Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter Drs. Malone! You are one of the many blessings I am thankful for! 💜

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Switzerland has awoke from the deep Covid sleep! Now is the time to wake up Rip van Winkle that is running the USA! Stop the injections now! Save our children from an unhealthy adulthood! Take the NIH down to the studs and rebuild for the people’s health rather than BigPharma health! The great harm that has been done will continue as long as humanity is considered lab rats! I pray for all those harmed on this Easter Sunday!

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Take it all down to the studs-- a good tag line.

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I thought Drip Ban Tinkle was da prez?

Anyhow He can hide his own Easter Eggs!

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Rip had a very long sleep... Biden may actually be brain dead. No waking up from that.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Easter brings these thoughts to mind. Why are Christians so strongly represented in the medical freedom movement?

I believe primarily because we are resistant to fear, the primary tool of tyranny. We see ourselves as eternal beings with eternal security purchased for us by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We hope and pray for the nation but look to God not government for our temporal and more importantly our eternal security.

Because death was defeated when Jesus rose from the dead!

We have nothing to fear.

We are at peace.

A joy filled Easter to all.

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"The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else."

-- Oswald Chambers

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Something I wrote about Oswald and our profession.


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Oswald would be horrified at the decline of our profession.

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I have thought the same.

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We also have the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us wisdom. :-)

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Absolutely. I believe it was the Holy Spirit who gave me a vision about how badly the experimental jabs would affect me. My employer denied my religious exemption, but if my medical hadn't been accepted, I didn't have to struggle with a decision about job vs. taking a jab.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🌷🐣 HAPPY EASTER 🐣🌷to you, Jill, the horses and dogs and our Substack community here!

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I'm jelly of their horses and all their dogs but they EARNED them and then some!!! ♥️

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He has Risen indeed!!

And so have we from those frozen snowbanks that have harbored us too long in Minnesota.

To go from high of 23 last Thursday to a forecast high of 83 Weds is really quite the high in itself. Hahah

From Snowshoes to sandals, Snow blower to lawn mower. Stuff be meltin'

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💕 Love this!! 👏👏👏 Meanwhile I live in South Texas where it's 🥵 and then less hot for 4 mos. 🤣

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Geoengineering works pretty well for poisoning the atmosphere for over 70 years. 😠

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Same. Jealous of your highs. Here in northern Idaho we’re excited to see 60s in the near future. Still snow on the yard ⛄️

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter to all! As a Catholic after 40 days of Lenten sacrifice we celebrate Easter for 6 weeks. I've been meaning to ask my priest, "Does this mean I get to party Mardi Gras style now for 40 days?" 😄 Bless you all and the Malone family. 🕊️

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a wonderful collection. Words fail me. Thanks.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Forwarded to friends, and people who don't have their heads up their own asses.

Thanks RM !

Happy Easter to you and yours. When I'm at the horse farm today, I'll be thinking of you.


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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you have never disappointed with your Sunday Strips. The video at the end, the primer on Cognitive Dissonance is incredibly helpful in reminding us how awful people can become by spending too much time protecting their egos, and not enough on self-reflection.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That explanation of how guilt makes us shift our moral compass to be in better accord with how we act I find very interesting because it may explain something that has bothered me for a long time. We send pols to d.c. who make big promises to conservatives but seem to seep into the d.c.swamp and soon are voting with progressives with gusto. Dan Crenshaw comes to mind. Good intentions hit a brick wall. Conundrum, quit, keep hitting that brick wall or be convinced they have to do SOMETHING, well that something ultimately involves them going along to get along and we are screwed again

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Nah it's more like a wolf pack hierarchy than human social endeavors.

You wait your turn for females and for the alpha to screw up so you can advance dominance.

Once you are in ....you are in! Shut up and take your place. Rewards will follow.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Geez Doc, 2 Ayn Rand references in 4 days. I read virtually everything she has published. She changed how I viewed what I was witnessing. Yet, it never dawned on me until last Thursday what your "Who is Robert Malone" was in tribute to. D'OH!

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interesting comment on the cognitive dissonance video about how some will choose to learn as little about a dangerous product as they can, so they can claim innocence. Hmmm.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have leftists been eating nuts?

He is risen!

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Thin line"... what line??

Happy Easter to you Drs. Malone! Peace to all.

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But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. 

-- Romans 8:11 

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Thanks for sharing once again and Happy Easter!

I appreciated the video on Cognitive/Moral Dissonance. I have often thought that the human Desire to Feel Good(about oneself or a situation) has played a huge role in the Covid story on so many levels. The Desire to Feel Good forces a person to deal with and somehow manage guilt, shame and negativity on a daily basis. This explains why so many people just don’t want to talk about the vaccines. Most are vaccinated. Most people didn’t experience severe side effects. Those that did naturally want to blame something else and are being told by their doctors that it was something else. The vaccine isn’t even mentioned. Same goes for those who have lost a loved one. Blaming something else absolves them of any involvement or responsibility for what occurred and avoids the huge shock that would occur from realising that their government had betrayed them. It is all just too much cognitive dissonance to deal with, so they just want to move on. The Desire to Feel Good takes over and they just don’t want to look at or talk about the vaccines. And this phenomenon is what allows our political class to ignore them and “move on” as well.

And all the while Big Pharma is busy preparing the next vaccine for us.

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I think the threat of punishment plays a part. Every time I have a doctor visit I get a pre-call to “check in” which includes instructions to mask and asks for my vaccination status and asks me to sign I agree to share my medical info with government agencies. I refuse to do this electronically. In person I give them an earful. “You know and I know and everyone knows masks don’t work! Give it up. I’m not wearing one. Tell that to the GD bureaucrat who thinks he has the right to my medical care. And as for vaccination, it is none of your business.” What amazes me is that they all agree with me, check me in without another word but still wear their mask. Push back while we still can!!

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Yes, they are employees now. Obamacare did that. In medicine there are no longer any decision makers. It has become the ultimate bureaucracy and if you lose your job for disobeying protocol you are locked out of the industry, the only industry you were trained for and can making a living in. Very effective at getting compliance

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Magnesium deficiency can cause a little elevation in BP and for women in menopause not on hormone replacement, losing minerals and whatever else may be held in the bones can cause some hypertension. Taking a bunch of calcium is not the answer and can cause harm.

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Magnesium citrate if you have constipation issues or glycinate otherwise. Magnesium oxide should be avoided. Also if you have any heart burn, digrestive issues, capsules are easier to utilize compared to a tablet that needs good stomach acid. I have helped two people with leg cramps/restless leg just by pointing them to a different form of Mg and a few other tweaks for the restless legs lady. And my mom is finally getting some GI relief now that I checked to see what form she was using.

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Many jabbites I know were lucky and got a placebo then refused the boosters. Some I know got the real deal which is a sunken red dot and WILL hold magnetic to a 3/4 inch dot of magnet car sign material. These have also had the strokes and caught and spread whatever COVID is anyway. Most real jabbites won't admit out loud that they were hoaxed. All we can do is pray for them.

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Jabbites - how fitting.

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