236 years ago in the spring of 1789, The first inauguration, of George Washington, was held. The word inauguration defined is “the beginning or introduction of a new system, policy or period. A period to mark the beginning of something”. We who are the aware see the harms this administration has done to so many people in our lives which stems from its weaponization. Pain is not always physical. We all have struggled at some point trying to let go of pain others have caused us. I’m not suggesting that we sweep away all of the harms this administration and government has done to us, but sometimes we imprison ourselves holding on to anger. Maybe on Monday the 20th we should look at it as the beginning of a new period in our lives where we start to move beyond the pain others have caused us. As the song says “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we had the key”. Chained even in the mind is the antithesis of being free.
I have a very close friend as I’m sure most of you do. She can’t let go of harms someone had done to her as a child. It’s a constant weight she carries every day and as I have watched for decades it has remained a corrosive destructive part of her life. We to often give power to a person that had hurt us, it can be years or even decades ago, but without forgiveness the pain imprisons us. In my friends case the person that caused much of this harm was her father. Amazingly he has been dead for almost 10 years now, but what he did still brings suffering to her. In a way it’s a choice she’s made to hold on to the pain. It’s a horrible thing, how one person, especially a person of power, can tear another down by treating them horribly or worse, abusing them. No one, certainly not a child, ever deserves this.
Forgiveness isn’t necessarily for the person that caused your pain and it’s not excusing what they did to us, it’s to free ourselves from the pain they caused.
When someone hurts us, in a way, we begin to look at it as if it’s a debt that person owes us. We are owed justice. The problem is, the person that hurt us usually can never pay back what they have taken, certainly not if they have died. It’s up to us to forgive and move forward with our life in a positive manner. God is the only one that can make good on that debt, so by forgiving, you are making a deal with God, and God always pays his debts. It may not be today or tomorrow, but eventually if you work at it and truly forgive, you will be payed back double.
It’s taken me all these years of really trying to not let family and friends get to me. Maybe all the years have thickened my skin, or maybe I have finally figured out “life’s too short”. Hope you enjoy the inauguration and that it brings you all a new period of hopeful change we have been waiting for. J.Goodrich
Very well stated, James. As for myself, I find that the harm perpetrated on the citizens of this country (the mandated poisonous genetic injections that have killed & harmed millions), the deadly Fauci- mandated hospital protocols that have, likewise, killed thousands, the hundreds of J6ers that have been locked-up for 4-years without due process of the law & been terribly mistreated) have been not only egregious beyond measure, but deliberate in nature. Then there is the intentional erosion of our borders & immigration laws that has also caused untold harm, not the least of which are all of the fentanyl-related deaths. Forgiveness is not in the cards for me at the moment, for if they had their way, this would all continue. Instead, I will mentally place these grievances in a box & put them up on a shelf. I will take the box down occasionally & revisit all of the damage that this administration has done, including the anemic federal response for all of those still suffering the effects of Hurricane Helene in western NC. I will continue to make donations when & where I can & add my name to important petitions. Although I do not have a direct link, there is currently a Give-Send-Go to help the J6ers when Trump hopefully pardons them on "Day One" (tomorrow). That fund-raising effort is titled, "The J6 Freedom's Ambassador Project" & was part of a recent broadcast by Dr. Ron Paul. I try very hard not to let my anger consume me, but we have seen evil on a scale in this country the likes of which I could not have imagined. Between Garland & Mayorkas alone, the damage has been incalculable. If you wish to learn more about the scale of the border issue, I recommend the book, "Invaded", by J.J. Carrell - a fairly recently retired Border Patrol Agent with 25-years experience. If you have high blood pressure, I suggest that you take your medication faithfully before reading it, as it is likely to make your blood boil, as it has mine. None of this harm has been accidental. That is a hard thing to forgive. I will leave that for the "man upstairs".
Unfortunately, I find myself in the same mental disposition that you are in at the current moment. I too, cannot help but hold intense distain, disgust, and (unmentionable) feelings towards these non human, excrementitious beings who perpetrated these horrors against humanity, against their fellow humans of all types, ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. It's irrelevant to me whether this was done with direct intent, or utilizing a special trait we all have, in which self-dissociation with the truth behind / the reality of what one is doing, either through ignorance, or by simple declaration in one's mind to not see what they are doing is wrong, by all standards and descriptives.
Doctors are still pushing this poison onto their patients, their children, and their elderly, and profiting from the kickbacks, bonuses and perks for sentencing another human to either a life of agony, or a boosted timeframe ticket to the pine box. It's unconscionable, to me, to think that after all the population has endured over the last 5 years alone, that these beings with no moral constitution, can still be practicing their devious ways upon those who are either too dumb, or too trusting to think otherwise.
On a daily basis, I find myself reading anecdotes of those affected by these demons who've irreparably destroyed lives, harming many, taking some, all with intent to line their pockets with more gold, new cars, new houses, and possessions, at the expense of those they've done this to.
I see parents who thought they were doing the right thing, by societal standards, allowing another person to willfully inject their new life they've brought to this world, with poison, forever changing, or even euthanizing just a short time afterwards.
I can't even imagine the numbers of children who have died at the hands of these evil patrons of death, simply because their parents "trusted" those in charge. How many children have survived to be maimed for life, to have severe health, or cognitive impairment, to never be able to fulfill their true potential? The Milgrim experiments are clearly indicated here, that portions of our society willfully allow others to do what they will, because of some association with authority before them.
I'm sickened by this.
I don't even have children, and when I see what is happening all around me, both locally and abroad, to these beautiful, innocent beings, the internal conflictive pain and discomfort I PHYSICALLY feel becomes overwhelming for me, to the point I retract from my daily perusals of the information feeds, for sometimes weeks at a time.
Forgiveness to me is a transient measurement of time. Think of it as a batch of fresh concrete that one has made, given a certain number of minutes, or hours, or days to manipulate. After 28 days, the concrete has achieved it's full cure compressive strength, and it cannot be caressed, nor shape shifted, without grinders, chipping tools, or diamond blade saws.
Forgiveness also requires repentance. IF the person I'm supposed to forgive, continues their self indulgent tirade of harm to others, why am I supposed to forgive them, when they've made no effort to better themselves, perpetuating the same harms to others?
My answer, too, is that I cannot.
Do I let this destroy who I am as a person? Does it make me hate everyone else around me? Do I restrict myself from future interactions with others, simply because of one, or two, or 500 others have reached that pinnacle of 28 day compressive strength with me ?
My answer is no to all of these questions. I simply move on, and continue my day by day activities, enjoying those whom I've entrusted, and those who are new in my life, yet to gain that same trust. I still help those who I don't even know, because that's what makes me happy. I still have hope that there are others, I have yet to meet, who have the same morals, the same love of their life and those immediately around them, and the respect required to be part of my own life.
