Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

Thank you for these video clips, Dr. Malone. Pairs skating is one the most beautiful human-body art forms there is, in my opinion. This one was particularly beautiful and moving, perfect music for it too. For me, it is just one more example of God’s divine touch on humanity, I sincerely hope that we may all dance before the Lord with such incredible grace one day.

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Put me off ice skating when they pushed "athleticism". Took away the effortless beauty that sport offered I thought. These two were as athletic as you could wish but brought back the beauty in style.

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Same with dancing. I loved ballroom dancing. Gone....

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actually brought a tear to my eye at the very end, that was a fantastic routine.

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It was hypnotizing I think because of the music and I watched the next one that came up on YouTube.

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I think beautiful dance/skating and good music speaks to our soul. I imagine in some circumstances it can be hypnotic, but that is something that I actively set my mind against. While I do not know the faith or lack thereof for these two performers, I see the gifting of God. The holy spirit brings peace and joy. Whatever you do, do it for the Lord or with the Lord in mind. My congregation occasionally has Christian dancers, typically a form of ballet and ‘modern dance’…a gift presented as worship before the Lord and His people.

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We attended a Michael W. Smith concert in Austin several years ago. There were dancers that exhibited both beauty and grace to the glory of God through His Son. Indeed, a very worshipful experience.

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Yes! Amen!

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Thank you! You expressed my feelings better than I could!! We WILL dance that way before the Lord!! This was almost like watching water in a creek flowing gently over and around small stones. Just wonderful. The harp video was a nice contrast. She's a good harpist; the deer was a bonus. Excellent memes & cartoons as always. The guy was good but not quite my thing. I love your videos, Doc! Such a nice break from last week!!

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The skaters show the power of a couple and illustrate the man's strength - paired together as a unit yet individually strong as well. Hardly notice race differs in their harmony. Great performance with lessons.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Sound of Silence!

We STILL have beautiful and wonderful things happening in this world 🌎 ❤️

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True. My nieghbout brought home her newborn baby last week. Such a beautiful miracle.

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Very true Ana. Everyday, all around me is the essence of life, nature at its finest.

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Shelley, it put me in the perfect state of mind for our worship services this morning 🌄 🙌

Praise God!

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Dr Malone has written a great deal about the psy ops and info ops our own government runs against us. Covid may be the latest, but it ain’t the first. One of the older ones is the psy op that so many of your neighbors likely believe: that it’s totally ok per American constitutional values for Pride flags and drag queens to be in your kids’ public school, but absolutely forbidden for any mention of the Bible.

Well, I wanted to share this very real 1920s public school textbook with y’all this morning. Check out the pictures, the stories, the music. This is what we used to teach our kids.


Any wonder we ended up where we now are after stripping that soul enriching content and replacing it with corporate-enriching drivel?

Think about it, and let’s reclaim our education from these corrupt beauty-hating enemies of childhood!

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This is a great essay, we do need reclaim our educational system - thank you for sharing!

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One of our present problems with education stems from our federal government. The United States Constitution grants very limited powers to the federal government. Education and health issues are not among those powers. Powers not granted to the federal government belong to the individual states and the people. Consider our present situation with the intertwining between the NIH and federally funded education. Federal money almost always comes with attached strings. For example, if a school district desires federal funding for school lunches, then the school district must also adhere to the federal mandates as to the subjects taught. If a college or university desires federal funding for research, then the college or university must also agree to the agenda of the research. But the problem goes much deeper. Government welfare programs disincentivize normal family structure of a father and a mother raising children. Single parent households qualify for dollars, while two parent families generally do not. The more children born into the single parent household, the greater the money qualified for. It has been shown children perform much better in school when they live a once normal two parent household. More government money is thrown at schools when the schools underperform in educating children. It’s a vicious cycle with greater and greater government involvement and more and more government control. States, cities, towns, schools, college and universities would be wise to reject funding from the federal government, urge their (our) Congressional representatives to bring it all to an end by dissolving the unconstitutional federal alphabet agencies, relinquishing powers unconstitutionally usurped and returning it back to the states and the people where it rightfully belongs.

