The borders are open. The invaders are exempt from the killshot and granted every consideration while the government just hired, trained, and armed 87,000 IRS agents to sick on the American people who are paying for the room, board, general welfare, and comfort of their third world replacements.

The US government is overtly inciting, financing, and then shuttling in torrents of invaders from every hellhole imaginable - the inhabitants which each have a thousand different axes to grind. Brace yourself, you're witnessing the planned destruction of America from within by traitors in our government and armed forces.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. " -Taylor Caldwell

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Here is the truth about ants: like sand they get everywhere

1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants

2. To bring an ant from another country into your country = Important

3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant

4. Ant that is looking for a job = Applicant

5. A spy ant = Informant

6. A very little ant = Infant

7. An ant that uses a gun = Militant

8. An ant that is a specialist = Consultant

9. A proud ant = Arrogant

10. An ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant

11. An ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant

12. An ant that has changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant

13. An ant that accumulated so much food in summer for use in winter = Abundant

14. An ant that isn’t willing = Reluctant

15. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant

16. An ant that occupies a flat = Occupant

17. A huge ant = Giant

18. An ant that is important = Significant

19. An ant that has big legs = Elephant

20. A sarcastic ant = Mordant

21. An extremely fast ant = Instant

22. A noisy ant = Rant

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That's quite a thesis you present there, TriTorch, one for which there should be an antithesis.

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Haha, that's BRILLIANT Ned, thanks =)

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We are the anti-hero? I have always felt that we are just like ants, irrigators moving dirt back and forth. I was told at a young age, that we would not exist without ants

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Those who oppose Jesus and put themselves in his place = Anti-Christ

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An uncle that got a sex change=Antiman

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A gender emigrant, if you will.

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23. What more Americans must be in times like these,

utterly Defiant 🎯

A+ TT. 🪟

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And if I may, democrats = retard-ants

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

We always can rely on the RepublicANTS to do nothing!

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And that last part cants, is so appropriate.

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As well as the democRATS. We should get rid of them all and start over.

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I bet over 95% of those who read your list try to find a 23rd, and I'm pretty sure I'll succeed if I keep one thing in mind: Success comes in cans, not cants.

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Well done! So appropriate, I would love to share it!

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Was not written by me. The full list is here, a little over halfway down the page. There are 56 of them: https://upjoke.com/tyrant-jokes

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Attribution! Good on yer!

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nikki Haley was a 2011 Young Global Leader graduate of WEF

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The sad part is i personally know conservatives who tell me they want to vote for her, as she would be better,than Trump.

Sickening to me that they're unable to see her for what she really is, neocon and all

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Hard to define a conservative today. #44 was such an ardent poster boy for the communist message he turned many away from his party including scores who voted for him. And Trump revitalized our foreign image and did so many other things well that many erstwhile progressives embraced his accomplishments,but not him. So they can be easily drawn to pseudo-conservatives who simply appear anti-Trump. And lord knows they will flock to anyone named Kennedy, who I fear is a camels nose poking under the tent.

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Anyone who is actively supporting RFK Jr as a viable candidate, needs to see his interview with Charlie Kirk!!!!

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Everyone sees what she really is. That’s why the Dems like her and the Reps dislike her.

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I’m not so sure they do if any of the polls are even partially correct.

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Supposedly, big dark money is funding her campaign, but that is just speculation at this moment

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Pretty sure that’s the case but she’s not even trying to hide some stuff. She’s being pretty open about wanting censorship and lists. I can’t remember who did the interviews but I’ve seen 2 diff ones with same message. Dan Bongino played them on his podcast recently.

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Sadly, there are also some people who want her as Trump’s VP if she's not the nominee 😕!!!

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Really ?

Well, now that shouldn't surprise me, considering there are numbskulls everywhere, coming into the light.

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It’s the MEAN tweets (Xs??)< ya’know

Just what does a Kinder Gentler President Trump look like?

