January 21, 2024; life goes by so fast. Today my father would have been 104 years old. The last time I talked to him I was 20, and not quite a man. Almost to the day I have lived 2/3rds of my life without him. The sacrifice to volunteer and go fight the Nazis still lives inside of me. It’s hard to believe he has been gone almost 39 years. These thoughts of sacrifice makes it clear to me that one of Americas present day flaws is that to many people are completely unwilling to make even the slightest of personal sacrifice. In fact the majority of our politicians benefit on the backs of the sacrifice of others. Maybe this prominent deficiency in our leadership is a big part of the reason America is flailing. I was finally able to get a bunch of letters my father had received after recovering from his gunshot wound and returning home. I wanted to share this letter with all of you. It is nearly 80 years old and it is a real breathing example of sacrifice people were once more than willing to make for our great country. It’s from the wife of a good friend of my fathers that served with him in the Battle of the Bulge. Happy birthday Dad, your son, J.Goodrich https://share.icloud.com/photos/0f17X8So0rfH-zPDtfMvxX2xw

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Thank you, Brother James for sharing that with us. It truly shows the casualties of war in which no one, besides the close, will ever know about. Struggles of those who spent their lives waiting, anticipating, worrying about, and being there for. It provides us with a glimpse, or a gift of others to us as present day inhabitants of this great land.

Millions out there experienced this, I'm sure. The problem today is the complete loss of empathy of others, their plight, their struggles, their dealing with pain and suffering. That's what's truly wrong, and letters like the one sent to your dad may help those struggling with their loss as well.

Thanks brother.


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Thanks T…. I wish everyone would appreciate it!!

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Only those who were taught cursive writing.

Really sad to come across local (younger) LEO's who cannot read cursive, simply because no one ever taught them to. I felt lucky to have been able to read it, and thanked Teachers, Mom, and my older brothers who spent the time with me.

I guess since the US constitution is written in cursive, you wouldn't want to continue the tradition, and per chance provide them the ability to read it for themselves, now would we?

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Bet whoever wrote it was right handed…or not taught by the Palmer method.

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T. This may not be the place to say this, but loss of empathy is similar to making a statement about me and my support for Dr. Malone. You mention "fracturing crap" in your comment and then do the same thing. My trust in you has been lessened after you talk behind my back in such a condescending way.

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So, prefacing your public humilliation attempt with "this may not be the place to say this" clearly shows your intent, and proficiency at it here, in this forum (and others so I see). That I am not the first, nor the last.

Got ya !

If the Doc wants me to leave, then I will oblige, willingly. That would clear up the free speech query, quite succinctly, thereby proving the "fracturing crap" is working as " they " intend.

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It would have been a dialogue worth pursuing, if you had responded. There is no other way to reach you. I don't know what you are talking about "if the Doc wants me to leave" this isn't a war of words, it is a discussion.

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That was heartbreaking James.

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Shelley, it brings tears to my eyes every time I read it. Thank You

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Her grief is apparent and I understand no father for her children.

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When politicians, our elected and appointed leaders, and judges take an oath to support our Constitution and then completely ignore it or twist it to gain power and profit, they greatly dishonor those like your father, his fellow soldiers, their wives and families who sacrificed so very much to defend that Constitution. They may as well piss on their graves.

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These anniversaries keep us real and in touch with our hearts, James. I was struck by the beautiful penmanship, as well as the sentiment. Thank you

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I did want people to see this letter. It’s fairly unique to see the pain of war. It’s unreal the world hasn’t learned. I think it’s because many of our leaders never went through it.

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War is hell, especially for those sent to fight the wars and especially hell for those who lose their loved ones. My eyes started raining reading the letter to your father. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thanks for sharing this heart felt letter James.

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Your welcome Andrea. I thought it was worth sharing. I’m always amazed how resilient people and the human body are. By all rights my father should have died along a road side in France. Somehow he was able to survive.