It wasn’t that long ago when an industrious college student working a summer job could earn sufficient money to pay for his/her entire tuition for the upcoming school year. Federal government involvement changed that. The cost of a college education has greatly outpaced the rate of inflation. The influx of federal student loan guarantees in essence is a cash cow for colleges. Today the average college graduate will work for many years with the burden of college debt.

The Old Testament tells the story of the great wonders God performed in bringing the Hebrew people out of captivity in Egypt. On their arrival in the Promised Land of Israel God commanded the grandfathers and fathers to teach their children of the wonders He had performed and His commands. In the span of just one generation the fathers failed to do what God had commanded. Among others there are two clear lessons here: it is the responsibility of the fathers to teach their children; it only takes one generation for a society to fail.

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L.b.j.s great society added to the problem. Houston was informed they had to adjust the teacher population to mirror the black population or lose fed funds. Ergo, complexion trumped merit and this at a time when finding qualified teachers of any stripe was a challenge. I am sure this was a nationwide dictate

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The teacher who graduates high in the class has a choice of where to teach. Most prefer the suburbs, they are safe. I met an 8th grade innercity teacher. He could not control his class. Boys were taller than him. They refused to listen. Starts at home. If children not taught by parents a teacher has no power to teach them.

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The Jekielik - Rufo (and as covered in Rufo's new book) discussion, last night, covered further influences and goals of radicals as they have driven educational directions. Worth considering and reflecting on imo.

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Reason home schooling becoming popular.

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Just want to say I look forward to your comments as you always add something interesting!

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Where can we get a copy of this book?

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I found some on eBay (the initial ones we found by total luck at an antique store)

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you are fifty or so, or older, you should thank god that you grew up when America was free. Looking back on the past 40 plus years it’s surprising how a large portion of our citizens have welcomed in this cancer of communism. I started to think of summers as a kid, and how they seemed to go on forever. Maybe it was a young boys Synaptic firing perfectly that made it seem so long. I remember in the early fall climbing up onto the shelf behind the rear seat of my fathers old Chevy Belair and sleeping in the warm sun on a long ride. Or later driving in the back of a pick-up truck with friends to the beach. Ronald Reagan’s 1st inaugural address when he became the governor of California, began with the message of the routine commonplace of Americas traditional transfer of power. Then he spoke these famous lines, “perhaps you and I have lived to long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation. For it only comes once to a people, and those in history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” Ronald Reagan 1967. J.Goodrich

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It is change James as the odious kenyan effluvium informed us. Change has been going on at a rapidly accelerating rate. My mom was 20 yrs older than me and we shared more culturally than I did with my sister 4 yrs younger than me. And it is only getting worse. I say worse because it results in abandoning cultural standards before something better is found, eg.the Jedeo-Christian ethics our Founders built this Republic around.

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To this day I cannot understand later generations penchant for the debasement of humanity.

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If you have been a pincushion with 72 Pharma jabs before you understand that you are a human, what do you expect.

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I don't know how vaccinations make a 22 year old female want to wear a metal dog collar with spikes around her neck and rings hung in her lips. Her dad is the salt of the earth kind of guy.

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Perhaps she got addicted to all the metals within the dangerous jabs. Actually, if it is a defense mechanism against anyone who comes close and wants to give her more jabs, I congratulate her.

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Just this past month, two of my childhood friends (OR & CA) and I are exchanging emails and pictures reminiscing about our teen years in the 1960s in the wilderness that was Thousand Oaks, CA. Our lives were one horseback ride experience after another. Up in the hills, down in the valleys and in the barranca - all open space back then. Riding in the Conejo Valley Days parade each year was special. Life was sweet and carefree and Malibu beach was only 25 minutes away!

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

4th of July was so special. There was a parade in the morning, where every entrant, child or adult, had to reference an event in the history of the country. I remember one year several of us kids portrayed the XYZ affair, but usually we were Civil War soldiers carrying one of our friends covered in ketchup on a homemade stretcher. Three legged races, egg tosses, turtle races, etc, followed, with baseball games for all ages throughout the afternoon. And of course huge fireworks display of both ground and aerial shows that night..

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That was America and a great story!!!!

