Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please remember to have your Democrat spayed or neutered.

Said your host, Bob Barker of the "Price is Free stuff".

But it really wasn't....An IRS person was on site to collect any and all tax or royalty due.

Did I mention ON SITE?

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hahahahahahahaha good one

I have some mixed feelings about democrat vermin that either lynch their babies in the womb, or mutilate and sterilize their mentally ill children.

I mean, less of them is really a good thing.

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Roger Houston.....copy that......

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks once again for the Sunday Strip....

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Absolutely! I appreciate the comic strips also; Friday-Sunday I love each one, & the humor, satire, & “subliminal messages” are quite creative! Thank you!

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Grateful for all of you and the Sunday Strip. Thank you Drs. Malone!

I was talking to my brother the other day about how our country has so descended. He ended by saying all once successful countries eventually will fall. I started thinking about what has so changed? There are many reasons but what is the primary change that has created this fall? We still have a superior army and superior weapons. We are the most energy rich country in the world. We have lush fertile lands. We have some of the largest companies. With all of the blessings given to us why are we failing and who has the backbone to fix it?

It seems our success had grown relatively quickly in comparison to other countries in history. Is it that we have become arrogant forgetting what had got us here? We were a Christian based nation that credited much of our success to faith and God. By placing our success in the hands of God we showed humility.

In the revolutionary war, during America’s inception, there were times when we were successful but by all accounts, should have lost many critical battles. In reality, America should never have won the revolutionary war. There have been concerted efforts to remove God from schools the media and history books so children never learn the truth about historic Devine intervention. Please listen to this link when you have a chance; https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2017/july-august/miracles-of-the-american-revolution

Has Americas descent been caused by a large portion of our population being pushed away from God? Were those moments when people and politicians quit the total halting of evil critical to our fall? Is it possible that our sitting back and being content to things we know are evil a reason why God is pulling back his Grace from us? I really wonder if many of our problems stem from the fact that too many people have lost their humility, they have forgotten to place America’s success and blessings at the hands of a God that only gives his favor to the truly faithful.

I hope that soon America will stand back up, straightens out its problems, and realize what we are so close to loosing. I hope Americans will be grateful for all that we have been given and never again sit back and be content with evil. Even with what we have become, I’m fearful of a world without an independentAmerica.

Stay grateful! J.Goodrich

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We stopped educating our children. We stopped believing in God: Christian, Jewish, etc and all of their variations. Now we have a massive population of ignorant no nothings with their hands out who don’t understand that you have to work for want you want and need.

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Even the ancient civilizations--Greek and Roman which the Founders studied-- recognized the importance of the reverence for "the gods"; the recognition that there are powers that are greater than people. ( I will stick with "powers" even for the Christians: Father, Son, Spirit.)

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Yes - reverence as a value, a perspective, seems to have largely disappeared.

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A recent Substack article at least partially explains the “know nothing, hands out” phenomenon you describe. Check out “Umbrellas, Community Schools, United Way & School Board Meetings” https://open.substack.com/pub/eolson47/p/umbrellas-community-schools-united?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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We’ve been propagandized since birth

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Chicago - "Does anyone really know what time it is" always comes to mind.

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Seems so TP

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It is sort of pathetic how woke folk when rooting around in the Fibber McGee closet of our culture seeking to cull out what they perceive to be harmful or hurtful actually do serious harm to many. Their problem is they lack any true sense of empathy but rely of some formulated substitute conjured up by their group leaders. Do not think they have any idea just how dangerous their ideology, really is.

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Perhaps a "We/They" view itself may be causing serious harm...

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Oh gosh! You brought back a glorious childhood memory. I could actually hear the aftermath of opening Fibber McGee's closet. You are correct in your supposition. They are clueless.

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Without the great USA the world will fail. People have turned away from God.

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Not only have they turned away from God, they have a censored and banned Him, and put many of His followers in jail, with more to follow.

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From a famous quote “ forgive them father for they know not what they do”

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Yes they do.

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Yup he gave us free will too.

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To come this far upon vast decades of uncertainty, was the one thing we were best at.

I think a repeat "starts right here, and right now".

Educate yourself....Know your rights....be prepared to defend them at all costs.

Your children will smile on your grave. As do we upon the ones no longer here.

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Look at every assassination and/or attempted assassination and you find they were all against people who wanted to keep and/or make America great. The world has always been about good vs evil since the beginning of time.

The evil want their lust of power and $$$ over all else; they don't give a shit about anything else. For true evidence just look at the democRAT party, they will use you and spit you out when you are no longer viable to the "party" and lets face it, the democRAT party represents the personification of lust for power and greed at all costs.

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And they have a booster club at their beck and call. Greed knows no bounds.

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We are a post-Christian nation that has turned away from God and replaced him for a secular and pagan ideology. Our hope is no longer in God but in our military, wealth, and economy—which all three are dissipating fast.

