground, going down stairs is painful and I never could wear thongs. Probably more than anyone cares to know!

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Don’t give them any ideas.

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Would not put it past "them" to try

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I guess the other big lie is that banks are, “safe and effective”.

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GMoody you sound like a wonderful thoughtful parent. I only wish all parents were as normal.

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Growing up on hundreds of acres of land, with huge ponds grandpa built to water his animals and crops, a john boat with fishing gear thoughtfully placed at several locations by my grandpa, freedom to roam, discover, but with farm responsibilities handled first was the biggest blessing God ever provided me. But, what is normal today? I long for the day we might just rediscover the America I grew up in.

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God Bless your grandpa. I’m verklempt reading this...

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The farmland my grandpa purchased 60 years ago and built into a family enterprise has long ago been sold by his children upon his death and they’ve all spent the proceeds. So, I can never truly go home again. But, no one can ever take my wonderful memories of riding on the bulldozer with him building ponds, fencing land for the cattle, clearing land to plant crops, helping him lay irrigation pipes to water the huge garden grandma planted every spring. Sometimes, as a child I was so tired from hard work, I wished I could live in the city. But, looking back now my love and appreciation for the simple life he provided his entire family brings tears when I think of the sacrifices he made. I miss his wisdom, his strong faith, his kindness, his love.

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Ok you’re making me all verklempt again! Sounds like you have much of your grandpa in you! We all need to get back to the land in all ways possible!

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Interesting. Consider for a moment the America I grew up in. Am an 81 yr old Texan. Texans back in my childhood grew up somewhat different from kids deeper south, kids from New England and they kids from the Midwest. Have heard it said that t.v. had homogenized us, removing much of our regional accents etc. Wonder how much of a good thing that was?

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I have an idea, tell potus there’s a 3 million dollar check from China in the corner and then put him in a round room. After 2 more years of going in circles a new potus will be sworn in.

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Sounds like paradise. I was talking to my wife this morning. Biden has so screwed the banks with his continued spending which has raised interest rates, it’s almost impossible to move unless you don’t need a mortgage. He is killing the housing Matket. With the bank closings they are printing more money which raises inflation which raises interest rates which makes more bank closings which makes Biden print more money which raises inflation which raises interest rates, which makes more bank closing which makes Biden print more money which could his supporters see the problem with his policies I doubt it...

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Right on schedule and according to plan. When do WE get to be hostile?

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Another? Lotsa BIG LIES to go around these days - sadly to say

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First outright guffaw of the day, Doctor! Ty. Haven't watched that in a long time.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Life of Brian…Prophecy in humor.

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While a critical mass has been distracted and more then happy to play like children in fantasy land, this has been going on:

Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, the Assads. Yanukovych AND NOW Trump. Next will be Putin because what these leaders all have in common is posing a threat to the Globalist agenda.

In our neglect to do our due diligence to find out the truth about the evil we have been funding overseas, we have allowed the monster to grow. And now, it’s coming home to roost.

Tucker releasing the J6 video was time perfectly. Trump is being arrested just as the evidence of innocence for those who can see is laid bare. This is a recipe for civil war. And that is intentional. We will fight each other as true evil sits back and enjoys the show.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great clip from Monty Python. My go to entertainment when the Government gets me down. After all “it is only a flesh wound”

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you thank you thank you for that Monty P clip! I laughed at it years ago, and those of us that are sane are still laughing! 😂🤣😂🤣

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It just dawned on me - the people who now say they are Democrats are trans - they previously identified as communists.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Back in the day Monty Python was the number one show in Japan it was called gay boys dragon hour

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