Apr 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can we endure another two years of miss direction, mudslinging, political propaganda, medical propaganda and social propaganda that divides and confuses, and is being generated by a captive mass media that is not interested in the truth but the dollars they receive from special interests!

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I read/heard Bobby Kennedy is out in Ohio trying to help the Palestine folks. If nothing else, we may be able to look forward to his stinging the beasts and making their ugliness front and center. Just hoping he gets the publicity for his interventions!

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Sadly, I doubt he will get the publicity, unless it’s negative! The MSM can’t stand him for his stance on vaccines, and even his family is outspoken against him on it. I will say this, he is gonna make for an interesting Democrat primary!

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

PJ had a blurb today about a Cronkite bio written by David Brinkley. To sum it up, we have been fed progressive b.s. for at least that long by the lamestream

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True. From our founding, there were competing newspapers. Radio and TV was and still is nothing but propaganda. Cronkite, like the rest following him, was a marketeer/salesman for the deep state. What is rather recent the contrary voice on the web, when not blocked.

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No, stop watching them. Seriously, ignore them completely. Everyone!

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The 6 Billion dollars yearly spent on pushing Rx drugs to the American consumer are the worst. They portray feel good ads, but the side effects stated in words that cause harm are a turn off and the media doesn't say anything negative about the drug manufactuerers because they know they will be punished by being excluded from the money trough!

The "American way!

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It helps if you get rid of your TV like I did 30 years ago!

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Ours only gets used for kiddie videos and old movies.

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and the UK way

and the German way

and the Australian way

and the Canadian way...

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I think we can, and we will, because we must.

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Yes we can, because we recognize it all for what it is and that it causes our mental/emotional suffering, that and the sound of our money being sucked away by inflation and the feeling of helplessness.

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How long will we even be able to have this discussion?


Not one to miss an opportunity, enter Hilary.

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Do we have a choice?

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Have faith and have peace.

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"The political machine triumphs because it is united minority acting against a divided majority." - Will Durant

"In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap." - Napoleon Bonaparte

"Take our politicians: they're a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of clichés the first prize." - Saul Bellow

A politician… one that would circumvent God. - William Shakespeare

"A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested." - Tom Wolfe

“I remain just one thing, and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician” - Charlie Chaplin

“Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either. ” ― Gore Vidal

“Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.” ― Ambrose Bierce

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Here's my question. How many of today's politicians, do you think, would understand that explanation of Nuclear propulsion on a submarine? My guess is that some would have to first redefine "roundy roundy".

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As a USN nuke trained while Rickover ran the show, there are no politicians who do. Jimmy Carter did his best to ensure its demise. Rickover would NOT let him in the program. He is in hospice, and they are waiting for the best time to let him go.

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If the fan actually does become slathered w/ "it", the "Boomers" may be the sole, reliable, THREATENING point of the Triad ... God bless ADM Rickover !

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I'm saving these! :-)

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With all the negatives in this world, just look at this weeks truthful memes, I wanted to push a positive. Many days my wife and myself struggle to keep up with life health and the bills. I often pray to god for help. A suitcase of money never shows up on my front stairs, but something always seems to change. I land a job in my business, my wife gets an opportunity at work for overtime and extra money, a check we’ve been waiting for comes in. Some how these small miracles do happen and we are able to survive another month. The Dr. Malone subscribers have probably figured out that I can be a bit edgy on some subjects, surprisingly I have prayed to be more understanding. Ok, maybe god hasn’t got to that one yet, but I’ve also prayed to be more patient. Watching Dr. Malone and his wife go through attack after attack and maintain a civil steady affect with a focus on what is right has made me try to be more patient and understanding in general. You may not notice changes as they happen slowly. God does work in mysterious ways. Happy Sunday everyone!!! J.Goodrich

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Your comments in this post James reminds me of your last name. It is easy to forget the unwanted turmoil is not our entire life, not even in the here and now. No one was promised a life of good and plenty so we must make the most of it, like you wisely looking to God who sees to our needs even if we do not recognize He has done so. Blessings this Sunday and every day!

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

James, Loved your response, I laughed at a couple of your thoughts.Thanks for the smile, I needed it!

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Conservative: "I've made some decisions that are going to require ME to make some changes."

Liberal: "I've made some decisions that are going to require YOU to make some changes."

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You touch here on something that drives me nuts. Your liberal is really a progressive/socialist. They are the mortal enemy of liberal thought. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. Friedrich Hayek was a liberal (often called conservative but...). In short socialists have hidden behind the liberal shield for far too long.

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I understand that. But if I am to be 'accurate' the point will be missed by many proposed allies. I abhor the lexicon handed to us by the idiots in room b-24 in Langley, but to keep it simple, on this rare occasion, I am referring to their terms.

I am no term. I am a single unique human wherein no 'terms' apply. Just like the rest of you.

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Very good point!

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Plato was a liberal before there were liberals.

