It’s so ironic, we look at these memes that are so truthful, but we are lead by a group of street hustling shell game performers and no pea lie under the shells. An illusion shared by the majority becomes reality. We see this with AI, we see this at our secured southern border, we see this in the daily escalating Ukraine war that we are winning, we see this in our upstanding government that would never take bribe money to interfere with their oath to uphold and defend our constitution, the government would never force a drug on large portions of the public, to get rich, that would harm people, we would never see 51 intel officials knowingly sign a letter that is a complete lie, to interfere with a presidential election, the house and senate would never allow its power of checks and balances to be left to the wayside and ignore blatant bribery, crimes, and misdemeanors. These illusions have become reality. 2+2=5. J.Goodrich

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The consequence of teaching math rather than arithmetic?

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A valued spiritual writer once said that if we focus on cooperation with God, working with Him by addition, He will work with us by multiplication. Results matter, but how we achieve results matters more. The discipline that derives from math leads directly to the wisdom of God’s universe.

OK - this is riffing, and to a point bragging, but research into our family history has revealed that one Herman Ojala in Finland (late 19th C) not only promoted the establishment of elementary schools for the working classes, but wrote a math primer which became known as ‘Ojala math’ regionally. It was important in overcoming prejudice against general education by many who regarded children as indentured servants to the family business.

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The new "Math" that our geniuses came up with? The one parents and others couldn't understand? The one, was it the Bushes, were so enthusiastic about?

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It was/is Common Core funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Installed in schools during Obama's first term.

"The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a U.S. education initiative that seeks to/ bring/ diverse state curricula into alignment with each other by following the principles of standards-based education reform. The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

Just in case everyone forgot, it has an electronic eye monitoring program in which the monitors (pc screens) would capture the students eye movement. They also had to wear wrist bands. In no way was it just about ‘math’.

"You won't see it called Agenda 21. It won't come with flashing lights announcing that it's part of a global standardization program to inventory, monitor, and control every aspect of your life. Example? Common Core is the 'new' inventory and control system adopted by nearly every state in the US to fully implement Skinnerian training. This system creates people who will go along to get along, who will be 'good obedient citizens'. RESIST. TELL YOUR SCHOOL BOARD THAT YOU WANT OUT OF COMMON CORE. This is a top down federal/global system for pseudo-education and is a tremendous threat to our independence as individuals and as a nation."


"The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow." ~Abraham Lincoln~

"To conquer a nation without the use of military force, you must first control the minds of their young" ~Karl Marx~

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Thanks for the catchup. With no children noted this from afar. Had a bad opinion but you've expanded it exponentially.

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You noted and remembered!

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James, I think you would find the interview of Col.Douglas Macgregor by R.F.K. Jr. interesting, if you haven't already listened.

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That does sounds interesting. I’ll check it out.)Thank you DD!!

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Love the password joke. 😆 so true

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Now we know not to make comparisons. The Dimwits won't even thank us for pointing out they missed an opportunity with the tattoos.

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Neil Oliver is one of best at eloquently raising concerns about the spreading cancer of globalism.

I agree that Tendros is not to be trusted. All these global organizations are in the pay of the WEF. The UK government is now also captured by the WEF.

The politicians, even the good guys are still dancing around the threat of globalism. It seems they are running scared.

The good news, is that due in large part to your sterling efforts, UK citizens are slowly but surely awakening.

All we can do is keep spreading the word.

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This Sunday Strip is both amusing and depressing at the same time, but thank you all the same.

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Can tell you something not at all funny. Had an election yesterday. Three school bond issues. 90% of the the good citizens of this county just voted themselves a tax increase by not showing up to vote-- period.

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Yep. They even told the truth (for once) on on 1 of them that it would raise prop. taxes. They usually lie like rugs promising they will not.

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Comal county

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What is the political complexion of Comal?

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Need a big thumbs down on that! Are you around Perry's "blue berries" in the red sea?

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We had three here, too. Voted no no no.

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So did we. Sadly the bulk of the 10% that voted went for it. Probably every admin and union teachers carried the day with so low turn out

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The problems are enormous.

The MSM, with Google and Apple, came in via IP address, destroying contacts on my SMART devices, and twice destroyed my Hard Drive and once destroyed my mother board. Buying a new computer, and fixing Smart devices for what I normally thought was my job for 43y as a PH Epidemiologist.

I am retired and victim of prior recessions, which the 2008/9 destroyed my retirement. I live on SSDI and A little pension.

Normally a trusting person, willing to give the benefit of the doubt, the wide path of destroyed debre is too bad. I have had to retire my license to prevent being sued. I have cared for people extra ordenarially sick, with cancer and immune disorders.

The migrants are coming to the boarder for May 11 storm, and bringing MDR TB, Dengue Fever and Malaria. (We have lots of mosquitos here that have carried these diseases in the past in NC and VA. )

Then they are weaponising so much. These folks have created a rapid deployment in attack and I for one am not trusting them.

