Love the member of congress 20 million dollar mansion with yacht’s.

There were times when I would continually work to get to a bigger better place.

There are seasons in life, planting, weeding, harvesting and a season of surviving with what you have. We should not always be in a season of searching, always in a season of discontent. We should not go through every moment of our lives always wanting something else.

I know people very close to me that constantly think there is something better that they need, always unhappy, unfulfilled with their life. If they just looked around them, took a minute of clarity, they might realize they are in an extremely desirable place that most people today will never achieve. Accomplished goals are great but you must take time to enjoy what you have accomplished. Contentment is a choice we have to make. We could be in the best season of our life today, right now, but are focused on the burden, on what we don’t have. We shouldn’t miss the beauty of this moment today wasting precious time thinking of things we desire. Could it be we right now are at the right place for the season that we’re in but we’re not enjoying it. Instead of being discontent, and always wishing we were in a different place embrace the place where we are, see the good, be grateful for what we have. There’s a blessing and a burden in every season, don’t focus on the burden, use your grace to focus on the blessing. If you choose to be content you will enjoy your life more and maybe see that you have accomplished most everything you’d hoped for. Life is very short choose to enjoy where you are, enjoy what and who are in your life today. J.Goodrich

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James, in our area we have a very small unimpressive city called Papalote.

I had a boyfriend that made an observation about me. He said: you'd be happy in Papalote! 😆 🤣 😂

Bloom where you're planted 🪴 !

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Indeed James. Happiness and Contentment are choices. There are blessings to be found every where, every day, they are hidden in plain view.

Thank you for such a great reminder.

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I remember telling a bright young married woman back in 1997 that although she wasn't wealthy, she and her husband had a nice home, cars and were well fed, enjoyed some small luxuries and that she, just having been born in the US, was actually was in the top 10% of the world's wealthiest people. She of course, did not believe me. Perspective is everything. It's not bad, just as you say, to strive to improve your situation, your life and your person. It just shouldn't be for the wrong reasons. Being grateful is the best advice anyone can give or take.

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Thank you James. I have a daily reminder on my phone that says, “No Murmuring” because when I murmur about things, it’s against God who provides for me, even in the difficult times.

❤️ This Post!

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Paul learned where peace came from. God is good.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:11-13

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Yaaaa. If you run after things too hard, there's no time to enjoy what you have.

Kids are a great investment. Doesn't have to be your own kids if circumstances don't permit that.

You might be able to help out a kid whose parents are busy running after 2 yachts.

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Amen! Great post James.

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There you go again, James. Posting those words of wisdom I am always thinking but never get around to posting! 🤗

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James, this is a great pondering of the attitudes I'm talking about. You hit this one on the head of truth for me. The emptiness of the unexamined life is like a sinkhole that can't be filled up. (as you so succinctly opined)

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Great post James.

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“Right on”, James, as my Boomer generation used to say. At 78, and an early member of that generation (1946), I’ve been retired since June, 2018. We left high pressure positions in Los Angeles on the coast and retired in East county SD near the mountains , have a citrus 🍊 orchard on a hill with a great view near 8 young grandchildren. Never been happier.

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Sage advice JG. Indeed....

Take time to find that special quiet place in your mind,

the place you know you were born with, but some how misplaced.

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Unless someone closes the borders TIGHT - and literal hordes of humanity continue to be "resettled" by the U.S. federal government (and the United Nations) - into virtually EVERY state, city and town by the multi-thousands, this "extremely desirable" place - the United States of America will cease to exist.

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I’m thankful for the wisdom Drs. Malone shares on this substack and for your posts that cause me to think and be thankful for each day. A friend who has passed on had a local morning radio show and a personal favorite saying that he ended his show with as I drove into work was “Never let anyone steal your joy!” Frank was a happy soul and it showed.

Those words stuck with me, I find joy in helping others every single day. Be blessed, James.

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This was my deleted post from Friday with a few edits.

There are sayings we hear over and over again, like “history repeats itself”. Are these words, “history repeats itself”, not fitting in today’s world?

We are all surely imperfect people and since the beginning of time imperfect people have been chosen to lead groups and nations. God accomplish’s his perfect plan with imperfect people (Mathew 1). Many times throughout history even the chosen leaders have made mistakes on their journey to the promised land. Gods plans many times brings us hardships and closed doors so that we end up in the right place. I know, I struggle and it’s truly hard these days to keep the faith. Just in recent history we must recognize Trumps imperfections but that it was Obama’s presidency that people witnessed and lived through that lifted Trump to become president.

How many elections have come and gone that we send people to DC to fix the corruptions, and they’re stabbed in the back by the RINO’s and things just get worse. Now we have lived through 4 horrendous years where our culture is being destroyed daily. Your lands strangers devour in your presence (Isaiah 17).

You can say what you want about Trump, with all of his imperfections, his sometimes wrong decisions, we were consistently going in the right direction, his heart and intentions always put America and we it’s citizens first. Try to stay in faith no matter what happens, God accomplish’s his perfect plan with imperfect people.