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He shaded towards being progressive

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciated the breakdown of the cartoons showing the premise, [il]logical punchlines etc. I think if I saw more diagramming, it would help. But maybe it's just me. Thank you very much for all you and Dr. Jill do to help us - it overflows in all our spheres of influence, even if just family, neighbors and local clerks.

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More diagramming, or something. It barely woke me up enough to recognize I'm in a fog again... ;-) Maybe more caffeine?

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I've lost track. Is big med telling us caffeine bad or caffeine good today? Seems to change regularly. Teed off on alcohol now too.

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And what's the latest on eggs?

Wait ... never mind. I'm not listening to them anyway.

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Well put. I too liked the breakdown

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"Democracy is like two wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner."

True. Which is why a republic is desirable. A republic is like two wolves and one well armed sheep voting on what's for dinner.

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In the case of our republic, the sheep went woke, decided to become a wolf, and all three voted the citizens were what's for dinner and their adopted child, the media, sets the table.

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Or even, the wolves convinced the sheep that they made the world a dangerous place having guns and that it was using their unfair 'sheep privilege' making them think only of themselves. The wolves promised to predate only those who were non-compliant...

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Damn. That's a good one! I'd like to tuck it away for future use. Did you come up with it?

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Me? No I saw tthe first line years ago on a poster, but it stuck with me to this, most appropriate, time. So I added the second part and on.

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This is off topic, but Yahoo published a story this morning--the featured story at the top--about how the jabs are causing tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Of course the CDC is saying there is no data supporting such a link, but two doctors are talking about it. One is Dr. Gregory Poland who is the founder and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group and got hit with tinnitus after getting his jabs.

The truth is coming out! Yee-hah!

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Another doctor that believes in his work enough to get jabbed more than once. Tinnitus is a common problem generated by many common reasons. Could be he found another reason.

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I left too much out--Dr. Poland said his tinnitus started after he got jabbed--he didn't say after one or two. And he's been receiving emails from people talking about the same problem. The other doctor is a tinnitus researcher and he responded to a Facebook page about the people with the problem. After doing research he found that most people got hit after one jab and they also had other neurological problems, including depression.

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I read that that dr. continued to get his boosters regardless

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Maybe these doctors would engage with Steve Kirsch?

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I wonder if it is the nanno particles, that were discover under special procedures, that form machines-like devices? Everyone quit talking about that for some reason.

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Maybe visits by the fbi. Ever had one? I have and they are...attention getting.

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An effective silencing machine I understand. Being a martyr is not easy beecause it may not seem worth it.

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Dr Malone, thanks for the Sunday Strip series. Humour is a great healer. The “World Without Electricity” video was very funny and tragic at the same time becuse that is where we are heading.

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The which side of the wall comment has been there a while. Another good argument posited by Hayek was that liberalism was dead in Germany before the nazis came on board. It had been killed there by the socialists. Seems to me those bloody Germans simply cannot learn from history or would rather live in chains

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“So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains,

And we never even know we have the key.”

-- Eagles, “Already Gone”, 1974

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Sometimes the chains are a perception based on what hasn’t happened yet. Physically free; emotionally and mentally handicapped is how this game is being played on us. Wearing us down, hoping for reactions that will lead to their victory.

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Simple things done well is the mantra I live by...

I also don't mistake corporate/state fascism for communism or socialism although being well aware that totalitarianism meets up around the back...


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I also think I had that data cassette recorder for my BBC(B).... 😜

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Roundy roundy. Says so much.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Steve Wozniak's Apple I (1976)

The year after I graduated high school. If I'd only known...

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So little of what we are exposed to is real these days. Not only are elections (at all levels) being stolen, but, even AFTER the elections are decided and "OVER," those in power may NOT even be the people that we THINK we elected. As bad or incompetent as the "leaders" we think we have, some are puppets.

Those pulling the strings (both parties) might be not just incompetent, but actually evil and anti-American. It's not just the corrupt Biden family, or the Clinton's with their bizarre history and the amazing body count of close associates.

"Stolen elections do have consequences," but it is worse than that. Those who are actually running things from "behind the curtain"may be much worse than those we see on Fake News.

The OBiden regime is a poster child for this. Joe probably can't find his way to the bathroom, much less run the country. Until this is fixed, our Republic will continue to transform into something quite ugly. Unaccountable people, sometimes controlled by enemies like China or Soros, are running things.

So far there has been Zero accountability for lies, crimes, and even treason. I think 2024 is probably our last chance to fix that.


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Imagine the world w/o electricity----

No imagination necessary-2017's hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, and the story of urban living for prolonged periods without electricity is told by Robert Bryce in "A Question of Power", an excellent book on what we owe to and the importance of electricity.

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LOL, the cartoon about trigonometry made me ponder the question "What would the pyramids have looked like had the Egyptians been woke?"

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They keep on coming (the good funnies) because they keep on coming (the bad ideas). Thank you, Dr. Malone!

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