There is a critical trait that is missing in this Harris/Walz, “democrat”push for four more years. When I hear RFK, Trump, Vance, Drs. Malone, and most everybody on this sub stack its obvious, what is missing from the democrats pours out of these American Patriots mentioned above.

I remember not long ago, my sister had come down with lymphoma that had metastasized into one of her lungs. There are questions of what the primary is, but my wife being an OR nurse knew the perfect surgeon who went in and in a matter of hours resected the cancer from her lung. It has been well over a year now and my sister has been healthy and cancer free. The doctor and his team saved my sisters life. There is a lot to be thankful for starting with my hard working wife that hooked up the surgeon and the entire team from anesthesia, circulating nurse, scrub nurse and general knowledge of how things would happen.

There are many examples of people, everyday stepping up, putting their professional and personal lives on the line to help and protect a person, a community and even our country. What is missing from the democrat ticket and is so blatantly visible from the “America First” movement is the strong desire to fix and heal rather than dismantle and destroy. This comes from a feeling of great GRATITUDE for what has been given to us. Gratitude for our lives, gratitude for people that honestly fix the ill, gratitude for the people that protect us, gratitude for our country, and most important the gratitude for God and all of his blessings.

This hollow democrat platform of Harris/Walz try to divert attention away from the fact that their party has been in charge for 14 of the last 16 years and is now pushing hope and joy??? Do they think the Americans don’t see they have created these problems? This “democrat” party has no problem dismantling our sovereignty and handing pieces of it off to foreign powers. They have no love for the hard working people that built this country and allow them the ability to have a life as Michelle Obama said “much more than what they need”, and honestly much more than what they deserve. These people have no gratitude for all of the riches that have been afforded to them by way of America. They have no gratitude for America itself and seem to be void of knowledge that the world needs a free strong and independent America. J.Goodrich

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several I know are so rusted into the grid that they don't see it. one contacted me last week and asked had I watched the meetings... she had stayed up late to see the Dems gather. After what happened during the scamdemic there was little respect left. Now there is none.

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Fully as horrendous and inexcusable a waste of time as watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics or any of the rigged competitions. 🤔💩

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There's a reason it's called "taking the Red Pill."

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Indeed Mr. Goodrich, gratitude for what we all have and have experienced... the freedoms and opportunities and rights... all taken for granted. By many.

I wonder what you would think if I said, "the strong desire to fix and heal rather than dismantle and destroy" is actually not possible without both. Your sister's health being the primary example. (By the way, my prayers are with her and your family that she continues with good health and healing.) The cancer had to be cut out and likely removed a great deal of her lung. It destroyed her breathing capacity, skin integrity and likely any radiation or chemo continued to destroy healthy tissue in its quest to destroy the cancer.

I get what you are saying... the actions of the left/dem aim to destroy our country. But the fix won't come without a great deal of destruction. And some of it will be of "good" tissue. As you say, those who step up putting their professional and personal lives on the line. Folks like Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch, Peter McCullough etc. And healing won't happen till long after the fix has been wrought.

That's what concerns me... will we survive the fix? Will we come out whole or so very broken and not quite the same. If we continue with the same analogy, cancer survivors often are never the same. Some are, most are not and many die from the complications of the cure. It is an apt analogy. One I am most familiar with as I am also a nurse.

I personally, don't see a simple, navigable solution. We can't have separate states... we can no longer agree to disagree... someone has to lose here. And this makes me sad.

Sorry to be such a bummer on a Sunday.

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Thank you for your prayers PB, In my sisters case there was no radiation or chemotherapy, just a slick quality surgeon. Her problem is she has lymphoma that is in remission but will one day show it’s ugly side again , I’m sure as these communists will never give up. Whatever happens the next four plus years are going to be a mess, win and definitely if we loose. As they say the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Let’s all hope for a large enough victory so that this cancer can be cut out and removed without killing the patient.

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James, I am not a medical professional, but I study health protocols. First, go to FLCCC.org. This site is run by Dr Pierre Cory and Dr Paul Merik. You can trust them both. Get Dr Corys' free newsletter from substack. They have a cancer protocol and they are investigating more protocols. Second, get the free email from Epochtimes.com. Best news, bar none. Third, tell your sister to quit ALL forms of glucose (ie table sugar) You can use xylitol instead. Tastes great with low glycemic index. Fourth, start taking tumeric (1 TBSP) along with black pepper (1 TSP). Tumeric is a very powerful anticancer agent. Pepper multiplies tumerics' efficacy 20x!