There are some I will never forgive, as that right has been taken away through that persons actions. Billy Eugenics Gates cannot be forgiven. Flimflam Fauchee cannot be forgiven. Bibi cannot be forgiven. All have performed their atrocities against humanity, and forgiveness isn't in the cards with neither me, nor anyone who cannot give a pass to someone like this, someone without repentance, someone without any empathy to those they've harmed, currently, in the past, or in the near future. That forgiveness is for God, himself, and since I have no intent, nor desire, to be God-like, that part of my being doesn't exist for these satanists, or their like.
I understand completely, T. When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I was a Brownie. I took what was known as "The Brownie Promise": "On my honor, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God & my country, to help other people at all times, especially those at home". I took that promise seriously, particularly the part that promises to help other people at all times, especially those at home. I have never driven past an accident, when I did not stop to see if I could be of help. Whenever I sense that someone is struggling, I offer to help in any capacity that I am able. I am completely unable to fathom or comprehend the mentality associated with going out of one's way to harm someone or something, such as an animal. The harms from these so-called "vaccines" are well known, yet not only do they continue to promote then as "safe & effective", they are making new "vaccines" utilizing this same platform. I am truly at a loss for words as to the motives attached to this evil. Also, the withholding of medications such as HCQ & IVM that could have saved millions of lives, but was denied. If it was necessary, I would walk a mile to hand-deliver such needed medication to someone, yet these evildoers would rather that someone die unnecessarily. It's truly soul-crushing.
The pervasiveness of this evil being thrust against mankind (eugenics if you will), is beyond anything I could have imagined it would be taken to.
I listen to the local radio a few times a week. I watch regular TV, which is usually a rerun of Gunsmoke, MASH, or the Carol Burnett show, and every single time I do, the commercials are either filled with Ozempic, some scummy actor with a Band-Aid on their upper bicep area saying how "wonderful they are", just having being injected with adjuvant of mercury, aluminum, or some other toxic metal, and their RSV, Covid or Flu falsity.
Beyond repulsive.
Some other types of propaganda style commercials are the ACLU begging for money with the lie that conservatives in Govt are taking your rights away, banning books, stopping people from voting and fulfilling their "Democracy" duty.
Hey dipshits, out there:
I know they tell you all the time that we're in a democracy, but if you simply open your blindfolded eyes for just a moment, and take a gander at the US Constitution, you won't find the word "democracy" in it.
If you open your eyes for a moment, the only books they're trying to ban are guides for children to have homosexual relationships with full grown men.
If you open your eyes, you'll see that Black people do actually have the ability to have an ID, or some other form of government identity proving slice of paper, and this idea that Black people are too stupid, too ostracized, too far off the beaten path of societal living, that they can't get any documentation to prove who they are. Your inference that "black folks can't have any proper ID, because of their skin color", then you too, are beyond any help as a member of "society".
I can't listen to it anymore. I cannot watch the commercials, and see some fat woman, dancing around on screen, about how wonderful life is that she's taking some injection which destroys her internal organs, so she can still enjoy her shitty gluttony based eating habits, and actually lose some weight.
Oh, the joy of having achieved "Ozempic Face", declare some.
Yeah, go ahead. Jab yourself. Take those pills. Do yourself irreparable harm. It's your life, end it, why don't you?
I came to the realization a long time ago, that a significant segment of our population is content to remain either willfully ignorant or willfully blind. There is simply no getting through to them. Any attempts to do so are an exercise in futility. Perhaps in time, many of them will self-destruct, but they need to stop trying to take everyone else with them. That's all I ask at this point.
I was watching a movie a while back. A fella was out on his horse, and a transient came along, shot him, and took his gun, his horse, and his entire worldly possessions, leaving him out in the desert for dead.
That fella was able to get himself up, and wound up in the town in which this transient who shot, and robbed him was living in. He eventually wound up healing from his wound, confronting the transient, getting all his possessions located, eventually finding himself standing over the man who did this unspeakable act to him, ready to avenge what he did to him.
He let the transient man go, and after turning his back, the transient attacked and killed this man who "forgave him" for attacking him in the first place, for no reason, other than to take his possessions.
Silly little anecdote, eh?
Forgiveness is fine, and I have no problem with it. It is a problem, for me if it's going to come back and bite me in the ass, which aint happening.
I agree with you. I think as a nation we need to be sure that the crimes of the Pharm Industry, the MSMedia , the Biden Family, the Jan. 6 farce, Hollywood, sex crimes, crimes against children etc. be clearly and quickly pointed out so that everybody understands. I have family members who don't believe there was an open border. I pray everyday just about that DJT and his administration will make an example of these perps so my "normie" family and friends will know and no longer be deceived and then do what it takes so nobody will be able to repeat..
As a 66 yo human facing a potential cancer dx, to me pondering forgiveness and living in a state of grace becomes necessary. I do not want to deal with illness or die with bitterness in my soul or hate in my heart. It's hard but this is my creed ""I say this: I believe. I can never find a way to argue down those that don't believe. But I believe in the Lord God Almighty. All-knowing and all-forgiving. And I believe that good shall be triumphant in the end. And that evil shall be vanquished. I believe in a hereafter."
(quote from the Alamo movie, Chill WIlls character said in the quiet of the night as the men waiting for Santa Ana's and certain death were discussing religion and the afterlife. I read it at my husband's funeral in October.
My heartfelt feelings are typed your way, both regarding your husbands passing, and your current health situation.
My only thoughts are to pray for your well being, and to encourage you to look beyond the allopathic viewpoint. There are some who genuinely believe that our healthcare is not in a pill, not in an injection, but in our food intake, physical activity, and mindset.
Good thoughts heading your way via our "electrical conduit" we have in life.
The damage done in the past four years is criminal. To “forgive” people who have not had a change of heart and will continue to destroy our nation and our personal posterity is foolish—as I write, they are still planning to do harm to our nation—while I must deal with my own heart, and try not to harbor hate, we must neuter their ability to ever do this again by taking away their teeth. How?
1. Completely doing away with agencies like the Dpt of Education, downsizing and streamlining ALL agencies to keep on track of their Mission while holding them accountable—real accountability—and doing away with government Unions. (The USPS’s budget includes a fund that is set aside for future employee benefits—a tremendous cost to our overall budget.)
2. Most importantly, create a culture of Patriotism throughout our nation, and a return to Christ on a personal and national level.
NEVER FORGET what has been done, like we forgot the 9/11 attack, by voting into office Barack Huessein Obama, who had an affinity for Islam, and filled the White House with Muslim Brotherhood advisors, and the CIA director who loved Islam—Brennan, I think he converted to Islam—his Security clearance along with 51 intelligence persons, need to be revoked, and not allowed to get near military or government information.
Forgiveness frees your heart to love. I for gave my abusive ex husband. Wrote him a letter telling him I forgave him. I have to keep forgiving him because his actions as a border line person keeps trying to inflict emotional pain on those around him. But I refuse to let his actions control my emotional health. I live my life grateful that I don’t have to deal with him and that I had the courage to get out of that terrible life. I am at peace.
You are fortunate to be thick skinned enough to both forgive, and escape a horrible situation, with that intense negativity.
