On vacation, sitting on a beach and watching people walking around with masks on. I just shake my head. The only thing I can figure is lack of oxygen has truly affected their brains!
Hahaha good one, I had some dental work done a while back, that mask in the glove compartment came in handy. I did not wear it driving though. Your hubs is right, noticed that myself.
Haha, I know a woman who said that she likes masks for that very reason. She said that she feels she's ugly, and that it's easier for her to be around other people.
Masks are a way to be unseen. There are alot of people in our society that are lonely and unseen, they don't need to wear a mask to feel that way. We have gone bat crap crazy!
There is a woman who comes to my gym. She's significantly overweight. She has never been seen inside the gym, without a mask, since before the plandemic release back in 2019.
Her mask is SUPER TIGHT. Must be one of these n95 units.
It's so heavily soiled, it's no longer white.
It's so heavily filled with moisture in the fibers, the mask doesn't allow air to freely pass thorough. It does the "Little Rascals weep wow" sound:
It doesn't really make that sound, (never been that close to her) but the mask moves in and out like the little rascals cake.
Do these people not read packaging ? How respirators, whether paper, or cartridge are designed for a specific purpose and time limit ? They are not functional after use of a certain amount of time, which explains the moisture, bacteria soaked "Weep Wow", I see almost every night at the gym.
People are simply out of their cotton picking gourds, unfortunately.
When I go to the doctors I wear a maslk, my daughter insists as I do have a multitude of health issues. Don't like Wearing g a mask but do it to keep peace in the family. Daughter does not war one! She is my caregiver, too. As I am 87 yr old.
I work in a mall where I see lots of families with kids who don't speak a lick of English. CDC says we're seeing maybe a dozen diseases the last couple years which were previously considered eradicated here decades ago or were unknown here. Also the mall is not cleaned well and I'm allergic to house dust. Therefore I wear a KN95 when at work, but nowhere else.
Sister in law was on much Chemo for her cancer. Went to Dr. Apt. people in office coughing, etc & she was dead in 5 days. ??? She had NO way to fight the stuff (& this was well before COVID) No win I guess.
Sometimes things seem overwhelming. At some point we should realize this administration will pass. We all should take a page out of the Texas play book. They stood up to Goliath and Goliath is now on his heels. States and people are flocking to help Texas. The government seems to have forgotten the very people they seem to hate pay for their fake teeth, their fake hair plugs, their children’s birth and their health care, we pay for their food, their mansions, their cars and their transportation. We at some point must also realize that we are the power that sustains this country. I can’t believe God is going to give up on the worlds brightest hope. I have to tell myself have faith, and I say it to you as well. I believe in a short amount of time the proper things will align, as they have throughout history, and we the people will take our country back. J.Goodrich
James, your assessment and message is on target. I just answered a text from my youngest brother who said 'my glass is half empty when it comes to the 49ers' and said 'quit drinking from it then'. We all need to quit with the glass half empty attitude. Go Truckers!
It isn't just this administration, and it won't "just pass." There is a deep divide in the US between the government and the people, and the people have to take the responsibility to change it. Blaming it on the current administration or the other political party and passively waiting for things to get better won't do it.
Very true, Republican or Democrat, if they are owned by the machine, the AGENDA will be carried out. Reagan took the restrictions off how money was going to be loaned out and those that took advantage of the system were rewarded. This lead to the Trillion dollar payout decades later. We all need to be smarter.
What's going on at the border is exactly what it takes. And more of it. The legislators rolled the dice and silently watched too many people die needlessly. They won't do anything more than they absolutely have to (in their mind). Only the citizenry can save the country now.
I think they're waiting for the WHO amendments to kick in so the Democrats will start censoring like crazy. That way, the RINO's can pretend they're against it, but helpless to do anything about it. If SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional, I think they'll roll-out virus X, which will be bad enough to scare lots of people into risking their next vaccine. That is, if they really want to hold onto power, they may take that approach.
If they're not willing to go that far yet, they may let Trump have 4 years and fuel the fire of hate in the MSM until the country is so divided it can never come together in any meaningful sense again. Who knows what will happen then. If Trump doesn't get back in again, we could be in escalated war in Europe, South America, Middle East and Asia for all I know. These people are CRAZY!!!