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Seems the human body and mind are both fragile yet resilient. My mothers' three brothers all fought through World War II and survived , but were never quite the same. Americans have never had their homeland invaded, and so remain complacent in the face of alarming developments, that would rouse the better schooled. Here's to our heroes!!!!!

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Amazingly Andrea I went to lunch with my brother Paul 2 days ago and I showed him the letter and said how growing up my father never showed any ptsd or negative effects from the war. He grew up in the depression and was very poor. He once told me his younger brother became ill and passed away. My sister found the boy in that on line family tree site he was 7 years old. My father said his brother starved to death. This makes me think of the saying hard times makes good men. God knows what I would do to get some advise from my father today.

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I miss so many loved ones that have gone before...Your father must have been blessed with an iron spirit and constitution, unlike his poor young brother. One of my British uncles who fought all through the war, was commended by general Montgomery for bravery on the beaches of Normandy, (D-day) but was never as happy go lucky upon his return home and lost all his beautiful wavy hair. My British mothers' sisters worked in munitions and the family regularly hid under their heaviest table as Hitlers' bombs fell. They often only had bread and scrape ( grease from meat fat - charity from my grandmothers employers) for supper, yet they had each other. While, my American father got off easier working for IBM.

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Our homeland HAS BEEN invaded. It just hasn't come,to fruition yet. Wait and see. Our elected leaders have facilitated the invasion, and are carefully planning the overthrow of the USA.

Prepare yourself.

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I live not so far from the treasonous border invasion, which has not yet been declared a war that all can comprehend. All are not equally affected yet...

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It is amazing how our destiny keeps us alive, even when circumstances that could cause death, don't! It has happened to me a few times, it just wasn't my time to go.

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James, today our church ⛪️ sermon was on Separation. That letter made me cry!

Happy birthday 🎂 to your dad!

I noticed that the lady mentioned: if you ever come to Clinton.

Out of curiosity, was that Clinton Massachusetts 🤔?

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Yes, Ana it was Clinton Mass. years ago I had 4 1/2 acres in Petersham Ma. and a bank account at Athol Clinton Coop. It’s about an hour and a half from where I grew up. All three towns are close together. Thanks Ana my friend!!!

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My fathers family lived in Clinton during the depression, and I once walked across the frozen Reservoir (to Clinton) and had a coffee in the local greasy spoon. Memories...

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The land I owned abutted the Quabbin reservoir land. I ended up building a house on the land for my brother John.

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James, my dad had an Army buddy from Clinton, Massachusetts who remained his friend to him and our family until the day that my dad 👨 passed away 😢.

He was a loyal friend until the end! His name was Tony and all of my siblings loved him.

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Clinton is a very rural town there’s not a lot of people that live around there. Beautiful country. The Harvard forest runs all through there and of course the Quabbin Reservoir.

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To this day, I wonder if Tony's children still live there.

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Your feelings ring true to me as well. “ These thoughts of sacrifice makes it clear to me that one of Americas present day flaws is that to many people are completely unwilling to make even the slightest of personal sacrifice. ”. I very much appreciate your sharing this message from the past. So many today assume all the comfort and benefits we enjoy have always been and that since it’s not perfect it must be broken. Along with sacrifice, individual responsibility has been abandoned and blame shifted to to closest victim.

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Thanks T.Paine, I’m glad to share this with people like you. It’s not often we get to see such loss. It’s a glimpse into the greatest generation. Thank You

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Thank you for sharing that.

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Just Dang. Safe Travels My Friend, Ed

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Thank you for sharing. Men and women suffered so much to keep our freedom. I am grateful for the soldiers who fought for our country.

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I’m great full also. The frustration for me comes when today so many that were handed these freedoms at such a hi cost and so much loss, complain that they have it bad. Trust me when my father was fighting in that horrible winter in France and was shot through the back, I wouldn’t call that white privilege, though today many would.

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Thanks James, this had to be hard to share.