I had a neighbor, who, even though we did the best we could conveying guidance and advice, on how to go about separating herself from him.
From him and what?
From the broken arms, black eyes, imprinted hand bruises, the face through the drywall, and finally being thrown through a plate glass door, out into her backyard.
Lynn had plenty of opportunities to escape the beatings, the alcohol fuel rage, the madness of allowing herself to be physically, verbally, and mentally abused, but never able to thicken her skin enough to forgive herself, and get out of that life.
After a couple of years offering her our help, I eventually closed my door, and kept to ourselves. Eventually, they foreclosed on their house, and were evicted.
I'm happy for you, Melanie. It is clear to me, to James, and anyone with a thinking brain can see what an amazingly loving person you really are inside. Your family I know, must see the same
I feel the same as you Debra. I was really thinking more in line of domestic forgiveness more than forgiveness of the Biden government. I really hope and think we all did our job and the right thing by electing DJTrump and therefore Pam Bondi, Kash Patel, and a new justice department to bring justice and fix what has been broken. Time will tell. Either way that all of this mess ends up we all will have to move past it and do what it takes to survive. I hope that may begin to ease for us soon.
You are exactly right. When we still feel resentful toward a person, idea, or institution, we must take steps to rid ourselves of the resentment, in order to give ourselves peace and serenity We can write down what spesifically we resent, what it is about ourselves that the resentment has drawn from (feelings of security, pride, etc.), and then ask ourselves what fear, deep within us, was brought out. Not letting go is usually a result of a fear we have that we find difficult to let go of, for some reason. Going through this exercise is helpful and enlightening. Forgiving doesn't necessarily mean forgetting. But, it means that you are willing to not carry the burden anymore. Then, we let go, and let God take it from there. He will.
We can and should forgive for our own healing, particularly with family. But with what others, and in particular, the government and its proxies have done to us requires repentance, which means change, on their parts and recompense, else forgiveness is not possible.
Jesus forgave, even though the Jews and Romans in Jerusalem then, for the most part, did not repent or admit wrongdoing in crucifying him. But, over time, people began to understand more as they learned more about who Jesus was and is. All of us began to slowly learn from how ge lived his life. We learn at our own speed, though, and it never means the sinner shouldn't be punished. We can still want deserved punishment for the sinner for what he did. Wanting there to be punishment can completely exist with forgiveness. We let go of it, at the time it is right for us to do, but we can still want just punishment and consequences. That's okay. God bless.
I served in the Army under President Jimmy Carter, beginning at the age of 17, and experienced the policies of a Democratic Party Administration—militarily, it was horrific. At 17, I did not know the difference between Democrat and Republican. At the end of my three year enlistment, I knew the difference and became a Republican and voted for Reagan.
My wife noticed my negative response about Carter upon his death, and corrected me in a biblical manner. My heart and attitude was not right. Carter, like everyone to include myself, upon dying came before God—I thought of the day when I will face God and changed my heart—I want to forgive the way God has forgiven me.
His short lived presidency was changed immediately when Reagan became president, and Carter had to live with the reputation of a weak and failed presidency his whole life—a reputation he created and never repented of.
May God change my life and continually give me a heart of forgiveness, AND a heart of courage to stand for righteousness in every era of time—remembering that King Jesus sits at the right hand of God, and has never abdicated that position to any president, king, or dictator.
May God receive the Glory—and may Christians remain faithful to Christ and do his work till he returns or we see him when we die.
Thanks for this today James, something I needed to hear, Jesus taught forgiveness as much as, or more than any teaching. He forgave those who killed him. I have two wonderful friends whose past has caused eating disorders and as much as they try to forgive, something holds on, their bodies wont let go. I spent a lot of time alone during the 12 years I was pretty much the sole caregiver for my husband. Its funny how bad memories can resurface in the quiet at no bidding and I would wonder "where the heck did that come from?" .There is a stanza in the poem The Hound of Heaven by Francis Thompson that sort of fits and which i love
"All which I took from you, I did but take not for your harms, But just that you might seek the same inside My arms. All which you mistakenly think are lost, I have stored for you in My home. Rise, take my hand, and come!’
Have a good day and enjoy President Trump events. I believe there will be dragons, but many blessings are also in store for us all, and all the US, and the world too.
James, I once had a wise woman say to me: “When you look at why people do the things they do, look at what happens when they do it”. Often it’s control driving fear - and people are not at their best when fearful. I’ve lived through some experiences that should have demolished me, as was their intent, but instead my faith sustained me (though yelling at God happened). Forgiveness is what we’re asked to do by God - but he did not say to “forget”. It’s the way I let go and forgive, even as my discernment grows.
I’m doubtful we will have justice here, and I now accept that. So many cannot grasp the enormity of the evil done to the world with the pandemic, the gaslighting, the trafficking and dark forces toward our children, but they did have a purpose.
We rejected the darkness and wickedness. We struggle to understand the fears and manipulation, but know it happened. We learn how to intuit the words we hear and the actions others take as we have learned to seek the Light. I agree with your thoughtful words, and know we’re being given a glimpse of Grace.
Thick skinned individuals are (hopefully) intelligent enough, discerning enough, critical enough to be able to make a conscious decision as to which particular "light" to let in., or not. It's up to the individual to be perceptive enough to realize they're being had, or have come across an endearing, heartfelt and genuine moment, vs some dog and pony show bequeathed before them.
If we reconfigure what "thick skinned" persons are actually being referred to, then it would be the 1000 individuals who swarmed upon Washington DC a day or two ago, to demand rights for LGBTQ, demand more access to abortion, demand that racism is outlawed, and demand free speech be relegated to only their free speech, and not of those who disagree with whatever ideal that they have at that moment. Those people are not only "thick skinned", but they also qualify to be part of the next big Jim Jones Cool Aid expo coming up this summer.
I agree with T. It takes a thick skin to endure what life throws at you. The disgusting whiners at all the inane protests are indicative of thin skinned failures blaming their failures on everything but themselves.
Our society, our govt, our education indoctrination system has INTENTIONALLY failed the American people.
. Creating safe spaces, promoting anti-masculine behaviors, allowing children. Young adults, and now criminals to go without retribution or taking responsibility for their actions, has created a sector, a generation of society that is so enabled, so dependent, so inferior as a functional cog in the wheel, that it has impacted the daily lives of the rest of us, on a never ending basis.
I'm so done, toast, with this at this point, others feeling the same, I cannot help but think the pushback on this is going to get ugly, before it gets any better
Yeah. Got to thinking about "shell shock" over the past generations and how it has become more of a problem with each generation. One wonders how today's would handle a situation as unprecedented to them as modern warfare did to that of WW I. I do wonder. The generation that entered WW II and Korea was probably as thick skinned as any and we never heard about shell shock i or ptsd from them as we have in later generations. Related?