Yeah, they have more options than we can reasonably feel comfortable with, still. No time to get complacent. What makes it so concerning is how many RINO's still show no concern at all over vaccine-associated adverse advents and all-cause mortality increases. They don't even fake it. That level of arrogance is troubling, to put it mildly.
Wise words again James, and also again completely relevent to Australia (and a number of other Nations). With your permission mate (if you will), I would like to copy your exact words regarding ("forgotten the very people they seem to hate pay for their fake teeth, their fake hair plugs") and so on. It applies in spades to us as well. The only thing I might add is that at least here in Australia, when these people remove themselves from Parliament, they get @#$%^ pensions and other benefits for life. I give to you (and Dr Malone) one example. A State premier served in Parliament for a total of Nine years. During this time, he became (I assert with good reason) "the most hated politician in Australia" (this was even published by MSM). It was widely circulated that "he has to be taken down SOMEHOW", He was even lambasted by very popular media personalities and Church Leaders. All of a sudden he appears on TV announcing he is retiring immediately (strange that!). He "retires" (after NINE years) with a "pension" of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars per year TAX FREE FOR LIFE. (That would be the equivalent of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars per year for life. PLUS (as I understand it) he is allocated an office, Commonwealth car for personal use, huge number of airline flights (per year) etc etc etc.
SO! We have a similar problem to our "American Brothers and Sisters." My "idea to save the world" takes that into consideration. Stay well, stay strong my friend, God Bless us ALL (The People).
Indeed, here in Canada, thank the Lord a judge found Castro's war measures act illegal against our Charter of Rights. One day later his closest buddy that acted with him, resigned immediately. WTF!!! Bobble head Chrystia came out to let us know they will appeal it!! Where did Castro go? Oh yes ran and hid, just like when our Freedom Truckers were coming to Ottawa. Oh soy boy afraid of the fringe minority!! God Bless all your brave Truckers. Prayers up!!
Everytime Chrystia gives a press conference, I am tempted to leave the country! The truckers, all of us who protested were vindicated with this judgement. We will need to be even more vocal and vigilant with Disease X, to share the knowledge with our neighbors.
A great conversation between Tucker, Jordan P. and Conrad Black highlights your viewpoint and the tendency for bleak outlooks. I’m optimistic but expecting shit to hit the fan at some point. The trucker protest could be an opportunity for more hope.
The point, however, of many Trump supporters as well as others who have contended with government agencies is that the great majority of government workers do not change with changing administrations. Also, the laws they work under do not change. So changing the President, his cabinet, and other appointed officials can only do so much to change the course of government. While a good President can be very influential in getting bad law removed and good law passed, it is ultimately Congress that sets policy for our country, and that means the voters. This necessarily includes the need to broadly inform the public of what's really going on, why, and how best to deal with it. And right now that job is in the hands of public intellectuals, as the corporate media shows little to no interest in doing that job.
James, although many forces are working overtime to steal freedom, I believe many people are waking up to truth. Once they saw the absolute tyranny of the mandates to take the jabs millions of people realized that’s taking away our freedom. It was do as you’re told, don’t ask questions, you no longer have a right to informed consent. It was so opposite from the American spirit of standing for individual rights I was shocked so many just trusted and did as they were commanded to do. I now feel the tide is turning, therefore I’m more optimistic than I was 3 years ago.
The "Great Awakening" is indeed happening, but it's slower than a snails half dead brother in law snail, who is blindfolded, and corks in his snail ears (I know snails don't have ears).
At least in America, that is. Sleeping remains quite prevalent here.
France, Germany, and a good number of European countries are starting to fight back with their trucks / farm equipment filled with manure being jetted all over their Capitols. We are not being told about these mini rebellions because they don't want to give us any ideas.
Keep in mind, James, the powers that are directing this vitriol towards the people are watching this forum, as we speak. If anyone thinks otherwise, you're kidding yourself.
