3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, that may just be the ONLY SUPER BOWL 🏈 that I will ever participate!

Go Patriots!!

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I begin to think there's Super Bowl bias. Admittedly, I haven't taken any interest in the game in years. But I note that the ads for the Patriots are censored. And the refs have assessed all penalties in favor of the Stealers. Is my mind playing tricks on me?

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I definitely got to show that meme to all my sane friends who are Steeler fans. Lol. I think I finally found a way to motivate them to find another team - just change the spelling from Steelers to Stealers.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

DNC push is to mirror Trump initiatives and make citizens believe that they are Democratic initiatives. Therefore no need to change horses in the middle of developing WWIII! Example: Congressman Booker is introducing a bill that stops children from consuming foods that are unhealthy. Blunts RFK Jr initiatives for 2025. What KM says and what she believes are like night and day. Gas lighting has become a fine art.

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Mis- and disinformation!

They're just postering (lying). They have no intention of doing it.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Must do"...

"Should do"...

"Well maybe rather nice to do"....

My Mom-isms on prioritizing everything. (especially Sundays)

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We live just down the road from you in Whitehall VA, and we have a family farm similar to yours (although no horses anymore, but some pet cows, chickens, geese, dog and cats). We love your comments for their honesty and sense of humor.)

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved your Sunday funnies today! Safe travels to Japan.

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That Harris is even within 20 points of Trump is telling as to the Spiritual backsliding of our Nation

“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

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The borrower is a slave to the lender. Proverbs.

One of the smarter things I ever did as a young homeowner was make overpayments on my mortgage. Being debt-free makes it much, much easier to tell our overlords, medical and otherwise, to go pound sand.

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I think it was easier for us than it is for this current 20/30 somethings nowadays. I homeschooled one of my grandsons. In his junior year he took a course in economics and I made him sign a contract that he would save 20% of whatever he made in his part time job. Everyone, including me, was shocked to find out by the time he graduated he had saved $5000 and he opened a Roth IRA. Now he has started his own business. But he still has to live with his parents because rent is way too expensive.

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What an excellent idea for your grandson and amazing that he followed through! There IS hope for our future generations!!

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We could not believe it. I thought - whoa - he listened? I do have hope for his generation.

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Such a smart move James. My last two home purchases were 15 years loans. The last one included 70% down.

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The U.S.S.A. is "borrowing" itself into oblivion.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I used duct tape and bubblegum to seal a seawater leak on a submerged submarine. So I'd add bubblegum to your list of essential tools for every household. Oh, and an open end adjustable left handed hammer.......

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How many homes are in submarines?? But, oh well, if you can’t stop a water leak you can at least chew the gum.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, not sure what you do with your harvest, I can guess maybe you can or freeze. I am in the learning curve with a freeze dryer and as I get more comfortable with it I can see a lot of advantages to putting by fruits and veggies in a 25 year shelf life span. Anyone else doing this?

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We would like to get one - they are expensive!

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Yes they are, not to mention all the 'extras' you kind of need. The biggest issue, for me is timing though. You cannot predict how long a batch will take and you have to be prepared to bag and seal when it is done because you cannot let it cool off and therefore absorb moisture. The only solution is to add dry time. That said, this week I was able to use a bag of celery I did back in February in a stew in my crock pot and once rehydrated it was just like fresh. So, now I'm all charged up to get the last of the bell peppers and beans and onions done.

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All my Amish neighbors can their meats and they taste just fine to me. Smoked bacon keeps very well in jars of lard without even processing. Pumpkins, potatoes, (sweet and white) keep in boxes in the cellar. You don’t need expensive tools. Just a garden and a canner and a bunch of jars.

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I learning canning for Y2K prep and while it is cheaper to do, and you can control the timing, canned food doesn't last as long as freeze dried food. You have to rotate it, especially food like tomatoes. Given all the food processing plants that have been destroyed this year, I am all in to do something. If not for me, at least my grands.

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As we all watch this daily build up of our government dividing us, I often question the motives of people that want to dominate by force their beliefs onto others. Certainly financial gain would probably be the most powerful of reasons, to accept in the mind, the becoming an authoritarian, but what about the under links, the soldiers, that make it possible to achieve this control over others. The soldiers could be as simple as a tax paid voter.

I’m not sure how a soul gets to that point of a need or want to dominate over people. To justify forcefully taking the hard made earnings from one person and giving it to another or just keeping it for ones own gain, is pure theft in my mind. If life gets to the point that what we earn is taken from us and then distributed to others by an authoritarian, financing things that we don’t believe in, on a massive scale, is this not a form of tyrannical slavery? When our own earnings and our children’s future earnings are used by the tyrant to help destroy us, our families, our country and our future will there ever come a time when we say enough?

This brings me to Lexington Concord. This battle began when the “appointed” governor of Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage had implemented the Coercive Act which was a series of laws intended to punish deeds of defiance against the king, such as the Boston Tea Party, (cause; taxation without representation).

# This Act put a blockade on Boston Harbor shutting down commerce, financially harming business and people, raising prices on goods.