Gotta go back to Nov . 6. Or the day the Earth stood still and the DS / Democrat / RINO / WEF / Psychotic Overlords collectively felt their sphincters clench in a truly epic fashion. 5:30 a.m. at the Kwik Trip . Coffee and lunch for the day as the area tradesmen and worker bees are getting set up for the day. All working stiffs and not a progressive lefty among them. The guy getting coffee next to me looks at me and says, "Everything is going to be alright." I replied, "Yes brother it most certainly is".
I have had this conversation or one similar to it, with complete strangers, about 50 times sines DJT was elected. James you hit it perfectly in your last paragraph.
James: wonderful and insightful musings, as usual. I have a dear friend who has let the behavior of his mother when he was young shape his entire life! If only he could read your post! He is such a bitter man and cannot move past his OWN past. Thank you for posting.
Amen, James! Forgiveness, thickening of one's skin and recognizing that one is holding on to an ancient, toxic situation is a great path to healing oneself.
I love the Mrs.Doubt Pfizer funny. The Trump worries me funny is great. “Well that’s it” funny is hilarious.
I’m so excited for tomorrow. I’m also grateful that it is indoors. Dr Malone what does that mean for your seats? Are they letting anyone into the Capitol building?
We are at the beginning of a six year street brawl. Those with a 100 year+ agenda of destroying our Republic are not going to just crawl under a rock and go away....expect some insane Hail Marys( the COVID scam was a small taste) If we ARE one Nation Under God we better start acting like it
You know, I had not thought of the Hunger Games as smart cities, although I have definitely seen dystopian parallels to today or perhaps tomorrow, but you nailed it! Hello from District 12 aka Appalachia.
I followed your rabbit hole; watched most of the lady's presentation from Michigan; and delved a bit deeper.
It appears that it all hinges on the US meeting the Paris Climate agreement of 2015 that Trump withdraw the US from in 2017 but, Biden signed us up for it again in 2021. The global agreements being pushed by the UN into local communities hinge on reducing carbon emissions / degree rise to < 1.5°C by 2030. down to zero change by 2040.
So, if Trump's team is serious they should sue the 501C org(https://2030districts.org/) responsible for this on his first day with exec. orders to pull us out of the 2015 Paris agreement, again, so their local orgs and directors are disabled permanently.
President Trump and Melania danced to this song, My Way, the evening he was inaugurated in 2017. It was one of their favorite songs. Maybe they will dance to it again in the next couple days.
Have told my wife many times that big bucks do not always mean big brains. Proof of that pudding in the headline I saw today proclaiming that some of biden's donors (i.e., big bucks) were "disturbed" by his use of a teleprompter in peoples homes. Any who had not sussed out that he was demented by then was a deck short of a few cards.
The farm animals will inherit the earth if we are not careful! The goats who want to be on top of the world are very entertaining! I pray that the war mongers and the snake oil medicine men disappear starting tommorrow!!
Aaaw, Drs Malone! You trapped me! I COULD NOT pause that adorable video of the animals! And I could watch baby goat antics for hours! Hope you both enjoy your well deserved inauguration festivities! Stay warm! And thank you for posting our beloved Sunday Funnies. 🤗
And almost an hour before I bundle up to trundle off to communal worship and fellowship — the SundayStrip is in my inbox
What a freakin’ joy.
Malones and Maronite’s attending inaugural events: much enjoyment, stay warm (although, tbh, temps in the teens ain’t all that bad, s’long as the wind ain’t fierce) — I’ll be with you in my most patriotic spirit.
Next time we all get together, it’ll be morning in America. Again 🙄
Anyway, enjoyed today’s panels. Immensely.
This week & 40 years ago:
2nd term for a common sense populist president (tho one was more ideologically aligned with conservatism, common sense conservatism is good enough for me)
Brutal cold, activities/festivities moved indoors
Both preceded by inept presidents and governance
Both had dire economic holes to fill in - and succeeded ( OK, I’m assuming POTUS 47 can duplicate the success of POTUS 45 & 40 )
Both shot, SHOT!, by wannabe assassins — AND survived to further bless America.
Both hated by opposition, yet both manipulated the elements arrayed against them to their, and our, advantage.
We’re being told to keep an eye out for lone wolf situations. “History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes.” Many of the early memes you showed point to possible scenarios or successesful playbooks that could be replicated. I don’t know who all the players are or who they represent, but we appear to be being actively conditioned for something. Praying for peace.
Can't wait to be Un-Bidened. It's been a long, disasterous four years.
On a brighter note, I bit. I clicked and watched the video in its entirety. While there are so many note worthy comics, here's my recap of favs:
I did not know tortoises enjoyed goat yoga
"Kids" on trampolines, adorable "kids" in barn lofts and fields (human and animal kids 😉)
I knew chickens and geese could be villains but wait until you see the ferocious bunny and butterfly!
Finally, the interactions between species would make any zoologist take note! Thanks for the share, Doc. Not often said, but definitely note worthy - Can't wait until MONDAY!
As a friend sent me, "Ambitchous (adj.) The desire to be a better bitch". I don't usually appreciate the language, but this time the timing is right on.
Irate staff member: "Well that's great. Just great! Four-plus years of labor at electoral fraud, censorship, diminishing national sovereignty, opening the border, criminalizing dissent, and generally immersing the nation into humiliation on the global stage. And for what? Where are we now?
Conciliatory staff member: "It's a setback, George. Remember, this is a process. For us, it's about one step forward, two steps back. So go home, get some rest..... take a vacation to a totalitarian country. Then come back refreshed, and we'll start again on the painstaking work of dismantling the constitutional republic."
You truly out did yourself today! So many good memes. Enjoy the Inauguration events! Can’t believe we’re less than 24 hours away from America being back!
As is your usual for the funnies, a great time laughing has been had by me and I have shared with a very blessed friend who enjoys your funnies as much as I have been!!! Please keep the humor coming, we will always need the wonderful gift of laughter if we are only laughing at ourselves. Thank y'all very much, Dr. & Mrs. Malone and may God bless y'all and your family 🙏🏽😎🙂🙃🌅🪽🪽🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
236 years ago in the spring of 1789, The first inauguration, of George Washington, was held. The word inauguration defined is “the beginning or introduction of a new system, policy or period. A period to mark the beginning of something”. We who are the aware see the harms this administration has done to so many people in our lives which stems from its weaponization. Pain is not always physical. We all have struggled at some point trying to let go of pain others have caused us. I’m not suggesting that we sweep away all of the harms this administration and government has done to us, but sometimes we imprison ourselves holding on to anger. Maybe on Monday the 20th we should look at it as the beginning of a new period in our lives where we start to move beyond the pain others have caused us. As the song says “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we had the key”. Chained even in the mind is the antithesis of being free.
I have a very close friend as I’m sure most of you do. She can’t let go of harms someone had done to her as a child. It’s a constant weight she carries every day and as I have watched for decades it has remained a corrosive destructive part of her life. We to often give power to a person that had hurt us, it can be years or even decades ago, but without forgiveness the pain imprisons us. In my friends case the person that caused much of this harm was her father. Amazingly he has been dead for almost 10 years now, but what he did still brings suffering to her. In a way it’s a choice she’s made to hold on to the pain. It’s a horrible thing, how one person, especially a person of power, can tear another down by treating them horribly or worse, abusing them. No one, certainly not a child, ever deserves this.