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You know the damnest thing? When I tell that story today, many people thinking I'm making it up, that I'm recalling a movie or something. Well, I have Dad's old 35mm slides

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I believe you. We used to go to Pracilla Beach in Plymouth or Rexham Beach in Marshfield Mass. and have fires and lots of partying every year all night. They used to allow it. Some things I’ll never forget.

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Now in a lot of places it is illegals firing guns in the air. Why?? Because they can.

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I have a friend who grew up in fairly large interior PNW city. Him and his 12-13 yr old friends would hike with their .22 rifles to the outskirts of town to hunt/target shoot.

And of course most every pickup in the west had a rack in the rear window with rifles. Gun violence, murder? Never heard of it back then.

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Same way in and around Wichita Falls Tx when I was a kid. Dad a cop and never used his gun. Did have to have mom soak his bloody shirt off his back after a knife attack (guess cops back then only went to hospital in ambulances) but not that much local violence. The likes of bonnie and clyde were prevalent back then and he carried a tommy gun on stakeouts but never used it

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Sign on tough.

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And high school cared not that their parking lot had student's car or pick up trucks with rifles in them.

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I wish life for me could slow down like that again. It goes by so fast today, I really feel for the young, I’m afraid they’ll never experience those feeling of freedom like you did Shelley.

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The young have their communication devices, and no longer require real interaction with nature, other humans, God or his gifts. A truly sad state,of affairs.

I'm looking at several properties in rural VT right now, and I cant wait till my phone wont have any service where I'm at

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We lived in MO's rural areas. My oldest was a pilgrim in the Bicentennial festival put on by the local school while the Bicentennial train was visiting Jefferson City. Each car was full of US history. ( I made his costume) My sons grew up riding their bikes to the bus stop, hunting in our woods (we had 10 acres), fishing in grandpa's pond, and after our move to Hood River OR, riding dirt bikes with the friends in the hills and we all learned to ski. They never had a boring moment.

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How prophetic. Reagan, one if the greatest statesmen of that generation.

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We so need a man like him today. They haven’t made politicians of his caliber in a long time.

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I would like to point to both Robert F Kennedy and Vivek Ramswami as taking up the torch of statesmanship. Kennedy in particular speaks the language of the constitution and unification.

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The skaters were fantastic! Thanks for sending that out as part of these great Sunday posts. The jellyfish reminds me of some people I know.

Danny Huckabee

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Agree. Probably the best I've ever seen

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The View comes to mind.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your Friday Funnies and Sunday Strips always make my day! Thank you!

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, thank you, thank you. So funny and moving, great cartoons. I have never really watched Ice dancing or figure skating. I guess I had, but this is beautiful. Amazing how a few moments of some incredible human achievement; synchronicity, creativity, grace and power can give one hope for the future. I sit and play my guitar and sing for hours in my backyard, and the birds come from all around and sit in the trees and sing along with me. It never gets old. We have 2 Mourning Doves that are regulars, they have their little spot on the fence. If this is what we are capable of, then, surely, we can overcome a few control freaks trying to destroy our world. RFK Jr. Gives me hope for the future, even if he doesn’t win, he will wake up a few more. Seeing the fires in Hawaii has been disheartening and shocking, and I think it’s sad that my first thought is how did this start? Has this been done intentionally? Imagine your home being devastated like that. God bless those that are caught in the middle of all of this corruption. Whenever I am feeling that life has been unfair to me, I quickly thank God for the lesson.

I have been an art dealer, my entire life, and it never gets lost on me when people say they have no talent. They look at the work of a great artist and think wow I wish I could do that. But when I ask them about their life , we always find their art.

Humans are artists and can create some of the most beautiful things. However, we can get lost so easily in self indulgence. When we become thoughtless, we are capable of horrendous things. I don’t know if anybody ever said that, but it seems like a thing to say. Peaceful Sunday.

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Actually I saw an Elephant paint. He was pretty good.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, I am so glad that I watched the deer video first. It was mesmerizing and beautiful. The skaters blew me away. What a great start to a beautiful Sunday. Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing such beauty and grace.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Roosevelt quote. Thank-you!

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The Roosevelt quote comes from a recorded speech made in August 1912:


In Roosevelt's time being a "Progressive" was something different than it is today.

In October of that year he was shot in the chest in a failed assassination attempt.

Another Roosevelt quote:

"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else."