Google Kathleen Ruddy plus Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell and watch video.

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Thank you Charles I will definitely look at all of your great suggestions and pass them onto my sister. I so appreciate all of you here!!! Thank You.

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Why I am a big proponent of immunotherapy. Done right and it only kills the cancer, no innocent bystanders. We are in desperate need of a political analogy to immuno.

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Micheal: Political Immunotherapy = open, ongoing & deepening education, information, conversation, appreciation...e.g. maturation.

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Wow I can relate to your thoughts. Our rights and freedoms have been eroded and if these actual fascists keep power, there will be ever more restrictions. Look at what is happening in Europe, esp the UK where a young father was jailed for a comment on social media. The ppl in charge here salivate to have the same powers.

How is it “misinformation” to demonstrate through REAL science that everything about the scandemic was BS yet we are supposed to just accept that ppl with testicles are real women cause they REALLY want to be?


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It's not enough that they want to DESTROY Women Athletics forever,

middle class and nursing home residents are definably in the Crosshairs to eliminate too.

The basis of 10,000 turn 65 everyday in America has got them on Major Hitting Offense.

The border mass human flooding will continue to have a darker side. Look at Europe.

I live in Minn....I have seen what a Gov Walz can do for you!! Bend over again please.

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The plandemic has finally reawakened Nixon's silent majority. The problem they face is proper identification of the players. Do not know about the rest of the country but here in Texas it is shaping up to be a brutal battle.

Our rinos are made up of two elements. The rayburn/lbj faction was as deadly as tweed/daley and has its own impressive body count. They were new deal yellow dog democrats down to their toenails but when they saw the wind shifting like cattle rustlers they merely changed the brand on their butts from D to R and they and their progeny have carried on as usual.

Then you have the east coast imported (Rockefeller) Republicans who are our contribution to the uniparty. The bushies are hanging on with their teeth and willingly cooperate with the rebranded yellow dogs to hold what power they can.

And both of these factions work hand in glove with the democrats to curtail conservatives gaining control of Texas. This is a nasty combination to confront and made more difficult by poor identification from media sources. The upcoming legislative session is vital so voters had better use what reliable online sources they can to get the skinny on the candidates because the msm is lying scum and these may be the biggest votes they ever make. I emphasize Texas because if the acts of this coalition shift those electoral college votes into the blue side of the political spectrum this republic is toast.

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Hmmm. Great review in a nutshell on Texas politics history, Michael. I did not know . . . virtually any of that. thanks.

By the way, do you think Cruz has a tight race too?

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But maybe not as tight as msm trying to make it seem

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Machine guns okay in KS, and TX gun shows do not have to do background checks. Trump appointed judges rock.

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Rambler, I love your succinct

rendition of our situation here in Texas!

I'm very concerned 😟 about all of those who are currently in power who simply rebranded themselves from a D to an R simply to stay in power!!!

They were in office as D's and now as R's!!! Our own local GOP is fully behind our own RINO who voted 🗳 to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton.

I'm at wit's end. I just don't know what to do!!! He is also one who killed the bill to stop the selling of land to the Shy-knees!!!!!!

To make things worse, he is working to get his son as our next mayor!!!

Our city is in the process of deepening our Port. I fear 😨 that this will be a perfect scenario for them to misappropriate the sovereignty of our port!!!

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We are in desperate need of closed primaries. Phelan is only returning at all because a good chunk of his votes were from dems. That the worm seems to be making a turn is that a significant number in the House seem to want to make that happen. That will dampen the effect of the effect dems can play here.

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My state is Red with a Super Majority. The grassroots want Closed Primaries, but the state GOP and legislators vote against it every time it’s brought up. IF, and only IF, Dems want to crossover and vote Republican, they can do it in the General Election. But they would rather vote for the weakest candidate in the GOP Primaries, so if they lose, they still win. 👺

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MO doesn't have closed primaries either. I'm sure many dems voted for the SOS who was running for Gov taking votes away from the best candidate so a rino 3rd candidate won.

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The sun done rose...

The sun done set...

And here I is...

In Texas yet! 😂

A boot salesman in El Paso said this to me years ago. He got out of the army and caught a train across Texas. I never forgot it. Most folks don't realize how big it is.