Forgiveness isn’t necessarily for the person that caused your pain and it’s not excusing what they did to us, it’s to free ourselves from the pain they caused.
When someone hurts us, in a way, we begin to look at it as if it’s a debt that person owes us. We are owed justice. The problem is, the person that hurt us usually can never pay back what they have taken, certainly not if they have died. It’s up to us to forgive and move forward with our life in a positive manner. God is the only one that can make good on that debt, so by forgiving, you are making a deal with God, and God always pays his debts. It may not be today or tomorrow, but eventually if you work at it and truly forgive, you will be payed back double.
It’s taken me all these years of really trying to not let family and friends get to me. Maybe all the years have thickened my skin, or maybe I have finally figured out “life’s too short”. Hope you enjoy the inauguration and that it brings you all a new period of hopeful change we have been waiting for. J.Goodrich
Very well stated, James. As for myself, I find that the harm perpetrated on the citizens of this country (the mandated poisonous genetic injections that have killed & harmed millions), the deadly Fauci- mandated hospital protocols that have, likewise, killed thousands, the hundreds of J6ers that have been locked-up for 4-years without due process of the law & been terribly mistreated) have been not only egregious beyond measure, but deliberate in nature. Then there is the intentional erosion of our borders & immigration laws that has also caused untold harm, not the least of which are all of the fentanyl-related deaths. Forgiveness is not in the cards for me at the moment, for if they had their way, this would all continue. Instead, I will mentally place these grievances in a box & put them up on a shelf. I will take the box down occasionally & revisit all of the damage that this administration has done, including the anemic federal response for all of those still suffering the effects of Hurricane Helene in western NC. I will continue to make donations when & where I can & add my name to important petitions. Although I do not have a direct link, there is currently a Give-Send-Go to help the J6ers when Trump hopefully pardons them on "Day One" (tomorrow). That fund-raising effort is titled, "The J6 Freedom's Ambassador Project" & was part of a recent broadcast by Dr. Ron Paul. I try very hard not to let my anger consume me, but we have seen evil on a scale in this country the likes of which I could not have imagined. Between Garland & Mayorkas alone, the damage has been incalculable. If you wish to learn more about the scale of the border issue, I recommend the book, "Invaded", by J.J. Carrell - a fairly recently retired Border Patrol Agent with 25-years experience. If you have high blood pressure, I suggest that you take your medication faithfully before reading it, as it is likely to make your blood boil, as it has mine. None of this harm has been accidental. That is a hard thing to forgive. I will leave that for the "man upstairs".
Unfortunately, I find myself in the same mental disposition that you are in at the current moment. I too, cannot help but hold intense distain, disgust, and (unmentionable) feelings towards these non human, excrementitious beings who perpetrated these horrors against humanity, against their fellow humans of all types, ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. It's irrelevant to me whether this was done with direct intent, or utilizing a special trait we all have, in which self-dissociation with the truth behind / the reality of what one is doing, either through ignorance, or by simple declaration in one's mind to not see what they are doing is wrong, by all standards and descriptives.
Doctors are still pushing this poison onto their patients, their children, and their elderly, and profiting from the kickbacks, bonuses and perks for sentencing another human to either a life of agony, or a boosted timeframe ticket to the pine box. It's unconscionable, to me, to think that after all the population has endured over the last 5 years alone, that these beings with no moral constitution, can still be practicing their devious ways upon those who are either too dumb, or too trusting to think otherwise.
On a daily basis, I find myself reading anecdotes of those affected by these demons who've irreparably destroyed lives, harming many, taking some, all with intent to line their pockets with more gold, new cars, new houses, and possessions, at the expense of those they've done this to.
I see parents who thought they were doing the right thing, by societal standards, allowing another person to willfully inject their new life they've brought to this world, with poison, forever changing, or even euthanizing just a short time afterwards.
I can't even imagine the numbers of children who have died at the hands of these evil patrons of death, simply because their parents "trusted" those in charge. How many children have survived to be maimed for life, to have severe health, or cognitive impairment, to never be able to fulfill their true potential? The Milgrim experiments are clearly indicated here, that portions of our society willfully allow others to do what they will, because of some association with authority before them.
I'm sickened by this.
I don't even have children, and when I see what is happening all around me, both locally and abroad, to these beautiful, innocent beings, the internal conflictive pain and discomfort I PHYSICALLY feel becomes overwhelming for me, to the point I retract from my daily perusals of the information feeds, for sometimes weeks at a time.
Forgiveness to me is a transient measurement of time. Think of it as a batch of fresh concrete that one has made, given a certain number of minutes, or hours, or days to manipulate. After 28 days, the concrete has achieved it's full cure compressive strength, and it cannot be caressed, nor shape shifted, without grinders, chipping tools, or diamond blade saws.
Forgiveness also requires repentance. IF the person I'm supposed to forgive, continues their self indulgent tirade of harm to others, why am I supposed to forgive them, when they've made no effort to better themselves, perpetuating the same harms to others?
My answer, too, is that I cannot.
Do I let this destroy who I am as a person? Does it make me hate everyone else around me? Do I restrict myself from future interactions with others, simply because of one, or two, or 500 others have reached that pinnacle of 28 day compressive strength with me ?
My answer is no to all of these questions. I simply move on, and continue my day by day activities, enjoying those whom I've entrusted, and those who are new in my life, yet to gain that same trust. I still help those who I don't even know, because that's what makes me happy. I still have hope that there are others, I have yet to meet, who have the same morals, the same love of their life and those immediately around them, and the respect required to be part of my own life.
There are some I will never forgive, as that right has been taken away through that persons actions. Billy Eugenics Gates cannot be forgiven. Flimflam Fauchee cannot be forgiven. Bibi cannot be forgiven. All have performed their atrocities against humanity, and forgiveness isn't in the cards with neither me, nor anyone who cannot give a pass to someone like this, someone without repentance, someone without any empathy to those they've harmed, currently, in the past, or in the near future. That forgiveness is for God, himself, and since I have no intent, nor desire, to be God-like, that part of my being doesn't exist for these satanists, or their like.
I understand completely, T. When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I was a Brownie. I took what was known as "The Brownie Promise": "On my honor, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God & my country, to help other people at all times, especially those at home". I took that promise seriously, particularly the part that promises to help other people at all times, especially those at home. I have never driven past an accident, when I did not stop to see if I could be of help. Whenever I sense that someone is struggling, I offer to help in any capacity that I am able. I am completely unable to fathom or comprehend the mentality associated with going out of one's way to harm someone or something, such as an animal. The harms from these so-called "vaccines" are well known, yet not only do they continue to promote then as "safe & effective", they are making new "vaccines" utilizing this same platform. I am truly at a loss for words as to the motives attached to this evil. Also, the withholding of medications such as HCQ & IVM that could have saved millions of lives, but was denied. If it was necessary, I would walk a mile to hand-deliver such needed medication to someone, yet these evildoers would rather that someone die unnecessarily. It's truly soul-crushing.