These administrations that are working against the people they serve (haha) have thousands and thousands of useful idiots who infiltrate, take notes, spew the beans elsewhere, and work against the very people they live amongst. These demonic traitors, to the other humans (such as us) who either trust them, or fail to notice them, are either encouraged to sniff out, and expose their perceived dissidents, their fellow man, either for personal financial gain, or some sort of demented idealism, that can't be explained in a single paragraph.
EVERYONE HERE SHOULD be aware that they are HERE on this board, and although they might not be blatantly out in the open, they are working diligently to subjugate and conquer, because they were told to by someone higher in the pecking order of demonic morons to do so.
U stated above that "these things shall pass" (thank you, Jonny Cash), which may or may not be the course in which it takes, but only time will tell, and our concerted efforts working together as a united people works, or fails.
I'm in your boat, keeping fingers crossed, and attempting to awaken those around me regarding the demons who surround and want to overtake us. The traitors usually expose themselves when they're not thinking too clearly, so just be aware.
I am aware, and I know many of the Marxists that control our government monitor this sub stack. They believe the first amendment is no longer, I say to them F-OFF. My family has paid far too high a price for me to be silenced and pushed around by these paper tiger bully losers!!! I probably more than most subscribers consider myself a slave now, it doesn’t get much lower than that. With the debt our government has put on all of our backs we are all slaves holding up the politicians privileged exotic lives. So if they put the slaves pushing the wagon all in prison the sooner their privileged life will collapse. They need us.
Good viewpoint James. Y' forgot their Stock Portfolio's!! But we must remember God lets us do what we want. He is NOT a puppeteer. If we the people sit back & do nothing, we'll get what we are getting. If we the people are silent, we lose. silence is deadly. Sadly evil attacks those who can't fight back. Money talks & we watched it in the January 6th debacle. Solitary Confinement??? We, the people have unwittingly (I hope) allowed a cleverly organized minority to kick God out of the picture. What happened to the right to a speedy trial? & the arm twisting, & the truth twisting... Sigh!
Yes, that keeps our impotent congress quiet and in line. James O'Keefe is coming out this week with more information about the sex cages in the capital basement. Sex, drugs, and rock'N'roll while on the payroll.
Excellent! The mask people make me sad. Especially the elder. The younger maskers are deranged imo. Laughed so hard at the Biden cutting barbwire with a stapler makes total sense to me. Always a pleasure to wake up to ya’ll. God Bless you and everyone 🙏🏻💯♥️
You two have outdone yourselves finding these gems. The sun is finally out and I am in a very good mood, well until I noticed that almost an entire month in the new year has passed. How did that happen without my permission?
I was sitting in the food court of my local Costco waiting for my tires to be installed, just people watching. I was encouraged that 99% of the people seemed like normal folks going about their day. The other 1% or so just looked broken, to varying degrees. First were the maskers. Still too many, in my opinion, considering that it was unheard of to walk around in public in a mask only a few long years ago.
After that were varying degrees of weirdness, from the tutu clad chihuahua with the tutu clad gender confused owner, to the homeless lady wandering the parking lot looking for money or a confrontation.
I'm pretty sure that the plandemic either triggered some of these folks, or gave them permission to come out to society.
Either way, I'm sort of encouraged by the wide majority plain old middle class Americans still trying to live their lives. Hmm. Makes me think that maybe the fringe element is being grossly overplayed by people and organizations who stand to gain from the division that the sow.
Around here in Texas folks wearing masks were agittin ready to rob a bank and so wearing one in a bank good way to get yourself shot. Hence was against the law in many places to wear one.
Exactly. The fact that it was demanded of bank patrons (from the bank branches that stayed open) was just bizarre, and seemed like a definite security risk.
I hope FJB doesn't freeze that money and your bank accounts. Castro the b@@@h did that here when our Truckers came. I wonder what happened to the millions $$ that were donated. Best of luck.
Talk about a grand slam collection! So many - so outstanding! Of course have to start with the cat! Just haven't been able to identify a Golda Mier or Margaret Thacher amongst our many beauties for VP.
The Texas barb wire is choice! Love the Train and the truck. The sprinter is heartening. One more beauty down (grant you, an exception, most of the R beauties are likable). The Convoy effort sounds real. Power to it!