Deuteronomy 28-30 describes the blessings and cursing upon God’s people, if they DO NOT forget God who redeemed or saved them from the bondage of slavery, which is a spiritual metaphor for sin. The “Passover” on Egypt was a looking forward to Christ as the Lamb of God who would come to save all people from their sin. Israel soon FORGOT God in the midst of their prosperity, and turned into the pagan culture around them. God judged them twice for turning from Him, and took them out of the Promised Land, into Babylon and Persia which is Iran.

America is no different, and we are experiencing the judgment of God across our beautiful land, with a dominating political party that is bent on sexual perversion and anything anti-Christian, and a pagan culture that sacrifices children upon the altar of convenience and financial gain—60 million or more unborn children. In their foolishness and lack of repentance, they devise excuses to increase our population through illegal aliens from across the world, which ultimately will destroy America. They have forgotten and rejected God, but what they cannot discern spiritually is that God will judge them and ultimately judge this global one world government—who is persecuting Christians—when Christ returns.


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Judgement begins in the House of the Lord. American churches are a mess… spirit of the age. Rebellion

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I agree with you CQL.

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James it truly is frightening and absolutely heartbreaking! We are in a spiritual battle and culture war we MUST win! A strong faith in God and also an understanding of who America is and her role in the world is critical to keeping America strong and prosperous! We truly need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Yes, I feel that our country, or some people in our country, seem to have lost all Faith in God; I don’t know what changed this path for some, but it seems technology, cell phones, dumb shows on TV & the internet, & possibly both parent’s working (in some homes), may have contributed to the “dumbing-down of America”- In my own opinion. I know my family- at least my immediate family anyway), are very Blessed to have what we have, & not one day goes by that all of us (7 now), truly keep God in our lives. I have to comment on the comic/meme, that indicates how so many people just give out personal data/info, answering questions, for one reason or another, I don’t know; but, about 5 years ago now, I remember being on FB, & a couple of my friends always put out their personal info on specific posts; I remember both had been hacked. They usually asked me to join or follow them, & I politely refused. I deactivated my FB account because it was obvious how & why my friends were hacked- I don’t miss FB. It’s awful that so many big tech companies want, & now censor our freedom of speech. What lies ahead for our country & world, it’s frightening!

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You know, technology, material goods, etc. are themselves neutral. It is what and how we choose to relate to them that pushes them on the side of positive or negative.

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It all started with Madalyn Murray OHair. That ruling was just the beginning of the end.

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So true and so sad!!!

One person was allowed to make such a drastic and consequential change in our country !!!

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Wonder how effective she would have been without all her press coverage? We have seen how sensitive the courts are to perceived "popular" opinion and we see constantly bow truly unpopular slants are pushed by the msm as otherwise.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

You know I tend to look at God differently than just "religion". Maybe you do too, James. My friend Dannion Brinkley has a saying he repeats over and over again, "We are Great, Powerful, and Mighty Spiritual Beings with dignity, direction and purpose". He was born in the South and loves to chide the "holier than tho" syndrome. When we look inside and know we are connected to a source that supersedes the human qualities we project, there is no more blaming or attributing human prejudices to this Supreme Being. God isn't pulling back grace, we are. My God isn't an angry, vengeful God who has favorites he dotes on. Reaching to the Divine requires letting go of these things and goes straight to the heart of unconditional Love. And yes, this surrender and knowing we are loved and worthy has been forgotten by many. He made a statement concerning this forgetfulness towards Israel. Not respecting others' beliefs and creating superstition around what frightens us happens to every Indigenous culture, it seems.

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The Bible is filled with stories of people moving away from what is right, enslaving people, murdering people, deceiving people, messing with children, I could go on but god does take retribution on them. Now wether it all falls apart and people think it’s natural and someone thinks it’s Gods retribution is debatable. But what we are allowing to go on in this country is hurting this society and it’s being done with much deception.

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The Bible is filled with a lot of human projections and fear. So is every religion's text. I like to take it up a notch. Even Edgar Cayce, who had read the Bible numerous times while still in his youth was arrested for "fortune telling"in 1931.

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In my post if you go back and look it’s full of question marks because I don’t know the answers. I like to ask and get people to help me figure things out. I think your thoughts are as plausible as thinking God flooding the earth with 40 days and 40 nights of rain to start over. For all of us time will tell. I’m no bible beater by any means. As I get older and see what these politicians are doing to our country and to our kids many things seem to be making sense.

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James, are you thinking the blame/responsibility/buck stops with "these politicians?" What about "we the people" who voted for them...