# It moved trials to other colonies or to Great Britain, dragging out the process and not allowing a fair trial to those accused.

# It allowed British soldiers to be quartered on people’s properties in out buildings or uninhabited homes at the owners expense.

# It allowed the governor to pick the judge of the accused and shut down town meetings where people assembled to just once a year.

(Sounds like a shadow outline to the bill of rights)

With the threat of outright rebellion Gage ordered the seizure of weapons and powder stored in Concord Ma., 20 miles northwest of Boston, (the second amendment). This prompted a single lantern placed in the steeple windows of the Old North Church (one if by land) and the ride of Paul Revere and others. General Gage underestimated the courage and resolve of the colonists and the 700 English soldiers were met by 77 minutemen. This produced the Shot Heard Round The World and began the American Revolution.

I’m not sure how much farther our current government is willing to push their tyranny and division on the American citizen or how much more the American citizen can take. Sacrifice must always be paid for a society to stay free. Could this election create the next Lexington Concord? Could it be what triggers the next “Shot” Heard Round The World? J.Goodrich


Search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zAbBsbLfJM

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James, regarding the divisiveness of us Americans. I’ve been following the Tucker Carlson videos of his tour around America. They are terrific and I’ve loved hearing his guests speak. But one of his themes throughout his talks is how wherever he’s gone he’s not found as much division as the gov’t is telling us there is, among real citizens, illegals not counted. And I watched the Matt Walsh movie yesterday, “Am I Racist” and he found the same thing. Maybe we truly need to have faith that those that love America really will fight for her. Sure is hard sometimes, though!

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Is that because the people that go to his tour engagements are like us?

The way Matt Walsh phrases things catches people off guard and makes them pause. I hope he scores with his movie.

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Shelley, he said he goes out into the community talking to people. Not sure how many people he actually talks to but I’m hopeful and like to hear any good news. Obama started dividing us and continued with his third term of Presidency with Biden. Then this TDS really took off. And of course the more things are repeated, the more the sheep believe them. Sigh!

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No, I see the government as divisive not so much the people. I have faith this will be straightened out this election. If not in this election it will be straightened out in Harris’s presidency.

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If you are highly anxious because you don't know who you are . . . you can become a somebody, by imposing your beliefs on them . . . with violence, if necessary.


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There are several things power hungry tyrants do not know or consider as they work their plans to rule:

They always consider themselves as elites who cannot be impacted by the destruction of a nation. Even so, some are now building themselves compounds and bunkers (Zuckerberg) so some might have a concern of a time to come where they might have to scramble. The question is - why would they want to make that come about?

They have no idea how a country actually runs or where their food and electricity comes from. Or how to fix something that is broken.

They have no idea they are just satan's minions and satan could care less what happens to them when their usefulness is exhausted.

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I don't believe a "soul" ever wants dominion over anything, but the ego sure does! As far as I can deduce, this is the reason for all wars, suffering and stress. Until there is the courage to take a deep dive into the workings of the ego so it can be identified and released of its need to influence us through fear , this cycle will carry on.

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As you already know, because your beliefs have led you to the correct answer. It’s as primitive as what kind of food do we need to keep us alive and who can provide that food. The soul is nourished by truth and the ego receives its sustenance by lies. Our hearts innately know the provider of each.

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The "motives" of people that want to dominate by force their beliefs on others? Now in the 21st century it's that same old, same old mental mental virus of Marxism that seems to infect EVERY generation.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Canning , drying and freeze drying. My daughter has a freeze dryer. Meat recipe statutes nicely.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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I hovered over your first post, trying to make sense of it and decided my stupidity was the cause of my failure. Thank you for this clarification, now I feel better.😋

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Sometimes auto correct does some interning things.🤪

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Oh brother interesting

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Youth is wasted on the Young.....

One of my Mom-isms.

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Thanks for lightening up my Sunday. I have been running back and forth to hospital for 3 days while husband is recovering from a complication of some minor surgery. Fortunately he is doing well and will go home tomorrow. It was refreshing for both of us to laugh over the strip. I didn’t show him Pelosi’s video. I was afraid he’d have a relapse. Good job.

Safe travels to Japan

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1 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I passed through Tokyo Narita Airport several years back. I felt a bit bewildered during the layover. Japanese is tough; I understood nothing of what I was reading or hearing. It's almost like an entirely different language.

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Their grasp of english was often a bit tortured too if you remember some of those instruction manuals they sent here back in the day

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I loved the piece on Kamala "outing herself" with a little help from AI. How perfect that the Dems are getting just what they deserve. They have suppressed our free speech and cherry-picked the speech of all our sheroes/heroes who stood up speak out against their mandates and other destruction of our Constitutional Rights. How perfect that their personal AI-pet is being used against them, constructing parodies that express exactly who they are--"outing them" for their duplicitous words betraying their actual behavior and actions. As for Gavin Newsome--he has been "Hoisted on his own petard." His plan, in fact, has harmed himself. :) Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Yes, Dr Malone. Such another good collection of Sunday Funnies!

Safe travels to Japan for you and Jill.

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