It has its own traveling political circus 🎪

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😱- what I feel about Harris/Walz winning. They are both a disaster.

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Still no $ from concerned out of staters? Cruz?

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Demons seek power and greed, period.

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As I wrote above to Dr. Malone, I think a "victory" for Kameltoe Harris and Tampon Tim Walz on November 5 is a virtual certainty. And what people don't understand about The Demoncrats – and their Globalist counterparts worldwide – and their performance: As Mike Adams observed, they are not incompetents. They are not criminals driven by insensate greed. [5 hours later: Although they're these things as well🙄 ...] They are demonic entities whose goal is the destruction of Western Civilisation and eventually, Humanity. They cannot be reasoned with, an "acommodation" with them is an absurdity. The only course of action you have is to neutralize them, by any means necessary.

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I have thought that since the 2008 election and a hundred years of backsliding on we the people.

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Read Kevin Flaherty's assessment of American Politics, first posted in November 2006; "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion" which I reposted late last year: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/waiting-for-clarity-on-the-brink

You'll find Kevin's original under the row of asterisks.

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Very good advice for that time, in hindsight. It is more than a handful that have realized the dangerous place we have been in since the inside job on 9/11. Many woke up them, but the power of change has been illusive which the PTB arrange what seems like eons ago.

The situation is the same now, but they will not be knocking on doors. First, the electricity will be systematically shut down in rural areas of America where the smelling Walmart-Shopping Trump supporters live. The goal - suspension of voting in those areas. Whether or not they turn the grid back on is unknown.

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I hate to say you are right.

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It’s interesting J.Goodrich, that when God redeemed the Hebrew nation out of Egypt with undeniable miracles from his Almighty Hand, that once out of Egypt, many began to “murmur” or complain to Moses about their new found freedom, because of the difficulties in the wilderness. They said they would rather return to Egypt which had onions, leeks, and garlic, than to endure the temporary hardships while headed to the Promised Land.

Well, God was not going to have any of that, because “murmuring” against Moses, was actually complaining against God’s salvation from slavery and daily provisions. So he judged their rebellious hearts, and destroyed them in the wilderness. They never saw nor reaped the physical and spiritual blessings of freedom in the Promised Land.

Those in America who want the leeks, onions, and garlic, of Marxist slavery, will never taste physical and spiritual freedom—unless they repent—but that requires a change of mind and heart toward God. He’s our only hope. 🤗

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Dearest James Goodrich,

I don’t know whether this information will help your sister get and stay healthy, but I offer it with great humility and compassion. FLCCC and Dr. Pierre Kory are looking at cancer from a different paradigm: As a metabolic disease. With that paradigm, all types of cancer could be more treatable (and even preventable). Please check out these resources if you wish (these are the search strings for cancer at FLCCC and Dr. Kory’s Substack):

FLCCC Search for “cancer”: https://covid19criticalcare.com/?s=Cancer&id=6377

Dr. Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings search for “cancer”: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/archive?sort=search&search=Cancer

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Thank You Big E I will definitely look at this link and forward it to my sister, thank you!!!

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Good luck to you and your sister.

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My mom had lymphoma we need to chat but I don’t know how to do that.

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She lived to be 85.

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These memes got my lungs working! Thank you.

I am with you on knowing what may be ahead. I've updated the 'waiting for the next shoe to fall' to waiting for the final neck boot to be activated.

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Me too. Still happy for the moment of humor but damn, they are gearing up to tighten all the screws they can...

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just can't help liking Mr. Kennedy. I disagree with some of his positions, and I've found some of his statements curious. But I think he has written at least two monumentally important books, and the brilliance of his recent speech eclipsed that of any public figure in recent memory. It was like a balm. A reminder that I don't always have to agree; just please please stop lying to me, censoring me, vilifying me, berating me.

"This [Harris] is not a person to underestimate." Honestly, I don't know what to make of her. It's hard to imagine that anyone so apparently dumb could be this close to the highest office in the land. Is the word salad an affectation? Is she intelligent in thought, but a poor communicator? Is this what-we-see-is-what-we-get? Do fawning Democratic audiences, genuine or compensated or digitally inserted, really appreciate a deliberate dumbing-down? The insult of vacuous political speech aimed at the dimwitted?