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Yep, Jewell. Like those ants the young global traitors are everywhere. Here what happened in the Canadian Parliament when a member called them out on this infiltration: https://tritorch.com/degradation/!!!!!CanadianParlimentMemberAsksAboutKlausSchwabsWEFsInfilitrationIntoTheirDemocracy.mp4 [1:30mins]

Here is Schwab announcing the infiltration: https://tritorch.com/degradation/!!!KlausSchwabWEFWeveInstalledMembersInCabinetsAllOverTheWorld.mp4 [1:06 mins]

The WEF has a stranglehold on the governments so they fear nothing and can announce this out loud because there is no justice system to stop them - they control them all.

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I came across a spreadsheet it list 3,830 WEF- YGL looks like through 2022. However there is about 188 names with no country identified. As for the Canadians there is 30 names provided under political and government. There is 7 Canadians with NGO affiliations - but what is interesting is all the NGOs look to be focused on children (e.g., Free the Children, War Child Canada, One Child Network)

There is 842 US citizens listed as graduates, 68 of which are in the political/government category. These include: Adam Kinzinger; Tulsi Gabbart; Bobby Jindal, Gabrielle Gifford, Tom Cotton, George P. Bush, Elsie Stefanik, Daniel Crenshaw.......

Infiltration - yep

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I think that Dr Malone collected links to all the places WEF-YGLs are housed. I just don't remember the website he housed them on.

I would peruse through them years ago. So time consuming, but found a picture of Maria Bartitomo. Who would have thought. Easily found now with a search using her name and WEF YGL https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community/?class_year=&q=maria&region=&sector=&status=&utf8=%E2%9C%93&x=0&y=0

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If you thought that a 1986 vaccine schedule was unavoidably Unsafe,

You need to take stock and greater inventory of your future freedom and liberty. 🤕👍

Own nothing and be happy is no joke 😈

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She terrifies me! Total commie. She may be worse than Newsom or equally bad. She’s a total Progressive - no wonder the Dems like her. I just shudder the thought of her in power.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Last time I checked, the "aid" (Biden hush money?) the US taxpayer has given to Ukraine could have funded a $10K trust account for every newborn American baby since Russia's "SMO" began. We're still giving and babies are still being born, so its probably still true give or take a couple of hundred. Of course any number of things other than this it could have been used on for the benefit of Americans instead of literal NAZIs.

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And are using tax money to sue Texas twice. First trying to repeal court decision not allowing feds to impede the state in blocking entry eg, by cutting razor wire installed by Texas and second, declaring a law Texas passed making their entry a crime allowing for arrest unconstitutional.

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But, but, but their entry IS a crime. Up is down and down is up. Oh 1984. Again?

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Appears illegal entry is a non crime or something. Can be detained but not arrested (another reason not too fond of lawyers..they write these kind of laws) but now Texas has made it an arrestable crime

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Michael, don't forget the ACLU!

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The aclu is a paid off leftist shill, as we all know

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What we are witnessing is the (1966) "game plan" of two Communist "sociologists" and "political activists" - Richard Cloward (and) Frances Fox Piven - in its final stages of totally destroying the US Constitution (and) what remains of our Republic by overwhelming the US "Welfare State" with non-citizens to the point the Welfare State collapses and all hell breaks loose; aided and abetted by the liberal, progressive, Socialists and Communists that identify themselves as "Democrats" as well as RINO's disguised as "Republicans".

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Wouldn't it be great to someday awaken and learn that the 12M I/I's were enticed to come here by Lunchpail Joe for no more nefarious a cause than to make soccer 'America's Game' ?

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Alex I'll take greatest global sports hoax for $500.

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It would be great, but I fear the reasons are, as you say, much more nefarious.

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My top historical fiction writer of all time. She would slip in some inconvenient truths about who really runs what. That got me thinking as a young adult and I never set it aside. Basically, it has been confirmed now many times over.