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Deanna, I honestly would only share this with close friends and people I think that would really appreciate it. On Dr. Malones sub stack both hurdles are met. I’m saddened that we are still creating these emotions in families to this day. It’s disheartening to hear some presidential candidates push war and not peace. If there wasn’t another family that had to feel the pain like Rose in my fathers letter the world would be a much better place. It’s sad for me to reread my post and definitely to read this letter for my father had so much horror and loss inside of him and I was so young when he died I never knew to acknowledge his pain and what he went through. He was a great father to all of us kids. I wish I had more time with him. If I was older and more mature I could have learned so much more, I have so many unanswered questions.

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So tender, so sweet. A real relic of a time in history when caring and sharing were second nature. A pleasant sight to behold, too with all that proper cursive writing.

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Thank you MrsByrd it’s great to have people like yourself to share it with. Thanks!!!

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Love and devotion Conquers all. Thanks for sharing.

"Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions.

Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts.

And old souls, learn to accept responsibility for their happiness."


The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com

P.S. No one cares what time it is in paradise anyway, Right?

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deletedJan 22·edited Jan 22
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Patriot4Trump, honestly didn’t want to give the impression there aren’t any people willing to serve. Obviously our country has changed drastically since the fourties’ and fifties. When here on this sub stack Dr. Malone mentions 5th generation warfare in a similar way back then they tried to make people patriotic. It was taught in schools even when I was a kid in the 70’s - 80’s. It just seems there is a problem with people being selfish. They have blinders on and don’t see what other people are going through. I see it all the time with customers I work for, they are only focused on what they want and people right in front of them are hurting. Not everyone, but I wish people would become more aware of what’s happening to our country. It started slowly but now it seems to be accelerating maybe in desperation. I fear what will happen in the next 12 months. They say history repeats itself. We haven’t seemed to learn. Maybe it’s my turn to take a bullet through my back??

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deletedJan 22
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I did leave out 2 points. #1 I subscribe to Victor Davis Hanson. I hadn’t listened to that podcast but I am right now. Point #2✌️😄I think the main reason our founding and our founders were so great was that most all fought for this countries freedom. They all had skin in the game. People like Benjamin Franklin made the decision to disconnect from England which in a way was his skin. Many people today only have skin in the game for themselves. I appreciate you Patriot4Trump!!!

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Hitting on something I have mentioned before. Back in the day the majority of congress critters were veterans. Doubt even 5% today. And that time in service does influence your thinking. Today we have a culture addicted to hedonism and hedonists do not gravitate towards patriotism or altruism. Have always thought it wrong to have abolished the draft and I went in kicking and screaming(figuratively).

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You’re so right Dr. Nash, it’s hard to believe these presidential candidates that never fought in a war or even served decide to escalate a war or send someone else’s kid to fight and today it seems it’s always for nothing or even less. It’s refreshing to hear someone say they will end the Ukraine war in 24 hours…

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deletedJan 22·edited Jan 22
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It sounds as though you have more courage than I. I mostly spend time working just outside of Boston. If I wore some of the apparel you mention I’d be thrown out of peoples houses and businesses. I almost have to stay incognito. My own sister Saturday said Hillary was right, people that vote for Trump are deplorable, and she knows my feelings very well. She is the definition of Trump derangement syndrome my oldest brother who has passed was an Airborne Ranger, I wonder sometimes where my sister came from??

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Jan 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

Yep! End gender confusion the old fashioned way!!!!

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When we used to play doctor as kids before the grown up pill and jab happy loons playing doctor today!

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The absolutely brainwashed "Melr's" "Zer's" and "Xer's" would NOT believer their own eyes.

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Of course, we all want transparency on the issues. But I do think plexiglas pants would be taking things a step too far.

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It used to be done by kids playing doctor.

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Jan 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Respect to Rand Paul for giving Haley an anti-endorsement. Ouch.

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Jan 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All great as always...the wicked Nikki of the West on a bicycle made me laugh out loud 😂😂

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My fave was The Scarecrow biden “ oh u know the thing”. What a cull.

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Yes! That's a great one too!

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Jan 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After moving from 1 party MA to 2 party NH, finally my vote actually matters!

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I've done my part. You're up...