The pervasiveness of this evil being thrust against mankind (eugenics if you will), is beyond anything I could have imagined it would be taken to.
I listen to the local radio a few times a week. I watch regular TV, which is usually a rerun of Gunsmoke, MASH, or the Carol Burnett show, and every single time I do, the commercials are either filled with Ozempic, some scummy actor with a Band-Aid on their upper bicep area saying how "wonderful they are", just having being injected with adjuvant of mercury, aluminum, or some other toxic metal, and their RSV, Covid or Flu falsity.
Beyond repulsive.
Some other types of propaganda style commercials are the ACLU begging for money with the lie that conservatives in Govt are taking your rights away, banning books, stopping people from voting and fulfilling their "Democracy" duty.
Hey dipshits, out there:
I know they tell you all the time that we're in a democracy, but if you simply open your blindfolded eyes for just a moment, and take a gander at the US Constitution, you won't find the word "democracy" in it.
If you open your eyes for a moment, the only books they're trying to ban are guides for children to have homosexual relationships with full grown men.
If you open your eyes, you'll see that Black people do actually have the ability to have an ID, or some other form of government identity proving slice of paper, and this idea that Black people are too stupid, too ostracized, too far off the beaten path of societal living, that they can't get any documentation to prove who they are. Your inference that "black folks can't have any proper ID, because of their skin color", then you too, are beyond any help as a member of "society".
I can't listen to it anymore. I cannot watch the commercials, and see some fat woman, dancing around on screen, about how wonderful life is that she's taking some injection which destroys her internal organs, so she can still enjoy her shitty gluttony based eating habits, and actually lose some weight.
Oh, the joy of having achieved "Ozempic Face", declare some.
Yeah, go ahead. Jab yourself. Take those pills. Do yourself irreparable harm. It's your life, end it, why don't you?
I came to the realization a long time ago, that a significant segment of our population is content to remain either willfully ignorant or willfully blind. There is simply no getting through to them. Any attempts to do so are an exercise in futility. Perhaps in time, many of them will self-destruct, but they need to stop trying to take everyone else with them. That's all I ask at this point.
I certainly understand this. I refer to Pope JPII who forgave the person who shot him, but the person who shot him still had to go to jail.
I was watching a movie a while back. A fella was out on his horse, and a transient came along, shot him, and took his gun, his horse, and his entire worldly possessions, leaving him out in the desert for dead.
That fella was able to get himself up, and wound up in the town in which this transient who shot, and robbed him was living in. He eventually wound up healing from his wound, confronting the transient, getting all his possessions located, eventually finding himself standing over the man who did this unspeakable act to him, ready to avenge what he did to him.
He let the transient man go, and after turning his back, the transient attacked and killed this man who "forgave him" for attacking him in the first place, for no reason, other than to take his possessions.
Silly little anecdote, eh?
Forgiveness is fine, and I have no problem with it. It is a problem, for me if it's going to come back and bite me in the ass, which aint happening.
I agree with you. I think as a nation we need to be sure that the crimes of the Pharm Industry, the MSMedia , the Biden Family, the Jan. 6 farce, Hollywood, sex crimes, crimes against children etc. be clearly and quickly pointed out so that everybody understands. I have family members who don't believe there was an open border. I pray everyday just about that DJT and his administration will make an example of these perps so my "normie" family and friends will know and no longer be deceived and then do what it takes so nobody will be able to repeat..
As a 66 yo human facing a potential cancer dx, to me pondering forgiveness and living in a state of grace becomes necessary. I do not want to deal with illness or die with bitterness in my soul or hate in my heart. It's hard but this is my creed ""I say this: I believe. I can never find a way to argue down those that don't believe. But I believe in the Lord God Almighty. All-knowing and all-forgiving. And I believe that good shall be triumphant in the end. And that evil shall be vanquished. I believe in a hereafter."
(quote from the Alamo movie, Chill WIlls character said in the quiet of the night as the men waiting for Santa Ana's and certain death were discussing religion and the afterlife. I read it at my husband's funeral in October.
My heartfelt feelings are typed your way, both regarding your husbands passing, and your current health situation.
My only thoughts are to pray for your well being, and to encourage you to look beyond the allopathic viewpoint. There are some who genuinely believe that our healthcare is not in a pill, not in an injection, but in our food intake, physical activity, and mindset.
Good thoughts heading your way via our "electrical conduit" we have in life.
The damage done in the past four years is criminal. To “forgive” people who have not had a change of heart and will continue to destroy our nation and our personal posterity is foolish—as I write, they are still planning to do harm to our nation—while I must deal with my own heart, and try not to harbor hate, we must neuter their ability to ever do this again by taking away their teeth. How?
1. Completely doing away with agencies like the Dpt of Education, downsizing and streamlining ALL agencies to keep on track of their Mission while holding them accountable—real accountability—and doing away with government Unions. (The USPS’s budget includes a fund that is set aside for future employee benefits—a tremendous cost to our overall budget.)
2. Most importantly, create a culture of Patriotism throughout our nation, and a return to Christ on a personal and national level.
NEVER FORGET what has been done, like we forgot the 9/11 attack, by voting into office Barack Huessein Obama, who had an affinity for Islam, and filled the White House with Muslim Brotherhood advisors, and the CIA director who loved Islam—Brennan, I think he converted to Islam—his Security clearance along with 51 intelligence persons, need to be revoked, and not allowed to get near military or government information.
Forgiveness frees your heart to love. I for gave my abusive ex husband. Wrote him a letter telling him I forgave him. I have to keep forgiving him because his actions as a border line person keeps trying to inflict emotional pain on those around him. But I refuse to let his actions control my emotional health. I live my life grateful that I don’t have to deal with him and that I had the courage to get out of that terrible life. I am at peace.
You are fortunate to be thick skinned enough to both forgive, and escape a horrible situation, with that intense negativity.
I had a neighbor, who, even though we did the best we could conveying guidance and advice, on how to go about separating herself from him.
From him and what?
From the broken arms, black eyes, imprinted hand bruises, the face through the drywall, and finally being thrown through a plate glass door, out into her backyard.
Lynn had plenty of opportunities to escape the beatings, the alcohol fuel rage, the madness of allowing herself to be physically, verbally, and mentally abused, but never able to thicken her skin enough to forgive herself, and get out of that life.
After a couple of years offering her our help, I eventually closed my door, and kept to ourselves. Eventually, they foreclosed on their house, and were evicted.
I'm happy for you, Melanie. It is clear to me, to James, and anyone with a thinking brain can see what an amazingly loving person you really are inside. Your family I know, must see the same
Thank you T. You are kind.