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All of our systems have become corrupted. It starts with government and then creeps into science, food, medicine, academia, media and more.

This is how we fix it:


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And like a James Bond Martini, America needs to be SHAKENED and not stirred. When the real rubber meets the road . They won't be taking prisoners. They'll be sending dissenters off on trains of no return. What the hell did you think that frail old fool meant when he stated very clearly that ...


Look again at the reality of what fellow writer TriTorch

Has offered as proof.🤨👍

The fate of this Nation ⌛

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While it may be true that the kids spend way too much time on media machines, it is also true that kids love playing and being outdoors. When my grandchild was in "grade" school, the kids went outside a lot, no matter what the weather. I just saw a show about kids winter camping (Mn.) and how they loved it. Perhaps adults are the primary problem. Get your kids engaged in being outside and put down your damn phones!

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Jan 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Being in the country I can attest to that. A few days ago I was outside in the morning letting my horses out of their paddock and I saw the 12 year old neighbor girl running a lap around their 5 acres that partly abuts one of my back pastures. We waved . . . it was about 30 degrees.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Thank you, DD, for your common sense approach.

Adults are the problem, and the addage (here where i live) of "here is $50 bucks, go find something to do", has been an ever increasing problem over the last 4 decades.

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I'm glad I grew up with parents who didn't have $50 to spare to make me go away.

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When I was under 5, I was glued to the TV because we lived in the city, and it was too dangerous to go outside. My parents then moved to the mountains where there was a huge national park to play in. My Dad took a big pay cut, our house was a run-down dump, but kids don't care about that stuff. We had a street full of kids to play with, we literally lived outside from dawn to dusk, and often slept outside under the stars. We eventually rebuilt and expanded the house, and I learned a huge amount in the process about hard work, and delayed gratification. My parents had their problems, but they were wise to make this choice.

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Healthy learned behaviors are for the strongest of kid minds and bodies. 💪

"DO"....there is no "try".


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I was always reminded that "trying is lying"

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"The cows are out!" As an old ex dairy farmer, I well remember those 10 PM phone calls. "The heifers/cows are out." Running around in the dark trying to get everybody back where they belong. The good old days. NOT!

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When you have horses, the calls are always, "Your horse is dead!" And you run out to the field to find your horse happily lying on its side in the sun...

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Much is being revealed every day. Tucker interview with Clay Higgins reveals Jan 6th a setup by US elites to destroy MAGA movement. The link:


Some have fleshed-out the history of those seeking top-down control. Link to Ivor Cummings interview with Jacob Nordangard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mK-FMY1374&t=0s

The depth and width of this global effort by wealthy sociopaths is nearly too much to comprehend that it could actually be occurring but the evidence is developing a clear path to these people.

The evidence suggests 17mil people were killed by the vaccine in an effort to gain control of global populations. It did not work yet the effort continues and a 20% continuing excess death rate has been identified. There is much to unravel. These people are responsible for the most grievous crime against humanity ever committed. Nikki Haley is their proxy to replace proxy-Biden.

The elites are gradually being exposed and the public waking up to the danger these people pose. The momentum is building to call these people to justice. We all need to push for this at every level possible.

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The two top musts on the proxy gov’s list for 2024 – regain control of the House before it exposes the J6 truth and permanently stop DJT and the AF/MAGA crowd, using any means necessary. The third item would be eliminating the threat exposing the plannedemic.

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Yes, a coverup of a coverup of a coverup. Did this all begin with the revenge killing of Seth Rich who most believe was the source of Hillary's emails?

Once Rich was assassinated they thought they could control it all. Trump needs to pardon Assange and provide protection if he makes it to the Presidency.

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That is a good as any starting point. He should have pardon Assange in January 2021 or earlier.

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I do not think he had his arms around the whole beast then. He was not in a position to tackle it all as he is now. Much has been exposed piecemeal and for those with insight it all comes together more recently. Especially so with the release of all the Jan 6th tapes of the protest and now with Clay Higgins speaking about what he has seen as evidence.