Inimitable collection and messages. Just what our Doctors would offer! Thank you!
Have a great day and a smashingly successful week! 🐈
I can not help but see the parallels between the days of "Take Up the White Man's Burden" and the liberal progressives of today. In both times, it is/was appealing to the sense of righteousness and "goodness", along with control, to the proponents. It is our Duty, caps emphasized. Yet then as now, none can see the disruption to culture as by far the biggest evil. The economic migrants today think it is the land of milk and honey, yet fail to see the horrors of many in this land, the strife in so many of the US poor, and what they leave behind in culture, in their families and their roots. Hopefully, they can return.
I knew a woman from Honduras (legal immigrant) who said that she thought that because the United States was a rich country, she thought that it would be much nicer than her own country and was shocked when she got here to find out that the buildings were the same and the people were much poorer than she thought.
I think most people in poorer countries get their ideas about America from Hollywood movies.
So true, the comment about Hollywood shaping the perception of the world about America. I recall a friend, returning from college, surprised to learn that America outside the little rural town, was not endless affluent Suburbia ala ET.
As I've mentioned previously, a woman who has become a good friend immigrated via legal asylum claim from Ukraine in the 90's. She lost her husband in the process, he was supposed to follow some months later, but mysteriously died before he was allowed out. She was and is aghast at the lack of freedom in the US, and returned to Ukraine and a sister in the 00's. Her son pulled her back to the US, where she remains.
A close friend of my father was a scientist for Walter Reed Army Medical in the 1950's. The pictures of life in Latin America, esp Panama, he brought on his visits are still vivid in my memory. In my travels in Latin America, ending about a decade ago, there was nothing like that. The poverty, the sheet metal huts with many naked, kwashiorkor stricken children gazing back at their toothless mother are gone. Whether on the coast, in the city, or the interior, what I saw was friendlier, in better shape, than here.
Today's strip reminds me again that cartoons were originally NOT for kids. The pic with Musk and describing how well X works with 80% less staff seems like a good start for The Swamp. But, my school years makes me push for that normally unattainable 98% ( I liked getting A's, it just didn't happen very often )
People wearing masks in 2024 is a reminder of the mental health crisis.
On vacation, sitting on a beach and watching people walking around with masks on. I just shake my head. The only thing I can figure is lack of oxygen has truly affected their brains!
My hubby says people with bad teeth, unattractive faces and the mentally imbalanced are wearing masks at this point. 😂
Hahaha good one, I had some dental work done a while back, that mask in the glove compartment came in handy. I did not wear it driving though. Your hubs is right, noticed that myself.
Haha, I know a woman who said that she likes masks for that very reason. She said that she feels she's ugly, and that it's easier for her to be around other people.
Sadly, I couldn't agree with her more.
Masks are a way to be unseen. There are alot of people in our society that are lonely and unseen, they don't need to wear a mask to feel that way. We have gone bat crap crazy!
Brain diapers...👍
as in you know what for brain cells 😳
Fungus factories.
There is a woman who comes to my gym. She's significantly overweight. She has never been seen inside the gym, without a mask, since before the plandemic release back in 2019.
Her mask is SUPER TIGHT. Must be one of these n95 units.
It's so heavily soiled, it's no longer white.
It's so heavily filled with moisture in the fibers, the mask doesn't allow air to freely pass thorough. It does the "Little Rascals weep wow" sound:
It doesn't really make that sound, (never been that close to her) but the mask moves in and out like the little rascals cake.
Do these people not read packaging ? How respirators, whether paper, or cartridge are designed for a specific purpose and time limit ? They are not functional after use of a certain amount of time, which explains the moisture, bacteria soaked "Weep Wow", I see almost every night at the gym.
People are simply out of their cotton picking gourds, unfortunately.
Some folks have an EXIT strategy that is as bizarre as the soiled cloth appearing on her face.
Live and Let Die. At least she's letting you know who she's voting for nowadays.
Truth !
Sick, just sickness, mentally ill and totally depravity. We allowed this.
When I go to the doctors I wear a maslk, my daughter insists as I do have a multitude of health issues. Don't like Wearing g a mask but do it to keep peace in the family. Daughter does not war one! She is my caregiver, too. As I am 87 yr old.