I'd ask any Democrat to juxtapose that RFK speech with the best of what Kamala has had to offer. Will you really pull the lever for the latter? If so, there's really nothing more to talk about.

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Excellent musings Mr. Lord. I concur about RFK Jr wholeheartedly. His family are so skillful with how to move folks... I have his uncle's inauguration speech framed on my wall. It speaks to me of servant leadership. Always has.

I'm really glad that he only referenced his dad and uncle three times in that whole speech. I've heard him speak often and the number of times he brought them up was very annoying... Not the right word. But I want him to run on his own merits and stop bringing up his heritage. It's important but he needs to stop trading on it. IMHO.

I think his backing Trump is very savvy maneuver. Hopefully it will help.

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What if “backing Trump” is not a maneuver? What if “referencing his relatives” isn’t running on their merits and not his own? What if the later is a valiant attempt to point out exactly where the democrats veered off the liberal cliff and the former is a sincere attempt to salvage his dream of making America healthy again the only way he reasonably can? Not every thing a political figure says or does is a calculated chess game move even though in hindsight it can be cast in that way by armchair pundits.

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Ms Lee, I have listened to and watched a great many hours of RFK Jr and am an admirer. He specifically outlines in his recent conversation with Tucker Carlson his exact reasons for his decision. Based on that conversation, I respectfully state that it was a very savvy maneuver on his part, precisely because he wishes to achieve goals vital to the American people. He outlines it clearly. I encourage you to watch. A maneuver need not be malicious or disingenuous. It is still a carefully planned strategy to achieve a specific goal. And if Trump hadn't offered his hand and a place going forward, it's unlikely RFK Jr would have made this monumental decision. But the Lord has moved these men, of that I am certain. I thank you for you most civil and polite comment. It is so very heartening to hear constructive feedback. I surely hope I have offered the same. Please advise if I have failed to do so.

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Okay, we are essentially in agreement. That’s good. Now I’m going to make a very general observation (not directed at you) based on a Bible scripture that I have seen be extraordinarily wise. “judge not lest ye be judged”. My Amish neighbors are scrupulous about never uttering a word of criticism about anyone. They roundly condemn behavior and are extremely intolerant of deviation within the church. But persons are never judged. This has won them enormous respect and goodwill from those who interact with them. It is a point of pain that I have fractured relationships with my neighbors and they do not. They know what human nature is, they aren’t naive, they don’t necessarily like them BUT unlike me, they don’t criticize to their face (which I have been known to do), second guess their motives, ascribe a strategy or talk about them behind their backs. I would say that a majority of the polarization and real venom people have for one another could be cooled off by giving up this addiction to criticism and focus entirely on behavior and core issues. None of us are without our foibles, our habits, our peculiarities. Changing hearts by changing minds (ideas) won’t change any of those personality things. But it will create a space where discussion can happen and that OFTEN changes the main goal . Just a thought which I myself should take to heart!

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Very astute Ms. Lee. I will have to come back and cogitate on your example of the Amish. I have admired many aspects of theirr world for years.

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Hope and pray for as many debates as possible AND that her "followers" watch and SEE, listen and HEAR, know the TRUTH.

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Okay, that video was hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle. Well, maybe more of a guffaw. Several times.

Now, this "The fact that our government, that is the Biden/Harris administration, was and is involved should scare us all senseless." is absolutely true. They do scare me senseless. A majority of the people I know who only consume msm or FB, and don't do any type of reading... real reading, are the ones who will be in lockstep in a flat second. Flat second. I don't think they have any idea how perilously close to "1984" that we are and who is at the root of it.

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P.B. we need to take the gloves off and start CALLING them EXACTLY what they are!!!

It is the Biden Harris satanical Marxist REGIME!!!!

We need to DEMOLISH them so that we can start rebuilding our country!

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Agree they only watch msm, are too busy to read political stuff. Trust the msm with their lives I guess. We really need more popular democrats to wake up...bill maher is close, Dr Phil needs to out and out endorse trump.

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had always wanted to go back and read the books on which two of my favorite movies were based:

The Day of the Jackal (Forsyth)

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (Le Carre)

I have now done so. And these books, to which the movies are mostly faithful, are excellent.

The late Le Carre was a true genius, and a real veteran of British intel. I'm re-reading "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," to be followed in the trilogy by "The Honourable Schoolboy" and "Smiley's People," both of which will be firsts for me.