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"They" have been dragging t.b. across that border for many decades. We had it pretty well whipped, closed down the sanatoria and then it started dribbling back.

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Eagle looking on the dumpster... so true.

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All are awesome as always. Thank you! Can't stop laughing at tiny Gutfeld 😂

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Dr. Malone,

For your review, from a fellow substack writer/reporter, James Roguski, to Neil Oliver. Consider passing the following link on to Neil Oliver.


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Be sure and check back later to see if the Mslone's saw it. So far 8pm they don't seemed to have checked in at all. You may have to re post as 'off topic' in one of their next editions.

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If you agree, then help get Dr. Malone's attention. I know no other way.

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Be sure and post your message again in the comments on his post tomorrow. He almost always posts daily. You can note you were concerned he might not have seen them today. I'll add a 'worth considering' in a reply.

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Thank you for sharing your most excellent interview with Neil Oliver on GBNews. Have a blessed Sunday Drs Malone

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Thank You from all of us in middle America ’who just don’t want to’ be stressed by the lack of care our ‘betters’ have for us. If a prescription is a note from the doctor to the pharmacist - ‘I got mine, now you get yours!’ - then Malone’s funny bone is just what the doctor ordered.

BTW - the bigger and badder they are, the more they fear the one with their name on it. They are cowards at heart who threaten the most vulnerable among us.

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Robert and Jill. Thanks for the smile on this beautiful day.

Re: your stack from yesterday on health and wellbeing. This was fascinating:


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The password joke is best because it’s not a joke; the sites know your passwords 😂😂

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How bizarre it is to witness the rest of the world slowly catching up to what so many of us said/knew to be true the first time we saw the compliant cowards embracing masks, distancing, and injected-poisoning. Now will our fellow citizens stand up to tyranny or continue to comply under the myopic belief that compliance will allow for liberty again?

"I never minded being numbered among the sheep, but these lemmings are scaring the hell out of me." -Me

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Those who seek to destroy liberty and personal sovereignty can pound sand. Men can enslave and even kill the body, but they cannot enslave the mind (unless you give way) or our souls. Both my mind and my soul are under the protection and love of Jesus through His Holy Spirit.

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Thank you Dr. Malone, your leadership will save the world from globalist tyranny. I trust President Trump will find a place for you in the coming administration

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That just might not be something our great Doc would find (near the top) on his list. Sometimes, its better and more effective helping from without rather than from within.

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Perhaps he would jump at the chance were it RFK Jr.

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Both are what people used to call 'classical liberals'.

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What people calling whom what? You mean real old time liberals like Locke? Or so-called liberals like Ted Kennedy who people voting for put us in the mess we are in today?

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

My mother was a 'classical liberal', until she became a Christian. She believed in the importance of personal liberty and sovereignty, but it was steered based on a self-serving disposition. After she became a Christian, she believed that her first duty was to honor God…and those things that she once thought were her rights, but dishonored God or those made in His image, she discarded. I think many people do not understand our rights are based on natural law, and nature’s God. Rebellion and selfishness are what destroys this.

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I think RFK, jr and Dr. Malone would probably both describe themselves as ‘classically liberal’.

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I doubt the globalist billionaires will allow Trump to run, much less become president again. As president he began the process of withdrawing the US from the WHO, which is a key component of the globalist's plans.

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Trump is a ‘transactionalist’… he doesn’t seem to have any personally held, deep convictions. Without a compass and a rudder, that opportune wind he catches might take us to places we’d prefer not to go. After many years of voting for what I viewed as the lesser of evils, kind of like ‘Lucy pulling away the football from Charlie Brown’,… I don’t believe in political promises or swishy ideologies.

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Rock and Hard Place. Globalist v America First (must have keen eye for personnel to get it done). But at last, elections are installations.

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Seem to have lost the 'reply' button for your last comment... odd. The party will do what the Executive wants, so long as the Executive is their 'guy'. The uniparty will do what CFR wants, sometimes these are one and the same.

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There is an intra-government agency, I think it is called Executive Services...or something close to that, that gives the Executive a recommendations list for positions. I believe that the Secretary of State must be vetted by the Council on Foreign Relations. So... personnel may almost be a moot point if we are seeking 'outsiders'.

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The ones that count must have Senate approval. Once those are in they hire at their choosing.

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…and the ‘reply’ button, returns. He wasn’t very smart with his SIL, in my opinion. Loyalty or perceived loyalty can be a poor gauge. We want people who we know are both ideologically in-tune, but also strong enough to show you when you’ve got a ‘blind spot’.

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DJT did put too much on loyalty without know exactly where the loyalty lie. He also let others advised on who should fill what job and they were uniparty people. Not such he understands this even today.

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