Go along to get along with a family caregiver sounds ok as long as she isn't pushing you to get the shots too.
Seems to me that as we age, we need more oxygen...not less.
They may have some value in other types of illnesses - especially bacterial. But shown not to work on respiratory viruses at all.
I work in a mall where I see lots of families with kids who don't speak a lick of English. CDC says we're seeing maybe a dozen diseases the last couple years which were previously considered eradicated here decades ago or were unknown here. Also the mall is not cleaned well and I'm allergic to house dust. Therefore I wear a KN95 when at work, but nowhere else.
You do what you got to do to keep harmony.
Sister in law was on much Chemo for her cancer. Went to Dr. Apt. people in office coughing, etc & she was dead in 5 days. ??? She had NO way to fight the stuff (& this was well before COVID) No win I guess.
So sad!
We'll get it added to the DSM and then Big Pharma can invent a pill for it and advertise it on TV!
Boy oh boy, you're not kidding.
Sometimes things seem overwhelming. At some point we should realize this administration will pass. We all should take a page out of the Texas play book. They stood up to Goliath and Goliath is now on his heels. States and people are flocking to help Texas. The government seems to have forgotten the very people they seem to hate pay for their fake teeth, their fake hair plugs, their children’s birth and their health care, we pay for their food, their mansions, their cars and their transportation. We at some point must also realize that we are the power that sustains this country. I can’t believe God is going to give up on the worlds brightest hope. I have to tell myself have faith, and I say it to you as well. I believe in a short amount of time the proper things will align, as they have throughout history, and we the people will take our country back. J.Goodrich
Keep singing praise for the 10th amendment ceding power to the people, James because the power is there if the states will only let us take it back.
It’s very exciting to me. I support this with all of my being
Roger Houston 👍
Copy that 🎯
James, your assessment and message is on target. I just answered a text from my youngest brother who said 'my glass is half empty when it comes to the 49ers' and said 'quit drinking from it then'. We all need to quit with the glass half empty attitude. Go Truckers!
& tell the brother to pour it into a smaller glass!
It isn't just this administration, and it won't "just pass." There is a deep divide in the US between the government and the people, and the people have to take the responsibility to change it. Blaming it on the current administration or the other political party and passively waiting for things to get better won't do it.
Thanks Susan fixed I learn every day
Very true, Republican or Democrat, if they are owned by the machine, the AGENDA will be carried out. Reagan took the restrictions off how money was going to be loaned out and those that took advantage of the system were rewarded. This lead to the Trillion dollar payout decades later. We all need to be smarter.
What's going on at the border is exactly what it takes. And more of it. The legislators rolled the dice and silently watched too many people die needlessly. They won't do anything more than they absolutely have to (in their mind). Only the citizenry can save the country now.
& I wonder, do you think the DC crowd will take a page out of Canadian Trudeau's playbook?
I think they're waiting for the WHO amendments to kick in so the Democrats will start censoring like crazy. That way, the RINO's can pretend they're against it, but helpless to do anything about it. If SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional, I think they'll roll-out virus X, which will be bad enough to scare lots of people into risking their next vaccine. That is, if they really want to hold onto power, they may take that approach.
If they're not willing to go that far yet, they may let Trump have 4 years and fuel the fire of hate in the MSM until the country is so divided it can never come together in any meaningful sense again. Who knows what will happen then. If Trump doesn't get back in again, we could be in escalated war in Europe, South America, Middle East and Asia for all I know. These people are CRAZY!!!
Good assessment of either this or that
Which is all that is available, right now, based upon the conditions at hand.
Yeah, they have more options than we can reasonably feel comfortable with, still. No time to get complacent. What makes it so concerning is how many RINO's still show no concern at all over vaccine-associated adverse advents and all-cause mortality increases. They don't even fake it. That level of arrogance is troubling, to put it mildly.