They tried to impeach him, they released a virus to destroy his presidency, they tried to keep him off the ballot, they tried to jail him, now they’re trying to have him assassinated, what won’t they do. J.Goodrich

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James, so true.

I bristle when I hear the Monday morning 🌄 quarterbacks criticize Trump!

I'd like to see 👀 them out there to do what he has accomplished 😏. Not to mention many of the things that he accomplished were feats that previous politicians were UNABLE or UNWILLING to complete 🤔.

Empty promises!!!!!

I'm not a baseball person, but if they were to compare all of their accomplishments or those of other politicians as batting averages, they wouldn't fair very well!!!!

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"what won’t they do"? Hopefully, succeed.

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Good one James.

I will paste this into P.B.'s substack. She needs it today.

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Amen Amin God is Great.

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Excellent thoughts. Such truth. We are so imperfect and yet God still loves us. So glad you reposted it. There is no restacking option so I will copy and paste into a note.

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Good words! Thanks! ❤️

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One of the best collections yet. Found the poor duck reporting concern about her brood particularly....poignant.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do feel I need to share the pdf file I acquired in 2020 (I think from Dave Rubin's Locals site) It lists many, not all, of the things that Trump accomplished in 4 years. I do not know the author or who posted it but the links that back the info are included. I think this should be shared, you can just post the link somewhere else or download and send by email. Trump never gets credit for all the things he has done for this country. He is only known for mean tweets. I don't think the Obiden admin could even come close. All they did was pour money into Ukraine.


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Thank you Meemanator. I have saved it, printed it and will carry it around with me. Awesome.

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Me too!!!

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Oh Meemanator, THANK 😊 YOU ‼️👍🦋

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maggie Smith was great in Murder by Death, she will be missed.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Banning fire meme. That is one of the most disturbing things in my life. I am forever irritated over the ignorant safety controls gov puts on us. Gas cans with worthless, unworkable nozzles for one. Riding lawn mowers with dangerous restrictions. Leaning left or right to avoid tree branches and the mower engine dies because it no longer feels my weight. Can’t mow backwards unless a distracting process is followed to keep the mower active. In the early 70s, hubby’s boss brought in a federal manual on the safe use of a hammer.

The young man I recently bought a new riding mower from was appalled at my dismay over the ‘safety’ features. People will get killed without these features he said after he explained the three things I would need to do if I wanted to mow backwards. I live alone I said and for those that don’t all their attention will be honed in on the three activities in the front of the rider and not on what’s behind them. His look showed he thought I was nuts.

This is why so many people think highly of the gov’s safety crap and go along with jabs. Meanwhile the FDA covers food safety with its GRAS policy. Propaganda and gaslighting in action.

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Obsession with idiotic regs. Once was going to raise antibodies in mice using a procedure reported by Barts that employed complete freunds adjuvent. Was told I could not because too painful for the mice but could use incomplete adjuvent even tho I had pointed out the previous study showed it would not work. So o.k. to subject those mice to all that unpleasantness and fatal outcome while using a protocol that was known not to work. Regulators in a nutshell.

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My objection to all the safety shut off features is they will likely eventually fail so I have to debug which one is keeping the lawn tractor from running and can I get a new part? For me I will likely simply wire around it and defeat it so I can cut the lawn.

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As an aside, I once had a customer who was a real estate agent and married a weathy Jewish heiress. He got into the development business and did very well. One day I went to his house for a meeting and noticed there were 4 Cadillacs parked on his driveway and I asked him why he had 4 Cadillacs? He replied that his wife had a lot of rich friends who gave him their Cadillacs when the electronic toys and gadgets broke down.

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I've owned three cadis. In a drive thru bank lane I was behind a cadi with a license plate "Earn It". I agree. Not Jewish but like a comfortable ride.

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Kamala Harris speaks her own version of English, called ding-a-linglish.

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OH MY, Ned B, it's SUNDAY!!!!!

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OMG... 🤣

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your snarkiness in support of authentic women. The world absolutely needs the contribution of women's wisdom and the contribution of all those little girls coming into women's wisdom. I do not always agree with you, Robert, on all fronts--but I do really appreciate your differing takes on many things. It is valuable to an evolving race to have our ideas and beliefs challenged. What is destructive is to have alternative ideas struck down as dis-, mis, and mal-information and totally censored. I value what you bring and your right to bring it. Thank you for taking part in Rescuing our Republic and continuing to force us to consider alternative ways of seeing our world.