Imagine a time when western intel was dedicated to the highest chess game of all: pushing back against communist tyranny. Well, these books are old, aren't they?

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I liked him until his spy books became so blatently anti-US. Got a bit hard to take. His Constant Gardener was a great slam on big pharma. Try it if you haven't already.

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Great movies!

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, correct me if I'm wrong but I think one of the most important things people can do is to sign up to volunteer at their local polling station and keep their eyes wide open for fraud. And you must be prepared to speak up if you see anything suspicious. If there is to be mail in vote drop boxes, it's a lot of work and a lot of volunteers but maybe 24 hour surveillance can be arranged for each box? It's especially critical in the swing states.

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It’s really important that people try to vote on Election Day in person. Poll workers are good too, but in many states, their powers are limited as is their access to the crucial parts of the vote count.

I put together a voting guide for Idaho, but most of the advice could work in other states. The Guide is updated frequently. Creating it was a great education for me, and it could help others too. Check it out here: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-voting-guide-updated-91423

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Several of our mentors on the internet, podcasts and radio are recommending listeners "bank their votes" by voting early in person. Their fear is another internet outage on Election day. I'm planning my usual early voting Sunday morning in person. Not that it matters in MD. They've signed onto the pack that will dedicate all of its electoral college votes to the Democrats if they are leading. No matter what the actual outcome (in MD) is. Quite a few states have signed up to that agreement.

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Jean see my comment to Shelley below

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I surely felt that way when I first identified the effort. However, so far there has been no harm. Sorta like if I said If this store raises the price of butter again I'm going to rob them. So far the store hasn't been harmed. Another issue is allocation of resources. Is this pressing enough to pursue now or better to hold off and see what the election needs will be?

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We do have to keep the electoral college. Their hatred if it is reason enough to know we need it

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Subversion of will of the people in those states. Shame that states can do this legally it seems.

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Shelley I wonder about that. The obvious intent is to bypass the electoral college which unfortunately for them is embedded in Article II of the Constitution which gives the states the authority to regulate elections but not the right to dispose of their citizens votes willy-nilly. This should be pushed to the Supreme Court and its adherents told if they want to toss the college do it by amendment as required by the Constitution and if they cannot then stick it.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

Researchers Warn:

The Animals We Eat Could Spark a Global Health Crisis

By RMIT UniversityAugust 24, 20241 Comment5 Mins Read

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I didn't see any comment section on RMIT website.

What they won't go through to scare people.

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I'm pretty sure that article turned up via the Newsbreak feed. In that case likely neither invite comments. Newsbreak offers a heavy load of scare and depress stuff. Only allow it as taking the temperature of what the faithful are being fed.

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Mark Levin is aware. He didn't opine. At this point the harm hasn't occurred. If such harm occurs and it makes a difference, I expect Levin or someone he alerts will take up the issue. Then we'll see.

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In that regard he is being cautious. Mark Elias would pounce on him, start a big fight and more blue states would automatically join.

It would never see a court, which court, which state or fed?

Knowing how the Blue states remain blue with their cheating, even if they had not just passed this law, but put it to the voters, they would call it a yes vote anyway.

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Without proof of harm I expect the matter can't be litigated. Personally hope it won't come to that.

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spot on today! I'm gratefully welcoming all Kennedy supporters who choose to join us! Welcomed and valued!

This news is out on GETTR as well. Earlier this week American Thinker offered an article asserting this is Obama seeking a 4th (covert) term. By now I think we know where he stands and that he would welcome our USA on its knees begging for mercy.

To that end your 4 part meme of rising out of subjugation is my tops for the day!

Off to a pet visit. Back later.

Safe travels and an unfettered return to US soil.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Sunday Strip on all levels, starting with lots of laughter and finishing with a deep sadness for what is happening. I am very thankful for your voice and taking the time to share your knowledge. It is therapeutic.

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The funnies were great. The avocado from the gov't was one of my favorites. I also like the shit you know and don't know. In my former career as a speaker at medical meetings to teach physicians billing rules made simple, I was once introduced as a billing expert. When I took my spot at the podium I made a giant circle with my right arm and said, everything I know about billing is inside this circle. What that means is that everything outside the circle is what I don't know. As I learn more every year, my circle of knowledge grows, but so does my reality of what I don't know. There are no experts in my field.