Wise words again James, and also again completely relevent to Australia (and a number of other Nations). With your permission mate (if you will), I would like to copy your exact words regarding ("forgotten the very people they seem to hate pay for their fake teeth, their fake hair plugs") and so on. It applies in spades to us as well. The only thing I might add is that at least here in Australia, when these people remove themselves from Parliament, they get @#$%^ pensions and other benefits for life. I give to you (and Dr Malone) one example. A State premier served in Parliament for a total of Nine years. During this time, he became (I assert with good reason) "the most hated politician in Australia" (this was even published by MSM). It was widely circulated that "he has to be taken down SOMEHOW", He was even lambasted by very popular media personalities and Church Leaders. All of a sudden he appears on TV announcing he is retiring immediately (strange that!). He "retires" (after NINE years) with a "pension" of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars per year TAX FREE FOR LIFE. (That would be the equivalent of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars per year for life. PLUS (as I understand it) he is allocated an office, Commonwealth car for personal use, huge number of airline flights (per year) etc etc etc.
SO! We have a similar problem to our "American Brothers and Sisters." My "idea to save the world" takes that into consideration. Stay well, stay strong my friend, God Bless us ALL (The People).
Indeed, here in Canada, thank the Lord a judge found Castro's war measures act illegal against our Charter of Rights. One day later his closest buddy that acted with him, resigned immediately. WTF!!! Bobble head Chrystia came out to let us know they will appeal it!! Where did Castro go? Oh yes ran and hid, just like when our Freedom Truckers were coming to Ottawa. Oh soy boy afraid of the fringe minority!! God Bless all your brave Truckers. Prayers up!!
Everytime Chrystia gives a press conference, I am tempted to leave the country! The truckers, all of us who protested were vindicated with this judgement. We will need to be even more vocal and vigilant with Disease X, to share the knowledge with our neighbors.
Absolutely Les it would be my honor, take it as yours my friend!!!
On these exorbitant perks & bennies pensions... Pray for a short life. :)
Great thought. I too have to realize daily if not hourly to keep my faith Thank you 🙏🏻💯♥️
Absolutely 💯 right my friend!
A great conversation between Tucker, Jordan P. and Conrad Black highlights your viewpoint and the tendency for bleak outlooks. I’m optimistic but expecting shit to hit the fan at some point. The trucker protest could be an opportunity for more hope.
The point, however, of many Trump supporters as well as others who have contended with government agencies is that the great majority of government workers do not change with changing administrations. Also, the laws they work under do not change. So changing the President, his cabinet, and other appointed officials can only do so much to change the course of government. While a good President can be very influential in getting bad law removed and good law passed, it is ultimately Congress that sets policy for our country, and that means the voters. This necessarily includes the need to broadly inform the public of what's really going on, why, and how best to deal with it. And right now that job is in the hands of public intellectuals, as the corporate media shows little to no interest in doing that job.
I like Vivek! I like Robert Kennedy Jr. ! These two guys have shown they take action and just not talk. Talk is cheap, most of the time.
I am a bad speller and I write thing backward. I meant 'not just talk.' Thank you for reading me correctly!
Absolutely they have indeed forgotten.....⌛🌎
But we sure as hell haven't!
So you say you want a Great Reset eh? 🤔
We get to start the clock on it.
Paybacks often hellish.
Try not to forget that too.
Beautifully, put, Mr. Goodrich. Very inspiring, and I am with you wholeheartedly.
When you say this administration will pass, I find myself thinking of flatulence.
That’s a riot I had something else maybe in mind but I like your thought better!!!
James, although many forces are working overtime to steal freedom, I believe many people are waking up to truth. Once they saw the absolute tyranny of the mandates to take the jabs millions of people realized that’s taking away our freedom. It was do as you’re told, don’t ask questions, you no longer have a right to informed consent. It was so opposite from the American spirit of standing for individual rights I was shocked so many just trusted and did as they were commanded to do. I now feel the tide is turning, therefore I’m more optimistic than I was 3 years ago.
The "Great Awakening" is indeed happening, but it's slower than a snails half dead brother in law snail, who is blindfolded, and corks in his snail ears (I know snails don't have ears).
At least in America, that is. Sleeping remains quite prevalent here.