The truth takes awhile to build to a critical mass before one can act on it. Trump has that critical mass that he did not have in 2021. Politics is the art of negotiation with facts and innuendo. The public is behind Trump because he only leads with facts even though he cannot explicitly say what they are. As President, he can reveal the facts and act accordingly and he will have great public support for doing so.

Our goal is to get him across the finish line as President. His goal I am sorry to say is to avoid assassination.

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This is one of the specifics in which some of Trumps followers, no longer do. This simple lack of judgement /action caused thousands to believe Trump also is part of the deep state, playing the "good cop" role , when in reality he too is part of the uniparty. My thoughts are that,he is not, but i reserve the right to change my mind, at a later date.

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We all must reserve the right to change our mind on anything. That is why 'real' facts matter. Too many will never change their minds or if they do it could be their hill to die on. Best to have the facts, both sides of the coin.

Trump spent most of those four years listening to uniparty members like Pence and many others. Failed the gut test on Assange.

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That was his problem. He had no political team of his own to rely on like governors usually do.

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Yesterday I watched Part 1 of the real story of Jan 6 made I think last year by Epoch Times. Part 2 debuted yesterday but I’m behind. When you see the real footage even some I’ve yet to see on conservative outlets, you really begin to see how much the DC Police and Capitol Police instigated things and that this was a planned event against Trump and his supporters. I hope at some point, there will be more accountability as well as the whole Covid corruption.

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The Epoch work is excellent, but news like Higgins interview by Carlson shows news breaking so rapidly that the Jan 6th tapes are the old news and miss the context of FBI agents manipulating people to Pelosi's office in front of cameras whose videos were then clipped to show only incriminating evidence.

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On Jan 6th I was watching and recording simultaneously Trump’s speech and the Congress vote count on different channels. From January 6 on I watch every video I could find that showed what occurred at the Capitol. I read every article as they appeared, including those posted from newspapers I never read. I read all the official reports and online media posts. It became obvious about 10 days out the story was stinking like a rotting fish in the summer heat.

How was it that while Trump is still talking, CSPAN toggles its cameras at the Capitol between Congress and a woman with a camera man standing on the inside balcony filming the first floor - for what and boom, I find out why. Switch back to the other channel and Trump is wrapping up his speech. What the heck is going on. We know now, all of it.

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Is that interview on his paid Subscriber plan? I’m watching Tucker on Rumble but haven’t subscribed on his website yet.

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I am a subscriber, but the link is to theconservativetreehouse.com which posted the interview for free.

Cray Higgins will blow your mind with his plain talk/deep insight.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Oh thank you so much! I look forward to reading!

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

A federal Government that knows no bounds will reward requested egregious behavior handsomely and provide awards and promotions for jobs well done.

J6er Victoria White - Nov 2023 she was sentenced to 10 days of incarceration and ordered to pay $2,000 to the Architect of the Capitol in “restitution” and a special assessment fee of $100. She can no long own a fire arm or vote as the charge was a felony.

She checked in yesterday, January 6, the same day Lara Logan posted her interview with Victoria. Watch in this link; you will understand why last Monday Victoria filed a civil lawsuit against Police and she sued Speaker Johnson to investigate J6th. She did it herself because the statute of limitation was almost up. In Lara’s 35minute film, at 18 minutes we find a gut wrencher.


Under 42 USC 1983, citizens can sue when the government violates their Constitutional Rights. White’s lawsuit is filed as a Section 1983 Lawsuit (Suing Police for Civil Rights Violations). According to Nolo.com,Section 1983 refers to a federal statute that allows people to sue for certain kinds of civil rights violations, including excessive police force. Here is Victoria’s simple lawsuit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/its-happening-j6-defendant-victoria-white-brutalized-beaten/

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Thank you for the links! She was in the Epoch Times movie. The injustice is unreal. I pray she wins. I think she has a darn good case but so many Judges these days are just as corrupt. I pray for her and all the other J6ers receiving similar or worse injustices.