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NO. My new favorite word.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It all makes sense now. I didn't get this before, but now I see that the "PAC" in "PAC-MAN" must stand for Political Action Committee.

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I hadn't thought of it that way.

I was thinking 🤔 that my favorite president was PAC-ing them in!!!

That's what makes this world 🌎 so fascinating and yet so fragile!

We all have different takes on mostly everything!

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Ana : "We all have different takes on mostly everything"

Thank God for that !

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T, absolutely 💯 ♥️.

To quote my mom 👩. She always said: Cada cabeza es un mundo 🌎 !

Translation: Every mind is its own world 🌎.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Your mom must have been a wonderful lady.

My mom always used to say to me:

Tu tiene nalgas, muy pequeno.

Never really followed what she said, but I loved her none the less.


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It seems the 2024 Arctic blast is fading. Though not numerically as cold as last year, this year's cold snap came in fast and hard here with sub 20 below temps without near the snow cover depth. It hit harder. I run 3 water lines for the livestock--one each for cattle, ewes, and horses and rams. All but the cattle froze in the first 3 or 4 days, Lucky really, for the cattle take the lion's share. I hauled-no electricity nearby to thaw tanks-for the horses, the sheep can get alot of their moisture from the snow. It varies, but by temps or snowpack above +10-20F, my breeds and cross breeds really don't drink much liquid water. And with a long beard and whistling constantly--I'm an asthmatic and I learned long ago pursed breathing is so much more efficient when short of breath--I carry alot of ice off my chin.

Which comes around to the link on the nonsense on 2023 being the 2nd warmest. A great expose of just how bogus the temperature figures are.


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From Greta’sWeekly Reader….The eco/climate freaktocracy has just come out with a new explanation for the demise of the dinosaurs. Seems all the Alley Oops back then who, by the way, left pictographic evidence of their lifestyle, created so much CO2 by utilization of renewable fuel (wood) that the plant life flourished to the degree that plantosaurs became so abundant that meatosaurs gorged themselves to the point they all died off from arteriosclerosis. Consequently the plantosaurs, no longer being amused by being chased and eaten by meatosaurs, then all died from crushing boredom. They all turned into oil and are today disrupting the climate by Alley Oop’s descendants. The end.

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That's classic Micheal. Needs to be in a reader for 2nd graders!

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I thought my winter-wonderland ordeals were bad but nothing compared to yours. Had only to run another extension cord for second heating element for the water trough. One was not enough and neither was pounding the ice with a blade stand. Faucet frozen in the barn so added another heat lamp. Got water on the barn floor and covered it with a torn horse blanket. It became an ice rink in seconds. Only had to pound out balls of ice out of hooves with the claw side of hammer twice. Last year was much worse for that.

Breath in through nose to help warm the air, exhale with purse lips -COPD limit movement (yeah right). Loose strand of hair catches snot dangling from nose then bangs the icicle on my chin. Horse’s whiskers frozen straight out like porcupine needles. All a walk in the park compared to your situation. Thankfully, maybe, we both weren’t born 200 years ago trying to care for animals.

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Nice ice descriptions. My selfies scared me, had to delete all or face nightmares.

Everything is so slow motion in those temps, took a couple 3 hour stretches everyday just to feed and water. Water line up for the 1000 gal cattle tank micro split vertical, so wrap tight with a rag, let it freeze in place and worry about it later. Then there is getting all the firewood for the boiler, other chores, and my wife is still on crutches. I will give a shout out to Kinco insulated leather gloves. Get them a size or 2 bigger-no restricting bloodflow.

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Bye golly Kinco deerskin gloves with 'heatkeep', I'm on my third pair! They don't wear out but hay particles work their way down the cuffs and get stuck on the piling. Eventually it feels like sandpaper irritating my hands! I'm only out four times; 8, noon, 4, and 8 for about 30 minutes each. It would be less time than that if not for the pounding to loosen frozen manure to shove to the back of stalls. Piece of cake compared to you and I don't have a boiler. No way could I spend 3 hours of exertion at one time in those temps. I am sorry you did not get the snow for insulation in advance.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 22

Yes, you can spend that much time, you must dress right-layer-and the thought of how it is for the animals out there, that their lives, your income, etc, depend on you. Not much of a choice. Saw photos of some oil workers in northern Alberta at -67F. Those guys sign on tough.