France, Germany, and a good number of European countries are starting to fight back with their trucks / farm equipment filled with manure being jetted all over their Capitols. We are not being told about these mini rebellions because they don't want to give us any ideas.
Keep in mind, James, the powers that are directing this vitriol towards the people are watching this forum, as we speak. If anyone thinks otherwise, you're kidding yourself.
These administrations that are working against the people they serve (haha) have thousands and thousands of useful idiots who infiltrate, take notes, spew the beans elsewhere, and work against the very people they live amongst. These demonic traitors, to the other humans (such as us) who either trust them, or fail to notice them, are either encouraged to sniff out, and expose their perceived dissidents, their fellow man, either for personal financial gain, or some sort of demented idealism, that can't be explained in a single paragraph.
EVERYONE HERE SHOULD be aware that they are HERE on this board, and although they might not be blatantly out in the open, they are working diligently to subjugate and conquer, because they were told to by someone higher in the pecking order of demonic morons to do so.
U stated above that "these things shall pass" (thank you, Jonny Cash), which may or may not be the course in which it takes, but only time will tell, and our concerted efforts working together as a united people works, or fails.
I'm in your boat, keeping fingers crossed, and attempting to awaken those around me regarding the demons who surround and want to overtake us. The traitors usually expose themselves when they're not thinking too clearly, so just be aware.
I am aware, and I know many of the Marxists that control our government monitor this sub stack. They believe the first amendment is no longer, I say to them F-OFF. My family has paid far too high a price for me to be silenced and pushed around by these paper tiger bully losers!!! I probably more than most subscribers consider myself a slave now, it doesn’t get much lower than that. With the debt our government has put on all of our backs we are all slaves holding up the politicians privileged exotic lives. So if they put the slaves pushing the wagon all in prison the sooner their privileged life will collapse. They need us.
Good viewpoint James. Y' forgot their Stock Portfolio's!! But we must remember God lets us do what we want. He is NOT a puppeteer. If we the people sit back & do nothing, we'll get what we are getting. If we the people are silent, we lose. silence is deadly. Sadly evil attacks those who can't fight back. Money talks & we watched it in the January 6th debacle. Solitary Confinement??? We, the people have unwittingly (I hope) allowed a cleverly organized minority to kick God out of the picture. What happened to the right to a speedy trial? & the arm twisting, & the truth twisting... Sigh!
Great point Kat with their insider trading
Yes, that keeps our impotent congress quiet and in line. James O'Keefe is coming out this week with more information about the sex cages in the capital basement. Sex, drugs, and rock'N'roll while on the payroll.
Let's Gooooooooooo!🏁
On war as Biden's economic vision:
"War is a moral imperative for the morally impaired." - Ned B.
Nikki Haley is also a warmonger
Should that be “warmongress”?
That sounds correct.
Have gotten that signal from barbed wire crawling thru it a few times
I loved all if these. However, describing mask wearers as embarrassed to show their faces is my personal favorite!
Teenagers! They seem to think it’s a fad! 🙄
On par with the bellbottom pants fad
Hey. I loved my BBs! So much easier to get my cowboy boots on.
Excellent! The mask people make me sad. Especially the elder. The younger maskers are deranged imo. Laughed so hard at the Biden cutting barbwire with a stapler makes total sense to me. Always a pleasure to wake up to ya’ll. God Bless you and everyone 🙏🏻💯♥️
Everything in the Hunter Biden song is true, and all can be fact checked!
Brilliant message from Texas 😂
You two have outdone yourselves finding these gems. The sun is finally out and I am in a very good mood, well until I noticed that almost an entire month in the new year has passed. How did that happen without my permission?
Just think like a kid again. Then it will seem like it was an eternity
So true. A month for them is an entire decade for me.
Thanks! I needed this strip!
I was sitting in the food court of my local Costco waiting for my tires to be installed, just people watching. I was encouraged that 99% of the people seemed like normal folks going about their day. The other 1% or so just looked broken, to varying degrees. First were the maskers. Still too many, in my opinion, considering that it was unheard of to walk around in public in a mask only a few long years ago.
After that were varying degrees of weirdness, from the tutu clad chihuahua with the tutu clad gender confused owner, to the homeless lady wandering the parking lot looking for money or a confrontation.