I feel the same as you Debra. I was really thinking more in line of domestic forgiveness more than forgiveness of the Biden government. I really hope and think we all did our job and the right thing by electing DJTrump and therefore Pam Bondi, Kash Patel, and a new justice department to bring justice and fix what has been broken. Time will tell. Either way that all of this mess ends up we all will have to move past it and do what it takes to survive. I hope that may begin to ease for us soon.
You are exactly right. When we still feel resentful toward a person, idea, or institution, we must take steps to rid ourselves of the resentment, in order to give ourselves peace and serenity We can write down what spesifically we resent, what it is about ourselves that the resentment has drawn from (feelings of security, pride, etc.), and then ask ourselves what fear, deep within us, was brought out. Not letting go is usually a result of a fear we have that we find difficult to let go of, for some reason. Going through this exercise is helpful and enlightening. Forgiving doesn't necessarily mean forgetting. But, it means that you are willing to not carry the burden anymore. Then, we let go, and let God take it from there. He will.
Well said, Jennifer
We can and should forgive for our own healing, particularly with family. But with what others, and in particular, the government and its proxies have done to us requires repentance, which means change, on their parts and recompense, else forgiveness is not possible.
Jesus forgave, even though the Jews and Romans in Jerusalem then, for the most part, did not repent or admit wrongdoing in crucifying him. But, over time, people began to understand more as they learned more about who Jesus was and is. All of us began to slowly learn from how ge lived his life. We learn at our own speed, though, and it never means the sinner shouldn't be punished. We can still want deserved punishment for the sinner for what he did. Wanting there to be punishment can completely exist with forgiveness. We let go of it, at the time it is right for us to do, but we can still want just punishment and consequences. That's okay. God bless.
I served in the Army under President Jimmy Carter, beginning at the age of 17, and experienced the policies of a Democratic Party Administration—militarily, it was horrific. At 17, I did not know the difference between Democrat and Republican. At the end of my three year enlistment, I knew the difference and became a Republican and voted for Reagan.
My wife noticed my negative response about Carter upon his death, and corrected me in a biblical manner. My heart and attitude was not right. Carter, like everyone to include myself, upon dying came before God—I thought of the day when I will face God and changed my heart—I want to forgive the way God has forgiven me.
His short lived presidency was changed immediately when Reagan became president, and Carter had to live with the reputation of a weak and failed presidency his whole life—a reputation he created and never repented of.
May God change my life and continually give me a heart of forgiveness, AND a heart of courage to stand for righteousness in every era of time—remembering that King Jesus sits at the right hand of God, and has never abdicated that position to any president, king, or dictator.
May God receive the Glory—and may Christians remain faithful to Christ and do his work till he returns or we see him when we die.
Thanks for this today James, something I needed to hear, Jesus taught forgiveness as much as, or more than any teaching. He forgave those who killed him. I have two wonderful friends whose past has caused eating disorders and as much as they try to forgive, something holds on, their bodies wont let go. I spent a lot of time alone during the 12 years I was pretty much the sole caregiver for my husband. Its funny how bad memories can resurface in the quiet at no bidding and I would wonder "where the heck did that come from?" .There is a stanza in the poem The Hound of Heaven by Francis Thompson that sort of fits and which i love
"All which I took from you, I did but take not for your harms, But just that you might seek the same inside My arms. All which you mistakenly think are lost, I have stored for you in My home. Rise, take my hand, and come!’
Have a good day and enjoy President Trump events. I believe there will be dragons, but many blessings are also in store for us all, and all the US, and the world too.
James, I once had a wise woman say to me: “When you look at why people do the things they do, look at what happens when they do it”. Often it’s control driving fear - and people are not at their best when fearful. I’ve lived through some experiences that should have demolished me, as was their intent, but instead my faith sustained me (though yelling at God happened). Forgiveness is what we’re asked to do by God - but he did not say to “forget”. It’s the way I let go and forgive, even as my discernment grows.
I’m doubtful we will have justice here, and I now accept that. So many cannot grasp the enormity of the evil done to the world with the pandemic, the gaslighting, the trafficking and dark forces toward our children, but they did have a purpose.
We rejected the darkness and wickedness. We struggle to understand the fears and manipulation, but know it happened. We learn how to intuit the words we hear and the actions others take as we have learned to seek the Light. I agree with your thoughtful words, and know we’re being given a glimpse of Grace.
Bless your amazing mind and words. 😊
What a great message, James. A person with "thick skin" can't let the Light in.
Sorry, DD. This statement is inherently false.
Thick skinned individuals are (hopefully) intelligent enough, discerning enough, critical enough to be able to make a conscious decision as to which particular "light" to let in., or not. It's up to the individual to be perceptive enough to realize they're being had, or have come across an endearing, heartfelt and genuine moment, vs some dog and pony show bequeathed before them.
If we reconfigure what "thick skinned" persons are actually being referred to, then it would be the 1000 individuals who swarmed upon Washington DC a day or two ago, to demand rights for LGBTQ, demand more access to abortion, demand that racism is outlawed, and demand free speech be relegated to only their free speech, and not of those who disagree with whatever ideal that they have at that moment. Those people are not only "thick skinned", but they also qualify to be part of the next big Jim Jones Cool Aid expo coming up this summer.
Your first statement is too absolute for me...
I agree with T. It takes a thick skin to endure what life throws at you. The disgusting whiners at all the inane protests are indicative of thin skinned failures blaming their failures on everything but themselves.
Our society, our govt, our education indoctrination system has INTENTIONALLY failed the American people.
. Creating safe spaces, promoting anti-masculine behaviors, allowing children. Young adults, and now criminals to go without retribution or taking responsibility for their actions, has created a sector, a generation of society that is so enabled, so dependent, so inferior as a functional cog in the wheel, that it has impacted the daily lives of the rest of us, on a never ending basis.
I'm so done, toast, with this at this point, others feeling the same, I cannot help but think the pushback on this is going to get ugly, before it gets any better
Yeah. Got to thinking about "shell shock" over the past generations and how it has become more of a problem with each generation. One wonders how today's would handle a situation as unprecedented to them as modern warfare did to that of WW I. I do wonder. The generation that entered WW II and Korea was probably as thick skinned as any and we never heard about shell shock i or ptsd from them as we have in later generations. Related?
Nah they're Democrats. They won't stop trying to take away our rights unless they feel real fear.
Not letting go of the harm or holding on to a grudge is the sick pill we choose to take everyday. Forgiveness or letting go is a must! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
And on a positive note from SE WI.
Gotta go back to Nov . 6. Or the day the Earth stood still and the DS / Democrat / RINO / WEF / Psychotic Overlords collectively felt their sphincters clench in a truly epic fashion. 5:30 a.m. at the Kwik Trip . Coffee and lunch for the day as the area tradesmen and worker bees are getting set up for the day. All working stiffs and not a progressive lefty among them. The guy getting coffee next to me looks at me and says, "Everything is going to be alright." I replied, "Yes brother it most certainly is".
I have had this conversation or one similar to it, with complete strangers, about 50 times sines DJT was elected. James you hit it perfectly in your last paragraph.