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Yup. and she had to file in the District of Columbia.

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Awful! 🙏🙏🙏🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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You should watch this 35 minute Lara Logan film about J6er Victoria White, who is the first J6er to file a civil lawsuit against the police on January 1st, 2024 because the statute of limitation was almost up. At the 18 minute mark is proof this was a coordinated inside job.


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I tried to watch but the police beating was too brutal.

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I wanted to apologize, I’ve been a little negative lately so here’s something a little more positive. Positive, Action. Whenever I start work on a customers property I always have some apprehension, I want things to go perfectly. When I take that first strike of the hammer to remove a wall, tile, or break ground for a new foundation, the talking and planning is over, I have begun to take action. I do believe in prayer and faith but there comes a time when action is required. In many cases faith dies without action. A perfect recent example of positive action is Floridas surgeon general Dr. Ladapo. As we look at the recent debauchery, lies, and total corruption of the solons in charge of our government, we must see the greater their opposition to us shows the closer we are to victory. It’s come time we put action behind our faith. Now more than ever, faith without action is dead. J.Goodrich

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I'm always reminded of the saying "God helps those who help themselves." Personally kept this in mind, even as I'm out tilting windmills.

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Wind farms?

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Them too :)

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Very true Jean!!!

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My Mom used to say this often as did my Aunt (her sister). The older I get, the more I believe it.

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James, well put!!!

I think that ALL of us, being human, do sometimes feel like all is lost and have a tendency to lose faith and to be negative!

That is why I'm so thankful 🙏 🙌 for Doctor Malone's substack! It is a place where we can get information to help us deal with the plethora of misinformation.

It gives me peace of mind. I pray that the plans against substacks don't prevail.

Yes, we MUST ACT. However we can't be hasty and miss the target!!!

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Good for you James. Had me worried.

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😬not to worry Dr. Nash I’m still in the game!!!

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Do I have to come over there and beat your ass?

Don't make me do it. You know how bad that can get.

I know where you live, big fella....


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Wouldn’t take much my friend I’m exhausted out since 1 AM plowing😩

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Awesome.... Good for you, my friend. Nothing more relaxing than pushing a bunch of Chemically nucleated “snow” .



We had nothing but rain here, but 6 plus inches up at the cabin. Snow plowing guy is happy up there, clearing my driveway, and all his other clients.

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That's why I mentioned "the expert witness" part, hoping it would lift your spirits, James.

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The last one is my favorite. For so long, we’ve been under the impression that if we educate our kids through the higher institutions, they’ll come out raring to go, filled with the knowledge they need to conquer the world. And now we see what’s happened with the indoctrination machine in our colleges and universities. I’m surrounded by people I’ve previously thought to be highly intelligent...having attained their PhDs. Then came what I’ll label ‘The Era of Trump and Vaccines’. And just like that, rational thought, critical thinking skills went flying out the window replaced by fear and MSM sheephood. So disappointing and discouraging.

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We'll be needing HORSE 🐎 SIZED ANXIETY pills 💊 this year!

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IVERMECTIN, horse dosage :-)

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There are antidepressants besides rxs. Sometimes I feel like a nut and when I do I grab the pee-can and scoop a cat liter box and then I feel all better.

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And you wash your hands afterwards.

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If the cat washes its paws, of course, the cat litter box cleaner should wash his — tee hee!

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Toxoplasmosis to you !


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I just read the Mayo Clinic article on that. Looks like washing hands may not be enough for me. It says to wear gloves and a face mask, then wash hands. Guess those little parasites are small enough to breath in or enter a skin opening. Yikes!

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One of many reasons I have become very unhappy with mayo.

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My wife agrees !

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Feynman says it best… that being said disinformation, is just another word for propaganda. We all will be flooded with that in the coming months. Those who perpetrated the plandemic and the political moves to neuter the Federal government will likely double down. Expect much, much more of the same.