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I blame both to a point. I also think the 2020 election was stolen. The politician creates these budgets that create inflation. The politician promised to close the border or close down government so we vote them in and they do nothing but rubber stamp everything Biden wanted and then some. The house promised to prosecute Fauci and Hunter and Joey so we voted them in and they lied. Look at what a fraud Mike Johnson has been, and now we’re stuck with him until God knows when. I wish people by the millions would go stuff up Washington DC. Eventually I think that will be the only way to get change, not sure if it will ever happen.

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Do with the evil cabal the very same way as President Nayib Bukele - HE IS A SHINING LIGHT !!! - did in El Salvador, these kabbalists = devil worshippers are much worse because this vermin slaughters Millions of us Innocents. Put away with them, no mercy whatsoever, with this off-scale specie of humanity.

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Convenience is the death of humanity. Children are inconvenient and their innocent, aborted blood calls out to God. Humility and national repentance may save us, if it’s not too late.

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We are failing because the Neoliberal, Imperialist, late stage Capitalists, looking for more victims of their policies and more profits, and more disparity in wealth accumulation, have decided to focus on our own country. Now, you and I are the targets. We've been doing this to other countries since our founding. Socialism will be the antidote.

As far as God in the schools, there is suppose to be a separation of Church and State. My God may not be your God, and it is my right to not even believe in God. I hope the separation can hold. I don't want religion forced on me.

More people have been killed in the name of God than any other reason.

America's "success" can be explained by the fact that, as an Imperial nation we have stolen more than our fair share of the world's resources. That is the main reason our standard of living was so high.

It's time for us to get used to the fact that the chickens are coming home to roost. The rest of the world is sick of our bullying, theft, murdering, and occupying other countries. Our country was founded on genocide. We have been lied to our whole lives about our "great" nation. What you believe about our country is nothing more than a fairy tale just like all the current fairy tales we are being told (i.e. vaccines are safe and effective, Russia invaded unprovoked, Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2020, etc.) You act like the fairy tales just began recently.

Get used to it. This is only the beginning.

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I get your point, the presentation tends to alienate, if you ask me (which you didn't). Perhaps you can refine?

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What a sad perspective to think a life’s work of success, achievement, growth, and helping your neighbor is always something that has been stolen. I truly pity people that never learn the benefit of hard work and earning what’s put on your table. To me a parents main goal of raising a child is to make them self sufficient. I pity this hands out generation, expecting everything for doing nothing, this is a great part of America’s fall. I can’t imagine an America where everyone bases the success of their life’s by how much their government check is. Socialism limits people. You can print trillions of dollars and hand it out to the non productive public, but if there’s nothing on the shelves what good is it.

When Yeltsin came to America he went to a grocery store and couldn’t believe the choices the regular average person had here in America. He said the elites in the Russian government didn’t have half of what average Americans had. This is because socialism and communism, the same thing, never works. Capitalism even with greedy corrupt totalitarian phony socialists running our government, stealing from every corporation, business and worker like the mafia, is still better than let’s say Russia or Venezuela, true totalitarian socialism.

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The federal government..... a human rights organization? That's the pose, anyway.

They tax us for the privilege of being betrayed.

They demand sole discretion as sentries at the border gates, then leave them open.

They demand a near monopoly on use of force. And with that near monopoly, not only do they refuse to adequately push back waves of criminal and invader violence, they tie the hands of those under their "protection," and threaten to disarm them.

Camp of the Saints. This is a government that undermines its own from within, in furtherance of its internationalist agenda.

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...and we just let them keep on doing it...

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Drs Malone, you have outdone yourselves today with this incredible collection, starting with the first one, "I haven't done anything"! Thank you thank you!

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That first one pretty well says it

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Rambler, on the other side of the coin, she did EVERYTHING that her Generals wanted her to do!!!

As far as they're concerned, she was immensely successful!

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please Dems neuter all your followers so they do not pass on that Progressive Mental Illness…we really need a diagnostic code for these folks for there is not one for “destruction of the USA”…. but least we forget that is their desired outcome.

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Go ask Alice when she’s ten feet tall.”

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I wish it need not have happened in my time, said Frodo.

'So do I said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

- The Fellowship of the Ring, Chapter: The Shadow of the Past,

J.R.R. Tolkien

I think a lot of people feel this way. We won’t be able to go back to “the way things used to be” and in reality, this is a good thing. We can see that everything they legislate for has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them. It’s incredible to know that we’ve been governed by psychopaths and perverts since the 1940’s (at least). I thank God for a pandemic and podcasts that made people ask questions which lead to more questions and associated free thinkers like Dr Malone who know which questions to ask and where to look. We need to stand up and push for answers “with the time that is given us”. Slowly (hopefully) “the times they are a changing”

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Goes back to the 20s when progressives slithered into the administrative bureaucracy and have never left it. They need to be removed.