I'm pretty sure that the plandemic either triggered some of these folks, or gave them permission to come out to society.
Either way, I'm sort of encouraged by the wide majority plain old middle class Americans still trying to live their lives. Hmm. Makes me think that maybe the fringe element is being grossly overplayed by people and organizations who stand to gain from the division that the sow.
Around here in Texas folks wearing masks were agittin ready to rob a bank and so wearing one in a bank good way to get yourself shot. Hence was against the law in many places to wear one.
Exactly. The fact that it was demanded of bank patrons (from the bank branches that stayed open) was just bizarre, and seemed like a definite security risk.
Agreed: Beware those "...who stand to gain from the division that they sow. "
They excel in activating the knee-jerk, impulsive, emotional reactions that divide our country.
Thank you for posting the the GiveSendGo link to support the Taking the Border Back Convoy! Donation completed!
I hope FJB doesn't freeze that money and your bank accounts. Castro the b@@@h did that here when our Truckers came. I wonder what happened to the millions $$ that were donated. Best of luck.
"like your life depends on it," because the lives of many people, and maybe our own, do count on it.
Talk about a grand slam collection! So many - so outstanding! Of course have to start with the cat! Just haven't been able to identify a Golda Mier or Margaret Thacher amongst our many beauties for VP.
The Texas barb wire is choice! Love the Train and the truck. The sprinter is heartening. One more beauty down (grant you, an exception, most of the R beauties are likable). The Convoy effort sounds real. Power to it!
Inimitable collection and messages. Just what our Doctors would offer! Thank you!
Have a great day and a smashingly successful week! 🐈
Bestest Always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I'd love to see one of our candidates approach Carol Swain as a running mate. She is so savvy, level-headed, not to mention brilliant.
Interesting. Wonder if she is among those the Heritage folks have been looking into. With the TP connection maybe?
Not sure about that. But she does have her own web-site, for anyone who is interested...https://carolmswain.com/
Rudyard Kipling--
I can not help but see the parallels between the days of "Take Up the White Man's Burden" and the liberal progressives of today. In both times, it is/was appealing to the sense of righteousness and "goodness", along with control, to the proponents. It is our Duty, caps emphasized. Yet then as now, none can see the disruption to culture as by far the biggest evil. The economic migrants today think it is the land of milk and honey, yet fail to see the horrors of many in this land, the strife in so many of the US poor, and what they leave behind in culture, in their families and their roots. Hopefully, they can return.
I knew a woman from Honduras (legal immigrant) who said that she thought that because the United States was a rich country, she thought that it would be much nicer than her own country and was shocked when she got here to find out that the buildings were the same and the people were much poorer than she thought.
I think most people in poorer countries get their ideas about America from Hollywood movies.
So true, the comment about Hollywood shaping the perception of the world about America. I recall a friend, returning from college, surprised to learn that America outside the little rural town, was not endless affluent Suburbia ala ET.
As I've mentioned previously, a woman who has become a good friend immigrated via legal asylum claim from Ukraine in the 90's. She lost her husband in the process, he was supposed to follow some months later, but mysteriously died before he was allowed out. She was and is aghast at the lack of freedom in the US, and returned to Ukraine and a sister in the 00's. Her son pulled her back to the US, where she remains.
They can't return, because the United States has been making their countries a war zone since the 1970s.
A close friend of my father was a scientist for Walter Reed Army Medical in the 1950's. The pictures of life in Latin America, esp Panama, he brought on his visits are still vivid in my memory. In my travels in Latin America, ending about a decade ago, there was nothing like that. The poverty, the sheet metal huts with many naked, kwashiorkor stricken children gazing back at their toothless mother are gone. Whether on the coast, in the city, or the interior, what I saw was friendlier, in better shape, than here.
It was not socialism that improved their lot but it will take them back to the 50s in a heartbeat
Today's strip reminds me again that cartoons were originally NOT for kids. The pic with Musk and describing how well X works with 80% less staff seems like a good start for The Swamp. But, my school years makes me push for that normally unattainable 98% ( I liked getting A's, it just didn't happen very often )