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Yes misinformation, like the GBD or Malone, so many that warned of the multitude of lies the masses were told. Lies about Weapons of mass destruction, protecting democracy , routing out the Taliban, baling out the bankers for almost a Trillion (Obama’s first biggy) Covid deaths and the mRNA savior, Kennedy assassinations, etc. etc. We need to tell our friends and family to take responsibility for their own lives and think for themselves as the “government” or “health officials” are not trying to help them. These ARE the parasites. Trust the workers, the makers and the growers. I’m not being so careful anymore. I am commenting more about the climate change agenda these days, telling everyone I encounter that this is nonsense. The farmers revolution is worldwide and getting little MSM coverage, but most don’t understand why. It’s all about cutting/reducing the use of nitrogen to fertilize and lower methane from meat production. It’s all part of the depopulation agenda. I pretend to agree with the people pushing this narrative and I always suggest that they should be the first ones willing to go.

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Completely agree with your Nikki Haley assessment. She is not to be trusted under any circumstances. What you see and hear is not what you get.

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Our government overlords have allowed, if not encouraged terrorists to cross into our homeland. I don’t need a PhD to know why this is happening. Hang on folks if you thought the 2020, 2021 lockdowns were bad. What pisses me off worse than the lack of informed consent with the Vax is the fact that my taxes are paying to take care of unvetted, unhealthy illegals and the terrorists this illegitimate federal government has forced on an unsuspecting citizenry. I consider the Biden Admin as illegitimate until such time as they can prove 81 million legitimate ballots were cast for the old fossil.

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The warm or cold blood brings up memories. In college worked with folks who used Guinea pigs. Had a board with elastic straps and little probes with which to take temps of maybe 6 at a time. Their little faces were so indignant. By the way, they ARE warm blooded.

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Micheal, see my comment on rectal thermometers on this thread.

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Tony Heller from realclimatescience,com has a quote from Richard Feynman "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."

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On rectal thermometers (the time-machine scientist probing the dinosaur's rear end cartoon):

When I was a child, around six to nine years old, I had a pediatrician visit where the doctor took my temperature with a rectal thermometer, my first such experience. It looked like a normal, glass-encased mercury thermometer, the size of a small pencil. In and out, no problem, then it was gone. I asked the doctor, "Where did it go?"

Now, as an adult, I'm pretty sure he palmed it and I didn't see him put it away. But what the doctor told me, and what I believed for years, was: "I pushed it all the way in, don't worry, it will dissolve in there."

Dr. Malone, since you do doctoring for both humans and horses, can you tell me: was I being pranked?

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7


Thanks for the visual, this AM

I guess my telling the doc before my colonoscopy that if they found a crayon up there, that it was from a bicycling accident when I was 6 years old.

Being a youngster, I ran my bike through an intersection, failing to heed to the blinking amber light, and was T-boned by another 6 year old on his bicycle, with a brand new box of Crayola crayons in his hand.

All chaos ensued.

We never found the missing blue one, so I've always assumed.

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Not a good doctor on so many levels. It reminds me that many pedos choose vocations close or directly interacting with children. We need Lie Detectors so badly. There’s a niche that needs filling!

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Axillary temp could have been used. Rectal thermometer very invasive to kids!

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And the Texas Med Center informed that they could not ask for criminal history of candidates to be hired in children’s treatment areas.

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Seems like they’re in on it then

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When 4 to 6 years of age, a child can hold a thermometer in the mouth. If one tried that with a horse, the thermometer would no long perform its function.

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Remember when they took kids temps in the armpit?

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Yes I do! Don't try that with a horse either.

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“The cows are out. “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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Such a good Sunday Strip. I'll even send it to my more 'woke' folk. Enjoy your farm and the great outdoors! Thanks for connecting with us! Always enjoy. Bundle up you two...

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Morning Doc Alaska is warmer when you put these out.

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