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But being a progressive to him meant more power to the executive branch and that has been a road traveled too far.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched the Anthony Oliver video last week, and was blown away, sending it to my local country station, as previouly mentioned.

My wife was downstairs tending to our brood, when I asked her to come up to the office, and watch the deer video. My wife, the overtly intense animal lover she is, would enjoy the deer sneaking up on the human playing some Simon and Garfunkel music, quite magnificently, I might add, and seeing the surprise at the end.

I then clicked on the skating video, and was pleasantly surprised to hear Disturbed playing my favorite cover tune of the Sounds of Silence. Since David Draiman is by far one of MY top 3 metal singers who've ever lived, I really enjoyed the skating display on the screen, and David's voice in syncopation.

When the video ended, as I turned around to ask my wife what she thought of the skating they did, she began sobbing. She was overwhelmed by the beauty of both the skills of the skaters, the song itself, with the majestic growl, depth, and presence of David's singing. As she left the room, I heard her muddle, "Deer and skating just overwhelms me". She's still down there weeping.

Thanks Doc. Awesome choices for video's all the way around. I have to attend to my wife now.

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I love every loving thing. I'm feeding a possum. Gentle too. Not the mosquitos fault they were made to need blood.

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Have them too. Our labs cornered one atthe fence and it promptly played dead. The dogs decided that was no fun and wandered off and...poof it was gone.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That Anthony Oliver guy has already been contacted by John Rich, and most likely will be on the airwaves soon enough. I sent it to my local country station to the manager there, Chris VanZant, and he loved it. Looking forward to more of his political commentary 8-)

The deer video was cool. Simon and Garfunkle attracts deer. Wonder if I play some Madonna or Lady vomit Gaga on the box, I can get the deer to go elsewhere to eat other people's plants on their property. Unfortunately, I would drive myself off the property at the same exact time. Maybe, I'll just live with the deer visiting me.

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I bought one of the new high powered 22 cal pellet guns with a scope. For some reason I have not seen a single doe since. I understand that they are all browsing on my neighbors garden now instead of my young fruit trees.

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Well, from what I've read, that will leave a nice raspberry on their tookas, but not harm them in any realy way.

Haha. I'd better get me one of those for the libtard for across the street. He'd probably think he was stung in the ass by a Bill Gates Mosquito, instead of a .22 pellet rifle.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

Robert, I just had to chuckle, in my head I say, "well at least it's not a poison". I use the hose on sharp/high for the random cat. Another laughable thought, see your favorite hater/monster on the target.

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They particularly love deer resistant plant we have found

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Haha, say it isn't so.

Well, feeding God's creatures isn't a bad thing after all.

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We have a large feeder type bucket we keep filled with water for the deer.....and skunks and raccoons and squirrels and foxes and... We have had a looong string of 100+° days and the fauna really love it. Saves a long walk down to the lake.

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Sounds mighty pretty.

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Eating them is not so bad, either.

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Actually Lady Gaga performed with Tony Bennet. Quite good with Tony.

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I love Tony Bennet.

I will not deny that LGG is a talented singer

HER forced vomiting on her stagehand ended any admiration of her ...... FOREVER

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The meat costume did me in. However Tony brought out the best in her.

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Thank you for the wonderful videos. Brightened my Sunday morning.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Harp and deer, priceless. Another great strip‼️

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The beauty and skill of the skaters!!!!!!! Astoundingly magnificent! Thank you!

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember watching this performance originally ....at the Olympics in China? I was in awe at the beauty and imagination of this completely in synch couple as they allow Gods Devine energy to flow freely throughout the disciplined yet artistic creation. This is the true manifestation of the distinctions, strengths, and weaknesses of the masculine and the feminine when the energy of each are combined in a selfless, yet focused fashion. God made manifest in the beauty of human form. Breath taking in its majesty.

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WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. MY favourite song. So true. We sang a hymn called All Thingd Bright and Beautiful. The Lord God made them All. In school In England. We all need to remember that. Corruption probably started back to cave men. The world is still here. Still beautiful.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The ice skating was gorgeous. I loved the music and the choreography but my favorite part was in the quiet moments when we could hear the skritches of blade to ice synchronized. Like oars on a still lake.

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