As for the gloves, not sure what variety you have, ie what is "heatkeep", but get them with flaps that extend up the wrist, then put your overcoat sleeves over the glove ends. And get a pitch fork--I do all my pitching with a 4 or 5 tine fork, and use a shovel. My hands are for grabbing tools, just don't have that problem. I hope it works better for you. Edit I guess I'm assuming you are feeding round bales too-even my ewe hay is put up in smaller ~400 lb round bales. But forks will work fine for a leaf from a little square bale too.

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And to have to tie a rope to get to the barn from the white-outs.

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The UK's Met Office is a joke. The amount of jiu jitsu moves it used to define a mean temperature for 2023 it one thing, but to then say it is provisional as applying different methodologies would change the output is so government. SNL could make a skit out of this one.

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Obama's Martha Vineyard 12-million-dollar summer home is a cottage compared to his 25-acre Obama Compound on Oahu! Isn't it amazing that a community organizer rose to be President of the US and accumulated the massive wealth when he was paid less than Fauci?

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Thomas: ... and he is not alone! Most of the others try to keep their personal gains and advantages quiet and out of the public eye.

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from Canada: WATCH: Canadians chanted "F*ck Trudeau" at last night's UFC 297 event in Toronto.


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Now do it with ballots

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NO! I say NO. Over and over again NO.

But a big YES to Kevin Roberts!

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The video on taxing is great..

"It flies in the face of reason that the drafters of the Constitution would take pains to carefully list the Congress’s specific authorities, yet simultaneously say Congress could also do anything it thinks generally beneficial.

Countering those who sought to interpret the clause that way, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “To consider the…phrase…as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless.”

Clearly, based on context and history, those two words, general welfare, do not bestow an authority. Indeed, they’re present to limit an authority — the power to tax and spend."


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Trans Golfer, two views: I will never understand why blacks keep voting Democrat, when it’s blatantly obvious, democrats only pander for votes with zero action.

Democrats are the ones destroying everything women have worked for & yet the majority of women continue to vote for these sociopaths to destroy them. Make it make sense 🤪

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Thoiught of an answer but would get hammered for it

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Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck...


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Remember the worst fate for those captured by Indians was to be turned over to the women folk for torture. They were good at it

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What ? Are you going to quote how Baltimore elitist rulers have scammed BILLIONS of dollars out of the Federal coffers, promising grandeur, and leaving nothing but crime, trash and death in the wake ?

Don't you go spouting no truth-isms, here. It won't get you anywhere !

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Around here (MD) the word is our Gov will be running for President in 2028. He's been handing out million dollar goodies daily. They are setting him up for an "Outstanding" report card. Delivers all the usual Dem "We love you and will take care of you" promises. I wouldn't put it past them to slip him in now. The Great O didn't spend much time climbing the ladder after all.

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Sheer madness! 👿

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I remember that Opus comic well ("Opus" was a sort of postscript to "Bloom County").

It started with the "men" (Opus, Bill the Cat, and Milquetoast the cockroach) telling a joke, "How do you know when a woman has been using your computer? There's white out on the screen". Laughter ensues.

Then a woman comes in and scolds them, "Why don't you men take a good look at the thing which gives your life meaning?", which leads to the image here.

Needless to say it was not well received, causing a bit of a dust up. I really miss Bloom County.

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This is actually incredibly interesting to Me. My Best Friend had, what was called, a 2% chance of living longer than 6 months (cancer)…meditation with Pac-Man T-cells running around mentally. He beat it!!! Ed

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Kevin Roberts nailed it at the end of his interview. This is political war. Pretending otherwise will result in our failure. Pure and simple. We need to elect those who see this and are willing to go there.

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