Well said Sir, well said.
Thank you James for great wisdom.
Let us have that blessing of acceptance and put two hands on the plough and go forward.
James: wonderful and insightful musings, as usual. I have a dear friend who has let the behavior of his mother when he was young shape his entire life! If only he could read your post! He is such a bitter man and cannot move past his OWN past. Thank you for posting.
Cuz I'm already gone......
yup, thanks, needed that extra hint. . .
The Eagles!
Amen, James! Forgiveness, thickening of one's skin and recognizing that one is holding on to an ancient, toxic situation is a great path to healing oneself.
I love the Mrs.Doubt Pfizer funny. The Trump worries me funny is great. “Well that’s it” funny is hilarious.
I’m so excited for tomorrow. I’m also grateful that it is indoors. Dr Malone what does that mean for your seats? Are they letting anyone into the Capitol building?
Just beautiful, I will frame this.
The best one ever! Thanx Malones. I want the Mrs Doubt Pfizer as a T-shirt for my wife.
me too. . . if she'll wear it!
We are at the beginning of a six year street brawl. Those with a 100 year+ agenda of destroying our Republic are not going to just crawl under a rock and go away....expect some insane Hail Marys( the COVID scam was a small taste) If we ARE one Nation Under God we better start acting like it
Anyone in favor of "smart cities" should read/watch the Hunger Games series. That's basically smart cities in action.
You know, I had not thought of the Hunger Games as smart cities, although I have definitely seen dystopian parallels to today or perhaps tomorrow, but you nailed it! Hello from District 12 aka Appalachia.
You might like my few thoughts on the subjecy
I followed your rabbit hole; watched most of the lady's presentation from Michigan; and delved a bit deeper.
It appears that it all hinges on the US meeting the Paris Climate agreement of 2015 that Trump withdraw the US from in 2017 but, Biden signed us up for it again in 2021. The global agreements being pushed by the UN into local communities hinge on reducing carbon emissions / degree rise to < 1.5°C by 2030. down to zero change by 2040.
So, if Trump's team is serious they should sue the 501C org(https://2030districts.org/) responsible for this on his first day with exec. orders to pull us out of the 2015 Paris agreement, again, so their local orgs and directors are disabled permanently.
Thanks for the info!
…especially “The Capital” and the people who populate it, and the “Districts” are fly-over country of the future.
Or maybe a warning from God?
Predictive programming strikes again?
President Trump and Melania danced to this song, My Way, the evening he was inaugurated in 2017. It was one of their favorite songs. Maybe they will dance to it again in the next couple days.
"And now, the end is near, ...
And more, much more than this, I did it my way."
Have told my wife many times that big bucks do not always mean big brains. Proof of that pudding in the headline I saw today proclaiming that some of biden's donors (i.e., big bucks) were "disturbed" by his use of a teleprompter in peoples homes. Any who had not sussed out that he was demented by then was a deck short of a few cards.
The farm animals will inherit the earth if we are not careful! The goats who want to be on top of the world are very entertaining! I pray that the war mongers and the snake oil medicine men disappear starting tommorrow!!
‘One Health’?
A creative end run by Big Medicine et. al. to maintain the status quo.
Trillions of dollars at stake!
Not the WHO or UNAgenda2030?
All in it together!
Aaaw, Drs Malone! You trapped me! I COULD NOT pause that adorable video of the animals! And I could watch baby goat antics for hours! Hope you both enjoy your well deserved inauguration festivities! Stay warm! And thank you for posting our beloved Sunday Funnies. 🤗
Me too. Had to watch the whole thing! Im not sure who's funnier, the fainting goats or the goofy emus.
What a freakin’ joy
Woke up @ 4:30’ish, 2 hours before alarm
Hell, an hour before the katz
And almost an hour before I bundle up to trundle off to communal worship and fellowship — the SundayStrip is in my inbox
What a freakin’ joy.
Malones and Maronite’s attending inaugural events: much enjoyment, stay warm (although, tbh, temps in the teens ain’t all that bad, s’long as the wind ain’t fierce) — I’ll be with you in my most patriotic spirit.
Next time we all get together, it’ll be morning in America. Again 🙄
Anyway, enjoyed today’s panels. Immensely.
This week & 40 years ago:
2nd term for a common sense populist president (tho one was more ideologically aligned with conservatism, common sense conservatism is good enough for me)
Brutal cold, activities/festivities moved indoors
Both preceded by inept presidents and governance
Both had dire economic holes to fill in - and succeeded ( OK, I’m assuming POTUS 47 can duplicate the success of POTUS 45 & 40 )
Both shot, SHOT!, by wannabe assassins — AND survived to further bless America.
Both hated by opposition, yet both manipulated the elements arrayed against them to their, and our, advantage.
Y’all, next time we gather in this space…
If you’re the praying sort, let’s not forget
We’re being told to keep an eye out for lone wolf situations. “History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes.” Many of the early memes you showed point to possible scenarios or successesful playbooks that could be replicated. I don’t know who all the players are or who they represent, but we appear to be being actively conditioned for something. Praying for peace.
Can't wait to be Un-Bidened. It's been a long, disasterous four years.
On a brighter note, I bit. I clicked and watched the video in its entirety. While there are so many note worthy comics, here's my recap of favs:
I did not know tortoises enjoyed goat yoga
"Kids" on trampolines, adorable "kids" in barn lofts and fields (human and animal kids 😉)
I knew chickens and geese could be villains but wait until you see the ferocious bunny and butterfly!
Finally, the interactions between species would make any zoologist take note! Thanks for the share, Doc. Not often said, but definitely note worthy - Can't wait until MONDAY!
As a friend sent me, "Ambitchous (adj.) The desire to be a better bitch". I don't usually appreciate the language, but this time the timing is right on.
I'm going to borrow and use that word, probably this week!
Overheard in the offices of the DNC:
Irate staff member: "Well that's great. Just great! Four-plus years of labor at electoral fraud, censorship, diminishing national sovereignty, opening the border, criminalizing dissent, and generally immersing the nation into humiliation on the global stage. And for what? Where are we now?
Conciliatory staff member: "It's a setback, George. Remember, this is a process. For us, it's about one step forward, two steps back. So go home, get some rest..... take a vacation to a totalitarian country. Then come back refreshed, and we'll start again on the painstaking work of dismantling the constitutional republic."
You truly out did yourself today! So many good memes. Enjoy the Inauguration events! Can’t believe we’re less than 24 hours away from America being back!
Hey, Malone’s—Go to the grocery store and buy some Suma Oranges—in season now — healthy, and delicious!
Enjoy your time in DC!
As is your usual for the funnies, a great time laughing has been had by me and I have shared with a very blessed friend who enjoys your funnies as much as I have been!!! Please keep the humor coming, we will always need the wonderful gift of laughter if we are only laughing at ourselves. Thank y'all very much, Dr. & Mrs. Malone and may God bless y'all and your family 🙏🏽😎🙂🙃🌅🪽🪽🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