The Durov story sends chills down my spine, and I am in Arizona.

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What wonders me is why he stopped in France? was there a reason, a mechanical problem like so often happens nowadays? I am not on telegram, nor Facebook nor anything else but Substack, but I agree that everyone should be able to join whatever platform they want. Except for child abuse and hard porn I think nothing should be forbidden. If people want to poison themselves with drugs, so be it, millions are poisoned by drug dealers called doctors. To each his or her own. As long as they keep it to themselves, and harm none, who cares?

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

Why indeed, inquiring minds want to know so one does not wander into the twilight zone for explanations like I have. I am starting to understand how Alex may have thought the Sandyhook school shooting could have been staged. I’m not saying it was, just that the USG has been trying for decades to rid citizens of their self-protection. There was 9/11 followed by the most blatant surveillance laws imaginable.

Building the massive data center in Utah to house what? Surmise that all home-grown and foreign-born would-be-entrepreneurs looking for seed money to invent internet-based businesses all got their seed money from intel arms of the USG and instruction on its needs. The FCC under O started fees on phone service to bankroll high-speed internet service in all corners of the national, especially in rural areas where laying cable was ultra expensive with homes sometimes miles apart. Everyone must have high-speed access to the internet so the gov also subsidizes cell phone service to low income and hardwired internet access in HUD run apartment buildings. Musk was given unprecedented access to space to launch his Starlink internet service.

Another O mandate via HHS was all doctor offices treating Medicare/Medicaid people must store all patient information as digital records via laptops. All hospitals had to build online portals to retain patient records for patient/doctor access. If you think mailing off for your D3 levels is not captured you’d be mistaken.

Many non-profits now use an external donation portals that they do not own. There are several of these donation portals. They may make a few bucks by taking a small % of donation but I suspect they are run by NGOs of the governments as a back door to your donations records which are very important to them given the numerous tries the Feds and states have used to get such info.

I could go on with this for quite a while but I’ll get to the point.

Everything about you is known. All internet activity is traceable. McAfee used to secure you devices, and Mr. McAfee is no more but his product lives on but in what capacity?

Is Tucker Carlson captured, infiltrated, an operative, have a handler? Are we led to believe certain things in April (Telegram is secure from corrupt governments?) with confirmation in August that it is secure? That it was the FBI that was talking with him? That France wants something that the PTB don’t already have? This is what they want everyone to believe, the Gov has no access. I find that ludicrous.

That FB, Instagram, Telegram, Ebay, Paypal, Zoom, TikTok, Substack, Locals, X, TruthSocial, Rumble and so forth don’t already provide your data or have a backdoor, or a means for outside capture of data? Who was behind their development? Who sits on their boards, who wants the information they store and who easily hacked Sharyl Attkisson’ laptop when she was investigating Fast in Furious during O first term?

The matrix we live in has been complete for quite a while and not everyone is who you think they are. Food for thought this hot, humid, windy Sunday in the Show Me State.

This was prompted by both the 'what you don't know you don't know' meme and Doc's reporting about Telegram which I had already read about earlier and had misgivings.

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There was a time I didn't care who had my info, I was a nobody. Now, it's not that I don't care, it's that there is no stopping it from what I see. I can see why the doctor I saw for a tongue issue said "You don't go to the doctor much, do you?" She was more on my wavelength than most, and there was no asking to mask in her office. No problem with my tongue, no asking irrelevant questions and no urging for tests etc. Also no new records. Sometimes I am protected even against my own ignorance. There is a God, I feel and see the Divine every day. Thanks, Shelley

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That is the experience I wish everyone had, including me. I was badgered to get the jab and my no reply went into my medical record which I can see when going into the associated hospital portal.

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So far, much to everyone's displeasure, I haven't set up any portals. My excuse ( actually true) is my aging computer is so dicey I don't know from bootup to boot up whether it will accommodate me.

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It is sad that your health records are out there whether or not you log into your portal Jean.

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The good news is I'm extremely sparing (beyond my eyes) in getting medical services. They won't learn much.

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So, is the trick, now being forearmed, to focus and see that our communications yield minimal insights? Or do we take risks to mislead and agitate?

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Interesting thoughts Jean. I have no advice as we can't escape. I am staying the course, limiting my data-print to a few SSs and only comment on certain website articles. I'm not on any social media platforms - no time in my life for that.