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Yeah. It seems like the formation of the OSS and all of the free standing, secret 3 and 4 letter agencies just jacked up the abuse. No wonder we haven’t been able to get anyone decent to run for office for so long. Word gets out that if you fire a CIA director you get a limo ride through Dallas or a wide open shot in Butler.

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Not ready to buy the cia/jfk connection. Knowing the propensity of the lbj/rayburn clique to knock off irritants am more inclined to suspect them

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It's the commies such as the warbu'rgs - baruchs - morgenthaus - along with, as uusual,

the traitors within - woodrow wilson - who sent thousands of America's young best to DIE for the vermin's concocted, implemented and executed WW1 slaughter of CHRISTIAN you men. It's always the very same scheme of our destruction, as is the case with the Ukraine, Christiains vs Christians by the homosexual pervert ***president***. The satanist hand in this ongoing slaughter is clearly visible.

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I am often reminded these days of the destruction of Sodom in the old testament with the warning to not look back, it will turn you into a pillar of salt.

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My son uses that quote often. He's awake. Thanks for sharing.

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Withhold your tax dollars (all of us) until allowed to assign them for or not for every spending bill and every government agency every year with every tax return and see just how fast reform can happen. I suggest that in less time than agency heads can say, “Oh snap!” Budgets would have reformed them! We’ve given representative government a chance and gotten easily corruptible politicians controlled by everyone BUT US! Let’s give a little direct democracy a chance. Money is the fulcrum. It’s OUR money. Let us collectively but with individual choice spend our tax money as WE see fit. I suggest that everyone would be served more or less to the extent they were willing to pay for what government was proposing. And accountability would be oh so sweet a dish served every April 15th.

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If voters paid as close attention to who they elect to represent them as you would have them do on fiduciary affairs we would not be in the pickle we are in. We need better representation and it is our responsibility to provide it.

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In principle I agree. In practice, I think it impossible to KNOW a politician well enough to predict how they will vote. Case in point: Mike Johnson. Said, convincingly, one thing. Did the opposite! I’m of the opinion now that I would be better off trusting the citizen taxpayer to act in their own interest across a wide spectrum of ideology but with their own financial interests at stake, than any politician of any ilk.

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The way I evaluate candidates is not sound bites but looking up voting history and reading on internet what conservative sites have to say about them. They cannot hide from view these days as easily as they once could. Take advantage of that

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Well doc you hit out of the park this time. Though it on X also.

This is the kind of Virus America needs “Truth” no matter what it takes.

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One word summary! GREED!

Gates,Obama, Clinton, Pelosi all personify the root cause!

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Goes with the territory. Harry Reid had hardly 2 dimes to rub together when entered "public service" and retired a millionaire. As do most of them.

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But his millions were gone when he died, he took nothing with him—“what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” —Jesus

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And add a list for power?

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Thomas, I’m not sure Gates belongs in your list (to which many DO belong): Gates actually contributed to society, and some say he still is, with his creation of Microsoft with Mr Allen and the wealth created thereby for MS employees, those who invested, and those that leveraged his tech to their advantage - and all the gamers who wasted hours/days/years in search of defeating the boss level. The others in your list have all leveraged Government to their profit - thereby making a mockery of the phrase "public service," leaving government after personal enrichment - some seem to have had trouble finding the exit ramp. Elected government service should be a contributive office not an extractive office. In my adult life, so far only one person has reentered "private" life from the office of POTUS materially poorer than when he entered.

As for Mr Gates, I think what we may have seen of late is the effect of what unimaginable wealth can have on people.

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That and what happens when monomaniacs drift out of the center lane of their mania.

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OMG 😲, this strip was fabulous today. Thank you for helping me laugh into my crying hankie! Favorites — oh, so many. But I’m thinking the two best might be:

1. PSA - Please remember to have your Democrat spayed or neutered. 🐶🐱

2. Video of the Deborah Birx Brit Impersonator fear porning mpox 🐒💉🦠

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Great strip - yes, I am a dog person for sure.

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We were for 40 odd yrs but are cat people now

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Aug 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tears flowing with a few of these....LOL....thanks!

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In addition to displays for Vasectomies and IUDs --- admonitions that I grew up with , Boys , KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS and Girls , KEEP YOUR LEGS CROSSED . A 5' x 7' poster could get the point across --- it has stayed with me for 75+ years since I was easily aroused . Was it perfect for all --- NO --- but , for " yours truly " I did Stop and Think and was successful . Human Nature is a " strong force " !!! TJP

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I don’t know why that became such a hard concept to teach children. It was lost when society gave up on religion. Without a belief in God there is no basis for morality. Sexual or otherwise

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Sounds like discipline Thomas. I had it too.

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I don't think neutered Democrats are a bad Idea. Just happening a little late.

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🤣🤪 OMG! Let face it, I'm all for the leftards ALL getting vasectomies and using IUDs, as we surely don't need any more lefties!

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