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Since Kamala is running on "Joy", I would love to ask her what she finds joyful about the following,, for which the Biden administration is responsible: mass illegal immigration for which a recent ICE report claims that "nearly 800,000 non-detained, non-citizen criminals are now roaming America's streets", an appalling inflation rate with its 25% price increase on groceries, Critical Race Theory, which divides people into oppressors & the oppressed, DEI policies whereby the least accomplished are now hired, including the airline industry, covid injections mandates for which the current estimation of associated deaths is approximately 600,000 (using a very conservative & accepted under-reporting factor of 30), suppressing the use of ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine which according the the approximately 500 doctors in the U.S. that offered early out-patient treatment for covid, likely caused the deaths of between 85-90% of those who died (were talking between 850,000-900,000 needless deaths), Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) which de-emphasizes the subjects needed to succeed & think critically, & turns our pupils & students into good little, non-thinking socialists, reparations for those who were never slaves, taken from those who never owned slaves, normalizing pedophilia & sexual perversion, their damaging & idiotic climate change policies (read, "Climate Cult" by Brian Sussman, for starters) as well as our 35 trillion dollar debt which they would love to keep escalating. Let's not even talk about Ukraine. I'm leaping for joy!!!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Posting your cartoons on Instagram generates a lot of discussion quelling the idiocy of the left

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Have to wonder what James Thurber would pen today? Lots of womens issues for him out there

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I had to look him up Micheal. I do recollect hearing of Walter MItty.

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One of the funniest movies....war between men and women...and a show on t.v....my world and welcome to it....based on his cartoons. The t.v. show only lasted a season. Telling.

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I think the scope of humor was redirected or flipped.

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The football cartoon reminded me of a joke.

Albert Einstein didn't get invited to many parties but when he received an invitation one day he gladly accepted. At the party he walked up to one guest and said "Hi, I'm Albert Einstein, what is your IQ?" The woman replied "180". Albert said "wonderful, we can talk about my theory of relativity and the unfolding of the universe". Later he walked up to another guest and said "Hi, I'm Albert Einstein, what is your IQ?" The man replied "140". Albert said "wonderful, we can talk about current events in the news". Later he walked up to another guest and said "Hi, I'm Albert Einstein, what is your IQ?" The man replied "100". Albert said "How about them Bills"

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Great memes today. Thank you. Please stay strong everyone - God loves all of us 🙏🏻♥️

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No amateur mushroom pickers. Or speaking of Tokyo, amateur Fugu chefs.

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Loved the T-ball parody. Better watch it quickly since Comrade Newsom might ban it.

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Wish I could be with you in DC.

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You don't have to be there Fred. Live stream will be posted soon. Starts at Noon ET.


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Thanks, I will be watching. I would like to be there to bolster the number of people supporting the cause as it is the best way to get the western world back on track. No government has withstood a peaceful uprising of 3.5% or more of the population.

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Thank 😊 you Shelley ‼️ 😘

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I am in Canada, can't be there in person, but will be in spirit with you all. May God Bless.

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Turn off your phones and leave them in the car.

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Dragon Slayers: As a kid in the 5th or 6th grade (1968-1969) my Friend Nicholas and I would draw pictures of tanks, Air Force jets, etc., during class. Our dads were in the Air Force. We would then play Dirty Dozen outside on a hill with other kids, pushing each other off the hill with our imagination going back to the movie—we were fighting in WWII! Everyone wanted Terry the Bulldozer on their team because he was, large and strong. Later the trachers banned us from playing—I guess we were too rough. 🤣

As I went through middle school and high school, my imagination was saturated with the Knights of the Round Table and saving women in distress. By the time I was 17, I specifically joined the Army, because if there was going to be a war, I wanted to fight side-by-side with the other guys. (I’m grateful I served during peace time, though I would have deployed to a theatre of war willingly.)

I told my mom in her later years of life, that the bus trip from home to the Army was filled with thoughts of protecting my family and nation. She thought it was cute and laughed. I hope there are boys growing up today who are Dragon Slayers, with an imagination that will mold their character for the future—future men who will lay down their lives for their wives, children, and nation.

I’m older now and my body isn’t the body of a 17 year old, but my mind and heart is still a Dragon Slayer. Joshua 1:9 is what has guided me in life—be courageous and do not fear, because God will not leave me nor forsake me. 🇺🇸

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Comequickly, this is a great very unique comment - your Mom

sounds like a sweet lady ("she laughed"), and what you said to her is VERY sweet and -- dang, I just wrote the word "sweet" 100 times more than I've ever done before, and because it sounds like you and I are kinda similar cuz we did similar childhood stuff (I had 3 younger brothers who joined in, so there was always a decent crowd of us), I'm betting we probably think somewhat alike, so I'm going to swap out "sweet" and drop in "love this super cool comment, bro!" Btw, in 1st grade I'd hang a towel off my neck like a cape and run along the yard, then when I had optimum speed I'd JUMP to take flight. You know, just like my hero Superman. I never saw Supe wearing combat boots - or even shoes - so I'd wear socks. Which got really soggy, but I waited til I was back to Clark before I'd complain, cuz Superman was way too tough to cry over soaked socks. Just like our bad ass US military. Thanks for your service!!

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Yes, it seems we think alike. Boys will be boys—at least in those days.

BTW: When Israel destroyed Iraq’s nuclear facility in the 80’s President Reagan did not know until after the fact. When his staff met to discuss it, the only person who was adamantly against it was VP H.W. Bush.

Reagan’s response was classic: “Well, boys will be boys.” 🤩

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