I do worry for those with high exposure like the Malones and others that expose the USG.

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I read that Durov was invited by Macron and was set up. I have no good way to verify though since no news agencies are trust worthy.

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, I've purchased avocados 🥑 like that one before!

Now I know where they come from!!! 🤪 😜 🤪

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Try enlongated avocadoes .They usually have very small seeds !

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I struggle every day to keep an uplifted attitude, despite the continuous assault on everything honorable and the ignorance of too many about the terror that is all around us. I have a former client and ex-friend who I started the debate about the shots back in 2020. He continues to send me updates about Walz, which I will look at later. There is no change in his perspective, even tho I have sent numerous varieties of info from different sources. He is only one of millions that are totally unaware of our current situation. I am not fooled by only one side of the picture, these people are.

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DD, I have such “friends” also. Sad.

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Glad you are out of Mexico without incident. It is mind blowing to think as an American, we would be concerned about international travel. France? Funny, I've never once had that destination on my bucket list for travel. Maybe my intuition was at work without my knowledge!

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Places like Notre Dame, Sacre Couer and Hotel des Invalides are some of the most beautiful creations of western civilization. Which makes them targets for the people that hate beauty and western civilization. Definitely worth a visit while still possible.

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Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I liked the Doritos commercial b/c it reminded me of a true life "experiment" where ultrasounds were taken of babies in utero while their moms ate carrots and then kale. The babies smiled with the carrots and grimaced with the kale! Fascinating! Prolife; those are babies! Humans! People!

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You must have a problem with kale, one of the more important vegies we have, so long as it's organic. Psyops

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I don't have any problem with kale, but it is bitter and children don't usually go for bitter. This is partially explained with their higher need for calories, and I am wondering if the vitamins in sweet foods are also something that they need. (just guessing here.). As we get older our taste buds and nutritional needs change. The mothers weren't reported as having liked or disliked the veg, just the ultrasound pic's of the babies show that they--the babies--smiled when the moms ate the carrots but did not when moms ate kale. I wish I could remember which prolife group sent it to me; maybe Students for Life.

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This just sounds so convoluted, I can't really believe this was an authentic take.

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What "this" sounds convoluted? That babies in utero have feelings/reactions to stimuli? I am sure you have heard of Dr. Ben Carson. What changed his perspective on abortion--or at least one thing--was when he was preparing to do surgery on a preborn child and as he reached for the child, the child actually tried to get away from his hand!

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I relate to the humming bird funny. Chills when I read about the arrest in france. Trying to type on kindle so trying to be brief. I was hit with an almost violent explosion of trump derangement syndrome when I asked a normally mild mannered person yesterday when I asked why don't democrats like RFKjr. Its bad . I don't know what it will take. they are Kamala or bust. And I never got an answer.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

Good collection today Doc!

Censorship is indeed the most critically important issue of the day. Another similar event at Heathrow airport in the UK:

"The arrest of the reporter Richard Medhurst, who has been one of the most ardent critics of the genocide in Gaza and Israeli apartheid state, at Heathrow airport is part of the steady march towards the criminalization of journalism, something all of us, including Medhurst, understood lay at the heart of the long persecution of Julian Assange."


As has been suggested widely elsewhere, the US gov't and all the governments take such marching orders from higher up:

"The global crackdown on dissent is not a European, or a British, or American, or a Canadian, or Australian, or a Brazilian operation. It is a global, systemic operation. Governments aren’t forcing or extorting global corporations into censoring dissent. Left and right politics has nothing to do with it. It is part and parcel of the ongoing evolution of global capitalism, the globally hegemonic system we all live under. Re-electing Donald Trump will not stop it. Electing Bobby Kennedy, Jr. will not stop it. The Supreme Court will not stop it. Elon Musk won’t stop it."


Now let's expand our view to the globalists' longstanding endgame and how they are doing it:

"Global government is the endgame. We know that. Total control of every aspect of life for every single person on the planet, that’s the goal. That’s been apparent to anyone paying attention for years, if not decades, and any tiny portion of remaining doubt was removed when Covid was rolled-out and members of the establishment started outright saying it.

Covid marked an acceleration of the globalist agenda, a mad dash to the finish line that seems to have lost momentum short of victory, but the race is still going. The goal has not changed, even if the years since may have seen the agenda retreat slightly back into the shadows.


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